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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Hello all. I am finally in a place where I can use my computer.  I don't do well with this techy stuff so all I had to work with was my phone.  I have been able to read all the posts though and am delighted to see how everyone is hanging in there and offering prayer and encouragement to all.  This is such a great thread!  I marvel at how many answered prayers there have been.  Debbie, Bev, Lucy and all who have complete NED!  You give us something to shoot for.  Talk about encouraging!  And, thanks for sticking around to continue to pray and encourage.  It so helps us!  Char you're getting closer to "D" day.  I'll be you can't wait to get your knee back in shape!  Becky, how are things going with your treatment?

    Well as for me, I went in to the ER Tuesday night.  I had an attack of check pain while in the shower.  Got nauseous, diarrhea, shortness of breath, cold sweats, etc. I'd had one of these before and the doctor thought it was some sort of gastric attack because nothing was showing up in any of my scans or tests.  Everything eventually subsided but this time, I decided to head over to the ER just to be safe.  I was also scheduled for a thorocentisis on Wednesday morning and didn't want to end up missing that.  After every test and scan known to man, the doc. decided to admit me.  They found a blood clot in the leg that's been so swollen and very near where they had radiated the tumor.  Another doc. the next day that's in my onc.'s group came in and told me that it was likely the radiation that caused the clot.  Sooooooooooo, I now have one more drug to take - shots that I have to give myself every morning.  I'm also back on home oxygen for maybe a week.  That doc said it takes a bit for the lung to fully re-expand.  I was finally able to come home last night so I could turn around and come back early this morning for chemo.

    Today, I had my first dose of Taxol and C drug (can't remember the name), the latter for going after the endometrial cancer (tumor in the leg).  It was a long infusion time so I guess I wasn't surprised that I slept most of the morning and a good part of the afternoon.  I guess I had some catching up to do from not getting much sleep in the hospital.  So far, no real side effects but I have to give it a few days before those kick in or don't kick in.  Praying for the latter.

    Also don't know how to get this to go back to normal type.  Remember I'm not a techy!

    Thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement.  You're all terrific!  Blessings.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    oh, Sue - what a week you've had. I'll sure be praying for you. My first Taxol treatment was much longer than the rest so hopefully the worst is behind you. After all you've been through this week, it's kind of amazing that the doctor didn't postpone your chemo (although I'm sure you wanted to go ahead and get it over with!). God will see you through this - hopefully with no SE!

    Mini, I'll be praying for you with the medications and reactions (and emotions). Remember, our Great Physician is mightier than those feelings, drugs, SE or even doctors' predictions. I'll be praying that you absolutely amaze your doctors with good results!

    Char, thanks so much for the prayers and support you give us all. I know we'll all be praying for your with your surgery next week - hopefully you'll be back to running and biking in no time.

    Have a blessed weekend, all - Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Mini: Praying that your body will adjust to your meds and that you are feeling more yourself. I am a person that does not process meds well. I am very sensitive and usually experience many of the uncommon side effects. Another reason God has watched over me with my breast issues.

    Sue: I am so glad they found your clot. Years ago, my dad spent about 30 days in the hospital as they tried to find meds for his heart that he did not have serious side effects. The day he was released, he had what you had. He got severe pain in one side of his tush. Nausea, cold sweats etc,. Here he had a blood clot break off near his mitral valve that was prolapsed and it logged in his ankle. Back to the hospital he went where they tried to desolve it for a week. He had to have an embolectomy, where they catheter the leg vein and go in and remove it. You are very fortunate...praise God because the clot can often go to the lung or brain. Now you know the signs so get help ASAP if that ever occurs again. Once again God was watching over you.

    I went for my final check before surgery on Wednesday. They were concerned because my heart rate was low on my EKG. I told them that I often have lower heart rates in the 90's so they did not say it was a reason to stop surgery. My liver results had dropped from my July blood test. One liver test was on the low side. But some of my liver counts were high in July due most likely from me being on Tylenol. We were on vacation and I had a sea kayak pin my foot under it from a freak wave when I was exiting it on the shore. I couldn't find my ibuprofen and took Tylenol. I ended up with neuropathy in my foot from nerve damage but found out later thatTylenol will raise liver counts. They were supposed to retest me in the fall but I ended up on Tylenol before my breast surgery and could not be retested.It was good to see that my numbers improved as I have been on a seizure med since the late 70's and it can often mean liver issues when on it for a long time. I asked God to make the decisions for my surgery. If He did not want me having it, He would give them reasons to not proceed. It is good to let the Great Physcian to oversee my earthly physicians. I think of Him as the Chief of staff. I know that He will meet all my needs.


