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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2014

    Jesus rocks! He is our provider, milehigh!  I have been stressing out about finances. Turns out that my husband had a balance protection on his Visa card. Even though I am NOT on his card, they just paid off his balance - up to the date that I was diagnosed. One bill is now completely GONE. I mention this to you all just in case this is something you or your spouse has and do not know you do or never thought about it. Check all your insurances, credit cards (if you have any) and such to find out what and where you may have coverage. Worth every doctors report sent. Carren

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Carren, what a blessing!  So glad your recovery is going smoothly, Char - hope you're enjoying your last day before going back to work. 

    Lucy, thanks again or all the great encouragement and inspiration - you are such a sweet blessing to us all.

    I met with the RO and my MO this morning as to the next step. Silly me, I thought when the path report showed all the cancer cells were dead that it was the end of the journey. The surgeon said I needed to meet with the RO anyway and I was praying that God would make it an easy decision as to how to proceed. Well, He certainly answered that prayer - the RO said that without rads, recurrence rate for cancer as it was at my diagnosis (which is how MD Anderson at least analyzes it) is 50%. Yikes!  Those aren't odds I want to take - especially after chemo and surgery. God has done His part as far as minimal SE so I sure can't wuss out now.  So - I start on Monday. If the next 30 days go anywhere near as fast as the past 8 months since I was diagnosed have gone, the time will fly by for sure.

    Praying for a blessed week for you all - thanks so much for being there. love you all!  Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    I need prayer for pain relief, that God might show us the pathway to my healing. 

    Every stinking day begins with sciatica type burning pain the whole left leg hip to toes.  Same leg that had femur pinning last Sept. Then 14 radiation txs interrupted with an MRI that showed about a 7cm sacral tumor that began rads before even finishing the left post op femur. Same leg with lymphadema, recently measured for a custom compression one piece garment still on ots way. 

    Last week my NP expressed dismay over who to send me to next.  Been managing on 300 neurontin tid, both OxyContin and oxyir, 200 Celebrex bid, levaquin for the mm lung lesion, weekly taxol and monthly zometa. I have a wonderful RO who is also a diagnostician but he has already zapped 6 different areas of my bone -only breast ca.that's who I am scheduled with.

    Yesterday we went back to whole leg wrap, setting the alarm every 3 hours or so to medicate and move around, Ended up sleeping through 9-10 daylight hours.  Awoke on fire, so to speak. Last week my oldest sis Cricket came to stay and did taxes. I have cobra with the goal of moving completely to Tricare, for free.

    Hubby yells this has got to stop, grown sons are out of the house with careers and families. We used a gift card for a steak dinner last night, relaxed and had fun.People compliment me on being a good example of Gods strenghth at work. I just hurt. 

    Hope in God, Anita

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    Nice to hear all of your stories of blessings coming in!

    Bev', I guess they have it under control and you won't have to stress about making any decisions! Good luck with your rads.  I started rads today. 1 down, 32 to go!  RO told me to use Miaderm. I hope my girl can hold up.

    I hope you all that are having neuropathy and pain can get it under control.

    My hair is slowly starting to emerge from the depths of chemo-land! YAY! I found some shampoo today that is organic, no parabens and has biotin in it....maybe that will help!







  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Bev, thanks for sharing.  You're right, it will likely go fast and we'll pray for no SE as well.  You too KTF!  I was fortunate in that I only had 5 rads to the leg tumor.  Hoping it was enough.

    Anita, I am relating to every single thing you've shared.  My leg with the lymphedema is swollen from working and being on my feet for 7-hours today along with a nasty fall I took yesterday on my slippery kitchen floor.  (I'm an idiot sometimes - didn't take the socks off when I got home and pulled the groin muscles in the lymphedema leg).  Still really sore!  In any event I have a 7 almost 8 cm tumor in that leg that was radiated last month.  I was then changed to a new chemo so as to attack both the BC and the endometrial cancer that has apparently returned after a 5-year hiatus (the leg tumor).  I get the Taxol with the Cibersomething every three weeks.  My leg is sore and painful all day long and I feel like I'm developing more neuropathy in the other foot and hand.  The pain meds are doing their thing but nothing is helping the lymphedema - yet.  We will get this down Anita.  My prayers are with you overtime as I share in the pain.

