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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Small Miracle #2

    I have to make this fast because I'm leaving for kid duty in a few minutes....

    I've had ongoing issues with my computer since I bought it and taken it in for repairs 10-11 times for the same issue.  It always gets returned without being fixed.  I finally sent an email to our local TV investigative reporters and asked if they could help me.  I got an email from one of their producers saying she was contacting one of her contacts at Best Buy.  BB called me to tell me they were going to replace my computer and the software that will no longer load!  I'm getting a new computer!  Yeah!!!!!  Afrter 3-years that is truly a miracle!

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited August 2014

    Bev, the 127 Yard Sales start on US 127 in Michigan and end in Alabama I think. I've never gotten more than 30 miles myself so I'm not sure. Some people come from far away states to yard sale all week. It's great fun for my " picker" friends.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited August 2014

    Nancy BW - you made me cry. Great sentiments. Blessings to all my sisters.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Afternoon Lady Warriors,

    Well just sitting here having my Avastin. Had a good appt with the onc and we are staying on this new pill dose. My liver counts went up just a little bit this time with the new dose. She wants to keep it going and see how it goes for the next couple of weeks. Praying they drop more and the next tests show it. Thank you Lord for your favor and blessings. 

    Sue I am so excited with the news of your new computer. What a blessing and that is surely a kiss from our God. It was sure nice chatting with you again and I love the opportunities to chat live. Praying you are doing well. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hey everyone,

    It has been a crazy and hectic few days. On Sunday we celebrated this man who turned100. His life had touched so many people. It was truly amazing all the love that was shown to him. I saw friends I hadn't seen in years.

    I have a list as long as my arm trying madly to get things done before going back home on Wednesday. I finalized my tombstone today and will wait for the first rough draft. The trumpet angels might prove to be a challenge. Because I am a band director accepting an angel trying to play the trumpet with no arms does not fly with me! They think they can add a trumpet to just an angel. Hopefully they can.  

    Sue- What I see happening now is God purposely lifting your spirits in very real and tangible ways. My thought is let's see what Miracle #3 and #4 and #5 will be! What is so cool is that not only does He lift your spirits in the process but everyone around you that hears about it. I am thrilled for you. Your computer situation is awesome. God is good!

    Bev and Sharon- I must be living under a rock because I have never heard of the biggest yard sale and had no idea that it stretches from one state to another. My sister would be in yard sale heaven. LOL Sounds like a great plan for a   gathering in the future.

    Lucy- I hope your course that you are on works well for you and the liver will regulate to where it needs to be.

    Char- Your bee story makes me cringe. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo afraid of bees. I visited my future grave site on the weekend and I kept hearing buzzing all around me. It was bumble bees on clover. If you ever want to see me run like the wind just let me think a bee is after me! LOL

    Mini- Hope you are doing well and recovering from the energy spent on VBS. What great projects the kids took on.

    Deborrah- I hope you are having a great time traveling with your daughter.

    Angie- When is your next chemo?


    You are all such a blessing to me. Bev, I love your mantra...that really sums it up doesn't it. Have a great week and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in us and through us and sometimes in spite of us!


    Nancy BW



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Well I just got home from my kid duty and survived.  The kids were delightful (8, 7, 3) and didn't fuss at bedtime.  The only downside is that I needed to use my oxygen again.  I've been huffing and puffing since Friday so back for another thorocentisis I go this week.  This tells me the lung filled back up in less than 24 hours.  Looks like I'm having another lung surgery next week.  Devil

    l'll be on the lookout for another friend to be with me at the hospital so I've already started to pray about it.  I'm just hoping that this will be the end of the lung fluid.  Such as, where's the fluid going to go this time?

    Lucy, I'm glad you got another round in and get to stay on the pill.  That's a big deal so go girl - keep it up!  Were you able to make it off to your camping trip tonight?  I hope so.  Praying for travel mercies and a good, camping week!  I too enjoyed our chat - I do much better in the talk department than I do in the writing department.  God put us together for a reason! 

