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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Keepthefaith! I am keeping you in my prayers as you await your biopsy!! I know how hard it is to wait, please come here to vent!! My radiologist did the biopsy, but that was 9 years ago!!! Please know that you are covered in prayer!!! Keep busy and keep us posted!! God Bless You!!! Kathy

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    wrote long post and my internet crashed before it submitted - phooey.

    Suffice to  say you are all in my prayers, including your kids.  Our kids face so much these days and satan is constantly on the prowl so we can only leave it in the hands ot the great, Jesus Christ.

    keepthefaith, I tell people there is nothing there until told otherwise and that will not change by worrying.  Yes it is stressful waiting but be encouraged, that will be over in a few days and you will be on your way.  In the meantime, if able, treat yourself to whatever you can to get you through.  My BS did the biopsy and then referred me to the MO after the results were in and we knew there was something to talk to the MO about.  However, most of us on these boards realize that our experiences are usually very different - seemingly depending on which way the wind is blowing on any given day.

    I'm going to be away from the boards for a few days but will have each of you in my heart and prayers.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Keep the Faith, it is so hard to wait but we've all done it.  This go round, just pray for peace of mind and heart.  So often we think the worst instead of thinking the best.  When we pray "with thanksgiving", God will give us peace:

    "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil.4:6-7)

    As for me ladies, thank you all for your prayers.  I believe I did have an answered prayer today because they were not able to put in the drain tube.  Where it would have been put in for me to be able to reach it to drain it was too close to my tumor/mass.  If they went ahead and put it in my back, I wouldn't have been able to reach it at all.  Since I don't have anyone to help me at home, thank heaven the doctor agreed with me that I'm just going to have to keep coming back for the thorocentisis.  Hopefully the chemo will kick in soon and start to dry this thing up. 

    Mini, how long before yours resolved itself?  I'm dreading getting the bills on these procedures and knowing I've got more coming is making me more nervous than the procedures themselves!

    Blessings all,


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thank you ladies. Your kind words and advice are really a comfort! I am trying to make a list of things to do this next week or so to keep myself occupied. I live alone (with my dog) and am self-employed, working out of my home, so my mind tends to wander where it shouldn't  sometimes! I am worried about the bills on top of it all, too....but, then, they can't eat you! I have a roof over my head and I know my kids will help me if necessary. Luckily, I have med ins, even though my deductible is kind of high. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers and send them your way also. I wish I could meet you all in person! Terri

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2013

    milehighgirl, I will surelyl be praying for you too.

    How are you today??

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Appt for consult with BS set for this Wed to review mammos and U/S. Then schedule a biopsy based on what she thinks needs to happen. I was told by the BS office that biopsy will more than likely be next Monday...I am trying to take each day as it comes and it seems harder and harder to do as each day passes. Lots of sleepless nights. It's so hard to keep the balance between concern and total paranoia! But I don't want to waste each day worrying when I don't even know what to worry about...praying hard for us all.

    "These things have I spoken unto you that in me ye may have peace. In the world ye have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Keepthefaith!! I know the overwhelming feelings that you are having!! I wish I could hold your hand and tell you not to worry!!! You are having normal feelings!! Give those feelings to The Lord, scream and cry out to Him!! He is listening and does not want you to suffer!!! Please know that you are covered in prayer and keep coming here for support and encouragement! God Bless You!! Kathy

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Hello, ladies!  I'm 10 days out from surgery, and today is my first day back at work.  Ugh, I'm so sore!  The incision is a horizontal line across the left side of my left breast, and I'm left handed, so every time I reach, write, whatever.... I'm gonna go home and pop a vicodin, it's that sore.  Aleve isn't helping.

    Also - and has anyone else had this?  I'm getting hot flashes like never before!  I've been all done with my cycle for the past year and a half, I sure don't want to go through this again.  I'm wondering if it's the trauma to the breast that is doing it.

    Has anyone else (again) dealt with shortness of breath?  I feel like sometimes I just have no stamina, and I'll be talking and have to stop - it's a feeling like being underwater for just a little too long.  I'm sure sitting around for a week didn't help, I wasn't exactly a maraton runner to begin with, but this is weird, I've never had it before.  I've had several major surgeries, and usually bounce right back, but definitely not this time!  I may call the surgeon's office tomorrow, just to ask....

