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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited February 2014

    carren, I have had a Neulasta shot each TX. Take 24 hr Claritin the day before, day of and a few days after. The shot will cause your bone marrow to expand in an attempt to restore your WBC's...that's what causes the pain. For me, each time the pain lessened. I also found that a hot shower/heating pad helped. Personally, I think it's worth not risking an infection and ending up in ER. Good luck!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Carren, I also get the neulasta shot.  It's pretty common.

    Becky, what happened with your doctor's appointment on Tuesday?  Been praying up a storm that your doctor has come up with a good game plan for you.

    I had the dreaded scans on Wednesday.  The pain meds didn't work and it was all I could do to go a mere 3-minutes twice!  Now I have to wait until next Wednesday to find out if these drugs are working or not.  That's the hardest thing.  I think the worst since the pain is still here and is supposed to go away with each passing chemo treatment and it hasn't.  I so want the Lord to take this away and my mind starts racing.  I'm also fearful the doctor is going to suggest radiation for the leg.  If so, I'd have to stop the chemo yet again.  Satan is working overtime dealing up his discouragement and doubt.  Prayers are certainly welcome!

    Blessings to you all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Sue: I want you to know that I am always praying for you. You have gone through so much. My pastor preached on the numerous references in the Bible today on holding fast and it made me think of you.

    When Satan beats us down, God reminds us to hold fast for it is so easy to fall back due to adversity or complacency. Rev. 2:25, Rev. 3:3 &11, Heb. 10:23 and Heb.3:16. When it's hard to hang on, let go and let God hold you for awhile. I am asking God for a good outcome. 

    Becky: Still praying for you and asking God to meet your needs.

    On another note,; Please keep Bev (SaltyJack) in your prayers as she under goes breast surgery this week. She has been so supportive of each of us over the last number of months and has been busy getting things in order for her parents arrival on Thursday. Her surgery will be this Tuesday and she will be home Wednesday. Thursday is her birthday so good wishes would be great. She has been so inspirational and she is at peace about her surgery and knows that it is only because of God that she  has remained calm through all of this. I know that our prayers will be much appreciated.

    A reprieve from snow since Wednesday. We experienced a brief thaw with temps reaching 55 yesterday. Cold weather coming back later this week but the teeze of warm weather is just what we needed to lift spirits. 

    Blessings to all of and my thoughts and prayers are ever with each of you.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    Hi all - thanks so much for the prayers (especially you, Char, for keeping track of us all - you're such a blessing to us all!).  I'm ready for surgery on Tuesday - I've got the Great Physician guiding the surgeon and giving me peace and calm! I've had a couple bad moments (ironically, the worst one was at church this morning when I was hearing and thinking about a dear lady who's been so supportive of me, praying and hugging me every chance she gets - she had some minor outpatient surgery this past week and ended up with the surgeon nicking her intestine so has had about 1/2 of it removed and is in critical condition - yikes!) Satan sure knows just how to reach us doesn't he?

    Sue, I'm sure praying for you through the waiting and pain - as Char said, you've had a terrible journey yet have been so strong and faithful.

    Char, praying for you with your knee - hopefully you'll get some relief and know how best to proceed.

    Have a blessed week, all - keep warm up north!

    God bless you, my sweet sisters - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Bev you are at the top of our prayer lists this week.  I just know you're going to come through with flying colors.  Isn't it wonderful we have such a gracious loving God to get us through times like this?  Also so glad your folks will be here to minister to you when you come home.t ti

    Char, thanks so much for your words of encouragement.  That message was right on target.  I've been crying on and off all day and of course your post made me cry again, lol.  It was a good cry though.  What perfect timing!

    Blessings one and all.  Sue

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for setting my mind at ease about the Neulasta. I will ask the MO about the Claritin as well. I will be praying for you, Bev, for your surgery. Remember to let you Mom 'mother you' it may be hard, but she needs to do this. I have an older sister that tries to do this long-distance! LOL My next chemo is this Thursday, here is hoping all the neutrophils and WBC are in good enough shape to go forward. Also, some talk of changing meds due to the Taxotere SE on my hands. At this point and being Triple Negative; I do not want to change drugs when I only have two more infusions left.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited February 2014

    Bev', prayers and good thoughts coming your way. I know your medical team will take the best care of you and your Mom will be delighted to nurture her baby when you get home! I think you have a birthday coming up, too! Happy Birthday!

