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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Char and Lucy, Thank you so much for the kind words. That really blesses my heart. I made it to my mom's in one piece and I was able to lift all the heavy stuff  into my car even though my neighbor asked if I needed any help. My independent nature came to the fore. I think I just wanted to proof to myself that I could still do normal things even with this shoulder which is still rehabbing. I take a bunch or organic stuff and gluten free stuff which is hard to find at my mom's. She seems the same. I had sensed that she was worse. Time will tell.

    Lucy, I have my Vit D levels checked regularly. I think my last reading was in the 80's. The issue is that there is no agreement on what those levels should be. My alt doc wants it to be high and my primary doc just remarks that it is pretty high. The government recommendations are way too low in my opinion and my alt docs opinion. Vit. D is getting to be the vitamin to watch. It has been proven to fight cancer. I did some research on this just a  few weeks ago and there was a chart on where the levels should be to fight cancer and it was 70-100 blood levels to be effective in fighting cancer.

    It sure might be worth it to ask your doctor to check your Vit. D levels and do some research on it yourself and see what you come up with. Glad you are back to Curves. That has to feel great.

    My RO and MO who are both considered traditional doctors  and both wanted me to be sure I was on Vit D and Calcium. They didn't give me a recommendation on how much for the Vit. D. but wanted 500 mg of calcium.

    Hope that helps.

    Still lifting everyone up with their individual needs. Char, I am glad to hear you shaved off some more time in your training.  Excellent work!  My athletic side will live vicariously through YOU.

    Glenfae- Hoping to hear from you when you are able. Been thinking and praying for you on my drive to my mom's.

    Sue, I hope you can find a nice place for a day get away. You deserve some time off to just do something fun.

    Bev, How are you doing? Are you still doing okay on Anastrozole? I just started six days ago and have had some really stiff necks in the morning. Not sure if it is related.

    Deborah and Sharon, Mini - Hope you are all doing well. I know it has been a very busy time for you.

    Ladyb- Praying for you as you will begin chemo soon.

    Jo 5- I hope you can find some brand of Vit D that will NOT make you sick. I take some Andrew Lessman products and he is known for his supplements being easy on the stomach. You might check that out. My Vit D is through my alt doctor.

    July Chemo sisters -Still praying for you.

    You all have been a great blessing to me. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this little family.


    Nancy BW

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Amen, Lucy and Char!  I so agree that Nancy, you have become a part of the family in short order. 

    Char, are you still going to try the race on Saturday?  Sounds like a lot but you know what your body can endure.  Let us know what direction to pray for you.  I'd love to see you go for it if you're able.  I'm barely able to walk so I wish I could join you, lol.

    Nancy, glad to hear you made it okay and there is no change in your mom's condition.  That's great news!  Remember to accept this and not to look for what's not there.  It will come down the road but for now, the Lord wants you to rest in Him and enjoy this time with your mom!

    Can't wait to hear back from Glenfae.  Girl we know everything was a success and our prayers are now for a quick recovery and healing with a minimal amount of pain.  I like the idea of praying you out of ICU ahead of schedule too!

    I lucked out and was able to get into the PT today for the trunk and abdominal lymphedema.  Holy guacamole, was I swollen today.  I got some good exercises to do to keep the fluid moving.  I'm going to end up spending most of my days doing LE exercises, lol.  The upside is I was able to run some errands after my appointment.  I treated myself to a late birthday lunch and then came home and got sick, ha ha.  Welcome to new chemo Sue! 

    My pastor had called this morning wanting to drop something off but I was already on the way to the hospital and missed the call.  We were able to connect after my appointment and he had a garden care package for me.  He makes the best zucchini bread with his veggies right out of the garden so I didn't need to be asked twice to swing by to pick up my package.  It was a nice boost to my day.  We offer community gardens at my church.  With the heat, a lot of the produce is ripening early.  Leftovers are left in the narthex on Sundays so we pretty  much get the pick of some wonderful organic produce.  Lucy I though of you when I saw the beet greens last week, lol.  Juicer here I come!

    Hope everyone is having a good week.  Blessings all.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited July 2014

    Morning Lady Warriors....

    Sue sounds like you had a pretty good day. Sorry you are having to deal with the LE.  One of the lady's at church had it after her surgery year and a half ago. It is in her arm and she struggles with it a lot. 

