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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2014

    Day 15 - no hair loss noticed today. However, have developed a twitch in my left eye.Loopy Which I know, for me, is a sign of stress; since I use to get it at work some days. It must be the anticipation of baldness. Mind you, after watching the Grammys the other night and seeing that one lady 'rocking' a shaved head; I'm good. I will just picture that THAT is what I look like; who cares if I have 40 years on her! Right!  Remember that song "We are the girls of the 60's"; the original rockers.

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Carren...I did taxotere too and one od the side effects is eye twitching...not sure if you were aware or not.  I think I loss my hair after treatment 3 and they were 3 weeks a part.  It is really nerve wracking but once it is gone it gets easier...the anticipation drove me crazy.  God bless and love.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Sue, I sure hope you've gotten some relief from the mouth sores by
    now. You've been suffering with them forever (that's what it seems like
    to me - bet it seems even longer to you). I only had them for about 3
    days and that was long enough.

    I'm now a week out from my last
    chemo and feeling fine - I picture little poison drops leaving my body
    every day! :) My hair is growing - maybe 1/4" or so long and no bald
    spots so I'm just thrilled. I'm still months from not wearing my wig or
    hat and if anybody saw me, they'd think I'm bald but to me, it's
    progress! Of course, it's one of the fun aspects of chemo that hair grows back on taxol after A/C but those of you starting on taxol lose your hair. I'm sure there's some magic medical explanation?

    Carren, so sorry about the allergic reaction - hopefully that's all cleared up by now.

    Terri, happy birthday to mom! Hope you had a wonderful family time and trip to Phoenix.

    what a blessing for you to be on the missions trip - bet it helped put
    cancer in perspective, seeing God's power and blessings in a different

    I have some eye twitching from the taxol and the quick shooting flashes in my feet and knees have started. I've had them for the past 3 cycles but they only last for 4 or 5 days - less than a second each - and my MO said within a couple of weeks of the last cycle they should stop. How are you doing with the neuropathy and pain, Sue? I'll be praying the trial drug works - it sure seems to be doing a number on your system so hopefully it's killing all the bad cells.

    Char, praying that all goes well with your visit to the orthopedist today. Doesn't seem like it's God's plan for you to run much this spring, huh?  You keep busy enough with everything else on your plate.

    I meet with the breast surgeon on Monday - she will probably schedule my MX for late February. I'm trusting all of you who say surgery is lots easier than chemo....and of course, that God is going to continue blessing just as He has this far. As my pastor said, not all things that happen to us are good....but God uses them for good - even the bumpy parts of the road.  

    Have a blessed weekend, all.  love, Bev

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2014

    GOOD NEWS! I went to my doctor's appt yesterday and all looks well. If it looks that way in May, he will declare me officially in remission!!!!!!!!!!! PTL

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Yeah Mini!  What a wonderful answered prayer.  We're going to keep at the prayer though to ensure you make it to May.  Celebrate tonight girl!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2014

    Absolutely, mini - great news but we'll keep praying.

    How are you doing, Sue? Any relief from the mouth sores and pain? Still praying.....

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2014

    Great news Mini !

    Carren I too had one eye twitch from chemo. It stuck around for quite a while after, but just now as I was reading your post I realize I haven't been bothered by it for a bit. So good news is it eventually goes away...or at least in my case it did.

    Bev-hope all goes well with your meeting on Monday. And us, surgery is not as bad as chemo...not pain free, but not as bad!

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited January 2014

    I'm trying to not overthink this, but I have a brain MRI tomorrow morning recommended by onc and an ophthalmologist. Obviously want to look for or rule out brain mets. I've had intermittent double vision for a few months. Just writing this makes me worried but I am putting my life in Gods hands. I know He has a plan for me so I am just going to trust His plan.

    Sadly I also have a memorial service tomorrow for my neighbor who passed a week ago from BC. She suffered so and fought so hard. I can hardly believe it's over. 


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2014

    Yeah Mini 1! 

    Salty Jack....glad your hair is growing so quickly and no bald spots!

