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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Oh Nancy you are so right on about the fear factor. I was out of my mind with fear when I started on this journey.  I went through this for several weeks until I was so exhausted and finally surrendered everything from that moment on to our Lord.  From that time on I had the best peace overcome me and it has been so much better. I did have another time where I was having a little fear but not to the degree as I did at first. This happened when I was going to start the pill and I had so much anxiety over the SE until He reminded me that I had surrendered it all to Him and totally trusted Him and that included the pill and everything about it. So I went through that and the SE and He got me through it. I love when He speaks to us and shows us we just need to trust in Him and to know in our hearts He has a plan and He knows what is best. I am so happy to know He is on this journey with me every step of the way. I am not alone and like you said...I am ready and I know this time on this earth is temporary and I am looking toward eterntiy. What a glorious thought!!!

    Church was great and so wonderful to be in Gods presence. I am recharged and ready for my week. Monday I go in to have my infusion of Avastin and to have my blood draw to see if if my liver is being good and strong. Start the lower dose of the pill on Tuesday if all is well. It will be I claim that and my liver is strong by the blood of Jesus. PRAISE GOD!!!

    Well off with DH and Gidget our mini dachhound for a day road trip to check out our next camping trip. Have a blessed day Lady Warriors of Christ!!!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Nancy - regarding drinking lots of water after treatment...I was told it is to help get it through your system quicker. Not sure about it lessening any SE.  It's mostly to get it through your organs as delisted as possible. That is my understanding any way. 

    Also thank you got sharing the sugar story. Amazing journey you've been on. 

    Wanda - always nice to hear from you. Hang in there through the Grace of our Lord. Keep us posted. 

    Bev - the enemy will always try and sneak in to distract you of your faith. Just keep him under your feet where he belongs. 

    Stay positive in our Father God!!!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Thanks, Nancy - what you said about keeping our eyes on God reminds me of a little quote from one of the Sarah Young "Jesus" devotional books - "gaze at God, glance at problems." Thanks, also, Lucy for the reminder about keeping fear and Satan beneath our feet. Jesus already won the battle against death for us - who then shall we fear?! We know the end of the matter the little twists and turns along the way. 

    Nancy, like others, I drank as much water as I could the couple of days before chemo and several days after. I heard somewhere that the chemo drugs will do their work quickly - no benefit in letting them stay in the body any longer than necessary - so drinking lots of water helps flush all the poison out after any benefit from the drugs has occurred.

    Lucy, praying for you with treatment tomorrow - God's strength and peace be with you!


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2014

    Hello Everyone! 

    There's been so much conversation between you all, I feel way behind knowing what's going on! I will hopefully catch up soon. 

    Meanwhile...Nancy, thanks for asking about how VBS went. It was very successful! God provided us with a great place to have it, lots of children and adults, and extra workers from a missionary group. It was amazing how well it went. The kids were great and seemed to have a good time and they were very attentive to the lessons. I really felt like I was on the mission field since many of the children I taught knew little about the Bible and the hope we have in Christ. 

    Here's a picture if you'd like to pray for these children and their families. We had a castle theme and I dressed as a Scottish maiden.Love and blessings to you all! Deborah


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014


    Good to hear from you and thanks for sending the special picture of your little charges. It is the children that are so receptive to the word and it is so important that people like yourself give of their time to minister to them. BTW you look lovely as a Scottish maiden! I just prayed that the seeds that were planted in their hearts would grow and that they will see their need for Jesus and accept Him into their lives. Welcome back.

    Lucy- Hope all goes well tomorrow with your treatment.

    Bev- I think it was Sue asking about filling up on water to help with the chemo. I thought it was Sharon who mentioned doing that but maybe it was you. I know nothing about chemo but I do know like you said that drinking wate  is alway  a good way to get rid of toxins.

    I was just getting ready to go for my walk and it started pouring. Oh well. Now the sun is out. Maybe there is hope for my walk after all.


    I could use some prayer as I go down to my mom's for two weeks. I have not lifted heavy items since my shoulder is still not healed yet so just the packing is a concern, not even counting the driving which is always tiring for me. My sister and I are caregivers for my mom who has dementia. I haven't seen her since January. The longest time ever I have not seen my mom. I sense that her mind has deteriorated since January and I am bracing for that. I want to be able to help without overdoing myself. I am still not completely back to normal yet since rads. I started Anastrozole on Friday and am praying that all goes well. I will see my RO on Tuesday and will ask about getting a second opinion regarding my MO. I will be leaving on Wednesday.

    Have a great week everyone.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Good evening all.

