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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    Wow! The pictures posted here are so uplifting. I join my faith with you all for Sue's busy week especially, for everyone mentioned here for healing, strength and courage. Sue, you know that I share some of your issues. You are on my heart. And have you found that hospital companion yet? Having been an oncology nurse for 20 years, I am wondering if the nurses or nurse manager of the floor you go to, have names of volunteers? 

    We all are chosen daughters of the Most High, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sue,

    Your pics are beautiful. I love the sustenance title. So appropriate! God will sustain YOU through this hour, this day, this week. I have prayed for you so many times and will continue to do so. Yes, I do believe God wants me to slow down. My good email friend from NY gave me a scolding the other day and that was before I got sick. She said I wish you could see yourself as I see you. She said I put way too much pressure on myself and I needed to slow down. Gee I think God is trying to tell me something! I still feel poorly so will take it easy today. No nursing home volunteering for me today.Scared 

    That will give me more opportunity to pray for you. I am praying that your body will tolerate the new chemo and that God will give this doctor on Monday wisdom in how to proceed regarding the surgery. God must have something really big planned for you after all of this battle!

    I like Lucy's idea that with all of us praying at different times and of course in different time zones you could be covered around the clock. This is a great place for prayer and support.

    Yes Anita, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. AMEN!

    Sue, if you enjoy the flower pics I can send more from other years.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening all.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  They are an encouragement to me.

    Anita, I did find someone to be with me through surgery.  They'll have to leave once I'm out from under the anesthesia but I'm grateful to have someone there.  How about you?  Pain and neuropathy any better?  My neuropathy is a little bit worse with the new chemo but it's manageable.

    Nancy, I hope you're feeling better today.  Rest lady!

    Well, I went off to the hospital for shot #1 of the neupogen today.  Of course they didn't have the order so why am I not surprised after  waiting at the hospital pharmacy for three hours yesterday for them to get it straight.  Fortunately there was a really good nurse on duty who got it worked out and did so fairly quickly.  I told them they'd be seeing indoor fireworks if I left without it, lol.  Then last night I was still up at 3:00 a.m. because I was wired from the steroid pre-meds I'd had yesterday before chemo.  Sooo, as much as I didn't want to it was naptime this afternoon.  My breathing was okay until I took the nap, then it was back to the oxygen, grrrrrrr.

    Mostly a quiet day.  Hope everyone had a great day.  Char - hope you didn't do too much again today!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    I am so glad that Sue has a hospital companion. Jesus with skin on, perhaps?

    Sue, do you have the name of your new chemo? No big deal. I also take neupogen weekly, every Monday before Wed.'s Abraxane. One dose seems to do the trick for me. Then I have volcanoes bms, starting anytime from Fri. On, just once each day. The pain is about the same as it has been, but I feel the neuropathy is worse. I just want to be able to walk!

    Indoor fireworks, hmmm?


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    I'm with you Anita on just wanting to walk but also have to add breathing, lol.  My neuropathy is coupled with my lymphedema so I'm numb from the knee to the toes on the left leg.  Just starting to notice more in the right foot so keeping my fingers crossed. 

    The new chemo is Eribulen (Halaven).  I do two weeks on and one week off but after the first week three weeks ago, all of my counts tanked so I couldn't do the second week.  It's taken three weeks for them to come back, thus the neupogen.  I'm supposed to get three shots.  The NP said that if my counts were good enough next week, I may not have to have them after the second week.  Although, I don't know how they'll know since it will be my week off.  Hmmmm.  How did they figure out you only needed one shot ?

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    Sue, good question about the neupogen, as earlier this year, I was taking 2 shots. And while I do have lymphedema, I never had a pump. I was thinking you did, but I don't recall you liking it. God bless your Halaven experience!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Evening My Friends,

    Sue - glad you are feeling a little better and I am so glad you have someone to go with you on Wed. You will bounce back so stay strong as that is what we will pray for.  What are the se that are associated with that drug?  I had neuropathy in my fingers when I was on Abraxane. I added 30 grams of L-glutamine every day and added P5P B6. So glad you got your shot today. I was told that I should never not have it after my Abraxane. I had to have my neupogen shots for two days after the Abraxane as one shot was not enough. There was only one time that my counts were low that I couldn't have my drug but I had to have my shots for two days every time. They need to do a blood draw to check it it would think. Probably something you should ask about. 

