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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • jlow51
    jlow51 Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2014

    So sorry the scans were not good. Will continue to pray for healing and hope. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Congrats ADJ on that new graandbaby!  They are such a blessing.

    Welcome Big D.  We're glad to have you join us.  Let us know how we can pray for you.

    Ouch Friday Girl on the broken leg - what's next, huh?

    Bestock, why do you think your scans aren't good?  What does the sub. doctor have to say and when is your doctor going to be back?  We've had you covered in prayer no matter what.  Prayers for peace my friend.

    I had my trial chemo today and met with the onc. before hand.  She's really pleased with the work the PT and I have done the last week.  The leg lymphedema has brought the leg down to 0 swelling.  I still have to wrap the leg but I'm just fine with that.  I have the trial drug again next Wednesday followed by the dreaded scans.  Those will tell us if the chemo is working so Bestock, prayers there are certainly welcome for the scaniety!

    Blessings to all.


  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2014

    Hang in there, bestock.  I am praying for you as I am sure everyone here is.  I am waiting to find out the results of my BRCA testing.  Anxious to know either way.  Jesus will never fail you, nor any of us.  Let us know about the clinical trial and what that is like for you. Those trials are the first line of new treatments, trust in the Lord as you do and believe it will happen for you as well!

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Becky: I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Jesus will never let us go. Keep fighting the fight and run the course. No matter, He will never forsake you or leave you. I and others will continue praying for you and ask that through all of this you are given peace and reassurance that He has it all covered and that you might bring honor and glory for His namesake. I pray that you will get some response quickly from your  MO and that you get in the trial group.

    For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

    In Christ,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Sorry for the lapse of correspondence. I have been faithfully reading entries. Welcome to those new to our thread. May you find comfort in knowing that you are in the presence of God loving women that will be here to support, encourage and most importantly pray for you as you travel on the road to healing. 

    My knee is showing no signs of improvement. More obvious reasons that I will need surgery. A little speed bump along the way. Just another detour....probably me going the wrong way and God redirecting on the path He has chosen for me. So I will readjust my compass and wait on His plan and direction.

    May all of you know that I continue to pray for each of you.

    Lucy: good to see you posting again. Missed seeing you on here. 

    Also FG: I have been wondering how your leg has been healing since you had your rod put in,

    Congrats ADJ on the new grand baby. You are so right in that a little baby can have such an impact in healing and mending things.

    Love in Christ,


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2014

    Having my reconstruction in the morning! 

    Prayers would be appreciated! 

    Love having you all lifting me up! 

    Hugs, Kate W.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014

    MHG - Can you tell me more about soaking my fingers?  First I have hear of that one.  I was hoping they would lower the dose but instead they gave me this week off so didn't have chemo on Monday.  I was so ready for the break I am enjoying having a normal week.  No bloody nose, no aches and pains from the neupogen shots, and neuropathy is mild and I don't feel so fatigued.  Not sure if they will lower the dose if they change the protocol to having 3 weeks on an 1 off.  Glad it went well with PT...Praise God!

    ADJ/Anita - Sounds like Abraxane has kept you busy as well.  How often to you have it?  I have it every Monday.  Congrats on the new baby.  My new granddaughter is 15 months old and she is so fun to be aound and brings so much joy.  What did they tell you about eating a lot of protein?  I eat it for every meal and drink protein shakes I make.  

    Bestock - Praying for peace and comfort.  Sorry for your scans not being good.  Have they talked with you about what clinical trials are available for you?  Don't focus on these tests, remember our ultimate physician and healer is in control...Thank you Father God...we trust and believe in you completely!

    MHG - Scans just after 2 treatmens of the trial drug?  Lifting you up in prayer..

    GG/Char - Soy to hear about you knee.  Keep us posted so we know how best to pay.  We all have to readjust our compass once in a while.

    As I was reading my yearly bible today I came across this posting and wanted to share:

    Those who are right with The Lord cry, and He hears them.  And He takes them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17  As God' child, you have His ear 24/7, if only you will pray.  Every need, trouble, or praise is His concern.  And not only will He hear about your trials, but He will deliver you from them.  Feel dicouraged in your troubles? You need not stay that way.  Just spend time with Jesus.  His help is on the way.

