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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hello Ladies!

    Lucy: So glad to hear from yup again. Will you lose your nails permanently due to treatment? I have heard of radio frequency abilation. Don't ask me where but I will try to remember. I don't know if you were on this thread when I shared that a doctor here in Pittsburgh was having good results on cancer treatments and that he was applying for trial because it showed promise for all kinds including TNBC in that it not only starves the tumor but also kills it and spares healthy tissue. He is applying for permission to run trials.

    Duquesne University Doctor Develops NewCancer Treatment... Thanks for sharing about Andrew. I have been praying for his life and his soul. God may make him one of His best witnesses in the future. praying for his health and salvation.I am doing much better. I am two weeks out from surgery. My li is going and I am slowing gaining more bend and extension. I go Friday to get my sutures out. Each day seems to be a bit better. Thanks for continuous prayer.We had a stabbing at a local high school in my area. Twenty kids and one adult stabbed by a 10th grade student. No reasons but I am willing to say he has been bullied or teased. When will kids and adults realize that they need to stop or this violence will not. I had to deal with a third grade boy picking on a second grade girl for weeks. He did not have any reason for doing it nor did he even know the girl. Please pray for all the kids. One is extremely critical while he and two others are in ICU, Char

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    Good night, ladies.  I had taxol today with a number of pre meds and I must have kept passing out.  I don't know how much iv Benadryl I had but the need to sleep was overwhelming.  Nails are sore, trying to clip short and use OPI Nail Envy, plus a rose colored polish.  I am getting a blood transfusion in the morning so back to sleep I go!

    In His Name, 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Anita, I had my first dose of the Taxol three weeks ago.  They too gave me a bunch of pre-meds along with the Benedryl.  The nurse told me it "may" make me a little sleepy.  I think I fell asleep before she ever got the words out of her mouth and I ended up sleeping nearly the entire infusion!  I have my next infusion this Friday and I'm not sure I want to sleep through it again.  You and I are on similar journeys so I'm going to keep a prayin' for you.  How's the pain by the way?  Have they made any adjustments for you?  Hope so!

    Char and all, I got another email today from Andrew's brother.  He's already been moved out of ICU and is on the road to surgical recovery.  PTL.  Oh what a testimony this young man will have.  Can't wait to talk to him again when he's up and about.  Char, so glad your recover is going so well.  It sure is encouraging to the rest of us to see God doing some of His finer work!

    Blessings and prayers for all.  Sue

  • mankatostate
    mankatostate Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2014

    Lucy I read some where that wearing dark polish helps protect the nails during treatment. I had/have a few toe nails that kind of lifted after chemo. It almost seems like a new nail started to grow after chemo. I have kept them by putting polish on them...kind of like glue.

    Hi everyone I still pop in here and read posts and pray for you all. I haven't posted much because things generally have been going OK for me. I did do something stupid last night...I got tired of looking at my curly black and white chemo hair and my boys keep asking when I would color it. Well last night I gave in and decided to color it. Thankfully I used a tempory dye but I have ended up with dark brown hair with much PURPLE  highlights. I guess the color and the chemo drugs left over in my hair didn't mix well. As one of my friends pointed out I must be getting ready for Easter. Lol.

    How are rads going for you Bev? I think my husband and I will be down your way next month. Will you still be doing radiation then? If so I wonder if we might run into you if we go with my father in law to treatment.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    Sue, I find it so thrilling and amazing to see God at work in Andrew's life. Thank you for allowing God to use you. As for my pain, we added another neurontin tab so now 300 mg 4 times a day doubling up at bedtime. I am hoping the pain clinic folks can help me sort through what is neuropsthy from lymphadema, taxol, sciatica from tumors pressing on sacram and spine. Or what the heck.

    Goodnight, Anita

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Well I did my first soak tonight with the Domeboro powder.  I does look like it dries it out.  I'm praying this works and helps my finger. 

    Char - I am told my nails will grow back after treatment.  I have only 3 more treatments left in April so praying it won't get much worse.  Two nails seem to be my biggest concern.  I do remember you posting that article now that I have read it again.  Horrible about the stabbing, heard it on the news last night and this morning. 

