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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2013

    Rocket, thank you for your prayers. I'm on a fairly new drug combo (since July) and its giving me a hard time. I have acne-like bumps all over my scalp, and a few on my face, but it's causing my RA to flare too. Thought I had a broken bone in my foot, but it turns out that its the RA, so I also have a fat foot and ankle. All we can do is turn it over to our Lord, and live one day at a time. He never steers us wrong!

    Prayers to everyone!


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Granna!!!! Praying that your new treatment settles down and it gives you more benefits than side effects!! Praying also that your RA settles down as well!! You are so right , Give it to Him, the Great Physician!! Blessings, Kathy

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thank you for all of your well wishes. I am so glad that is over with. So blessed to have such a dear friend take me. It helped a lot to have someone just be there. Afterwards, we had lunch at a restaurant neither of us had been to and then went to my house and watched a movie. Sure was nice not to think about it for a little while. I told the BS when she was "vacuuming me out" to get all of it out of there and she said she was trying. I guess there was another 7mm mass next to the first took longer than I expected; she said she got some good samples. Right now, I feel fine; so fine, that I am throwing the ball for my dog without thinking and started it bleeding...stopped now. The ladies at the hospital were phenomenal. They said Dr will call me tomorrow afternoon. Got some Tylenol PM for tonight. Hoping that I get some sleep. I hope you all do, too.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Results are in ....malignant. Unfortunately, my gut was right. But, at least I have an answer now. Dr seems optimistic, but doesn't have all of the info yet. She says not sure if ILC or IDC, but thinks stage I and hoping for breast conserving surgery. She may also order a BRAC test. Has anyone here had a PEM scan? She is trying to get my insurance to authorize it... I have Aetna.  Will have an appt next wk w/MO and RO together to see what their thoughts are. If you all can help me with questions to ask, that would be great. I am lost right now, but want to get this done as soon as possible.

    My BS will be out until Oct 3rd, on vacation. Hoping to have all of the testing  done while she is gone and maybe have surgery shortly after she returns.

    I appreciate your thoughts and input.

    Bless you all for being here!


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2013


    So sorry for your results, but like you say 'now you know'.  I did a Google search about the PEM (I had a PET scan but not the PEM).  You might find this link informative (copy/paste link into address bar).

    Sometimes after one gets the 'news' the mind can go into overload, I would suggest you have someone go with you for your followup appointments.  2 brains/memories are better than one.

    It has been 2 years since I was diagnosed and so far remain NED.  I hope and pray that you will be that fortunate. 

    We can be glad for good medical doctors and staff to help us through these challenges.  GOOD LUCK.  Keep us posted, please, as you can..


  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Terri, well now you know the basics.  Once the pathology comes back, you'll have more insight.  Then surgery and follow-up therapy... seems never ending!  {{Virtual hugs}} for what you're going through.

    I have an appointment with the oncologist Thursday afternoon, and will start rads soon after.  Oh joy.  I'm realizing that I've been away from work almost two weeks in a row, and it was wonderful.  Back to the drama and drudgery, but it's the job that is giving me amazing insurance, so I can't complain too much!

    Blessings for everyone... 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited September 2013

    Terri, so sorry it's malignant but you've come to the right place---we've all been there and know how to pray for you. Bringing someone with you to appointments is so important. Hopefully they can take notes. My cancer center gave me a recording of my initial visit! Start preparing a binder with sections for surgery, oncology, medical tests, rads, etc. You want to know your type of cancer, grade and hormonal status which they will of course tell you. Ask about testing your sentinel node(s) during lumpectomy, if that's the route you go. Ask about the Oncotype test which assesses risks of recurrence. After surgery is when you'll know so much more. I had an initial lumpectomy but the margins weren't clear so I went ahead and had double mastectomy. Stage 1 sounds great and I hope it is so! Be prepared that things could possibly change as more info is gathered. You can do this! God is holding your hand through it all and He will give you the strength you need!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited September 2013

    Cynthia, hoping you sail through rads easily!!!! You are doing great!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dearest Terri!! I know you are feeling overwhelmed right now , please know that you are a survivor on the day oh diagnosis and you are covered in prayer!! You will get through this and By His Stripes you will be healed!!! By this time next year you will be mentoring to others!! But for now, it is all about you!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited September 2013