    Blessings to all of you and just take comfort in all the prayers that are coming your way.  Not just from us on the board but from your friends and family and church family.  We are all being lifted in prayer and if you take a few moments to really think about this you will really feel the prayers and it is amazing what it can do for you.  Love you all Ladies and thank you so much for making me feel special and lucky to be friends with all of you...I am sorry we are here for the reason we are but I am happy for the bond we share....good night...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014

    Your being lifted KateW...Keep us posted as quickly as you can...God is our healer...xoxoxo

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2014

    I got some more pictures of my grandbaby.  My son had the picture taken where she is curled up in his hand/ wrist.  I love it.  He and his wife don't want her pix on line or I would be posting here for you all's pleasure.  Continuing to pray for salvation and healing of relationships.

    I was so sure I had a week off chemo but not to be.  MO intends for my abraxane to be non stop Wednesdays.  I get a CBC drawn every Monday to check on my white count, and start neupogen for Mon. and Tues. if too low.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So does eating protein. 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014


    My prayers are with that all goes well and your recovery swift.


  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited February 2014

    Hello all, it's been a while since I posted on this thread, although I do read it sometimes. I have a question for all of you. I saw a naturopath yesterday to see whether supplements, herbs, etc can help my standard treatments be more effective and/or relieve side effects. He made a number of suggestions, one of which is that acupuncture might be helpful. I did a search and found some mention of using acupuncture on this thread. I have always been leery of getting involved with yoga, acupuncture and the like, because I'm uncertain whether I can use such practices without also in some way "buying into" the Eastern worldview that underlies them.  What are your thoughts about this? Meanwhile, I am going to try the other (nutritional) suggestions first and see how much they help—I don't have any inner conflict about vitamins or supplements. 

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2014

    to sue. and all .

    my tumor markers went up from 50,60,70 to 131 in a two month period, (from the 20s) while on falsodex 

    When the co- dr come in he said he was the bearer of bad news Shockedand that my disease is progressing...but it as not an adequate review since my scan results were not in his hand yet, only a  phone call from the radiologist.. , My dr returns tuesday. the clinical trial hospital said they got my information and they are getting my records together and it will take 7-10 days 

     thanks for   Prayers 

    Oh I a getting the copy of scans by mail and now do not want to read it, until I see doctor. Should I keep bugging the nurse to get more info  for me.. I just think I should maybe get regular chemo because of the delay, and do clinical trial when/if  the new chemo fails..

    give me your opinions prayer sisters

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Lucy, I actually found a thread about soaking the hands and feet on this site.  I thought it was this thread but I've been on three different drugs in the last six months so it may have been on one of those threads.  I just googled it so you may find several out there on the www.  Here's a few to look at.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Kate, I trust you are well on the road to recovery and our prayers will continue for a speedy return home!

    Lucy, my scans are coming at the end of the second cycle (6-weeks).  Dreading them no matter when they come, lol.

    Becky, it is so hard to wait.  Since your doctor will be back next week, I'd opt for a good long chat with him then.  I was worried about waiting on the trial drugs and maybe having my disease progress during the month off but it was all for naught.  The doctor can tell by looking at my chest wall that the trial drug with the docetaxol is working, even before I have the dreaded scans next week. 

    Curveball, I've never really done much research on acupuncture or the eastern healing practices (with the exception of Reiki) in terms of their being compatible or not with Christianity.  I believe if you google the topic you'll find lots of good info.

    Garden Gal, we've got to get that knee healed!

    Trusting in Him as we pray along our day.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    I keep forgetting to share this for we mouth sore sufferers but I read somewhere that most toothpastes have what's called sodium lauryl sulfate in them.  It is a source of aggravation for mouth sores!  I had to hunt and hunt, even in the health food stores, to find a tooth paste that didn't have it in it.  Finally found one called Jason's (has several kinds).  Tom's of Maine is also SLS free.  They're not cheap but it was worth the switch not to have a stinging mouth in the morning!


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2014

    Curveball - not sure if accupuncture will help, as your MO - also, I would be concerned more about possible infection(s). Also, a gal I met at Chemo says she got cleared by her MO to continues getting Vitamin C IV's from her naturopath. I can get more info if you need. Yoga is not only a flexible exercise but also is strongly tied to eastern mysticism - or so I have been informed AFTER I took some yoga classes. If it doesn't sit well with you, listen to your heart, you'll know. You can always do the exercise at home.

    milehighgirl - thanks for sharing the info on SLS; didn't realize it was a problem, good to know and time to change toothpaste. I am going to check out your link to soak feet/hands. My hands are slightly swollen and now no longer soft but hard and crusty-like knuckles similar to eczema; itchy as all get out too. Got some Topical Corticosteroid cream from ER MD to use ONLY on the hands; to bad, because the head is itchy too. :)

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited February 2014

    bestock, sorry you are having to make these tough decisions. If you don't know how to read the scans, I would wait to see the MO before reviewing them. Don't know if I actually could when it comes down to it, but that's just me. I'm sure you know much more about them than I do. Try to enjoy your week-end. Give it to God. It's in His hands...