    Deborah, great picture!  That little red head looks just like you.  Is it your grandson?  What a cute picture.

    Yes Bev, it was me asking about the water.  I've been knocked out most of the day.  My chemo side effects kicked in last night.  I woke up this morning feeling like I hadn't been to bed and had a massive headache.  I got up, took my morning meds and then went back to bed and slept for another 4-hours!  Then slept more this afternoon and tonight.  I had some of the big "D"  but mostly just the extreme fatigue.  Boy am I wiped.  I hope I can sleep tonight because I have to work tomorrow and be up at 4:45 a.m. - ugh.

    My lymphedema also moved into my trunk and abdominal area.  Even though my x-ray showed no fluid in the lung, I've got lymphatic fluid surrounding the lung and making it hard to breath so I've been wearing  the oxygen all day.  Oh well, could be a lot worse!   So that's how I spent my birthday today, lol.  Don't get to veg out all day very often.

    Wanda, good to hear from you.  As always, good to hear from everyone.  Nancy got you covered on your trip!

    Blessings all.  Sue


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Thank you to all that will keep me in prayer this week and have been uplifting me with scripture. 

    Bev: My dear sweet dad is notorious for watching fox, cnn and all those stations of news all day long and then coming back upset and disturbed about what is taking place in the world. I likewise for a while would read these Christian world reports about how everything is coming crashing down and at one point I was even having trouble sleeping at night. I finally had to turn it all over to God because I had no control over it and I had no power to change any of it. I had to give it up and hand it over to him. So as Lucy said we are all guilty of doubt and fear and not just about health issues. 

    I also think that after we have been given medicines and treatments and care and then we are suddenly cut loose, it is like someone pulled the safety net out from under us. Treatment can be our comfort zone as bizarre as that may sound and once the majority of it is over the real test comes to play. Are we really trusting God to take care of the rest? And unfortunately Satan knows just the right moments to attack us when he feels we are most vulnerable. Just remember that we have no guarantee of any tomorrow and if we live each day as it  comes then we really have no concern about tomorrow. 

    Deborahanne: Precious children....ahh that we had one once of their faith. They believe so easily. No wonder it is so hard to reach someone for Christ after they become adults. 

    Lucy: I will pray for your infusion and liver check.

    Blessings and Hugs,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2014

    I WOULD APPRECIATE a lot of prayers, I need courage, I have had a month off chemo, at stage 4, it is scary, my blood work will be back today and I pray for courage to face it, is bad or good..... and trust in MY LORD to carry be no matter what, I know HE is greater than all and HE LOVES me.. thanks for all of you sisters... ThumbsUp


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Becky - I just prayed for you. I am currently having my treatment and I know how you feel. When I stopped my chemo back in April I was so happy to get to that point then when I had my last treatment and was walking out of the center I had like the instant thought of OMW this is my last now what?  It was like the chemo was my life line and it was just cut off. I am on a targeted therapy now with Avastin and a pill Erlotnib which are both part of a study. I am stage IV as well. I surrendered all of it to The Lord back at the beginning of this journey and I was overcome with such peace. It's easy to have fear because of what we are dealing with. Just keep your focus on God's promises and trust and believe. 

    We will all be lifting you up in prayer, take comfort in that. 


  • Glenfae
    Glenfae Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2014

    Hello, everyone.  I have stage 3 cancer soup in both breasts. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'll undergo a radical BMX in the morning. A lifetime of asthma damaged my lungs and treatment has made an ongoing kidney problem unresponsive to antibiotics. Those health issues and others has raised "red flags" to the point they doctors are concerned that I may not be able to breath on my own after surgery. So I will be admitted to the ICU after surgery and remain there for at least 10 days. I would appreciate prayers for me and my family.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2014

    dear Glenfae, You will be prayed for by this group, we see answers all the time like me today . Oh it is a trying time for you. 

    here is my answer to prayer :::

    My ca 27/29 was even lower than the last time i...tumor marker for BC it was 24.8 the average from 0-34 PTL I am so happy, this is 7 wks post chemo that was trying and hard, Cytoxyn and Ellence,  it is an anxious time waiting at times for results. I see the dr wednesday.I am learning to face the ups and downs of this illness......and continue to trust the Lord...
    Thank you ..... praying friends, the Lord still has plans for us all  I will get another month free from Chemo.Disease stable.  I hope.see dr on wednesday 


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited July 2014

    Deborah, the kids are so sweet, what a blessing you felt well enough to do VBS, I missed the last two years, low white counts, and I get so tired...

    Next year I hope I can I love kids...

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Becky, I prayed for you at work today.  What wonderful news!  Congratulations and so glad you've updated us.

