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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    I have to tell you all a story of peace and comfort. Two nights ago I decided to pray the rosary and the entire time I felt I really was speaking to God. I sensed a calm and comforting presence, different than ever before. The next morning I learned of the passing of my neighbor from BC and immediately recalled my prayers. I believe He listened and He took Ann to be with Him for all eternity. Not because I asked him but there was something that happened that night and it was very powerful. I just needed to share.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    Amy, thanks for sharing your story! That is amazing. Prayers for your neighbor, Ann.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Bev, how did it go today?  Been singing praises for you all day today and so glad this first one is now behind you.

    Still dealing with the mouth sores so I'm not sure how long these will last.  Using everything I can find to deal with the pain.  The new neuropathy drug kicked in pretty quickly last night.  Was glad to wake up today and actually be able to take a few steps without pain.  Yeah!  Hope it isn't just a "one night stand", lol.  Praise God for all of what He has provided us in the way of healing and treatments.

    Amy, thanks so much for such a wonderful story.  You wll certainly have an opportunity to minister to this family.  Mankato, thanks so much for sharing your wonderful testimony as well.  I love snow days when no one can go anywhere.  Put a fire in the fireplace, put on a good movie or get out the game table.  How often do we get that chance to just veg out with family and friends?

    Blessings for a great weekend all.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Good morning ladies!

    Yes, Amy, it's so comforting to have such a feeling of peace and know that God is there hearing and answering prayers. As Sue said, we'll be praying that you have the opportunity to minister to Ann's family in the days to come.

    Sue and Kathy, thanks for the prayers and checking in about chemo yesterday. It was big new around here - and I think across the country - Houston (of all places) was under a winter storm warning for ice/sleet/snow. Of course, there was no way this little girl from Pennsylvania was going to let that stop me! I called the hospital first thing and they were on schedule - by the time I had to leave at 9:30, the roads were dry and pretty much empty. I got there with no problem, went in right on time and am now done with docetaxol -yay!  I'll sure be praying for you, Sue, with the neuropathy - hopefully the new medication will work really well for you.  If you get desparate, you may want to try the numbing stuff - they should have it at any drugstore. It tastes a little funky but works!

    Kathy - yep, I'll have surgery next - probably the end of February. The reason why I'm really hoping/praying that I won't need rads is just the timing delay - if I need them, I won't be able to have reconstruction surgery for at least 6 months (rather than 2 months after the mastectomy). I'm sure hoping to get the surgeries done this spring, rather than be aiming for next Christmas.  We'll see what the Great Physician has planned for me, right?

    Hope everybody can get to church for a special blessing tomorrow!


  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2014

    been awhile since I have been on. Wanted to forget cancer for awhile. Devil does anyone else feel that way at times. I leave for Florida on Thursday  and it will be a nice break. Still haven't heard about my financial situation with radiation but hopefully will know when I get back. Praying that God's will, will be done in all of our lives. I have been reading God's word a lot and it brings me strength and encouragement. I don't know how anyone goes through this without God. Through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus and depend upon His word. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Glad to see that everyone is still out there fighting the fight and running the course. It was quiet on her for awhile.mi think everyone needs some time to step back and breath. Weather here has been hammering us. Honestly, it has been bad since November. Looks like Farmer's Almanac may have it the mark on this one. Stores are have shortage of ice thawing products and now propane looks lots to be in the same situation. Water lines breaking every where. My school was delayed on Wed. but should have been delayed on Thursday. Most schools were delayed again yesterday. Today we are closing in on 6 inches and still climbing with another couple days subzero days expected through Wed.

    I finally got in to see a doctor for my knee and will have an MRI on Monday. Hopefully they can find the problem and I can get it taken care of. They are thinking it is my meniscus. 

    I just wanted to let all of yup know that you are in my prayers. 

    Love in Christ,


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Hi Char,

    I will be praying they find your knee problem. It's no fun being in pain as we all know. I have issues with my knees too. A few years back I was told I needed surgery but we were moving (another move two moves ago) and I never did. I always thought someday I will go back in and do it. Now that I have dealt with all this cancer stuff I am so sick of hospitals and doctors I realize it probably will be a long time before I pursue that! I am thankful that I can still swim to get exercise and that we have a one story house.

