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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Cake - love NJ?  Suffice to say my sister and I are starting to look at retirement communities and NJ is NOT on the list!  For one thing - who can afford to retire here?  Even the rich are leaving.  For another, I'm a native NY'er and never became a 'Jersey' girl though I've been out here for 25 years.

    For you I say go after the adventure (and the perks of not having to work and your DH having lots of career opportunities).  Sounds like a win-win-win situation.  You only live once.   Ask your Pastor about some church recommendations as they many times have contacts from conferences or seminars or seminary.

    Blessings all.

  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited June 2010

    vickilynn--what great advice, thank you!  I have heard so many great things about both Seattle and California.  If we moved to CA, we would have to live near San Jose, and the entry level house seems to be about $800K (ha ha ha!!!!), but in Seattle, we could settle pretty nicely.  My kids seem well rounded and confident that they will make friends, which is pretty cool!  I agree, I think we would plan weekend trips to all the cool places like the zoos, museums, hiking and all the fun stuff out there.  I think it would make us even closer as a family.  There are some good Christian schools out there too. are right about the ridiculous expense of living here in NJ.  My taxes are over $10K!  And they keep trying to make us pay more for the schools because they can t find the money to update them...go can the rest of the country manage everything with less taxes!  

    We had a guest speaker, Tom Woodward, last Sunday at our church, and his co-host for his radio station program lives in Seattle!  He gave me his cell number to get me to some good churches out there, so maybe that's another sign.  

    The scriptures I keep getting is that God will take care of us and the situation, that I dont need to worry if were staying or going.  It is SO COOL to be in the hands of God, isnt it guys?  I just finished my morining Bible reading so I am peaceful about the sitch.  I will definitely keep you posted about what happens!  The next step is that he has to interview.  He is a good candidate but I bet there are other good candidates as well. If he goes, we will go in October...or at least my hubby will go!  I have to sell this house but if it doesnt sell, we would go by end of June when the kids finish their schooling.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited June 2010

    jo  i too, am a worrier got some advise a long time ago, and try to apply it when i can.  1st, they told me not to worry; to anylyze my options.. to always do my homework about the things im "thinking" about too much !! told me knowledge was power, so to learn i could about subject.  then, challanged me to see what the physical affects of anxiety were..sweating, sweaty palms, short breath, etc.   then, to catalogue the samw when i got excited.. they r exactly the same.. so, i can choose to be anxious, or excited about whats for about 40% of things.  i still do my homework, try to take action, if only journaling thing im anxious about... getting it out of my head is 1st step, for sure..then, if im really blessed, i can turn it over in prayer. for dure, i keep taking it back, but that just gives me the opportunity to turn it over AGAIN..hope some of it will work 4 you.   im not familiar of the SHACK,..whats it about?

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2010

    Hi Ladies.

    Just wanted to share some things with you all.  Its so nice to have a place to share the spiritual stuff going on, and I enjoy reading what others are learning from God.

    I had my first round of AC 2 weeks ago and was very disappointed that I was hit hard with fatigue.  A lot of nausea and general crappy feeling too.  I went through chemo last year for colon cancer, and I was SO hoping this chemo would be easier!  But God has been very good to me, and of course "refining" me and teaching me so many things about Himself.  Today our sermon was on the fruit Joy--Sometimes hard to be joyful when feeling so lousy!  But God's word says to "count it ALL joy".  We discussed Psalm 43, and we were reminded to pray and worship, even when it feels like God has rejected us. This week (2nd chemo is tomorrow), I will remember to continue thanking and praising God!  Sometimes when I can't find the right words to say to God, I just start singing worship songs, and I immediately feel connected to Him.

    Well, maybe you gals didn't need the reminder to have joy in the Lord, but I sure did!!

    Cake--Sounds like God is reassuring you!  It IS so cool to be in His hands.  I hope and pray everything works out for you!

    Tina Laughing

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Thanks Tina.  I always need reminders because so often I think I left something and then realize I didn't let that last thread go and 'whatever' is still trailing behind.  It's the same for Joy in the Lord, especially when things are not going "my way"!


  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    marina, we will keep praying that this chemo will go easier than the others. and please come in and let us know how you are doing.

    hugs, to all

    if God brings you to it

    he will bring you through it.

    love and prayers, laurie

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    hugs, to all

    may God bless you and give u strenght for each day,


  • olive2
    olive2 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010


    I was diagnosed with Paget's Disease 7 yrs ago.  I decided to opt out of the mast/rads recommendation of my conventional doctors and started doing organic food, juice, detox (coffee enemas) heat with hot water bottles, sun and either flax oil or cod liver oil, lots of green salads, carrots and juice, etc.  I am not always consistent with these treatments, but so far there is no spread of the disease.  I have had some increasing pain recently.  My naturopath suggested DMSO for it and it has brought me back to a more normal life once again.  Amazing natural stuff.  The conventional medical people reject it, but it works. I still have some discomfort but it is sooo much better.  I would recommend to everyone with bc to at least go to organic fruits and veggies, detox, filtered or distilled water, sun, exercise (a minitrampoline is good with a 15-minute bounce every day.  (your feet don't have to leave the mat; a gentle bounce works fine), rest, and prayer.

