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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    I really should be in bed,  but I wanted to catch up. I love seeing all the pictures and encouraging words and verses! 

    Nancy, I'm so glad your ears stopped ringing! I'm praying you'll get completely well from the stomach virus and that you'll see your eye doctor ASAP! And praying your eye problem is resolved. 

    Sue, you amaze me when I consider all you are going through. I'm praying God will bring you comfort and help to deal with the lung condition and that your side effects will be tolerable. I'm praying the surgery next week will be successful. 

    Anita, you also are in my prayers. I hate that you and Sue are having the neuropathy issues keeping you from being ambulatory. I'm praying this doesn't get worst and resolves. I'm also praying for your bil. 

    Char, praying for you as you go back to teaching. 

    Lucy, glad you had a good trip. I wear a pedometer daily and find it very motivating. I'd like to reach 10k daily but rarely get there. I aim to get at least 5k and many days I'm close to 8k. The amount of vit D3 you are taking seems like a lot. I'm thinking about asking MO to check my vit D level in early September when I see him. 

    Sharon, praying for the sale of your home and your sub teaching job. 

    Bev, I'll be catching up with you soon. 

    All others who haven't posted in a while - you are in my prayers. 

    Love, Deborah

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Hello dear sisters.  It's late here but I'm up waiting to take the last pills of the night.  Also crashed when I got home from work and took a nap I didn't want to take but really needed, lol.

    Bev, what a great post.  Love the canyon picture - amazing that it's Texas isn't it?

    Anita, so glad your BIL is getting treatments.  They're telling him there's "a future and a hope" and giving him a reason to fight on.  Go Mike!  I too need to do the eye doctor thing but can't seem to find  reason to add yet one more appointment to my week.  Hmmm, I wonder why, ha ha.

    Nancy, so glad you're feeling a little bit better.  Don't jump the gun though.  Rest, rest and rest some more until you've kicked the bug.

    I survived my day at work but realized that I just can't do this any more.  I got a call from the hospital social worker I saw on Friday and she thinks I should qualify for assistance that would help with the lost income if I quit.  I've been there a long time so it's hard to let it go.

    Nancy, I work at a little market about a 1/2 hour from home.  Love my boss and the customers but can't handle being on my feet for 8 hours, even though it's only once a week now.  It's my retirement job.Smile

    Char you're right - quiet makes me nervous too but maybe it just means the Lord is moving mountains out of our way when we only see the little speed bumps in the road. 

    Hope everyone had a great day.  Blessings.  Sue



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sue,

    I hope you had a day of rest. I can't imagine you being on your feet 8 hrs a day. As much as you like this place it sounds like a wise decision to give it up. Hopefully this financial assistance will be available for you to access. How is your breathing? Does your lung surgery have to do with the lymph fluid or is it something unrelated but still affecting your breathing? I don't mean to pry but I am just concerned about you.  

    I am praying that this surgery will solve your breathing problems completely.

    I was running out of groceries so I had to get out today and run some errands. I don't feel like dancing a jig but I feel some better. Trying to take it easy as much as I can.

    Know I am praying for you and everyone else as well.

    Anita, I hope Mike did well with his first chemo. I think it was today.

    Deborah- I hope to get into the eye doctor when I feel like I am much better. Thanks for your prayers.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Sue - it was great chatting with you today. So glad you were feeling a little bit better. Thanks so much for the cabbage recipe, made it for dinner tonight and it was delicious. I agree about adding more doc appts I had to see my dentist but kept putting it off for my cleaning. They sure needed it after my chemo for 6 months. My dentist wants to see if I can get them cleaned every 3 or 4 months now. I hope they approve. I know it's hard to make that final decision to retire but remember you have some books to write. 

    Char keep up the training on running. Your knee is getting stronger for sure. 

    Nancy so glad your ears have stopped ringing. I can't imagine how that would be so happy for you. 

    Anita how is your BIL doing?  Avastin is not too bad, the only we I have really had was constipation so I take senokot every night. High blood pressure is also one and I have been on it since 11/25/13 and it is just now starting to affect it a little. I have it every 2 weeks as part of my study trial.