    Looks like we are all having fun with the weather lately! We had two "blizzards" last week and are under another blizzard watch for tomorrow. We were suppose to take our son out to his friend's house, where we used to live (45 miles away thru flat farmland) tonight for a sleep over and pick him up tomorrow evening, but now we decided to re-schedule. I am feeling slightly guilty about doing that, but in rural Minnesota you can't be too carful when it comes to winter driving.

    Yay for you Bev, being all done with Chemo. Glad you were able to brave the weather and make it there. I will be praying for you with surgery. It too, is not fun, but for me the worst part of this whole thing has been chemo!

    Psalm 70:1 O God, hasten to deliver me; O LORD hasten to my help!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Milehighgirl...yes I remember it did are your mouth sores now?

    Yes Manka I have had 3 rads far so good.  I am in MI and the weather is horrid.

    I hope everyone is doing well and feeling well.  My heart goes out to anyone going thru chemo as I found this the hardest part of the journey.

    I have the absolute best news.  God is so good and truly He has amazed me as to how He will always take care of us and not give us more than we can handle.  I return to work 2/3 and I have been really talking to myself trying to build myself up to getting up at 6 am, rads at 7:30, work 9-5:30.  I have stopped taking my sleeping pills for the last 5-6 days because I was afraid I would be to groggy in the am.  Anyway I heard through the grapevine that I got a new boss, so I called him on Friday to talk about my returning to work and such and we started talking about my continued Herceptin treatments and radiation everyday until 3/6.  He said he would check into it and all I needed was a DR note he thought but he would make some phone calls and call me back. new boss said all I need is a DR note and he checked with his boss and it would be no problem for me to work part time while I am going through this!  Praise God I did not think it was even possible after all I went thru with my previous boss and even union steward.  I really had a melt down over the stress of returning to work full time and doing rads.  God knows my heart, He knew it was more than I could bare and He made a way for me.  God is so good and I should never doubt Him because He always comes through and has a better plan.  Just wanted to share and give God the glory He deserves.  God bless all of you.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    Answers to prayers lovewins! Yay - 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    love wins: Such wonderful news for you...praise God for He knows our needs before we ever ask or for that matter worry about them. I am so glad that you have a caring new boss. I just got my third principal in less than two years and this man has already made such a difference in the morale of my school. It is like a great weight was lifted. He is so personal able and approachable. I am now reconsidering my retirement and possibly staying beyond next year.

    Sue: Can't say I blame you for canceling your 45 mile trip. I know how easy it would be to be stranded out on country roads in such bad weather conditions. Thank you for your prayers. It is amazing how 12/200 mg of Advil can help aleiviate pain and inflamation. They also wreak havoc on ones stomach.

    Stay warm everyone.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Joanna, yes, we all want to forget this from time to time. Perfectly normal.  So glad you're getting to get away. 

    Lovewins, that is an awesome answered prayer.  Only God could have arranged a new boss!

    Nothing seems to be helping.  The mouth sores are nasty and I picked up some numbing gel today.  How long does this last?  I've got so much stuff to try and use.  Seems some things work once and then stop.  Others don't work at all.  I was very discouraged tonight and got really weepy again because of the pain and just wanting this to be over.  I feel very overwhelmed and just plain tired.  So yes Joanna, this is a perfect time to want to forget about all of this!

    Also would appreciate prayers for my 87 year old mom who landed in the hospital yesterday.  Finally got to a decent doctor who diagnosed a heart condition of all things.  Praying her tests come out well and she'll be able to go home tomorrow.  When it rains it pours!


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Lovewins-So happy for your answer to prayer...I can hear the relief in your post!

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Thank you ladies...and yes Manka I am very relieved.

    I pray all goes well for your Mother Milehigh, I am glad you found a good DR.  I hope you are feeling better soon.  It can be overwhelming the SE of chemo.  When I went for a drive sometimes I would scream at the top of my lungs to let it out.

    Gardengirl...I am glad you like your boss so makes a big difference.

