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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Nancy - PTL you are feeling better!

     I called my doctor and I'm going to have my Vit D level checked when I go in next week. Apparently low Vit D can contribute to lots of health problems. I found this link helpful and it seems to confirm some other sites I looked at. Since people are outdoors less and using sunscreen more, Vit D levels have been dropping.  Nancy, I noticed Fibromyalgia was on the list for those who should consider having their Vit D level checked. I thought you might want to know.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Well Deborah,

    I spoke too soon. I bet it wasn't 10 min at the most and I started having the sharpest stomach pains again. I hadn't had it this bad in days. Was it Satan or God preventing me from doing something stupid. I had on my calendar for weeks this outdoor Christian concert tonight in a suburb next door to mine. I was on my way to pick up a salad and come home and put my gluten free dressing on it and go. It was while I was in the car that these pains started. I came home and had a discussion with God. It went something like this. Ok Lord what do you want me to do. I felt the impression what you would tell someone else in your shoes. I thought okay are you crazy for thinking you can go to a concert tonight. I felt the Lord saying you have your answer. So I have been laying down ever since. As I look at the radar storms are about to hit.

    So I think God protected me from myself and from a possible deluge during an outdoor concert in which I was considering taking my new camera( I have only used once) which I hadn't bought a case for yet. At this point I would still appreciate your prayers. I had reintroduced one thing back today and maybe that thing might be the problem or at least adding to the problem. So we'll see.

    I take 7000 units of Vit D and have my levels checked regularly by my alternative doctor.
    I was in the mid 80's the last it was checked which is supposed to be in the level to help fight cancer. So I am good in that department. Thanks for mentioning it though. Many others who read here might benefit from that info.


    Nancy BW

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited August 2014

    Nancy – isn’t it awesome when God gives us the signs and then speaks to us! PTL. Always praying for you.  I never commented on your published photos, Congrats.  Next time the reason will be mentioned as we will be praying that the whole story is told.

    Deborah – congrats on 37 years! Awesome garden and I love fried green tomatoes ;-).

    Sue – how are you doing today.  You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

    My MO just asked me to start taking Vitamin D and a daily multivitamin. I am taking 2000 units ofD.

    No major SEs today, but the 1st round the SEs didn’t hit until day 4 (counting chemo day). I am praying that they are minimal or that God quickly direct my path on which medicines to take to stay ahead and that I be still. I am a mover and sometimes or many times I overdo it when I think I feel good.  Nancy your post encouraged me to be still and listen. With that said I am going to log out and take a nap.

    God Bless Lady Warriors,


  • KateW
    KateW Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2014

    Good evening! I too have had trouble logging on. Scans came back fine. The spot that was thought to be found and new had been seen before but wasn't even enough of a change to specify in the first and second reads. Could be the angle, could be that the lymph node is fighting something off and is slightly enlarged but still not enough to put onto the report. Thank you God and to you all for so many prayers! 


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Deborah, those pictures are great.  So glad you checked in.  Nancy, when it rains it pours.  So sorry that bug is bugging you again.  Angie, I'm so grateful that your SE'S are minimal.  I will pray they never materialize!

    So sorry this will be short but I'm feeling pretty lousy.  I didn't do to badly this morning and thought it would last.  The staff came in at 4:00 a.m. this morning to take vitals and that was it for me.  I couldn't go back to sleep.  As the afternoon wore on, I felt progressively worse.  I got very short of breath and had a lot of leg pain from sitting too much.  They've got an alarm on my bed so I can't stand up to give the leg a break or straighten the covers, etc. I was starting to climb the walls and feeling claustrophobic.  So that's it in a nutshell.  I'm waiting for the x-ray to come in so I have to end this here.  Thanks so much for your prayers.  Hope to have a few answered ones to report on tomorrow.  Blessings.  Sue

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Evening Warriors...

    Sue, I hope all is going well for you today.  I meant to call you but remembered you are 2 hours ahead of me so I blew that plan.  I figured you would be sleeping so didn't want to take the chance you would be awake waiting on your last pills.  Know you are in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day.  I will call you tomorrow.

    Carren good to hear from you.  Sorry to hear of your current issue with LB, does that mean left breast?  Your great attitude will be helpful to the healing.

    Anita hope all is well with you and that the chemo went well with minimal to no se's.

    Char how was your first day back?