    Sue, praying for good results for you on Wednesday.

    carren, I hope your counts are good and you can  move forward with your next TX on Thursday.

    Char, thanks for your words and reminders!

    ((HUGS)) to all~


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2014

    Hello!  I've been keeping up with you all, reading your posts and praying
    for you.

    Bev - Be encouraged! I had double mastectomies last July and it was
    the first surgery I'd ever had. All went very well. The problems I had were
    minor over all. I did have a lot of nausea after the surgery but it was gone 24
    hrs later which is when I went home and then I never had it again so I'm sure
    it was due to the anesthesia and the strong pain meds, I had two drains and
    they were not too bad at all. The oral pain med worked great and after a week I
    was only taking half tablets and then I switched to ibuprofen which actually
    worked better at that time since the only discomfort I had was related to nerve regeneration. You'll definitely have a strange feeling
    on your surgical side but it's never very painful and after 6 weeks it's
    completely gone. Follow the exercises and instructions that your doctor gives
    you and you'll do fine. Very important to massage the surgical site and chest
    area after one week so you don't get scar tissue building up which can cause
    long term discomfort. Use a cream with Vit E to massage with. I like St. Ives
    daily hydrating Vit E body lotion. I'm praying for you!

    Sue - I'm continuing to pray for you and for pain relief! I can't
    imagine really how difficult your situation is, but I know God will get you
    through. Rest in His promises, pray through the Psalms where Psalmist cries out
    to God, then reminds himself who God is and His faithfulness to those who are
    His, then ends with praises to God! God is so good, kind, and merciful to us -
    His Word, especially the Psalms are for us to help us get through the darkest,
    lowest times.

    Char - Thank you for encouraging us! I'm praying for you and your
    knee. I can't remember if I mentioned it before but both my son and mom have
    had knee surgery. My mom's surgery might be like what you are looking at
    having. I just want you to be encouraged that both my son and mom have done
    very well after their surgeries. If in the future I need to have it done, I
    would not hesitate to do so.

    Carren - I'm praying your chemotherapy goes well and that the
    taxotere will be adjusted just the right amount to prevent the neuropathy and
    will be sufficient to kill the cancer. I was on the TC treatment and never had
    the neulasta but I did have fever and flu like symptoms after each treatment.
    It was caused by the low neutrophil count. I don't believe I ever had an
    infection but each time my doctor placed me on an antibiotic. Praise the Lord I
    never had to be hospitalized! Definitely take the claritin if you get the
    neulasta shot. For some reason my doctor never ordered it for me. My counts always
    recovered well by the time my infusion was due.

    Becky/Bestock – I’m continuing to pray for you that you’ll
    be encouraged when you get more information about your scans and treatment
    ahead. Continue to rest in God’s promises.

    Kate – I’m been praying for you. Praying that your recovery
    from surgery is going well with great success. I just read your blogging posting. :-)

    Terri/Keepthefaith – I’m guessing you are all done with chemo. I’m
    praying you are doing well. Is radiation next? Thankfully, several here can guide
    you through that.

    Lucy – I’m praying you are doing well, glad to see that you
    and AJ and can encourage each other since your treatments are similar. God is
    so good to provide help when we need it!

    Curveball – I’m praying you are getting the answers to help
    guide you and that your treatments will be helpful.

    Anita – So happy for you and your new granddaughter. Seems your treatments are
    complicated – I’m praying they will be successful and that you’ll have the Alaskan
    cruise this summer – that would be a great reward for all you’ve gone through.
    I hear those trips are wonderful!

    Debbie – I’m praying that you are doing better and
    that your leg is closer to being completely healed.

    For the rest of you, it does seem that many of us are on
    here less when we get better. I hope and pray that you are doing well.

    I’m now 15 weeks PFC and I could probably go without a scarf
    or hat but I’ve never had hair this short and it's mostly white gray. SO the
    shock of it being so light and short is really an adjustment. I know my hair
    wasn’t this gray before chemo. It is a little darker on the top and back but when I'm in the light the
    gray reflects To help encourage myself I refer to God's Word:

    "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." Proverbs 16:31

    I have no intentions of coloring my hair since I want to avoid hair chemicals. Perhaps when it gets longer, I'll be more content with my "new look".