    MHG, Thanks for the info on Toms' toothpaste. I have been using it for years and haven't had any mouth sores during chemo.

    CB, Know nothing about accupuncture, Yoga, but you could probably find more info on another thread by doing a search.

    ((HUGS)) to all!


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2014

    OK, I've touched on a few of these subjects during my journey, so I will throw in my two cents. First of all, Tom's toothpaste has several kinds with varying ingredients. I didn't realize this until I was looking for a particular ingredient and started reading all the boxes. There is one I use, but several that I wouldn't due to the ingredients. Make sure you check each type.

    Yes, yoga is associated with eastern religions. Some people think the positions you are doing make space in the body for "spirits" to enter the body. However, like most everything else in this world moderation is the key, and I believe it is beneficial if used correctly. When they recommend meditation, I pray and/or focus on Jesus. I don't think there is anything inherently evil in it unless you make it so. Yoga is a great way to strengthen your core and help with balance and other issues.

    I tried accupuncture once as part of another appt. for some back issues I was having. I didn't expect to get it, so I didn't have any preconceived ideas about the results.  The office I was in was clean and the packages of needles sealed and opened at the time of my treatment. There was no discomfort. When I had entered the office, I was limping quite badly due to a sprained ankle. When I left, I didn't realize until I was halfway up the steps to my car that my ankle didn't hurt at all. I don't profess to know why, but I will say that remained pain-free for several days. One thing I have have had good luck with is accupressure. It it inexpensive and done with clothes on. I tried it out of desperation because once, while traveling, I couldn't turn my head at all and thought I was going to have someone drive several hours to pick me up because I couldn't turn my head enough to watch for merging traffic. When I couldn't get an appt. for a massage, I stopped out of desperation at a place in the mall and paid $20 for 20 minutes ($10 for each 10  minutes). When it was over, I didn't feel any different, but figured it was worth a shot. I woke up the next morning pain-free and able to spin my head around like the exorcist. :-) If I lived there, I'd be in that office every Friday for 10 minutes. I wouldn't think that applying pressure on certain points in the hands, ears, legs etc., would affect your back or neck, but it does. And it is so worth it, imho.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Here is my thought on yoga. As an exercise it is great. I teach physical education and I often use it with my students as a cool down after a warm up. I think the the issue is the spiritual tie in. In yoga they often ask you to clear your mind and to me that is opening it to spiritual conflict. I just work on relaxing and thinking pleasant thought like feeling the sun on my face and gentle breezes. I never try to rid my mind because I think that can open one up to spiritual attacks. Just my two cents for what it is worth.

    I know people that have had great success with acupressure and acupuncture. Finding a reputable person is key.

    Becky: keep he faith. God is still on the throne and He knows your needs even if we are not sure about the path He leads us on. He sees our future. I often am amazed when I see where it takes me and I finally see what he knew all along and say, so that is why I went through all of this or that. I am glad you are still trusting. My prayers are with you. I hope you can feel all of them.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    I just read all the posts - not sure what I've been doing over the past week but the days have been flying by.  Becky, I'll continue to pray for you - waiting is so hard and hopefully once you get the scan results and can have a long discussion with your doctor, you'll have a good plan as to how to proceed. Praying for peace, calm and wisdom for you!

    Debbie, good to hear from you - sounds like you've had lots on your plate lately. How is the rod doing? Are you having much pain?

    Char, praying that God will give you and the doctor wisdom about surgery and how best to proceed. With your crazy schedule and all your energy, I know it's hard for you to slow down. Like my good friend at church says, God gets our attention.....all different ways. I'm sure He'll guide you as to the next steps.

    Kate,, how are you making out? I know the reconstruction surgery is much more involved and a longer recovery than the initial MX - praying everything is going smoothly.

    Welcome, Big D - we'll pray you through the tough waiting time. 

