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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • cynthiaintx
    cynthiaintx Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2013

    Hello ladies.... kind of a sad evening, I found out an online friend's husband was diagnosed with invasive colon cancer.  The PET is next week, where they'll find out just how far it has spread, but she says her gut feeling is that it's pretty far.  I don't know their faith walk, but I'm praying for them still.

    Don't worry about age, I just turned 53.  I love being in the company of other believers!

    I'm so inspired by all of the testimonies written here.  I feel so puny, so many of you have gone through such a struggle, and are walking in victory - if not physical, then spiritual.  God is good, ALL the time.  Our little narrow minds may not see what God has in store for the future, or we don't understand "why me" - but He does.  

    Praying everyone has a glorious day of worship tomorrow!

    {{{hugs}}} to all of you.

    Adding... this is the song our little choir is singing in a few weeks... and it's so fitting.

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    cynthiaintx, thanks for the song of inspiration; I CHOOSE to worship, too!

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2013

    I agree with all of you ladies who say we are so blessed to have Jesus with us whilst we go through this.  I have recently completed rads for a tumour on my femur.  In the month prior to the rads I was at my wit's end over the things that were happening to me.  The letter from my oncologist requesting the rads was sent to the wrong specialist at the wrong hospital.  Then, when that was sorted out, after I had attended all of the preliminary scans and been marked up for the rads, the hospital managed to lose any record of my existence.  I almost cried in frustration as I spent time on the phone trying to prove that I did exist and wasn't a figment of my own imagination!

    I spoke to my pastor about this and our church prayed for me over the situation and it was all sorted out very quickly.  Our church is trying to arrange to buy a building which we can move into next year, and I discovered after talking to other members that all sorts of things are going wrong for them.  It seems that the whole church has been under attack in many ways, so I guess we must be doing something that satan doesn't like to get this reaction from him.

    Anyway, the point I am making is that if I were not a Christian and was not supported by so many wonderful Christians praying for me and providing practical help before I even had time to ask for it, I don't know how I would have coped.  I think the Lord has given me this illness so I can be blessed by my lovely friends doing His work, and even though I get scared sometimes I am usually at peace in a way that my non-Christian friends just do not understand.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Amen to that, Friday Girl! Last week in Sunday School as we studied James, we talked about the trials and temptations that come to us - they're individual to us because Satan knows just how to reach us when we're weakest.

    But - Cynthia, that song is perfect!  We just need to keep our eyes on God and everything else will take its proper perspective. I choose to worship, too!  Is it okay if I pass that link along to  others? It's a fantastic way to start - or continue - or end - a day!

    Also FridayGirl - when I first visited an MO, of course she asked me to complete a 15-page health history. The last question was a scale of 1 to 10 - how depressed I am. My initial reaction was to put 0 - because I'm generally so content and happy and blessed with my life. Then I thought - wait a minute - I have breast cancer - I guess I should put at least a 1? Knowing God brought me here makes all the difference - He'll be with me every step of the way and the rest of the story is glorious!

    Have a blessed Sunday - let's choose to go Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    cynthiaintx, no matter the grade or size of our BCs, we are all in this together. We have something that has invaded our God-given bodies and God knows each and every one of our cells. I am praying that God will heal every last cell in our bodies so that we can have more years of Praise to the King of King and Lord of Lords. He is our maker, our redeemer, and our God. No man comes to the Father but by Jesus Christ, and we are there. This thread is so comforting. When I'm on other threads, I have to watch the wording of my posts. That's sad. God truly leads us to the places where we need to be, so nothing is for nought. I believe everything happens for a reason, and the BCs we all have are just little things to focus our thoughts back on  Christ. Sometimes, I, myself, get bogged down in life and don't give God all of the praise and glory like I should, but this disease has refocused my mind to the place it needs to be. I am so blessed and thanks to God Almighty, I am saved from the wrath to come.

    In God's Love, Sharon

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2013

    Welcome to all of our new sisters in Christ!  I have loved getting caught up on all the posts this week - so encouraging and uplifting.  Start the day with a praise and prayer and we'll have smooth sailing all day long.  Prayers and blessings to all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2013

    Thank you for the kind welcome to the forum. I am blessed reading your threads. This forum reminds me of an old fashion quilting bee. I have not quilted for awhile but have been in a quilt club in the past. We would create and hand sew a quilt to be raffled off and the proceeds would go to a charity to help support it. But watching so many hands apply the stitches to the quilt and watching such a project come together into this beautiful quilt reminds me of this forum. So many stitches interwoven into a beautiful story of what God is doing and has done for each of your lives. I find it refreshing to go to a site where the there is water in the well for me to partake of. Each of you are such a blessing in lifting each other up and reminding me that I am not alone and you are not alone.