    Char - getting close to your race happy you are strong enough to do it. I am stoked I can do a light workout at curves. I sure don't miss the fatigue from that first pill dose. Day 3 on the new pill and still have my energy so praying it stays that way. It was a while after the first pill before I noticed it. 

     nancy - glad to hear your visit with your mom didn't upset you. God is good and answered prayer. 

    My boss brought me a farmers gift basket from veggies from his garden last week as well. It was amazing and my office smelled like the farmers market. It was such a blessing and I was so humbled by his gesture and gift from he and his wife. The pic is nice but it really doesn't do justice. 


    Well have to get ready for my day at the office. Have a blessed day ladies and know our Lord is working behind the scenes. Trust and Believe...Lucy 

  • WanderingSpirit
    WanderingSpirit Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2014

    Praying for us all! Lucy: your pic made me hungry!!!
    Oh, and regarding my 3rd grandchild: My daughter went into labor on her own on Sunday July
    27 and he was
    born at 12:57 a.m. Monday! So he's a July 28 baby but 57 minutes. She
    and my grandson are doing well. He was 8 lbs, 12 oz and 21 inches long!!
    This is her and her husband's third and last! I'm a GiGi of 3! They are
    all 23 months apart! Girl, boy, boy!

    Now just waiting to do the scans, I bumped them out due to not knowing when my grandson would be born, now they are Monday August 18th. 

    Cancer stinks.

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited July 2014

    This is not to make anyone feel down with this disease but rather to remember our reward with our Lord and Savior.  In remembrance to our BC sisters



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2014

    Wandering, congratulations!  It's a Boy!  How wonderful God's timing is.  I had prayed for delivery before your scans and He delivered (excuse the pun, lol).  I'm so happy for you.  We'll get going on prayers for your scans.  I'm praying and claiming good news there too.

    That's quite a picture Mema.  We need one now showing Jesus cheering us on as we "fight the good fight"!

    Great picture Lucy.  Now that's a garden that has borne fruit!  I love this time of year.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited July 2014

    Sue, It is nice to be part of this family. You were the first to welcome me. I think we were both having trouble sleeping that night. I believe it was the Lord guiding me to this thread. I hope your LE exercises are helping. I was given some LE preventative exercises along with my shoulder exercises. I have to do back and neck exercises also so yes, it is a life long thing but it does help me to function and hopefully will be a great help for you too. Glad you got a gift of zucchini bread. Sounds delicious.

    Lucy, your plate of goodies looks so healthy. Enjoy! Yes, God certainly answered prayers getting to my mom's all in one piece. Satan is working overtime trying to throw me off. I was up last night until 4:30 and couldn't sleep. Today after eating a very late breakfast I am fighting off dizziness and nausea. By His stripes I am healed!

    Char, Thanks for sharing about your mom and how she recognized you at the end. That is such a special gift. My mom seems the same after being here to observe her over time. It is apparent that she does not realize the bc journey that I have been on. As much as I would love my mother to be there for me God has provided the emotional connections that I needed through other people. Still praying for your training and the big race on Sat.

    Bev, When I was up almost all of last night I was reading old posts on this thread. I loved your sharing about your Bible study and your study on Ester sounded fantastic. What was that movie- One Night with the King maybe that was such a good illustration of her life and how God used one woman to change the face of destiny. Amazing!

    Wandering, Congratulations on your third grandson.

    Mema, Remembering lost lives to bc reminds me of the importance of praying for everyone on this forum that they would meet the Savior during their battle. If we could see in the heavenly realm of all the angels that surround us each day we would be so encouraged. Imagine us hand in hand with the Lord every single day. He is with us no matter what we are going through.

    Praying for all of you.


    Nancy BW


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Morning all.  TGIF!

    Well ladies, I was supposed to have my second week of the Eribulen today (round 1).  I've been really tired yesterday and today.  The onc. is on vacation so I dealt with the NP.  My platelets are too low as are my white counts, the latter of which are almost 0.  So........they handed me a mask and said to come back next week.  I asked about getting a shot and she said to wait until next week to see if the counts come back up.  I doubt it since they didn't budge when I was on the Taxol/Carbo combination.  I was pretty bummed to say the least.  I wanted to get this over with so I could look forward to having a week off.  Not to happen I guess.

