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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010

    What is that about??? NO ONE can tell me to ignore my God!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2010

    Update on my job search, I got a phone call today from the contract agency and their client notified them that they would like to do a phone interview this afternoon 3:00 pm eastern with me. Please pray for me during this interview process. I am so nervous about interviews. I haven't had to do an interview for a job in 12 yrs.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Prayers for you Sheila.  Please let us know how it went. 

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2010

    phone interview went well, wants a face to face interview this afternoon at 2:00. This is going faster than I expected. I need to stay at my current job until July 30 to get closing package.


  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited July 2010

    Shelia, God has all the details worked out. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010

    The timing is perfect! You have the right to give two weeks "notice" to your present job. Purple energy flowing your way...

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    lol Jo!  Have to say I wondered about that too!

    Sheila--What mbt said...God already has it figured out for you...praying for peace for you!

    And Jo--I pray often for our country, and our freedoms...thanks for reminding us here

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day!


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    Hello my sisters-in-Christ!

    been out of commission for a few days....but, always love to rejoin & read the posts !

    Sheila:  you know you're in our hearts & prayers.  Be anxious about nothing--scripture instructs us; however, our flesh screams out otherwise!  you know your sisters here got you covered with intercession.....& it's already been spoken here that God sees beyond what is NOW & is preparing the way for what is to come for you...and, in HIS timing.  we find letting go of our worries so hard to do....perhaps, i should really only speak for/about myself!!

    Tina:  hello again from our june chemo group!  have been praying for improvement to your health----and of course, i haven't forgotten about your blog!   AND,, your picture has changed! 

    Jo:  always love to read your devotional posts---they lift my spirit & remind me to focus on Christ & not on the millions of other things that sidetrack me & that i allow to become more important!   i'm all over that 'politically (in)correct' issue-----it's one step closer to the end times & our stance for Jesus Christ best be deep & wide (strong) now & then!  so, if you are in the mood for "starting that fire storm", you'll be talking to the choir with me--just send me a PM & we can get at it!!  Wink  in one of your (much) earlier posts, you mentioned how to subscribe to the dayspring devotionals---can you remind me again?   thanks-- 

    everyone else;  will catch ya on next round---

    love to all!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2010

    Going to the interview, I hate map quest. It told me to turn right on the road and I should have turned left. By looking at the satellite view there was nothing at the star but there was a large complex (former mall) turning left. But I followed the directions until I hit hwy 268 & I knew I had bad directions. I turned around and found the place. got there just before 2:00 pm. I think I did well. They had 6 people they were interviewing, they will contact the agency next week with their decision. I just need to relax some.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010

    Purple energy is the best! Purple is creative thinking, passion, royalty and riches!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010
    Besides that, it's my favourite colour! Laughing
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    Hey Jo,  Ive been wanting to join Christian threads such as this, for a while, and what, with more surgery and looking at posts, trying to learn about stuff,  it keeps slipping by me! but NO LONGER!!!.  Please Tell me what do you mean.....

    "We're being told there is a movement a foot that if it passes ---- we who belive in the Lord Jesus Christ won't be able to say He is the Only Way to Heaven...... even preachers in the pulpit!

    God help us!


    "It is one of those Politically Correct things. Nothing is supposed to be said that will offend any other religion and they're saying that a Christian proclaiming that Jesus is the only way to Heaven is offensive to other religions.

    Christians seem to be the only ones singled out!

    I could say much more but don't wish to start a fire storm on this board...... Hopefully, it won't get passed.

    Just pray that we can all keep our freedom to express ourselves and our beliefs."

    I havent read back past this page and so Im hoping what Im thinking is wrong.  Is BCO about to "close Christians down" here ????? 

    This would be a terrible blow to us Christians, but we know this....

    Jesus is called the rock of offence.....

    Rom 9:33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.  

    People are OFFENDED at Jesus. They are OFFENDED at Christianity because it claims to offer the only solution to this life. These people are not fighting with us as such, but fighting directly against what God has said. Apart from a new babe in Christ we all generally know that God has said NUMEROUS times  in His precious word,  scriptures like this....

    Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  

     Isa 45:5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

    Indeed if Ive picked up on this correctly ....then I pray for the continuation of the freedom to express our beliefs JUST LIKE all the other  people on this board do. To single out Christians on the grounds that say their belief system is the only way, would be walking on very shakey ground. On the contrary, there are a number of "groups" here who claim the same thing, they just dont say it outright, or they disguise it. 