    FridayGirl: I learned to garden at the side of my grandfather and father. Each showed me how wonderful it is to nurture something and help it grow. It is so like what our Heavenly Father does for us each day. The more I garden, the more I find out how much I don't know. Just like my walk with God. The more I learn in my walk the more I realize how little I know. Like all of you I would not trade a single day without Him. I am so thankful that He has led me to this forum.

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Be with all those on this site and those that are not. Meet each and everyone one of these dear womens' needs. Touch their bodies and heal them. Give them comfort where needed. Give them strength to fight the fight. Give them peace in knowing that You are still on the throne and in control. Thank you for loving each of us and for being with us every moment of the day. Thank you for sending your son to die for each on of us so that we might have life everlasting. May we go boldly and tell others the reason for our hope.

    In Christs name I pray,


    Love in Christ,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Char - I got chills just reading your prayer - thank you so much!

    I'm having a lazy day today (day 3 of 2nd chemo) but looking forward to tomorrow. I'm just in awe of the way God takes care of us and brings blessings to us. Tomorrow I'm going to meet a wonderful new friend, Jill. We started emailing but have never gotten the chance to hug - she learned of my BC through a non-Christian friend who heard Jill describe herself as a Prayer Warrior and couldn't figure out what that meant. After Jill explained the term, Pat mentioned me and asked her to pray. Well, as soon as Pat told me about it (very hesitantly, half apologizing and asking if I'd minded), I told her to give Jill my email address and phone number. Why would I not want to have a Prayer Warrior on my team??? I sure wouldn't have ever thought I'd be thanking God for having BC (and I'm not sure I am - just yet) but my life is so much better, richer and my walk with Him so much more rewarding - I'm sure it won't be long!

    Thanks, all, for being part of my team - love you!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    A huge welcome to our new friends and Sisters in Christ !! This thread is growing by leaps and bounds!!! How wonderful!!! May each and everyone of you have a Blessed Sunday!!! Kathy

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Home from my folks recoperating after 1st chemo and on to second treatment tomorrow.  Something happened when we were advised not to post so much about our faith on the other thread and i lost my groove or something.  I am having a hard time posting now.  Thank you all for the welcoming comments to us new comers.  I am asking for your prayers concerning my treatment tomorrow that it goes according to God's plan and that even though this is a difficult time I pray that God can use this situation for His glory and the good of others, that i may be a blessing to those who suffer or are in need.  I ask Jesus to show me how I may be of comfort to my family, friends and strangers.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Amen, lovewins - and welcome! I went through a lonely day or two after we were gently reminded not to make anybody "uncomfortable" by talking so much about God or our faith - then decided that was just Satan attacking when I was vulnerable.  I hope this thread and the great ladies on it are as much of a blessing to you as they have been to me.

    I'll be praying for your tomorrow - God bless and to God be the glory!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2013

    lovewins - yes, will remember you in prayer for tomorrow and beyond.

    Hi all.  SaltyJack, yes, it seems odd to thank the Lord for this BC journey but many of us have the same feeling that our lives have improved.  I think it's because we needed and have moved closer to Him and it's a comfortable, safe, place to be. 

    "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."  --Psalm 4:8

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    I come to this thread first thing in the morning to read your posts. I am not much at putting my prayers into words, but thanks so much for sharing your gifts of prayer with me.


    I hope your next treatment goes well. In your pockets!

    I just got a call from my BS nurse that my PEM scan was good! NO surprises in either breast! Just the one tumor that I am hoping we will get out of there soon! I never thought I would be happy to say I have BC in one breast only!

    HUGS and blessings,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    May everyone here have a very Happy and Blessed Monday!! To all of you wonderful and brave women going through treatment now, "By His Stripes you will be Healed."

    in His Precious Name!!!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2013

    All ladies

    Thank you so much for sharing your faith here.  It is so uplifting to be able to read your encouraging words.,

    OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD  and loves each of us more than we can even imagine.

    Wishing a great and Blessed week to each of you..