    It's been pretty quiet in here which I take as a good sign.  Hope all are doing well.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    PS: Char, hope you took it easy today to save your energy for tomorrow.  Good luck and we'll be praying for a great race!  Sue

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Oh Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your counts and platelets being so low. I will be praying for you. God is in control and He has His reasons. Well race is in about 9 1/2 hours from now. Heading to bed. Thank you for prayers. I just want to finish without wreaking, getting a flat or destroying my knee. I am stepping out in faith on this one.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sue, I am so sorry that your platelets are so low. I know this must be very discouraging. What I am thinking is what I have heard before. God does not waste our pain. There is a purpose in all of this even though when we are in the thick of it, it is hard to see the forest for the trees. I pray that you can get some rest and feel much better soon. With the lymphedema acting up your body is just being taxed to the max. Know you are in my prayers and will be. You will get through this! God will carry you if you don't have the strength on your own.

    Hang in there and know we all will be praying for you.



    I can only imagine all the emotions that you must be feeling. Hopefully you are sleeping right now and getting a really restorative sleep. I pray that you will finish this race without hurting your knee or anything else. I pray that your tires stay strong and I pray that when it is all over you can celebrate what a courageous and gutsy thing you have just completed. You go girl! I will be thinking of you and praying you through for tomorrow.



    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Okay....will keep this short as I must go to a graduation picnic at 2 pm. ( yes,  I will lay there and )

    I will share more of my race and pics later but I finished my race 85 seconds slower than last year. That being said, I was happy if I could do it in 2. 1/2 hours but came in at 2:02.45. The race was brutal this year for many reasons but I finished. I improved my paddle time, both transitions and went down slightly in biking and of course did lousy in the run. But I finished and took first in my age group. My nephew finished 36 and took third in his age group. I rest for a few minutes now. Thank you, thank you, thank you for prayer. There by the grace of God was I able to do this race and I could feel your prayers.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Hello Everyone! I'm just showing up briefly. Thank you to all who commented about my picture. None of the children were part of my family, we did an outreach VBS and it was our first time to meet all the kids and families. It really showed me how wonderful it can be sharing Christ to those who know little about Him and His church.

    I've continued to be busy with work and so much more. I'm leaving tomorrow on a short four day trip with my daughter. I'd appreciate your prayers as we'll be on the road a lot. We are going NE through WV up through the mountains then across MD to
    Chincoteague and Assateague Islands to the National coastline. We hope to see
    wild horses, natural habitats, and pristine beaches. Afterwards, we are going
    to Ocean City to enjoy Maryland crab dishes, then we’re driving through
    Virginia to the Shenandoah Valley. After this, we may go to the Highlands, Blue
    Ridge Mountains, or just drive south to Lexington, VA to see Stonewall
    Jackson's home.

    I've been praying for you if you're having a hard time, praising God when things are going well. Also, I've been praying for you Nancy with your time with your mom and Char with your race. I've been wanting to discuss Calcium supplements and more, but just been too busy with everything else to write to you all personally. Hopefully, in September when my husband goes back to teaching and daughter heads off to college, I'll bring up some of the topics you all have been talking about. 

    I appreciate you all so much, you are a blessing to me! Even though you don't hear from me much, I read your posts and keep you in my prayers. 

    Love and continued prayers for you all!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Char- Wooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo. Congratulations! First in your category, just amazing considering your knee. You mentioned paddling. I thought swimming was one of the events? Maybe not. Congratulations to your nephew as well. Go celebrate and then take a very long nap!!!!!!

    Deborrah- Good to hear from you. Have an awesome time on your trip with your daughter. Those times will be special memories for sure. I am at my mom's now. We will be celebrating my birthday at my sister's on Monday. My niece will be here too from Iowa so that will be fun. My sister and I are supposed to go to some Christian concerts this weekend at a street festival in town that takes over the whole downtown area for several days. My mom is about the same I think, which is good. We are keeping a close eye on her to be sure she can still live alone. She will be 89 in October.

    Sue- Praying for you to feel better. Hang in there. I will keep you in my prayers continually.

    There are many needs both spoken and unspoken. I do pray for those I have met on this thread whether I have specifically mentioned you or not. Keep your eyes on Jesus always even the times you may feel discouraged. He is in control even though we may feel out of control.


    Nancy BW

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Char - WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!  First in your age group?!  What's this about a lousy run? Couldn't have been too bad!  We've all been praying for you all week - I'm sure you could hear the cheers coming at you from all around the country today, right? Hope you can relax a bit now and let that knee recover. So proud of you for your determination, faith and inspiration!

    Deborah, good to hear from you. I'll sure be praying for you and your daughter this week - safety traveling and a wonderful time together. You'll have plenty of opportunity to see God's handiwork in mountains and seashore.