    Nancy, thanks for the kind words.  I agree that God knows my limits.  He also probably got tired of hearing me whine about stuff, lol.  Maybe I should go out and buy a lottery ticket!  I've never played but I'll bet I could figure it out ha ha.  You spend your last day with your mom - all of it!  You've gotten done what needs to be done.  Make some lemonade and bake some cookies and sit together on the couch all day and just hold each other.  I'm sure you'll find lots of things to reminisce together.  And, we'll pray for a safe trip home.

    I'm bushed and it's nearly 12:30 a.m. so I'm off to bed.  Blessings all.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sue,

    Yes its late and I can't sleep. I heard my email so thought I would check it out. Sounds like you had a fun night Sue. Sorry to hear of your surgery. We will keep you lifted in prayer.  You know you can count on us for that support. 

    Also would like to ask for prayer for my son as he is having issues with his liver and they are not sure what is wrong. His counts are dangerously elevated and he is not well. He is getting a referral tomorrow and hopefully going to the University of Washington. They tested him for all hepatitis' and he is negative. He has had GI issues for years and so they are saying he has a viral infection but it has to run it's course. But his counts continue to climb and we are praying for healing and answers. 

    My DH continues to have his affliction as well with no dx but is I pain most of the time and on pain meds which he hates but can't function without otherwise. Please pray for both my guys for healing and dx. 

    We didn't go camping as something pretty amazing happened yesterday after we spoke. Came across an opportunity to check out a nice home that is up for sale for 30k. Yes, 30k and it is a 3 bdrm 2 bath over 1300 sq ft. It is a very nice double wide mobile in a 55 and older community. We have been researching our options in downsizing and selling our house next spring. I have been praying and praying for God to direct us. This is like too good to be true. So we decided to stay home tonight because the drive was so hectic and we got home and were too tired ad DH leg was hurting too bad from our already long 2 hour drive to Seattle. We had the opportunity to talk with the realtor and she said she was in town and could show us the house now so we went and it was everything I wanted pretty much. Location, size, low to no maintenance yard, very nice area, quiet and it is hard to get into. Then this happens and I am in awe and humbled by what The Lord does for us if we trust and believe. So asking for prayer on Gods amazing gifts and favor and letting this all work for his good. 

    Sue I was so inspired by our chat and your plans for retirement and writing. I have often thought about writing a book about my moms life. She was an amazing Christian woman and I truly believe an angel here on earth. Your journey has been amazing and you seem like such a strong woman and I just so admire that. You give me strength and confidence in planning for my future. 

    Blessings Lady Warriors and remember God loves us all so very much. We are His precious daughters. Lucy

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    It must have been one of those nights because I too was up at 12:20 EST. 

    Sue: you are like the Enegizer keep taking a licking and keep on ticking. I am sorry to hear about another lung surgery. PTL for some funds toward your dentist costs and the great news about your computer. I am sure BB does not want the news media flashing this on television.Now we will pray that all your dental costs are met.

    Lucy: I will add your son to my prayers as well as continued prayer for your husband and yourself. I will also pray that you are given complete peace over a move and that this is exactly where God wants you to be. My husband have been discussing a possible move in the near future if it be His will.

    Nancy: Praying for a safe trip home and that you are taking time to enjoy your mother.

    Deborah: Praying that you are enjoying your travels and are safe.

    Sharon:  Hope your yard sale went well and you made a nice profit. Keeping your house sale, shoulder and other needs in prayer as well.

    Mini, Bev, Carren, Angie, Kate, Kathy, Becky, Debbie in Ireland and anyone I missed: you are always on my mind, in my heart and prayers. 

    Glenfae: Hope to hear that you are doing well after your surgery and that we are praying for you.

    May all of you have wonderful kisses from God this week.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited August 2014

    Dear Ladyb1234 how are you doing with your treatment??? I had to use similair drugs, they beat me up. I am stage 4 on a  chemo break right now..I cannot use taxol had 18 taxol treatments in 2003-2005 with ovarian cancer. so I get severe neuropathy and face neuropathy with it, but I had cytoxyn and epirubican... so glad 6 treatments are behind me... bless you


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Dear Ladies, 

    Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers! God was most gracious and good to give my daughter and I an amazing time on our vacation. We went to Chincoteague and Assauteague Islands near Ocean City, Maryland and Virgina. The beaches are national seashores so they are especially clean and beautiful. The weather was perfect as my daughter and I laid comfortably prone on beach towels (with our summer clothing on), listening to the calming sound of the ebb and flow of the ocean waves. It was a perfect, peaceful experience.