    Char how did your first day back to school go today?

    Blessings one and all.  Sue

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2014

    Anita and Sue, praying for your strength as you go through so much on your plate. 

    Our God is able!

    Blessings, Phyllis

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2014

    I've been keeping up with you all through my email postings...praying for you
    daily through treatments, pain relief, surgeries and recovery, disappointing
    reports, while also praising God for financial relief and other ways God so
    faithfully demonstrates His love, mercy, and provision.

    My heart goes out to you in prayer. I’ve been elated when things have gone
    well and devastated when things are so hard. I'm praying that we'll trust the
    LORD completely even when we don't understand or have a hard time dealing with what
    He is doing. His Word is clear that His ways are perfect, His promises are
    true, He will carry us through the most difficult times, His hope for us is our
    anchor now and for eternity. He uses all things for His glory and these
    difficult trials show His glory even more. And with this we rest knowing He is
    working all things for good!

    “Therefore, having this ministry by the
    mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have this
    treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power
    belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed;
    perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck
    down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so
    that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For we who live
    are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus
    also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

    For it is all for your sake, so that as grace
    extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of

    So we do not lose heart. Though our outer
    self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an
    eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look
    not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the
    things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

    2 Corinthians 4:1,7-11,16-18

    Love and continued prayers, Deborah

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    thank you both Sue and Deborah.  Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Deborah: Thank you reminding us of our true appointment as God's ambassadors. 

    Anita and Sue: I pray each day that God gives you what you need to get through every situation whether it physical or emotional issues. God has all of it covered. Even the finances.

    It is so wonderful to have such a wonderful network of believers. When I check on other threads, I feel like so many are struggling because they do not share the hope that each of you have. Each of you uplift one another. When one is doing well, she gives encouragement and when that person is suffering others step forward to uplift. Each of you are such a blessing to one another. I hope each of you know that.

    Bev: While my prayer was for clarity, my hope was for no radiation. But God knows best. I, like you would not have wanted to come this far to lose ground. I know that while it may be a bit disappointing, God will bring you this part of your journey. 

    Thank you for your prayers for me. I went back to work today. A long day on my feet teaching physical education. My mistake for not finding time to take some ibuprofen at lunch time. I did manage to get my leg elevated and iced for about 30 minutes. I have been playing phone tag with the doctors office for two days trying to get an answer about doing squats so soon at therapy. Stupid Hippa laws. I told them to leave a message of a simple yes it's okay or no don't do them....but no they can't do that. Tomorrow's message is going to be that I am going to therapy today and I am going to do what I am told and if it screws  my knee I will hold their office responsible. It will be interesting if I get a person to speak to. 

    Otherwise, I have lots of swelling and my Baker's cyst makes everything more difficult. But the I am pretty pain free and the first day was okay. I only work a half day tomorrow and a full day Friday and a reprieve for the weekend. I am using a cane just to protect my knee from someone running into.

    Please know that my prayers are with each of you.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    It's been pretty quiet in here so I hope that means everyone has had a good week.  Char, how is the recovery coming?  I'm so glad you had a little reprieve on Thursday and now the weekend.  God is so good. He does say to rest a bit.  Bev, we're praying for God's direction for you and the answer you're seeking will be very, very clear.  Sorry you have to make such of a decision.  Becky, how are the treatments coming?  Praying for minimal se's.  Thank you Deborah for your scripture blessings!

    Lucy, how is the neuropathy?  How are things with your husband?  I'm praying the neuropathy doesn't get any worse and your husband is being covered in blessing and healing.  I've had a little more tingling in my other foot and hand (fingers).  Also more swelling in the lymphedema side, both the leg and hand.  You know.  If someone had told  me a year ago that we'd all be battling these various ailments, I would have told them they were crazy, lol.  Amazing what the journeys have been that the Lord has walked us all through.

