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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    A huge Welcome to all the new ladies and Sisters in Christ!!! SaltyJack, Sharon, Lovewins and ForMyGrandaughter!!! I love all the verses that you are all sharing ! Thank you!!! God Bless You All!! You are all covered in prayer as you go through your treatments!!!!

  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Oh wow!  Welcome to all the new gals!  We're here to lift up each other in prayer, to encourage and cheer.  Like my sig says, I have a 1 Samuel 17 attitude - who (or what) is this thing that comes against a child of the Living God!  To me, the battle is already won, we just have to go through the motions til the battle is over.  And even though no one wants to talk about what could be called the final battle/worst case scenario - well, you can't threaten me with heaven! 

    Heard an interesting quote on the I Am Second website - "The only true disability in life is a bad attitude."  Scott Hamilton said that, and after hearing his story, I can agree 100%!

    So I really didn't see the oncologist yesterday, it was the doc about the blood clot.  I see the onc on 10/2, and that's the visit where we'll make the marks, do a test run, all that fun stuff.  They said budget a good 2-1/2 hours.  I still can't believe how NICE everyone has been, in every step of this adventure.  What a blessing!

    Alright, back to work, welcome again to everyone!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Cynthia!!! You have a great and positive attitude!!! Please keep us posted!!!

    I have two joys today, my calcium level is back to normal and my son, Jeff and Liz rededicated their lives to Jesus last night at church!! Prayer is so powerful and Our Lord listens and does what is best for his children in his timing, not mine!!!!!

    Thank you Sisters in Christ for your prayers and encouragement!!! Hugs and Blessings to everyone here!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited September 2013

    Kindergarten, that is such fantastic news about Jeff and Liz!! Praise the Lord.  Did your son get the coaching job?

    Rocket, I often think of you and am praying for your future scan results.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Ladies, you all are such a blessing! I was so disappointed when it was politely suggested that we keep God and any other talk that might make people "uncomfortable" from our August Chemo thread - felt like I'd lost a blessing and valuable source of support. Now I feel just like the song I learned at camp years ago. The words went something like "God took them from me - all the things I valued most - so I walked earth's highways grieving in my bitterness with my empty hands till He told me to raise them to heaven - then He poured out His glorious gifts...and I realized He couldn't put His riches into hands already full."  If Satan hadn't tried to destroy our testimony in the chemo thread, I wouldn't have been looking for you - so I'm even more richly blessed than I'd expected to be!

    I just got home from my second A/C chemo and the doctor examined me beforehand. She asked if I thought the tumor had changed and I said yes but I was interested to see what she thought. Now - as husband is not a believer and I firmly believe I have BC so that he'll see God's power working in my life. I told him that BC is worth it if we end up getting to spend eternity together!  I've been praying (in front of my husband) that the doctors will basicaly say "wow! We're good but we didn't do this" so that Dave would have to see that it's God. Anyway - today the doctor measured and said "That's fantastic!" When I said I had lots of folks praying for a good result and did she really mean it she looked me straight in the eye and said "Yes, it's really fantastic." I could tell Dave was thinking about all this and then he told her I'd had no side effects from the first chemo treatment. She said again "that's fantastic." So - I'm thinking fantastic is med speak for "The Great Physician is at work here." What do y'all think?

    So - thanks so much for the prayers and support. One request - my neutrophils are a little low (they should be 1.5 and they were 1.42). She went ahead and suggested giving me a neulasta shot. After hearing all the SE effects from that, I hesitated and she said instead we could wait till next week. I can come in for a blood test and if I need it, she'll give me a neutrapena shot or two. Please pray that the count will come up so I won't need the shot.

    I consider this a great day!!  Thank you, God!

    What wonderful news, Kindergarden!  I agree, Cynthia, I love your attitude. When I first learned of my diagnosis, I thought, "well, to live is Christ, to die is gain...."  Like you said, there's not a downside when you know the happy ending to the story!

    Lovewins, I'll be praying for you this weekend.  Sharon is 3 days before me and you're 3 days after me. I know I was pretty nervous this week, wondering what my numbers would be and if the second round would be worse, etc., etc.   I knew I was surrounded by prayer and God was with me but I still got a bit worked up. I'll be praying you have just as good a report as I did!

    Hope FMGD's infusion went just as well and Sharon's SE are manageable. Keepthefaith, hope your tests today went well and you can rest and relax this weekend and get all your thoughts organized to meet with the dr. on Tuesday.