    I had a good day couple of days at work today and will go in tomorrow. I can't believe the week is almost over. My boss brought me another huge basket of veggies and a box of fruit from his garden. He also brought me a cooler of elk meat and some fish. He and his wife are so generous and such a blessing to me. I pray blessings abundant to them. DH got his leg brace which is good. But have test results from knee MRI and he has a year in his minescus not sure on the spelling lol. You know I have heard that if we have a lot of trials it's because God believes we are strong enough to handle it. But some days I really feel like enough is enough, right?  I actually had someone tell me; if anyone could get  cancer it would be you because you are so strong emotionally mentally and physically to deal with it. At first I was like oh wow that is cool...but then I realized that is almost cruel...interesting thought!

    Well sisters chat later...Lucy 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Glad to hear Sue is a bit better and that you, Lucy had some good days at work. I think God refines us to reflect His glory through us. That unfortunately requires pain and discomfort. It is so nice that your boss is nice to you and brings you nice and healthy food. That's awesome. In my time in the word today I was reading the passage that God is my portion. That is one of my favorite versus. Every single thing we need comes through Him. If we are asking something from Him and He says no we have to trust that it is not for us either at that time or ever. We are all learning on this journey and stretching our faith muscles along the way. No one promised it would be easy but it is much harder trying it on our own power. We are going from Glory to Glory. PTL!

    Have a restful sleep everyone.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sue, I am sending you a dozen roses from my garden. Hope this cheers you up. Know I am praying for you now and for your surgery next week.





  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    wow, we certainly have a bunch of gardeners among us! I just love all the pictures and am so impressed....sure puts my yard to shame. As a northerner (I grew up in New Jersey and lived most of my adult life in central Pennsylvania), I'm still discovering how different southern gardening is. I stopped at the local nursery today (70% off all the remaining stock - there are tons of plants to choose from and they all look wonderful, not like end-of-season leftovers!). I'm already making plans to go back with my husband and his truck - we'll get a palm, banana and maybe even plumeria.  Of course, it's so dry here, I'll be hauling water but it will be worth it (at least I hope!).

    I'm so glad you're feeling better Nancy/BW. Sue, hope you can feel all the prayers surrounding you these days.  Lucy, I'll be praying for you and your husband. So glad you have such a great support group of friends. God certainly has been giving us all lots of kisses these days.

    love y'all - Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies.  Hope everyone is well.

    Nancy thank you for the pix.  The flowers are beautiful.  I can tell you've had a nice mild summer with plenty of rain.  I sure hope you have someone to mow for you, lol.  Everything out here is so small because land is so expensive.  I tend to forget about those nice big Midwestern yards.

    Well, I am officially scheduled for my surgery next week.  I'm scheduled on Tuesday at 9:00 mountain time.  I'm a little nervous about it because I don't know where the fluid will go this time around.  I'm hoping it doesn't affect the lymphedema and make it worse.

    Tomorrow I'm also scheduled for another thorocentesis.  I told the nurse today I know I'd need one by Monday and wasn't sure I'd make it through the weekend.  Even though I just had one on Monday they went ahead and scheduled me for tomorrow.  I also had  visit from the home nurse.  Spent most of the day on the phone with various providers, none of whom can come out until after I get out of the hospital but at least they have the ball rolling.

    I fell asleep late afternoon and realized I'm near my day 8 droop from the chemo.  Glad it will be behind me by next week so it doesn't affect my counts.

    Know how much I appreciate everyone's prayers and that I lift each of you up as well.

    Blessings to all.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    thank you all for continued prayers, I, too, am praying, joining my faith with yours as we believe for miracles. My sis said they have been able to start 6 weeks of rads and also his chemo. My bil is able to follow commands and swallow pills. She is getting a lot of visitors and some help, and led me to a website for Jennifer Cares, a support for caregivers.  Seems wonderful and very timely, as my DH is close to losing it.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Anita, thank you for the update.  The website does sound like it would be helpful.  I got to thinking that there is a thread for caregivers on this site that might help your DH.  I also had an idea that as we've gotten to know each other through this thread, it too has been very helpful.  However there is something about talking (over writing) that does wonders for me.  Since this is a Christian forum, maybe your husbands could connect with each other, either by PM, email or by phone.  Or maybe we could start a thread for Christian caregivers and let the guys take it from there.  Just a thought.

    It is so important for caregivers to have support.  It's isolating and one of the hardest jobs out there without a day off.  Unless there's a specific prayer request for one of the DH's, I tend to forget to pray for all the other DH's out there.  I'm adding that to my daily prayer list.  Thanks Anita!