    Anita, how is the pain coming?  I had an awful day on Thursday.  I won't dwell on the gory details but it ended with me sitting in a wheelchair for seven hours of waiting until it finally ended up with me having yet another thorocentisis (lung drain).  I will ask for prayers that the fluid that keeps accumulating on the outside of my lung does not come back before the chemo has a chance to kick in and dry it up.  It began with me starting to brush the snow off of my car on the way to the PT appointment and I found I couldn't breathe.  Thank the Lord I had an oxygen tank in the car and my doctor's office could squeeze me in for a check up.  I'm also thankful that the department that does the procedures could get me in.  I also ended up getting the same doctor that I had two weeks ago!  He's awesome and made an otherwise horrible day worth it and got it over with.  Today, I crawled back into bed and slept for another 4-hours!  Guess I must have needed it, lol.

    The highlight of my week ended yesterday with getting measured for a lymphedema pump.  It should be here next week and I can't wait.  The company that sells these comes to your house to get you fitted and sign paperwork.  They then fight through the Medicare/insurance mess for you so you pay a nominal amount for the pump, if anything.  It's wonderful to have someone else handle all of this for you.  Thereafter, you just sit back and let the pump do the manual massage twice a day.  It was amazing that after only a ten minute trial, I could actually see a difference in my leg.  If anyone wants the information on this company, PM me.  (I don't think I can post the info here).

    I pray everyone has had a great week and has an even better weekend.  Spring is just starting to show itself here and our wonderful Easter is only a few weeks away.  PTL!  Love and blessing to all.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    hey Sue, I am so glad you can breathe!  That all must have been so scary. And the lymphadema pump sounds good. My custom garment came in, and between the 2 of us, Mike n I both are needed to get it on so far.  We've been lazy about the MLD so that's not good.  But with the pain, I don't much want a massage.  My MO listened to my pain complaints and reassured that last month's scans showed no progression, did change up my comfort meds. So, still have some fiery pain, sometimes feels like ice water dripping on me. She mentioned sending me to the pain clinic.  

    Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers. None of what is happening to us is a surprise to our Heavenly Father, is it?


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Good morning all!  Hope you have a blessed Sunday. Sue is right - spring and Easter are coming. What a glorious time of year!

    Sue, I certainly will be praying for you - it's wonderful that after your trying week, you have the lymphadema pump coming. A kiss from God that the company is helping with the paperwork and bureaucracy. 

    I'll start rads tomorrow and it will be a quiet week. My husband and some friends left on Friday for a bicycle trip around the Texas Hill Country. The bluebonnets are in full bloom so the scenery should be gorgeous. I'll be home with the dogs - no camping out in the rain for me!

    God bless us all!  love, Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for the prayers Bev!  And from everyone else. 

    It has been a roller coaster ride this last week.  This week I have to psych myself up for chemo on Friday.  I also have commitments every single day this week.  Guessing I'll be sleeping in the chemo chair on Friday, lol.  Prayers to get me through that day and beyond with minimal side effects are truly welcome.  I was able to get to church today for the first time in a few weeks and I'd sure hate to miss Palm Sunday and Easter.  My leg has been really swollen to boot and the massage isn't doing a whole lot.  Don't know what else to try.  I'll keep everyone posted on my new massage gadget when it gets here.  Praying they can overnight it, lol.

    Bev, prayers for you as you begin this next chapter.  I'm praying it will be simple and uneventful and will be over with in no time. side effects!

    Anita, I couldn't get my fitted sleeve and gauntlet on either and I'm all by my lonesome.  I can't imagine it taking two people, lol.  Bless you.  I am praying warfare prayer over your pain.  And, warfare prayer over me for this stupid lung.  Too early in the chemo cycles for it to kick in and dry this thing up.  Pain clinic sounds good.  Mine here was a tremendous help.  It's worth it to go check it out my friend.

    Blessings and peace to all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Sue: What a frightening experience and that God gave you the presence of mind to remain calm and get all the doors opened for you to get help. Your machine sounds great and I am so glad that it is working for you.

    Bev: Will be praying that all goes well tomorrow and that God brings you through this just as He has for everything else.

    This was a trying week for me. I had my dad here all week. He was taking on fluids and sounding a bit depressed so my husband and I dragged him here for some TLC. He dropped 13 pounds of fluid retention while here. We were constant nags about elevating, etc. He went back home and I hope that things stay on an even flow. At least he went home in better spirits after having company all week.