    I had my first non-chemo infusion (herceptin/perjeta) yesterday and will
    have my pre-op bloodwork on Monday. Surgery on the 25th and although
    I'm thinking about it (mostly after I take a shower and realize how
    different my body will look in a couple of weeks), I'm not worrying or
    "what-iffing" - which is definitely God and answered prayers! Last week I had some tingling on the sole of my left foot but it's pretty much gone away. The past few days, I've noticed the tips of my thumbs and index fingers are a little numb - otherwise, seems like the SE are pretty much gone (well, except for the bloody/nasty nose - hopefully soon). Praying for you, Lucy, Sue and Carren. It's so strange to have the body that was always so predictable do such unexpected things as a result of that nasty chemo!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday - lots of blessings at church!


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2014

    Bev, I completely agree that the weeks are flying by. All of the snow we have had this winter, one would think it would be the opposite! Reconstruction went well and I am feeling SO much better just having the tissue expanders out! I have a new post up on the blog about it all and a neat story that happened the day before surgery. Hope everyone is doing well. I am praying for you all. I just love that I was feeling "weak" about my surgery and all I had to do was hop on here and ask for prayers and knew you all would instantly lift me up! Thank you! 

    Hugs, Kate W.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Kate: Went to your blog and read your story. It is amazing how God gives us signs. And isn't it funny Howe know someone that some else knows but never make the connection. I met a gal on this thread who was originally from my area and found out that some of her friends are people I worked with. I am glad you did well and came through your surgery. I was on my way to work last week on the morning of your surgery and I was praying for you. I don't think about what I have to do for the day, but instead pray for all of you on the thread.

    Hugs to everyone for a good week. I have some knee relief today after a weekend of swelling. Shoveled snow yesterday, twice at my house today and dug my dad out late this afternoon. I have had enough. I am ready for snow crocuses....if they can find their way above the two feet of snow in my yard.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014

    ADJ/Anita - Sounds like you are on a similar plan as me.  I am having it every Monday and my neupogen shots on Tues an Wed mornings.  They will be changing the treatment to 3 weeks on an 1 week off starting now so I have to say it is really nice to have that week break.  They would rather do that than lower the dose I think, I had some se that were rough the week before last thats why they gave me a break.  The fatique was the worst. 

    Curveball - I have used acupuncture for about 3 years at a time when I had some menopause symptoms that were bothering me.  It worked great and I didn't have to take any pills so I was glad to try it with good results.  I never had to deal with any "buy-in" issues with the gal I was seeing.  I was actually thinking about trying a yoga class that the clinic offfers where I go get my shots, having second thoughts now...

    MHG - Thanks for the thread on soaking hands.  I guess I was confused with the term soaking vs ice gloves.  My hospital offers ice gloves and I used them for the first several weeks and then stopped and I guess this started.  I also used to chew on ice as well and stopped because the taste started to be horrible when my taste buds were affected.  The water tasted bad there too so I stopped so since then my tongue has been feeling weird an they said it could be neuropathy as well...have you heard of that?  I have not had issues with my feet or toes but tomorrow when I go in I am going to use the ice gloves again and also take some ice pads for my toes and feet.  My forefinger an middlefinger on both hands are showing signs of soreness and senstive but not really numb.  My thumbs are a little bit too but not as much.  So will use the gloves tomorrow and hope I can stomach the ice taste.

    Bev - glad to hear from you, missed you.  Non - chemo infusion - so how often does this occur?  I didn't know they did it this way? Do you feel anything with these new drugs and are there any se's?

    Hope you all have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!  I know that my DH is amazing and I am so thankful to have him in my life and on this journey with me.  This is such a difficult thing to go through and he has some medical issues of his own so I am very blessed.  

    Father God, even when the challenges before us seem impossible, we know that we can tackle them one day at a time because You are with us.  We receive Your strength today Lord to get us through.  Thank you so much for loving us and for your grace and favor.  We love you Lord...In Jesus mighty name...Amen!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2014

    I slept through church again, I mean I was still at home.  I miss worshipping with the body of Christ.  And I didn't know it was possible to need so much sleep.  Have a blood draw and nurse eval in the morning, see if I need neupogen before abraxane on Wed.  New for me is lymphadema treatment.  I get to shower only at rehab, where they will immediately re wrap my leg.  Not too excited about that, but I know I need it.  Considering an Alaskan cruise this summer, so need for my mobility to be improved.  Has anyone taken the Princess cruise leaving from Seattle? 