    Deborahanne, so I am a bit confused...a year ago they suggested chemo and you are now deciding whether you should do it?  It hasn't happened yet?  Sorry maybe I just missed something.  I actually spoke to my nurse today being as we have been playing phone tag since Tuesday.  She read my CT scan results to me and one of the tumors showed a slight shrinkage and the other stayed stable and the 3rd is still a cyst.  I asked them to check my Vit D level and it is at 43.  I upped my units from 2k to 4k about a month ago  She said that normally should would say for me to lower it and I let her know I have read about it being helpful in bc so I wanted to actually go higher.  So she said to talk about it on the 8th when I meet with my onc to discuss it further.  She said that they normally like to see it in the 20's.  She didn't want to talk much about the Vit D being used to fight cancer.  It will be interesting to hear what they say so I will share the outcome. 

    Nancy sorry to hear your tummy is acting up.  praying for comfort.

    Angie take it easy!

    Kate praise the Lord!

    Well this weekend we were going to go camping but it is supposed to rain tomorrow and Saturday so DH said never we will stay home and do some much needed chores.  Plan a couple of day trips and have some chill time.  It is our 41 year anniversary on the 2nd so we will celebrate by going to a movie or something instead of camping.  I know that once school starts summer starts to slip away so we have to make the most of it.  Also, today marked one year when I was dx...had the oddest feeling about it all.  My world so changed from that day.  I can't believe it has been a year already, its so surreal.  I am so thankful to be working 3 days a week now and working out at curves again and just staying busy and strong...Praise God...He gets all the glory for sure.  Thank you Father God for being with me every day on this journey.

    Well Sister Warriors, have a restful sleep and a blessed day ya all...Lucy




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Angie, thanks for your prayers. You have mine as well. Praying that you will experience NONE of the side effects like your first treatment. My photo will be judged to see who wins the monthly prize. So who knows, maybe the real story will come out. Before being diagnosed I had two very distinct words from the Lord. Just to clarify I am not one of these people who are always hearing messages from the Lord. The first message was "I will never leave you or forsake you." When I got that message I was pretty sure my news was not going to be good. I could feel it in my spirit. The second message I got which was maybe a day later was "Wait and see what I am about to do for you." I can honestly say that God has really shown those words to be from Him. It really has been an amazing journey. I am glad you got from my post to slow down. I am really bad about doing that.

    Deborah, I forgot to say Happy Anniversary.

    Lucy, The fact that your tumor has shrunk even a little is awesome. I am praying that they both tumors shrink to nothing! Happy Anniversary coming up for you too.

    Kate, So glad to hear that your reread of the scan is really nothing. PTL Praying that you and your sister can work things out.

    Char, I hope your first day with students went well and now you can relax into your year. I know the first part of any school year is certainly not relaxing so maybe I should use a better word and say enveloped in His peace.

    Sue, I am so sorry to hear you have had a rough day. I just had this feeling that this might be happening today. With any surgery there can be good and bad days and I am praying that tomorrow you will feel much better and hopefully you can get up and walk as much as you can and as much as they allow you too. Feeling claustrophobic is horrible. I am praying that your breathing and your leg pain will be much improved and that you can sleep. Hang in there dear one.

    I hope everyone else is doing well. Good night all.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    Thank you, Lord, 

    Chemo went well. This is significant since I had dropped the steroid pre med, useful for nausea prevention , also gives me a couple days do relief in the bone pain department. But I am concerned about swelling all over and looking for ways to help. Next week I start water therapy!

    God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for...air conditioning, healing, our food, etc.


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Lucy - I did have chemo. It's was a year ago it was recommended and I took the Labor Day weekend to pray about going through with it. In many ways God graciously guided me to go ahead and have the chemo. Thanks for sharing the Vit D info. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! 

    Nancy - I hope and pray you feel better today! Thanks for sharing the Vit D info. 

    Sue - I'm praying today will be a much better day for you!!!!!

    Anita - So glad the chemo infusion went well - will continue to keep you in my prayers. 

    Kate - Praising God for your good news! 

    Angie - I'm praying for you are you go through this round of chemo. Thanks for sharing your Vit D info. 

