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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    You are beautiful inside and out spiritbless.  I am glad for all your good news.  My nails hurt too and I am over 3 weeks out on my last chemo. are so beautiful too I loved your picture.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Wow, Lucy.  You look so different but great.  I figured by now you wouldn't have any hair left.  You still have quite a bit left - wow!  I'm about to embark on the hair loss journey and having to make the decision to cut it off or let if fall out.  I'm leaning toward cutting it off.  I'm all by myself so it's hard to clean up the mess.

    Bev, I've been thinking about you too.  I go in for the first nasty dose tomorrow.  My second very long trial day but the first on the Docetax.  I then go Friday for the trial drug.  I started the steroids today hoping they would knock out the swelling and pain in my leg.  No go.  I think it made them worse.  But, I've only had one dose and take the second tonight.  This is going to be fun.  Have to do a full fast until my blood draw tomorrow morning but all these meds say to take with food, ha ha.  Wish they'd get it together!  I only had the short term relief on the pain and swelling this week.  So hoping it will work its magic sooner than expected.  Having to miss work as a result.  I guess God is trying to tell me something :)

    It's been quiet in here this week so I'm praying it's God's way of offering each of us respite and blessing.

    Lots' of hugs and love to all.  Sue



  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Manka...I am glad to see you are done with rads...I start on the 22nd.  I got my little tattoo's already, one thing for sure after that little taste I know I would never get a tattoo too painful.

    Gardengirl, Keepthefaith and Bev God bless you all and I pray all is well with everyone.  It is hard for me to keep up with these posts so please forgive me for what I have missed.

    I am waiting to hear back from the nurse about having less than the 34 rad treatments I am scheduled for.  I didn't get picked for the shorter version in the trial, so I asked the nurse why they do not offer it for people when other RO's do....she said she would talk with the RO because sometimes they make exceptions.  This would help me out so much because I have to be back to work 2/3 and I am still worn down from chemo and I don't see how I could go everyday to Rads at 7:30 and then go and work an 8 hour day.  It is in God's hands...I know He will not give me more than I can handle.

    Many blessing to you all...M

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Milehighgirl...I pray you are feeling better soon and the swelling in your leg goes away.  I commend you for working during treatment I couldn't handle it.  I hope you get some much needed rest, 

  • algranna
    algranna Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014 cancer is lobular. I have the implants in now. They removed my right nipple and aerola. My surgeon just called and said there may be one more spot on my right breast but he is going to say clear margins and that the radiation should kill any cancer cells that might still be hanging around. I pray that radiation does not damage the implant. Thank you for the Bible verse Deborah.

    I am praying for all of you.

    The Lord will not put more on us than we can bear

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Joanna - so glad you'll get your trip to Florida - enjoy!  You don't show where you live - hopefully it will be much warmer and a great get-away for you. We'll be praying that God will work out all the finances by the time you get back.  

    Lucy - love your hair!!!  I can't believe you have that much left after 5 weeks!  Is it still coming out? Maybe you'll keep what you have left? After about a week, I had a 2" wide part (the whole top of my head was bald). Yes, your hair looks thin but I sure wouldn't look twice if I saw you.  In that vein..... I remember the first time I wore my wig. I was waiting for somebody to yell, "Is that a wig?????"  It still hasn't happened but I'm kind of always thinking it could....  My hair now is about 1/4" long all over my head (thank you, God - lots of ladies complain about spots or "male pattern baldness" areas in the back of the head). I'm still months away from even thinking about not wearing my wig but I'm just thrilled to have this much! 

    DIEP (as I understand it) takes stomach skin, fat and two big blood vessels (but not muscles - that causes lots of problems itself and while I don't really care if I never do another situp, I don't want to worry about bending and stretching in my own lazy way). Here's a link to my reconstruction surgeon's website - not for the faint of heart - I never liked the look of my breasts but they don't look too bad after seeing some of these pictures:  :)

    Sue - I'll certainly be praying for you with the docetaxol.  After my MO said it would be "gentler" on my WBC (and when I went for my last chemo, they were normal), this past weekend I started feeling achy/flu-ish and just couldn't get warm. I'm always cold anyway but this was ridiculous. My temperature fluctuated up and down for several days (as high as 100.0, then back down) so I called my MO and they said to come in for lung x-ray, bloodwork and to check my port for possible infection. THEN my temperature went to 100.8 - yikes! 15 minutes later, it was 99.0 - but I was still glad to be on the way to the MO. I spent all day there - ended up with an hour of IV antibiotics, a week's worth of antibiotic pills and 3 days of neupogen shots - my WBC were really low. The PA couldn't find any reason for whatever was causing the infection so just hit it really hard. I'm feeling fine now and just thanking God it happened this week so it could all be brought under control before chemo next Friday. Anyway - we're going to pray you through any SE....especially the hair loss. I know you've been through it before but I'm sure it never gets any easier.....

