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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Hi Lady Warriors,

    I haven't posted for a while, but know that I have been praying for each of you and checking the thread.  

    Sue, Nancy, Lucy, ADJ, Bev, Char, Deborha, and Mini, know that I have been praying for each of you and checking your post and this thread to prayer more for specifics.  It is such an inspiration and blessing to read the post that are filled with love and support.  Mostly I enjoy this thread as I hear God speaking through each of you and the prayers that go forth.  

    Lucy what an awesome prayer.   Also, sounds like you had a awesome time away with your family.

    My first chemo was a non-event for the first three days but I took a nose dive and seemed like a semi-hit me on days 4-10.  As I began to feel better, I had to have a port placement which I am still recovering from.  My next chemo is on Wednesday 8/27, please keep me in prayers on SEs of fatigue and stomach issues.  I lost over 15 pounds in about a week and a half which my MO was not quite happy about and neither was I.  Didn't think I would complain over loosing 15 lbs and be happy to gain 5 of them back.  On day 5 I begin to prayer heavily for myself and ask that God stay my mind and mind and that I do not let the SEs take control of me.   

    I will attempt to post more often but know that if I don't post I am reading your post and being encouraged by what I read.

    Your Sister in Christ,

    - Angie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Happy Monday everyone,

    Lucy I have prayed for safe travels, a good scan and no problems or after effects of your infusion. I think you could be a preacher. I can just see you up at the podium speaking with all the authority that we have in Jesus!  PTL

    Sue, continuing to lift you up and I have been praying that you will be spiritually, physically and emotionally ready to tackle your surgery tomorrow and of course praying for the surgeons, nurses and everyone you will be dealing with. Having caring , competent and compassionate medical staff around you can mean a world of difference in you overall surgery experience. I am praying for a very positive and successful surgery and for pain control afterwards.

    Char, I hope your first day at school was a good one. I am sure all those first day jitters are out of your system by now. You will have a great year! I am counting on it.

    I am seeing my primary doctor today. I emailed their office last night and told them the whole deal and asked for his advice if I should see him or my MO. He said to see him  first which I should know by now he always says that. I guess they have to rule out all the other stuff. I am seeing him late this afternoon which is actually good because it I am going have my usual stomach and intestinal upset it occurs a few hours after eating. I feel fine now other than being really tired. Unfortunately my neck stuff is back.

    Have a good week everyone. Praying for your needs even though I didn't mention all of you.




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Angie, so good to hear from you but sorry that chemo SE hit you so hard. Hopefully the next round will be easier - we'll sure be praying. I think you probably told us - how many rounds do you have? I think it was the same as me - 8 total? I had my port implanted (or whatever the correct term is) the day before my first chemo so maybe it ended up being one big blur. The first couple of weeks I felt like I could feel it "shifting" when I laid on my side at night. I'm a stomach sleeper (I know, the worst way for your back but I can't help it - it just feels so cozy!) so didn't want to do that and when  I laid on my side, the port felt like it was moving....for the first couple of weeks. Now, the only time I even know it's there is when I have my infusion or see it in the mirror. It sure is nice having it for the infusion - you'll be pleasantly surprised how quick and easy it is, compared to the IV. See? It's all good!  :)

    Nancy/BW - praying for you with the doctor this afternoon that he'll know just what is the best way to quickly make you feel better. 

    Lucy, hope the travel went smoothly and you had all good results today. We're counting on you to keep us updated about Sue tomorrow - and Sue, hopefully you'll feel God's arms around you the whole time. 

    God bless you all, my friends - Bev

  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited August 2014

    Nancy, we are going to get a small place to rent until we have time to think things over. We just showed it to the new superintendent, who needs to relocate to our area. That's the second prospective buyer. Thank you everyone for the prayers.  We have had it on the market for about three weeks, maybe four. We have two people interested. God is good. We all knew that, didn't we. The picture looks like something a professional took. It's amazing. I love it. I'm glad it was picked.  Sorry you're feeling down. Radiation gets worse as time goes on because skin usually breaks down at some point. I suffered exhaustion for several weeks. Just keep going and it gets better. 

    Luck, I love how you commanded the body to heal in the name of Jesus. We all are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God Almighty lives in each of us who believe. We are his spokespeople and he counts on us to do his bidding. 