    Blessings.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Sisters!  That is a great idea for DH support. I know that for us we are support for one another as he is going through his health issue as well. We take turns caregiving. I often have thought that God has blessed me with handling the chemo well because I need to be string for him too. He needs me as much as I need him. We are blessed for certain. 

    Anita I know my DH (Steve) has friends he talks with and also our pastor stays in touch with him so it helps a lot. I make sure he goes out and has coffee or lunch with guys too. Does your DH take time for himself when he can?  I know it's was hard Steve when I was early in my treatment but I would make him. 

    Tomorrow we are having our office Ladies Retreat and so we are all leaving the office at noon and heading to the ocean for the night. There are 7 of us and so we should have a good time. We started doing this a couple of years ago and last year we didn't go because of my dx so they all didn't want to do anything. So we will have a good time and celebrate and few things my healing and also a others back healing and also another who just found out today she is having twins. I will have fun but it will be odd leaving DH behind but it will be good for him too. I think my brother is coming to hang out with him and watch football. 

    Sue I have your surgery noted to be sure to be praying. I also have your time set on my phone so I can see the time difference. I know you're worried sis but just try and find comfort in our Lord and His promises. You will find such peace. Trust and Believe!

    Thank you all for your prayers for my family as well. My son had his biopsy so hopefully should hear something Monday he was told. As for me I have my appt scheduled for the gyno at SCCA so we can have my annual and also discuss the options for hysterectomy or just ovaries or what. I am looking forward to get the ball rolling on this. She wants me to have an ultrasound first so I will be doing that. Guess it's normal to have a little nerves as it brings back memories of that horrible day of dx. Can't believe it's been a year as it seems like a few months ago. Lots has happened and I am so glad to be here chatting with all of you. Have a blessed night Lady Warriors and know you're in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day. Love ya Lucy. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies,

    It has been almost nine days and I am still having stomach issues. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom for me. At this point I have to consider that it might be something other than a stomach virus. I have been on Anastrozole exactly a month today and it could be side effects from that or it could be from the added calcium as well. I may have to fiddle with some of this to see what might be causing this. It could be a very tenacious virus and that is what I am hoping it is.

    Sue, I hope your lung procedure you had today will give you much relief and I hope there are no issues going into surgery. Do you have someone that will be able to be with you at the hospital? With the surgery change I can imagine that upset all of your plans you had in place. I continue to pray for you for strength in all areas.

    Lucy, I hope you are already enjoying your office retreat. Sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine living near the ocean. I get excited when I see any little body of water! We have seen lots of water here the last couple of days. Rain rain, and more rain.

    Anita, I am glad your sister is getting some help. That is certainly an answer to prayer. The caretakers website sounds like a God thing to me. I didn't know you could have chemo and radiation at the same time but that is what it sounds like for your bil. I am still praying for you and Mike and your DH as well.

    Char, I see the school busses coming and going from my neighborhood now and think of you. I am praying for a great school year for you and for complete recovery for you knee. I can't imagine you are going to do two more races. Can you share some of that energy with me please. LOL

    Bev, I would go nuts at a 70% off plant sale. LOL I hope you can get your plants like you mentioned. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to grow things in Texas and I think you had mentioned you were in a drought before. My garden overall looks rather sad in places. I usually go crazy with annuals every year but with my March diagnosis that put a halt on my plans. I had some friends who really pushed me to have a few flowers and that is what I did. I am glad they pushed me to do that because it is hard enough seeing all my empty pots on my patio. I was really into lots of container gardening. It has made me appreciate the few plants I do have and I have really enjoyed them. My friends did offer to help me water if it got to much so they were really looking out for me.

    Deborah, I hope you are doing well.

    Sharon, I'm still praying for your house selling.

    Angie, How are your chemo treatments going?

    Have a great weekend everyone.





  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening dear sisters.  I hope everyone had a good TGIF.

    Nancy, it sounds like you need a trip to the doctor.  Any chance you can get in soon?  So sorry to hear you're dealing with the stomach issues.  What a pain as I think we can all relate.  I will pray it goes away soon and you're back to business as usual.

    Lucy, I trust you're having a great time on your getaway.  Nothing like a ladies weekend out!