    Anita- Hang in there - get rest.  I put clear polish on because I wanted to be able to see my nails.  Are your nails sore from treatment?  I clip my nails really short too.  They look so bad.  Why the blood transfusion?

    Sue - Thanks for the update on Andrew, so glad to hear he is healing quickly.

    Mankatostate - haven't seen you in a while, welcome back! I worry about wearing a dark color as I want to be able to see my nails.  Are you still on chemo?  Thanks for your prayers for all of us.  Glad things are going well for you.

    Well I think I am heading to bed, been a long day.  Blessings to all sisters...xoxoxo

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Anita, I think the pain clinic will serve you well.  They gave me something for the neuropathy which looks to be the same (non-generic) that you're on and it also helped with some of my pain.  Radiation did knock out the tumor pain but I've had some flare ups and I'm nervous it's going to come back.  My lymphedema also got worse after radiation.  My LE pump comes tomorrow (thank you Jesus!) so I will keep you posted on how that helps my swollen leg and arm.  All the manual massage I've done hasn't budged the fluid (grrrr).

    Lucy, I had issues with the toenails on my first go round 5-years ago.  They never did fall off completely and it seems I still have fungus on the big toenails.  Where did you get the Domeboro and what did the nurse say that it would do?  I wonder if it would work on my toes.  I'm still pretty early in my Taxol and the other drug they're giving me to know if it's going to mess with the nails this time around.

    I haven't heard from Andrew or his brother yet today for an update so hopefully that's a good sign.  Tomorrow I go for my 2nd round of chemo and I'm hoping the pre-meds and benedryl don't knock me out again - I've got some letters to write, lol.

    Welcome back Mankato.  Blessings to all.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    My husband woke me up again, home from infusion for hgh 8.5, both the taxol and prbc's put me out,  must be the Benadryl? The infusion nurses were proud of the color in my cheeks afterwards, hated to tell them I always flush the day after chemo, pre meds. And yes, the chemo makes my nails sore, more so if I hit them.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Guess who!  I'm so sorry I haven't written for a long time. I pray for each of you, but my life has gotten so hectic that I just can't seem to get on the thread. We are going to sell this very large house we live in so we can free up time to play in our old age. I have been sorting everything imaginable that I've found in the attic and basement to get ready for an auction. We plan to sell everything but the clothes on our backs. I want to stop cleaning house and shuffling stuff and make quilts and paint portraits of each of my 9 grandchildren. I talk to Bev daily. We became close friends through our Christian faith and common ailment, namely breast cancer. So many people say I'm lucky to be finished with my treatments, but that's only because a targeting medication hasn't been discovered for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. It's a double-edged sword. I claimed healing for myself through the Grace of God and I'm going on with my life like nothing happened. That's my story and the reason for my absence. I will never forget any of you. You are part of what got me through this past year. Please know that I think about you often and pray for your healing. God bless each of you, even the ones I haven't gotten to know. Sharon

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Welcome back, Sharon and Kathy!  It's so great we have each other and I too think of you all, read the thread and pray for you, even when I don't get a chance to post anything. 

    Kathy, I'm in the midst (well, starting....4 down, 26 to go!) of radiation treatments at St. Lukes in the Woodlands so I'm there every day at 1:00. Let me know when you'll be there with your father-in-law - it sure would be great to connect!

    Terri, how are you making out with rads?

    Anita, Debbie, Sue and Lucy - I'm praying for y'all with your challenges and am blessed by your strength and faith. Char, glad you're doing well after your surgery. As soon as I heard about the school stabbing yesterday, I figured it was somewhere in your area and wondered how close it was. So many sad, beyond-belief horrible events any more.....there's no doubt we're in the end times. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

    Hopefully spring is coming soon to wherever you are. Enjoy!  


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2014

    Easiest way to keep you updated...

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    Sharon and Kathy: so good to hear from both of you again. Sharon, I think when one is hit with something like you and the others on here have been experiencing, it puts a whole new perspective on life. Things are just things and we can't take them with us. We need to focus on those things that are important. I am glad that both of you are making the best of things. I fully believe the help for triple neg. I just on the horizon but in like your claiming you are healed. I feel the same way.

    Sue: I continue to pray for Andrew and appreciate your updates. May God work in His life.