    Keepthefaith - hang in there, girlfriend.  Lots of prayer.  Take that attitude of David when faced with Goliath - who is this, what is this that comes against a child of the Most High King?  The battle is won before it ever started, we just have to go through the motions.  We have a lot in common, I live by myself as well, with my two dachshunds, and despite insurance, have to deal with the co-pays and deductibles.  The way I look at it, everyone is gonna get $20 a month for the next gazillion years...!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited September 2013

    Cynthia, I would definitely tell the doc about the breathing issues. If you develop pain when breathing, go to emergency to rule out blood clots. I'm sorry it's been so rough! Won't it be great to look BACK at all of this?

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Jeannie, it doesn't hurt to breathe, it's just that I feel like I'm underwater sometimes.  And I can barely walk to the mailbox and back without becoming winded!

    Yes, I'll definitely call the doc in the morning.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2013

    MileHighGirl - It took me about 8-9 months before I was pain free and pretty much back to normal, but I had a bad staph infection and spent 5 weeks in the hospital (a week in ICU) so you can't really go by me.

    Cynthia - It is always wise to have things checked out by your doc, but I did have fatigue for quite some time after the surgery and rads. Like you, I wasn't a marathon runner, but I would come home from work and sit in the chair and do nothing, then go to bed at 7-8 o'clock for quite awhile. Listen to your body. If it says rest, rest. It takes time to heal - mentally, spiritually and physically. When I went back to work, I thought I was ready to go back. It was several months before I realized that I went back too soon. I have several months that are just sort of a blur.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    I have been away for a while having radiotherapy on the tumour on my femur.  I have been catching up today with everything that has been going on, and wanted to say hello to the ladies who have joined in the last month. 

    I have had quite a bit of pain in my leg, but I understand that this is a good thing and proves that the radiotherapy has been working.  I am also amazed at how tired I am, when I had rads in 2010 it was for a longer period of time and I was nowhere near as tired as I am now, I suppose it is because back then the rads were clearing up left over cancer cells whereas this time they are trying to kill off a tumour.  Anyway, a dear friend sent me a beautiful hand made card and the saying on the front was:

    "Fear knocked at the door, Faith answered and there was nobody there. Anon".

    This has cheered me up no end, and I hope it speaks to any of you who are under fear at the moment.

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Wow! Jeannie THANK YOU for telling me to call the doc! I did this morning and they said go to the ER right away. So after a CT scan it turns out I do have a blood clot in my right lung. I'm being admitted to the hospital right now and will be here a few days - they said however long it takes to bust the clot. Praise God I have a friend who wilk take my dogs, and another who can get me my laptop and stuff.

    Wow.. all I had were a few symptoms... don't anyone ever be afraid to call the doc and get even the slightest thing checked! I was gonna be all cowgirl tough - and that would have made me cowgirl dead!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited September 2013

    Cynthia! Wow is right! God is taking care of you right now. I'm so thankful the clot was found!! I, too, had to go to the hospital a couple weeks after surgery with lung issues. I had pleural effusion, though, not a clot. You are right where you need to be! I hope you get some rest and feel God's peace there. I like Mandisa's song---Overcomers---because that's what we are! Sending love and hugs.

    Fridaygirl, so good to hear from you! I'm praying the radiation zaps that tumor into oblivion and that your pain will lessen soon. I hope you are able to sleep when you need to. I love your fear and faith quote!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    So here I am, in the hospital... the floor I'm on is one step below ICU, so what I have is probably somewhat serious.  However, I am bored to tears!  It would be one thing if I felt sick, but... oh well, it beats the alternative (dead)!  Then again, you can't threaten me with heaven! Laughing  Gonna try to snooze a little bit before I get another shot at 1 a.m.

    Hoping everyone is having a good week so far!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Hi Cynthia,

    I had clots in my lungs when I originally was being treated back in 2010.  I was shown how to give myself injections in my belly which I took daily to thin my blood.  I remember starting to panic when they told me I would need daily injections, but when I saw them I realised that the needles were tiny, about the length of my fingernail, and it was very easy to do.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Wow, Cynthia, so glad you called the doctor and received treatment immediately by going to the hospital! I pray that they continue to take good care of you!! Rest and get well soon!! You are covered in prayer!!! God Bless You!!!!