    (((AmyQ))) I am so sorry you lost your friend, what makes it harder is that it was BC.  I lost my BF a few months ago.  I pray all is well and that you have good results from your MRI and that it eases your mind.  God bless everyone.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited January 2014

    Thank you one and all for your prayers and helpful suggestions.  Katie, my mom had told me about the Tums awhile back and I'd forgotten abou them.  They are now back in my arsenol and it does help reduce the pain.

    Bev, thanks for your thoughtfulness as well.  The doctor gave me some different scripts for the mouthwash and it has helped tremendously.  First day after using it I noticed that the sores shrunk quite a bit.  Still a bit sore and stung when I put anything on the lesions but by day two it was even better.  Doc. wants me to keep using the mouth rinses until the bottles are gone, even if I don't have any lesions which I think is a good idea.  Hopefully it will keep future mouth sores away when I have more infusions.

    Bev, you're going to have a really good meeting on Monday.  Praying for peace of heart and mind.....hard not to think the worst when it comes to surgery but those who have gone through it are offering wonderful words of wisdom.

    Carren Lovewins is right,  it was the waiting that was hard.  My first chemo was the 9th.  Doc. told me it was about 17 days out from the first infusion that I'd lose my hair.  That was Tuesday when I went and got a haircut because I couldn't stand my shaggy hair anymore.  I then came home and found hair in the sink from the morningSadthat I'd not noticed before.  Today when I got out of the shower, there were huge clumps in the bathtub.  So..........toweled off, got dressed and drove over to the haircut place to spend another $20 on getting it all shaved off.  When I saw the hair in the bathtub I cried.  I know it's just hair but I so want it to be tears of joy because it means the chemo is working.  I haven't used this wig in 5-years.  Still a little hard to put it on when she was done shaving my head but now I don't have to worry about bad hair days.  I can also take my shower at night before work and not be so stressed out about getting out the door at 5:30 a.m.

    I'm on Docetaxol which is the generic of the Taxol.  I've not had the eye twitching so I can't offer any suggestions there.  Carren likely it's the chemo and not the stress.  The upside of all of this is we can blame these blasted drugs on just about everything and get away with it, lol.

    Amy, so very sorry about your friend and will pray prayers of peace for you tonight and tomorrow and you give her a great send off.  You will get through this!  I'm not a doctor but so many of these chemo drugs have double vision as a SE so we're going to pray that's exactly what it is.

    The last two days I have been really fatigued.  As in sleeping 5-6 hours during the day.  Since the doc cancelled chemo this week because of the mouth sores, could I just be detoxing since it's been 8-9 days from my last infusion?  Or is it just another SE of the Docetaxol?

    Love and blessings to you all.  Sue

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2014

    Murphys Law: After posting no hair loss on Day 15 - immediately afterwards I scratched my head and got hair.

    What can I say! Loopy

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2014

    careen, it never fails. I always wished for smaller boobs and a higher hairline. Now I have one boob smaller than the other and no hairline. 

    I will have my first mammogram on Monday since six months ago. I'm a little concerned about how painful it might be. I'm still tender from radiation. Ouch. Also, my left side is overdue for a mammogram by  almost 3 months. 

  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014

    Good to see you Sewstrong...I think about you and hope you are doing well.  I know your hands are bothering you but I am glad you pop in on us.  God bless everyone.

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2014

    hi lovewins. I miss being on. I'll try to write shorter posts. My hands do this every night. It's a nuisance. 

    Amy I don't know you well but I'm going to pray for you. It's so hard to have to bury people we love or just plain care about. It's especially hard while in treatment. God bless you. 

    Kate, thanks for the Tums idea. I'm going to try that. I can't get rid of the mouth sores and my last chemo was Oct. 28. I'm wondering if they're forever. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Welcome back Sew.  I know it's hard to type but we're always glad to hear from you.  Short and sweet works just as well.

    I wanted to tell you too that an aspirin also works on the mouth sores.  You put an aspirin right on the sore and just let it sit like the tums.  Some times I think it works better than the tums.

    I can't imagine having these for as long as you have.  Two weeks for me and I was ready to call it a day.  Have you asked your doc. about the mouth rinses?  One is called the magic mouthwash and has to be mixed by the pharmacist.  It numbs the mouth.

