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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2014

    Sue, I am pleased that your doctor has identified the source of your pain.  I know that nobody wants another tumour, but from what your doctor said it looks like you will be treated and back on course in a short while.

    Satan is expert at making us feel alone, that nobody else is having to go through what we are going through, and getting us to question why this is happening to us.  I have recently been through a bad time and am coming out the other side of it.  At one time I was incredibly low, and my faith was under attack as I felt completely without hope.  I still have some problems, as I have picked up an infection when my leg was operated on to put a pin in the femur, but I feel that the major trouble is behind me.  I just wanted to say to you to hang on in there because you are not alone, and we will pray for you.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Oh Bev, how wonderful that you are really close to the end.  Woo hoo!  I have to go six cycles on theTaxtere which will put me at the end of April.  Unfortunately I have to go a full six months on the trial drug.  I'm understanding that the latter isn't as bad as the Taxetere in in terms of SE's but I guess it really doesn't matter.  I'm thankful that there is something available for all of us to fight this with.  It also looks like you had a "way to go God" day.  I love those unexpected surprises with the schedules.  Hope mine includes someone stopping by to clean my house today, lol.

    Friday Girl, you are so right.  There are times when I just get plain weary.  A friend of mine said she'd be freaking out if her doctor had called her on a Friday night.  You immediately think the worst.  It's funny though because I didn't have that thought until she mentioned it.  I'm convinced that God is using me to witness to my doc!  If it weren't for our sisters in the faith I think we'd all have those nasty struggles.  I do believe it comes with the territory.  So  sorry to hear about your infection.  Doesn't it seem when you finally get over the hump with one thing, up pops another?  Whew. You have done so well so you hang in there as well.

    Love, prayers and blessings.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Well, Sue......"close to the end" is a relative term....and correct if you're talking about the docetaxol because there's only one more of that. However....I'll have 9 months of hercepetin/perjeta every three weeks (like your trial drug, they're not supposed to have many SE and it's only an hour infusion instead of the three till it's all said and done with the docetaxol included). THEN I have 5 years of Arimidex. But wait!  First there's at least 2 surgeries....maybe 3. I don't care - none of it is getting me down because there's only one more docetaxol chemo and with God, I'm claiming the victory!  I'm feeling just fine after chemo yesterday - got the bathroom cleaned today (really well - not my usual "lick and a promise" job!), made cookies and muffins and had a friend over for dinner whose wife is away.

    We're all in this together - and that way, we're so much stronger than we could ever be alone. God is so good!

    Have a blessed Sunday, all - Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Hi Daughters of Christ,

    Hope all are doing well and that all of you have had a great day and have been kissed by our Lord in some way to show His love for you.  I know that every day I have to remember to think about the treasures in my trial because they are there.  I find them when I take a moment to ponder my day.  I thank God for them and know that He will not give me anything I can't handle.  I can do whatever I need to do through Christ, who is my strength...Thank you Father God for loving me like you do!!!

    Milehigh - Praying for you and that you are doing well.  So sorry to hear of your day, just rest and heal is in order for you.  Keep positive and strong and look for those treasures during your trial.

    Lovewins - always on my mind and in my prayers...blessings abundant!

    Audra - I live in a small town outside of Olympia, Shelton, Wa.  My BC was dx on 8/28 and mets dx on 11/5.  Unfortunately the MO I had initially didn't follow up on a nodule that showed up on a CT scan in Sept.  I am on a study trial and treatment is planned through mid May.  It is a weekly regimen of Abraxane and Avastin and will be having a trial drug for targeted therapy after.  Praying this is the ticket for my cure and I know that I am healed by the blood of Jesus and I have given this to Him and I trust Him completely.