    Thank you amy Q...God bless everyone.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    NerdyHey everyone. Turns out that I am allergic to Ciprofloxacin. Only took for 4 days but started with an itchy scalp, proceeded to the groin (OMGosh itchy), then eczyma on the left hand, welts on the right wrist and finally red blotches on my left shoulder. One effect each day. Finally went to ER and it was an allergic reaction. Cipro was a prevenative med for Day 5 - 15 against any possible infection during low WBC counts. So, now I officiallly have a list of med allergies - if you count two a list. LOL Codiene family and now this quinolone class of antimicrobial agents. Good to know. Today is Day 2 of no Cipro and the eczyma is less itchy and the red welts are going down. Vagisil is a wonderful thing (TMI) and a knitting needle to the head works well. LOL Staying home from church today - Day 11, post chemo. Just as well, -15c/5F here today with a new skiff of snow. TIme for a movie and brekkie.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Sue: Our parents are so precious and to still be here at their age is even more a blessing. I have your mother in my prayers and I hope that they will be able to manage her heart issue now that they have discovered it. My dad just went through a round of his fluid retention increasing. I had to insist they address it. He was retaining about 11 extra pounds of fluids and having difficulty breathing. He was even sleeping in his recliner because he could not go in a horizontal position without struggling for air. Now he is keeping the fluids off with a medicine adjustment.  I sure hope all goes well for your mother.

    I am also sorry about all you are going through. It seems like you just can't get a break. But I continue to keep you in prayer.

    Caren: So glad they found out about your allergic reaction to some of your meds. I hope you have relief very soon.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Hi all,

    Bev - congrats  on finsihing thiss phase an glad the weathe didn't win out.  Glad you haven't had neuropathy symptoms.  I am having some soreness in my fingertips an my big toes so been watching that closely. So when you have the neupogen shots did you feel achy and get cold several hours after?  I am pretty sure it is the shots and not the chemo.

    Sue - So how does the gabpentin work for you, or is it too early?

    Amy - its so awesome when you can feel God's presense when in prayer.  And the angels were rejoicing when Ann left our world. 

    Joanna - I did that as well when I had a week break from treatment recently.  It was nice as I have it weekly on Monday's then shots on Tuesday and Wednesday till mid May so it will be a while.  Have fun in Florida.  I have many times wondered how does anyone go through this without God in thier lives.  

    Char - I hear of so many dealing with bad weaather.  Here in the NW it has not been too bad, it has been very cold for sure but we haven't had anything major o extreme.  Pray the MRI goes well and they find the poblam. I have issues with my knees too but so far nothing so bad to not allow me to do my workouts or walk.  However stairs can be a pain...

    Lovewins - great news on your work schedule...Praise God for sure!  Glad rads is going well for you so far.  Have there been any se on it?

    Milehigh - sorry your having the issues with mouth sores.  Praying for that along with your mom dx.  Keep us posted on both.

    Caren - so sorry about the alergy issues, not fun.  

    I had a pretty good week and the weekend has been good as well.  We have had great dry weather an lots of sun so been out and about and went on some walks.  Bundled up but it was nice.  Went on a drive today after church with DH and our little dog Gidget.  Tomorrow we go to Seattle for my weekly infusion so we hope to be back by 2:00.  It is a 2 hour drive each way but so worth it to go to the best place in our area.  I had a good week last week so I am praying God is watching out for me again.  He is so good!  My se's have not been bad and what I am dealing with is manageable.  He gets all the glory and I thank Him every day.  Well hope everyone who is dealing with rough weather stays warm and is protected in Gods loving arms.  

    By Your favor, O Lord, You have estblished me as a strong mountain...Psalm 30:7

    Love and Blesssings...Lucy

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Thanks so much GardenGal for your prayers.  Mom is home and doing well.  Has her followups this week so we're hoping she's on a roll with good test results.

    Lucy, so far the gabapentin seems as though it's reduced the pain some.  No go on the swelling but I'll live with that for now.

    I've been getting the weeps again on and off with the mouth sores.  How long does this last everyone?  I know it's the pain meds that makes me cry.  I tried to eat a sandwich for dinner tonight and had to spit it out after one bite, it hurt my mouth so bad.  I've gone through about 10 remedies and nothing is doing the trick.  Even water hurts!

    Would also appreciate prayers for work tomorrow.  I'm going to take a stab at working for the first time in three weeks tomorrow.  Hope I can get shoes on the swollen foot and keep it on for 8-hours.  I'll have to take several pairs of shoes with me, lol.