    Love and prayers for you all! Deborah

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    As I'm waiting for my husband to come home from work so we can go out to celebrate a day together, I noticed that my daughter wrote on her blog for the first time in over a year. Excitedly, I started reading because I'm her mom, then I was surprised that the topic moved quickly to me, cancer, and God. I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised, but thankful that my experience has touched her life and others. We all are doing that everyday as we are a living sacrifice for His glory, a light in the darkness of this world, bringing hope to those lost and struggling.

    If you need some extra encouragement, her writing may bring that to you. The title of the blog posting is "God is Greater Than Our Struggle".


    May God bless you all!


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014


    Praise The Lord you raised this one right. She knows and loves and shares her savior.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Deborah, You must be so proud of your daughter. I read the blog and she chose one of my favorite Psalms. My Dad had cancer and I know how it affected our whole family so I can appreciate what your daughter has gone through with your dx. She also picked one of my favorite songs that I hear on the Christian radio station that I listen to. In fact I was just listening to another version of that song on youtube last week where they were ministering in front of a big congregation and there were points where the whole auditorium was singing and it was so beautiful. I had never heard this acoustic guitar version before. That was a beautiful way of your daughter honoring you and how you have obviously been a shining witness to those around you. We all know you do that here on the forum as well!  I hope you are enjoying your anniversary time with your husband.

    I was able to keep a couple of apts today. I can't say I am feeling great tonight but better than last night. I did drop in to talk to the pharmacist regarding the Anastrozole. He said it is working completely within a week so the fact that I didn't have these stomach pains and diarrhea until three weeks after starting it might be a good sign that it is NOT the drug causing this. This man is so nice. He had spent a long time with me a few weeks ago when I was trying to figure out my supplements interacting with the AI. He told me he would even call some of the people he knew who were on it about the same time I have been on the drug and get back to me regarding their side effects if any. Of course I have read on the Arimidex thread and if you want to depress yourself that would be a good way to do it by reading too much on there.

    So in the mean time I keep tweaking my diet and seeing if I can tell what might be contributing to this GI distress. Have a wonderful weekend. I notice you hair is really growing out. That has to feel good.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Sue, I sure hope that today was a better day for you. Are you going to get to go home on Saturday. That is just tomorrow! I sure hope you can get home to your own bed and your own surroundings. I continue to pray for you and think of you often. Hang in there dear one.

    Anita, I am praying that you will have NO SE from your lastest chemo.

    Angie, Praying that no matter what day it is that you will NOT have any bad side effects like your first round of chemo.

    Bev, Have you had any more infusions lately? I think you were having them every three weeks. Hope you are doing well.

    Char, You made it through your first week and are now rewarded with a three day weekend. Yeah. Enjoy it.

    Lucy, Hope you are enjoying your weekend and your upcoming anniversary.

    Sharon, Any firm contracts on your house at this point?

    I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Evening Lady Warriors,

    NEWS FLASH...Sue update:  I just got off the phone with her about 15 min ago and I wasn't sure I would call as it was kind of late but my heart tugged at me so I just did.  Well come to find out it was God doing the tugging.  Sue had a rough day today and after about an hour of yakking she said her spirits were lifted and it was what she needed...Praise God...I am glad I was obedient. She is struggling not being able to move and her leg is still hurting.  Breathing is short and not much of an appetite but trying to get some things down.  Wants to be moving more so maybe tomorrow they will let her.  Today they took xrays and there is no fluid so the surgery is working...Thank you Lord God, for answering all of our prayers.  I asked her to call me anytime when she needed to just talk as sometimes that is all you need.  Her pastor was by to see her so that was nice.  I asked her if she would have help when she got home and she has some folks but not many so I asked her to ask her pastor to see if he can ask some of the congregation to help her with meals.  This is the time to do that and it will be nice to not have to worry about standing and cooking for a few weeks until she gets stronger.  She also wanted me to post that Colorado State won so she was excited about that...woo hoo!  Also, she may not be able to go home tomorrow but maybe on Sunday.  I have to say, every time I talk with Sue I learn so much about her and I am even in more awe of who she is.  Sue, I really hope we can meet some day soon as that would be a real blessing to me.  You are so strong and such an inspiration every time we chat.  I treasure that thank you!

    Anita YAY...glad you had a good chemo day!

    Everyone have a blessed rest of the night and chat more tomorrow...Lucy

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2014

    Lucy - Thanks so much for the update! It's such a blessing to be lead to call someone in need. I'm so thankful to God that He has given you and Sue this relationship for both of you and us! 