    Hi Terri,

    I am praying right this minute for you. I too know how overwhelming a breast cancer diagnosis can be. I am 3 1/2 years out from my initial diagnosis and still NED. You can totally do this. The ladies here have given you some great advice. Once you get the pathology reports, you will have what you need to determine a treatment plan. God will be right there with you, and we will be lifting you in prayer. Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind, and don't be afraid to express the emotional turmoil you may experience. We've all be there, done that! God knows how you feel all the time, and it's okay to let that out. I struggled greatly with fear, and surprisingly, anger when I was diagnosed. God is big enough to handle our rocky emotional states too. You are going to get through this.

    Cynthia, you are doing great! You will sail through rads. I had both chemo and rads, and rads was much easier for me. I am praying for complete healing and strength, as well as peace.

    Bless all you ladies today! I am very tired as I didn't sleep well last night. One leg was throbbing and my back was throbbing. I think I exercised too much yesterday.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Thanks everyone. I am very over-whelmed right now and am going to share the news with my daughter in a bit. I am so dreading that. Her and I are very close and I can't stand the thought of making her worry. She is expecting my 4th grandchild on New Yrs Eve and is a high risk pregnancy. She does know about the possibility already.  I know I will be fine, but the unknown is so hard to explain to your babies! And, she happens to be a nurse.  I drove my son and DIL to the airport at 3:30 this morning for their first anniversary/honeymoon in Hawaii. I decided to wait to tell them until they get back next Thursday. Wow, this is crazy!

    Bless you all~

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Keepthefaith!! Your family will be such a support for you! I am sure you are a wonderul grandmother, and they will keep you busy!!! God Bless You!!! Kathy

    Dear Rocket, please rest your body and prayers are coming for relief of pain!!! God Bless You!!! Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Jo-5! I have been missing you!! So glad to see you! I know you are always praying for each and every one of us!!! So glad your health decision has given you peace!! Yes, Lean n Him!!! As always your wisdom and faith inspire us all !!! God Bless You! Kathy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies! I'm a refugee from the August Chemo thread - the moderators didn't like it when some of us "religious" folks started quoting too many Bible verses and talking about God, Jesus, salvation, prayer, etc. - you know, all those restricted things that aren't allowed in so many places in America any more.....  I saw Cynthiaintx's post and patoo's invitation - hope I can tag along (and a few more ladies might be joining us, too - the ones I've been thanking God for helping me find!)

    I was just diagnosed on August 12 (Cynthia, my tiny, about-15-year-old Asian radiologist said "I'd be surprised if it's not cancer - another great way to be told your diagnosis, right?) and started 4 A/C treatments on August 30. I go for my second tx this Friday - and I've got folks all across America praying that my side effects will be just like the first time - nothing! I've felt perfectly normal for the past three weeks (well, except for handsful of hair fallling out the past 3 days) and give God all the glory. So many folks have given me great books, support, encouragement, etc.  One I really like is:

    I am here:

    By God's appointment

    In His keeping

    Under His direction

    For His time.

    God is good....all the time. The next year will be different than I was expecting but at the end of it, I'm planning to be praising God and know I'll be so much stronger in my faith.

    I'm looking forward to sharing it with y'all, okay?  The only thing is....I'm only 55. Is that okay????

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    Yes Terri, you are covered in prayer and enveloped in the arms of our Lord.  I am so sorry you have to make this journey.  Prayers going up for you to experience peace as you get everything in place.

    Hi all.  I was away all last week hanging with my sisters for a girl's week romping.  Great fun.  Now I'm trying to get my son packed and ready for his move to FL soon.  Please keep him in prayer as it is stressful for him to be leaving the nest.  He needs this though, to learn to live independently with outside supports as I'm not going to be around for more than another 40-50 years!

    Cynthia, so glad you got the clot resolved.  Scary stuff. 

    I did read through the posts but, as usual, can't remember them all so suffice to know that you are all stil in my prayers and I continue to wish many blessings on each of you.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Emotional meltdown today...funny how making appts w/oncogolists has way of slapping you in the face! Thankful that my biopsy is healing well and that Aetna approved my PEM scan. Trying to get some paperwork organized and to feel like I am doing something productive. My hope for this week-end is to stay busy and try to get some questions together for my oncs on Tuesday.