    I don't have time to read any more to be able to respond. I don't mean to shortchange anyone. I just have to get busy sorting more STUFF. Does anyone need any STUFF. I'll send you some by parcel post. It's a monumental task to get out of this house. Sharon

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    I lost a long post the other day and figured God did not want it on here. Better than me saying it was my glitch. I spent time catching up. It has been a whirlwind week. I bought a new mattress for my nephews bed, cleaned up his room and made it ready when he returned from his trip to New York to visit his girlfriend. Spent the evening cutting grass because it just keeps raining and finding a chance to so so is hard. Then I weeded as I can't stay caught up due to the rain.

    We lost a dear Christian in our church this past Wed to his battle with lung cancer. His service was today and I start back to in service days and was not be able to go. I know that he is no longer suffering. He told our pastor earlier last week that he never thought he would go so quickly. I told my pastor that I am grateful God did not let him suffer. 

    Today was our opening day for staff. Tomorrow. Is in building meeting. Kids come on Thursday...not nervous till Wednesday evening. It was a long day but I wish I had another couple

    Sue...praying for your surgery. I have faith all will go well and we will have you bathed in prayers. Dear Abba Father...I ask that you give comfort and calm to your dear child Sue and watch over her. May you guide her doctor and allow him to what is needed without any harm or risk to her. Watch over her and allow her to use this time to continue to be honor and praise to You. In Jesus Name I ask...amen.

    Kate: What can I say but that Satan is now trying to use your family to get to you and derail you. What your sister is doing is wrong and in a loving but firm way tell her that she is upsetting you and that is not good for your health. This is just what Satan turn you and your sister against each other. I would not want to have her fired but I would stress to her that she is doing something that is not only jeopardizing her position but also that of the radiologist that shared this information. It could be that she feels helpless and this is her way of feeling like she can make sure things are what doctors say they are. I will pray that the two of you can resolve this situation without a bigger strain on your relationship.

    Nancy: Thank you along with Sue for prayers. I am glad you are looking into seeing what is going on with all of your latest issues. I continue to pray for you as well.

    Lucy: praying for your CT scan and safe travel. Thanks for your beautiful prayer.

    Sharon: PTL for interested buyers. Praying God sends the right person for your home. I hope your shoulder is doing better. I know you will be back subbing too...busy, busy lady.

    Bev: How exciting about some new plants. What fun trying some new plants. You keep up your walks and runs. Who cares how fast or far you go. Exercise has so many benefits to your health so keep it up girl. Sunday made me think of you as our pastor preached on the Red Sea and the Israelites crossing. He talked about God in the cloud in front of them as he led them but then God moved behind between them and the Egyptians. While they crossed the Israelites did not see him but He was not far away. And sometimes we don't feel His presence because He is seeing if we trust Him and also that sometimes we need protection from behind from the enemy. 

    Angie: Good to hear from you and I thank you for your prayers.

    Anita: Keeping you and your hubby, BIL and family lifted in prayer.

    Debbie (Friday's Girl and Becky, I pray both of you are doing okay. Haven't forgotten the two of you either.

    My kiss today was my dad went to his prostrate doctor and his numbers went from 30 to .03 so she is taking him off the med and will recheck in six months. PTL for one less med to take. She also thinks his Gyneomastia will reverse...( the med has given my dad man boobs and it is physically a bit uncomfortable due to rubbing or chafing. I told him we would have to get him a Manzier or the Bro as Krammer called it on Seinfeld.



  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited August 2014

    Well, Char. I just deleted my text too. Wow. I'm so careless. I hit clear instead of copy. I was trying to copy to keep from losing it while I went back to read more. I quit for tonight. Don't have time to retype it. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    It must be delete your post tonight so I am going to be VERY careful!

    Angie, I am glad to see your post but so sorry to here of your side effects causing so much trouble. I will certainly be praying for your treatment on Wednesday. I do remember hearing some of the ladies talking about drinking lots of water. I imagine you have probably explored as much info as you can. I wish I had some sage advice but I have never had chemo and am amazed at the strength and the courage all of you have had going through it and for those of you still going through it. Hang in there. We will be praying.

    Sharon, thank you for your nice comments. I do have a passion for learning photography and this recognition really helped motivate me as it has been an arduous process trying to basically learn on my own. Because of my mom and my sister and I sharing the caregiving it really makes taking any classes impossible because I am staying with my mom off and on for a good chunk of the year. Renting sounds like a wise choice. Before moving into my house I had to move twice in a ten month period. Long story for another day but I don't regret any of it. It was a God thing that is why. I am sure in time you will find that perfect house to make your home.