    Char, sending up extra prayer for you this weekend as you prepare to go back to school.  It will be just fine - just first day jitters.  Remember Freshman year?  lol 

    I had what will hopefully be my last thorocentesis today.  There was much  more fluid that I thought there would be since I just had this done on Monday.  I would have never made it to next Tuesday.   Also had a new doctor I'd not had before and he was good.  Also nice and chatty and fun - just what I needed.  He was also well versed in lymphedema and was very informative.  I think he enjoyed answering all of my questions. 

    I did have some new leg pain tonight in my most swollen leg and it's in the area where I had the tumor radiated.  I'm so hoping it's just because I was sitting most of the day and not moving around much.  Then had to deal with yet more bleeding in my tumor in a new area of the breast.  I called the onc's nurse this morning to ask what others were doing to get it to stop and unfortunately it wasn't too helpful.  Need to turn to my natural cures for an answer I guess.

    One of these days I'll be posting some good news other than droning on about this ailment and that.

    Praying for a great weekend for all!  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    dear Sue, 

    That's a new one for me, droning...

    Dear sister in this walk of bc challenges. This is one place where you can lay it on us, thickly. The problem is we can't reach through the net and hug you. I don't recall if your femurs were rodded. Mine were, then irradiated, then more chemo, then lymphadema, then generalized heavy discomfort. The bc in my femurs and pelvis and other bones, actually, looked like a deadly lace tablecloth laid over my x rays.I know, different issue than yours, just seeking a bit of commonality. I rebuke the leg pain and all the fluid in the wrong places in Jesus' name. You have been such an encouragement to all here, Sue, I pray you can relax and laugh at old movies and whatever will give you a peaceful weekend.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    yes, I agree, Anita - Sue is our warrior champion....but you are, too!  You are such a blessing and inspiration. I just love the picture of you and your husband - both saying to cancer that none of this matters, because we know the end of the story and we are the victors, along with our King!

    Nancy/BW, praying for you to feel much better soon. Just look outside at all your beautiful flowers! Speaking of arimidex....I started it June 1 and really haven't had many problems. I've been sleeping really poorly this past week (not all that unusual - I go right to sleep but then wake up between 2 and 3 and lay awake for an hour....or more). Anyway, particularly in the middle of the night, I notice that my fingers are stiff and a little painful. I just flex them a couple of times and it goes away but I figure that's probably part of the joint stiffness SE? I've been keeping up with my running (well, if you can call it that - our triathalete, Char, certainly wouldn't!). I slog around the neighborhood 3 times a week....but it's more than I've done for the past 30 years or so! I've always taken my dogs for walks a couple of times a day but they're pretty much "sniff and stroll" activities. In fact, the neighbors laugh at me, dragging my greyhounds down the street - can't imagine them running and winning races at the track. Oh well - they're retired days are way behind them.  :)

    Praying for all you special ladies - God bless you. May He give us special blessings tomorrow at church.

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    HI ladies,

    Yes I agree with Anita. Sue you can "drone" all you want because I am about to. LOL Seriously I am too amazed at how all of you ladies cope with a lot worse off than I have. I am praying for all of you. Sue, how is your breathing now after being drained yesterday? I am continuing to lift you up dear one.

    Bev. I am trying a few things today to eliminate to see if anything else is causing all this grief. My intestines feel like they have been run through the ringer at this point. Yesterday was the worst which was very disappointing. The last two days I had such a stiff neck I could hardly move my head. The first two days on the AI I had terrible pain up the back of my head. All strange and new stuff but it went away. The neck is better today. I canceled all my apts this weekend and will stay home tomorrow and rest. I had hoped to be back to swimming when I got home from my mom's but then this all started and I thought it was a stomach virus. I had been walking but didn't get much in at my moms because it rained so much. That is taking a toll on my mental health at this point because I haven't walked since getting back home because of all of this stomach stuff too. I had been used to swimming a mile (or was it half) four times a week before bc in March. My mind is going too. LOL So I am not used to just laying around. I am driving myself crazy. lol  One of my former coworkers had a special type of grey hound. Are there little ones like Italian or something like that. They are so cute. I have a cat but get a big kick out of all the people walking by with their dogs. I just love to watch them. I know how important this drug is so I will hold on for a little more and then call my MO if I am not better by Monday. I had hoped to drop in and talk to the pharmacist today because I have some meds waiting for me there but don't even feel like doing that. Okay my whine is over now!!!! And this too shall pass!!!!!  Hope you are doing well. How many more infusions do you have to go?