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2014

    Well, the Chemo is finished but not God. He has taught me this week that I may be experiencing Chemo Brain symptoms BUT I have the mind of Christ. So where was my focus. Thank you for your prayers for revelation.

    Woke up singing "Jesus Loves Me"

    Today God gave me John 16:33 "... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    Well, actually all of John 15, 16, 17  = red letter reading. Just like it was the first time of reading it. Isn't it marvelous that when ever we open our bibles and read familiar verses that they reveal new aspects each time.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Oh Sue. You have my deepest. I had both a Thorensenthesis (sp?) and a Thorcotomy. I was in the hospital for 5 weeks. You don't know what hard work breathing is until you can't do it. I had to do breathing exercises for awhile to get my lung fully re-inflated. I hope you feel better soon.

    Blessings to all of you beautiful ladies.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

     Carren: I am sorry about your chemo brain but happy your chemo is done. The good news is the fact that you are one of many that experience it and not alone. Use day planners, do activities that challenge your brain. Puzzles, sudoku, candy crush. I give my kids brain break challenges and encourage their classroom teacher to use them. Exercise, eating veggies and rest will also help. My mother had early onset of Alzheimer's and it is often on my back burner as to me developing it. I try to keep my brain stimulated. Just do what you can to get through and let God take care of the rest. It's out of your control so just let God take the steering wheel.

    But you are right about scripture. I find it amazing that God gives us verses just at the right moment when we need it for ourselves or for others.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Carren what a great line!  I'm going to have to add that to my cache of good phrases to keep me going.  Mini, you are so right about the lung.  Before I had the thorocentisis, I couldn't walk the few steps from my car to the door at the ER!  I'll be practicing the breathing exercises for awhile myself this week.

    Thanks one and all for your prayers and words of encouragement.  I've had a little more energy today.  The leg is still hyper swollen to the point I can't bend it to reach the foot to get wraps or socks on.  Blood thinning shots apparently haven't kicked in yet.  Anyone know how long they take to start shrinking things down?  I've also been taking the diuretics today to see if I could speed up the process.  No luck yet. 

    However, I was able to get out and run a few errands, one of which was to meet up with my wonderful boss.  Apparently I had a regular customer stop in on Tuesday which is my normal work day.  He wanted to drop off a gift and figured he'd see me then.  My boss told him I had switched days this week so as to cover for him on Monday.  Well, I met up with my boss today who gave me an envelope that had enough money in it to cover next month's mortgage payment!  I was shocked to say the least.  God sure knows how to encourage doesn't He?  I pray the man is blessed many times over and immediately sent a thank you note saying so.  A total stranger - amazing!  Unfortunately with my chemo yesterday I won't be working next week because we don't know yet if I'm going to have any side effects.  If so, they'll kick in about the time I get to my regular work day.  I'm praying I'll be able to work the following week so as to thank him in person.

    Needless to say, despite all that's gone on this week, I've had a full day of being thankful and grateful for all He continues to bless me with.  No matter what, people are so wonderful in all that they give and do for others.

    We are blessed.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Sue: received a wonderful kiss from heaven. Sometimes God's greatest gifts come from the least expected persons and places. God knew your needs and met them. My dad was on blood thinners and shots for a week  but no such fortune in reducing his clot. I am praying that the drugs do the trick.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2014

    GardenGal: Thanks for the pep talk. I do crosswords at night and sudoko at bedtime. Plus I spend tons of time on FB playing games like Candy Crush. It is nice to know that it keeps my brain moving along well. I will let the rest of it go.

    I have started to focus more on my water intake and foods now that chemo is over. Exercise starts with walking next week with a neighbour. We still have snow and ice on the road (new snowfall) but I am hoping it melts by Wednesday.

    An appt on Monday with the Dietician to get some help on how to combine spices and herbs - cooking, to get something to taste like anything except metallic. I will pass on any good advice here.

    Sue: wow, had to look up what thorocentisis was; you poor gal, what with everything else going on.