    Nancy, I'm praying for you with your mom this week. I'm so glad it's been going well - hope you'll get lots of kisses from God to make sweet memories.

    Sue, you're always an inspiration and I remember you in my prayers - hope the LE is under control and your blood counts improve so you can keep going forward with treatment. 

    Sharon, I'm praying that God will bring the perfect buyer to fall in love with your beautiful house!

    Hope we all have a blessed Sunday. God is so good....all the time.

    love, Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening all.  Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Char, that is good news.  I'm guessing/hoping that you took it easy today.  Congratulations on a terrific race.  You are an inspiration!

    Happy Birthday Nancy.  Hope you had a good day and had a chance to celebrate.

    Have a good week all.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sue,

    How are you feeling? I have thought of you often and have prayed for you. I sure hope that you are feeling better. I had a very nice birthday today. My mom and sister's church has prayed for me throughout my journey so it was nice to be there in person and thank them for praying for me. We went out to eat and it was so good to be back in my home town. I hadn't been here since Christmas time. My sister and I went to the street festival the last two nights. Tonight we heard Jamie Grace. For being only 22 she speaks with such grace and poise. She is such a good singer and such a good Christian role model for young girls. I could hear her sing and talk for hours. My cousin found us and joined us.  So it was a nice birthday. We are actually celebrating my birthday on Tuesday. My niece is coming in then. It was changed from Monday to Tuesday.

    I will continue to pray for you Sue. I know this must be such a difficult time for you. Know we are all praying for you.


    Bev- I have already gotten lots of kisses from God in just the few days I have been with my Mom. How are you doing?

    Char- I imagine a nice hot bath would be in order for you. I hope your knee is okay!

    Lucy- I hope you are doing something fun.

    Deb- I hope you and your daughter have a great time on your trip.

    Sharon- I pray that your house sells quickly and your shoulder and hands are not giving you too much trouble.

    Ladyb- Praying for your first chemo which is coming soon.


    Have a wonderful week everyone!


    Nancy BW


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies.  I hope each of you had a good weekend.  Praising God for the good reports. I continue to keep each one of you in my prayers as I  read specific request.

    Happy Birthday Nancy.

    Char, congrats on the race!

    Lucy, great news and love the basket. 

    GlenFae – in our prayers.

    Sue -- praying for you. 

    Praying for us all!


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited August 2014

    ATTENTION BEVERLY J. POINTS: Guess what!!! My phone died again. That's why I didn't answer your texts. I sent a private message just now with a texting number on my Android tablet. We will have to use that number until I get my phone replaced. Who knows where I put the paper is with your phone number that I recorded so this wouldn't happen again.

    Hello everyone. I am still here, but so crazy-busy that I don't have time to read the posts and respond. What's new, huh? I am still in therapy for my shoulder replacement, which takes  a lot of time; my hair has grown enough that I ditched the wig and now, it takes me a lot of time to defrizz each morning; we have the house on the market and are working feverishly to spruce it up; I am setting up a booth at the world-famous 127 Yard Sale (the longest yard sale in the world), so I have been digging in all of my closets and attics to get rid of things and JUNQUE; my granddaughter just bought a house and I'm helping her get organized; I am helping another granddaughter get established in her classes at NKU; I will drive her there twice a week from 6-10 pm and wait on her to do her four hours of classes and drive her back home (cheaper than putting her in a dorm, and she can't drive on the expressway yet); ...on and on. Now, say "boo-hoo, you're not alone. We all have things to do but we still get on here and chat." I don't want to lose contact with you. I survived breast-cancer treatments because of God through all of you. I love you and pray for you DAILY. Please know that I'll be back when you're least expecting it, and I will be praying for each of you by name. Keep me in your prayers, too. I am doing great for an old "almost 70" granny, but it is because of your prayers that I remain that way. God bless each of you. May he keep you in the palm of his hand. He is the great physician. He will not let us down. You TRIPLE NEGATIVE sisters, I think of you and pray especially for a cure for our common cancer type. The literature on the cancer will scare the breeches off of us, but God has this and won't let us down. Sharon

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Happy Birthday Nancy! Glad you are enjoying your time with mother and family. 

    Sue: Praying you are feeling better and counts are improving as well as your lung.

    Sharon: So good to hear from you. Sorry about your phone. I will send you Bev's phone number. Sounds like you are packing a lot into your days. Hope that you get some bites on the house.

    Praying for each of you as we move into August. Back to work soon....21 days....yikes.