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. We had some bad storms and a little while ago it sounded like my house was struck by lightning. It scared me to death. All is well I think! Hard to tell from my Lazy Boy. LOL






  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    thank you, Bev,

    I guess I don't know what to say other than, back at you! I have been tip toe ing here more than posting, and yours is one name I look forward to finding !


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Hello all,

    Well I sure don't feel like much of a warrior - just feel like a slug these days.  I must be at my low point from my chemo because I slept all day today.  Didn't do much of anything other than sleep and sleep some more.

    Nancy, so sorry you're still dealing with this crud.  Have you looked up the side effects of your new drug?  It almost sounds like it's the drug but it's just a guess.  Did the doctor give you any anti-nausea to go along with it?  Worth a try girl.  We'll keep praying it goes away.

    Bev I commend you for wanting to get out there and get moving.  I'm so isolated here with no where to really walk.  My condo is tiny so even walking around it doesn't get too many steps in.  There's always tomorrow, lol.

    Thank you Anita for your prayers.  Is your pain from the bone mets?  I too am praying the tumor is not returning.

    Just biding my time until surgery.  Have a good night everyone.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Sue my dear sister, sorry to hear you had a rough couple of days. Praying you're strength comes soon and your sleep you've been doing is healing your body. You're still a warrior and don't think anything different as you fight harder when you are your weakest. Glad your procedure went well on Friday. Always nice to have a nice doc or nurse to deal with as it makes things go smoother. What new things did you learn about lymphodemia? Are you still having that new felt pain in your leg?  When we spoke last we were just talking about how you had not experienced pain with it so I am praying this is not the issue. Do you know why your tumor started to bleed?  What did you do for it? I will call you tomorrow in the afternoon. 

    Nancy praying you're able to to have some relief on your stomach issue. Is it the same and steady or has it gotten worse?  I agree look it up and see if this is a SE from the drug. 

    Anita praying you are able to have some relief as well. Praying the se are better and you're not experiencing pain. Praying for your BIL as well. I too have not heard of rads and chemo given at the same time. That has to be so hard on the body. 

    Bev I have noticed my fingers have been sore and stiff at times but I do some stretching and popping and then they are ok. My knees are also pretty sore at times. 

    Well the overnight with the office gals was good and I think everyone had fun. I was a little out of sorts at times as a couple of them did a lot of drinking which I knew would happen but there was one who drank a lot and it was hard for me to see. But I didn't have to share a room with either of them so I was glad. I shared a room with a gal who is a hired temp and she is a Christian and just found out she is expecting twins. So we later low while the group went to the nearby casino and when they got back we all played pictionary. We also had a really nice dinner at an Irish pub/restaurant. We eat there many times and the food is great. Got home earlier today than expected which was nice. 

    A while back I posted that my niece was dx with her osteosarcoma in her lung after 5 years of being off treatment. She had surgery 5 months ago and they removed the lump in her lung and started a study trial on a breathing chemo treatment and she found out on Friday that there is another tumor and it's larger than the other one maybe. So in 4 months of the breathing treatment it is not working. She is 23 years old and is pretty discouraged. She has had a rough time with her cancer. Five years ago when she was dx she had it in her knee and ribs so they replaced her knee and put a rod down her leg and they replaced 3 of her ribs. She had 10 months of hard chemo drugs. She is looking Into going to a place in Texas where they focus on sarcoma and has a better survival rate. Her mo wants to have the surgery to remove the new tumor soon. Please add her to your prayers, would appreciate it.

    Well sisters know you're all in my thoughts and prayers and thank God for having you in my life right now. Feel so blessed for our friendship and support. Have a restful sleep and chat soon...Lucy 

  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2014

    Good morning everyone, I just wanted to quickly jump in and tell you all what great role models you are to me. I don't often post but do read all the time and am praying for you also. 