    Anita: my thoughts and prayers are with you. I would really be screwed as I can't take lots of drugs including Benadryl. It makes me really goofy. A pharmacist, not a doctor told me I should not take it because it reacts with my seizure med.

    Bev: Soon you will be saying 26 down and 4 to go.

    Lucy: How is your hubby doing?

    Kate: I read and have been reading your blog postings and my heart sinks just reading your latest post but God has the life line and He will keep you and your family afloat. Praise God for your surgeon in guiding you to a new oncologist. I feel that some doctors have lost their focus and become callus. They forget that we are real people and not just some number or statistic. My prayers are heaven bound for you and your family.

    I had my sutures removed today and was released to return to Oh well...I guess the can't do anything to me now. I am finding that Thursday and Friday are beat up days because they are heavy teaching days and PT on top of it. I got to see my pics of my meniscus and it was an ugly mess. There was nothing pretty about it. Lots of swelling and if it has not gone down in four weeks on my return, they will drain some futile off the knee. They also addressed the huge Baker's cyst that has formed because of the tear. It is really causing lots of pain. They will aspirated it in four weeks if after the fluid has gone down it does not improve. For whatever reason, my neuropathy has retuned from my summer kayak injury in my foot. Hmmm...who knows why. I can walk without a Cain and my limp is slowly fading. Okay... Off to do some work before bed.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited April 2014

    to prayers and Sisters

    Just a quick update. I have had a scan and my largest tumor in liver has shrunk quite a bit. The Chemos and Nuelasta are harsh, but worth it. Thanks so much for praying. more later my week has been draining. Still may be in clinical trial for BRCA 1 soon...

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Becky finally some good news for you.  Way to hang in there and be rewarded for your faith.  We'll pray you get into that trial!  You too Kate.  So sorry to hear of your news but you've done so well up to this point.  Let's watch God do some of His greatest works with you!  Char congrats on getting the sutures out....still sounds like you may be doing to much but you know what your body will bear.  Hmmmm - released to go back to work?  Good one.

    Well, I survived six hours in the chemo chair today.  Had a long session with the doctor ahead of the infusion and of course with all I've got going on we had a lot to talk about.  I will be able to get off the shots for the blood clot but will have top go to the xeralto pill.  She said I'd likely be on it forever because the blood thinners act differently with cancer patients.  At least this one doesn't require the weekly blood labs and adjustments to the diet.  She also wants to do the dreaded scans again after this infusion.  She said that if we waited for the third cycle and found the chemo wasn't working then we'd be three weeks behind in getting me on something else.  I'm dreading the scans of course so I pushed the appointment out as far as I could to let this cycle do it's thing and hopefully I won't have to deal with the horrible pain to lay on the table for 45 minutes.  Then she wanted me to schedule another thorocentesis which I will have on Monday.  The lung has already filled to half way since the one I had a week ago.  It generally takes two to three cycles of chemo to start drying out the lung so I'm praying this cycle does the trick.  Otherwise I'm going to have to keep messing with this unless I do the surgery to have talc put in the sac around the outside of the lung to keep the fluid from coming back. So prayers for this cycle of chemo to do it's work will be greatly appreciated.  I sure wish I could just concentrate on the cancer and not have to deal with all of these other things!

    The good news is my lymphedema pump came today.  It will take about two weeks to really see results but I gave it the trial run tonight.  At first I thought an hour would be wonderful but it seems a little long now that I've done it.  Things like - how do I go to the bathroom or get up and heat up the tea come to mind, ha ha.  Guess I'll be calling the rep next week for instructions on how to shorten the treatments. 

    Was it this thread that someone said their swelling got worse after radiation?  If so, please let me know how long it was before the swelling went down.  Thanks!

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    good to hear from you, Sharon! Wow, you are making some life changes. I hope everything goes as planned.

    It sounds like everyone has had some good news this week.

    I have had rads #9/33. A little pink but doing fine so far. How are you holding up, Bev'?

    Sue, my RO mentioned the possibility of LE with my rads when he went over possible SE's. I'm not sure if that's what you are referring to. I hope your pump does the trick!