    Gardengal - Regarding the photo I posted, that is exactly why this is so special and meaningful to me because one of the hats I wear at work is I am the HR Manager so for them to do this and support my faith so boldly is "AMAZING"!!!  The other thing that is so wonderful from this is that I have brought several of those in the photo to our Lord.  Fruits of the harvest and that is my mission for our Lord.  I have also prayed for Him to open doors and opportunities at the Center so we can share His word and His love so we can bring more to know Him.  He makes it happen so it is pretty awesome to be able to speak bolding.  I feel like I am screaming from the top of a mountain and it is so powerful...great experience.  I love having God in my life and am so thanking for his love and blessings.  I can't imagine my life without Him...He is my buddy and the Father I never had.  Wow...once I get going I just can't

    Well I see how late it is I will close for now.  I am praying you all have a restful night and sleep and I will share this:

    I will lie down and sleep in peace. O Lord, You alone keep me safe. Psalms 4:8

    Good night...xo...Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Oh, Lucy - what a great testimony about your work and co-workers. You
    are certainly a shining light for God and a blessing to us. Thanks for
    the verse. I'm finding so many treasures in Psalms these days. Why do I
    sound surprised, right?

    Audra, I just realized I didin't thank you for all the good information about surgery. Wow, another great testimony! How fantastic God led you to your friend so that you were right where you needed to be - and had such trust and faith in each step of the way. I feel the same with being in the Houston area, where I can get treatment at MD Anderson. My husband calls my MO "Dr. Barbie" because she's about 35, blond and pretty, wears high heels and tight, short dresses (remember "Private Practice" - yep, I watch all the trashy shows and always thought no doctor would walk around like that all day). The very first time I met with her, though, she told me her mom had BC 7 years ago and the same chemo she proposed for me - God just gave me such peace and confidence in her (it was kind of like she answered the question, "Okay, doc, if it was you what would you do?"). Yep, the drains have me pretty worked up. When I talked to my nurse the other day, she kind of minimized them - said, yep, you'll have them in for a few days (but then, of course, admitted that she'd never had them). We'll see....and I know worrying isn't going to do a bit of good. I'm trusting y'all who are saying chemo is the worst - keep telling me that!

    Well, time to get ready for church - I'm sure God has some wonderful kisses for me there today!

    love you - Bev

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Thank you for thinking of me Lucy...I think about you too.  Thank you for reminding me to look for my treasure each day and kisses.  I am doing well and praying you all are too.  This weather is extreme and I can't wait til it is over.  Very concerned I will miss my simulation because I won't be able to get out on these harsh roads,  it is in God's hands and I am leaving it there.  God bless everyone.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    I have a question for everyone who is better versed in the bible than me.  I am considering cremation versus burial and would like to know if there are any readings or lessons against. I am also Catholic and regretfully don't know the Church's stance on cremation.  Thank you for educating me dear ladies.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Bev, I'm with you on the length of all of this.  Getting one out of the way is one step closer to the real end, of all these procedures and such.  I'm still bummed I have to go every single week for the trial drug but for now it's still the best choice out there for me.
    I'm so grateful for everyone's prayers.  Vegged out yesterday as the leg pain is making me wobbly on my feet.  I'm assuming my  pain meds are also messing with my stomach.  I went to eat something yesterday afternoon having missed a few meals.....within minutes I was throwing it up.  Have to figure out how to get to the grocery store for real food.  Anyone want to come visit Denver and ride along on those scooters we have in the stores?  We could race!  We had snow yesterday so I opted out of church today.  I'm nervous about taking a fall again on the slippery sidewalks and parking lots.

    So, it's me and worship TV today.  Love David Jeremiah (5:00 a.m.!).  Be blessed.  Sue

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Amy-On cremation. I don't think there is anything addressing the issue directly. My MIL and FIL both want to be cremated and they are devout Christians. I know through out history it has been looked on as not good but I believe that was more a traditional teaching of the church, not something from the Bible. You could Google the history to find out. I think it really is s personal decision. God who created us sure can put us back together when he returns someday. Isn't that the reason why some are against it, or is it another reason? Are you enjoying the cold? Having kids I was glad the governor canceled schools on Monday. Got us an extra day of vacation. Driving right now thru Iowa moving closer every minute back to the freezing weather back home. Right now I am glad for the excuse of recovering from cancer and a almost bald head, to prevent me from feeling guilty about not helping to unload the car in 20mph winds, making a minus 30 degree wind chill. :-)