    I’m seeing MO this week and expect to have a good report. I’m looking forward
    to Spring, longer hair and good days ahead.

    Here’s an encouraging quote I saw last week. May we all be
    encouraged even during the difficult times.

    “Trials are intended to make us think, to wean us from the world,
    to send us to the Bible, to drive us to our knees.” J.C. Ryle

    love and hugs to you all! Deborah

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2014

    Found this on my FB page today and thought it was worth sharing - Sometimes when you wonder why you can't hear God's voice during your trials, remember the teacher is always quiet during the test.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    oh, Deborahanne, thank you so much for the encouraging words - hearing about your experience is perfect timing and so helpful for me. I just picked up my mastectomy camisole (to hold the drains initially then the "poof" - is that politically correct or what?!).  I think you're right about this thread being a wonderful comfort and encouragement when we need it and then as life gets busy, we're a little less involved. I think of y'all and pray no matter what, though!

    Mini, your note is also great. God might be quiet - or He might just be speaking with a still, small voice and I'm too busy or waiting for the loud clap of thunder. Thanks!

    Terri and Sue, thank you for the sweet words, too. You all are such a wonderful blessing - thank you, God!

    I'll check in Wednesday when I get home....thanks for the prayers tomorrow.  

    love you - Bev

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2014

    Hello Everyone,

    I have been away from this website for some time now, Satan has been giving me quite a hard time.  All that I can think is that something wonderful must be right around the corner for me, because Satan usually wants to knock you down and take all your joy away before Christ fills you with happiness.  I broke my left femur and got out of hospital on Christmas Eve, then I found out I would be limping and using a stick for up to six months, then my front window shattered and it had to be boarded up until the glazier could get to it, now my tumour markers are increasing.  Well, all of these things are character building and I keep reminding myself that He won't force me to take on more than I can bear.

    Becky, I am in the same situation as you now, I know what an awful situation it is to go through.  Please keep on remembering what you told me all those months ago, The Lord is holding our hands.  He will never drop us, I am taking comfort in that thought.

    Bev, I am praying that you just sail through the surgery and allow yourself to rest and recuperate properly afterwards.

    Deborahanne and the other ladies who have been praying about my leg, thanks for all of your prayers.  I am so grateful that I am part of this little group.

    Blessings to you all.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2014

    hello Deborah and everyone , 

    I did get to spend some time with 3 week old Jocelyn this weekend as I am in the hospitol with neutropenia fever.  What a living doll!  A true gift from heaven.  There is sunlight pouring in my hospitol window, and we may have snow this week.  Go figure. I am thankful to be feeling better, now need my neutrophils to respond to the neopogen and my bowels to the miralax.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Thinking of you.

    FridayGirl: So good to hear from you from across the pond. Have been wondering how you are doing. So much has been happening with you too. Wow, keeping you in prayer about your leg and numbers elevating. You are so right, that God never gives us more than we can bear and to our amazement we can bear a lot.

    Deborah : So good to hear from you and thanks for your encouragement. Your quote is so welcome and appreciated. Must put that in my Bible.

    Hold fast ladies. God is here with us. Bev shared this with me from her pastor. While others stop at the doorway of treatment rooms or  operating rooms, God goes in with us. What a comforting thought to know that He is with us when others can not or when our family is not around.

    Today my father went back for a check up with his prostrate doctor. His numbers have been rising and she put him on another med. Well after three months his numbers went from 23 to .8 and she was so pleased that she is taking him off his prior med all together. I just could not conceive him going through chemo at his age with all the cardio meds he is taking. God is so good.

    So good to hear from so many of you and letting us know how you are doing.

    Love in Christ,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Carren - I didn't realize you were TNBC.  You were dx 3 months after me.  What a journey.  How did your nuepogen shot go for you?  My first treatment was the same way, my counts werre too low so I couldn't have my treatment so now I have shots on Tuesday an Wednesday morning each week after treatment.  

    Bev - looking forward to hearing from you to see how you are doing.  Also, how is your friend who had the intestinal surgery?  We are lifting you in prayer my friend.

    Deborah - Love your quote...I may have to use it.

    ADJ - What is neutropenia?  How many shots do you get a week?  

    FridayGirl - Praying for you..stay strong!