    Sue - I'm continuing to pray for you, continued successful surgery, comfort, and provision for you when you get home - meals, grocery shopping, anything that will encourage you and help you to recover well! 

    Anita and Nancy - thank you for your kind encouraging words regarding my daughter. I'm so thankful God has saved 3 of my 4 children and they are all active in ministry. I'm still praying for my other son's salvation as well as for his wife. Also praying for my husband's salvation. 

    Nancy - I'm thankful to God for providing such a wonderful pharmacist! Keep us posted on anything you learn for it might help us. That's also great that the Anastrozole is probably not the cause of your stomach problems. I was wondering if anyone has considered your gall bladder being the cause of your GI discomfort. Of course since I don't know all your symptoms - I'm really guessing here. Regarding the "Oceans" song, I like the Hillsong version also. I could spend hours just watching and listening to wonderful Christian music on youtube. I especially like Kari Jobe. My hair has really grown out, it's now 4 inches long on the sides and back, and little shorter on top. I'm embracing the curl which makes it look a lot shorter but I'm liking it most of the time. On some days, I'm tempted to cut it but I'm trying to hold off until January. It's an adventure since each month it looks a little different.

    My husband and I had a wonderful time in the Historic part of Lexington. It gave some much needed time to relax, talk, walk around, and enjoy good food! 

    Blessings and prayers to you all!


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2014

    Hello women of Faith,

    Thanks for the prayers as I started back to school this week. After putting in about 35 extra hours this week the weekend is here and I survived another school opening. Not being able to be in the building to set up before school rolled was tough and we are going to be under renovations for the next two years so it will be a repeat of this year. It was hard this year because I have a brand new team mate to help get ready and help through the year. He has said twice to me that he just wants to have a job next year and I told him that perhaps he should get through this year and worry about that when next year rolls around. He is very loud and as the day went along he was drowning my side of the room out with his shouting. We shall talk. My teaching schedule is a mess. My boss is going to try to fix it. I really don't see how so I will be teaching every Thursday and Friday all day with no breaks or planning times and  will only have my 30 mins for lunch. Forget lunch...I will be setting up for afternoon Well it will be a real stamina test. But I have a job and I am hearing that my district is talking about offering another incentive to get those of us at the top of the pay scale to retire. So I shall see if it is something God wants for me....but if I am going out in two years and if they will pay more to get me out, well all the better to go out with some extra money. Aside from that my first two days were busy, busy, busy. And I managed to get up and run 3.5 miles this morning.

    Deborahanne: What a wonderful blog entry by your daughter. It just proves even more that we are here to give testament to how Great a God we have and we are here so that others may witness that. You have been such a wonderful example of this throughout this bump in your journey through life.

    Lucy: congrats early on your upcoming anniversary and PTL on your scans. I am so glad they continue to go in the right direction.

    Kate: I am glad to here they are not concerned about your scans...I would be jumping up and down and doing the Happy Dance. I hope things have calmed down with the issue with your sister and the two of you are able to resolve everything.

    Anita: Will continue to pray for you and issues with swelling but glad your chemo went fine.

    Nancy: Hope you are feeling better these days

    Sue: I am praying that things are going better today and that you are getting some relief. Also praying that you are not bed bound and able to get up again. Hang in there girl.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Those who no longer write but check in from time to time. Sharon...praying for your house to sell with a great offer. 

    Bev: Miss you dear sister. I know you are out there volunteering up a storm. How is the car search going?

    To Becky Mini, Angie, Carren, Debbie and others...praying all of you are doing fine and that God is meeting your needs.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Afternoon Ladies,

    Just spoke to Sue and she is having a better day...PTL!!! She slept pretty good and had a visitor. She has been up walking a couple of times. Breath is short but managing. Doc popped in and stated the lung is still draining which is what they want...success!!! After chatting with the doc she may not be released till Monday. She is resting and taking advantage of the care. She has a shot that is being administered at 10:00pm by a not so pleasant nurse and it is a painful shot as it is. If you can, please send up some SOS prayers for that to go smoothly tonight and for another restful sleep. 

    Well we decided not to go camping as DH was not feeling up to it and it was going to rain. So I have been doing a lot of house chores, you know the ones you keep putting off like mopping and dusting. Those are the two I care for the least. Also made several dishes for the week like beans, lentils, brown rice, and steel cut oats with raisins and walnuts. I should be set for the week. I put in a ham bone I had in the freezer in the bean pot so they are smelling pretty good. 