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    amy, I think I saw another thread here on BCO that was devoted to Catholics. Maybe it is still active and someone there can help you. I pray that you find the answers you need.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Good question about cremation, Amy - and I agree, I don't think there's a clear-cut answer in the Bible or any consistent thinking among "experts." I know a very wise Sunday School teacher I had at my last church (he's a converted Jewish Christian so brought us an incredible amount of Jewish culture and history in our lessons, as well as a retired Emergency Room doctor) felt that cremation was not proper because at the rapture, Christians' bodies will rise to meet Christ in the air for eternity and he felt we shouldn't do anything that would interfere with that. That said, however, it doesn't address all the Christians who have died and whose bodies have completely decomposed over the years. Personally, my husband and I will most likely be cremated (guess it depends who dies first, right?) because my family has a cemetery plot with one space left. My mom has already checked with the director and if we're cremated, both urns could be buried in the one spot. Practicality (and lack of any better plan) will probably win out!

    I agree with Terri that it's a personal decision - pray about it and see how God leads. Terri, I also strongly agree with letting your husband and strong young sons unload the car in the cold!  :)

    Lovewins, you're DONE with chemo now, right? Yay!  What's next for you?

    Sue, praying for you with the new treatment and pain this week. Sorry, Denver is way too far in the frigid/snow belt to think of taking you up on your scooter race idea - at least till summer!  

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    Mankatostate - I am staying in all day today and doing a little "nesting" I have to take down our Christmas tree which is always so sad.  We had the best tree this year and for those of us in our generation, I found real tinsel.  Vermont Country Store carries it.  The tinsel hangs so much better than the cheap plastic junk that's out there.  In fact, here is a photo of my tree. Also making turkey rice soup from the frozen leftover Thanksgiving turkey. Thanks for the suggestions regarding cremation.  I haven't googled it yet, but I'm sure I will find something.  For those of you who are in the sub-tundra today, stay warm!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Sue/Milehigh - How awesome Dr. called  Do you mind me asking what type of bc you have?  Is this your first chemo next week? What day do you start? So promising to hear about your lung clearing up and healing.  Do you know what type of chemo drugs you are having? I saw you are on a trial drug, do you know what it is?  It is cool you can witness to your Dr.

    Bev/Salty - I was same as you, dx in late August and bc awareness in October...Oh I was aware alright! How exciting you are almost done with the Taxol..YAY!!! So 9 months of 1 hr infustions, is one of them a pill or are they both IV?  After I am done with the weekly Abraxane/Avastin in May I am doing a trial targeted therapy (pill form) along with Avastin every 2 or 3 weeks for who knows how long.  Your right...we are stronger together. 

    AmQ - nice tree...I always like using the tinsel as well.  I love how it looks.

    Well I got my schedule for the month of January and I have a CT scan on Tuesday to see how effective my treatment has been. So asking for prayers warriors for Christ.  I am not scheduled to meet with my MO until the Monday after so we will review the results at that time.  I am not sure if they would call me prior to that meeting or not.  I did read one of the articles that show up on my profile on this site and one of them was on this trial I am on and it was positive and promising so that was great.  There was some others with some insight to other drugs so I printed them and will be discussing them with my MO as well.  Remember I was dx with TNBC. 

    Do any of you have se of nose bleeding, not really bleeding but blood tinged mucus in your nose?  What about Neuropathy?  I am experiencing the bloody nose and would like to hear from others on this.  I am not experiencing Neuropathy as of yet but I am told it may happen.  I have been taking glutamine 3 times a day now along with vitamin b6 so would like to discuss this as well. 

    I have some pictures of my current hair status as a friend of mine who I don't see often wanted to see funny is that.  I considered posting as that would take some bravery right?  I just feel that this is who I am today and I am comfortable with going to church and to stores.  I don't know how I will feel when I finally do lose it all but today I feel like it will be fine. Perhaps this slower process I am experiencing is helping and not such a shock. 

    Have a nice evening and blessing to all...Lucy

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2014


    I did have nosebleed problems last summer.  One was bad enough (45 min, as soon as I would stop pinching it it would just flow) that I went to the ER.  My primary care physician happened to be the Dr. on call that evening and he packed it and told me to see the ENT specialist that comes once a week to our little local hospital.  So I did that and he told me to use a little dab of A&D Ointment on the end of a Q-tip twice a day.  The meds I am on tend to dry my skin, guess the nose tissues too.  Since starting that I have had only one major nose bleed, but it didn't last for very long.  