    A firestorm? Bring it on! 


  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    Innocentit is so wonderful to share Jesus with all my bc sisters.

    and to know we have friends that will truly lift us up in prayer.

    i had a very rough time when i took the ac so i so understand deb, and you will be in my prayers.

    tina, and shelia you will be in my prayers, God brought work to our friend when there was nothing out there, and i know he will do that for you.

    when we are down to nothing, God is up to something

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    Thanks Jo, bless you. On the premise that Gods word is the Final Authority on what constitutes the truth, I make the following comments. Yep indeed we win alright, so long as we are written in the Lambs book of Life. That ought to make us all fear God, search and see whether we be in the faith, (2 Cor 13.5) for there are many who think they are but arent (Lord did we not cast out demons in your name???....etc). Anywayz Id sooner have the hard truth than a soft ear-tantalizing  lie. When I read the word "bill" I thought it HAD to be synonymous with legislation/politics etc. but still, I wondered if it was something afoot to do with BCO because, as I understood it, this was passed as law ages ago, or is lil NZ leading the world in stoopidity with the PC garbage we get over here.  Yell . I tell ya we are AND have been for decades, typically seen as "the ideal test case guinea-pigs" to "try out" by means of many a "dry run", the dreams and schemes of the NWO (New World Order/ One World Govt) ... for a number of reasons. We are totally encompassed by sea and thereby not "influenced" as easily by outside circumstances ... as varied as those can be. We are a "she'll be right" nation ....(take care Oz you'll be next as your motto is'nt too far removed from ours..."she'll be right mate" AND... you are also encompassed totally by sea. ) ...and therefore ripe for the sundry and sustained brainwashings foisted upon us from the puppets in our political system. As such,  we've seen, systematically, Christians getting "closed down" bit by bit , more and more, here and there. Bible in schools has long been on the outer, and there is an underlying current of mockery of Christianity just under the surface waiting to break out at the slightest provocation.

    You can tell the "paradigm shift" has happened, like people here have almost forgotten what it was like to have a bit of backbone and stand up against the onslaught of this PC garbage, that now makes them appear like zombies, but of course theyre not aware Undecided for the most part.  There USED to be a general underlying fear of speaking whats really on your mind  for fear of  being singled out as sexist/racist blaaah blaaah. Now people have just accepted it (unaware that they have allowed the "plan" to move forward to the next step eg we dont have "global warming" now, its "climate change".... but I strongly suspect this is on a global scale so sorry I digress) ...well you know what they say...familiarity breeds contempt probably the foundational thought behind fabian socialist type stealth.

    Back to the issue.... if this legislation ends up singling out Christians to the point where we are closed down on BCO, on the grounds of saying Jesus is the only way to heaven, then Id like to suggest theres other groups here who are going to have to be closed down as well, because at the very least,  they are excluding us as Christians AND others . Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. So what does the word have to say...In fact anyone who sports a "tag" is at best putting themselves forth as "carnal" and at worst contrary to Scripture and is what makes for exclusivity. The only "tag" we are supposed to have is that of being called a Christian, (Acts11.26) theres a couple of collective names like "the little flock". Pretty low key and unassuming eh? Certainly nothing flashy drawing attention to itself or denoting a single persons name.

    1Co 3:4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?
    1Co 3:5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
    1Co 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
    1Co 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

    Anyway, anyone who is watching and waiting for that blessed day and who "Love His appearing" will know these are endtimes we are living in. There are sooooo many harbour lights lining up, these are exciting times. I think we have to keep our eyes heavenward knowing that 70 years is but a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. We need to get back to the word and do what it says. Oh for more "fear of the Lord" which is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

    Bless you all


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    Hi Jo,  NZ (New Zealand)



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    I love to see my sisters are from around the globe.  And to have sisters-in-Christ on the other side of the world is great.

    We serve an AWESOME GOD!

  • robinlbe
    robinlbe Member Posts: 73
    edited July 2010

    Hello, my Sisters-in-Christ...

    I'm not on here as much as I used to be.....God has been using me to minister to friends and also friends of friends who are going through BC scares and also diagnosed BC.  I figure that's the whole purpose of my own BC diagnosis, so my extra time has gone there.  The two BC scares turned out to be #1) ok-no change, and #2) wait and watch.  Praising God for those two!  Those two were college friends (from the 80's) who watched my journey over Facebook and felt comfortable coming to me with their concerns, questions, and prayer requests.  Even though we were miles apart, I was "there" with them every step of the way. 