    Char - you will be great and do a wonderful job. Seems like the summer went fast for me. 

    Angie - how awesome that you are an oncology nurse. It sounds familiar I think but I am not sure. I know that I have been so blessed with some awesome nurses who take care of me every 2 weeks. I do have a question regarding your comment about volcanoes bms, not  what you mean by that. Is that a SE from the Abraxane?  My SE from Abraxane were minimal spotty bloody nose and neuropathy in my finger tips. I was on it as part of my study trial for 5.5 months along with Avastin and now I am on a daily pill Erlotinib along with the Avastin. 

    The camping trip has been a really good time. Had my BFF Terri and her DH spend the day with us. My brother showed up after work yesterday so he has his own motorhome. The weather has been great here at the ocean. My BFF and I spent the day going to second hand stores and garage sales. It was a good time. Ended the day with a fabulous dinner at an Irish pub/restaurant that has amazing food. We pack it up tomorrow and have to check out by 12:00 for a 2 hour drive back to the homestead. We did a lot of walking which is good being as I wasn't able to do my third day at curves this week. I have been wearing my pedometer to try and get 10k steps a day. Don't do it most days but it is always nice to shoot for My average day is more like 5k. I want to try my best to exercise as it is so important to help fight this terrible disease. 

    Also, I asked my onc last week about increasing my vit D3 to a higher amount than the 2k I am taking now and she said I could raise it to 4k but no higher. She will also order my blood draw to show what my level is so I know. She said with my diet I am probably getting more than I think. So it will be good to know what it is. 

    I can't believe it wi be a year on the 28th that I was dx. It's been an amazing journey and I have been blessed and kissed by The Lord plenty. I give Him all the glory for where I am today...thank you Father God for being with me every step of the way. I had a reminder notice that it was time for my annual with my gyno and I have to say I had a bit of anxiety flood through me. So I asked my MO if I could see someone at the center and she is having the gyno call me to see me. We also will be talking about options regarding a hysterectomy. Had an aunt with ovarian cancer and with my cancer it is recommended. Heard other opinions on this so we need to discuss. Part of me just wants it all out so I don't have to worry about those cancers. I think this type of procedure is pretty easy these days. Maybe I already posted this so if I did sorry for the repeat. But it's all on my mind now. 

    Well have a great night and restful sleep. Keeping you all in prayers. Love and blessings...Lucy 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    Hi, Lucy,

    I have been on weekly abraxane or taxol since Dec. 18th, and diahrrea is a dog gone side effect.

    Haven't been able to work since Sept., but still have patients asking about me. Now I sure do miss them!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    Praying for your needs always. It is amazing how The Holy Spirit will press upon me someone to pray for at a specific moment. He knows that one of you have a need at that moment and needs prayer. What a great network prayer is and it's FREE!

    When I think back to my race a few weeks ago, I think, you crazy girl, you should not have done that race and yet I know it was prayers that carried me through it. I felt them carry me. 

    When I was looking for bulletin board ideas and quotes this weekend, I came across this quote. What it has to do with PE shows I was meant to share it. I know that each experience I have in my life allows me to use it to share it with others. It makes it real and as all you teacher's know, applying things to real life makes learning more meaningful to the learner. I will have some new experiences to share with my kids so they can apply them to their own life. 

    "Because God gave you your makeup and superintended every moment of your past, including all the hardship, pain, and struggles, He wants to use your words in a unique manner. No one else can speak through your vocal cords, and, equally important, no one else has your story."

    Charles R. Swindoll

    This about says it all. Sending you a photo of my prayer corner of my garden.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Morning Warriors...praying you're enjoying this great day. Hopefully those of you who are able are able to get up and go to church. It's always nice to recharge for the coming week. I know I sure need it some Sundays more than others. We didn't go as we packed up and are on the road homeward bound. It was a very nice weekend break. 

    Anita - I suspected that is what you meant. Do you take any Zofran prior to your Abraxane?  I did even though they said it want necessary I didn't take any chances. I didn't have the big D while on Abraxane for 5 months so I wonder if that helped. I have to take a senokot every night actually since the start of all this as I suffer more with constipation. The big SE with the pill I am on is the big D as well but I don't have it and they are surprised. It's the most common SE so far on the study but leave it to me to stump them yet again. There are no SE to the liver yet I did it there too with my liver #'s elevated. 

    Char that is a wonderful photo and I can really feel the peace there. I like that. I need to do something like that in my yard. Just a little piece if heaven. Thanks for sharing. 