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Hi Vickie,

    Actually I took your advise a few weeks ago when you posted this and it has helped a lot.  I have not really had an actual "nose bleed" but every morning when I blow there is a lot of yuke in there and it is bloody and throughout the day I put some nose saline and also some gel both called Ayr.  It has helped a lot from keeping it so dry.  I just wondered if it is going to be happening for the duration of my treatment?  I have a list of questions for my MO when we meet in a couple of weeks.  I think it is I sure hope it doesn't get worse.  Mostly if I keep the gel up in there it is very helpful, just annoying.

    Thanks for the input...what treatment were you on?  Looks like your done with all of it.

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    Just wanted to thank everyone for your encouragement. This week I should find out if the hospital near me is going to give me financial aid. I have medicare but it only pays 80%. and I cannot afford the 20%. So help me pray this in. If not I won't have the radiation. I have been through a lot in my life but this is a little different. Everything else I thought I was trusting God to take me through but now I realize that I am just a strong woman. This one I am weak and therefore totally dependent on God for everything. Any suggestions on what you ate during radiation. to help you physically. Did anyone exercise at all. There is a gym near the hospital that is free for cancer patients, I thought maybe I could walk a mile before the radiation. Would that be helpful Thanks again for the encouragement.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies...I hope the day finds you all feeling well.  Yes Bev I am done with chemo and I was suppose to have a simulation today for radiation but I had to cancel because of the weather and will go this Friday.  I hope I am able to do the canandian sytle radiation because it is shorter...time will tell.  God bless everyone.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Amy, I hope you enjoyed your veg out day!  Love the tree but love your profile picture so much more, ha ha.  She's a cutie!  Another bit of insight with regard to cremation, the Bible tells us we're going to get new bodies in heaven.  No more pain and suffering.  No more infirmities.  All of us will be made new.  So, we really don't need our earthly bodies when we die.  I too plan on being cremated.  Sue


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    joan, praying that you get the help you need to continue with your treatment! Keep trying until you make it happen. 

    Lucy, I have had a little blood also. Not so much this round. It is your platelet count going down, I think; plus, the dryness caused by the chemo. Mine was temporary last time, lasted a few days. There may be something you can add to your diet to boost your counts; maybe ask your MO. Good luck with your scans.

    lovewins, let us know how your rads go. Good luck!

    amy, love the tree! Thanks for sharing...beautiful. I was just telling my kids about tinsel this year. My Granny used the lead tinsel and we used to wad it up and throw it at each other!

    mhg, I pray that you get some relief from your pain soon.

    Stay safe and warm ladies!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Lucy, I'm 5-years out from my first dx.  Stage 4 IBC.  Had six rounds of chemo back then.  Since have done 3.5-years of Femara until it quit on me.  Tried Faslodex and then Xeloda both of which did well on the BC but I had progression and new C in other places :(

    I have my first chemo in the trial on Thursday  I'll be getting docetaxel every three weeks for six cycles and the trial drug every week for six months.  They don't give the trial drug a name, just a number PF05212384.  The first couple of weeks are nasty.  I'll be at the hospital every day and the first day I'll be there for the entire day!  Ugh.  Blood tests every day following the first loading dose, etc.

    I'm glad this is starting.  I've been in so much pain all weekend and last night couldn't sleep through it.  Kept getting up every 20-minutes because I couldn't find any position, sitting, standing or laying down that would give me rest.  I had to call my boss this morning to let him know I could barely walk and could he find someone to work for me tomorrow.  I hate bailing on him.  I also  had to miss church yesterday because I'm so wobbly on my feet (we had snow) and can't sit for too long before the pain is too much to bear.  Hoping to get some sleep and relief today! 


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2014


    Glad you have found something to help with the nose bleeds.  

    I am on Letrozole, 2years done, 3 years to go.  


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Amy - gorgeous tree - thanks for sharing. We were away over Christmas so I didn't put up my artificial tree (partly because my husband is pretty Scrooge-like and doesn't get involved at all - not too much fun because I can't get my lazy greyhounds to help, either). 