    I'm so looking forward to getting to know you all better! God bless -

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Thank you, Jeannie!! Jeff has not heard yet, but he doesn't think he got it, because the head coach wants some one with a lot of pitching experience!! We shall see! I hope you are doing well!!!

    Dear SaltyJack, Thank you!! Prayers for your numbers to go up a little so that you won 't need the neulasta shot!!! I have heard it is not too bad and it will keep your white blood cell count up!!! You will get through this, dear!! Take good care of yourself !!!!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Thank you so much for your Godly welcoming me where I can be myself and practice my faith in Jesus without discrimination. Jesus is so much a part of my inner fiber that it is impossible to separate Him from my mortal self. I'm glad. I am in day 4 after my second chemo. Overall, I've felt pretty well, except last night's episode of bone pain.I take the neulasta shot. It subsided when I used a pain pill from my surgery. I had to take another today around noon and just laid on the couch with the dog all afternoon. I have taken the Claratin every morning, but by itself, it wasn't enough. I'm not complaining, just reporting. I don't have nausea and that is a good day. I hate that part of it. SaltyJack and others prayed it away for me, because I haven't had a bit of nausea this second time. I have Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, grade 3. There is no targeting medication discovered to date that can help keep it from metastesizing. I have to watch my diet, exercise, and pray. Prayer has been working, so I'm sticking with that.

    Thanks again ladies. I'll be back. I just have to get flat on my back for a while right now. God bless you all. Sharon

    Did everyone realize I changed my username to SewStrong? I had used my name, which wasn't recommended. I didn't see that when I first joined the boards.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Hi ladies,

    Got my PEM scan done. PEM was looong, but I would rather have it than a  Breast MRI if I were going to chose. Will have results Monday. Have my path report, which I am not too happy with. IDC,  2.5x2x.4 cm; ER+ and PR+ but not sure of HER status. Grade 3...Frown. Nurse mentioned the possibility of chemo. 

    Kathy, you have Grade 3; does that mean I will likely have chemo prior to surgery or are there a lot of other factors? Initially BS said she thought Stage I, but now I am beginning to think it is not and needs to be zapped pretty quickly.

    If you all feel like sharing your wisdom and any questions to ask my Oncs on Tuesday, that would be welcomed.

    I am praying for you all as we go on this journey. I hope everyone has a restful and wonderful week-end!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Keepthefaith - I'm not sure what a PEM is - I had a PET scan and figure they're probably the same thing. I had to wait a couple of days for results, too - finally called the MO late in the day when they were supposed to have had them the day before and got somebody to tell me that I only had cancer in my breast and lymph nodes. A month earlier, that would have been the most devastating news I could imagine but that day I was absolutely estatic!!! 

    I'm having chemo before surgery and the way the docs explained it is that it shrinks the tumor so the surgery can be less invasive/extensive. It's also good because after surgery if the path report shows the cancer cells are completely dead/gone, radiation wouldn't be necessary. Now - that may be different with a lumpectomy. I have two places in the breast and 2 lymph nodes (and am a not-very-big A cup so there's not much to work with) - by the time they get all that out, I'll have a mastectomy. 

    I'm sure others will have lots more, better ideas but a couple of things I asked my MO was:

    1) BRCA testing - for me (at age 55, no family history), she said it's not necessary but if you are tested and positive, many women have chosen to have prophalactic double mastectomies (a la Angelina Jolie);

    2) General information about reconstruction, radiation and timing of the whole process. I'm a clock and calendar watcher! 

    FYI - I'm triple positive and am getting 4 A/C every 3 weeks then 12 weekly TH (then I guess the H will continue longer); then surgery then (maybe or maybe not) radiation.

    I know we'll all be praying for you all weekend and especially on Tuesday. My DO and the first MO I saw both said the waiting/not knowing is the hardest part. Hope the time goes quickly for you!

    God bless -

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Hello Ladies...Thank you for the warm welcome.  It is much appreciated.  It may take me awhile to learn all your names and get to know you because my memory is not the best these days.  God bless you all.

    Thank you for your prayers SaltyJack.  You know it is so weird to me how clearly I see God's hand in my life since I was dx with BC.  I have always believed but I can see how he has a plan for my life using this situation for my good.  It is like He is showing me a better way from the life I was leading before and it has helped me in many areas of my life.  I do believe the Lord will use this situation for His glory between you and your husband...what Satan tried to do for bad will be turned around for good.