    I updated my blog But couldn't share that my sister went behind my back and into my files at the hospital to have another radiologist read my most recent scans. He supposedly found a new spot that was supposedly missed by the other 2 different radiologists that had read them (one being specifically for the clinical trial I am on) So since I won't see my doc or have another scan for 8 weeks, I felt I needed to ask for the scans to be re-read. Will have results back this week. On one hand, I am SO angry at her for not only violating my rights and in my opinion playing God, but also that she confessed that she has done this with every scan I have had! She has asked me many times if I wanted her to do this to get results faster etc. and I have always said no. I am a rule follower and honestly think that no good comes from sneaky. I can't change results knowing them before my doctor can tell them to me. It has also put me into an awkward position with my oncologist whom I really like. She was rightfully upset for my sake and I of course couldn't /wouldn't tell her it was my own sister as she would surely lose her job. I get that she is worried about me and feels like she was helping but... Ugh it has just opened a can of worms. I also hope and pray her "guy" is wrong in his findings.

    Thank you so much for letting me vent as I know this is such a safe place for me to do so. I haven't been able to tell anyone this new snafu and have been stressed out about it. I also know you will send prayers for wisdom on how to move forward with our relationship and for the right results to keep me on the path of treatment that is best.

    Again, thank you all so much!

    Much love, Kate

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Oh Kate, I would have been furious if anyone had done this to me - vent away!  I am a very private person to begin with and would have felt so violated.  I'm surprised your sister hasn't been caught yet and fired.  That is a basic rule of every hospital that employees don't/can't go into patient files for any reason unless they are taking care of that patient which she is not.  You're correct that all your sister has really done is get you upset.  I want news, good or bad, from my own doc. 

    Maybe call the administrative office and ask how you can have your file locked because you found out someone not associated with your case has been snooping in your file which is a huge HIPPA violation and could put the hospital at risk of a lawsuit.

    Bottom line is that you need to let your sister know that this has put a wedge in your relationship and in no uncertain terms her snooping is over.  I would let her know that even though you're sisters, you will report her and let the chips fall where they may.  The Bible tells us to be "wise as serpents, gentle as doves" but it does not tell us to be doormats!

    I will definitely pray for your peace here and for Godly wisdom.  I'm so sorry you have to deal with this on top of everything else.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Dear Kate,

    I am so sorry that you have found yourself in the middle of all of this. Dealing with our diagnosis is hard enough and to add to it this drama is just too much. It is obviously a very serious matter what your sister has done and you are stuck in a very uncomfortable position. I am praying for a good result and that good will come of all of this in the end. If there is another spot detected in the rereading then your doctors can proceed accordingly and this could be a good thing to be treated early if it comes to that. I know this is all very upsetting to you on many levels and rightly so. I am praying for wisdom for you in how you will proceed. I know your sister was probably doing this out of love for you but the end does not justify the means.

    Please feel free to jump in here whenever you need to. We are all here to support one another.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited August 2014

    Kate, I'm not on here often, as you, but I have prayed so hard and long for you. I was especially drawn to your story since we both have triple negative. Your family picture on the beach is awe inspiring. I pray for your whole family. I'll pray for this situation with your sister. I know that stress is the last thing you need, so try to resolve this quickly. Forgiveness is healing, too. It's easy for me to say, huh? I know it's a hard thing. I've struggled with a forgiveness issue for most of my life and I can tell you one thing for sure-not forgiving her will hurt you the most. I would be mad too, but possibly she is just so worried about you that she just couldn't help it. I'm not criticizing. You have had a long row to how (I'm a gardener.), and any feelings you have are lag intimate. There are many praying for you. I am finished with treatment and give the women on this thread credit for pulling me through. God bless you Kate.   Sharon

    Hey you guys. To those of you who prayed for my house to sell quickly: the very first looker is a genuine prospective buyer. They've been here twice and are sending people to make bids on fixing the roof and heating system. It looks good. God is all powerful and it looks like his time for selling the house might be now. Thank you for being God's hands. When were in God's hands, we're in the hands of every Christian alive. Sharon

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sharon, I have been praying regularly for your house to sell so this is such good news to hear. I'll pray that this buyer will take the plunge. I know you have probably worked yourself to death on getting the house ready. Thanks for sharing that. How is your shoulder? I have been sick for the last ten days and have done very little with my shoulder exercises. I may have to call my MO tomorrow as this may be from my hormone blocking drug.

    I do have some good news which I will share.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Do you know where you will be moving to?