    Keep the faith. Carren

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Good evening ladies.  I hope everyone has had a good weekend.  It's been quiet in here.  Char, just wanted to let you know that prayers are surrounding you the next few days.  All will go well with your surgery so we'll look forward to hearing the good news when you get to the other side.

    Becky, we haven't heard from  you in a few days either.  Are you doing okay?  Keep us posted.

    Prayers for everyone to have a terrific week and that blessings will abound.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Evening Warriors...

    Mini - How are the medications issues you were having doing now?  Been praying God has taken care of things.

    Sue - Just wanted to make a correction, I am not in NED, I wished but I pray that God will see me to that miracle and looking forward to the day I will be rejoicing...God willing.  Sorry about you having to do thorocentisis, I had to look it up also.  Have you had any se from the treatment?  You have been so blessed, God met your needs for sure.

    Char - Can you post details of your surgery again in case I missed it.  I would like to pray a little more specific, if you don't mind of course. 

    Becky - I agree with Sue, how are things with you?  Let us are in our prayers.

    Anita - I have been thinking of you as well.  I know we spoke a few times on private message but pop on here and let us know how you are doing.  You're in my prayers.

    I am well and still waiting for my week off.  It is scheduled for 4/7...looking forward to this new routine.  Went for a couple of walks today it was so nice out.  Just wore a sweatshirt and took our little Gidget and she walked a little.  She is 13 years and has a bad leg so walking a short way is all she can do.  I am 2/3 into the progam and have 2 1/2 months left.  I am so looking forward to a break for a few weeks.  Then back on one of the drugs for the long haul.  I am feeling pretty good and strong most of the time. Last week I had an issue with my knee.  It started to hurt above the joint.  I have had tendenitis for many years and it hadn't bothered me for a while so it was the evening after I had my neupogen shot so I wondered if it did it.  Well on Wed when I had my second shot it did it again and was worse.  Hardly could move it and I iced it a bit and took some ibuprofen.  If finally got better after a couple of days and today i could feel it a little tender but not hurting and swollen like before.  I asked the nurse when i got my second shot and she felt like it was the shot and not the chemo.  I read about the drugs i am on and they do say you can experience muscle and joint pain.  So I will ask the nurses at the center tomorrow when I am in to get my treatment.

    Well ladies...blessings to all and have a super week.  Remember God loves us so very much and He wants us to be strong and well and do His work as we walk on this earth.  We must surrender to Him and trust and believe and always seek His presence.  God be with you are warriors in Christ.


  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2014

    Uneventful weekend - medical wise - how nice does that sound. Neulasta causes some joint pain in my knees but they are weak from working all these years. Drinking more water and using hand cream more - counteracting the Taxatere. Quit eating wheat again and that is helping the weight to come off. I just am liking this last two 'boring' days. :) Seriously, it is nice to just 'be' once in a while. I pray that for you all, to be able to just be in your normal routines. My hat is off to you all who are still going to work and working through this; I do not know how you do it, you are very strong women.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited March 2014

    I recall not long ago planning to return to work and reclaim my old life. Not to be. The bible tells us a man's mind  plans his ways but The Lord directs the steps, and my times are in His hands. Weekly chemo, LE struggles, family squabbles along with fatigue and pain issues keep me busy now. I am grateful to everyone here for just being here, and understanding. T minus 2 days until I get my scan results, checking on chemo. 


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2014

    to update you all. last week chemo and then I had a terrible time with Neulasta, I had it before with little pain.friday got the shot.

    Saturday all my body hurt -jaws ,chest ,arms ,belly ,buttocks sore to the touch not much like "bone pain" I will be seeing onc on wednesday. Thankfully the pain as only about 30 hrs then lessened. the chemo still is making me fatigued, but try to do a few things, cards, and reading and staying in touch. The Lord has been reminding me of His closeness and love,and that these afflictions are "common to Man" for His children, He will use them for HIS glory.....

    and my Husband has been so good to me. the Lord gave me a wonderful man. thanks for prayers and comments, I will be praying for all of you as well.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited March 2014

    Lucy - Thank you for asking. I am feeling a little better. I'm not shaking anymore and after going days on end with no sleep, I finally got a few hours in. Or maybe I just passed out from exhaustion. Either way, it helped a lot. I can also keep food down. I won't be running any marathons any time soon, but I can stand up without fainting. That's progress. :-) Thank you for all the prayers. I covet every one of them.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Hi Ladies

    So good to see many of you checking in. 