    (((((((Sharon))))))) I pray you get a restful sleep and are feeling yourself again soon.  When I was at my worst I could not even type one word. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    It's 8:17 EST, and my pain meds wore off and now I'm having pain again. I'll have to take another pill for pain tonight or I'll be up all night.  It feels like I have a bad case of flu. My temperature is 99.8. I'm praying for a better day tomorrow, but then again, what else do I have to do but lie around on the couch and sleep? My husband is doing the dishes. I wish I hadn't eaten that peanutbutter!! It's walking around in my stomach and threatening  to make me sick, but I won't let it. Tell me not to do that again. I knew better, but had a very weak moment. I'm paying the price. I haven't felt like going back to read previous posts on this thread, but I will, hopefully tomorrow. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so I can do this and so can all of you. I'm taking a percocet and a nausea med and going to sleep pronto. I will pray for all of you tonight as I try to sleep. Sleep is a healing process in itself, so let's all get a good night's rest and be feeling great tomorrow. God bless you. SaltyJack, I will pray for your count to go back to the normal range. Pardon the chemo brain. This post is like a run-on sentence. Sorry. I jumped from one topic to the next.
    Gotta' get my old body to bed. See y'll tomorrow. Hope you sleep well. In God's perfect love, Sharon

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    Father God, I lift up Sharonannebaker to you.  I touch + agree with her that the pain she is experiencing is bound in the name of Jesus!  Her healing has already been established on Calvary + she receives it now!  We thank you for a quieted stomach + peace in her inner parts.  We command the peanut butter + chocolate chips to stop walkingin her stomach!  In the Name of Jesus BE Still!

    Rock her to sleep in your loving arms, restore her to perfect + divine health as she rests + slumbers.

    In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Amen and amen!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear KeeptheFaith! I had chemo before surgery and radiation after surgery! I had bi-lateral BC, the bigger tumor in my left breast!! My onc wanted to shrink the tumor and eradicate the one positive node!! It worked !! I wish you all here going through chemo, no pain or discomfort and complete healing!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    Hi all my wonderful sisters-in-Christ Jesus.  A warm welcome to all who have migrated from other threads.  You have brought tears to my eyes as I read your posts and feel your intense love for our Lord.  You were over on the August chemo thread for a reason/season and have planted the seeds.  That is all our Father asks and then we leave the rest to him to give the increase.  I feel that someone has been touched and even at this moment is wondering.   "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." --Matthew 5:6

    "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, Oh my soul!  While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being." --Psalm 146:1-2

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Thanks, patoo! Praising God is the best way to start the morning! When I was first diagnosed, as I walked the dogs down the street, I sung (softly, to myself - I'm already the crazy dog lady in the neighborhood and don't need to ramp up the stories any more):

    This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made;

    I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad in  it.....

    Hope you were all singing along!

    Kindergarten - I'm interested to see you had both chemo before surgery and radiation after. The docs have given me the hope that if the chemo is completely successful in killing all the cancer cells, radiation would not be necessary. I have two lumps in the left breast and 2 lymph nodes involved and they've said it will need to be a mastectomy due to all the areas involved.  Sheesh - already in my head, I'd crossed radiation off the timeline. Guess I better put it back on?

    Oh well - God's got it all figured out. I don't need to know right now - I've still got 5 months of chemo and surgery ahead...

    Anyway - hope all have a good, healthy, happy day and can make it to church tomorrow for lots of hugs, blessings and support!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2013


    From what I understand, the grade of the tumor is determined by the type of tumor, and my pathologist friend says that grade 3 is a very agressive type (that is what mine was too).  The stage of tumor is determined mostly by the size.

    My MO did an oncotype test on my tumor and the results of that were that Chemo wouldn't make much difference, so he didn't recommend it.  I went straight to the internal Contura Balloon Brachytherapy.  That was 2 years ago, and as of April 19 all test indicat NED.  I have another follow up appointment Nov. 1 with both the MO and RO.  I have such every 6 months.  Also I am on Letrozole (generic for Femara).


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your comments. I think I got a few hours sleep last night. Praying that the rest of my path report is better than what I have to work with so far. Did any of you get second opinions from your MO's? I am nervous and I want to get rid of this beast as soon as possible. Thankful that I have a busy day today. When I wake up, I feel like I'm in a bad dream.