    Dear FridayGirl!! I second Jeannie's wishes that the rads zap that cancer into oblivion!! We are all Prayer Warriors for you here, and He will answer!! God Bless you!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Hi Gals,

    I have been away for a while, but continue to pray for you sisters. I needed a break to recharge my batteries. I have started a new eating plan to drop some weight and am exercising six days a week. My back continues to hurt, and I will have my bone scan in a couple of weeks. I absolutely dread tests. Of course I think about the big C and am praying the pain is due to a benign cause.

    I hope all of you have a blessed day, and know that you are covered in prayer.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013


    I hope you're up and at 'em soon. Wonderful that you caught it and are in the right place to recover. So great that you posted your symptoms here and God had someone ready to guide you in the right direction.  I am in Texas also; About 30 mins N of Austin.

    I have my biopsy scheduled for Monday and they said I will have results Tuesday. I felt better after my appt with my BS today; not bc of what she said, necessarilly, (bc it wasn't really anything positive), but that she is in my corner, with whatever happens...and, at least I won't have to wait forever to get an answer!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Rocket!! Please know I will be lifting you up in prayer for great results with your bone scan!!! Please keep us posted!!!!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Still in the hospital... *sigh*

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited September 2013

    Hello All,

    I went to bed at Midnight, could not sleep until after almost 3AM despite taking a mild sleeper.  Up at 6AM with my pudgy Pug, Broadway Rudy Giuliani so he can get his meds (with turkey) and go outside to and do his "business" then get a few treats and his breakfast.  Since then I have taken out trash, watered all flowers, filled the pool, did a load of laundry and then got the second one in, folded the dry clothes and got a package ready to go out in the mail today.  I must try to go back to sleep for a while or my errand-filled day will surely be crap!  WHO can function while living on 3 hours of sleep a night with the sweating and tossing and turning?  I need a good knock-out drug to BREAK THIS CYCLE!!!!  Suggestions are welcome........

    Hope you are all safe and well and comfortable and have no pesky SEs or a lot of pain.  I still stiff as a board with this raging insomnia from this wonderful Letrozole (Femara) and now taking Celebrex daily and Dilaudid (sp?) only when needed.  Other than that, all is peachy in my world. I finally got my own apartment and will move in with 1-2 weeks.  I have my third (and hopefully last) job interview for a great position as a Registered Dietitian on Monday at 10AM so please y'all, send all of your good Karma and prayers my way so I can finally get back to work and get my cancer-shattered life back on the upswing.  Many thanks in advance!

    Peace, Luv, Hugs, Prayers and Blessings to all Warriors out there.  Oh, and TGIF & Happy Weekend to ALL as well.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Carolyn!! So nice to see our post, but so sorry about side effects from Femara!!! Prayers for you that the side effects ease up!! Praise The Lord that you found an apartment!!! God Bless You!!

    May everyone's weekend be filled with many blessings, joy, love and laughter!!!

    May I ask for prayers for my son, Jeff!! He is waiting to hear if he received an assistant baseball coaching job at a Christian College here in CA!! I know Our Lord sent him there for a reason!! Thank you so much!!! He wants this job so much!!!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Carolyn, for a sleep aid I take 50 mg of seroquel.  In larger doses it's an anti-psychotic, but in that small of a dose, it really helps with sleep.  And it's pretty cheap now that there's a generic.  Otherwise, I've used Sominex and 10 mg of melatonin - that pretty much knocks me out as well!  No real grogginess in the morning either, nothing a good cup of coffee can't fix!

    So I'm out of the hospital!  Went and picked up my doggies, gave them both baths, and we're all about ready to turn in.  I'm on a new blood thinner that is expensive, but when I compare it to coumadin and having labs done all the time, it works out about the same over a 6 month period.  Good thing I have insurance, if I didn't it would be $600 a month!  The new blood thinner doesn't require labs, nor do I have to watch out for foods that are high in vitamin K - I'm on an unrestricted diet!  That's awesome because I want to drop some weight, and all those dark leafy greens are verbotin on coumadin, but not on Xarelto.  

    Had a visit from the doc who would be doing the radiation treatment - she said that since I threw a clot and now "have a history" - no tamoxifen or other drugs!  6 weeks of rads, and I'm done!  YAY!!!  