    Ps 37:3-5


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    I am sorry you are in so much pain have had these sores a long time, I would call the nurse again at the MO office and tell them.  Since ending chemo I find that I have been emotionally stronger right now...but since BC I can go from 0-10 pretty quickly.  I am realizing now what a number chemo did to my brain now that I am 7 weeks out.  I pray you have a good day tomorrow at work and that you find a solution for your mouth sores.  I am so sorry that the Listerine didn't work and caused you pain. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2014

    Hi Sue

    Ask your MO about these lozenges Clotrimazole Troche.  I have a friend who has croahns and her doctor prescribe those for her.  They work amazingly for her sores.  So I told another friend who is on treatment who gets sores very bad to ask her MO and he prescribed them and she loves them and they help a lot.  Sorry I didn't think of it sooner.  Mouth sores is not a se I have to deal with as of yet so don't have personal experience.

    Blessings everyone...good night...God is good!

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Praying for you Sue. Today I am venturing out to the local Cancer Society to select a couple of new hair styles. Today is Day 13 of my first treatment. My new friend - 10 days ahead of me on treatments - gave me a 'heads up' on hair loss day. We are both having the same TC cocktail - she lost by Day 17th. So far I have knitted about 7 hats; my new craft. Okay around the house but at -15c outside; I may need hair too. Have a good or better day today all.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2014

    Greetings to all from our brothers and sisters in Christ in Barbados. Our mission trip was amazing. I have never met such kind and gracious people. And these people know how to worship. When you leave church, there is no doubt where you've been. :-)

    The physical work at the church was a harsh reminder of how much my health has deteriorated and how far I have to go to get healthy again. There were so many things I could have done a few years ago, but not anymore. It was hard not being able to run with the big dogs, but I'm still grateful I was able to go. I was supposed to be on the last trip, but was still wiped out by the rads. Had I gone, the 6 hour lay over in Miami alone would have done me in; forget about the actual work.

    My lymphedema has kicked up. My sleeve is about to cut off my circulation. But God is good and I know He will help me deal with it.

    Blessings to all

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2014

    Mini: Sounds like you had a wonderful missions trip. I am so glad you got to go this time around. I am sure it was such a blessing to you and to them to have you there. I pray that your lympedema improves. 

    I did not have work today because of the cold. It hit -9 this morning with wind chills in the 20's. This winter has been brutal. I have another two hour delay tomorrow too. I spent the day working on report card grades. I have over 375 students that I have to grade not counting my kindergarten kiddos. It was a good day to rest my leg. I went for my MRI yesterday and my thoughts were proved correct. I have a lateral meniscus tear. It is chronic which means I probably tore it the beginning of November when the doctor drained my knee. He thought it might be it but there was no blood so he chalked it up to old age and arthritis. The MRI showed inflammation and a tear which probably was re injured when the boy ran into me in class Jan. 9th. I go Friday to see an orthopedic doctor. Actually, I taught all three of his now older children. Please pray that I do not need surgery. They don't really repair the meniscus but remove the bad sections which means that it grinds between the the thigh and shin bone and degenerates over time. I would rather work to rehab it even if it means no 1/2 marathon in May. I will keep everyone posted. 

    Stay warm ladies and those that are, enjoy it. I am earnestly looking forward to warmer days again. I dread doing my outside bus duty in this cold and I miss getting out to walk...since I can't run.

    I pray that everyone has a good week and that God meets all your needs and then some.


  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited January 2014

    Praying that you all have a blessed week. I will be in Tuscon with family. When I was first dx'd,  I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to go bc of my treatments, etc.  We are celebrating my Mom's 80th birthday! God is so good!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Thank you all for your prayers and wonderful suggestions.  I managed to get through work today and come out unscathed.  Yeah!  I couldn't get shoes on my swollen foot but was able to get away with my clogs :).  I love my boss - and we work well together.  Whatever works for me is okay with him!  He's going to be out for a procedure next week so we'll be mending together.  The mouth sores are unbearable tonight.  Trying everything but not working.  I stopped at Walgreens again today on my way home and bought another $30 worth of stuff.  Maybe having to spend more money is what's really making me cry, lol.

    I'll ask again.  Does anyone havve any idea how long these sores last?  I see the NP tomorrow before chemo to see what, if anything, can be done.  Lucy, I can't wait to see if I can get those lozenges.