    What worked for me almost immediately were the two rinses I just got this week.  One is dexamethasone 0.5mg/5ml elixir (generic is decadron).  The  other is lidocane viscous 2% Solin Oral solution (generic is lidocane).  Both work really well and I wss amazed had how quickly they healed.

    My two cents!  Blessings.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Hello Ladies of Faith,

    Sharon: So good to see you posting even if it is briefly. Heard you are carrying for puppies. Hope they are doing well. Don' t you just hate carpal tunnel. I have it too. Worse for me in the summer with repetitive work like gardening. I probably will get the surgery eventually. I am glad that you are doing well.

    MHG/Sue: I just have to say that you are an encouragement to so many of us. When I think about my issues they seem so petty and small compared to what you and others go through. I will continue to pray for relief of mouth and limb issues.

    Amy: Saw your MRI and pray for good results. It is so easy to fear it is the worse. Trust that God will take care of this. I think Satan always sticks those thoughts of doubt in whenever he can get an opportunity.

    Mini: Remission: Just the sound resonates victory. I know that God did not bring you this far  without taking this away. You just keep claiming the victory in His name and May will be here in a blink. Amen.

    Terri: Enjoy your trip and time with family. HBD to your mother...a milestone and blessing by God.

    Hair Loss: As Bev and I know this saying so well from being PA residents; think of it this way: "A temporary inconvenience for a permanent solution". It has been interesting watching one of my school bus drivers hair coming back. She now has about an inch and a half of hair. She looks great,

    Bev: So glad to see that your hair is coming back. Isn't it amazing  how something that once seemed so insignificant suddenly becomes such a wonderful blessing. 

    Well my results are in from the MRI Monday and from X-rays and an orthopedic consult yesterday. I guess 60 is that magic number that tells us we are starting to fall I have numerous knee issues. A degenerating meniscus with a tear. Nothing to do but stop the damage or as my doctor said, "to late to prevent because the barn door is open and the horse got". Two choices: cortisone injection or surgery. If I were inactive the shot would possibly help but because I am not and refuse to be, I will be getting surgery; but the issue is when. I committed to doing two after school programs so I am forced to delay it. So I have a cortisone shot to reduce the swelling until I go back in four weeks. Running my half marathon is pretty much out unless I feel relief from this shot. Oh well,  what's a race in light of preserving my knee for another 20 to 30 years or until God calls me home. I am sure some of you would jump at swapping places. So I am keeping it all in perspective. God has a plan and apparently is not the one I chose. It will all work out for some great good. I would like to run the one mile race with my school kids the beginning of May. I told them I would be there and I'll walk it if I have too.

    May God richly bless each of you this day and may you have peace in knowing that God has it all mapped out and He has it covered.

    Love in Christ,


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2014

    Amy-I hope all went well with the MRI. While I was doing radiation I had a talk with a son of a lady who has breast cancer. She had had her bc spread to her brain about a year after treatment. Her onco (mine too) had not ordered a brain scan and the son felt she might of been doing much better if he had. He had questioned why they didn't scan the brain too since I guess the brain is one of the first places the cancer will spread. (according to him) I say that not to "worry" you but to encourage you that they seem to be doing the correct thing and watching out for you. Praying that your results are good!

    Garden gal- I wish I could say I didn't fall apart until after 60 for me the age seems 45. You'll have to let me know how surgery goes. I still sometimes wonder if I should be doing that too. Some days I think I am far to young to be having knee issues, but really (especially after all I have been thru in the past year) I don't want to have surgery!

    Speaking of issues...I did something stupid yesterday and decided to finish my paint job I had started in the hallway/stairway right before I was diagnosed with the cancer. It's been a month now since rads and I figure time to get back at it. I didn't realize just how out of shape I have been until waking up this morning. I am soooo sore, especially my upper legs! Wrong day to be going to church with all the standing up and downs of singing, Bible reading etc.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2014

    Thankfully the MRI came back, positive for a brain, negative for mets Smileso I am indeed praising the Lord. He has a plan and only He knows what it is. I have to trust that. Thank you wonderful ladies for your support and prayers.


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014

    Praise the Lord Amy.  Thanks for the chuckle.