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies,

    This last ten days has been the pits to say the least. In my effort to NOT go crazy I spent time uploading pictures to my laptop. I shared this a few weeks ago but will mention it again. On my way to radiation I discovered two swans in this beautiful pond and garden area. I looked for them every day and my last few treatments I discovered they had five babies. I was so thrilled. Our suburban newspaper has a weekly photo contest and they select three pictures each week. I decided to enter a couple of swan pictures. They picked my swan photo. I was so thrilled. The head guy in that dept. emailed me a few days ago and asked where I live. I was obviously not operating on all cylinders at the time I submitted because they wanted an address. I emailed him back the city I live in. In the submission I mentioned the swans were a bright spot going to radiation every day. In the paper it has me living in the wrong town and the whole radiation thing was left out. The photo theme for today was the joys of summer. I guess they didn't think going to radiation was very joyful. LOL Anyway it was a bright spot today in a dark week for sure. Here is the photo again. Still not feeling great today so will call my MO tomorrow if I don't snap out of it.





  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Hi Ladies - Kate, so good to hear from you and glad that you checked in. I read your blog - what an amazing adventure you and your family had this summer - lots of great memories. I'll be praying for you this week with the new results - but as Sue said, how awful to have the stress and mixed emotions....especially caused by your sister, who should be part of the solution, not the problem.  Sigh.....

    Lucy, sounds like you and your friends had a great weekend. I was always the designated driver (I generally drink about a glass of wine a week - just don't care for the taste of alcohol much). It was interesting to see how goofy people could be - and how little they remembered all the embarrassing things that had happened. I'm so glad you had another Christian there - what a blessing you two could have the time together. How sad about your niece's cancer.  Whenever I hear about a young person having cancer, I thank God that if I had to have it, it's now (after there are so many amazing medical treatments and advances, instead of 20 or 30 years ago) and that I was diagnosed when I was 55 years old. Before I had surgery, I watched a Youtube video by a woman about dealing with drains after a mastectomy....and she was 29 years old.  :(

    Okay, now to more positive thoughts....In Sunday School, we're working our way through II Corinthians and have gotten to chapter 4. Of course, that's where Paul writes about "the glorious light of the Good News" (v. 4) and reminds us that "this precious treasure - this light and power that now shine within us - is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies, so everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own." (v. 7). He goes on to say that his suffering was for their benefit and to bring glory to God. (v. 15). Well, the whole time the pastor was teaching, I was thinking of you, my precious sisters.  Sue, Anita, Debbie (haven't heard from you for a while - hope all is well?), Lucy, Kate, Sharon, Nancy/BW, Nancy/Mini (and everybody - sorry I don't want to ramble too long and lose this post!) God is using your suffering to reach and save others.....not just the doctors, nurses and techs you come into contact with but for me and the rest of us! My faith is strengthened every time I read about your courage, trust and strength - so thank you! You are helping me and others, and bringing glory to God, just like Paul directed us to do!

    Nancy/BW - I'm praying that you'll feel much better soon - and figure out just what is causing the problems. What a great kiss from God to hear about your picture - and see it again. Gorgeous!

    Sharon, you know I'm praying for you....not only with the sale and packing but your PT and subbing.

    Char, praying for you as school starts and you continue training for your races.

    Love y'all!  Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I just got a call tonight from this guy who oversees this cemetery. He said that he got a call to mark my grave and he said I have no record of your grave. The monument company called the WRONG cemetery. I won't say what it is for privacy purposes but the names were very similar and entirely in different towns. I thought you could use a laugh. I guess it wouldn't  be funny if they put it in the wrong cemetery. I haven't even approved anything yet anyway so that wouldn't happen.

    Lucy, I am glad you had a good time on your retreat. I am always the odd woman out on those type of things too as I don't drink at all. I am so sorry to hear about your niece and so young. I will pray that she can get some effective treatment soon and maybe in Texas. How disheartening to find out all the weeks of treatment didn't work for her. I will pray for her. How are you doing after the retreat?

    Sue, still thinking of you and praying for you during this wait time. How are you feeling today and tonight? Is the tumor still bleeding? I know you have so much on your plate but I hope it gives you some comfort knowing that we are all praying and lifting you up during this difficult time. You are definitely a warrior and an encouragement to me in handling adversity!

    Anita, I am praying for both you and DH. I know it must be very hard on him and of course you. Hang in there. We're praying.