    Even if you do conventional treatments, you can help yourself by adding natural and nontoxic therapies.


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the prayers lbmt!

    Jo-5, what a wonderful post, thanks!  I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to copy it and put it on my blog.  I have a tab at the top of it for Bible verses that help me through, and I'm going to add it to that!  Hopefully it will help others too!

    Love and blessings to all you ladies!


  • olive2
    olive2 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010


    I was diagnosed with Paget's Disease 7 yrs ago.  I decided to opt out of the mast/rads recommendation of my conventional doctors and started doing organic food, juice, detox (coffee enemas) heat with hot water bottles, sun and either flax oil or cod liver oil, lots of green salads, carrots and juice, etc.  I am not always consistent with these treatments, but so far there is no spread of the disease.  I have had some increasing pain recently.  My naturopath suggested DMSO for it and it has brought me back to a more normal life once again.  Amazing natural stuff.  The conventional medical people reject it, but it works. I still have some discomfort but it is sooo much better.  I would recommend to everyone with bc to at least go to organic fruits and veggies, detox, filtered or distilled water, sun, exercise (a minitrampoline is good with a 15-minute bounce every day.  (your feet don't have to leave the mat; a gentle bounce works fine), rest, and prayer.

    Even if you do conventional treatments, you can help yourself by adding natural and nontoxic therapies.


  • olive2
    olive2 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010

    For all Christian women with bc, I do not know how I could have gotten through the last seven years without the Lord.  He does not see things like we do.  My focus has become more and more on my future (whether or not I live to be 100).  My 3 yr. old granddaughter asked me Sunday why my hair is gray.  I said, because I am an old lady.  Later she asked me why I am an old lady and I said because I was born a long time ago.  Then I said, My next stop is heaven.  She smiled and said, Then you will get to see God.  That says it all, the idea of seeing the One who has met my every need and comforted me and blessed me every day for many years, that will be glory!  "Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid."  If He commands us to do that, He must give us the power to do it.  I am taking Him at His word.  What a peace.  He holds us in His hands,

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Olive - a big AMEN from me as well.

  • lbmt
    lbmt Member Posts: 49
    edited June 2010

    Olive, that was so neat. 

    hope eveyone is doing okay. and may God bless you in all you do.

    we are keeping our garden weeded and praising God we can have a garden this year.

    love and hugs, to all.

    hold tight to Jesus and he will hold tight to you.

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    Hello ladies:  it's been a while since I was here because my 1st AC treatment was last week & it took me to sick bay for nearly 5 days---so, i've missed reading all of your wonderful posts---not to mention that i especially missed being reminded that our God is Sovereign and He knows all---even knowing the number of hairs that either were or are still are on our beautiful heads!!!  Just wanted to say how grateful I am that I was directed to this thread and am hunbled to be among you who love & serve our faithful Lord....what a more sweet way to be a servant could there be than serving one another by bringing His Word to our posts--- as a result, I am always blessed.  We know that His Word never returns void!!!!  

    T:  you & i are on the June chemo thread---just figured that out!!   read your blog & love it. 

    Olive:  enjoyed your post---and, congrats on the 7 yr mark----we all want to reach that point & your post reminds us that it can be done.  Thank you for the scripture verse, too.

    Jo-5:  thank you for posting the devotionals, etc. from dayspring.  i recently subscribed as a result of your suggestion (sometime back) about looking at their website.  I'm always refreshed when i read from your posts, especially if I haven't hit the devotionals for a few days.

    Patoo:  I can't remember if it was this thread or a different one that you suggested reading "The Shack"---i ordered it & read it last Sunday.  Although I believe some might interpret the reading to be rather unrealistic, I believe that I was more touched by the lesson(s) that I garnered after reading it---& was able to internalize & recognize those lessons as they applied to me.   So, thank for you the suggestion.

    Everyone:  may we "rejoice in this new day that the Lord has made" !   

    "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;  I will tell of all your wonders.  I will be glad and rejoice in you;  I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.  Psalm 9:1-2



  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

     Forgot to add this: 

    "Beautiful Use of the Alphabet" 

     Although things are not perfect;   Because of trials or pain;
    Continue in thanksgiving;     Do not begin to blame;    Even when the times are hard;   Fierce winds are bound to blow;   God is forever able;   Hold on to what you know;   Imagine life without His love;   Joy would cease to be;  Keep thanking Him for all the things;   Love imparts to thee;    Move out of "Camp Complaining";    No weapon that is known;    On earth can yield the power;    Praise can do alone;    Quit looking at the future;    Redeem the time at hand;   Start every day with worship;    To "thank" is a command; 
    Until we see Him coming;   Victorious in the sky;    We'll run the race with gratitude; Xalting God most high;   Yes, there'll be good times & yes some will be bad, but...

