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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    I am a newbie,71 yrs young, diagnosed in July, lumpectomy and sentinel node biop on 8/11.  Seeing the chemo doc for the first time today.  I am asking for prayer as I am going thru a lot of fear and doubt about my Jesus.  Attack is spiritual, especially at night.  I am stage 2-3 grade 3 and am also afraid of a possible metastisis.  Was treated for anal cancer back in '08 and am a 5yr survivor of that.  Now am having another adventure on the cancer planet. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Anita - nice prayer for Sue so meaningful.  How are you feeling?  Hope the se's have been minimal through the past few days.

    Ben - praying you are winning the wrestling going on with your emotions.  We all have those times and I know I have them plenty.  I always bring myself back to center and praise and worship our Lord God.  He is always there and doesn't leave me.  I like that statement your church friend told you.  I had to save it to use it when I am having my moments.

    Nancy - praying for your stomach relief.  Hope you can get in soon to see your MO, be insistent and get in.  Your statement about wearing the armor has been my mantra from the start of my journey, Ephesians 6 came to my mind a year ago and I actually have it on my cover page on facebook.  You are welcome to pop in and see it. 

    Sue - I know you are hesitant about the pain meds but it is for short time and you want to be able to get around better and it will help in your healing.  I am so glad you have embraced staying in the hospital as long as you can and get the help support you need to help you get stronger for when you are home.  Did you talk with your pastor about having some of the women help with meals?  Even if it is small meals that you can pick at would be nice.  I am sure they would love to help you out.

    Mini - Thanks for checking in, stay well...blessings.

    Angie - praying the fatigue is short lived and you gain strength quickly...blessings.

    Valsa - we can all relate on the waiting for sure.  God's message to me at the start of my journey was "Trust & Believe!"  It wasn't until I really truly did that did I begin to feel the peace overcome my body, mind and soul.  It can be difficult but as Bev mentioned: The Lord is on our side, we are going to weapon formed against us shall prosper...In Jesus Mighty Name...AMEN!!!  This is so powerful when you really read understand and believe the words and His Word!  Thanks for sharing the words of Psalms, they are always comforting.

    Zrosentral - Welcome!  Sorry you had to join us but so glad you found us. Adding you to our prayers.  You will find this board and the many Women Warriors a blessing in so many ways.

    Praying you all have a blessed evening and restful sleep and a week with little to no se's anxious moments or fear.  Blessings Abundant and take comfort in knowing we are praying throughout the day for all of us on this board.  Good night...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014


  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2014

    take heart dear one! The Lord your Maker is always with you. Dwell only on His words and fight fear with them.

     “Do not worry about a bridge until you come to it.” Deal with problems as they come. Don’t imagine all the possible things that might happen. Only some of them will. You’ll waste time and energy worrying about all the possibilities. Deal with what’s in front of you now.

    Even when things seem truly awful — when chemo or some other treatment is making me miserable or I’m nervously awaiting a crucial test result — I try to find at least one thing each day that gives me joy. Whether we have cancer or are in remission, we’re all fighting for our lives. Don’t forget why life is worth the fight. Life is always a tangle of good and bad. When things are bad, don’t forget to notice the good, too: It can be something as small as fragrant rose, a warm bath, a beautiful cloud formation. When you see it, grab on and savor the moment. I try to accept that there are no guarantees. The docs make their best guesses about which treatment is best for my cancer, and I just have to hope that they make the right judgment call. I try to accept that sometimes things just don’t make sense. Like I said before, life is so much bigger than you or me. Who knows why we got cancer? Who knows why one treatment works and another does not? These are mysteries that may never be explained. But even as scary and big and complicated and unpredictable as life is, I still think it’s worth the fight.
  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Hi all,

    I'm going to have to make this really short and finish up later.  It looks like I may be going home this afternoon.  I'm ready.  The downside is that I had a great deal of swelling in the night including my one last good arm.  I'm just devastated.  Come on God!  Let's get this fixed!

    Valsa, what a wonderful post.  Thank you for being such an encouragement.

    Welcome ZJ.  I think we can all relate to those spiritual attacks in the night.  Mine hit hard.  Guess I must be a threat or Satan would leave me alone, lol.

    I'll touch bases later today when have more info and more energy.  Blessings all.  Sue

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    Sorry I haven't been on the boards recently but I was not very well.  I have finally finished my 18 straight weeks of chemo, and am wondering if I will ever be normal again!  My body feels as though I have borrowed it from somebody else, someone who didn't take much care of it.  I was so pleased to be through the chemo last week that I wasn't very alert, and didn't catch on at first that there was probably a good reason why, when I put rubber gloves on to do the washing up, they felt tight on my right hand.  Yes, I have managed to give myself lymphedema, probably through the infection I had on my fingernails as a result of all the chemo.  I want to turn back time and take more care of my nails, I am so unbelievably angry at myself that this has happened because I know I am stuck with it forever now.  I have an appointment with the physiotherapist at our local cancer centre tomorrow and am hoping that it hasn't gone too far, as I understand that if you catch it in the early days before the swelling becomes firm then you may have a better chance of controlling it than otherwise.