    Well we have about a two hour drive so sitting back to enjoy the view and thanking God for Hos many blessings. 

    Have a blessed Sunday ladies...Lucy 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    hi, Lucy,

    Yes to the Aloxi, long lasting iv zofran, along with decadron prior to abraxane. Until this summer, I needed Miralax, as I use quite a bit of oxy. 

    I have 5 sisters. One has a cabin, a second home, they have been building and furnishing by Wynthrop. So far, the grass fires have threatened but no damage yet. Our youngest sister lives on Vashon Island. Most of the family made it there this past June for a reunion. Not me and my DH, would have loved it. Our living brother and his wife live in Kentucky and they blessed us with a visit here during the reunion. The rest of our family all live near Chicagoland. Our oldest sis has taken in our mom, who is now 93!  God has allowed a big test for her & her DH, in that after driving their motor home across the country for the reunion, he was diagnosed with a huge, fast-growing brain tumor. Thus far he is high functioning and enrolled in trials at u of Chicago. We are praying for his healing. And I am missing my sis so bad! She has driven down here to Missouri often, helping me make sense of this new normal of mine, helping with taxes and what not, an all around assistant and prayer partner. A kind and generous motherly type who now is stuck like glue to hubby's side. How can this be.

    My goodness, I have been downright chatty today. God bless,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I hope you are enjoying this Sunday. I am still not well so was not able to make it to church today. I had a similar thing a few weeks after my bc surgery and it lasted for quite a while before my digestive tract got back on track. I can relate to the big D as you all called it!  I did not share this earlier but I am having trouble with my eyes. Unfortunately I have had to postpone seeing the eye doctor until I feel better. Last year at this time I had what is called a detached vitrious and it happened in both eyes a few weeks apart. When I was at my mom's I started seeing lightning bolts in my eyes and many more floaters than I already had. This is the way I started out last year and things were supposed to have settled down long before now. I am praying this is not a retina situation. This does not happen more than once in each eye and should have resolved in six months tops. I had cataract surgery in both eyes two years ago and this could have possibly caused this.

    Sue- Still praying for you and praying for wisdom for when you see your surgeon. So glad you have someone to be with you at the hospital. How's the breathing? The only thing I can relate to is the one and only time I was in Denver we were exploring one of the views and I had so much trouble breathing because of the altitude it was awful. I can't imagine you dealing with this for so long. I am glad you feel the support from this thread! We are lifting you up in prayer!

    Lucy- I pray for safe travel home. I am so glad you and DH were able to have a nice getaway and have some friends join you as well and do some fun things. You are an encouragement for sure!

    Char- Your prayer garden is lovely. In most years I go so flower crazy that I don't have room to sit on my patio let alone have a place of prayer! I remember those before school jitters all too well. I also remember the Sunday afternoon feelings too. I know it is all too common for those that teach. I felt that clear up to the end of my career. I know you will do great and the kids will be so inspired knowing you did the triathalon.

    Anita- It must be so rewarding to hear patients asking about you. That tells me you must have been a great nurse. I am sure you miss it. When I hear you all talking about all the chemo stuff I feel like I am learning a new language. I just can't imagine all of that. I admire the courage that it takes every single day for those of you on chemo and dealing with all of the SE involved. I am sorry to hear that your sister is not as available. So sorry to hear about your bil. Do they know any specifics yet? I do remember you sharing this a while ago.

    Bev- I hope you and DH are having a great time on your exploring other parts of Texas. I think you mentioned to me about where you are having red rock formations like Sedona. If you take any pics of that please share with us when you have time. 

    Deborah, Sharon, Angie, Mini and others- Hope you are all doing well.

    Glenfae- I hope you feel well enough to post and let us know how you are doing.

    Mags and July chemo sisters- I hope you all are hanging in there. Still praying for you.


    My sister had to put her cat down yesterday. Not a great way for her to start her school year. I along with the vet encouraged her to do this. They think the cat maybe had dementia (15yrs old I think) and for one whole year she put up with it urinating all over the house. She tried everything she could think of and nothing worked.  She had been confining the cat to the bathroom when she was gone or sleeping. Her first day of school she was almost late because the cat had urinated down the register in the bathroom  and that was the last straw. She has been so down and I think this cat situation was a big part of it. I pray she won't feel guilty from this decision and hopefully will feel some relief.