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Hello ladies...It has been a day of waiting, waiting, waiting.  I can't believe so many here for treatment...WOW every chair is filled.  I am almost halfway done.  Thank you all for your prayers.  Jo what you said struck a chord in me and that is exactly what happened is that my joy of posting on this site was taken away from me...I am praying to get in back and for it to be 3 times as strong as before.  Have a winderful day ladies...God bless you all and everyone here at this site.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Lovewins! I remember sitting in the chair waiting for my chemo to be done! I did not have Facebook or Breast back then!! That would have kept me busy for sure!! Instead, my hubby kept getting me food, he,he,he!!!! May you feel the presence of Our Lord every time you get treatment! Blessings, Kathy

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Thank you Kathy...for sure facebook and breast has been a blessing.  I am having the same craving I had last time I had chemo...chinese chicken with broccoli with white rice.  Continued blessings for all.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    Praise God in all things for this is the will of God concerning you. I believe what SaltyJack says, that we should praise God for this BC because it has led us to a richer and closer walk with the Lord. It certainly has me. I guess I had grown cold or lukewarm or something, because we had planned to put out house on the market and move to Venice Florida. That plan took a nose dive in June when I found out I had TNBC. For 10 days, I fretted, cried, panicked, and doubted, but after hearing of so many praying for me and after praying constantly myself, I received the peace that passes all understanding and there's no looking back. People ask me how I can be so upbeat and positive. I say, "I can't be. It is God within me who is holding me up." I saw what my  human flesh did the first 10 days, and it was getting me nowhere. I was a nervous wreck just knowing that I was about to die within 18 months. I faced my mortality head on and Jesus just kept saying, look up, I am here. I love you, put it in my hands. I finally did, but was ashamed of myself for not allowing God in for 10 full days. I was trying to go it alone, and it was not going to work that way. I praise God in all things, even what appears to be something bad. He is in control and we will make it through this time. He sent you for me and me for you. We are all children of God and are to comfort one another in the Word. That is why we were all led to this forum.

    lovewins, I know what you mean about something being lost when the moderator scolded us. I had already started to wonder why so many didn't answer my posts with an address to me. I was feeling left out, other than for the few other Christian women who didn't even notice that we were doing anything "wrong". And we weren't!!!! the Bible tells us that we, Christians, will be persecuted for his name's sake. That's what we experienced. That tells us that we are doing exactly what Jesus wants us to do and Satan is mad. Good job ladies. Let's keep him steaming.

    Thank you so much FMG, for lifting me up in prayer. I have had major pain this time with the shot. I even had it today while returning from the doctor's office after my CBC testing. My counts were good, but I am not over having to take pain meds for the pain. I didn't take them with me today, but my husband carries his in his golf bag in the trunk so I took one of his and got relief. The pain was in my back like a spasm. Maybe it's partly that I'm lying around so much and not as active as usual. I don't know, but anyway, maybe it is past now and I can have the rest of the time SE free.

    FridayGirl, I know what you mean about the tub and no hair. My hair fell out all but just a little bit. It looks strange. I don't want to shave it because I don't want to sleep on whiskes. I guess eventually, it will all be gone. It makes it a little hard to kep my wig on because the gel band won't stick to hair. It will stick to skin. I quit using it and started using the hairband I made with hair attached. It's a wide piece of elastic and stays put around my hairline. When and if I'm bald, I'll use the gel band.

    PEROXIDE RINSE: My oncologist told me today that I should not use peroxide rinse in my mouth. He said to use 1 tsp baking soda and 1 tsp salt to 16 ounces of water. He said it would retain the ph balance in my mouth and that peroxide might make it worse. After the first treatment, when my tongue turned white and I started using it, it make it better. Maybe it would have gotten better anyway, but I continued to use it. I don't have sores, but the tip of my tongue feels like I might have burned it on coffee. I started using the mouthwash I was told to use. I am a good patient, so I do what I'm told, right or wrong.

    I love you guys. I still havent read back very far yet, but I will. I don't have much energy so I'm a couch potato. Maybe I'll get the laptop that we retrieved today from the shop and sit on my couch and read your posts. It sounds like a plan.

    God bless you and God bless me. I thank the Lord that I found this thread where I can be me. Sharon

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Hi Sharon...i think you also nailed it...for me it was a little different in that i prayed right away and had others praying for me and their was no doubt i was lifted up in prayer.  Everyone noticed and commented because i am not the strongest person outwardly,,,but i told them all it was because of prayer.  BC chnaged my life for the better,,with the dx God answred so many prayer I found it highly odd that my life was turning around like this because of such an awful thing.  I think that happened to all of us and maybr it was hard for others to understand.  I hope you are feeling better very soon.  I had chemo today and so far just a slight headache.  I am wondering if I should take my nausous pill because last time I felt so dopy...guess I will just wait and see how I feel.  Have a wonderful night ladies....Praise God and thank you Jesus for bring us on a closer walk with Him.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2013

    Wow, Sharon and Lovewins - I agree! In the past 5 weeks since my diagnosis, I've been showered with so much love, encouragement, support and caring, it's humbling. I spent the first two days crying but then after that, I truly think God took over. A friend gave me a book that says when a challenge comes, "don't ask why is this happening?" ask "how can God be glorified?"  I've been trying to keep that as a positive focus and thank you, God, it's been working!