    I was reading through verses pertaining to the ocean and found this one especially good for it's reminder of God's sovereignty over all things.

    you not fear me? declares the LORD. Do you not tremble before me? I
    placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a perpetual barrier that it
    cannot pass; though the waves toss, they cannot prevail; though they
    roar, they cannot pass over it." Jeremiah 5:22

    Knowing God is in control brings me great comfort. Even though I had my double mastectomies last year, followed by chemotherapy, and now preventive treatment with anastrozole/arimidex, I suppose most would consider me "cancer free" but I just can't seem to see it that way. God is in control of my destiny and if He so wills me to be cancer free then I will be, but if He desires the cancer to come back, then I'll travel that journey again knowing and trusting His perfect plan for now I more clearly understand 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are
    unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that
    are unseen are eternal."

    May we all be encouraged as we rest in the sovereignty of God, pressing on toward the great reward of spending eternity with our Savior in Heaven.

    Love and continued prayers for you, Deborah


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Char, I saw your facebook posting and I'm truly amazed at your accomplishment!!!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Char, I think I posted too soon...I hope and pray your knee is doing better and that you fully recover!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Sue - I just got caught up with all that's been going on with you. I'm so thankful to God for all the blessings He brings your way! I'm continuing to pray for your health and the upcoming thoracentesis as well as for your blood counts to improve. Also, praying for your dental needs. It may be that the medical insurance will pay since it is chemo related. May God give you comfort, minimal discomfort, and encouragement during these difficult times!

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Kathy - good hearing from you again. Regarding "hot flashes", I agree with Bev. It turns out my situation is identical to Bev's. Char mentioned using Black Cohosh. Be sure and consult your oncologist before using it. I searched online and there appears to be some concern that it could interfere with the action of tamoxifen. I think there are other solutions doctors have. MO told me there were but since I haven't had hot flashes, I'm unaware of what they are.  Deborah

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Wow, a lot has gone on in 24 hours!

    Ladyb, how are you feeling and when is your next infusion?  Char, praying over that knee, especially with school starting.  I sure wish I had the energy of the Energizer bunny 'cause I'm so dragged out all the time.

    Anyone heard from Glenfae?  Hope she is okay.  Nancy, praying for a safe trip home for you.  Glad you've had a good trip.

    Lucy, so sorry to hear about your son but will add him to the prayer list along with your husband.  Thank you for your kind words.  I think you should write about your mom.  It's a great subject.  And, talk about a kiss from God.  How wonderful about the mobile home.  When something like that comes out of left field, it HAS to be from God.  Praying you can get it for $25k, lol.

    Deborah, what a wonderful vacation you had!  Beaching is one of my favorite pasttimes.

    Well, I had another long day.  I picked up my new computer but haven't used it yet.  Too tired to do anything with it and I had to leave for the hospital.  I got in again with the oncs office and am scheduled for yet another thorocentesis tomorrow morning.  I then spent the afternoon on the phone rearranging appointments.  The surgeon's office finally called me back and I may be having my 2nd lung surgery next Wednesday.  Looks like I'll be in the hospital for awhile again.

    I'm really tired tonight so this will be short.  Blessings all.  Sue

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Sorry for all the postings - I'm still trying to catch up with you all.

    Lucy- I'm so glad you are doing well and getting some help around the house. I'm praying your liver counts do not rise.

    Glad your seroma is resolving - I loved your story about the pads! It does seem the feminine products are much different than when I was using them. 

    Praying that your lymphedema improves. 

    Angie - welcome! I'm so glad you're doing well on your first treatment of chemo. Many of us have been through this and can help you as needed. You are in my prayers! 

    Becky - I hope and pray you are doing well! You've certainly been through a lot! 