    I hope you all have a blessed week-end,


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Yes, Saltyjack, I am getting BRAC analysis. Family history. I am with you on the jumping for joy on nodes and breast only. I guess I will probably be doing more tests next week...this waiting is grueling. I guess I am getting a lesson in patience and turning it over to God. I have found that I am only able to take a bit of info at a time w/o crashing, so I guess there is a reason for the wait. God's timing really is perfect.

    Sharon, I hope you feel better today.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    keepthefaith, thanks. I am feeling a bit better. I'm just planning to take it easy on the couch crocheting and reading or playing cards on the phone. I'm not even up to walking this morning. It will get better. This is just my 5th day out of chemo.

    patoo, I agree 100%. God certainly will use those seeds.

    FMG, what a beautiful prayer for me. I do feel better this morning. The peanut butter dancing in my stomach was totally my fault. Jesus says, Do not temp the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I accept all of the SEs I got from that. It was good in my mouth, anyway. Praise God that he forgives our shortcomings.

    I'll be praying for everyone here and hope to get to know all of you soon. God has led us all here to comfort one another in His name. I'm loving it. Sharon

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Welcome new sisters! I came across this thread quite a long time ago, and never realized until much later that it was for women over 60! I am now 53 and was dxd at age 49. No one on this thread cares about age. The more the merrier! We all pray for and encourage one another in the Lord and have quite a healthy respect for each one's faith and even our differences.

    Kathy, I am so happy for your wonderful news! Praise The Lord!

    I have to admit that though I had been a believer for 30 years+ when I was dxd, I really struggled with my dx. I was angry at my doctor who hadn't caught my three large tumors, even though I had pointed out the lumps to him for five years. I was told that it was just fibrocystic breast tissue. My mammograms never caught it either, even when one of the tumors could be seen as a lump under the skin of my breast near the nipple! My breast tissue was extremely dense. I have since forgiven my doctor.

    Since my dx, I have undergone a bilateral mastectomy, chemo, rads, developed lymphedema, had six surgeries in two years for various things (three related to BC), discovered a heart condition, and developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my right arm and both feet. Now I am waiting to have a bone scan September 27th for chronic back pain to rule out cancer.

    I don't doubt that God is in control and has a purpose and plan for all things that happen in my life. God's word is true. I am all too human, and though I know He uses suffering in my life to make me more like His Son, it's a painful process. I have been comforted by Biblical characters like Job and David. They struggled in their suffering, but God still used it in their lives like He will with me. What a privilege to know Him and call Him Savior.

    I have written down all your prayer requests and will continue to lift you up to the Throne of Grace. Blessings All...

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Hi, SaltyJack! How are you doing?? I hope each day finds you feeling better and better!! Yes, I did the radiation as well for extra insurance since I did have the cancer in both breasts and a positive node!!! However, my radiation onc only radiated the left breast with the bigger tumor!! She said no reason to overkill!!! And I just sang your song!! Thanks, so much!!

    I am so glad that you, new wonderful ladies have joined us!! Hugs and blessings to you all here, and have a wonderful weekend filled with joy, love and laughter!!

    In His precious Name, Kathy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Hi ladies - I am so blessed every time I read your posts - you certainly are women of faith and inspiration. Thank you, God for how we can support each other. I sure wouldn't have chosen this disease but I have grown so much closer to God and been so touched, blessed and encouraged by all that has happened with and through other believers, it's easy to trust God's perfect plan in all this (now if only my husband would agree that it's all God - but I'm trusting and praying and waiting on that part of it!)

    I had my second A/C chemo yesterday and so far, this is just like the first time - virtually no SE (well, except for a slight headache, which I know is mostly the side effect of the Zofram). I slept really badly last night and will take an Ambien CR tonight (I asked my MO for it - I have no problem getting to sleep, it's waking up at 2 or 3 and tossing for the rest of the night). One of my good friends has nagged me about asking for and then taking it (wow, when she found out I'd just droped the scrip off yesterday and wasn't picking it up till today, was she mad!) I have it now and will take it tonight, I promise.  :)

    Keepthefaith - I ended up getting an appointment with a private (very well respected) MO in my area and jumped at the chance. At the same time, I was working my way through the "request an appointment" with MDAnderson, which is about 40 minutes away from me. My husband and I were very impressed with the first doctor and were going to stay with her, then the appointment with MDA came through (we'd heard some folks say it took 3 weeks or more to get in there and this was only a little over a week). We were just as impressed with the docs at MDA and decided to go there - for two very separate reasons: it's alot closer/easier commute from home and, of course, the MDA name. So - I ended up with two opinions and while the type of chemo they recommended was different, they both basically said the same thing - pre-adjutant chemo, mastectomy, then radiation. I was very glad to have two sets of eyes.