    Take care everyone.




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    thanks, Nancy,

    Yeah, my bil had his brain biopsy and results mid July, I think, glioblastorma multiforme. Sis says she can see some more changes in him, I am gonna need to get up there to see them. This Wed. Chemo and rads begin for him. Your prayers are welcome.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Anita, what is your bil name? I will pray for his beginning treatments.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening dear sisters.  Sounds like we have a lot to add to our prayer lists tonight.

    Char what a great place to meditate and pray.  I'd never get anything done if I had that at my place, lol.

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your eye situation.  Oh my!  Dear girl, we must get you well.  Praying warfare prayer over you tonight.  Something good must be on the horizon for Satan to be attacking this hard.  Hang in there.

    Lucy, so glad to hear of your great weekend getaway.  I would love to do the same so when I'm out from under all of this, it's off to the mountains I go, lol.

    Anita, thanks for all your input on the neupogen and chemo.  I didn't think I'd have much of a reaction but tonight had just one bout of the "D".  I'm not sure if it was the neupogen or chemo or something else.  I drank gallons of water and hadn't eaten much today and just had a sandwich for dinner so I could take a pill.  I sometimes get the D when I eat following a day of not eating if that makes sense.  I have had your BIL on my prayer list for awhile and glad to hear he got into a trial at U of C.  It's a great hospital.  Sounds like your sister and family need lots of prayer as well.

    As for me, the chemo kicked in today.  I crashed when I got home from the hospital which is what happened the last time I had the first dose of the Eribulen.  I've also been running a low grade fever for a few weeks now and guess it's yet another side effect.  It's gone up and down all day and don't want it to interfere with the surgeon's decision to do this surgery.

    My breathing got pretty bad today and I noticed new swelling in my non-lymphedema leg.  It looks like it's moving into that leg now and I'm so discouraged.  It's everywhere except my right arm and I'm really nervous it will move into that arm as well.  I'm running out of places to get shots and have my  BP checked since my trunk and abdomen are also full of fluid.  Please pray that we can get this figured out.  With not being able to breathe, I can't move around or walk much to keep the fluid moving.  I need a miracle!

    Tomorrow I see the surgeon and hope he has a good prognosis for me.  I just can't do the self drain thing because I'm by myself and I just want to be able to breathe more than one day at a time.  I'm also praying I can get in for another thorocentsis tomorrow since they never called me on Friday to get it scheduled.  I really wish I had a personal assistant to do all of this for me, ha ha.

    I do hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Bev, when we hear back from  you, let us know how that view to the west is (as you look into our colorful Colorado Smile.  I've cut through the panhandle and know what a beautiful sight it is...even though there's no cell phone service, lol.

    Blessings all.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014


    I am praying again for you as I read this new post. I pray that you can get the lung drained tomorrow and that your surgeon will have wisdom in how to proceed. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Say that over and over and over and over. I am getting mad at the devil! He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in us as believers. We need to claim that resurrection power that already is inside of us! Can you tell I am getting fired up! I am telling the devil where to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough already. Jesus, lift Sue up and wrap her in your loving arms. Comfort her, encourage her heart and we ask healing of her whole body in the name of Jesus. Amen.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    All night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord, all night, all day, angels watching over me.

    Now I lay me down to sleep, oh Lordy, angels watching over me my Lord, 

    All night, all day, angels watching over me.

    Sue, do you have a sister that can come stay with you for a while?

    Nancy and everyone, my bil's name is Mike, thanks for asking. I believe his treatments in conjunction with U of C will be at Silver Cross. Less driving.

    Blessed are they who moarn(sp) for they shall be comforted.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Anita so sorry to hear about your BIL Mike, we will absolutely add him to our prayers. You were chatty like I was the other night.  Thank you for the prayer post. We all really need that now more than other days it seems.

    Nancy I agree I think the past few weeks we are seeing so much affliction not just with us but with our family and friends and I know I am getting worked up. 

    A very dear friend of mines mother gave me a little pocket handbook called God's Creative Power For Healing by Charles Capps. I read it pretty much every day and some days multiple times. I want to share some of the prayers I pray:

    That which God has not planted is dissolved and rooted out of my body, in Jesus name. First Peter 2:24 is engrafted into every fiber of my being and I am alive with the life of God. 

    Jesus bore the curse for me; therefore I forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body. The life of God within me dissolves all growths and tumors, and my strength and my health is restored. 