    Mini - I'm so glad you had a chance to help with VBS - how encouraging what you saw the young people doing! 

    Nancy - I'm so glad you had a good birthday and all is going well with your visit with your mom. I hope and pray you doing well on the Anastrozole/arimidex. I saw your comment about using our journey to glorify God and it made me think about this article that made a great impression on me when I was told I had cancer. If you haven't already read it, I hope that it will be a blessing for you. Even before I read it, I knew I'd be doing what is mentioned, but to have these men share as they did, really encouraged me!

    Sharon - I sent you a message - hopefully well get to visit again in Lexington as soon as your live slows down some.

    Bev - thanks again for all your encouragement and for being a dear encourager for my friend Elissabeth! 

    For the others we haven't heard from in a while - continued prayers for you and your families!

    love, Deborah

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi everyone,

    I will write more after I am settled back home. I know I will forget something and will apologize now for leaving anyone out.

    Deborrah- Welcome home. Your picture of the beach looks amazing! I love your scriptures. Thanks for the link. I will look that up after writing this. I am so glad you had such a wonderful time with your daughter.

    Lucy- I will pray for both your son and your husband. The house situation sounds unbelievable. I sure hope that works out for you.

    Sue- I sure hate to hear that you have to have another lung surgery. I will pray that you can find someone who can help you during your stay. Deborah mentioned that maybe your health insurance would pay your dental if there is a way to prove that your dental issues are chemo related. That is certainly worth checking out.

    Char- I hope your knee improves before school starts. My sister is back to school THIS Thursday. I can't believe it. When does your school start?

    I had a good time with my mom and my sister. I hope when I come back in October that I will feel more myself where I can do more. I am frustrated that I am still feeling radiation fatigue but hopefully that will improve. I am waiting to take my supplements that deal with my other health issues until I am on Anastrozole a little longer. I have searched for hours looking for interactions and unfortunately the main website that answers those questions comes with a big price tag in a subscription. My pharmacist suggested possibly waiting for a month before adding things back in just to see what the side affects might be for me.

    I still pray for all of you hear whether mentioning you by name or not. Take care. Will be back when able.


    Nancy BW


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014


    I read most of the link you sent me. This obviously is something that needs to be digested slowly so I will need to reread a few times. This quote jumped off the page at me.

    "The aim of God in your cancer (among a thousand other good things) is to knock props out from under our hearts so that we rely utterly on him." I think this article explains why I never wanted to use the phrase I am battling cancer and why I would shudder hearing someone speaking of a Christian losing their battle with cancer.

    I know that I am no where near where God wants me to be. My need for Him grows bigger as I get closer to Him.

    Thank you so much for that article.


    Nancy BW

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Arrrrggghhh!  I've read several of the posts where folks say they lost long responses and was feeling kind of froggy since it hadn't happened to me in a while. Well, I just lost a long one and of course, I think it was wonderful. I'm sure this one won't be nearly as good because now I'm cranky and tired.  Sigh.....

    Sue, so glad your computer situation worked out. I'm still praying for the dental work - hopefully God will send a couple more miracles your way so you won't have to worry about that. I'll be praying for you with the lung this week and for you to make arrangements for surgery. It's so great that we have each other all over the country and even world - but sometimes it sure would be nice to be close by so that we could help you out!

    Lucy, I'll be praying for you and your family. Isn't God's timing amazing - you weren't able to go camping but it seems like He's working out the perfect home for you!  You'll be joining Sharon in the downsizing/packing up chores soon.

    Deborah, what a blessing that you and your daughter had such a good trip - I loved the picture of the ocean. Thanks for the "Don't Waste your Cancer" link again. I read it the first time you posted it but I needed it just as much again. As you said, it's hard to wrap my mind around cancer, recurrence and future plans. I'll just go back to our mantra - I'm here by God's appointment....and He knows what will be best for me with an eternal perspective. I've enjoyed emailing and talking with your friend Elissabeth - and hopefully we can all get together later this year.

    Debbie, how are you doing? Hopefully your pain is manageable and the treatments are going well.

    Becky, so good to hear from you again! How long is your break from treatment? What's next for you?