    Rocket, you've certainly had a long, twisted journey - I'll be praying for good results of the bone scan. I've been reading a little devotional book, "Jesus Today" - one of the illustrations was about our perspective - seeing twisted, crazy paths with our little limited vision of a postage-stamped size space. We have to realize that from God's eagle eye perspective of the whole beautiful picture, our path is straight and makes perfect sense. 

    I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.  Prov. 4:1


  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2013

    Welcome all new to this thread. This is an awesome group of ladies! I haven't posted in a while as I've been having some pretty bad side effects from my Afinitor/Aromasin combo. I've actually been kind of down from it, but I seem to manage to pull myself back into His grace. There is no comfort like our Father.

    "We who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary." Hebrews 6:18-19

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    As a woman of faith, I would like to join your forum. I am 3 1/2 months away from my 60th birthday. I have not been diagnosed with breast cancer but I have just been diagnosed with ADH. I had my first biopsy a few weeks ago and met with a breast surgeon the week before last to have the tissue in that area removed in October and biopsied to see if cancer is present. They list it as a lumpectomy even though I have no lump. I am very fortunate and feel so blessed after reading many of your journeys on this forum. My soul weeps for all of you and what you have gone through and  are going through. God has touched my heart in such a deep way after reading so many of your stories. I know that God knows all our needs just as He knows how many hairs are on our head or should be on our head.  I don't know where all of this will take me and what is ahead for me but I know I am exactly where He wants me to be. I would like to be here to pray for all of you and be of encouragement if you will allow me to.

    I received Christ as my Lord and Savior the last year of college. I have been His child just shy of my 21st birthday. I know that I am nothing without Him. I am a health and physical education teacher. I hope to have only another year or two before retiring...but I am taking that one day at a time. God only gives us this moment. I married late in life. My first marriage at age 48. Before that I helped raise two nephews (my sister's son and my brother's son). I was care giver for my mother who died at age 66 of early onset Alzheimers. I spent most of my young adulthood taking care of others, thus my late start in life with husband and home. My husband and I currently help my father as he will soon be 90 and still resides in my childhood home. I am a certified master gardener and love watching things grow and bloom. Over two years ago I decided to make a healthy lifestyle change because I felt so under confiction and such a hypocrite talking the talk and not walking the walk. I took of running...ugh in April of this year and actually did a mini triathlon in July. I say ugh to running because it is a love/hate thing. I hate running but now that I am doing it, I hate not running, but I like how I feel after I run. It has been a wonderful journey. Now this little glitch has put a bump in the road but I still see it as His Divine plan. My breast surgeon told me that it was a good thing that I lost my weight and eating healthier, so I feel that all of this was not by coinsidence.

    I hope that you will allow me to listen on your forum. I feel comforted and at peace knowing that there are other women of God that have gone through this and will be there to pray for me as I need it. I feel humbled to be here.

    In Christ,


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    That's beautiful, clepant. I am new to this thread, too. I haven't felt well enough to go back and read a lot of the posts, but will do that possibly tonight. I'm feeling better than I did this morning. I am only 5 days out of my second chemo and I've had a lot of pain this time.

    What a blessing to find this thread. All things work together for those who love the Lord. It is an amazing journey to walk with the Lord and it is just fantastic that we can share it with other believers in a forum where we are not criticized for our belief. God is good. He will never leave us or forsake us. We are in his hands and he will not let us go.

    It's 4:28 EST now and I'm feeling better. No pain right now. It's just the shot and I expected it, but this time, I had to take heavy meds to get rid of it. I'm ok now. My new sweating SE is bothersome. I took a shower because I have been so sweaty today. I put shampoo on my hand, as I always do, then rubbed it onto my head. The shampoo proceeded to run down into both eyes since there is no hair to stop it. I opened my eyes under the shower to wash them out. Wow, that hurt.

    I praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for all that he has done for me. Amen


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Clepant, it is very nice to meet you.  I am interested in the fact that you are a master gardener, sometimes I really miss the beautiful gardens I used to see when I lived in England.  My mother was a marvellous gardener too, I wish I had her skills.  I am sure you will like it here, I lurk on some of the other threads to pick up information but usually only post on here.