    The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells inside of me, permeating His life through my veins, sending healing throughout my body. 

    These are just a few of my favorites. I will share more each day and some will be more meaningful than others 

    Have a restful sleep and know you are all in my prayers. Love and Blessings xoxoxo Lucy 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening all!

    Well, I survived my long day today.  I met with the surgeon this morning and he wants to wait a week until next Tuesday.  He wants to consult with my onc to see if I can skip this Friday's infusion.  He thinks the surgery would have more of a likelihood of being successful if I can go without the chemo.  Last time it took a long time for me to heal because of the chemo.  So, as disappointed as I was about not getting this over with this week, I understand it to be God's plan.  He knows why and I don't need to know.

    I also got in for a thorocentesis today.  Had a good doc.  Unfortunately I'll likely have to have another one by the end of the week because this stupid lung is filling up every five days and I know I can't go a whole week until my surgery.

    Let's see.  Anita, I also had my third neupogen shot today.  I had the same funny stomach tonight as I had last night but without the D.  Hopefully that will not return as I'm now done with the shots.

    Tomorrow I have to get up at the crack of dawn for work.  Don't know if I can go the distance and I'm already tired thinking about it.  I called my boss tonight and told him I'll be off for at least the next two weeks and maybe forever, lol.  Maybe I'll go to once a month instead of once a week or maybe I'll really, really retire.

    Hope everyone has had a good day.  Thank you all for your prayers and know that mine are with you.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    oh, Sue - we're all praying for you so much this week! I can't believe you're working and taking care of your grandchildren, as well as all the medical appointments and physical challenges. What an inspiration you are!  I loved your picture of Pike's Peak - we visited the area a couple of years ago and that's the first time I realized how much effect elevation has on weather. We hiked around the Garden of the Gods (amazing sights!) and it was 70 and sunny. We went to the top of Pike's Peak and it was 30 and sleeting.  Sheesh!  We ended up stopping halfway down at a rest area to take a nap and had bad headaches from the low oxygen. Quite an experience!

    We had a good trip to Palo Duro and Amarillo in the panhandle last week. Have y'all heard of Cadillac Ranch? Here it is - just a bunch of cars stuck in the ground along the interstate. Glad we were in the area and didn't travel too far to see it!

    Loved the pictures of flowers, Nancy, and your gorgeous garden, Char! I'm praying for you with school starting - how's the knee? Nancy/BW, I'll be praying that your eye problems will be resolved and you'll be feeling better soon. Have you started the arimidex yet?

    Lucy, thanks for the pictures and devotion - so glad you finally got your camping trip in this weekend. Praying for your liver counts and continued good reports.

    Sharon had a second showing of her house tonight - the folks seemed really interested. She and her husband have lived there for about a million years and have mixed feelings about selling - so pray for them both through this time, please.

    Anita, I'm so glad you have such wonderful family support. What a blessing they are - I know I appreciate mine more, the older I get. I'll be praying for your brother-in-law....and you, that you'll stay strong and be feeling better.

    Well, I'm making lots of mistakes so it must be time to get to bed. Tuesday is food pantry day for me. It's funny - there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when we're crazy busy and when we're slow...time of the week, time of the month, weather - just never know what the day will bring. God always gets us through, though!

    God bless you all, my sweet sisters - Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    thank you Sue, Bev, and Lucy. May God grant us all restful sleep.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Bev, so glad you had such a good trip!

    Did anyone who's had the neupogen shots have a runny nose as a SE?  My nose has been running live a sieve tonight!  Sue  Loopy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    Bev, glad you made it home safely. I have only been to Bryan, Texas and have never seen the rest of the state. I was visiting a best friend from HS and her family at the time. I just remember it was sooooooooooooooo humid in July there and my hair probably looked like little orphan Annie!

    Sharon- Will be praying for the selling of your house. I can only imagine how you and your husband must feel about parting with it. I am sure I would feel the same way.

    Anita and Lucy- Hope you ladies are hanging in there. Lucy, I sure do need some of those quotes you shared. I feel like I am in the thick of the battle.