    Hope all have a better day tomorrow.  I am going to post a picture that a dear friend sent to me today.  Praying for all of you ladies and I too am so glad we are here to support, encourage and pray for one another so freely.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2014


    I was amazed when I saw this and I believe this is all of us.  I hope any of you who need encouragement and strength can use this and to remind us of who we are in Christ.  Please pass this along...I made it my cover page on FB.  Love to you all...we are Warriors!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2014

    I need prayer again.....I have to start strong chemo combonation Cytoxan/ Epirubicin today, my bc is agressive now and tumors in liver..growing. Please pray I can tolerate this drug combo, I iwll give more info later.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2014


    Awesome poster of the full armor of God.  I literally gasped. And neutropenia just refers to low white count, that's all.

    Am waiting to see my MO here in the hospitol, see if I will get weekly taxol or take a week off. I would be ok either way.  I honestly don't know how much my chances are improved by suffering these side effects.  



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited February 2014

    Becky, I hate that you are having to go through this. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that the chemo does its' job without making you feel horrible. God is holding you in His arms! ((HUGS))

    Lucy, thanks for the picture! Beautiful

    Anita, I hope you get out of the hospital soon and can continue with your treatments.




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2014

    Hi Ladies - I sure missed you but felt you there with me through surgery. I'm doing just fine - can't believe how good I feel only a day after surgery!  I met with the surgeon yesterday morning and as she left, I told her I didn't know if she believed or not but there were lots of prayers covering her and me that morning. She said, "oh, I believe!"  Better yet, my nurse this morning and I had a wonderful talk about how cancer isn't a good thing but God uses it for good and for us to help others - what a blessing to find a wonderful believer to give me that encouragement!  Best of all, Sharon (Sewstrong) was texting me Bible verses and encouragement all the way to the hospital yesterday morning - wow, did I need it then.  

    I've had very little pain - none at all if I don't move and I can move my arm quite a bit with just a little achy type feeling. At my PT sister's strong suggestion (like don't try to be stupid brave, Bev), I asked the nurse for a pain pill before bed last night but that's all I've taken. The surgeon saw me today and said I'm doing fine - and as long as I keep up "range of motion exercises" it's fine to just take OTC through the day and a pain pill at night.  I have two drains in and of course can't wait to get them out - but Deborahanne, you were just right in preparing me for what to expect.  So - thank you ladies and thank you, God!

    Becky, I'll sure be praying for you - so sorry you have to go through all this with chemo. Lucy, Anita and Carren, you're doing great - I'll keep praying you through chemo.

    Debbie, glad you're back - I missed you. I'll be praying that God will protect you from Satan's attacks. As we're learning in our Gideon Bible study, our weskness lets God's strength shine through us.

    Char, so glad about your dad. Thanks for always being there and for being such an encouragement to us all.

    Thanks so much for the prayers and caring - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Oh Becky.  So good to hear from you but so sorry about your news.  We will certainly get you though this in prayer and words of encouragement.  It would be nice to have someone next to you "with skin on" to give you physical support but we know the Lord is right there with you in our place.  Blessings to you dear sister.

    Bev, what a great testimony!  Hooray the surgery is all over and you can be home now to be ministered to.  Our God sure put together a wonderful support team in the hospital and here on this thread.  Thanks for giving us all a boost!

    Great news about your dad Char.  Still praying over that knee of yours.  It WILL get better!

    Anita, we've got you covered as well.  The SE's stink but hold out if you can.  Hold your doc. to keeping you posted on the chemo's progress.  It's an unfortunate part of the plan for us.  Will pray your SE's are minimal and they produce great results!

    As for me, today was my scheduled chemo day.  I saw the onc. and was supposed to have my chemo.  Scans from last week came back showing the tumor in my leg muscle had grown another cm.  All of the breast cancer was maintaining or shrinking (the good news).  Doc. decided to take me off the trial and sent me over to radiation/oncology (the  bad news).  She'd already talked to the doctor there.  When I met with rad/onc, she said it was the tumor pressing on the chain of lymph nodes.  It was having the domino effect everywhere I was having lymphatic swelling.  Soooooo......I went back this afternoon for a mapping session.  Then next week I'll have a daily dose of radiation to the tumor which will hopefully shrink this little *&(^*&^(^.  As it shrinks, the pain should go down/away and hopefully DIE and go away for good.  With it the swelling and lymphedema everywhere else.  I'm willing to take a shot at this.  Not happy that I have to have rads but willing to go for it if it will keep me from losing the use of my leg permanently (per my onc.)  I'm going to continue to do the lymphedema exercises and such until I know this is going to work. Prayers are so very much appreciated as I never, ever wanted to do radiation.  I trust and hope I'll hear from those of you who have had success with rads!l.