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2014

    Happy for you Amy! ...and you are silly. :-)

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    So glad for your good news, Amy!  I remember how hard the 48 hour wait between my PET scan and the all-clear results was (who ever thought I'd be so happy to hear that I JUST had cancer in my breast and lymph nodes?!)  

    Char, how did you make out with the shot - you had it already? Hope you got some relief - at least to do the mile run with your kids in May (maybe, just maybe, all the ice and snow in Pittsburgh will be melted by then?!)  :)  Hope your dad and husband continue to improve.

    Sue, I'm so glad your mouth sores finally went away and I'm praying that the neuropathy and pain will be manageable.

    Char and Kathy, thanks for the encouraging words about my hair appointment with the surgeon on Monday. I left our meeting just amazed at what she has planned - easy, peasy (well, kind of!) 

    Okay, I need some help, guidance and advice here, ladies.  The surgeon said I'll have surgery on Tuesday, February 25 (left MX and all lymph nodes removed with just an angled incision across the breast - no skin or nipple sparing or TE). I'll stay in the hospital overnight then come home on Wednesday in a heavy surgical bra with two drains (I know, I know, the worst part of it all) and lots of pain meds. Thursday I can take the bra off and take a shower - there won't be any bandages or dressings...the incision will be closed with superglue that will just dissolve over the next week or two. 

    Here comes the decision. My mom and dad want to come to take care of me - and yep, it will be nice to have them fuss over me. However - I'm thinking I probably just want to curl up in bed for the first few days and don't really want to have to wonder if there's enough food in the house, making any kind of conversation, etc. I know, I know, they're not going to expect that but I know me and I'll be thinking about it. Originally I'd told my folks to come any time after Saturday but my birthday is Thursday. The current plan is for them to arrive Thursday afternoon (picking up barbecue and a birthday cake along the way) and stay till early the next week. I'm certainly not thinking I'll feel like a big birthday bash but I know they think it would be nice to be here then. What do you think? How will I feel? Is it going to make much difference if they come on Thursday or if I tell them to come a few days later? I don't know if I'm going to feel the same (half decent, all doped up) or miserable. Help?! I know my mom (and I) had thought she'd be able to help with sponge baths, getting around, etc. - but the surgeon says she wants me to move as much and as normally as possible (well, I don't have to scrub any floors or vacuum with my left arm that week - whew!). I'm thinking that I'd kind of like to enjoy my folks' visit a little bit - so help me with the timing, please.

    We start our new Bible study tomorrow - Priscilla Shirer's "Gideon." We did her Jonah study before and it was really a blessing so I'm looking forward to it (plus, the "snacks" beforehand are a Texas-sized monster buffet!)

    Thanks so much for being there!  Bev

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2014

    Congrats in the negative brain scan and not needing to make a trip to Oz for a brain. :-)

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    So excited for you Amy.  This kind of new  such an encouragement to all of us!

    Thanks for the good word Bev.  The mouth sores are barely visible.  The lymphedema in the leg has gotten worse and moved up into the thigh.  I did work yesterday.  I managed to be on my feet for 7-hours with few breaks because we were so busy.  I'm so discouraged today and weepy again.  It seems as though I get rid of one thing and then another pops up ten times worse.  The cold and snowy weather hasn't helped today either.  It's nearly impossible to get a sock on much less shoe.

    Tomorrow I have my long nasty chemo day.  Four hours of infusions and then 6-hours of the follow up blood draws.  Trying to figure out how to get to my car without getting frostbite on my feet or slipping along the sidewalk, lol.  I also have to see the onc. who has a really lousy bedside manner and isn't very encouraging.  I'm hoping I don't break down and cry front of her so pray these crying jags go away!

    Bev, I wouldn't worry at all about when your folks come.  Thursday would be more than okay.  You're going to need someone around when you come home to look after the house and keep an eye on you to boot - even if you're sleeping most of that time.  You may not feel like celebrating your birthday but that can come at any time.  Don't over plan.  Just sit back and let others bless you.


  • lovewins
    lovewins Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014

    I agree with Milehigh I think you should let them come Thursday. 