    I had my port taken out yesterday. My BS's nurse said it would be a local anesthesia. NOT! I was suprised when I got there to find out they would be giving me the twilight anesthesia. I have had several surgeries in my life, so no big deal...just surprised. They had to give me oxygen while recovering, which has never happened before. My BP didn't want to go back up. Then, I woke up this morning to a red face and redness around the tape..I guess I am allergic to whatever they taped me up with. But, all is good! I'm tired today, but my kids/grandkids are coming over to celebrate my birthday, so guess I better wake up!

    Have a wonderful week-end, ladies!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2014

    I really appreciate you all and am encouraged by your postings. With that
    said, sometimes I'm grieved knowing what you are going through. Kate, my
    heart goes out to you! Thanks for keeping us posted with your blog.
    Rest in God's promises. He is ALWAYS good even when we can't see what He
    is doing. Look for how He is working out these exceedingly difficult times for His purposes and praise Him. I rejoice in how God is using Sue with Andrew. We are all witnesses to eternal saving faith, to our family, and all the various people God places in our lives. Let's not waste it for this time on earth is like vapor, it's eternity with Christ with NO pain or suffering that we can look forward to.

    Mankato - you and I are only weeks apart in our surgery and chemo, my hair has come back curly in the back and most of the dark blond/brown hair I had is gone. I'm sorry you got the purple highlights - hope you can get that out soon! I'm keeping mine naturally gray black, but I will admit it's been hard. I just don't want to use anything possibly toxic on my hair. God has truly humbled me through my cancer...

    For those of you looking ahead to hair growth, thankfully, mine is coming back, soft, thick, and curly in the back. Just one of the ways God has been so gracious to me. 

    love, prayers, and blessings to you all, Deborah


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited April 2014


    When I had hair (feb)before Cytoxan and Ellence. I was on Falsodex and felt good. Ilike seeing my sisters pix . the Lord has humled me by cancer, I feel tired but my spirit is  not... but know HIS inner beauty is what really counts

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2014

    Becky, that is a lovely picture.  I think you have been very brave, and am so pleased that your largest tumour has shrunk.  It is strange how we think that the drugs are only doing us any good if they don't have side effects - I see that as an added bonus, but accept that sometimes the drugs are just awful but will do great things.

    I had the results of my petscan yesterday.  I knew beforehand that the cancer was increasing because of my tumour markers, however I wasn't prepared for how far it had spread.  It is now in various parts of my spine, my pelvis and the lymph nodes deep inside my pelvic area.  I forgot to ask if it is still in my leg, as the oncologist had previously suspected, or if it had gone from there.

    I am going to have a port installed in the next few weeks and then start on Taxol, Herceptin and Perjeta.  I will be on Taxol for about 6 months, but I will be on the other two drugs forever.  I don't mind forever, as long as it is a long time.

    Some girls from our church are spending the day with me tomorrow, after church we will have lunch at a Chinese restaurant then come back to my house and pray until we can't pray any more.  I think that they are more scared than I am, the good thing about this website is that you learn so much about this disease that you know what can be done, and I am definitely not checking out yet.  However this hateful disease has everybody terrified, I just wish I could take away some of its power to frighten everyone.

    Milehigh, you must be thoroughly exhausted with all the things that are happening.  I will pray that the chemo does its job, you are amazing because you always come across as positive no matter what happens.

    Keepthefaith, I am allergic to most of the plasters and tapes that are used by the Irish hospitals so I sympathise with you waking up with red marks after an op.  I remember when I had my breast reconstruction, the following day the doctor was inspecting the wounds and I was blistered all around the wound areas, it took a while for those wheals to go down.

    Char, I cringe when I read about what has been happening to your knee.  You are another one I am praying for, you are obviously someone who leads a very active life and it must be so frustrating (not to say painful) to be slowed down by this knee problem.

    Bev, time passes so quickly you will soon be through the rads.  I thought they were so easy in comparison to my original chemo, I am hoping that you are feeling the same way.

    SewStrong, it is good to hear from you.  Where do you get the energy from to take on a project like that?

    ADJ, when I was on chemo back in 2010 nobody believed I was ill because I looked so healthy all of the time, and always had a bloom in my cheeks.  I pray that your pain is swept away, and you can have some peace.

    Deborahanne, your hair looks lovely and I like the colour in the picture.  My hair stayed dark in 2010 but it came back in tight curls which soon became unmanageable, your hair looks a lot better than mine did.