    Sue, I know how disappointing that must be to have your surgery happen later than expected. I have had that happen and I can really relate. We have prayed and prayed over this situation so we must trust that the Lord knows what is best for you. It must be very tricky trying to figure the chemo and having all the doctors on the same page. Sue, I can't imagine you working through all of this. May I ask what you do in your job? I am glad you got some relief with your lung draining today. I can never remember the term for that. I am still praying for you dear one.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers. I am still not feeling well and on top of everything I now have this really loud ringing in my right ear that is about to drive me crazy. This started this afternoon. Bev, I started on Anastrozole on July 25 and now I am fearing that all of this may be side effects. I still think I have a stomach virus but I have heard of others having the ringing in the ears as a direct side affect of this drug. I am still dealing with the eye thing too but have not felt like making an apt yet. One of my favorite Bible verses is " This too shall pass." I think when we feel bad it seems like it is going to go on forever and we know that is not necessarily the case.

    I am still praying for all of you. Char, when does your school start? Teachers in my district went back today and students first day is Wednesday. I cannot believe that summer is about over. I feel like I have been in a time warp the last few months.

    I hope everyone has a restful sleep tonight.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Sue I know it is disappointing but it is exactly as you said; it is the plan!  It also sounds like the doc is looking out for your best interest. I had neupogen two days in a row after my chemo and never had any issues with my stomach or "D". My nose did run and that was a side effect of also my chemo. I still have the issue and take Claritin daily. I am sure it would be much worse. I have Kleenex all over the house and in our vehicles and I carry those packets of Kleenex everywhere. Be careful and don't overdo tomorrow. Retirement sure sounds good for me too right about now. You are an amazing woman Sue and as Bev are an inspiration. I told you that after the first time we spoke on the phone. 

    Bev sounds like you had a great trip. Looking forward to some pics. So glad you were able to go and spend some time vacationing after your journey. Thanks for the continued prayers and for the encouragement.

    Sharon we have you and DH in prayer. I know the mixed feelings my DH and I have them too. He more than I as I think I am ready for a big change. Not really sure why. Maybe it's a way of starting over as weird as that sounds. I do know without a doubt it is something we need to do. 

    Nancy glad you could use the prayer quotes, they have served me well. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I have heard there are several chemo drugs that cause ringing in the ears. 

    Well I have to go into the office tomorrow too and look forward to putting in a full day. Then meeting at our house after for my second Prayer Partner/Bible Study night. I had a friend who was wanting to do this and it has been something I have wanted so it's awesome how God works. We will see how it goes and plays out. She wanted it to be just be us two and now she is wanting our DH to join us every other Tuesday. So we will go from there. Tomorrow's study is about Angels so she has done some research and reading to get it started. 

    We did a home study group the winter before I was dx so it is nice to do something again. We will also use this time to pray for the people on our lists so you can count on some extra prayer push tomorrow evening. 

    Well dear sisters, I am going to start getting ready for bed and I pray you all have a restful sleep. Those who are experiencing SE I pray they cease and are kept at bay. Have a blessed day tomorrow and I will check in periodically. 


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sisters of Faith,

    I always cringe when all is calm because it usually means the storm is about to come. Sounds like the storm front has hit.

    Sue....I wish I could give you a big hug and take you to your appointments while off I the summer. I agree that God has His own timing and there is a reason for the delay. I know we want responses quickly...just like children, right? 

    Nancy: I am sorry to hear you are going through so much with eyes, sinuses, stomach, etc. we will keep you in prayer for all these issues. I officially start back next Monday with kids starting Thursday. I will be heading to a mentoring meeting on Thursday and then head to work to put up posters, bulletin board, set up my room, and such. Let the craziness begin. 

    Lucy: thanks for the prayers from your book. It is wonderful how certain books give us strength and comfort in addition to Hod's promises. Still keeping your hubby, son and you in prayer.:

    Sharon: Praying for your home sale, shoulder and work starting up. What are your plans when it sells since you will be without a house? I can just imagine how hard it is to depart from a place you have dwelled in for a long time. It was hard leaving my childhood home when I got married....and harder on my dad.

    Anita: I am sorry to hear about your BIL. I have been praying for him as well as you. Trusting God will use all this for His glory.

    Bev: So glad you had a wonderful trip last week. You will have to share photos. You are so wonderful to volunteer your time to help others and our fur friends too. Hope you are feeling well and will try to get a note off to you too.