    Nancy/BW, what a blessing that you and your family were able to have the time together. I'll be praying for you as you balance all your meds - and hopefully don't have any problems or SE from the arimidex.

    My husband and I are in Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas panhandle. He keeps saying, "I can't believe this is Texas" - it's not at all the flat, dry countryside we're used to in west Texas. 

    Char, I know school is starting soon and you're probably trying to get lots of chores and activities squeezed in before that first day of school. How is the knee?

    Angie, praying for you as you continue through chemo. Our Great Physician is bigger than those nasty SE. It's just so strange having the body you thought you knew act (and react) so differently than you're used to. One day at a time....we'll pray you through it!


    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Bev,

    Hope you ard your husband are enjoying your trip. The pic is beautiful. I am home now but not feeling well tonight. I had a long time to pray for all of you on my way home. Will talk more later.


    Nancy BW

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014


    Evening Lady Warriors,

    Nancy sorry you're not feeling well. Hang in there and let us know how you're doing tomorrow. 

    We are now settled in our campsite for the weekend R&R we had planned. The house deal didn't work out as we found there was a lot of work orders needed by the inspection that was shared to us by the realtor from the previous interested party. Don't have the time or energy or support to do all that right now. I trust God directed us so I feel blessed. We will continue to focus on our downsizing of our current home and belongings. We did learn some things through this process and downsizing is something we should do. We love our home and have been in it for over 20 years now. Just have to make some decisions and take baby steps. 

    Bev nice pic glad you are having a nice time. 

    Deborah so glad you had fun with your daughter. Those times are so special and needed. 

    Angie praying the treatments are going well and your body is staying strong. 

    Keep the prayers for my son coming as he was told today he will be scheduled for a liver biopsy. They are checking for auto immune hepatitis as the last blood test shows some possibility. He is scared and worried of course as we are. He is not a Christian but he knows he is being prayed for and welcomes them. 

    I don't like that there is so much affliction going on with so many of us and so many of our friends and family. It is very disheartening. 

    I will continue to pray for all of you. Have a pleasant Friday and a super weekend. Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Good morning, Ladies!

    I love seeing the pictures! 

    Bev - I love that part of Texas - it's that way mostly along the entire western part of Texas. With Texas being so big, it's full of different geological regions giving great variety. If you and your husband go to the First Monday event in East Texas you can stay and camp in the Piney Woods.

    Lucy - I love your camping scene. Enjoy your time with your husband. I'm praying for your son! For his tests, outcome, and his salvation. 

    Nancy - I hope and pray you are feeling better today!

    love and prayers, 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hello Lady Warriors, just thinking about all of you. Know I am praying...





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Lucy,

    I hope your R & R weekend is like medicine to your soul. Thanks for the encouraging verses. I am still not feeling well. I think I have a stomach virus. It was a beautiful day here. I hope you are having some great weather where you are camping.  I've been praying for your husband and son. Have you heard from Sue. I am very concerned about her.

    Deborah- Good to hear from you too.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.


    Nancy BW

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Hi Gals,

    It is a cool fall like day with temps going to 44 in the morning. At this rate I will be fortunate to have maters by October.

    Love the pics ladies. Bev...send more. Love looking at scenery around the country.

    Nancy: Hope and pray  you feel better. Rest dear sister.

    Lucy: God will lead you to the right place at the right time. Loved your quotes and your camping photo. Will keep your son in prayer about his health and for his salvation.

    Sue: Hope you are hanging in there and things are lining up for your surgery on Wed. 

    I finished my scrapbook today that was long over due for a former teacher. Phew...nice to check things off lists.

    Went to get peaches with my dad today and then visited my sister on her farm since she never seems to be able to leave it. My dad stayed for dinner since he is home alone while my nephew is away. I go back for round two in his yard tomorrow. I figure another 8 hour day.

    Heading to bed. Haven't slept well for a few days. Probably teaching anxiety about heading back to teach again. Never fails...always have back to school nervousness. It's a common teacher thing no matter how many years one teaches.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening all.

    So glad to see the pictures and to hear your updates.  I have been praying through the week for you and appreciate your prayers for me.  It has been a long week to put it mildly.