    So, this is my weekend to get organized (again) and then start the radiation therapy.  

    Hope everyone is planning a good weekend, gets needed rest, and enjoys Sunday worship.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Hello ladies.  Hope everyone is up for a great weekend.

    Rocket, I'm with you on the scans.  My hip pain seems to be getting worse as I move farther along with the chemo.  I'm going to believe that it's healing pain and will pray it's the same for your back pain.  May the Great Physician heal your back and lessen your pain as you go along.

    Cynthia, so glad for the answered prayer and you're home safe and sound.

    Cm I had insomnia too when I was on Femara.  Unfortunately it didn't go away when I went off it, lol.  Wish I could wave a magic wand and give you a restful nights sleep!

    Prayers for Jeff, Kindergarten.....he'll get the job so you'll have a nice, warm place to visit in the wintertime.

    Blessings to you all.  Sue

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Thank you for your kind words, Sue!!! Prayers for relief of your hip pain!!! Blessings to you!!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers Sue. I am praying that your hip pain is healed and that your chemo is knocking out any remaining cancer cells. How many more treatments do you need?

    Praise The Lord that you are home Cynthia! I know you we're rejoicing getting back home to your pups. I have two also, mini golden doodles, and don't know what I would do without them. They are such company for me when my DH is at work.

    Carolyn, I'm so sorry you are struggling with sleep issues. I went through the same thing, and then my doctor prescribed 1 mg of Lorazepam to be taken an hour before bedtime. I had tried all the other sleep aids and this was the only thing that worked for me. Some people struggle with a hangover effect in the morning however. I don't fortunately. I've also used plain old Benadryl in the past to help me sleep. That might work for you as well. Sleep is so vital to healing and our overall health. I pray that you get relief soon.

    Keepthefaith, praying for your biopsy today. I pray for a speedy recovery, a good result from the surgery and for skilled surgeons and caregivers. Let us know how you are when you can.

    Peacestrength, how are you doing since your surgery?

    Vickie, how is Melody doing after her first chemo treatment?

    Jeannie, praying for your dad.

    Kathy, praying that God will bless your son with that job at the Christian college. How awesome that would be for all of you.

    Fondak, hope your son is adjusting well at college.

    Hi Mini, Jo, Patoo, Granna, Bestock, Netter, Fridaygirl, and Jlow51. I hope you are all well. I continue to pray for your various needs. Let us know how you are doing when you get the opportunity.

    Love to all you ladies today.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2013

    Rocket, and all

    Thank you each for your prayers for my daughter, Melody.  She had her first chemo treatment last Wed (for fallopian/ovarian/endometrium cancer).  I am so happy and thankful that God has answered our prayers.  She has had NO adverse effects from the treatment, other than a slight headache.  She continues to have a VERY POSITIVE attitude.  The nurse told her to take the Zofran (anti nausea drug), each day for the first 3 days after treatment, even if she thought she didn't need it, which she did along with the Vit B6 and Vit E that they suggested she take.  The B6 to help stave of the effects of possible neuropathy, E to help healing. 

    She now has 1 treatment down and 5 more to go (every 21 days for series of 6 total). Cisplatain and Taxol.  They say Taxol will cause loss of hair, so she already purchased a wig and when the hair starts it demise (she was told 10-14 days out) she has already talked to her hair dresser to give her a buzz cut then style the wig.

    Thank you  each one for your continuing prayers for her...


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thank you Rocket, for thinking of me! I hope your upcoming scan goes well. 

    My dear friend insisted that she take me today...

    Vickie, I hope your daughter continues to do well with her treatments.

    Glad you're out of the hospital Cynthia. There's no place like home!

    You are an awesome group of people. Thanks for your kind words and prayers. 


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dearest Rocket! Thank you as always for your continued prayers and concern for each and every one of us!! You will be covered in prayer for your upcoming bone scan!!! God Bless You!!!

    Dear Vickie!! Praise The Lord that your dear daughter had a positive experience with her first chemo! Her positive attitude and strong faith will get her through this challenging journey!! God Bless her and you!!!

    Dear Keepthefaith ! I am lifting you up in prayer right now for your biopsy today!! May you feel peace and strength, knowing Our Lord is right beside you!!!

    Hugs and Blessings to every one here!!!!