    I have my BRAC and PEM scan scheduled for tomorrow.  (Mom was dx'd at 60, now 79 and going strong; half-sister at age 28, now 42 and also going strong-sister was BRAC neg)

    Saltyjack, I hope you continue to have little or no SE's! That's so awesome.

    This is a great thread and you are wonderful people to share your stories and support.


    Bless you all,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Hi, SaltyJack!!! Welcome, Welcome!! You will find lots of support , encouragement and prayer here!! I don't know how people get through trials and challenging journeys without faith!! As Jo-5 said, we are prayer warriors, indeed!!! Thank you for coming here!!!!

    Patoo, how fun that you had some relaxing time away with fellow sisters!! I will be praying for an easy transition for your son' s move!! Our Lord is watching over you both and will prepare the way!! Blessings, Kathy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Thanks, ladies, for the kind words of welcome - they mean alot. I can see that most of you here are much further along this crazy road we're on that I am. I was just diagnosed last month and I'll certainly have a different feeling about all the pink ribbons in October this year than last.

    I have my second A/C tx tomorrow - praying that it will be as much of a "non-event" as the first one was - and I give God all the glory for answering lots of prayers that I would have "minimal or manageable" SE. 

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear SaltyJack, I am lifting you up in prayer right now for minimal side effects!! Please come here with questions, advice and prayers!!! There are many wonderful and knowledgeable ladies here!!! We will lift you up in prayer throughout your journey! I love this verse: By His Stripes you will be healed." I kept this verse on my refrigerator and recited it almost every day!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Hello, I am Sharon Baker, a refugee along with SaltyJack from August 2013 Chemo Sisters and would like to join your group. I am almost 69, but SaltyJack and I clique well and age doesn't really matter.   We are the troublemakers, supposedly, and we are being persecuted for His name's sake. I love it. He suffered far more than we do ever, so I give him all of the praise and glory for what he is doing in my life and I don't mind a little suffering if it will teach me to be more like the Master of all creation. I am not there yet; I need work, but I have placed my life in the palm of his hand. I can feel the peace that passes understanding.

    I was diagnosed with IDC grade 3 Noddingham 9 Triple Negative Breast Cancer on June 19. I had my son's wedding in the back yard so didn't have surgery until July 12. I started chemo on Aug. 26, and had my second just last Tuesday. SaltyJack and others on the thread pray for one another and we are on numerous prayer lists. I haven't read all 9,000 million billion of your posts, but will go back and check out some from each of you. It is great to find other Christian women who understand how the Lord is working in our lives and are not afraid to share it. I just hope we left a little seed or two there for God to use. Thanks. Hope you allow me in.  

    We have another woman called lovewins who wants to move to your thread. Maybe a couple of others. Maybe they have new insight for you and we will have new insight for us. God is in control.  

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2013


    Welcome to this 'elite group'.  Sorry circumstances are such as they are, but that is the reality of this monster..

    Like the other gals have said, we have a real sorority here, both because of our physical challenges and because of our spiritual beliefs. 

    Feel free to rant/rave/cry/praise God, what ever helps you deal with this...


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Hey ladies - I told Sharon and a few others that you're great and will let us join you. We've been sharing lots of prayer and encouragement on the chemo thread but I figure Satan didn't like all we were accomplishing so threw a wrench in the works. Since our God is so much bigger than cancer, SE or any little tricks Satan can think up, I figure we'll be fine now, just with a new address for our thread.  :)

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Also - thanks so much Kathy (and all) for the prayers for tomorrow. I've got 3 pages of verses, principles and sayings on my fridge right now - figure the whole kitchen will be plastered by the time I finish chemo, surgery and radiation.  I'm claiming Romans 5:3-4:

    We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, because we know that they are good for us - they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expection of salvation. 

    As Sharon said, of course I have a way to go but my faith and walk with God is so much stronger these days, I can't say I'm sorry for the path He's chosen for me. God is good....all the time!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013



    I know you'll find this thread to be a positive and uplifting place to be, as I do.