    Yep, I'm pretty close to saying "yes, thank you, Lord, for giving me breast cancer" because I've seen how I've grown and how much closer I am to Him already - and there's a long journey ahead so plenty more room to grow! What I'm struggling with today is saying "thank you, Lord, for my hair falling out." That's a tough one. My husband is bald and I told him today he has a nice head. I have an ugly head. But - the Bible says "in all things give I'm working on it!" 

    Please pray for me this week that my neutrophils will be at a good level when I go to be tested on Thursday. I checked online and there's nothing to raise them - except neutropen, neulasta, etc.......and PRAYER!  My husband is not a Christian and I've told him I'm going to pray the levels up so he can see God is in control here. Please join me?! I told Dave that having BC will be worth it if it means we end up spending eternity together! 

    Thanks ladies - I love you all! 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Hi (((((SaltyJack))))) hair is going fast now too.  No courage to shave it was below my shoulders and cut it above the chin.  The shower drain is full of hair...I know it will be hard at first but we shall overcome!  Love bach at you!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited September 2013

    Dear Sharon, Lovewins and SaltyJack!! You are all amazing women!! The Lord knows that each of you are giving Him all the Glory!! He will not forsake you!! By this time next year, you will all be mentors and Christian role models for all the newly diagnosed!!!!

    Blessings, Kathy

  • ForMyGranddaughter
    ForMyGranddaughter Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2013

    Char, Amen!  I touch + agree with you in prayer.

    May we all rest in the loving arms of our Lord + Savior.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2013

    Well I made the decision to move forward with reconstruction after much thought and prayer. I called the Drs. office to make the arrangements, then went to work and found out that I'm out of a job. I guess I don't have to worry about taking time off to recouperate. I know God is in control, but it's hard not knowing when or even if I will be able to get another job. It's slim pickin's around here; especially for middle-aged women with no college degree. With surgeries ahead and a mission trip already paid for in January, it will be February before I can seriously look for work. I'm getting too old for this much drama.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    Sorry to hear about your job Mini1.  I pray for your peace and comfort during this most uncertain time. I new to this thread... i am also in MI, i am near Grand Rapids. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2013

    Dear Abba Father..,

    I know that you have heard the cries and whispers of each of these women. Whether in silence or out loud, their voice is heard by You. I pray that You touch their bodies and provide the healing balm upon their war torn bodies. Give them courage to face each day. Allow them to continue to give honor and glory to You. Remove any doubts and fears that may encompass them for we know that in our weakness Satan sets out to darken our doorsteps with doubt. Remove those that set out to break their spirit. Let Your word go forth on this site and let no one stop it. For where two or more are gathered there You are in the midst.  Meet each and every need; a job, pain relief, salvation for a spouse, guidance for reconstructive surgery, treatments that go well, peace while waiting for results and those requests that have not made known to our ears. Lift each body and give it strength. May these ladies continue to bring honor and glory to Your Name. May they always give reason for the hope that is them. May their sleep be restful. I ask all of this in the name of this in Jesus' presious name.


    Better days are coming for all of you.

    Love in Christ,


    PS I changed my user name because they recommended that we not use personal names. So I am going by GardenGal now. Time for me to turn in for the night.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited September 2013

    thank you char for your beautifyl prayer...Amen

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2013

    What a beautiful prayer, gardengal. Thank you for writing it.

    SaltyJack, I definitely will be praying for your counts to be up to normal.

    I didn't know we weren't supposed to use our names. Maybe I should change my username, too. Salty, help me think of a name.

    God bless those who stop by this thread today and those who are having SEs. I pray that God will give you peace about this whole journey we're on so that you can see his purpose in the midst of chaos. Lean not on your own understanding...God is in control. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited September 2013

    Good morning ladies,

    My youngest grandson spent the night last night. My daughter is working today. She fretted about me keeping him, with all I have going on and I told her that I am happy to keep him; he is definitely a distraction and a joy! He is 15 months old! I have appts later today with my MO, RO and Nurse coordinator. My dear friend is going with me. I know this is another step towards my healing, but am still feeling anxious.

    Saltyjack, I hope your levels are good Thursday!

    Mini, praying that you find work soon.

    Char, thanks for your heartfelt messages and prayer!

    Bless you all,