    I did have chemo today as my labs finally came back good.  I have to go back to the hospital all weekend for my neupogen shots with the third one coming on Monday.  Hopefully the SE's from the chemo and shots will be minimal.  If the shots do their thing I should be able to get the 2nd half of the chemo next Friday with no follow up shots.

    I have to meet with the surgeon on Monday before he says yes or no on the surgery on Wednesday.  My truncal/abdominal lymphedema is really bad right now so we don't know if the surgery will make it worse.  Then I'll likely have another thorocentesis on Monday afternoon because I'm already having trouble breathing (just had one on Wednesday, grrrrrrrr).  I'll never make it to Wednesday if I do end up having surgery.

    So, all I've done this week is sit in a wheelchair at the hospital every day this week.  I'm supposed to work on Tuesday and I'm already tired thinking about it.  Looks like next week will be a long one too!

    Have a good weekend!  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Dear Sue,

    I can't send you flowers so I am doing the only thing I know to do. I am sending you flowers from my garden. Dear sister, I am so sorry that you have had to go through all of this over and over again. I wish I could be there in person for you but know that you are loved and cared for and prayed for by me and all that know you here.






    Nancy BW

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sue,

    So glad to hear from you. I am so sorry you have has a rough week. I so enjoy our phone chats. Had you on my mind lots today but not being home I couldn't call you on my cell today. My home phone is not long distance. I went on a walk at the place we are camping today and did some praying for all of us actually. That's why I posted those pics as I had so much praise to our Lord as I was praising and worshiping Him during my walk. I had a heavy heart today so this must have been why. 

    Nancy those are beautiful flowers and just so needed.  Sue keep us posted next week so we know the status of your surgery. Praying for no SE's from the chemo my friend. Take comfort in knowing we are lifting you in prayer a lot. I mean think about it...if all of is are praying for each other at any given time of the day we could very well have prayer all day long...I love knowing that is possible. I pray all the time no matter where I am or what I am doing it just happens. You all are such a part of my prayer life now and I know that is how lots of us feel or we wouldn't be on this board, right?

    What a wonderful source we have to give love, support, encouragement and prayer to amazing women of Christ!  I am so glad to be a part of all of you.

    Sue I have a message from DH, he says to tell you that he is praying for you as well. He prays with me and we pray for all of you.  Tells you how much you all are a part of my life. Wished more would come on board. 

    Good night Warriors...Lucy 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Wow Nancy.  I can tell you've had a nice mild summer.  Those flowers are gorgeous!  Oh do I miss my big midwestern flower gardens.  I have a little patio garden that I created with impatiens and daylillies and a few potted plants including one cherry tomato plant (Char I'd send you some if iI could).  The impatiens are doing well.  The daylillies this year bloomed big about six weeks ago and I haven't had a flower since!  I've never had that happen before.  Thank you Nancy for the beautiful gift.

    So sorry you're not feeling well Nancy.  These bugs are a pain but we'll pray you though to wellness.  Sometimes it's God's gift to us (to slow us down Winking).  I figure when I'm sick, He's got me flat on my back and the only place I have to look is up.

    Lucy, I'm so glad you were able to get away.  I'm also grateful for our chats as it's nice to be able to "fill in the gaps" that writing doeesn't allow.  I'm jealous!  I'm praying that this new chemo along with the neupogen shots and hopefully this second surgery will get my energy level back.  Thank you and DH for the wonderful prayers.  Despite my being up until 3:00 a.m. from my chemo pre-meds (steroids), I feel a little better this morning and I'm desperately going to try not to sleep away the day when I get back from the hospital.

    Brrrr, cold Char!  I'd trade you some of our 90 degree heat.  Our nights are cool because of the altitude but not that cool!  Oh and I love peaches so bake a peach pie for me okay?

    Now I have to figure out how to upload pictures.  Guess I better go find a five year olod to help me out!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014




    "Purple Mountains Majesty"  Kathrine Lee Bates wrote "America the Beautiful" from the top of the peak in 1893!

    Pike's Peak view from Garden of the Gods.