    Anyway, I glanced through all that I've missed....glad to see some healings, job interviews, answers to questions, devotional postings.....

    You ALL are always in my thoughts and are an extra special group of ladies and hold a special place in my heart.  I may not post on this thread very much, but you will always be a part of my life!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    Hi Patoo and Robin ...Nice to meet you! Smile

    In His Precious Name!


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    Just wanted to post a praise report!  The other night I was overwhelmed by some se's I've been haivng from chemo.  I was in pain and very discouraged (its been one thing after another--and these were supposed to be my "good" days).  After everyone went to bed, I spent time in the Word and praying.  I decided that this really wasn't where God wanted me to be, and we had a good talk!  I asked for 2 specific problems to be be taken away, just to give me a break, and they were!  I had no pain yesterday!  What a blessing!!  I've always said I can make it through this as long as I know God is there--and He continues to prove to me that He is!!  My faith has always been strong, but I am learning so much about God through this.

    Love reading all the posts here!  And agree with you Jo about all the "politically correct" stuff.

    I, too, think its awesome to see women from all over the world here! 

    You gals are wonderful prayer warriors, and I'm grateful for the Bible verses you post too.

    Have a great day!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010


    Just beautiful JO. Thanks for sharing.

  • odinsmom
    odinsmom Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2010

    Hi everyone!  I am new to this thread.  I am 55 yrs old and was just diagnosed in June with Invasive mammary carcinomas with ductal and lobular traits.  A third area was found that is DCIS.  On July 30th I will have a right mastectomy with expander placement.  I am so excited to have found forums that bring Christian women together!  Especially at a time when the Lord wants us to encourage each other!  I believe strongly in God's awesome power!  He has a journey and a purpose for all of us.  Heavenly Father, I thank you for leading me to this site and ask you to comfort us and give us and our families strength.  I as you Father to give all of us your grace! Amen.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    odinsmom-->  Sorry about the bc--sounds like you have quite a mess there!  I'll pray for your surgery to go well.  Glad you found us--its an awesome group of woman and prayer warriors here!


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    Sisters in Christ--

    i've been 'away' from a couple of my BC sister threads for the past week while trying to regain some sense of physical & emotional well-being since my most recent treatment last week---which put me thru the cement mixer!!

    aside from that, i know itcan always come to this group, regardless of the time away, etc., & feel like i've never been away----isn't that just how it is when the LORD's family comes together!!   what a MIGHTY GOD we serve & how GREAT is His love for us! 

    Musical & odinsmom:  i'm typically a 'regular' with these sisters, but, since I've not posted in a bit, i just wanted to say hello to you.  even though our paths cross now as being 'flung' around like the stars in physical distance from one another, we can expect the wonderful day to come that we'll meet face to face in Glory & we'll be free of ALL pain & disease-----oh what a wonderful day that will be!!

    i've missed everyone!   Jo:  keep those devotionals coming.  i subscribed to holly early last week & never tire of the lessons!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    odinsmom, welcome. Sorry for what you are going through! Youre going to be 1 day after I had my 1st Mast last year.  Right now Im recovering from my second Mast. The prognosis was all clear, but I am soooo pleased not to be lopsided anymore. Im also pleased I wont have to schlep around a pretty weighty prosthesis. ANyway, for now, Im having a bit of a build up of fluid, as BS pulled my drain out after 2 weeks because he didnt want an infection. Again its the lesser of two evils. Id sooner have an aspiration than infection!!!  ( I thiiink)  UndecidedUndecidedUndecided

    Hi dsa deb Oh yes wont it be wonderful when THAT DAY arrives... no more pain, no more tears, ...and what is 70 years compared to eternity. Yep for the hard yards we do now, in the end it will pay off.



  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010


    so sorry for not getting on sooner, we are having vactional bible school at our church this year, and we are low in help. so it will be busy until next thursday. if you will pray i can keep up with the i would sure appreciate it.

    love to all.  and my God bless you this week.

  • odinsmom
    odinsmom Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2010

    Thanks to all for welcoming me!  I feel so blessed to have found such a site! Tina I am sure I will be counting on your prayer and that of all the sisters especially on day of surgery June 30th. Musical sending healing prayers your way hope the fluid build up is not too bad and I agree better that than an Infection!  Deb I'm asking our Father to bless you and give you strength for your treatments!  It is good to know that we are with God's family and are able to share the good and the bad!  LBMT I'll pray for you to keep up with the kids but that is a tall order! :)  Carol

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    JO:   thank you for sharing......the truth & sting of those words are alarming & cause me to step back & ask myself what i'm doing to be part of a solution, albeit a monumental problem.