  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited February 2014

    @GardenGal, the spiritual tie-in to yoga, acupuncture and other Eastern practices is exactly what I'm concerned about. I guess I will just have to keep thinking of myself as having "weak faith" in that area (like the believers who felt uncomfortable about eating meat because it came from sacrifices in idol temples) and stay away.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2014

    Hi all.  Interesting thoughts about yoga and acupuncture. 

    I can't do traditional yoga because of issues with my hip rotation but I did try it  once a few years back.  My take is on where your head is.  The spiritual vibes we let in would be individual to each of us, no?  The Holy Spirit that lives within me would be my spiritual connection.  Actually I find I can never clear my mind as I try and keep Jesus in there at all times.  What about pilates instead of yoga?  Isn't that good for stretching and strengthening without the chant?

    I never connected acupuncture with eastern religion/spirituality; more just eastern medicine.  Good medicine can come out of anywhere.   I did acupuncture for my hip/knee for about 6 weeks and did have relief from most of the pain.  My acupuncturist is also an MD; American male who did not seem to have interest in any spiritual aspect.  Just came in with sealed needles and 30 minutes later I was done. 

    Not trying to say yoga and acupuncture is okay.  I probably would not try and do yoga again because the chanting might interfere with my focus on God.  I don't have the same feelings about acupuncture.  We have to know to whom we belong, our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

    Praying for blessings to rain down on each of you and for those who are still suffering on this journey, peace.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2014

    You don't have to chant to do yoga. I never have. I'm with Patoo. Where your heart is is what matters. Different strokes as they say. If you still have issues with yoga, you may want to try pilates. The moves are slow and deliberate and can be done at many levels. Tai Chi is good, as well. Although it's harder than it looks. Ether that or I'm really bad at it. :-)

    I just wanted to let all you beautiful ladies know how much I appreciate each and everyone of you. I have learned so much here. Medical stuff for sure, but more importantly, spiritual things. I wish I could give you all a collective hug. I don't think I could find a better group of people to share this journey with. Thank you for sharing your life with me. You are beautiful, brave, loving women and I thank God for you.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2014

    And we thank God for you as well, Mini1.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    I don't have any experience with yoga, acupuncture or pilates so I have nothing to add - except Curveball, I think you're exactly right with your "weak faith" analogy - if it doesn't feel right to you, stay away from it. Our Great Physician has the perfect answer for you - even though it may not come as quickly as you'd like (speaking from my own, impatient experience, of course!)

    Lucy, what I meant by "non-chemo infusion" (since I didn't know how else to describe it) - since I'm triple positive, I'll have a year of herceptin/perjeta treatments every 3 weeks (I've had 3 months of them/4 treatments every 3 weeks with taxol but now that's done). After several people asked what the difference is between the drugs and chemo, I finally read about it since my vague answers weren't very satisfying to me or the folks asking. Herceptin and perjeta (as I understand them) are drugs targeted to the genes on triple positive cancer cells - basically turning them off so they don't replicate. Chemo (taxol, etc.) affect cell division, which acts strongly on the fast-dividing cancer cells but also all the other cells in the body. There shouldn't be SE from herceptin and perjeta (well, other than possible decreased heart function, which is why they carefully monitor it with EKG's every three months) because they're not affecting the rest of the body like chemo does - just the genes on the bad cells. At least that's what I got from my reading but if anybody understands the whole subject better, please correct me.

    Anita, the Alaska cruise and trip to Denali are on my list....I'll be interested to hear how it goes!

    Mini and Patoo, I agree - I thank God for leading me to this thread. You ladies are such a blessing, comfort and strength!


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2014

    Hey everyone, been a couple of days. I saw the Nurse Practitioner yesterday at the Cancer Center about the eczema on my hands. Turns out normal SE from the Taxotere. Some concern about dosage levels though.  The pimples on my head a SE from the Dexamethasone (sterioid). They did labs yesterday too - my DAY 12 - next Chemo on the 27th Feb. Turns out the neutrophils are low and they are considering giving me Neulasta next time if they do not come up. Anyone have that before? The thought of being in joint pain on top of these other SEs does not thrill me. On a more positive note: Those of us with the metallic tastes in our mouths - I have found that I mix a little (2 caps) of my Lime Cordial into my water and it removes the taste! I bought it at Safeway - but just ask your grocer, as it is not a common product. It is a really old one, since this was what we had as kids in the 50's & 60's to drink.