    Plan on going to the movies with my BFF and DH tonight so that should be fun. 

    Have a blessed day Warriors...loves...Lucy 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014


    We love the steel cut oats!

    Miles of love,


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies.  This is going to be short unfortunately.  Lucy has done a good job giving you a summary (Thank you Lucy!)  and it's nice to have the help.

    I'd like to ask for prayer for the pain.  I think I've figured out it's the lymphedema pain and it had me in tears tonight.  With not being able to move around much, my legs are really swollen.  I did a little manual lymphedema drainage and it did take off some of the pressure but unfortunately not near enough.

    Let's just keep on praying that every thing else continues to improve and this pain just goes away!

    Thank you all and blessings.  Sue

  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2014

    new to this site.  Very encouraging blogs...yes ou Lord is merciful and compassionate...

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2014

    Morning Warriors,

    I couldn't sleep which is not normal for me been up off and on since 1:00am. So I check the board and see that our sister Sue is having a need for prayer. Sue I am so sorry you are having this pain in your legs. I will be praying throughout the day for you, please take comfort in that as I am sure all of our warriors will be praying as well.

    Valsa, welcome to our board. Our desire is to encourage and support our sisters in Christ with prayer when they are in need. Having this board to share our thoughts, struggles and needs as well as information is so helpful. We also like to just share what's new in our daily lives so as to get to know more about one another. There have been a few who have had the pleasure of spending time together during vacation which is such a blessing. Hope you come back and visit more often and find that you can get out of this board what we all do. 

    Well going to try and get back to sleep as I pray for our warrior Sue. Blessings...Lucy. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2014

    Ahhhh, Sue,

    Can we anoint you through the net? May the life-giving blood of the powerful  risen Lamb of God cover you with healing merciful grace, evidenced by both pain and swelling leaving now. In Jesus' name.

    Miles of love,


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    Happy Labor Day and blessings on this Lord's day to all!  Lucy, thanks so much for keeping us updated on Sue and Sue, you're in all of our prayers this week.  You both have been such a blessing and inspiration to me. Sue, I'll be praying for the pain and that you'll be able to get home soon - and Anita, I join you in your prayer! I'm glad your pastor was able to encourage you and hopefully you'll get lots of support from others at church.

    Char, so good to hear that the first week of school went well - and it's certainly interesting that God may have different plans about timing of your retirement....those bureaucracies and administrators make things interesting sometimes.

    I know Sharon is still waiting to see what's happening with her house - two prospective buyers have seen it and been very interested but they're waiting (and praying!) for an offer. It's that old waiting for God's perfect timing thing....

    Deborah, so glad to see you back again. I'm still figuring that we'll get together later this year - if/when you make it west.

    Valsa, so glad you found us.Where are you in your treatment? The ladies on this board kind of cover the whole range of the BC journey.  I finished my treatment in May and started arimidex on June 1. Reconstruction will be later this year....unless God shows me He has a different plan, of course.

    This has been a quiet weekend so far for me (read that no rain, despite 70% chances for the past few days - Galveston Island to the southeast has gotten inches of rain almost every day and up here northwest of Houston, we're still praying for a little of it).  I've been wrestling with some emotions the past couple of days and (as my wise friend at church always tells folks, "Stop focusing on what's happening and try to see what God is trying to teach you.") I think God is trying to show me I need to wait and pray....and stop trying to FIX everything - because sometimes it's not in my power.  I'm repeating Romans 8:28 over and over again.....this sure doesn't seem good but I just know and have to trust that God is going to use it for good!

    Enjoy the holiday - hope we all get lots of kisses from God.

    love y'all - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited August 2014

    Hi everyone,

    Valsa, welcome. Feel free to jump in any time. This is a wonderfully supportive place to pray for others and ask prayers from other sisters and to share in general.

    Bev, I will be praying for you for peace and direction. You have been a wonderful encourager here.

    Lucy, Can you send some of that cooking my way please? Sounds delicious.

    Char, I remember the schedules and all of that beginning of the year stuff. You should not have to put up with a schedule with no breaks and no time for lunch. I hope they can tweak this or do something. I was drowning in students a couple years and they hired some extra help for me. I remember the art, music and P.E. teachers having to do and redo and redo again the schedule before it would finally work for everyone. Hopefully that will happen for you.