    Bless you all,


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies my name is Lovewins because I believe God is love and He always wins....I am also from the August group and would like to join this thread. I have had 1 treatment and my next treatment will be on 09/23/2013.  I know that God is calling me to walk closer with Him and this journey is they way He has chosen for me to walk...He is showing me so much these days that I know He is with me and wants me to share my faith and learn from this experience what I need to do to do His will.  I hope you will accept me into your thread.  God bless...M

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    Welcome to all of the new ladies from the other threads.  This thread is a great place to be, it is wonderful to be covered in prayer by so many Christian ladies who know what you are going through.  You are just starting on your journey, and will learn as I did that you are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.

    God Bless and goodnight, it is gone midnight over here!

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    Where two or three are gathered in My Name there I AM in the midst!  I AM a prayer warrior, too.  The ferverant + effectual prayers of the Righteous availeth much. 

    I'm also from the August Chemo Sisters' group.  I've decided to stay with the group.  Ministering without using Jesus or Christ will both challenge + grow my witness to unbelievers.  I AM up for the challenge + will use parables like Jesus.  Those with the mind to hear will understand.  I think it's so exciting.

    I was DX in March, bi-lateral mastectomy in May + currently receiving T/C 4x every three weeks. 

    My 3rd nfusion is tomorrow, Fri., 9/20!!!

    Thank you for welcoming + accepting me into this group.

    God is preparing us for an "after this" testimony!!! So Be ye ever so ready!

    God is Blessing you to BE a Blessing! 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    I agree, FMGD - the best is yet to come! When I told my "boss" (head of a committee I'm on) at church about my diagnosis, that's just what he said - "Wow, I can't wait to see what God has for you to do after you get through that. I just know it will be something great."

    Two weeks before my diagnosis, my husband and I were celebrating our anniversary and I told him how blessed and happy I was. When I found out about the cancer, I was pretty devastated and thought how ironic it all was. Then I started thinking about Job and decided I want to follow his example: I was happy and blessed before this trial. I'm going to go through it praising God and growing my faith and when it's all said and done, I'm going to be doubly happy and blessed!  (Job 42:12). I'm also repeating Job 37:5 - "God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; He does great things beyond our understanding."

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    SaltyJack, yes God does.  Thanks for sharing.  I, too, am relating my current journey as the, Job experience.  Our latter days will be better than our former.  Praise the Lord!

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    I AM excited to receive my 3rd infusion today (I am clapping my hands + Praising the Lord)!

    Declaration for Today:  The chemo will use its might power to kill + distroy EVERY rogue malignant cell that may be hiding in my body.  The chemo will be directed ONLY to its intended target; my platelets, white + red blood cells + all parts of my are protect.  Success is mine today! 

    This nfusion will do what it is supposed to do and will treat my body with kindess + love.  I WILL NOT EXPERIENCE ANY SIDE EFFECTS + MY BODY + MIND ARE IN PERFECT PEACE!

    The Word has been spoken over my life + is DONE!!!  This declaration is for all getting treatment today who receive this declaration for themselves!!

    This morning I heard the song below.

    For those who are struggling in the process, I invite + encourage you to listen:

    "Let Go" by Dewayne Woods

    Verse 1
    I couldn't seem to fall asleep
    There was so much on my mind
    Searching for that peace
    But the peace I could not find
    So then I kneeled down to pray
    Praying helped me please
    Then He said you don't have to cry
    Cause I'll supply all your needs

    As sooon as I stop worrying
    Worrying how the story ends
    I'll let go and I let God
    Let God have His way
    That's when things start happening
    I'll stop looking at back then
    I let go and I'll let God have His way

    Verse 2
    There so much going on
    Sometimes I can't find my way
    And often times I struggle
    Struggle from day to day
    I have to realize that it's not my battle
    It's not my battle to fight
    I have to know if I to put it in His hands
    That everything will be alright


    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    And let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Oh let go
    And let God
    Let go
    And let God
    My brother let go
    And let God
    My sister you can't handle it
    Let God
    Oh let go
    And let God
    Let go
    And let god
    Oh let go
    And let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    Let God
    Let go
    Let God