    Rocket, I am glad you have given us the date of your bonescan.  I knew you had a scan coming up soon and wanted to pray for you, this coming week will seem interminable and you will be lifted up in prayer.

    Sharon, I am not on chemo at the moment but remember being bald the first time around.  I was amazed at how tender my head was, I recall lying back in the bath and the shock of my head when it touched the bath surface.  After that I made sure there was a folded towel to rest my head upon.  It makes me wonder how men cope when they lose their hair, I suppose they do it gradually so it is not so traumatic for them. 

    The Lord knows what you and all the other ladies on this thread are going through, He is never far away from you and will never forsake you.


  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    I praise the Lord, today!  I started praying earlier today + ended up crying before the Lord while I walked around my home for about 45 minutes.  I lifted up every person on this forum + many others I know that are being challenged.  Remember, God is faithful + every present in the time of need.

    Rocket, hold on to God's never-changing hands.

    Yesterday, my 5 yo granddaughter asked if my hair would grow back.  I told her yes, I believe that my hair would grow back.  I said why don't you pray that God grow my hair back.  She said OK, let me go get the anointing oil.  She put the anointing oil on her hands, rubbed them on my head and proceeded to pray.  Out of the mouths of babes!

    Praying that each of us have a peace-filled nights rest in the Lord.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Ladies, I've only been aware of this post for the past week but I'm so glad God led me to it and you - what a blessing you all are. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better - and sharing joys, sorrows, prayers and faith. It still is amazing to me that folks on other threads find it "uncomfortable" to have God included in what very likely is the most earth-shattering event in our lives.  I can't imagine facing one day without trying to be like Him and praising Him for all He's given us. In fact, in the past 24 hours, I've had two great things happen - thanks to breast cancer!

    A friend of my husband's (not even a really close friend) sent me the most gorgeous rose/flower arrangement (I have to say I knew immediately it wasn't from Dave.....). Then today, some dear folks at church gave me a breast cancer T-shirt. Now, like the rest of you, I have about 30 T-shirts and don't wear them too often - but this is a real keeper. It's not only pink with the traditional ribbon - the back has a big pink ribbon, surrounded by the words, "If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it." I've never seen anything like it - but you can be sure I'll be wearing it alot. God is so good!

    It makes me sad when I read some of the other threads and see ladies complaining about lip-service friends, feeling lonely, hopeless, helpless, unsupported. I've never felt so cared for, encouraged, loved and supported. May I say again God is so good???

    Anyway - I think it's neat that clepant introduced herself - so I will too. I'm 55 and was diagnosed in August. My husband and I just retired to the Houston, Texas area from central PA 2 years ago - looking for warm weather. Well, we found alot of it - the first summer, we had record heat, drought and then wildfires (which came about a mile from our home so we were evacuated twice but our neighborhood didn't have much serious damage).

    If I tried to predict what I'd do after I retired, I'd have imagined puttering in the yard (I'm not a master gardener but I love digging in the dirt), reading lots of books and being up on all the daytime TV shows. God had such a fuller, better plan! I volunteer one day a week at the local food pantry, attend a great (150 ladies!) Bible study another day, am very active on a committee at church that involves a 2-hour meeting once a week and then lots of other paperwork and phone calls, another day at the clothing resale shop and another day at the local community organic garden. I was volunteering at an animal shelter for a couple of hours a week but the MO (and me) thought that cleaning kennels and cages probably isn't a good idea during chemo.  :)

    Anyway - so glad you're feeling better, Sharon - but we've got to pray the rest of that pain away.

    Granna - thanks for the Hebrews verse - it's not too familiar to me but I'm going to put it on my fridge right now!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    All I can say after reading all the latest posts is WOW!  You ladies are amazing.  Thank you so much for the introductions and testimonies.  I, like most of you, wonder how people, not just on BCo, but also in life, get along without faith in our Lord.  I'm just shy of 65 and have only been saved, I mean really saved and not 'practicing' faith, for maybe 15 years.  For maybe 10 years before that I did the attend church thing but really was not aware of just what it meant.  I now understand and am so blessed to know that the Lord was there with me anyway, even in my ignorance.  He is AWESOME. 

    'The road I'm on is twisted, Lord, It's end defies my view; Teach me to take each step in faith and leave the rest to you.' -(unknown)

    Wasn't sure I was going to make it to church tomorrow as I'm finishing packing DS up for his move to FL but I feel compelled to make it, not only to fill-up for the week but also to lift each of you up before our Lord at the altar.

    Blessings friends.