    Lucy - I'll have 9 months of infusions of herceptin/perjeta but then the Arimidex (for 5 years) is a pill every day. I have a port and I'm so glad!  I've always given blood so thought an IV needle would be no big deal for infusions, plus I misunderstood what a port was - didn't realize it was completely under the skin (guess I was confusing it with the implanted tube that hangs from the arm or chest - I forget what that's called). 

    I too, have had bloody mucous for the past month or so (I guess since I started docetaxol). Of course, when I started treatment I thought I'd keep detailed notes about SE, reactions, treatment, etc. - I think I made one entry after the first infusion.  Maybe I'm just trying to let it all blur away? I've only had a couple of quick nosebleeds - just had to pinch my nostrils and hold my head back - generally when I got too vigorous in trying to blow my nose. I haven't had any problems with neuropathy and am just holding my breath (praying, too, which is probably much more effective, right?)

    Sue, praying for you - what a tough couple of weeks you've had and so much unknown over the next months. Time for a fridge saying, okay?  "God doesn't waste suffering. He will deliver in His time, in His way and for His Name's sake."  Wouldn't it be great if we could know when and how all the questions would be answered, instead of this day-by-day waiting and plodding??

    Oh, Joanna - praying for you, too. All the medical decisions and information are so overwhelming - then to have to throw insurance and financial complications in're right, it has to be a God thing because He can work it all out perfectly.  In one of my Bible studies, Priscilla Shirer said we can ask God for what we want...but then she always tries to remember to say at the end of the prayer, "or, God, give me something better.....that I can't even imagine."  So - I'll be praying that the hospital will work with you with the financial arrangements for radiation.....or something even better!  :)

    Lovewins - so glad you're finished with chemo!  I know you had lots of God kisses over Christmas - hope they keep coming as you sort out the radiation procedures.

    Well, all, keep warm - and keep looking up!


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited January 2014

    Hello My Friends in Christ

    I must ask for your prayers and encouragement as i have slid down into a funky sort of depression that has me questioning everything in my life.  I am lost and alone and scared about everything.  I have spent several unproductive days just spinning my wheels and trying to quell my fear with prayers.  It is obvious that I need more help and have tried to find a counselor but have not been successful yet.  Please think of me and pray that my courage to be the strong person I have always been returns.  I thank you all in advance!

  • Granna1948
    Granna1948 Member Posts: 67
    edited January 2014

    I haven't posted in a long time, but read this thread daily. I think all of us have been in these funks, and it's not a fun place to be, but I truly believe it is Satan doing his evil deeds.  He wants us to be afraid and lost, but we can't let him win. I usually tell him "In the name of Jesus, Satan get away from me." It may take me several times of doing that, but eventually it works, when I put my focus back on our Lord.  Some of the meds we take also account for feeling down in the dumps, too.

    I will pray that you will be feeling better soon.  We are all here for each other. 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    I am also praying for you to feel the Lord's presence in your life again and for your fears to be comforted in Jesus name.

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    SaltyJack, I love that ending to prayer that you shared. this or something better God, something I can't even imagine. Awesome. I so love it.  Thank you everyone for praying for me.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    cmbernardi-praying for you! granna1948 says you are not alone! 

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    CMbernardi - I find the best place is in bed with the blanket over my head. I set my phone alarm and give myself a short period of time to whine and feel sorry for myself and yell at God; when the alarm goes off - then stop and lay still, press into God - He will meet you. Check with your Cancer Center, they may or should have names of counsellors available for you in your area or at least maybe someone online / real time.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited January 2014

    SickThanks ALL

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Yes, Carolyn - praying for you today and tonight and tomorrow...... Remember - we're strongest when we're weakest....because then we know that we need to depend on God and just absolutely, positively can't do it on our own.  "Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry."  Psalm 37:3-4.  Just like Granna and Lovewins said, my Jesus Today book says the same thing - when you can't do or say or think anything else, just say "Jesus....Jesus.....Jesus.....Jesus."  Sometimes that's all we can work up the energy or strength to say - but He's all we need!