    Thanks everyone for prayer. I want you to know I firmly believe it is what sustained me this time around. I have attached a link of you care to read about my race journey instead of boring everyone with the details. I do mention all of you in it.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Char,

    I am soooooooooooooooooo proud of you. I looked at your pics. It must feel great to have accomplished such a huge undertaking. It makes tackling another school year pale in comparison. lol Just kidding. I know each school year is a huge challenge but you will start it in great physical shape which is a big plus.


    Sharon- Glad to hear from you. You sound very busy.... makes me tired just reading all the things you are doing!  I'll be praying for a buyer for your home.


    Glenfae- Hope to hear something when you are able. Still praying for your surgery recovery!

    Angie- Good to hear from you. I believe you start chemo this week. Praying for that.


    I am doing something I have had on my mind for some time. I am looking into getting a tombstone for myself and while I am at my mom's now this is the time.  All of my family will be buried in this small and very peaceful cemetery in the country and that is where I will end up also.  I hope to get this project off the ground before I go back home.


    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Nancy: Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement. It means a lot.

    About the tombstone....what if you are raptured and you never have use for it. Just a thought. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Warriors!!!

    Sue - Sorry to hear of your low counts.  I know how that is and now I am having to watch for high liver counts...good grief, if it's not one thing it's another.  But it does all help to make the day go by, right?

    Char - Great job on the race...You are a "WILD WOMAN" and we are all so proud of you.  Shoot, I thought me going back to Curves was a feat...hahaha!  Yes and it will be time to go back to work soon.  Well I work from home 3 days a week and I go into the office on Tuesday's and Thursday's and that seems to work pretty good for me now.  Not sure when I will go to 3 days a week.  My MO didn't want me to do this yet.  I don't think I will push my luck and ask her on the 11th when I see her.

    Deborah - Have a wonderful time on your trip and just know you will be in our prayers for traveling mercies and to have wonderful kisses during your trip.  I also ask that God lets you know which one specifically are from Him.  When we are traveling I always pray in the morning to ask the Lord to just open up any wonderful opportunities for us to know that He is with us and showing his amazing world.  He never disappoints us, I just love that about Him.

    Nancy - Glad things are going well with the visit with your mom.  That is so nice to be experiencing this time with her.  I really like Jamie Grace, she is a good Christian mentor to the young folks...and older ones

    Angie - How ya doing?  Give us an update, you're still in our prayers.

    Sharon - Great to hear from you!!!

    Well so far things are going well with the new pill dose.  Broke out exactly on day 5 like the first time around with some pimples on my nose but it hasn't gotten as bad as the first time, PRAISE GOD!!!  Haven't felt the fatigue like I was feeling either but that was also after a few weeks build up so there is time on that one maybe.  I am claiming "NO FATIGUE" in the name of our might Jesus Christ...Amen!  I have to share at church on Sunday we were having some amazing worship and I felt the need to just pray for everyone and I tried to remember all of you at that moment and I just got so emotional about all of us.  I just know that God loves each and every one of us and I just felt so humbled.  Just know I think of you all often and I am so blessed to be a part of this group and I chose to be here once my Father led me...He is such an awesome God!

    Had a busy weekend, had some guys come and do some major yard work and it all looks so beautiful.  Tomorrow we have a guy coming to re-stain our decks and we are so blessed as these are chores my DH just can't do anymore with his affliction.  God is taking care of us.  Well ladies, I am going to run some errands before I call it a night so check in later and remember to always keep your eyes on the Lord and look at the little things that he blesses us with each day.

    Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2014

    Hi all! Just an update on the seroma - the pocket left by the tumour removal that fills with fluid (so you don't have to look it up) has shrunk. Why? Well, it is draining - all by itself. The BS said it would OR he could lance it - uh huh, enough of the sharp objects into my body - let it do its thing! The antibiotic got rid of the infection, at least I am assuming it is gone as I finished them last week. The swelling is hardly noticable now but where the scar from surgery was is now a bright white and about 1/2 inch wide? It was interesting trying to find out what to use to 'sop up the fluid' and still be disposible as the fluid was infected with staph. So, I prayed one night and when I woke up in the morning I had my answer - ALWAYS with WINGS! LOL I know! I got the super overnight long ones and just slip it inside my sports bra. Bada Boom Bada Bing - works slick.  No leaking, no irritation, no mess. I told my sister and she said that in WWII the dressings the nurses use for the soldiers wounds, they used as pads - they were called Kotex! Uh huh, that is where it all came from, or so she told me. Mind you after being post meniposal for 10 years it was interesting to see the selection in the drug store, I was rather fascinated. Good thing no one asked if they could help me because trying to explain they were for my boob may have twisted their minds.   Carren


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Carren: your story is too funny. I'm glad your Seroma is finally resolving. I am with you Re the knife. I do not want anymore cutting into if I don't to. 