    If it is true that a pastor stood before a state's legislature & delivered this powerful prayer w/such penetrating & rebuking words,   I thank God & praise Him for sending the pastor as a spiritual messenger to those who were present. 


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    Thanks Jo! 

    And please forgive us, Lord!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 814
    edited July 2010

    Good stuff Jo!  I agree with everything listed. Things like this... bring it on I say! These words pack a wallop because the implications are  HUGE. This is the type of thing we need to see in action from everyone who DARES to call themsleves a Christian. Not one of us should take on board any principle that is not grounded in the Scripture. It is our safety net and we take it lightly at our peril. These days I hear some so-called fellowships all but throwing out the word, and if this happens, for sure Satan will be clapping his hands, because it opens the door to all sorts of extra biblical stuff,  the end of which is "anything goes" .... is it any wonder, then, that things are in such a mess as depicted above in that prayer?

    Know this. It will COST YOU EVERYTHING to follow Jesus properly. None of this hiding the light under a bushel stuff, but too many people who call themselves Christians  like to water down the word to suit their own lifestyles/ambitions/culture/ whatever. The fact is the word is never outdated or antiquated. It is just as relevant today as it ever was. will never pass away  (Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.) ...moreover, God promised to preserve it from this generation and for eternity. (Psa 12:7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. ) It transcends every person and their type, race, colour and creed.

    Jesus implied they HATED ME THEY WILL HATE YOU ALSO.  Jn15:18 ... Ummmmm that means not popular. Real Christianity will bring opposition.  People are scared to offend others, and so tolerance is in and the absolute is out. So we now have things like  "inventive compromises" and a "soft gospel" that tickles the ears, rather than dealing with the hard yards such as the fear of God, repentance and holiness and obedience. .....Compromises like "building bridges" for example. Jesus never built any bridges. He typically told it like it was, STRAIGHT AWAY. He called a spade a spade.  No pussy footing around. If what He said was rejected, aside from a possible denouncing, (as in the pharisees) it was a case of shaking the dust off and moving on. As an example,  He never chased after that rich guy who had just spouted forth how great he was, and how he'd done everything from his youth up. When he didnt want to do what Jesus called "perfect" the whole scenario changed. So Jesus just let him go his way to carry on in his folly, no begging or long arguments to try and change his mind....and the adulteress? He forgave her, and then what did He say...go and sin no more.  I think we can safely assume that there was NO COUCH or LONG drawn out navel gazing sessions here either!   How many of these phoney concepts beset us? We need to get back to the word, and build our concepts from that. We need to be good Bereans to "see if those things were so". (Acts 17:10,11)

    Oh how true about the self esteem thing.!!!!  I would like to suggest the same thing can be applied to its many "selfism cousins" like self-belief self-worth self-love self-help ad ininitum ad nauseum   ... in fact the very heart of Christianity is looking outward, conversely,  the apitome of the new age gospel is to look inward. Me me me I- I- I.... There can be no reconcilation between the two, and it is a major thing that seperates the true believer from the false. I remember smelling a rat years ago when the term "low self esteem" 1st hit the scene. Id hear it in the fellowship I went to and I strongly stood against this nonsense and too bad what the consequences were, like becoming unpopular, or be seen as a trouble maker.  It didnt take long to figure out from the word where this gross teaching came from. It is a nobrainer to see, as word tells us in many places,  to esteem others better than ourselves.

     Php 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

    Ultimately, our besetting sin is not the lack of self esteem the psychiatrists love to preach their false gospel, but the very opposite. In fact psychiatry and all its "flavours" is diametrically opposed to Christianity because at its heart it preaches the abrogation of responsibility for our actions. A scenario that makes for lawlessness and utter chaos, which is what we have rampant in society now. On the contrary, The Lord says EVERY one of us will stand before Him one day and give account for the things we've done (not withstanding the fact of forgiveness from repentance of sins etc) . Psychiatry has many factions that cant agree, so much so, that it is a shambles. It is the only profession to make worse, those it claims to treat. It has no business dealing with the spiritual, which it tries to do. As such, it is a dangerous scourge that has fostered the self gospel which has presented its tenticles into every facet of life, like the insidious octopus that it is.  The great sin of all time is PRIDE & SELFISHNESS

     Oh that we are obedient to Him and his instruction manual for life.

    May God bless you all.