    Milehigh...I was very emotional during chemo, it really did a number on my emotions.  Just letting you know there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I hope you feel better soon!

    my boss called today and I return to work tomorrow.  I am so thankful and feel very blessed how the Lord was with me every step and didn't give me more than I could handle.  I have more faith now that He is looking out for me and I hope I don't back slide on this.

    God bless you all, I give thanks to the Lord for meeting and sometimes exceeding our needs.

  • joannaraku
    joannaraku Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2014

    Just wanted to check in with everyone. I am in Florida and the weather is beautiful. My first consult with the radiation is Mar 7 and then we will begin. I go back to new Hampshire on the 5th. The swelling in my breast is going down quite a bit. And I have a lot less pain.Will be glad when the radiation is all over with.  The YMCA is offering a class two days a week for people who have had cancer. You exercise twice a week and swim in the pool twice a week. And it is free. So really looking forward to that. Praying that all goes well for everyone and that everyone gets too rest too. God loves us, always remember this.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Amy: Love your sense of humor. Praise The Lord for your good news. Keep the sense of humor girl. It's good for your health.

    MHG: You go right ahead and cry if you need to. Tears have a way of relieving stress and God isn't asking us to be tough but yielding to His will and showing Him that we can't get through it without Him. I wish I could reach through the airways and give you a big hug. You know that my prayers are with you. 

    IBev: You know my thoughts on your folks. I think I would ask them if they would care if you postponed the BD celebration because you don't really know how you are going to feel after surgery. You seem to be such a giver.....maybe God wants you to be on the receiving end for a change. I do know how you feel about just wanting time alone but it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Just my thoughts... I will pray that you get some peace over what should take place.

    I felt pretty good the last couple days but my knee swelled today...even with the cortisone. My four Advil, elevation and ice helped but it is still tight to bend. Probably being on it with no breaks from 5 am to 7 pm didn't help it much. 

    Another round of snow coming in now along with ice. Poor California in drought and all these super storms still leads me to believe we are in the end times as the Bible speaks of such diverse weather. You know it's bad when the weather folks have started naming these storms. 

    Much past my bedtime. Maybe a delay tomorrow would be nice and give some time off my knee.

    Sweet dreams and my prayers are with all of you.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2014

    Bev- I believe I had surgery on a Monday and company on the next Friday. I really didn't want my friends to come but my husband talked me into it. I was worried before about feeling like I might do too much. I instead actually found I enjoyed their visit because I had a GREAT excuse to be lazy and let my husband, boys and friends do all the work. It really took my mind off of things and time went so quickly. Before I knew it I was a week out of surgery and well on my way to healing. That being said I did "escape" some just to rest, but when I was feeling up to it I had much to keep my mind off of my situation. Granted these are good friends and I enjoy their company. Family can sometimes be different. :-)

    Sue- I will pray for you. Emotions are a hard thing to handle sometimes. Sometimes you just want to control them and it's hard when you can't ! I think we all went thru crazy emotional stuff during chemo so know you are not alone. So I have a silly question for you. I saw you said you are dealing with lymphedema. Do you think the elevation of Colorado is not helping you? (you are in Colorado aren't you?) I was told lymphedema could be triggered by elevation and I wondered if I have to worry about that if I ever go to visit my family that lives in the Springs and Denver area? Just wondered if they ever said anything about that to you.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2014

    Got the thumbs for my second chemo treatment that is tomorrow. I am not saying anything else - due to Murphy's Law! haha

    Bev - let your folks come and celebrate and pamper you - not so much for YOU but for THEM - they might need to feel like they are helping you, caring for you and taking care of their 'baby'. I can tell you, if my Mom was still alive, I would let her.

    Right now, I have two older sister - who live out of town - anxiously waiting for our annual Sisters Weekend in April - so they can come here to visit. Sometimes I forget that this is a family disease.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2014

    Asking for prayer again, My counts are way up, and will get a scan, next week. then on to new treatment

    Thanks for praying, this Chronic stage 4 is very hard at times.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    bestock: I am so sorry to hear about your counts going up. You are and have been in my prayers. In fact I was praying for you on  the way home from work tonight. It is amazing how God will lay upon ones heart someone or something to pray about. Hang in there and remember that God has it all covered. Maybe easier to say when it is not me but I know from my own life that He has never let me down.