    I have spent days weeding. I edged and clean out some areas in my yard for 6 hours yesterday. I have shrubs to trim at my neighbors and my dad's backyard is not done. Although his front yard looks great after two days of cleaning it up so it did not look so messy. Friday, my hubby and I will be providing lunch to the folks at our therapy location. They were instrumental in getting both of back to better health. I have been weaning myself back into running as I have a 6.2 mile run mid September and then a 10 mile run in November. After that I am done running except for doing it to keep healthy. My knee is doing okay so far. I ran a mile yesterday and today I did a 1.1 run with my dog and 1.2 mile hill run with a 20 min. break between each. So far so good. I am just going to try to ease in and hopefully build up some strength and endurance again.

    Got to get some work done.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I hope this was a good day for everyone. I have been able to spend a lot of time praying for all of you. Sue, I hope you had strength to get through your work day. I appreciate all of your prayers. I have felt a bit better today. Char, you mentioned me having sinus trouble and it just occurred to me when you said that that possibly my ringing ear could be totally unrelated to my anti hormone pill I just started a few weeks ago. I tried some of my natural sinus spray and so far I can say my ear is much improved. Unfortunately I wish I could say the same thing for my stomach. I did feel better in general. It is after I eat that the problems begin.

    I have been dabbling in photography for a while now and I have had lots of time to upload pictures that I never got around to doing when buying my laptop. I bought a new camera especially for bird photography when I was at my mom's and I have had lots of time to read up on it. I am getting a bit stir crazy and that is always a sign that I must be getting better.

    Now if the maid would just come and cook and clean for me I would be all set!!!!!!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Okay Nancy...I think I meant Lucy'z sinuses but if it made you think something else is causing your issues then I am glad for the error.i did try to send the maid over but she said she got lost along the way. Oh well, good help is hard to come by these


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Glad you're feeling better, Nancy/BW - we're still praying. For you, too, Sue - sure hope your breathing and LE improve. You asked about a runny nose with neupogen shots and I was thinking....I didn't notice that connection but while I was on chemo, my nose ran all the time! I thought it was because I didn't have nose hairs (why should they stay when it fell out everywhere else, right?). I had two sets of two neupogen shots and didn't notice it being any worse then but sometimes I'm kind of oblivious to nuances and subtleties.  I kind of attribute it to my old German grandmother who lived to 96 - she always said to just get up and do what you have to do and don't think or complain about how you feel. I've probably caused myself some problems by not paying more attention to how I'm feeling, I'm sure.  

    Here's a picture of Cadillac Ranch - yep, it's just a bunch of old cars stuck in the ground along the highway. Now none of you have to make the long trip to Amarillo, Texas to see it - it's sure not worth it!  The canyon was wonderful, though - not as much of God's paintbrush as Sedona and the Grand Canyon but beautiful nonetheless.

    The last picture is from Abilene for all you teachers!  There's a little park in the middle of town with lots of Dr. Suess characters - to promote family friendly/reading goals. Neat, huh?

    Thanks, all, for being there - love you!





  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Okay Char, now I know where my knight in shining armor went----he ran off with the maid!!!!!!!

    Bev, I will be sure NOT to drive across the country to see those cars in the ground. LOL After the flat state of Illinois anything with hills looks exciting to me!  Seeing your pics does make me want to get to Sedona all the more.  It is interesting what you said about being oblivious to what is going on in your body. My muscle therapist of many years told me that I am more in tuned to my body than most. I guess that maybe is not a good thing. I am of the philosophy of your German grandmother though. Suck it up and move on. I know we are all used to doing that right?

    I am so thankful that my ear is not ringing. I swear that I was going to have to jump off a bridge or something if it continued like that! I hope you all realize that I have a sick sense of humor! My tummy still ain't happy though.

    Sue, I hope you made it through your day. Still lifting you up and praying for a miracle with this breathing and lung situation. Also praying that the lymph fluid will go someplace. Actually I don't know where it goes or where it comes from but I do know it is NOT supposed to be in your trunk area like you have had. You are one day closer to your surgery next week. Before you know it your surgery will be over and you will be so much better!

    Hoping everyone had a good day.

    Anita- Praying for Mike that his first treatments go well. Is he having chemo and rads at the same time?

    Mini- I was remembering you talking about wanting to start your own business in soaps etc. I think that was you. Are you still thinking about that. I sure hope your financial situation is improving after winning your SSI.


    Thank you all for your prayers. They are REALLY helping!!!



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    A quiet, but hot, day, for us. My bil starts teamador, an oral chemo, and avastin by iv for his brain tumor. Thank you for the prayers. I had an eye appt. for new glasses, it's been 2 years, and my eyes improved! The cost did not, though. 