    Enjoy the rest of your week, all!  Thanks for being here!  love you - Bev

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited January 2014

    Lucy - I love your hair! Maybe mine will look a little like yours when it grows out! Thank you for explaining more about your cancer. Praise God that you were lead to another doctor so you can get the treatment you need! 

    Bev - my hair is probably about as long as yours and I'm also glad to see some on top.I'm sorry you've had to have the fever and all the intervention done. I had the fevers every round but thankfully never had to go to the hospital. My doctor went ahead and wrote a prescription for an antibiotic for me to start if my temp went to 100.5. I managed to also keep the temp down with ibuprofen and I kept my doctor posted on how I was doing. I did have achyness and a dry cough with the fevers but no other symptoms. 

    Algranna - thanks for sharing about your cancer being lobular. Mine is also lobular and my friend just diagnosed has that kind as well. I'm so glad that the radiation will kill any remaining cancer. Your situation seems similar to my friend. Her tumor is also thought to be 5cm and it's close to her nipple. She's starting chemo next week and surgery will be in the summer. She'll be on 3 chemo drugs but I haven't heard which ones.  I'm praying you'll have no implant or reconstruction problems as a result of the radiation. I'm glad you're past your surgery. Keep us posted on how you are doing. 

    Lovewins - Good hearing from you. I hope and pray you'll not have any nail problems and that you'll do great with rads and going back to work! 

    Sue - I hate seeing you have more pain plus dealing with the steroids and fasting! I'm praying for you, comfort, and that you'll be able to get some sleep tonight. Also praying for minimal side effects from the chemo.

    I hope and pray that the rest of you are doing well. May we all rest in the reality that we are never going through this cancer and treatment alone. God knows our frailty and our comfort rests in knowing and expereicing His mercy and grace as He sustains us through His power, Word, and provision of
    healthcare, family and friends. "As a father shows compassion to his
    children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. For he
    knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust." Psalm 103:13-14

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    please pray for my friend Bill, he has cancer for 6 years he is having a hard time and they just took him to mass general. Please pray he is  a precious man that loves God and is life is a living testimony of our awesome God. I do not like cancer, never have and never will. Even so come Lord Jesus.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    (((Joanna))) so sorry to hear about your friend.  May the Lord be especially close to you both at this time as I know He is, may you both find comfort in Him.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Hi Dear Ladies, Trying to keep up on posts and it seems to have been such a long week. Praising God for the long weekend here. I had a student run nto me in class last week and clipped me from the side and hit me in my bad knee. I hyperextended my knee and it has been getting worse all week with pain and I guess another week off of running. Perhaps my running days are over for me. A bit disappointing but I am putting it in God's hands. Right now I will be happy to get the pain under control. I know it could be worse like last time. 

    My dad has been taking on fluids again since before the holidays. I finally got the cardiologist to address it and he has pumped off about 7 pounds of fluids. The bad news is that fluid has settled in his private parts to be polite and won't drain out so he is lugging water balloons around if you get my If I told you what he says, you would just  chuckle. God bless my 90 year old dad....he just keeps such a good outlook on things. Next thing....they are putting in new gas lines and connections to all the houses  on his entire street. God bless my hubby as he spent the entire day there so that he was not alone with guys going through his cellar. When they finished, they tried turning his hot water tank back on and it would not vent so they're tagged.and said he needed a Plummer. My brother came to look and found that his vent was blocked with a deceased squirrel. My dad feeds them every day for something to do, but one must have tried to get in his house and ended up in the vent. We are so glad they found that it would not vent because he could have died from carbon monoxide if left alone.