    Char, I am sorry to hear about your friend passing from your church. We can only hope and pray that one day there will be a generation of people who will not have to deal with cancer. Good news regarding your Dad. I will pray on Wednesday night for pre student jitters. I would get them just going in for that first staff meeting before the students were even in session. Sounds like you have done a ton of yard work. We have had lots of rain here and the grass is growing like weeds. Well the weeds are growing too!

    Lucy, I hope your day went well. I can imagine it is an exhausting day with such a long drive.

    Sue, Still thinking of you and praying for tomorrow! Do you know you surgery time yet? I know sometimes I haven't found out until the night before and sometimes kind of late. Hopefully we will hear something as soon as possible after your surgery. We all love you and care about you.


    Thank you all for your prayers for my doctor's apt today. I saw my primary doctor after emailing their office last night as to my dilemma of seeing my MO or him. My primary wanted me to see him first. He is taking a very conservative approach. He mentioned some things it could be but he doesn't think so. He mentioned some tests we could do but won't for now. He isn't really that familiar with Anastrozole (Arimidex) but after I pumped him with questions he did say that with certain drugs people can go through up to three weeks of diarrhea before their system adjusts. I was quite surprised that I had some fever when I was there. I guess I have felt fatigued and not so great for such a long time I couldn't tell. I usually know immediately if I have even a little temp because I feel horrible. I need to look up Anastrozole side effects again because I think a low grade fever is one of the symptoms and the GI stuff definitely is. He gave me some probiotics and I am to see him in two weeks. Other than a bad headache today my GI issues seem non existent today. PTL My doctor mentioned that it could be a virus. Time will tell. If I can get rid of the fever and fatigue I will be in good shape.

    Have a good night.





  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2014

    Thanks again everyone for the advice and prayers. I know my sister only did it to "help" but it really has made things awkward. We are sisters so I am sure everything will be fine in the long run. I am just glad my onc, while very annoyed, didn't press the issue after I said I couldn't tell her who did it as I love them and they would surely lose their job. Scans are being read tomorrow so I should know the final answer in the afternoon. 

    Praying for you all too!


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Wow, lots of good news here today.  Here I sit waiting to take the last pills of the night again.  I have such a boring life.  Seems everything revolves around pills, SE's and ailments, ha ha.

    Sharon, looks like the prayer has been powerful for you and the answer is looming on the horizon.  I'd say this is a "way to go God" moment on the house!

    Nancy I'm so glad you were able to get in to see the doctor so quickly.  Here's a link to the side effects.  I'm guessing you're going to find that you've been dealing with several side effects.  It doesn't make it go away but it does help to know what you're dealing with.  Thanks too for the prayers.  It has been hard to wait for this surgery but much easier knowing you and others are keeping me covered in prayer.

    Char, keeping you covered in prayer as well and thank you for yours.  Such good news about your dad!  What a nice way to kick off the new school year.

    Lucy, I'm so looking forward to hearing your answered prayers about your scans.  I just know they're going to be good.  If I can't get on the internet at the hospital tomorrow, I'll give you a call with and update.

    Kate, you have such a good attitude about your situation.  Much better than I would have.  I'm still praying for wisdom and grace as you confront your sister.  You're right that it will work out but you need to be back in the driver's seat.

    As for me, my friend got here tonight about 7:30.  She's staying the night because we have to get up so early in the morning.  My surgery time got moved up to 8:30 instead of 9:00 a.m. (mountain time) so we have to be at the hospital at 6:30 - ugh.  I so appreciate everyone's prayers.  It has made the waiting this last week more bearable.  I'm a little more nervous about this surgery than the last time because no one knows where the fluid will go this time around.  When they dried up the right lung, the fluid went into the left lung.  I'm asking for warfare prayer that the fluid doesn't turn into more lymphedema or goes somewhere it's not supposed to.  Basically I'm praying that it just disappears, never to return.  I've had a hard time breathing today and just kept telling myself that this time tomorrow, I'll be breathing just fine.