    Mini: Glad to here you are a little better and got some sleep. I guess exhaustion counts as sleep. Still praying for you and that you are feeling much better.

    Anita: You are right. mans' ways are not always God's ways. It is all in His time. I know that I am infamous  for setting timelines. But God knows best. I am sorry for your other issues as well. It makes things difficult when dealing with health issues. I will keep you in prayer and that your scans look good.

    Becky: I am sorry for all the pain you have been experiencing. Praise God for supportive husbands. I feel the same about mine. I continue to pray for you and ask God to meet your needs.

    Lucy: Will pray for your joint and tendon issues. I am sure you are eager for a week off. How is your husband doing? My surgery seems trivial compared to what everyone on here is going through. One of my fifth grade students took out my knee in class in January, tearing my lateral meniscus. I had to postpone surgery because I had two six week commitments after school. I worked through the pain and swelling. Wednesday, they will go in and shave down meniscus and cut out the tear. I also have a Baker's cyst behind my knee that fills with fluid when I try to kneel on my knee. The excess fluid pushes back through the knee and causes cramping in the back of my knee and upper thigh. I guess my prayer would be that God allow the surgeon to maintain the integrity of my knee so I maintain good function with it. I will be out of work for a week and in PT for about four weeks to strengthen my quads and hamstrings to help support the knee. 


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2014

    Hi, popping in asking for prayers. After seeing my oncologist on the 14th and telling him how ridiculously tired I still am, he did a bunch of bloodwork. Thyroid, CBC, iron etc. well, the iron came back so low, I had to have IV iron last Tuesday and another infusion tomorrow. Since last Tuesday I have also found a lump/mass in my neck at my collarbone. Ugh... I am seeing him before the infusion for an exam. I am so hoping it is just a wonky lymph node and that I am being gun shy but just feels much bigger and is achy if that makes any sense. I know I can count on you all to say some prayers for me! Thanks for lifting me up again! 

    Kate W.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Kate: Prayers going out to you that there nothing more than a lymph node enlarged. Keep us posted.  Remember God will not take us through something just to leave us there. He will lead us out.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Thank you Kate for checking in.  You are well covered in prayer for tomorrow and beyond.  Char, you will do very well Wednesday and we look forward to hearing how quickly and smoothly your PT goes.  Ditto Becky.  Have you tried Claritin for the bone pain?  It seems to be working for myself and others and maybe it's worth a try for you too. Mini, praying Divine healing to get this bug behind you!  Peace and love.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Thank you for prayers. My surgery in 8 am est tomorrow morning. Cleaned out one more garden bed today because I figured I would not be in them for a few weeks. 



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited March 2014

    Char, good thoughts and prayers for a succesful surgery tomorrow!



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    HI ladies - I've been reading but haven't posted much because our laptop was really acting up. A computer friend had it for the past couple of days and found a couple of viruses on it - so I'm back in the land of technology, trying to keep up. I'm sure praying for y'all - Satan is having a field day testing and trying. 

    Becky, Carren, Lucy and Sue - praying you through chemo and pain. Char, I'm an hour behind you but will be up by 7 and praying up a storm tomorrow morning. Hope you have some good books to read - or maybe trashy movies on the Tivo..... you're always so active and energetic, laying around will be quite a change!

    God bless you all - I've got to catch up on a week of old emails!  Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Char, I'm up at 6:00 a.m. mountain time every morning for my shot.  Will spend a little extra time covering you tomorrow.  Blessings.  Sue

    Welcome back Bev!

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2014

    Char, I too will continue to pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. 

    Bev, man I totally agree with you about satan, he has me second guessing just about everything right now. My oncologist is concerned about my lymph node in my neck so much so, he has ordered a CT scan for tomorrow and then I will see him this Friday. Again, prayers this is just a wonky lymph node and nothing more. 

    Thanks, Kate W.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014

    Char- lifting you up in prayer. Trust and believe and constantly be seeking His presence. 

    Blessings to all of you and praying for all. 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited March 2014


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Lucy - thanks! That's perfect - you are such a blessing, my friend.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited March 2014

    Hello  Ladies,

    I am still here by God's appointment. My surgery was right on time. It went very well and it was obvious that your prayers were there with me. I am so blessed by all of you in more ways than you will ever know. For one, you ladies humble me by your courage and strength. I know...GOD GIVEN but I know Christians that fall at the first sign of problems. God has blessed you through you infirmities and your reward will be great in Heaven one day. I want you to know that I was not the least bit apprehensive....not of my own but through prayer and trust.God has given me such a calm over the past 9 months. He is teaching me much. 