    Aside from all this, I had a new boss start this week. The third one since June of 2012. Good news....I really like him thus far. He has a sense of human and seems to take things in stride. Thank you God for answered prayer. School morale was going down over the last year. Phew....glad foe the three days off.

    Lucy....What can I say but, "You look fabulous girl!" You glow and it just shows.

    Lovewins: Praying for you and that you get some news about rad's and that you gain some renewed energy. I can not imagine how any of you can work through all this. I told a friend at our holiday get together how much I admired her for working and going through two rounds of BC and then a mastectomy all while working the entire time and teaching 23 second graders.

    Sue: It just seems like you can't get a break. I know that sleep is so so important and it is what helps each of us recover from a day of mental and physical issues. But when one has pain, it robs us of that precious rest. "Lord I ask that you end the cycle of pain and sleepless nights and allow Sue to get some precious rest. Ease her pain and help her to deal with taking meds while fasting. Ease any side effects and bring her through this round of treatments. In your precious name I pray. Amen."

    Joanna: I will add your friend Bill prayer list. May God give him strength and comfort through this temporary but difficult time. Praise God for his strong faith for he shall have the victory through his faith.

    Becky: l am praying for you and you have been on my mind. Be of good courage for God knows your every need and He is with you through all this.

    FridayGirl: l hope you are recouping and showing improvement with your leg too.

    Bev: l am praying that your temperature issues stop and you will back to normal temps again. Do you take probiotics after being on antibiotics to help build up your immune system? Hair...yipee. The gal bus driver at my school has stopped wearing hats on warmer days and she now has what looks like a buzz cut. It is so good to see her hair coming back after her cancer treatments. She drove a school bus the entire time she went through treatment.

    Okay...I need to get another ice pack before going to bed..Sweet dreams ladies.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Good morning ladies.  I hope everyone has had a good week.

    Joanna, how is Bill doing?  It sounds like the Lord has been taking good care of him all these years and we're just going to pray this is just one of those little speed bumps in the road.  We will look forward to answered prayer here.  So glad you get to take your trip!  We've had such warm weather here in Colorado it's hard to fathom all the snow and cold elsewhere!

    GardenGal, it looks like you've had your hands full.  I know what those goofy accidents can do but having a three day weekend to recoup will hopefully do you and your knee well.  Same for your dad.  Sounds like Divine intervention with the squirrel and with the health issues!  PTL he is being taken care of through prayer and through our wonderful Healer.  Thanks so much for your prayers as well.  I get a reprieve every now and then but I think this go around it's the lesson in patience for me.  Just have to wait it out.

    Bev, my prayers to you as well.  I appreciate your keeping us posted on your SE's because it gives me something to guage my progress on.  So sorry you had to go through the temp. thing which is what I'm hoping to avoid.  Mine goes up a degree here and there but then comes right back down.  Almost like a short hot flash.  I also had a sensation of being warm during the infusion and had the nurse take my temp.  It went up but then came right back down.  Go figure.  I'm sure these drugs are just messing with our system.  I pray that you are over the hump and you have clear sailing from here on!

    So far I'm now two days out from the doxetaxol with few SE's.  The nurse said to give it 5-10 days so I'm just planning to lay low.  I'm still off of work and don't really have to be anywhere.  It's hard to have to sit around but it does keep me out of trouble!

    I did survive my long day on Thursday.  The infusion with the Doxetaxol was uneventful but 9-hours of just sitting there waiting around for the blood draws is a little hard to endure.  If I didn't have the leg pain, I think I would enjoy the quiet and rest.  Friday I had the trial drug infusion and it was nice to have to be at the hospital only a half day.  I'm liking this trial drug.  It gave me a good night's sleep again last night.  I was dreading having to have the infusion every week but now I think I'm going to like knowing I may get some sleep out of the deal.

    Prayers and blessings to everyone.  You are all so great to have as our network of support.  May He richly bless all of you!


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies...I pray you are all doing well.

    Gardengirl...I am sorry your knee is in pain and I hope you will be back running soon.  Your Dad sure is a trooper God bless him, I hope he is feeling better as well.

    Milehighgirl...I am glad you got some sleep.  It does make a big difference.  I am taking sleeping pills and I know I am hooked on them and can't sleep without them.  Bought some Benadryl yesterday to see if I can use that. 