    I'm going to end it here so I don't lose the post, lol.  Thank you all for your prayers and I look forward to giving you more good news tomorrow night.  Blessings all.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sue, this is for you dear one. Praying for you continually.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I just got off the phone with Sue.  She is very sore but the surgery went well.  She is asking for prayer that the fluid doesn't go anywhere else and this is healed.  She is going to order some dinner and hopes to take a little walk in a while.  She walked a little bit already earlier today so her legs are doing ok.  She is hooked up to the pumps now so that is helping.  She will be in the hospital for a few days and she is thinking maybe being released by Saturday.  She said the hospital is a good one and they are being good to her and taking good care of her. 

    She says thank you for the prayers and she appreciates them so much.  Let's keep those prayers coming ladies and just pray hard and steady for Sue to have a strong and speedy recovery.

    It was so good to hear her voice as she sounded pretty good and it made me feel good to talk with her.

    Not to take anything away from Sue but I had a call from my nurse just before I got home and my liver counts are ok, a little elevated but not a concern so we will hold steady on the new pill dose.  Also my CT scan results are holding steady and no change or progression.  I was praying the last 2 tumors would be gone but I will take this as well.  I was not able to talk to her as she left a message so I will call and get more detail tomorrow.  We have lots to PRAISE our Lord about today...THANK YOU GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT. 

    Blessings Warriors...Lucy

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Oh, Lucy - thank you so much for the update! We've all been praying and thinking so much about Sue and you today (and Kate too - hope you get a chance to let us know how the latest scan went?).  Thank you, God, for all the good news and answers to prayer.  I'll keep praying!

    Char, praying for you this week as school is starting - how many years till retirement? :)

    God bless you all, my sweet sisters!  Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    We need to be rejoicing LOUD and hard today...I just feel amazing and as I walked into my house tonight I was rejoicing and praising out loud.  It felt so good.  I just really want all of us to do this if we can and just give God the glory for his work and love in our lives.  We really are very blessed. 

    I will update you as I talk with Sue until she is up for posting.

    I am praying for all of you and we just need to keep the prayers going up.  This can be just amazing and so powerful so lets all jump on this prayer wagon and get a kiss from our Father God!  Have a great night everyone...I am just filled with so much love right now and I am so hoping it is coming through so you can all feel it.  Blessings and love to you all my sisters!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Lucy for sharing about Sue. I have prayed for her so much today and am so glad to hear the surgery is over and that she was able to walk today. I will certainly be praying for this fluid situation and for her overall recovery.

    Lucy that is great news on your scans. We can keep praying that those tumors vanish.

    Angie, praying for you for your chemo treatment for tomorrow. I pray for victory over fear and that God will envelope you in His peace.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Lucy, thank you for the update on Sue! Will be praying fervently for Sue’s strong
    and speedy recovery. I do feel the love
    and the Praise coming through your post.
    I am rejoicing with you tonight Lucy and all my sisters in Christ. I am rejoicing and PTL for all that he has
    done and will continue to do in our lives.
    We are so very blessed.

    Lucy, it is great news on the scans and I am prayer that the
    tumors are removed.

    Thanks all for the prayer coverage as I go into my 2nd
    round of Chemo tomorrow.

    Nancy, thank you for the specific prayer for peace and
    removal of all fear with the treatment.

    Blessings to all my Sisters in Christ,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Angie we are lifting you up in prayer as well. Don't be afraid, we all know exactly what you're feeling. I was so filled with fear at the start of my journey. One day I just gave it all to God and laid it at the cross. I had the most amazing peace come over me and it was like that the whole journey. I did hit one slump but then I remembered giving it to The Lord and He got me last it. 

    He is there with you just lien he was with me in my CT scan yesterday.

    Remember this verse and promise...Do not be afraid — I am with you! I am your God — let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you.  Isaiah 41:10

    It's one of my favorites...Lucy 

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the prayers and on-time encouragement Lady Warriors! 

    Lucy, I will take that scripture and verse with me tonight in prayer and tomorrow in chemo.   I will not be afraid.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Thank you Lucy. You are a gem for keeping in contact with Sue. I am praying up a storm for her. She needs our prayers as all of you do. PTL on your news too. I have been praying for your counts and scan. 

    Off to work in my room for a few hours. Ran this morning to clear the cob webs and shaved 45 secs off my mile time. Not back to where it was but I ran with no pain and I am forever thankful to God to just be able to do it again. 