    Thanks for the kind words Lucy. I am a bit crazy or I would never have done the race. Knowing what I know, I am not sure I would do it again with so little training going in to the race. It definitely was obvious that my muscles and fitness level was not back to where it was before. 

    Don't push work Lucy. Some times we think mentally that we are ready for more work but physically we are not. This coming from a person that was to be off two weeks and went back in one. It was rough. Will keep praying that this dose works well with no major issues.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Hello all.  Looks like a lot of good news here.  Carren, that is terrific news about your seroma (and a great story, lol).

    Nancy, so glad you're having a good visit.  I don't have a final resting place but want to be cremated and have my friends take my ashes to Garden of the Gods which is my favorite place here in Colorado.  I always feel so close to God there so sorry I'll miss being there at that time, lol.

    Lucy, sounds like you're really doing very well.  People are so wonderful and really do want to pitch in.  I'm glad you had something for them to do.  Send them to my house!  Update on DH?

    It has been my pleasure to pray for everyone and I so appreciate everyone praying for me.  I do feel like Satan won the battle today though.  I finally got in to see the dentist.  I'm on Xgeva (for bones) and had to go off for awhile as you can't have any dental work while on it.  Well, with all the chemo, blood thinners, lymphedema, neuropathy, lung issues, etc. I feel like I could run a pharmacy.  Today I found out how hard the chemo is on the teeth.........I need three crowns and have an abscessed tooth that either gets pulled or gets a root canal.  Minimum of $4,500 which of course I don't have.  It was all I could do not to cry while sitting in the chair.  The dentist needs to consult with my onc and has referred me to a endodontist whom I will see on Wednesday.  Hopefully by then all will have consulted with my onc to see what, if anything I'll be able to have done.

    Sooooooooooo, I have been crying on and off as I think about it all and have been asking God when I'm going to get some good news for a change.  My breast tumor bled again tonight which tells me my counts are still pretty low.  I've been so discouraged.  I know God still sits on His throne but I'm getting tired. 

    I do work tomorrow and hope I can go without my oxygen.  It was hard to go without it today but hopefully being up and moving around will be helpful.

    Sorry to have vented but I figured someone here has "been there, done that" and would understand.  Thanks all!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Sue - I would love to talk with you. If you like send me your number to my private message. I can call you tonight or tomorrow. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Oh Sue, I can see why you would get discouraged. I don't know how you do it girl. Satan is beating you down but God must really love you for you to deal with so much shows that you are strong. When you feel like you can't hang on, tell God and He will do it for you. We will pray fervently for you and ask that He resolve your dental issues so that your needs be met and that He bring you out of the valley so you feel the warmth of Sonlight on you again. Hang on girl and cast your anchor deep where it will hold.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sue, my heart breaks for you right now. I am so sorry that you have had such a rough time for such a long time. I think anyone in your shoes would feel discouraged and that is okay. We can't be strong all the time. We have to allow ourselves to feel what we are feeling and have the safety of knowing that we can be real with people who love us. I am the new kid on the block here but I have been here long enough to sense that you have real friends here that love you and care about you. I feel like I have known you much longer than I really have and I certainly do care a lot about you in this short period of time. I know you are a very strong person but I know that the strongest among us have times where they need to be carried and this is one of those times for you. Satan loves to aim his targets at our areas of vulnerability and finances is always such a cheap shot for him. I know that God can work in amazing ways when it comes to providing that which we do not have. I am believing for a miracle in finances for you to cover the cost of your dental work. Do not be afraid to share your need with your pastor and your friends and family. Know that I will be praying and I know all your friends on here will be praying for you as well. There is such power in agreement in prayer. We all will be covering you in prayer. I am picturing Jesus carrying you. Meditate on that image.


    Nancy BW

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    just back home, DH always drives, got zometa and abraxane today, had 2 units PRBC on Mon. for hemaglobin 7.8, need to wrap for this horrendous legs lymphadema.  I have read that neurontin can cause swelling, so I am cutting down on it.  We picked up Zios pasta for dinner. I thought spaghetti sounded good. Keep cool, everyone!  God's got a plan.