    The RO called and I have 32 rad treatments.  He refused to make an exception, said it is not proven so I am just going to take this as God's will.  The best plan I can think of is when I get back to work I am going to put in for vacation time to get out a couple hours early and switch my appointment to after work.  I will give it my very best but my legs are so tired when I walk.  I told my MO nurse yesterday when I had my Herceptin only infusion.  She did a blood test and my hemoglobin and platelets are lower than the last time I was there and this is why my energy is so low.  I need that energy for radiation...anyway I am gonna eat a nice steak today to try and get my iron up.  If anyone has to do Herceptin only after chemo today I feel really good.  Last night I was nauseous and threw up but I think it was something I ate.  Have a blessed and wonderful day...I am thankful it is not snowing hard and I can get out and go shopping today.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Hello Ladies. Well I have started with the Chemo Cycles. First one was on Thursday Jan 16 - so this is Day Three. SE (I assume means side effects) so far from the Dexamethasone is Menopause like - chills/flushing; not something I wanted to experience again. Loopy Then yesterday/night I got the nods aka fatigue kicked in and I was in bed by 8:30pm and today I can hardly keep my eyes open YET at the same time totally bored but refuse to lay down and nap; dispite what the cat thinks! LOL

    Mind you, the cat probably has the best idea. Husband works shift and is currently sleeping too, so no one to keep me company. Went out shopping earlier but my 'paranoia gene' started to kick in when I heard coughing while at Michaels so headed home.  I am just so terrible BORED. What to do. Does walking help? It is not to cold out today and the streets have sand on them (slipping). Ughhhh, does it last long?

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Welcome aboard Carren.  Sounds like chemo brain to me!  lol.  The best advice I got 5-years ago when this all started was not to go home and take a nap after chemo.  Instead, go home and take a walk.  You don't have to do a huge work out.  The idea was to keep moving.  It made the drug circulate through your system better and gave you a little boost of energy.  If you want to nap, go for it.  Basically do what your body will allow you to do.

    The bordom doesn't go away.  You just have to find a routine - something to plug into when there's no one around to hang with or talk to.  At 3:00 a.m., I find sorting receipts for my upcoming tax return is enough to put me back to sleep.  So is cleaning out closets, ha ha.  I'm not familiar with the drug you're receiving but the SE's (side effects) are varied and almost different for everyone.  Likely they gave you a discharge paper after the first infusion.  It should tell you what type of SE's you "may" have and when it's important to call the doctor.  The menopause SE's I believe are pretty common.  If you're getting chills, I might suggest taking your temperature.  If you're running a fever, I'd give the doc a call no matter what time of day or night just to be safe.  We'll pray that your SE's are few and far between. 

    Lovewins, what a bummer on the rads.  But you're right.  If this is what God has in store for you, he'll work out the schedule to make it work for you.  Going after work sounds like the best plan of all.  Then you can head home and crash for the night before cranking it up again the next day.  I have a friend that has one more round on Monday.  We prayed it would go by fast and it did.  Her month is up and now she only has to go once every three weeks for chemo instead of every day for the rads.  I pray this will be another opportunity for God to provide Divine healing and to further glorify Him through your testimony.  You'll do great!


  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    Thank you for all your prayers for Bill and I.  Update on Bill the reason he was having so much trouble breath is because there was 15 lbs of fluid around his heart and in his lungs. They have drained 9 lbs off so far. So that is good. They are going to give him cortisone shots for his back and if all goes well he will be home on Wednesday. Thank you God and thank you all again for the prayers.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    That is good to hear Joanna. That reduction of.fluids should give him lots of relief. It was the same for my dad. He is breathing much better.

    Lovewins: You have the right attitude to trust that God knows best and will steer your doctor on what is best for you.

    Sue: Wow! Nine hours of waiting is truly  test in patience.

    Thanks for prayers. I am finding that the site where I was hit is swelling and now not so much my knee. Still icing the area.

    Blessings to each of you. Stay warm. It is once again in the teens here. Burrrrrrr!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    Hi ladies, I hope all is well for everyone this week-end!