    Welcome to all the new ladies who have joined in the last few weeks.  Valsa, your post above really speaks to me, I am currently on lots of antibiotics because I have just come down with so many infections recently, and I have already written my future off and expected the worst.  When cancer metastasizes it is so easy to read every ache and pain as being caused by the cancer.   I have to remind myself of what my pastor said last year when it was discovered that the cancer had reappeared and moved into my bones.  I thought it would make things easier for me if I decided to give up on life, and just concentrate on Heaven.  He told me that Jesus will take me when He is good and ready for me and not before.  At the time I accepted it, but my imagination has run away with me recently and I have to pour all my thoughts into Him and not my situation.

    Sue, I am sorry to hear that you are going through the mill right now.  As you say, Satan must be really worried about you to make you suffer in this way.  You probably don't realise it but your attitude is marvellous, and the fact that you don't give up is very encouraging to the rest of us.  I will be praying for you, as will the other ladies on this thread.

    Bye and blessings, Debbie

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014


    Have you had iv's going? I freaked out about swelling, shortness of breath after being hospitalized with cellulitis, which required iv fluids. I don't know if this applies to you, praying for you, 

    Miles do love,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014


    I hope by the time you see this that you are resting comfortably at home. I just feel that words fall flat right now trying to say anything that will help. I just feel like sometimes we don't need a sermon or a Bible verse. Sometimes we just need to quietly hold your hand in silence. Just to be there for you and not say a word. I am holding your hand now across the many miles. I am not saying anything but just being there for you. I love you and am concerned about you.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I totally agree with Nancy right now.  I am at the office and just felt the urge to check the board for updates.  My heart hurts right now and I am sending silent prayers to you and just holding you close.  I am so thankful for our technology so we can have this connection with everyone.

    Side note; I am going to the monthly bc support group meeting tomorrow night and they have a speaker coming and she is talking about lymphodema so I hope there are some things I can share with you. 

    Valsa, your posting is very true and thank you for that.  I agree that you need to hang on to the positive things every day, I referred to them as the silver linings of my journey.  Some days those silver linings were pretty small but they meant a lot.  Recently I went to a couple of other boards for TNBC to see what other support might be there and I have to say I was pretty upset and a little depressed after viewing a few postings.  They were supportive but there just seemed to be a lot of doon and gloom and I just don't need that.  So I have decided to not visit there anymore and stay put with these wonderful Women Warriors.

    Debbie - great to hear from you.  We have all wondered how you were but have kept you in our thoughts and prayers.  Were you just on the Taxol or were there other drugs administered?  I am just looking at your profile to see it just said Taxol.  Sorry to hear of the lymphodema, and this started with an infection?  It sounds like you had a rough few months.  I know when I was on the Abraxane for 6 months my fingers took a beating and especially one got to the point it oozed.  But they had me soak it some type of powder I mixed in water (forgot the name of it) but it dried it up pretty quickly.  Just 2 weeks ago that finger finally looks normal and all my fingers have healed.  However I don't think my finger prints are ever going to be the same as the tips constantly look like raisens, kind of like when you have been in the water for a long time.  It's very odd and I still have a runny nose from it too and if I don't take claritin it is worse.  Not sure how long that is going to last but daily reminders of my journey.

    Anita - Hope you are doing well.

    So back to work soon...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Welcome to ZJ. I pray that the Lord will show Himself strong to you and in a very real way. God will never leave us or forsake us. I can only imagine having another cancer to deal with was a very hard pill to swallow. God has a plan for each of our lives and we certainly know that He works in mysterious ways and it seems never the way we had envisioned. That is why He is God and we are not. Surrendering all to the Lord is one of the most difficult things we are asked to do as Christians. It is that old dying to self that is hard because our flesh cries and screams to be in control. I believe that you will be given the grace and courage and strength to deal with this trial and that God will see you through it all. When all else fails, stand.

    Mini it was good to hear from you. How about that start up business? Are you still thinking about it?

    Valsa, your posts are inspiring. Yes, many times things just don't make sense. I know it all boils down to simply trusting God. I know there are times that seems so easy and yet many times it is so hard.

    Debbie, I am finally now connecting who Debbie is. I don't think we have met or if we have I apologize. I do remember reading one of your posts because I remember you talking about how chemo is dispensed differently in Ireland. I can't imagine that many weeks of chemo. I can't imagine chemo at all because I have never had it. I marvel at all of you who have had the strength to go through it all. I am very sorry to hear of your situation. I pray that God will allow you to cherish every moment that you have and that He prepares you for what is to come.

    Angie, I am so glad that this time around you didn't have such awful side effects. God is our refuge and strength, a vey present help in trouble indeed. Praying for the nausea and the fatigue to improve.

    Anita, are you still doing okay after your chemo? Praying for you.

    Lucy,Deborah, Bev, Char, Sharon, I hope you all had a good Labor Day. Still praying for all of you.