    Friday was a brutal day for me. I put on as many steps on my fitbit as I do on a normal day before surgery. Not good, as my doctor told me his biggest fears were me over doing it. My team mate was out and told his sub to see me for lessons not thinking about my knee or that I might not be here. So basically I taught two classes of students for 5 straight hours on Friday with little help from the guy that came in for my team mate. I sat down at the end of the day to load some grades in my computer and I could not bend my knee when I got up because it was so swollen. I went home and sucked it up for more time to help my dad. Finally last evening when the ice did not help and I still was hurting, I took a hot shower and put heat on my knee for about two hours. I wanted to go to church and when I woke, my swelling was down to a decent level and I was pretty mobile. Praise God.

    I was blessed at church today as a visiting family of singers came for the start of our spring campaign. Their 11 year old daughter gave her testimony and said she believed God had called her to the mission field and that she was raising money to go on a mission trip to Kenya next year and would we pray that she is able to get her support for the trip. She was so cute. She said, "I figure I better go on a trip to see what it is God is calling me to do, don't you think". It took a lot of courage to stand before strangers and share what was on her heart, yet God was there with her. The family has seven children. She sang a solo and brought me to tears. I told her dad a story about how I felt a calling to be a missionary when I was about two years older than her and that I did not know the Lord at that time. I listened to a woman missionary speak to the youth group I was attending and asked the woman missionary that I felt that God may want me to be a missionary and how would I become one. She told me that if I was interested I should go back to my church and talk to them because I did not belong to that church or their affiliation. Missionaries are to go into the world and reap the harvest and lead others to God. The woman could have done that for me but she did not and so my path in life was much different. It was many years later that I finally received the Lord as my personal Savior. God had different plans for me and he knew my path but had I known Christ back then as this young girl did, my life might be very different today. So I handed her father a check and said that this was for his daughter's trip and that she can go on behalf of those that can't.

    Today I heard a man give this quote. (Maybe one for your refrigerator.) But it struck a cord and I can not think of something  better to give each of you for encouragement.

    "It is in the quiet crucible of your personal and private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and that God's greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you have been through."

    God has great gifts for each of you.

    It is well with my soul,


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    thank you all for the prayers, we all need them, don't we?  Today I thought I was up early enough for church but not so.  We live in the country, and my hubby had to go in even earlier than I thought without a chance of returning for me.  So The Lord and I managed things alone here.  I did no cooking, we had Stouffers lasagna, garlic bread, a quick green salad, and cheesecake.  Our youngest son was in town to enjoy with us.

    Yes, Sue, I believe for your lung healing, praying the prayer of faith in Jesus' name.  Rest well tonight.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Char, you cannot know what perfect timing you had tonight.  I just sent your quote to an 18-year old I was witnessing to in a cancer chat room tonight.  And, I want to know how you were able to get 13 pounds of fluid off of your dad.  I've been doing the massage and exercising all day and my leg swelling just isn't budging.  Fortunately I have a PT appointment mid-day tomorrow to get this fluid moving!  I'm going to pray that you slow down girl!  You and I have a lot in common.  I think my leg swelling comes from the fact I can't seem to get my leg up soon enough or fast enough when I need to.  I just always seem to find one more thing to do before I sit down for the night.

    Thank you Anita.  Your dinner made me hungry!  And, your prayer humbled me.  I'm sure it gave me the confidence to witness to this young man tonight!

    I just had the most amazing experience.  I hooked into one of my regular chat rooms for those with cancer (any type).  Met up with two friends there, one of whom I told you about previously.  An atheist who practices some strange religion I can't even pronounce, lol.  While the three of us were chatting (the other is a Christian), in comes this 18-year old young man scheduled for brain surgery on Tuesday (please pray for him at 11:00 eastern time. His name is Andrew).  He was confused, in shock, you name it and scared to put it mildly.  In the span of about 10-minutes I found out he had turned to the Bible for the first time in his life.  I suggested he start with the New Testament and found he was already to the book of John!  I then suggested that as he reads, to insert his name, everywhere a verse says "God loves you" or "Jesus loves you" so it would be "God loves Andrew", etc.  I also turned him to the Psalms.