    Welcome Carren! I am taking Dex (it's a steroid) also and am not a big fan. It will make you flushed and have night sweats;  gives me constipation and energy (with me, energy equates to sleeplessness that nothing seems to help)...but, it's only for a few days. I had my 3rd TC on the 16th.  So far, feeling pretty good. I hope you do well with your treatments. I find that walking does help. And like others may have said, stay hydrated! Come back often and keep us posted on your progress.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Hi Carren - yes, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!  I started chemo on August 30 and it was alot easier to drink a big glass of ice water when the temperature was 90+ degrees than it is these now I'm drinking lots of cups of hot tea every day.  I try to drink lots at least the day before chemo and for 2 or 3 days after it. I'm heading to last chemo on Friday - yay!  I'm doing fine after my infection this week - my lab report shows very low WBC and RBC - so please pray that both will be up this week so that I can have my last day in the big chair. Well, that's not really true - lovewins, I'll be having herception (also perjeta - did you or your MO consider that?) for the next 9 months....every three weeks.  I've been told there really aren't SE from that so I'm glad to hear it's going so smoothly for you.

    Sue, praying that all goes well for you with your docetaxol chemo.  Why did it take so long? Hopefully that's just because it was the first time and not every time?  I'll be praying for you especially for neuropathy - that really scares me (and I'm trying not to worry but just pray about it!). So far, I haven't had any problems with it but my MO always asks about it. After the second infusion, I noticed that once every day or two, I'd have a little tingle down the soles of my feet. After the third one, I noticed a little tingling in my knees and bottoms of feet - just lasting less than a second. Now I get a few tingles on the bottom of my left foot a few times a day - again, just a second or less. If this is the worst that happens, I'll be praising God for sure.  I was reading on a separate website about the problems that some folks have with neuropathy after chemo - yikes!!!

    Joanna, so glad that Bill is doing better - enjoy your trip to Florida!  When do you go?

    Lovewins, when do you start rads?  It's kind of frustrating to think of all the time, inconvenience and potential tiredness - but like my MO said when I questioned something, "you sure don't want to have gone through all this and not get it all once and for all, right????"  Yep on that!

    Char, your energy and spirit continue to amaze and inspire me.  I'll be praying for your dad - what a blessing that you and your husband can be there to help him and spend time together. I've never lived near my parents so treasure your time with him!

    Deborah, I think it's interesting that your MO gave you an antibiotic prescription and didn't have a problem with you taking ibuprophen. Mine won't do either.... but only one more chemo round so hopefully it won't matter again!  :)

    My pastor said this today in church:

    God takes full responsibility for the life that is fully devoted to Him.

    Isn't that a great challenge?  I'd much rather have God responsible for my life than me - so I need to work on the "fully devoted" part!

    love y'all - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Bev, thanks for your post.  I feel like I got run over by a truck today.  Very tired and feel like I could just sleep away the entire day.  This was kind of a surprise for me as I've not had any other SE's. 

    I've been cutting back on the pain meds so maybe it's a bit of withdrawal from those -who knows?.  I'm trying to get the swelling in my leg and foot down which is caused by the pain meds.  Maybe I'll see results tomorrow after a good long day of R&R.

    I'm actually grateful for the sleep though.  I can't remember the last time I was able to enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap!  Go Broncos!

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the confirmations on the effects of Dex - keepthefaith. Drinking lots of water, went for a walk today - after a nap and that had me awake a full 4 hours afterwards. Now showing signs of no BM today - fingers crossed for the morning. Boredom - yea, I have 6 boxes of shredding to do - what can I say, I shouldn't be bored!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Wow, it's been pretty quiet on here lately. Hope everybody up north isn't shoveling out snow.....

    I had a good visit at the doctor today - blood work (both red and white blood cells) were up since whatever infection I had last week so I'm all set for LAST CHEMO on Friday.  The doctor examined me and she hasn't been able to feel the lump or other "area" in my breast for about a month but today couldn't feel the lymph node at all - yay!  She said this was particularly good because after surgery I'll need rads if there's any cancer left alive in the lymph nodes. I'm sure praying there won't be.....but trusting in God's perfect plan for this whole journey. She also reassured me about neuropathy - if I'm not having problems now, I shouldn't in the future (and if anything is going to start, it should be within the next 3 weeks). So - Sue, there you go - we'll pray you through it, too!

    Have a good week - stay warm!  


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Bev, so happy this will be the end of the Tax. for you.  I know you've got the other but I believe getting the worst behind you is truly a blessing.  I'm jealous!  lol.  What great news about the disappearing lump!  Hooray!