    Spiritblessing and Mankato, I think I will be following your tips regarding the nails soon.  I hope you are both doing well and the Lord keeps you that way.

    Time for bed now, bye everyone.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Deborah: I love your picture with your hair. You look beautiful! You are such an encourager.

    Becky: I am so glad to hear that your tumor is shrinking. Be still and know He is God and able to do His work.

    Sue: I am praying for you and that the pump helps immensely. Also that the chemo clears your lungs. You hang in there. You are one tough warrior in my book.

    Debbie/FridayGirl: My prayers are with you. I can't imagine what a shock it was to hear of your new locations. What you said about Sue being so positive is exactly what I think about you. God has an incredible way to prepare us for that which is to come and as you said, it often those around us that have more difficulty handling it. I am glad you are in no way ready to give in. You give all of us so much encouragement and inspiration to face each day. And again, your positive attitude can only help your condition for stress and worry make our health conditions worse. Praise God for friends that will come and pray with you. 

    Kate: God will not lead you into the desert to leave you there. He will bring you through this.

    May God meet each of your needs both those spoken and unspoken requests. 

    Because He lives we can face tomorrow.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Wow, this thread has been busy today!  I'm praising God with you, Sue and Becky - as others have said, your strong spirit and faith are such a blessing and I'm so glad you're having success with the pump and treatments. I'll be praying for you both as you continue your battles.

    Debbie, so sorry to hear about the cancer spreading but I'll be praying that the new chemo drugs will attack those nasty cancer cells. I started on herceptin (with taxol) in November and will receive it every three weeks for a year. I had 3 or 4 treatments of perjeta before surgery and the path report showed no live cancer cells - so I'll be praying that you have just such a good response.  I'm so humbled by all the great advances in treatments (and am still praying for TNBC sisters like Kate and Sharon). It's so wonderful that you have friends with you to pray and just be.....

    Deborahanne - your hair looks amazing!  Mine is coming in much more salt-and-pepper than it was and it's a little shorter than yours so I'm still wearing my wig.  I play with my hair, slopping on gel and mousse but just can't get used to how it looks enough to be ready to go out as the new Bev.....I know, foolish vanity and pride. It's time, though - at least to post a new picture here so I'll do that this weekend.  

    Terri, glad rads is going well for you. I've had 5/30 so we'll finish about the same time - May 16? I haven't had any effects yet but am waiting..... It's kind of strange - my doctor told me not to use any lotion or cream until she told me to and I know most of the rest of you were told to start putting "stuff" on even before rads started.  Hope I'm not really sorry for following her orders.   Of course, God has answered prayers so amazingly so far, I need to stop worrying and just trust, right?

    Char, so glad you're doing well after your surgery. You're an amazing woman - such an encouragement to us all.  

    Have a blessed Sunday, all.  He is risen indeed!

    love, Bev

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Oh my goodness! If my hair looked as good as yours, Deborah and bedrock, I would take this wig off and burn it!!! You two look amazing. You both GLOW!  God is sooo amazing. All of us BC survivors seem to have been changed and humbled by our experience so I guess the new look of a different hair style goes along with our new countenances. It's fitting, I guess. I'm like Bev. Somehow, although I have been greatly humbled, God hasn't been able to heal me of my terrible pride when it comes to my looks. Maybe it's because I've had this wonderful wig that I got FREE from the ACS. I took it off for my sister yesterday. She said,"It's so CURLY!"  When I had "hair", I used a very large curling iron to straighten it, and even my sister didn't realize I had so much curl. 

    If you all pray for me at all, pray that God will show me that I've been way too prideful and that I'll take off this wig. I'm more than grateful that I have done as well as I have with TNBC. I have set my mind to think of my body as healed. I had doubts so much in the beginning since I have TN, but through much prayer, I gave that up a long time ago. My heart literally overflows sometimes when I think of what could have been. I think of NAAN when I say that. She had a relapse of TNBC. I was greatly affected by her death. When I first read her amazing journey on the threads, I told my husband that I had found someone else with TNBC. I told him that I was very worried about her from what I had learned about that dreaded diagnosis. I prayed so hard for her, since she had two little daughters. God had other plans and I trust in that Wisdom. His plan is perfect, and I accept that. 

