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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • audra67
    audra67 Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2014


    I had one of those funks 2 days ago for about 2 days...I prayed all day long each day, I cried, I pleaded...all of a sudden it lifted!  I think a lot of it is chemo and effects/ I am reading Joel Osteen - I mean all of his books, they are uplifting and encouraging!  They are expecting God to change things and HE will kind of books, they help me a lot.  My husband also encourages me and will tell me over and over that I am in the palm of Gods hand, he will tell me positive truths about the cancer size and type and just tell me good things over & over til it sinks in....I need to tell him to tell me of course....but trade those negative emotions and thoughts to positive..the devil is telling you lies and you just reverse it 180 and it will be the real truth!!  You are a child of God and by the stripes of Jesus you are healed. !!!

    I hope you BELIEVE and feel better!!!

    I see you live in Lewisville...I live in Double Oak!!!  I go to Texas Oncology in Flower Mound...where do you go? 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Cmbernardi - Get out of that dark place please!  You have come to the right board for the encouragement you need.  This board is full of love and genuine concern.  The enemy is sneaking in to harm you and make you have doubt and unbelief.  He doesn't care for you at all...he is a liar!!!  Get the behind her Jesus name...we are healed by the blood of Jesus...Amen!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Joanna - You are strong, remember we are not given more than we can bear.  I have equipment at my home so I exercise on a bike, treadmill and a ball with some hand weights.  Do I do it everyday like I should...nope.  I want to try harder this year so working on it.  I agree with Bev, for God to give you something better...I like that.

    Bev - now you have 9 months of infusions.  I am having 5 more and it is just crazy to think that far out.  Haven't had nose bleeds yet and hope it doesn't get worse...ok I pray it doesn't get worse.  For the neuropathy, I am taking glutamine and vitamin B6 to help prevent it, are you doing this?

    MHG - Is your mets to lung/liver?  Is your trial drug a pill or infusion?  Is it a first phase of the trial, with the hospital stay makes me wonder if that is the case.  Praying for your pain to subside and be tolerable for you. 

    Lovewins - hope you are able to do the simulation soon. 

    I am having my CT scan tomorrow so excited to have this as I am sure it will be positive and that God has got this and will show me great results...thank you Lord in advance for your grace, mercy and unconditional love...looking forward to the kisses tomorrow.

    I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Psalms 91:2

    Be well ladies, have a great restful stronger for tomorrow...praying...Lucy

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    I have Darlene Zschech C/D 'Revealing Jesus'  with a song called "In Jesus Name" that I play over and over again - check it out on YouTube. It really is a powerful song. Another one of hers is called "Victor's Crown"...what can I say ALL her songs on this worship C/D speaks to my spirit. There is one song on this C/D that she talks about how much she hates cancer. I am not sure when she came out with this C/D but in December 2013 she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I am truly getting peeved (mildly put) at the enemy.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2014

    Dear all who pray for me...

    Tumor marker going up, please pray for Peace for me. I am so sad the falsodex has not worked longer...

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2014

    cmbernardi - I am thinking of and praying for you. One thing I found is not just reading God's word, but speaking it out loud. There is power in God's word and sometimes it needs to be spoken, not just thought of or contemplated. I know it's hard on those days but hang in there. It's often in our darkest moments that God's light shines the brightest through us. And remember, too, that meds can cause depression as well. Talk with your doc. If he doesn't listen or take you serious, keep talking until you find one that does. I had days when I would have to put sticky notes on my bathroom mirror to brush my teeth or some other no-brainer activity. It was like I was paralyzed. I see some now about every 3 weeks or so. She has been a big help to me.

    “The greatest act of faith some days is to simply get up and face another day.”

    Amy Gatliff


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    be stock - praying for peace and comfort my friend. Holy Spirit is in you giving Grace to conquer any situation, God is in control and is by your side all the way. Lean into Him. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Greetings to my sisters of faith,

    Be of good courage for God has not brought you to this point in your life to forsake you.  Faith is walking to all the light you have and taking one step more into the darkness. He is there too; we just don't always feel His presence.

    I heard two similar sermons this week and interestingly it was about truly allowing God to be in our lives. Not just doing face time but asking Him each day how we can best  serve Him. And also allowing Him to make all the decisions for our life and not us still trying to direct the outcome or maintain control. This truly is stepping out in faith.