    I had my trial drug today.  I was rather pooped over the weekend and my counts were low today.  Almost didn't get the treatment but the doc. felt I was close enough to get through it.  I have the neuropathy in my left leg and foot from the pain meds.  I see the pain clinic tomorrow so hopefully they can get to the root of that and I can get back to work.  I haven't even thought about it blossoming out because of the chemo so glad you thought of that for me.

    I did blossom out with the mouth sores yesterday.  Almost forgot!  Got the magic mouthwash today so hopefully that too will be short lived.  Any thoughts on this one ladies?

    We've had some mild weather here with a dose of cold and snow thrown in tomorrow.  I too will pray for all of you in that nasty storm headed north and east.  Hope you all can at least get a snow day or two out of the deal!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Good for you Bev on your last chemo!  It is a great feeling to be done.

    Sue...what worked for me was blue Listerine for mouth sores.  Sore gone after firstvday and never returned after my 1st or 2nd chemo.

    I pray everyone is well....I had my first rads today.  Easy Peasy to start out.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Hi ladies...been a while since I checked in. I thought about it and I think when they gave me a week break from treatment I kind of took a break from everything. I felt as close to normal for months since this journey started in Aug. I also noticed how chemo makes me feel compared to not having it. I am foggy and move slower and that is a big deal daily. I hand my treatment yesterday and it went well.  I pretty much had treatment for 7 weeks in a row every Monday. 

    So I started to experience some soreness and tingling in my fingers. The MO says it is the start of neuropathy so need to keep an eye on it. Still taking the glutamine and vitamin B6. So during my break I put on some nail polish so does anyone have any input on that?  I was wondering if my MO would be against it. 

    Looks like everyone has been fairly well. Some one new, welcome Carren. This is a great board you will enjoy everyone here. Lots of inspiration and encouragement along our journey. 

    So my hair is much thinner now and it has been a bit chilly so I started sportin the wig this week. Speaking of chilly I am cold all the time now. The neupogen shots make me sore and cold as well. I am also so very tired I know I should be exercising but I just can't bring myself to do it. I told my husband to get on me. 

    We'll take it easy and God be with everyone. Remember, He doesn't give us anything we can't endure. 

    Love and Blessings

  • Mercygirl
    Mercygirl Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2014

    Hi ladies, just want to encourage you all to keep your eyes on the One who never fails. I am now 1 yr out from my 4th diagnoses of TNBC over a period of 23yrs! It has been an encouragement to me to read your posts. Keep up the good work!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    mercygirl, good for you! Wonderful Testimony!

    Bev', I hope your last TX goes well tomorrow!  So glad that you are responding so well to your TX's. 

    I hope those of you fighting Neuropathy and other SE's can get them under control.


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    Bev such good news.  I know our prayers are being answered. It's -17 below with a -40 windchill here.  This is the second round of sub-tundra temps this winter.  We haven't had a ton of snow, just unbelievable cold and high wind.  And of course, my furnace is out, however I was lucky to find someone to come out right away, in fact, he's diagnosing the problem now.  Please I hope it's an easy and inexpensive fix.  But that isn't important when I think of all the ladies on the BCO boards and what we're dealing with.  A furnace is just an object that can be fixed or replaced.  Anway, just wishing everyone a warm and healthy day and thanking God for His blessings.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    oh, Mercygirl - what a blessing your testimony is for the ladies with TNBC!  We're still praying for advances with TNBC but you are a walking miracle - and certainly have your focus on the right Person!

    Lucy and Sue - so sorry to hear about the bouts of neuropathy. I'll sure be praying for you because I've been worried about that, too.  So glad you were able to go ahead with the trial drug, Sue. I know how I felt the week when my counts were so low on Wednesday and I got neupogen shots - I was holding my breath that Friday when they checked my blood and was so relieved not to have chemo postponed.  I also know how you feel about being cold all the time - I end up drinking hot tea all day long (figure it's hydrating so it's good, right?)  For mouth sores - I had them after my 3rd A/C and last week - both times when my WBC counts were really low. I always chew ice during chemo - not sure if that helps or not but I feel like I'm doing something proactive. I use Biotene/dry mouth mouthwash and that seems to  help alot - kind of numbs it and certainly makes it feel better. I also got some generic numbing stuff at Walgreens (like for teething babies - I have no shame!) and used it when I got cranky about the sores.....