    He took my very best buddy in all of this earth 18 years ago and I thought my life was over at that point. It had been altered so drastically that I felt I would never have another close friend, but through His amazing Love, about 8 years ago, He matched me up on a beach in Florida with a woman who has since become a dear friend. We live close enough to one another that we even attend one another's function. Then last year, He sent another angel to be a close friend and confidant. You know her!! It is Bev. What I missed most about losing my friend 18 years ago was our constant communication.  Bev and I now even talk about what we're having for dinner sometimes. She has helped me put this BC in perspective through her amazing testament, as I know she has done for those of you who know her on this thread. I love her like a dear friend and praise God that he knows what each of us need in this journey called life. It is more amazing than words can express how God is working in all of our lives. If I were to sit here and praise His Name every second of the rest of my life, I would not be able to thank Him enough. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the Victory. I thank ALL of you on this thread for sharing your stories about how God is working in your lives. He is using each and every one of you in ways you probably don't know. You ALL have affected and changed me for the better, not just Bev. She is just one who God knew I would clique with. My hand is totally numb with carpal tunnel. When I write so much, it burns and tingles and hurts so much, but somehow, God just laid that all on my heart this morning and I suffered through. After all, He certainly suffered far more than that for us. 

    I haven't  read the new posts yet today. Ill do that now to rest my hand. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Char. My husband has had both knees replaced so I sympathize with you for the awful pain. I'll be praying that things look better for you soon. I am a teacher, too, and can't imagine working while in that kind of pain. 

    FridayGirl-God just laid it on my heart to pray extra hard for you right now. Your positive attitude stuns me in light of your diagnosis. I sometimes wonder if God kept me from having a worse diagnosis because I'm weak and can't handle it. I hope that's not the case. I believe that life happens to all of us who call upon The Lord in a way that is exactly what we need according to his plan. I know that seems to be true in my case. When I look back at some of the things that happened in my life that devistated me at first, I praise God that they happened because of the changes it made in me and my family. Devistating news to us mortals can be the best thing that ever occurred if it gets us closer to Almighty God. 

    I feel like I'm hogging the thread. I'll read more of your posts later and respond. When I get on here, I just want to hug all of you and tell you that it's going to be all right. After all, everything is ALLRight with our souls. 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    wow, Sharon doesn't get on the thread much but when she does, watch out, Satan! She's just full of praise, encouragement and faith for us all.  :)

    I praise God for bringing us all together. Thank you, dear sisters, for helping me through this awful journey. I've told lots of people....I know we're supposed to thank God for everything. I'm not quite at the point where I thank Him for giving me cancer - but I surely thank Him for every single thing that has happened since my diagnosis. I've learned so much more about Him, myself, what's important in this world and the next and how truly blessed I am with my family, friends and you!


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2014

    Sharon, in my mind's eye I envision you as one of those people who just glows with the love of God.  I feel encouraged by what you and the other ladies on this thread have said to me, and I keep counting my blessings.  

    I have just had a really lovely day.  I went to church this morning, then went for a meal with three girls from the church and finally we went to my house and one of the deacons came around and we spent a long time in prayer.  We have been praying for health for our church, because I am not the only one who is ill.  My pastor's wife is going through her third bout of leukaemia (can't spell it), another lady has cancer, my best friend's husband has terminal prostate cancer, countless people have illnesses which seriously affect their lives and we definitely feel under attack.  We are only a small church, but an incredibly high percentage of us are either ill or have loved ones who are ill.  I console myself with the thought that if we were lukewarm or didn't have the Lord's spirit within us then we would all live a safe, easy life without any troubles, but where is the joy and challenge in doing that?

    I have received some lovely private messages from the friends I have made on this thread which make me think just how wonderful Christianity is - so much love is poured out from the other side of the ocean by people whom I have never met but share in the love of the Lord.