    Glenfae, you are so well covered.  It has to be hard to be having this major surgery on your birthday but I can't believe God would do anything but good things on your birthday!  (Mine was yesterday and He did provide!).  I trust you have a good team and a good hospital where you will be well taken care of.  When you are able after surgery, please come back and let us know how you are.  This is a great group of fellow sisters in Christ and we're glad to have you join us.  Jer. 29:11

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    PTL Becky: Did not see your message in time to pray specifically but I awoke just after falling asleep last night and I felt a need to pray for my sisters on here. God has it all in control. I am so glad for your good news. He still needs you here to serve Him. 

    Glenfae: Welcome to the thread. It looks like tomorrow will be a birthday to remember. We will most definitely pray for you. I am sure that this is a scary time for you with your other health issues but God is bigger than all of us including our doctors. He can bring you through all of this. I pray that God gives you peace as you prepare for your surgery and that He guides your doctor's hands to do what is necessary to help you. May He ease your breathing issues and give you no complications. 


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    oh, Becky - what wonderful news - to God be the glory!!!  

    Glenfae, happy birthday!  It will certainly be a memorable one - and we'll be praying and waiting to rejoice with you. As my pastor said before my surgery, none of my friends would be able to be in the room with me....but God would be. Isn't that the best Presence to have beside you?  

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Dear ladies,

    I so appreciate the Mark 11:23 scripture Lucy. The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in in all of us who call ourselves Christians. PTL

    I am going to pray that for all of our needs. Sue, for breathing and more energy after your treatment. Lucy, for ongoing faith and trust in the Lord and that He is seeing you through the battle. Becky,  we rejoice in your answers to prayer and for a good report from your doctor on Wed. Glenfae, We pray for God to touch you from head to toe tomorrow. I pray that He would guide the doctors hands, move in their decision making and we pray that God will be right there in ICU with Glenfae as she recovers from this surgery. I pray that your birthday gift will be that all goes well and that God gives peace to you and your family during this difficult time. Bev, continued prayers for peace and complete trust in the Lord with eyes gazed on Jesus and only glancing at your situation as you mentioned. Char, for continued prayers in your training and for the big race on Saturday. Deborah, for recovery from all the VBS! Mini, praising God with your wonderful answer to prayer!  Sharon, continued prayers for your shoulder, your hands and for getting your house ready for selling. Mags and the July chemo sisters, ongoing prayers for continued daily strength in your treatments.

    I imagine I have left someone out but Lord for all the sisters on this thread we pray for provision, and peace and strength in the daily battle.


    Nancy BW



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2014

    Hi All, wanted to drop in with a quick post.  I pray that everyone had a blessed weekend.  I caught up on most of the post this evening.  My DH and I took the family including my two grand kids on a 3 day weekend get away to Disneyland and just to relax before I start chemo.  That is why I haven't posted since last week.  It was wonderful and I was spoiled rotten.  I must admit I loved it ;-).  My grandkids kept asking me if my ouchie still hurt. - they are so precious.  My arm is still very sore from the ALND.

    I am PTL for the victory posts/reports,  praying for the specific prayer request that have been brought to this thread and just thanking God for such a supportive group of women that love The Lord.  We can share our ups and downs, ask questions  yet know that we serve an almighty God.  

    Glenfae welcome and I am praying for you and your family.

    Deborahanne love the VBS pictures and such a blessing to teach children that may not have otherwise heard about Christ.

    Nancy,  prayer covering for your trip, Mom and you.

    Chat praying for you and your training this week.

    Nancy and Sue -- Happy birthday

    I have a week full of appoints this week to prep for my 1st chemo treatment that is scheduled for 8/6 @ 8:30am.  I am setup for AC every 3 weeks for 3 months (4 treatments). Followed by weekly Taxol for 3months (12x), then hormonal treatment.   Trying to get as much information on SE

     I have not mentioned you individual I blessings  and praying for each of you this week. 

    Stay strong in The Lord!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    Angie, so glad you had a wonderful family time - good for you for making the effort. I'll be praying for you especially this week - I remember all too clearly how nervous I was before the first chemo. The SE and response are so individualized, there's no way (at least that's what I think) to predict how you'll react and respond. We'll pray that everything will go smoothly and you'll be calm throughout. For what it's worth, my first chemo was almost like a non-event - I felt completely normal afterwards (well, until 3 weeks later when my hair started falling out......). Just remember - you are where you God's appointment, in His keeping, under His training and for His time.  :)

    Glenfae, praying that all goes smoothly today for you with surgery - and Char, keep up the training!