    Blessings and peace to you all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    So good to hear from you Lucy. I have been thinking of you a lot lately and wondering how you have been doing.

    Becky: I will pray fervently for you and that your treatment kicks the stuff in' out of your cancer and not out of you.

    Bev: So good to hear from you and that you are doing great. You have been in my thoughts and prayers these two days. I just knew you would sail through this. How delightful that you were able to bear witness to your surgeon and nurse. God bless Sharon for comforting messages.


  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2014

    Bev-glad to hear from you. You sound like things are going well! You always have such a positive attitude that comes thru in your posts. I will keep praying for a speedy recovery!

    Becky-I am really sorry to hear of your latest news! Please know I am praying for you!

    Sue-I will pray for you too! Radiation wasn't bad at all in my case. I know some people have had a fear of radiation, but for some reason it didn't really scare me and I didn't really have any problems. I was just a little sunburned at the end. I know your case sounds different but I am guessing it won't be as bad as you fear. And remember God will be there with you!

    Sorry I haven't been on here much. I still read and try to keep up with praying for you all. Life has gotten very busy again. How quickly I seem to have forgotten what this past year was like. I just had my 6 month follow up with the PS on Monday. It was weird because I remember making the appointment right after my surgery in July and February seemed like forever from then. Chemo sure helped make everything move slow, but once that was over time has just been flying by.  

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2014

    Home from 5 nights in the hospitol and grateful to a good God who loves us and knows the plans He has for us.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2014

    Becky, I hate that you are going through this difficult time. Rest in Lord, Trust in Him and His Promises. I've found it helpful to read through the Psalms. Here are some that you can pray and meditate through. I'm praying for you!!!!

    Psalms to read through  ~ Afflictions
    (Lament) ~ Prayers for God’s deliverance and for comfort when
    everything seems to be going wrong.

    3-5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 22, 26-28,
    31, 35, 41-44, 54-57, 59-64, 69-71, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89,
    94, 102, 109, 120, 123, 129, 137, 140-143

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2014

    Bev - Praise the Lord all went well with your surgery and you are doing well!!!! So glad to hear Sharon was encouraging you as well!

    Anita - So glad you are home from the hospital - hope you are doing much better!

    Char - Good news for your dad. He's still in my prayers as well.

    Lucy - Thank you for encouraging us with the Armor of God from Ephesians! One of favorite passages!

    Love, hugs and continued prayers for you all! Deborah

    LORD is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am
    helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him. Psalm

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited February 2014

    Sue - I'm praying for you as well as you go through radiation. I'm praying this will be effective getting rid of the cancer and pain while preserving your ability to use your leg!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2014

    Cytoxan/ Epirubicin yesterday, my bc is aggressive now and tumors in liver..growing. Please pray I can tolerate this drug combo, I will give more info later.feel very fatigued but okay will get neulasta this afternoon

    Becky thanks for all the prayer..I am on Cyroxan and Epirubican any experience with these?/Snooze

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2014


    I am praying for you,that this treatment will work well and you won't have side effects.  Just keep a tight hold of His hand.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited February 2014

    Anita, so glad  you are home.  I'm praying you have a great follow up support team to surround you with His love and care.  Nice to be home in your own bed!

    Becky, you hang in there friend.  You know that great things happen when we girls get together for prayer.  I find it interesting that the chemo my onc. is switching me to is Eribulin and it has a great success rate.  You will have the same!

    Thanks Mankato and Deborahanne for the encouraging words on the radiation.  Yes you're right.  I am nervous about having rads and talked with a friend today who had success with hers.  Our Lord sure knows how to send the right people with the right words to minister to us doesn't He?

    Blessings one and all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2014


    All of us are here for you in prayer. FridayGirl said it best...keep holding tight. The Psalms always give me comfort too. Thanks for sharing them Deborah.