    Zion waits in glory...where no one is ever sad!

    "I AM Too blessed to be stressed!"
    The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.
    The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.
    Love and peace be with you forever,  

    Deb       Kiss

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    Wow, Dsa and Jo!  Wonderful posts!  I just read Matthew 6 this morning!  Its was a real blessing to me today!  I had to confess my fear of dying--I don't think about it too much, but Satan likes to bring it up!!  I won't worry about tomorrow!  God tells us over and over "fear not!!"

    Dsa, thanks for the comment about my blog.  I found this thread through your profile--I was looking at the profiles of those on the June Chemo thread that were having the same chemo as me.  What a blessing that I found this--thank you!  Sounds like you are "coming out of the fog" and feeling better.  My 2nd Ac was Monday, and am slowly getting more and more tired.  I expect the next 2 days will be the worst, and then the sun will shine again! :-)  Hair is shedding!  Gonna wait until Monday to have a friend buzz it--I have scarves, etc. if needed before then.

    God is Good--ALL THE TIME!!

    Blessings to all you ladies!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Great posts ladies; so uplifting.  Thanks. 

    We serve an AWESOME GOD.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010

    JO I found it very validating that Paul Borden used the same words I did pages back about worry: I told you it was okay to be "concerned" (instead of worried). Or at least I think I told you that. If I didn't, that's what I meant....

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2010

    Everything is here is uplifting.

    Ladies, I need some prayers for petition. As I stated earlier I am losing my job the end of the month due to consolidation of 3 smaller divisions, I submitted my resume to a recruting company Monday for a job in my area (<35 miles) and I got a call back from the recruter on Wednesday. She said that my resume showed everything that the client was looking for and she submitted the resume and business references to the client. Now I am waiting to hear from the client for a telephone interview then a personal interview. Please pray with me that this job open up for me if this is where I am supposed to be.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited July 2010

    Sheila, you are still in my prayers, but I have to say; you pray like I do; "If it's where I'm supposed to be...". That way if my prayer seems like it isn't "answered", I know it really was!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited July 2010

    Barbe, I try to remember in the 'Lord's Prayer' it says, 'Thy will be done' and I always try to ask for the Lord's will to be done in my life. He has opened so many doors in my life that I can't pray any other way. When my hubby was laid off 8 yrs ago, he should have had to wait for the TAA paperwork (about a month) to come from Raleigh before he started truck driving school but the next class was starting the week after his lay-off date and if he waited for the paperwork he would not have started school until 3 months later. He went to the college to plead his case to the financial aid office about a month before the lay-off and our state congressman happened to be at the college seeing the president of the college about the layoffs, happened to be in the hall, happened to hear my hubby say 'I have a job waiting, if I don't get in the August class, I will lose my house'. The congressman interceeded and told the FA office to call xxx-xxxx and allow my husband to sign up for the class without the paperwork in place. We had prayed that if he was to get the truck driving job, he would be able to get in the August class, we couldn't afford to pay for the class ourselves. The Lord put the congressman there at the right time to help him get into the class.


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    Praying for you today seems to be the day for work-related prayers!  My daughter is in the process of interviewing for a great full-time job, but may have to give up coaching cheerleading, which she loves.  Tough decisions for her--she's 22 and a newlywed :)  My husband is also going through a difficult time at work, its difficult for him to do his best when he's worried about me and taking time off to be with me at chemo--please pray for him too!!

    Love and blessings,


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    sheila:  we know our Lord is Omnipotent & that the presence of your Congressman was obviously a divine intervention appointed at the 'perfect time' for your dh.  Praise be to God from whom all things flow!!   Hallelujah, Amen!   As for your employment situation, our Father is in the middle of that, too & His perfect plan will shine forth, whatever that is!  We are all praying for doors to be open where you are to follow His footsteps & doors/windows to be shut otherwise, if not aligned according to His plans for you.

    tina:  I pray that your daughter will find perfect rest in making the decision that faces her at the moment.  when we must 'give up/let go' of something that has become so endearing to us, such as her love for coaching cheerleaders, trusting our Lord is a step of faith into what is unknown to us, yet completely known by Him.  my older daughter is a coach/phys. ed. teacher & was cheerleader throughout jr high/hi school & at the university she attended.  It was a "labor of love" for her personally & coaching the hi school cheerleading squads (where she taught), was a very passionate & rewarding experience.  When she made the choice to let it go in order to change teaching/coaching positions, it was almost a 'family loss' because the girls had become her 'children'!!!!  however, it has turned into a very unexpected pleasurable time for her & i know God was in the beginning, middle, & end of it all!! 