    Well, needless to say my atheist friend was trying to insert his wacky religious gobbledygook which we were able to ignore.  I was praying up a storm that God keep this boy's focus on the Truth he had in his hands.  It didn't take long for my friend to decide he needed to sign off for the night, ha ha.  My other friend and I were able to encourage this young man to the point where we convinced him that God had a plan for him and while the surgery would still be scary, he had someone who would be there right by his side in the operating room.  It ended up being just he and I thereafter and I was able to get his email address.  Oh my gosh what a trip this was.  I could see his countenance change to the point where he thanked me over and over for the encouragement and words of "wisdom" as you will.  Not so sure about the wisdom because it was God doing the talking in that chat room tonight!

    Thank you Jesus for putting me in the right place at the right time and to be used as Your messenger tonight.

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited April 2014

    Amen and amen, Sue!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited April 2014

    Oh, Sue - I have chills after reading your post. What a blessing - thanks so much for sharing and I certainly will be praying for Andrew. God just keeps working out those crazy "coincidences" and "lucky moments" doesn't He?

    Char, thank you so much for all your encouragement - and yep, your quote will definitely make it up onto the pages on my fridge!

    Anita, I'm praying for you  hope you get relief from the pain and discomfort and some wonderful kisses from God this week.

    Debbie and Lucy - you've been pretty quiet. How are you doing? 

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited April 2014

    Sue, thanks for sharing your story about Andrew. Praying for him.

    Bev', good luck with your first rads today! I know you'll do well!

    Char, I hope your knee heals soon! Thanks, as always, for your inspiration!

    Have a wonderful week, ladies!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Amazing what God will do in such a short span of time.  I got an email from Andrew's brother that they took Andrew in last night for a spinal tap.  He wasn't able to stand and balance and was slurring his speech.  He was supposed to return home after the procedure and is still scheduled for his surgery tomorrow.  I'm guessing this had to happen within an hour of us leaving that chat room!  God's timing is amazing that we were able to encourage this young man before he got sick last night.  I'm praying the spinal tap works and he regains his speech.  Praying for Divine healing physically and spiritually.  Thank you all for your prayers for his delightful young man.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Kate I've been thinking about you too!  Are you doing okay?  Sue

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2014

    Hello Everyone,

    I don't know what key I just hit, I had a post that was as long as War and Peace and all of a sudden it has gone.  

    I am having a PET scan tomorrow.  The oncologist thinks a tumour is growing in the same place as before on my leg.  Meanwhile, my GP is referring me to a gynaecologist because I am having intermittent bleeding even though my ovaries were removed a few years ago.  My temperature is uncomfortably high at night, and we both know that this could be the place where the tumour is building rather than my femur.  I know it sounds silly, but I would prefer to have the tumour re-growing on its original site than have it move into my uterus and make a home there.

    Char, I am sorry to hear about you suffering with your leg.  I think you were very kind and generous to give the donation for that young girl to help her achieve her aim of working in the mission field.  

    Sue, You are another one who has been in the wars, and are in my prayers.  I love to hear tales such as yours where a Christian witnesses successfully, and manages to kick an atheist into touch at the same time.  The Lord will surely bless you and Char for your work on His behalf.

    Terri and Bev, I can barely remember having radiotherapy on my breast, it seems so long ago and there were no problems whatsoever.  You will feel very tired, but nothing like when you were on chemotherapy.  I pray that the days go by really quickly for you.

    Anita, I am sorry that you have been in so much pain.  I am praying that you have relief from it soon.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited April 2014

    Each of you are in my prayers. Sue: goosebumps here. It is great that when we are willing to step up to the plate for God and be the vessel in which His will is done, He will surely do the rest. The conviction, running interference when Satan tries to stop things, giving us just the right words to say. I have added Andrew to my prayers.

    Deb: I am sorry to here what is going on with you. I am praying that God puts a stop to this and does not allow it to spread to another area. 

    Anita: praying for pain relief for you.

    Becky and Kate: Both of you are not far from my thoughts and I lift up my prayers to heaven for both of you. Please let us know what specifics we can pray for both of you. 

    Bev: Hope all is going well today and that you and your pup are doing okay.

    In Christ,


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Hello all.  I wanted to give you an update on our 18-year old friend Andrew.  His brother emailed tonight that his surgery was a success.  He was just waking up and gave the thumbs up sign to those who were with him in ICU.  His brother did say that the doctors weren't able to get all of the tumor but they're hopeful that it won't matter and his recovery will be a complete success.  I think God gave Andrew a wonderful reprieve and Andrew now understands the need for our Savior.  Thank you all for your prayers.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Hello Ladies, been a while.  I have been well and just staying busy...first things first.  Praising God because He is just so good, isn't He?