    Sue: I am glad that you have found the source of your pain. Who would think any one of us would be grateful for such news? But that just shows how much He has changed us through these journeys. I will pray that your treatments knock the snuff out of this tumor. I am also praying that you get some relief from your pain and that you are given strength and comfort as you prepare for your trial treatment this week.

    FridayGirl: You still remain so positive through all you have been through. I dare say this comes from your steadfast trust and faith in God. Praying that your infection clears up quickly and gives you no major problems.

    Joanna: I just have to say this without it being taken wrong, but I think it stinks that medical treatment is based on the type of coverage we have. With that said, God is more than sufficient to meet all our needs. The Bible says we have not because we ask not, so go boldly to the throne and ask God to meet your needs trusting that He will provide. I remember once when I was on a very limited income that my dog got very sick and I had to take him to an emergency clinic at night. I stepped out in faith and told God that I did not have the money to pay for the visit and that I was trusting Him to take care of it. I waited as the vet tried to save another dog that had consumed antifreeze. He finally saw me and appreciated my long wait. After treating my dog he started telling me about His daughter, who was seriously ill and about to undergo a life threatening surgery that she needed if she was to live. I listened to him as he poured out his heart for over a half hour. It was nearly 3AM  and I asked if he would mind if I prayed with him about his daughter. After praying the doctor began to cry and said how much it meant to him that someone was willing do that for a total stranger. I turned to ask him and asked how much I owed him and he said that there was no charge because.he was more then paid for my time to listen and pray for his daughter. If God can take care of my vet bill what more can he do for you. He only asks that we trust and he will take care of the rest. So I am praying boldly that god take care of you financial needs so you have one less thing to be concerned about.

    God forgive us for our unbelief. As your child I come boldly before your throne and ask that you take care of all of financial needs and give her peace to know that you are able to meet this and all of her needs in her life most abundantly. 

    In Christ's Name I ask, Amen.

    Cymbernardi: It is often at my lowest when God is more real and closer to me. I often find it is His way of showing me that I need to put "all" of it in His hands. It also those valley experiences where things seem the darkest and bleakest that God teaches the most important things. We would never appreciate the mountain top if we never journeyed in the valley. May God give you peace in the valley and bring you through this journey that you may once again rejoice on the mountain top.

    Amy: God created man from the very dust of this earth and breathed in to his nostrils and gave him life. From dust we came and dust we shall return. What happened the child of God that dies in a deadly fire or the soldier who is scattered in a bomb blast or the person who has no remains from the destruction so a airplane crash? In Revelations for those believe that in the end times there shall come a rapture or removal of the believers on this earth. The Bible says that the dead in Christ shall rise first and then the living shall meet Him together in the clouds. People use to joke and say the dead rise first because they have eight feet to rise but I believe that the their earthly forms which have decomposed must come together to form a restored body and thus they arise first. And we will be given our new glorified body when we join Him in Heaven. Okay, just my thoughts on the subject and not one that you need to except.

     Bev: PTL for your chemo round going better than expected. I would love to see your fridge. Why is it that we never ask God for more? Is because we don't feel worthy or deserving? I know I am guilty of those thoughts.

    Bestock: I can not imagine how disheartening the news about your markers must be. God has a plan for each of us even though we do not and cannot see the ultimate outcome. But I do believe that it all gives testament to Him and His ability to do great things through you. You are in my prayers and I pray that God will give you peace and remove any fears you may be experiencing. 


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Happy Birthday Char!!!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Thank you  kindly.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    WOW!!!  Ladies I think we have all been blessed by Char's posting. I don't know if it's because I just finished with my long day of chemo and CT scan but Char your post had me in tears from the vet story. 

    And a BIG Amen for your prayer!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2014

    Hi friends.  I have been off the boards for a few months but have kept you all in my prayers throughout.  I am so happy to see the numbers on this thread growing and that you all continue to encourage one another.  You all are truly lovely children of the Most High.  God's will be done now and forevermore in your lives as He will not be mocked.