    Bev: Retirement ultimately is 2 years out but I will let my health, work situations and especially God be the deciding factor. I know it's on the horizon but so is Christ's return. One may come before the other so I will live for the moment and start looking into the long term decision this coming year.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2014

    Update: Well, I am back at work part-time and not on here to much. It has been an event full time since my last report of my LB with the drainage in July. After 3 weeks it (where the tumor was removed) opened up and the surgeon now has me with the Home Care Nurses. I noticed that I am a controller. I felt 'old' and 'invalid' when they came to my house (pride) so I decided to go TO them at their office. LOL They are now seeing me every other day to clean and re-pack the open wound I now have in my LB. One nurse told me NOT to work - that the energy I expended there was needed to heal the wound. My family physician said to GET OUT and exercise to help with my swollen feet and fatigue. My boss said to start slowly: 3 hours per day one week, then 4 hours the next and work up to 8 hours days. My bank book is saying H.E.L.P !  All that said and God is STILL giving me peace of heart and mind. I often am found saying "It is what it is" - gets me through yet another day. The hubby has been home with a head cold and sore throat - so guess what he 'gave' me! 

    Sue, I hope you are healing quickly from your surgery and can get back on your Chemo soon. I mentioned to one of the HCNurses the other day that I would rather do Chemo again than Radiation and the after effects.

    Pictures: I remember the Cadillac Ranch - as my husband sped by; loved the Grand Canyon and those Roses are BEAUTIFUL and lush looking.

    Remember ladies - we are loved. We are loved by the creator of the universe, the maker of the heavens and earth. Chosen before, love always, never to be foresaken, co-heirs with Christ, healed by his stripes, even though we might look weak and wounded - we are strong warriors, prayers and dwellers in His presence. I think of Job often and can see that the more that was put against him, the more he pressed into God. To me it is all about our relationship with Him - being still, waiting and hearing. In our situations - we are strong - our daily living testimonies WILL speak to the unsaved.

    Keep the faith sisters. Carren

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014


    After a few days without being able to log in, this site let me !  But now I am at MO, chemo day, so will check back.  Be well  is Jesus' name.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    WIt, are you kidding me? Of course not, not with Jesus on our side. 

    Lucy, I was burdened with Isa. 41:10 + 13 but could not get my ipad to go to this web site site so I  could post it, and there you did!

    Ah yes,


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Hello ladies.  I'm super excited that I can get on the internet!  Thank heaven for new computers!  I only have 9 fingers to type with because of all the tubes and wires so forgive me in advance for the typos.  Thanks for the picture Nancy - how fun!

    As Lucy shared yesterday the surgery went well.  I was pretty sore and the coughing made it worse but I was told that was helpful to the healing.  I slept on and off through the night and actually felt better this morning.  I started walking a little bit this morning and that too will help in the healing process.

    All told I'm not doing too bad.  Thank you al for your prayers -  they were definitely felt and answered in a great way.

    Blessings.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Wooooohoooooooooooooo Sue is back!

    I am so thrilled to see your post. All in all it sounds like you are doing VERY well. PTL! We have all been praying up a storm on your behalf and it sure sounds like those prayers are being answered. Walking is a good thing and I am so glad you are able to do that. I am praying that the fluid will vanish and that you will get your strength back soon. Lucy has been great to update us all yesterday. Take care dear sister and know we will pray you through this! You ARE beautiful!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Carren, Glad to hear from you. Glad you made it back to work but remember to take it SLOW! I am glad you have some home health care nurses too to help you out. Take care.

    Anita and Angie, I hope your chemo today goes well and that there will be no bad SE's for you both.

    Char, I know students are coming tomorrow. Have been praying for the night before jitters. You will be fine and I bet you are an awesome teacher!

    Everyone have a wonderful day.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    welcome back Carren. Will continue to keep you in prayer. I think many here know the issues or conflict with no money and work. Remember that God takes care of every sparrow and He knows how many hairs (even if not visible) are on our head soHe certainly knows every need. Also take no care for tomorrow as Stated in Matthew 6:34.

    Sue: so good to hear from you Gaaloway. Yes coughing even if it hurts is Our body's way to break up congestion or clear fluids. Keep following directions and I know you will be back home soon. We got you covered in prayer.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Sue, so glad to see your post!  Woot Woot! PTL!  As others have said we are praying fervently for your healing and speedy recovery. Rejoicing on the good report.

    Carren, I often think of Job and read that portion of scripture during this journey and pressing more towards God.  As I know this is my journey, but I want to glorify His Name and draw those to Him through my daily testimony.  As the Word Says, "And I,if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." John 12:32.  