    Char - I have to agree, it is nice to have our network of believers.  The level of strength we get is amazing and I so miss that I haven't been on the board for a few days.  Don't mean to worry anyone and I find tonight that although I have you all in my prayers, it's not enough so we have to stay connected by reaching out.  How is work going for you Char?  You do have to take it easy as hard as it is. Love the quote, will need to share it so hope you don't mind.

    Bev - How are the rads doing?  Praying se's are minimal and you are doing well while hubby is out and about. We too are looking forward to Easter and the special meaning behind the holiday.  So thankful I have a relationship with our Lord as I don't know how I could be any other way especially at this time in my life.  It is a glorious time to know our savior.

    Sue - Is the tingling getting worse?  How long have you had it going on?  How was your treatment on Friday?  What an awesome story about Andrew.  God was certainly using you as a tool in Andrews need.  I love to hear stories of how God works His ways in our lives.  You must be humbled by this act and how amazing if Andrew has salvation.  We will pray for this for sure.  Please keep us posted so we can see how God works in his life.

    Debbie - Praying your PET scan will show nothing at all.  Be comforted sister.  Anita - Praying for relief for you as well.

    As for me, its been a busy couple of weeks. After my infusion last week my nails were really sore from the neuropathy so thank goodness with this new protocol this is my off week.  I have 4 or 5 nails that I may loose.  Two of them are lifting pretty good about half way down my nail and the others about a quarter of the way down.  Any input or advise on how I can salvage my nails would be welcome.  At least they don't hurt so much this week, only if I squeeze them or bump them.  I wear gloves when I do dishes but I have to wash my hands and you know how much we wash our hands.  The RN told me to put bandaids on them after every time I wash my hands which I just find a waste of time.  One told me to wear gloves all the time right after I have my morning shower.  So looking for input from you all. My MO wants me to see a nail specialist so we will see what they offer.  My treatment will wrap up end of April then I start on the maintenance phase which is a pill Elortinib and Avastin every 3 weeks by infusion.  So praying this continues to work for me.  The pill brings its own se's so we will see what those will be for me.  Meet on the 14th with MO to discuss that phase and moving forward.  My hair is growing nicely, I have about 1/2 inch of new hair growth all over my head.  Started taking Biotin about 6 weeks ago and increased my protein so it is one of them or both but it is great. I will take it and it is both white and some black.  My hair is so white not grey or silver but white.  It will be nice now that summer will be here soon as it gets warm with a wig and hats.

    So has anyone heard of a vaccine that has been started or part of a trial that might be good for TNBC?  Also, has anyone heard of a procedure called radio frequency ablation?  It is like they zap your tumors?

    I too want to share something I ready the other day that I just had to post on my facebook page...

    "Look back at what God has already brought you through and delivered you from. Don't look at how far you have to go, look at how far you've come."

    Let's agree together right now that God has already provided for our needs, breakthrough is ours...In Jesus name...Amen!

    Blessings sisters...Lucy

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2014


    Last fall/winter, when my daughter was having Chemo for ovarian/fallopian/endometrium cancer, they told her to use emu oil on her nails several times a day, she did that and had no problem with them.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Vickie - I have never even heard of that.  I have used tea tree oil off and on.  I have been using glutamine for 3 months now 30 mg a day and also taking P5P B6.  But apparently it's not working as I am this stage now.  So where would I find this?  Also, wonder if it is too late.

    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2014

    The cosmotolegist at the cancer center had it, but I believe Melody ordered it on line.  She googled for it and found it MUCH CHEAPER than the gal was selling it for.  Even then it was kind of spendy, but did the job..

    If you would like I will check with my daughter and find out the site she ordered it from..


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited April 2014

    Lucy, I found it at my local health food store in their health and beauty section.  I would think Whole Foods might have it as well since they have a pretty big h & b section.  So glad for this info Vickie!  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2014

    Sure can't hurt. I just picked up something called Domeboro powder to soak my fingers twice a day. My RN called me and told me about it.