    Anita and Angie, I hope you are both doing well after your treatments with NO side effects.

    Sharon, Praying for patience and trust in the waiting for a contract on your home.

    Deborah, I heard Taya Smith being interviewed last night on Hillsong tv. She is the lead singer of Oceans. I think the Lord wanted me to be immersed with that song the last few days. I don't believe in all of these coincidences being random. Hope you had a good anniversary day with DH.

    Sue, I am fervently praying for your pain. I pray that they will let you get up and walk more today which hopefully will help that fluid move. Lord Jesus, we ask that you lay a healing hand on Sue and take away this lymphedema pain. We ask that you envelope Sue with your loving arms of peace and comfort. We pray that her lung surgery was a success and we pray for her lungs to be clear and stay clear of fluid. We thank you for her life of ministry and we pray all of this in your name. Amen!

    I would appreciated continued prayers. I am still experiencing stomach pains. Even drinking cold water makes my stomach go into spasms. I slept for many hours last night and I had quite a bit of pain on my right side. Appendix issues? This is the third Sunday I have missed church. I will see my doctor again next Monday. I don't see a lot of improvement at this point. Didn't feel well all day yesterday.

    Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. Bless you all.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2014

    oh, Nancy - how rotten (and sneaky) of Satan to make you feel lousy every weekend so that you're not able to get to church. I'll be praying that you feel much better soon. Is there any way you can check in with the doctor sooner than next week? Thanks for the prayers for me - I feel them!

    love, Bev

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Evening all.

    Nancy I agree with Bev.  You'll have to listen to the worship broadcasts online.  Make sure you crank up the music since he hates the sound of praise and worship.  Any chance you can get in to see your doc sooner?  A week seems like a long time to go when you've already gone a month.

    Anita, thank you for the prayers.  We have so much in common with the pain, I know you can relate.

    Valsa, welcome aboard.  I know you'll find a place of belonging here in short order.  There are no strangers in the Kingdom.  Let us know you're story.

    As for me the day has been up and down.  I didn't get much sleep last night so I was pretty tired this morning.  I skipped the walks and took naps instead.  I did much better in the afternoon with he walks and getting caught up.  The doc said my x-rays looked really good and kept asking me if my swelling has gone down which it hadn't.  It made me wonder if he thought the surgery would help the lymphedema to subside. I took a few extra pain pills this afternoon an had a lot more energy.  Hmmmm.  May have to re-think the pain pills.  I hate to go back on them since I worked hard to get off of them.   No real hurry to get out of here.  Just want to be healed before going home where I don't have much help.

    Hope all is well ladies.  Will check back in when I can.  Blessings.  Sue

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014


    I am glad to hear that you were able to get some walks in this afternoon. I am glad the extra pain meds helped you but I hear you about the challenge of getting off them. They are strong stuff. I have prayed for you a lot today for the pain and am glad you did get to rest this morning after not sleeping well. I am so glad that there is evidence that the surgery did what it was supposed to. That is a huge answer to prayer. We just now need to pray this swelling away. I hear you about the need to sleep. I am finding a big correlation to the few nights that I have had good sleep and I feel the next day. It really has a huge impact on my stomach issues. I slept for hours last night. I told the Lord if He wanted me in church today I needed to get a good night's sleep and feel better when I got up. I think I must have needed the sleep because I don't even remember the alarm going off and I know I set it. I was finishing breakfast at 3pm today. Yes, it has been crazy to say the least. I was discouraged yesterday because from the time I got up till going to bed I felt like my colon was inflamed. I do have a history of colon problems and have been through a lot in the past with it but it has been under control for many years. I have gone through periods where something set it off and it took months to settle down and that is what yesterday felt like. However today it is much better so prayers are being answered. I see a gastroenterologist and have to do colonoscopies and upper endoscopies every five years since they found a pre cancerous polyp in my colon and polys in my stomach. I just had a colonoscopy last summer and it was clear so hopefully I won't have to do those tests for a while. My primary doctor who I saw last Monday has a really good sense of diagnosing and he has good instincts as far as my histroy with him. I think he felt that this would resolve within two weeks or if it was the cancer drug it would give my body a chance to adapt. It still could resolve and I will see how I am feeling tomorrow. Since it is a short week anyway I might have trouble getting in with him unless it was an emergency. I looked up about appendix and I don't think it is that from the way they describe the pain. I have a feeling I will be collecting stool samples. He said last week you really don't want to collect stool samples. Well at this point I would stand on my head and whistle Dixie if I thought we could get to the bottom of this! I am sure Satan would love to take the victory away from me as far as my cancer journey and the positive witness it has had on my friends and coworkers who may not be Christians. I haven't been able to exercise for quite a long time now and I am feeling very lethargic so that doesn't help things. I have my tv on one of the Christian music channels now. Yes, Satan hates praises to Jesus. I had to water my flowers and it was dark outside when I was doing that tonight. I walked up and down my sidewalk just praising the Lord as I got a little exercise along the way. One of my times with the Lord a few days ago was from Ephesians. Putting the whole armor of God on. Yes, I am in a battle and I am going to win because the LORD IS ON MY SIDE. Sue we are both going to proclaim NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER.  This phrase can be for all of us actually.