    Carren I got a haircut today.  My hair should be falling out by now but there's no sign of it even beginning to thin.  I hated to spend the money but I couldn't stand it any more.  I was way past due on needing it cut so I had her cut it short and figured I'd just wait it out.

    Looks like we have a lot of happy travelers this week.  KTF, congrats on your big celebration.  I think we're a little jealous of you getting to party in Tuscon!  Warm weather!  Mini, that was quite a trip.  God allowed you to do what you were capable of doing.  We will pray for your lymphedema and it's short lived.  Char, you have been through the ringer with that knee and we will certainly continue to pray over you.

    Blessings one and all.  Sue


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Sue I got thrush everytime during chemo. You don't have that do you? That was nasty! I got meds for that from doctor. It was a swish type liquid med.  It usually took about a week to go away. I was never sure if that was the mouth sores everyone talked about or if it was something different. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2014

    SURPRISE, I'm back. I want you to know that, although I haven't been on the thread, I continue to pray for all of you. I have so much going on and just can't se to get on to chat. I have carpal tunnel syndrome and it is so painful to text long messages. I always feel that I have to type something to everyone or I'll leave someone out.

    Kathy and Sue, I had thrush with every chemo too. My last chemo was Oct. 28 and I still have mouth sores, especially my tongue. That is three months after chemo!!! i fear that its permanent. Two weeks ago, my MO told me he would refer me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist if it hasn't cleared. He told me to take folic acid daily. Today is the end of that two weeks and its no better. I'm calling today. I'm a bundle of help, aren't I? I'll be back when I can feel my hand. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Sew Strong, welcome back!  You have been gone for awhilel Thanks for the info.

    Mankato, so far it doesn't look like thrush.  Just the sores.  Either one isn't very much fun :(  Also feel a low graade sore throat whenI wake up in the morning. Ive got chemo today so I'll see the NP and get something for this.  I'm hungry and would like to eat something other than yogurt, lol.


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Hey ladies. Picked up a new hair do yesterday. Happy No sign, yet, of hair loss but tomorrow is Day 15; which I hear is the 'the day' to expect some hair-b-gone! Bawling Will try to post photo of new hair on here but so far my luck at posting pictures or adding them to this forum has not been good; any hints on how to do that? Carren  Wahoo! I figured it out - just had to make the pixels a LOT smaller.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Well Carren, congrats on getting your new "do" up for us to see.  It's great.  I'll be interested to see if your day 15 is your "D" day.  I bit the bullet and got a hair cut yesterday.  My hairdresser said it had been ten weeks since I'd been in last(!).  Got it cut nice and short.  Now I was in a hurry this morning trying to get out the door so I didn't notice hair in the sink from when I'd dried my hair.  Wouldn't you know it.  Spend $20 on a hair cut and sure enough, it starts falling out less than 12 hours later.  Grrrrrrrr.  And, I understand we're about to have a blizzard we've been saved from all these weeks so who knows when I'll be able to get out to get it shaved off, ha ha.

    As an update ladies, my doc. pulled the infusion today.  Will wait until next week when I have the nasty docetaxol to go with it.  She said the mouth sores are caused by both the trial and docet. drugs.  Lovely.  She'll reduce the dose of the trial drug.  Hope she reduces the other as well.

    I got new scripts for yet more mouth rinses.  Without the infusion this week and these new mouth washes, I'm praying it will be enough to get me back to normal.  I also met with the dietician and the social worker in the department.  The former is helping me get on track with stopping the weight loss and upping my protein intake which in turn should reverse the mouth sores.  The latter is helping me find a way to pay for some of these meds that the insurance company doesn't want to pay for.  Such as the lymphadema sleves they denied and now I need one for the swollen leg as the NP is convinced that's what the swelling is from (I'm not so convinced).

    Thus I have a week to ponder all of this and pray, pray, pray that it will be the end of the mouth sores.  You all have been great with your prayers and encouragement.  Blessings.  Sue

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014

    Sue, I have been reading about your mouth sores and while I didn't suffer from them during chemo, a friend of mine told me that sucking on Tums helped her mouth sores while going through treatment. I also have my daughter do this when she gets a canker sore... Don't know if it will help but might be worth a try! Good luck- praying you will get beyond yogurt soon! 