    God bless you all, my sweet friends!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Morning Warriors,

    Angie - you visited one of my favorite places. We have thought about going to Disneyland too soon. How fun that you did this before chemo. We went camping for a week before I started and I am glad we did. My first few weeks were uneventful as well and like Bev day 16 when my hair started to leave me. That wasn't as hard for me as I thought I was pretty prepared but mostly I believe it was God who got me through it and gave me the peace I needed.

    Glenfae - welcome and you are in our prayers. Please update us when you can.  You are not alone on this journey. I usually always talk with The Lord when I am having procedures like scans or other tests and I can always feel His presence and it brings such peace. Take comfort in knowing He is in that room with you.  Happy birthday.  

    Deborah - what a sweet pic of the kids. So glad you were able to partake and get that special time with the kids. 

    Becky - be strong in The Lord. He will be here for you daily, what an amazing promise we have not to mention our comforter. We are so blessed. 

    She - praying you were able to get through your SE and go to work and do what you needed to do. 

    Well I had a pretty good day yesterday and my blood work showed my liver is back to normal...praise The Lord!!!  Treatment was good and had a friend go with us as she wanted to see how it all worked and she was very impressed with everyone and the protocol of it all. Been doing it for so long I had forgotten how it all really is from a beginners stand point so it made me realize I am in a good place and they take very good care of me. Started the new pill at a lower dose so prayers for my liver that it stays strong and doesn't get elevated again. Thanks for the prayers to this point they worked to get my liver back on track...God is good!  The weather is pretty warm right now so didn't go to curves yesterday but hoping to go today...have a blessed day lady warriors and keep up the good fight. Lucy 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2014

    oh, Lucy - what great news! Your signature verse says it so well - God is with you making you strong - and us all. What a blessing and comfort. God is so good....all the time.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Yeah Lucy.  That is such great news!  I'm praying for no SE's on the treatment too.  God can answer big prayers just as easily as He can answer little prayers.

    Glenfae, Happy Birthday!  You're likely in surgery as I write this but prayed up a storm for you this morning and will continue to lift you up through out the day.  You are going to come through this clear sailing and singing His praises.  You are strong because of your faith.  He will not let you down and will bless you even in times of trial.  Focusing on the blessings Glenfae.  You'll be eating birthday cake for dinner tonight!

    Way to go Angie on your trip.  It sounds like you had a wonderful time and I'm so glad you were able to get away.  More fun with the grandkids!

    I have several days off and would love to take even a one day trip somewhere.  We're supposed to cool off (yeah!) and have a lot of rain which we desperately need.  Praying for some insight on where I can go for a little get away so I quit sleeping the days away.  You've all inspired me.

    Prayers and blessings are with you all.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Jo-5 - I take 2000 units of D-3 and have never had any issues with nausea. I take 1000units twice a day.  Do you drink enough water?  That would be my only thought. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Jo, I do the same as Lucy.  I take 2000 mg a day in pill form.  It may be that it's the liquid form that's making you sick.  Maybe back off a bit and see where you can tolerate a given amount.  That's all I can think of in the way of advice.  Maybe someone else has some suggestions.


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited July 2014


    I take 10,000 units a day (in the morning when I eat breakfast along with my other pills) liquid gel capsules.  Have had no problems in about 3 years on it.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Angie, thank you for your prayers and birthday wishes. I am so glad you got to go to Disneyland with your family. We'll be praying for your start to chemo.

    Lucy, PTL that your liver readings are back to normal.

    Glenfae, Thought about you and prayed for you several times today. I actually prayed that you would be able to leave the ICU before their 10 day estimate. Take one day at a time and watch the amazing things God is going to do for you!

    Jo 5 I too am very sensitive to meds. I was getting nauseated with calcium during radiation and I cut the pill in half and took half in the morning and half at night always with food. I am taking a different calcium product now but couldn't take that during radiation because it had another ingredient in it and my RO didn't want supplements other than Vit D and calcium and a multiple vitamin. I take 7000 units of Vit D 3. From my own research for cancer fighting ability the blood level needs to be in the range of 70-100. I would suggest dividing up the dosage and definitely take with food. If that doesn't work try a different brand. They are not all created equal. I buy my supplements from my alt doctor so you wouldn't be able to buy this off the shelf unfortunately. My other thought is that the liquid form may get into your blood stream faster and for you that may not be a good thing.

    I will be leaving for my mom's tomorrow. I would appreciate prayers for my two week stay. I am sensing that her dementia has gotten worse since I saw her last and that it is going to be a big emotional impact on me this time around. I usually am the one that cleans her house. I asked my sister to clean because I didn't think I was up to it this time. She did so I am relieved.