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    I have a question: I had a lumpectomy on Dec 5 and my breast still hurts and is still swollen how long does it usually take for the swelling to go down. The swelling feels hard too. Thankfully I see the oncologist tomorrow so I should find out. Thanks for any input. I have moments too when I get overwhelmed but I am learning to let people know that there are some things I have to put on the back burner for a time. And there are things that I can't involve myself with now. It is a learning process and the more I set up boundaries and say no the better I get.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    Thank you Char - your post was very helpful and I couldn't agree more with you and the Bible. Thank you for the reassurances.  


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Hello Granna and patoo. Good to hear from both of you again and praying that both of you are doing okay.

    Lucy: thank you for your kind words. Jesus always made things clearer when he shared parables so I guess real life experiences show how amazing God can work in our life.

    Joanna: I had my mass removed in Mid Oct. it was my second surgery. The first caused a formation of a hematoma or blood pooling at the sight. After my Oct. surgery my scare tissue was giving me issues and. I had quite a bit of pain. I had a cyst form at the end of the incision about a month after the surgery and it finally cleared up just before Christmas. Breast tissue is tender and it is normal to experience some swelling and inflammation particularly if your incision was deep.. Remember that you can apply ice packs and that can be helpful. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Welcome back Patoo!

    I have a question about the Claritin that everyone is taking for their pain.  Someone said to take the 12-hour.  Anyone else taking a different dose?  And.......can it be in generic form?  I have a friend that can get the Claritin generic at cost but I don't want to take it if it's not going to work. 

    I'll update you all later tonight on everything else that's been going on this week.  Thank you all!  Sue

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    I took generic...I took one, but I read where a dr said to take 2.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Hi all - It's so neat to see some new folks - and some that have been around but quiet for a while (welcome back, Phyllis!). It's about time that I start keeping a little log of everybody's prayer requests and situations. God is growing our little community - how sweet to be in His presence together!

    Lucy - I started taking a B-complex vitamin and then L-glutamine (I think you're the one who told me about that - your doctor told you to take it, right? I checked it out and it sounded good - my MO said it's fine). I haven't had any problems with neuropathy yet but my toenails are getting really ugly (a couple of really dark ones and one normal color but lifting) but I'll take it if my fingernails stay unaffected! How did you make out with the CT scan?

    Sue, praying for you this week - with pain and new treatments. I haven't had too much problem with taxol - hopefully you'll have minimal SE.....

    Becky, what's the next step for you? Praying for peace, calm and wisdom for you and the doctors this week.

    Mini - loved your post - thanks!

    Char - what can I say (except, I guess, happy belated birthday - how did I miss that?). Your post is (as always) such a blessing!  Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us. As another dog lover, of course I think the vet story is a fantastic example of God answering beyond and above our wildest prayer requests in ways that we just can't wrap our finite little minds.  I (finally) finished reading The Screwtape Letters (thanks, Debbie, and others for suggesting it). One of the essays that resonated was how God sees time and events so differently than us - we're so caught up in past, present and future designations - but God just sees and knows the whole big picture. As you said, it's only by faith that we can keep on taking those tiny little steps (and sometimes they're really baby ones for me!).  Another saying...... "Faith is walking to the edge of the light you have - then taking one more step."  Remember the Israelites as Joshua led them across the Jordan into the Promised Land - the River didn't dry up until the priests took the first step; Naaman had to bathe in the Jordan River to be healed of leprosy; the lepers had to start traveling to the temple before they were healed.  I'm not preaching to anybody, of course - I'm reminding myself!  :)

    Well, most of the US is warming up - yay! I just looked outside my back door and see that all the houseplants I had on the porch are drooping and half dead. Guess I shouldn't have been so lazy about bringing them inside. Oh well - a chance to start over again in the spring, I guess.  Dumb, though!

    Praying for us all - God bless!  Bev

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    Saw the Oncologist today and now I am on hormones. He checked the surgery site said it could be a hematoma and to watch it for two weeks, if the swelling doesn't go down get in to see the surgeon because you don't want calcium deposits there because it will stand in the way of future mammograms, they tend to hide lumps. So will keep an eye out for that. Hopes this helps someone else. Trusting God for the finances for the radiation. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2014

    Joannaraku - What kind of hormones? I thought hormones were the enemy? 

  • Safetyyfirst
    Safetyyfirst Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014

    Good evening ladies,  yesterday was the first time I  found this thread.  I usually go straight to the Stage IV thread.  What a Blessing to be here.