    Bev, You are such an encourager and I appreciate your spirit so much. I can just see you out there running with your greyhounds. Did you buy the plants like you mentioned. I remember the palm especially.

    Char, Praying for a calm and restful night before school starts. Once you get there all that nervousness will fade away.

    Angie and Deborah and Mini- How are you all doing?

    I had a period of time today where I was feeling better and then tonight back to the stomach discomfort again. I think it is time to give my MO a call and see what he thinks. I would still appreciate your prayers for wisdom for myself and the doctor. I don't want to give up on the Anastrozole this early in the game and I am still not convinced that is the problem but if it looks like it is the problem I will need the courage to face that. I know I have options but I also know my body and I don't tolerate many things like drugs.

    Have a great week everyone.



  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening dear sisters.  I hope everyone has had a good weekend.  As usual, I'm up waiting to take the last pills of the night so I thought I'd check in here.  Lucy, it was good chatting with you tonight and so glad you have a good get away.

    Char, I've been lifting you up all weekend.  You're going to do just fine tomorrow.  Getting over that first day  hump will make the rest of the week go smoothly.

    Nancy so glad to hear you're going to get in touch with the doc.  You've been messing with this too long and it may be something simple that brings you back to wholeness.  Great story about the cemetery and the swan picture was wonderful.  I wouldn't worry too much about them getting the story wrong.  If it's the same paper I used to deal with, they changed an ad on me without asking me....Changed the word "Son" to the word sun.  I was obviously not dealing with a Christian, lol.  By the way, did you notice the little bird catching a ride on the swan on the left?  Now that's a good picture.

    Bev, thanks for sharing the good teaching.  I don't always feel like I'm suffering for God's glory but do agree that we have some wonderful role models here that do.  I so look forward to the posts and keeping caught up with prayers for everyone.  It's just like family and I would certainly miss having this group in my life if it weren't here.

    As for me, I had another quiet day.  I think today I napped on and off because I was bored.  I have such a small place it's hard to know what to do with myself.  I did sit out on the patio this morning with my book but found myself starting to nod off as I was close to finishing it up, lol.  My shortness of breath has returned as has my leg pain.  I'm so praying my leg pain is from sitting too much and not from the leg tumor returning.  Yes Nancy, the bleeding tumor is still giving me grief as well.

    Tomorrow I have to make a stab at going to the DMV.  I sent in my handicap placard renewal a month ago and of course it hasn't come back.  Since I'll be in the hospital through the weekend, it will expire and I can't risk getting one of those nasty tickets if I use it after labor day.  There's only one DMV for the entire east side of Denver so it's always a hassle and a long wait.  Hope I don't run out of oxygen, lol!

    I trust everyone else is doing well and will check in here soon.  We've got you all covered in prayer dear friends.

    Blessings,  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Sue it was good to chat with you earlier today.  Please take comfort in knowing we all have you in our prayers frequently.  We will also be praying on Tuesday.  I have reminders set to start the day with you in my prayers.  Make sure you call me as soon as you can after your surgery and I will update the ladies.  Just try and rest as much as you can until then.

    Anita and Sue this is for you: Body, I speak the Word of Faith to you.  I demand that every internal organ perform a perfect work, for you are the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the authority of His holy Word to be healed and made whole in Jesus' Name...Amen

    Sicknesses MUST FLEE! Tumors can't exist in me, for the Spirit of God is upon me and the Word of God is within me.  Sickness, fear and oppression have no power over me for God's Word is my confession...Amen

    Nancy probably best to call the MO on your stomach issue.  Glad your neck is better.

    KateW checked your blog, it looked like you had a great trip with the family.  So sorry to hear about what your sis did.  I can only imagine how tough it would be. I think you and SewStrong/Sharon and I are the only ones who have TNBC on this board.  So it is good to hear from you and to know how you're doing.  Keep in touch and know you are in our prayers.

    Well Sister's I am going to call it a night.  Tomorrow is my day heading to Seattle, its a 2 hour drive so on the road by 8 to get there in time for my CT scan.  I am excited to share the news of how good our Lord is and to continue to give Him the glory of his goodness. I have my infusion after at 12:30 and the weather is supposed to be really nice...Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the great prayer Lucy.  It helps so much!

    I'm lifting you up as I write this.  I pray your scans come out clear and your infusion is uneventful with no side effects.  Have a safe journey!

    Blessings.  Sue