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There's just something about that name. Jesus, Master, Savior, like the fragrance after the rain. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim: Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there's just something about that name. Bev typed this to me when I was in the doctor's office the other day and it calmed me right down. I was so nervous. I still have a raw tongue after my last chemo in October so I went to see an ear, nose, and throat oncologist. He said I have burning mouth syndrone. No kidding. It might heal, it might not heal, it might last a year, it might last a lifetime, it might come and go, too. Well now. What can we do for it? NOTHING!!!!!!!!! Magic mouthwash if it gets too bad or pain meds. Woopee. I think I'm used to it. At least I'm alive.
    Gotta' walk the dogs. Sharon

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Kate, Since I haven't  been keeping up with the threads, I just saw your post where you have a relapse. You and I are in the same boat with triple negative breast cancer. I am praying even more fervently for you. God has a plan and I know that if my doctor told me the news you just got, I might not be able to think the same way, but He really does and if this is just part of it, then we'll pray that God shows you very soon how to cope with the news. I see where others are parying. I hope that this recurrence won't make you give up on prayer. God's way is mysterious and we just have to believe that whatever happens when we are in his will, it is for our good. Even when I type those words, I wonder whether I would see it that way if I were in your boots. God bless you to the very core of your being. Father God, heal Kate of this horrid disease in the name of Jesus Christ, our God and our Savior. Sharon

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    Thinking of you all today and sending prayers your way!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Hi ladies, well I decided to check in while having my infusion so all is well and it was nice having a break but now back to reality. Need to get through April then start on the targeted therapy so that will be nice. 

    Sharon we too have thought about selling our home as it is too big for us and we would like one level. But it's so much to think about right now as well so I think we will wait a bit. I too have TNBC and I would love to chat with you more one on one if you don't mind. I am getting close to the end of my treatment and going into maintenance so would like to ask you some questions. Praying for your burning mouth syndrome. 

    Debbie over the past year and a half we have felt that our church is under attack as well. In fact our pastor went to his pastors meeting and it was a huge topic for many small churches. We have a smaller church as well. We have had 4 women with BC and many other men and women with other illnesses and surgeries and it is just terrible. The enemy is busy trying to kill and destroy but we can't let him think for one second that he is winning. This journey has only increased my faith and made me stronger of a believer in prayer and faith. I give Him glory for everything. We have folks in our home praying and it is so awesome to be a part of that. It is amazing the strength that gives you and just lifts you up. I do believe that God will not gives us anything we can't handle. I would have never thought I am as strong as I am right now. I have lost all my hair my nails are horrible and I still feel strong. 

    My husband update is we have an appt on Thursday with the specialists at the UW for results of all the blood work they took.  They want him to have an EMG test that day as well. We are praying for answers and we continue to ask for prayers. Thank you for asking. 

    Well almost done with the treatment, been a long day but all in all glad we are at this place it's one of the best in the world and I know God directed us here. He is so good. I will check back in a couple of days. God be with all of you ladies and stay strong and keep your eyes on The Lord. He is our healer and ultimate physician who knows what we need.

    Bless you all so much for your love, encouragement and for being such good listeners as we share our journeys on this board. 

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited April 2014

    Lucy, I didn't know about any targeting medication for TNBC!!!!! I want it!!!!  What is the name? My doctors evidentally don't know aout it. I am on NOTHING but the Love of God. Kate also has TNBC. All of us need to talk. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Hello all.  Thought I would stop in to say hello and let you all know I'm thinking about you and praying for your.  Lucy, so glad to hear from you.  Sorry to hear about the nail situation!  I thought those B vitamins were doing the trick.  I'm trying  the Emu oil on the toe nails and hoping it will be enough.  I had another infusion on Friday and the nurse told me it was the Taxol that's wreaking havoc on my neuropathy in my good hand.  I'm now looking for something that will keep it from getting any worse.

    Today I had another thorocentesis (lung drain).  It was a rough one as the doctor kept hitting a rib and couldn't get the drain tub in so she kept fishing around.  I'm pretty sore tonight and praying I won't be so sore tomorrow as I have to work.  Also praying my insurance changes it's mind on the blood thinner pills as they've denied them so far.  I'm out of places on my stomach to give myself a shot and am starting to have pain with each shot (along with a lot of bleeding).  I guess I'm just getting a little weary of it all.  But, seeing what everyone else is having to deal with I guess I shouldn't be venting!

    Have a wonderful Easter week all.  We had quite a bit of snow yesterday but it's supposed to warm up through the rest of the week.  Finally some spring!

    Blessings to all.  Sue