    Here are some kisses for the day. Woke up to about two inches of snow. The last big one they called for our area missed us and they said that this one was going south but a snow band went over our area and dropped a few inches when we arose at 4 AM this morning.Woke up to a broken water heater. Fortunately we have an unfinished basement. Our ceilings are too low for them to be closed in so we have left it unfinished. So, no water damage. I was going to get up early to take a shower but for some reason I decided to take it the night before because of the the early rise time.

    Off to the hospital and I find they have nothing about this being a workman's comp claim. First reaction...yikes! Deep breath and I give the registration lady the information along with my current insurance, I turn to my husband and tell him that God has taken care of it and I will let Him straighten it out. Calm returns.

    Upstairs to get ready. My low heart rate was not an issue. The nurse tells me that I have the pulse and heart rate of an Olympic runner. I chuckle and ask her if she can give me the legs of one. 

    I talk to lots of people and tell them why I am so calm when they ask. I tell my doctor that my prayer request is in and that everything will go just as God plans and I trust him to do a good job.

    Off to surgery where I last remember three sets of overhead lights in the operating room and tell God I am ever safe in His hands....peace. I wake in recovery. A anesthesia reactions coming off it but I do have a sore throat from them putting a partial tube in my throat. A new situation for me and I asked the anesthesiologist to explain why I am getting it.  I never had it with any other surgery. 

    I am awaken and the gal asks how I am doing and I tell her it is a good day because God has allowed me more time to be on His earth. She sits and chats and I find she is also runner training to run the Pittsburgh half marathon like I was to do. We have an immediate connection. I share a bit of faith with her.

    Back to another room where my hubby awaits. A big kiss from God and him. He tells me that the doctor was in already and shared my results. He had pics of my knee and tells my hubby that I had a large and nasty tattered tear. The kiss: minimal arthritis. The doctor expected to find a lot going on in my knee due to the swelling but apparently most of it is from the tear.

    Another kiss: While waiting in my room, I call my doctor's office  as requested by the registration desk to find that they have taken care of my insurance issues and they are not sure why the hospital did not have my workman's comp information as they sent it prior to my surgery. (I know why. Satan wanted to cast doubt in me and God wanted me to trust him and let Him run the show.)

    Homeward bound and my husband is trying to get someone to come out for our water heater. We have a home warranty on our house and we only pay $50 and they take care of the rest. No one can come till tomorrow and we had to shut off our main water because the cold water valve to the water tank will not shut  off. Another kiss: I pray and another person agrees to come. The water heater is covered but it has to be brought up to current codes so it will cost us out of pocket. We are told that it will be over $200.00 and my first thoughts are another unexpected bill after sick dogs and lawn service we did not want. I tell God that it's in His hands and that I am trusting Him to take care of it. My husband hangs out with him while he works. He tells my husband that we will have to call our waste management to get rid of our tank...more money. A few minutes later my husband comes up stairs and tells me that the repairman says he will take the water heater for his son so he can sell it for scrape metal. Another kiss: my husband comes up stairs again and tells me that he is giving us a significant discount of $200 and we will only pay for parts and a small part of his time. A total of $100.00. Praise The Lord, he took care of everything just like He promises.

    And me, I am doing well with minimal pain and the swelling is not much worse than what I have been experiencing. I start therapy on Friday. Thank you again for your doubt they helped. I can only tell you that I had such peace.

    Now my prayers are with you because God will take care of the rest in His time.

    Love in Christ,


    PS my hubby just walked in with a beautiful dried flower arrangement from Orvis catalog. The arrangement is called Sea Mist, the same name as the place we rent in the Outer Banks. I am so blessed to have a wonderful God loving husband. He knew just who to bring in my life 14 years ago after a lifetime of being single...another kiss.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited March 2014

    Great report Char.  You have been such an encouragement to all of us and God has so remarkably taken care of you.  So glad this is over for you.  Continued blessings.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited March 2014

    Amen to that, Sue - and so glad for all the kisses today, Char. You are an inspiration and blessing to us all. We'll keep the prayers coming for your recovery and rehab!  love you - Bev