    Thanks all for the prayers.  I am home from my second chemo.  I have my spiritual armor on and my earthly weapons (medicine) ready to fight any side effects.  Thanks for the scriptures and words of Wisdom.

    Have a good day Lady Warriors!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Great to see your post Sue...made me smile Happy!  So glad you are able to post so keep us posted.  Stay strong and stay up and walking and rest as well.  You will be home soon.  You are in our prayers so take comfort in that for sure. 

    Angie so glad you got through your day!  Yes you do have the earthly weapons as we all do.  Keep us posted as we also pray for your minimal to no se's. 

    Anita...I had an issue with trying to get on and post the night before Sue went to the hospital but couldn't on my laptop or phone.  It is the enemy you know, he doesn't want us to support one another and pray.  But too bad...that is what we are all here for and we are being obedient daughters as we pray for one another.  I shared this with Sue too, I felt bad as I had company show up and it was after 9:30 when they left and I wanted to call her before she went to bed and couldn't call her or post her a message.  I am good to go now however...interesting.

    Blessings Sister ya Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014


    Good night everyone. Have a restful night. I took this picture a couple years on the grounds of my church.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Hello Ladies - WOW it's been so busy on here! 

    I really should try to post everyday to keep up, but with everything else going on in my life, it seems I mostly just manage to read your posts and pray. 

    Lucy, I'm so glad you could communicate with Sue and keep us updated. And I'm praising God that your scans are showing everything is stable, I'm praying you'll have even more encouraging news the next time you have scans.

    Sue, I'm so thankful to God you are doing well after the surgery. May this surgery be a great success! 

    Angie - I'm praying for you. The chemo can get a little tough, but God will carry you through. Try to drink lots of water and get up and walk around - don't be concerned if you have some days where you are mostly on the couch. There will days where you will feel stronger and better.

    Anita - I'm praying for you as well as you go through more chemo. 

    Carren - Glad to hear from you. Take it easy and may God help you each and every day.

    Kate - I've been praying for you and the difficult situation you've been placed in with your sister. I hope you received good news yesterday when you got the report for the second reading of the scans. As a nurse I'm reminded of the time when I actively worked in a teaching hospital, it was common to say MD doesn't stand for "Medical Deity". We must rest in the Lord and not fully in the medical profession. God is the great physician and my prayer is that He is healing you by providing the best doctors for you and that He will supernaturally heal you. May He bring you great comfort and peace in whatever situation you are placed in. I'm so thankful for all God has done for you and your family this summer - you have a beautiful family! 

    Bev - is that I new picture of you or am I just paying more attention to it now? You are looking great!

    Sharon - I'm praying for you as you have so much to do with work, and getting ready for a future move.

    Nancy - your pictures are wonderful! I'm so glad one got published! Even though they didn't mention what you were doing when you took the swan picture, you may have still touched someone's heart by sharing that. Are you starting to feel better? I'm praying you are. 

    Char - I hope the first day back to work is going well! 

    I'm doing pretty well. I will see my oncologist on Tuesday. It's been almost exactly a year since MO suggested chemo. I was surprised and a little in shock so he gave me Labor Day weekend to decide whether to have chemo or not. Since I'd had double mastectomies and my lymph nodes were clear I assumed that I wouldn't need chemo, so when it was strongly recommended, I knew then that the cancer was more serious than I previously thought. Also, since I didn't feel sick, it was really hard to decide to go through chemo to make myself sick so I could stay healthy. Tomorrow, my husband and I are celebrating out 37th wedding anniversary - it was actually on the 20th but with my husband's work schedule, tomorrow is our first opportunity to spend the day and evening together. Cancer certainly makes you appreciate all the many blessings God gives us! Here are a few pictures of how well our garden is doing - all thanks to God for providing excellent weather and a husband who likes to tend to the garden. 

    love and prayers, Deborah


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi Deborah,

    You pictures look great! Thanks for your nice comments about mine. Great to here from you. Glad to hear that you have been busy and not under the weather.

    Sue, How are you feeling today? Still praying for a quick recovery and that the lymph fluid will evaporate or whatever it does to go away where it is NOT supposed to be.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers. I am finally feeling quite good today for the first time. I am so relieved that maybe this was just a long virus that is over now.

    Have a great day everyone.