    Bev, I have lifted you up several times in prayer today. I hope you had a good day and felt more peace.

    Have a wonderful Holiday tomorrow everyone. Sue I think it is wise to stay in the hospital as long as you can. 

    I hope everyone has a restful night tonight and good sleep.

    Love you all,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    Just stopping by to say hello to my sisters. Thinking about your all, and wishing you many blessings!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Stopping in to say Blessings and hello to my sisters in Christ.  I am thinking and continued prayer for each of you on your specific needs that are communicated via this board or that the Lord just lays on my heart to pray for each of you. 

    Minimal SEs this time around mosly fatigue and just feeling lethargic and a little nausea but not as bad as the last round.   God is good and praying for a quick return of energy and that SEs stay behind 

     Psalm 46:1-2 & 10-11 was droppedi n my heart today.   

    Psalm:  46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

    2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

    3 10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

    11 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

    Blessings to each of you!

    - Angie

  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2014

    Dear sisters

    Waiting is one of the most difficult and treacherous tasks for a believer.

    Today I was thinking about all the times I had to wait recently...waiting for biopsy result, waiting for CT scan result, waiting for surgeon's decision, waiting for oncologists's recommendation.....and so it goes.

    So here is an excerpt from my daily bible walk..

    Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. —Psalm 33:20

    Waiting is hard at any time; but when days, weeks, or even months pass and our prayers seem to go unanswered, it’s easy to feel God has forgotten us. Perhaps we can struggle through the day with its distractions, but at night it’s doubly difficult to deal with our anxious thoughts. Worries loom large, and the dark hours seem endless. Utter weariness makes it look impossible to face the new day.

    The psalmist grew weary as he waited (Ps. 13:1). He felt abandoned—as if his enemies were gaining the upper hand (v.2). When we’re waiting for God to resolve a difficult situation or to answer often-repeated prayers, it’s easy to get discouraged.

    Satan whispers that God has forgotten us, and that things will never change. We may be tempted to give in to despair. Why bother to read the Bible or to pray? Why make the effort to worship with fellow believers in Christ? But we need our spiritual lifelines most when we’re waiting. They help to hold us steady in the flow of God’s love and to become sensitive to His Spirit.

    The psalmist had a remedy. He focused on all that he knew of God’s love, reminding himself of past blessings and deliberately praising God, who would not forget him. So can we.

    Lover of my soul, who draws close

    in the darkest and longest night, please

    keep me trusting You, talking to You,

    and leaning on Your promises.

    God is worth waiting for; His time is always best.


    All believers go through times of frustration due to unanswered prayer. Yet the Scriptures provide hope for this apparent dilemma. Psalm 13 illustrates the release that grows out of praying through a problem. David asks God four times “how long” he must wait to get an answer to prayer (vv.1-2). Eventually he understands that his perspective has not been a divine one. He then asks God to “give light to my eyes” so that he can have the strength to endure opposition (vv.3-4). David redirects his heart to trust in God’s unfailing mercy. The Hebrew word for “mercy” here is hesed, which connotes enduring, unfailing, and gracious care. With a new perspective, David now sings of God’s goodness with petitions of praise (vv.5-6).

    Some info

    I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I have had two mastectomies in two years..I will be 70 thus December, married, two children, son 40 and daughter 38. Very supportive family..praise to Him!

    Good night all..God be with each of us.