    Thanks, all for the prayers and good wishes for tomorrow. They're predicting freezing rain (for Houston!) but I won't have to leave the house till 9:30 so hopefully whatever problems occur during morning rush hours will be cleaned up by then. I keep telling myself freezing rain in Houston isn't like the freezing rain/wintry mix I'm used to from PA.  :)

    Have a blessed week!  


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Thanks all for the suggestions ladies.  I've done the magic mouthwash twice now as you're supposed to do it 2x/day.  It did a good job of numbing my mouth.  Just can't taste anything.  Lovewins, at your suggestion, I picked up some blue (cool mint?) Listerine at Walgreens on the way home from the doc.  Tried it as soon as I got in the door.   Hooooooboy!  did that sting!  I'm going to keep at it though.  I figured after a day the sores would start returning to normal but it seems to have gotten a hair worse.  I have to work on getting my counts back up I suppose so as to get rid of the sores.

    The pain clinic today was suggesting yet more drugs and more appointments.  I just about lost it.  I was already tired and had just taken my pain meds which make me weepy here and there.  This poor resident didn't know what to think, ha ha.  They also talked about getting a steroid shot.  The jury is still out on that one becaue it means having to arrange for more rides and more appointments.  Ugh.  But, Lucy, I did okay the prescription for gabapentin.  It's used for neuropathy so you may want to ask your doc. about it.  I'll start it tonight at bedtime.  Makes you drowsy at first so maybe I'll get a good night's sleep out of the deal.

    Still no sign of the hair falling out yet.  Thus, I took a flying leap of faith and changed my bedding today, lol.  I'm tired again today so I think I'm heading off for a nap.

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Bev-God's blessings on your last chemo! This is it, the final one correct? It seemed so long ago when we first started, didn't it?  You still have surgery after, don't you? If you do have to do rads I found they weren't bad at all...that is after/compared to chemo. Drive safe on the roads...I HATE freezing rain, especially in Texas where they don't have the sand and salt.

    Lovewins-Glad to hear you had your first rads. Was that yesterday? Did you have day 2 then? Hope all is going well for you and you don't get the bad weather in your part of Texas. (you are in Texas too aren't you?)

    Welcome Carren. Sorry that you are bored and going "stir crazy". I remember feeling that way when I first started chemo too. Wanted to sleep but couldn't. Couldn't get comfortable. I think I saw you are from Canada. Do you guys have things like Netflix up there? For me I am a tv watcher and what kept me busy was watching tv series...not movies I couldn't sit still for that long, but a series I could watch 45 minutes, do something and come back again. Just a thought. I enjoy book reading but just couldn't keep my mind on it between chemo and honestly all the thoughts racing around my mind dealing with BC at the time.

    Sharon are you still out there? I haven't seen/heard from you lately. I am guessing you are probably just busy again. Caught up with being done with active treatment.

    I have been busy lately but when I come to the board I have been trying to read and catch up. My son is in Basketball and we've had quite a few games and tournaments. I also have been trying to be faithful at exercising now that I am able to go swimming again. Finally things have slowed down a little. As Amy said we are having some pretty cold days here in Minnesota so schools been canceled or delayed the past few days. We even had a blizzard yesterday so no going out for me. It's been nice to be snowed in with the kids. It's hard to get teen age boys attention so the snow is a blessing from God.

    Last weekend after one of the away basketball tournaments my husband and I drove about a half hour further to play cards with a group of people from our old church. We moved last March about an hour away to this new town and then I was diagnosed with BC. It was so nice to have a night of visiting with members of my old church family. There was one lady who I hadn't seen in months but we had exchanged quite a few e-mails over the fall when I was going thru chemo. She too had had BC but I didn't know it until after I was diagnosed. She always had just the right Bible verse to share with me. I haven't been one much for posting scripture here on the site but have been encouraged by you all doing that. (Especially you Deborah) so I thought I would just post a verse below and maybe every so often I will try to do that..there maybe someone God knows needs to hear his word right then as they need it. I hope all is going well with everyone else.

    Psalm 112:1 &7 How blessed is the man who fears the LORD,...He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.