    I pray that she will find fulfillment in her decisions & that God will lay His righteous Hand upon her to fill whatever void she may believe is overwhelming.  I also pray that your husband will find ease in his work position & that it will become a place & job that will bring satisfaction to him.  We'll ask that our Father provide supernatural strength while attending to you & being the husband & dad of your family.

    Father:  I ask that all of these requests be laid before you and that deliverance from pain, anxiety, uncertainty, illnesses, & woes/burdens of any kind be placed in your Divine & Sovereign plan for all these ladies & their families.  I ask that you provide a comfort & peace to them about decisions that must be made & that your strong power will lift the weight of their cares & concerns. 

    Lord, there are other ladies/BC sisters on this thread & others that are unknown to us who also face situations that appear overwhelming....please give your special loving attention  to them as well & lighten their loads.   

    You are the Potter and we are the clay.  Mold us & shape us into your likeness more & more each day.   May these sisters be drawn closer to you in everything they do.

    In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray......Amen


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited July 2010

    Father God,---- watch over our dear service men & women, especially those who are in harm's way right now & those who are traveling on foot & in machines throughout enemy lines & in dangerous places..  Lord, you know their physical conditions, their fears & the inordinate situations they find themselves in.  I ask that you provide them with your angels that surround them & that give direction to their steps.

    I ask that their spiritual condition be met by your Holy presence & that those who know you will rest in you & those that do not belong to you now will come to know the gift of unconditional love & eternal life that Your Son died for to give us as a hope for the future.    

    I pray for our political leaders & those in power who must make decisions that affect us in ways that are sometimes not agreeable.  

    May we remember that our earthly freedoms were fought for by men/women who were willing, and still are, to give up their lives for our country.  More importantly, though Lord, may we remember that your Holy Son was willing to give up His life & separation from You in order to save the WORLD. 

    Thank you Father for that expression of ultimate love.  May America be reminded to RETURN to you as a Christian nation upon which we were founded....and, may the world come to know you as their Saviour---------------Amen.   

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2010

    Amen, Amen and Amen!

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297
    edited July 2010

    Thanks for the prayers Deb!  Awesome prayer for our country and military also--AMEN!

  • Unknown
    edited July 2010

    Hello Sistahs!!!!

    Well, I am in denial that I am middle-aged, because all the docs I've seen so far keep calling me a "young lady" which of course I love!!!  In comparison to most of their other patients, I suppose I'm young; in reality, I am 46, and diagnosed in May (on my 20th wedding anniversary) with DCIS and IDC in my R breast.

    I know for a fact that I would not be as peaceful and certain as I feel if it were not for my walk with Christ.  I read many posts and so many people are sooo afraid.  Not to say I have no fear, but it is minimal.  I just don't allow myself to dwell in the land of "what if", and I know that whatever is ahead, He is planning every moment.  I've spent a lot of time researching, reading the posts by other women and men, and once I understood that there is a lot of "unknown" in this dx, I decided to just do the best I can each day, find a doc I can trust (which I have in my surgeon), and proceed one day at a time.  I am so blessed with an amazing supportive family, dear sweet friends, and fellow church peeps who are praying for me.  I don't think there is another peace as deep.

    So glad to have found this board!!!  Blessing to you all!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited July 2010

    Its been a while since I've posted.  So happy to hear Spar's food healed.  Yea!   My foot is still not healed; however, some of you mentioned applying honey to it which I started about a week ago.  I told my podiatrist who admitted it did look better.  So thanks to all of you who suggested the honey treatment.  Like Jo, I probably will not go back to 'catch-up' since I have been away so long.

    Welcome to all the new ladies here.  The Lord certainly blessed us with these Boards ... and the lessons He wants us to learn here.  Thanks to all my Christian sisters I am definitely a better person.  I've just started on this road and I have a long way to go but with His and your help I am finally headed in the right direction.

    Love all my sisters.

  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250
    edited July 2010

    I'm not sure how many people in this wonderful country have an inkling of how blessed they truly are to live here.  Those who went before us were not nearly so lacksadazicale about what it means to have liberty.  Freedom is scary--liberty is what we have.  I am free in Christ, but practice liberty in that.  I'm not free to do whatever I want, but I have liberty to worship, go shopping on a rainy night alone, shoot off fireworks tonight, own a gun if I wish, move to another state if I so need to.  I am soooo blessed to have this liberty. 

    Be still, today and know that HE is God.  Happy 4th of July everyone in the USA.  Mary

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited July 2010

    Jo - beautiful prayer.  I thought this might be appropriate here ... have a blessed day!