    Char - your post is so uplifting with much knowledge and wisdom from our heavenly father.  Amen, to the prayer you left us with.  I look forward to getting additional encouragement and  interacting with

    Faithful and loving sisters of God.

    Everyone have a Blessed evening


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Welcome Barb!

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    Mini1 - the hormone is Letrozole. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone call estrogen. Letrozole decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Hope that helps. The side affects will be, (if I have them) as if I am going through Menapause, night sweats, hot flashes and irritability.. Sounds like fun.  Will be on it for 5 years. They did a bone density today, because sometimes this medicine affects the bones.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Good evening ladies.  Welcome Joanna and Barb.  Great thread isn't it?

    Joanna, Letrozole is Femara.  I was on it for 3.5 years before it finally bailed on me.  I was of the understanding it's a hormone blocker but I may be mistaken.  Whatever has been prescribed for you, we will all pray it is your magic bullet.  It gave me a good long run.

    Bev, I have to say that I needed to hear those words of encouragement today.  You are the first person to tell me they experienced few SE's with the taxotere.  I know everyone is different but I needed to know that I have a shot at few SE's too.  It really gave me a lift this morning.

    I feel as though I've been through the ringer with all the appointments and push up to the first loading dose tomorrow, along with 8-hours of hanging out to do the blood tests every two hours.  I've felt really dragged out today.  Have gotten very little sleep since last weekend and with the pain meds not working, everything seems to be magnified on the negative side.  I so appreciate everyone's prayers.  You have all been great.

    My prayers and blessings bathe you all in His love and glory.


  • audra67
    audra67 Member Posts: 127
    edited January 2014

    milehigh- I have had 3 rounds of Taxotere and Cytoxan and few side effects.  The first few days feel drugged, dizzy, and tired and bad memory...but I think just minimal side effects.  I have had tiredness,weakness, minimal nausea with smells, and just developed stomach and gi upset this last round but Prilosec is helping that. 

    I have to say the first round was I.v. - without a port and I got phlebitis in my arm from that was NOT pleasant...but then I got a port and no probs since then with infusions...

    Good luck!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Welcome, Barb - so glad you found us!  

    Sue, the only problem I've had on taxol was the time I didn't take the steroids my MO prescribed (thinking since I felt okay, I didn't need them). After I had a week-long bout of diarrhea (followed by lots of other nasty bowel/gastro effects), she told me that the steroids would have helped prevent fluid buildup, which could have contributed to the diarrhea.  So - I learned a long, painful lesson about following doctor's orders but truly can't say the taxol caused it.  So - we'll pray you out of any SE....and that lingering pain.  Hope you sleep well tonight, sweet sister.

    Joanna, praying for peace, calm and wisdom as to how to proceed - and that God works out the rads/finances in an amazing way.

    Wishing God's richest blessings on you all - in just the way you need them most....


  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    yes you are right it is a hormone blocker.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    So far so tumor markers are both normal.  Now a PET CT scan tomorrow with results on Friday.  My onc insists on these once every three months for the first year.  I'm okay with that. 

    Blessings to you all - 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Thank you, thank you Audra and Bev!  I'm going to pray, believing I've already had the answered prayer and no SE's.

    A friend of mine just dropped off the Claritin and I'm going to see if it will knock out some of this pain.  I've been reading articles today on taking it during chemo and/or the neulasta or bone shots.  Wondering if my monthly Xgeva is contributing to all of this as well.  Sue

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Wow, you all are so wonderful. I am so glad I found this forum, you have no idea how glad! Today I talked to the RO and she told me what would happen after my chemo. I have my last dental appt this Friday; so now I can tell the Cancer Center to book my first Chemo treatment. So, 4 chemos treatments, wait 4 weeks, 16 - 25 rad treatments and then wait 2 - 3 weeks (per RO) and then back to work. That will take me probably to May; spring here in Canada; the snow will just be gone. So, I have a question about the 'in-between-times' of chemo treatments. How do you not isolate or do you only isolate during the 7 - 14 day period? Do you still go out? Restaurants? Friends? Church? Just curious on whether I should totally isolate or not. There is just me and the hubby and that could get - well, you know - after 38 years - his stories are still the same, if you get my drift. Any ideas that I can plan ahead for or do? Thanks