    I saw my RO for the last time today for this year. I see her again in a year. I was able to talk to her about my possible desire for a second opinion regarding my MO. I still have not felt any clear direction in making any changes so I will wait on the Lord and see what His direction is. I got to see the swans with their five babies on the way home from the clinic. They have given me such joy. If you didn't get to see it I posted a picture of them a few weeks ago.


    Take care and I will continue to pray for all of you whether you see me on here or not.


    Nancy BW

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Nancy, I just know you're going to have a wonderful time.  Sometimes we worry about that which isn't there but I pray you are able to accept each day as God gives it to you.  My prayers for a safe journey as well!  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Sue. I will claim that. I found out my niece is going to be at my sister's for a few days. She lives in Iowa with her husband. So it will be fun to see her. We lost my nephew about four years ago. He was 36 and he had a seizure and they could not revive him.  My sister has been through a lot. We lost our Dad to cancer and then when I got it I think it was really hard on her.  I wanted to help relieve her before she goes back to school. She is a teaching assistant and is older than I am and I am retired. How are you feeling? Is the lymphedema still making it hard to breath? I will continue to pray for you. Take care. I'll try to check in as much as I can. When I am at my mom's I can only watch so many episodes of Little House on the Prairie and Golden Girls with her before losing my mind. LOL She could watch those two shows all day long.

    Thanks for your prayers. It is a blessing finding this thread!


    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited July 2014

    Nancy: You have been such a blessing here in such a short time. It's like you have been with us for a long time.... No offense intended. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I pray that your visit will be a good one despite your mother's dementia. I found that God gave me little blessings throughout the progression of my mother's dementia. Every time I visited my mother she could not tell me who I was. I would ask and she would say "you know who you are" and I would say, "Yes but you tell me my name". The very last time I saw her, I asked her once again and she said' " You are my daughter.". I asked which one and she said, "Charlene of course.". God gave that wonderful final memory for me to keep forever because He knew it would be the last time I would ever see her in this lifetime. I know God will do the same for you so imbrace those moments.

    Jo: I too am drug sensitive and I would concur with the others. One, it could be entering your system too quickly in liquid form. Two, all products are not the same and sometimes it's the bindings or fillers that make a difference. Three, take with food and possibly divide the dose. 

    Angie: We will be praying for you both mentally and physically as you prepare for chemo. The mental battle can be  rougher than the physical battle as many of these gals will testify to. God has it all covered so put your trust in Him.

    Lucy: Woo Hoo on your liver counts being normal. I will continue to keep you in pray with it and your new dosage. God is so good!

    Sue: Hope you are getting relief in that lung. You are in my prayers along with everyone on here.

    Yesterday I was a bit down or discouraged as both my knees felt lousy. My PT really stretched me too. I forced myself to see how cycling felt last night and knocked :30 seconds off my mile time. Was hesitant to run today to see how my legs felt and I ran 1:85 miles and dropped a minute off my mile time even with some walking thrown in to take it easy on the limbs. Praise The Lord for His mercy and answering prayers. I thank all of you for them because I know they are being answered.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Well sounds like we are all still hanging in there and fighting this battle.  We are strong and can do anything through Christ who strengthens us...Praise God and thank you Father God!

    Hoping to hear from Glenfae...praying lots for her. 

    Nancy have a wonderful time and I am sure you will be blessed with fond memories...stay strong.  Char is right, you have been a blessing since you joined us.  So glad God brought you to us.  I know I am so blessed to be a part of this wonderful group of Women in Christ, you all give me such strength.  I love sharing some of the posts with my DH and he is amazed by all of this.  He has said often too ban men don't have this type of thing going, because he could sure use it.  But when I share he is inspired so that is nice.

    Angie hope all is well...pop in and update us.  You are still in prayer.

    I was curious as to why the higher doses of Vit. D-3?  I thought I was doing good with 2k and my MO has not ever said anything different.  My Gyno put me on 1k years ago and when I started this journey I was told to take it to 2k.  But when is see some taking 10k or 7k I am wondering if I need to up it.  I will add that to my questions for my next visit.

    I started my workout at Curves last week and so far so good.  Been able to make it work along with a little more walking so really happy about that.  I noticed that when I was off the pill for that week my fatigue went away and I have been full of energy.  I am so praying that with this new lower dose that the fatigue doesn't return.  That would be a blessing for sure.

    Well have a nice night Warriors...check back in a bit as I just love getting my email prompts when you all check in.  Blessings and lots of love...xoxoxo...Lucy