    I had a very bad night last night. I was up for a good part of it with terrible stomach pains. I am seeing my doctor again tomorrow. Please pray for wisdom for him. I know there are different routes he can go. I know he wants to deal with me first before my oncologist but if by the time I see him tomorrow I have not improved then I will push for seeing the oncologist possibly before going down a path of no return on a bunch of tests and possibly finding nothing. It seems to me I could stop the cancer drug for a while and see if my symptoms improve. To me that sounds like the logical thing to do at this point. Yesterday I had decided I was going to go do something no matter what. I took my new camera and took a bunch  more pics of the swans. The babies had grown so much. I even walked a little last night. This all seems so unpredictable. It is very strange. I feel much better now than I did last night. Go figure! Thanks for your prayers and I would ask for them to continue.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I am in agreement with Nancy and Lucy right now.  Coming onto the boards to see how you are doing!  I reach out with my heart, a hug, a quietness and just know that I am holding your hand right now.  I am also thankful for  technology that allows us to connect to those we may not ever have known otherwise, but now touch our lives in such an awesome and impactful way!

    Nancy praying for your doctor's visit and guidance and direction on treatment.

    Lucy, Bev, Char, Anita, and others hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend :-). I missed the sales. LoL.

    Lucy I agree I don't frequent some of the threads here due to the "doom" and "gloom".   I know we have a fight but I also know who my Heavenly Father is and refuse to lot Satan run amok in my mind.   My husband read a few and it really didn't settle with his spirit.  He loves this thread and a few other's that I use for prayer and just posting grateful sayings.  They are frequented by an awesome Sister in Christ Footprintsangel and are spiritual and prayer focused.  I also host the August Chemo Thread and try to keep that as positive as possible and the ladies are wonderful and stay positive.  The July Chemo thread is awesome and hosted by a very awesome sister Mags!  She really mother's us even in her time of need.  I feel it when her and another sister Coyote give us inspiration or positives in what we are going through.  We do have to watch what we take in that is why I love this thread an the others that I mentioned above!

    Blessings Sister Warriors!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    I saw the chemo doc for the first time today.   I really like her.  She is brilliant but very warm and human.  My mamo came back negative.  No cancer cells!  \o/  Since I have been having hip pain, she decided to do a bone and a cat scan.  I get results on Thurs.  If negative, I start chemo Monday.  If the cancer has spread according to her it is not curable.  Of course that is leaving Jesus, my great physician out of the equation.  Scary stuff, please pray for me.  Love, Jean

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    hi everybody,

    I am in bed with ice on different parts of my body right now took a little tumble in my bedroom where there's really not that much room to move around with my walker. I don't think I really damage to myself but it won't show up for a while, will it?

    I had my first water therapy class today. It was really good in that I felt so light almost weightless. Am scheduled twice a week right now.

    Chemo Wednesday is upon me. My girlfriend will take me this time, while my DH studies his algebra. That is, if he is not too beat. After working on the car and totally picking me up off the floor. God is so good to me.  I have never broken a bone with these falls. I am so glad for His love.

    Love across the miles,


  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2014

    Anita..hope the ice therapy helps...

    Today I have been singing All the way my saviour leads me..old but precious hymn.." And I know whatever befalls me, He will be at my side'

    Love to all you lovely people..raining here in Calgary

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Good morning, sisters in Christ. I haven't posted here in a while, but I read everything. Debbie, was it you on the previous page talking about the silver linings to this journey? It inspired me to share the silver lining of my day yesterday. 

    It was my 4th chemo round of 6, so 2/3 done. But that wasn't the high point. Got my labs done & went to see the MO. Let me tell you a bit about him and how I came to him. I have a friend from church, known her & her husband many years -15 or so, her husband is an ob/gyn, and she is his nurse. Several years ago, the lady who was my mentor and best friend and also mutual friends with the other lady, was dxed with BC, and the doc & his wife took such great care of her that she survived a pretty serious tx protocol and lived another ten years. So when I found the lump, I called my nurse friend. She went with me to the mammogram and u/s and saw what was on the screen and then took me out to lunch (it was my 63rd birthday) and laid out what to expect. She went with me to the biopsy too. And it was she who called me with the dx since I put her DH as my physician of record. She found me a surgeon and her DH scrubbed in on my BMX. And she hooked me up with my oncologist, who she and her DH are close friends with. He usually books a month out, but he got me in late on the Friday afternoon before my surgery to discuss the pathology and my options. I know my friend had to be pulling strings, because he is the best oncologist in town by reputation. And he's a really super guy and a Christian. 

    So when I see him, he always asks about not only my physical health but also my mental and spiritual health. I am honest with him, that I've been struggling with it, I don't do the basic disciplines that I know to do, and beat myself up about it. He asked if there was any way he could help. I said, my friend said you'd pray with me. So he did. But first he told me that he'd been going through some stress that had raised his blood pressure enough to require medication. Then he started doing a meditation on the 23rd psalm. He takes just one line of it each day and meditates on its meaning to him that day. He's not been brave enough to stop the BP meds but he definitely feels the drop in the stress level. Then he took both my hands in his and prayed fervently for quite a while, I was in tears. Then he gave me a big hug and I went off to the infusion clinic. 

    Long story, but I hope it blesses you. Silver linings, indeed.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I need to make this short as I need to get ready for my doctor's apt soon. Sue, I continue to intercede in your behalf. I pray that you are resting comfortably at home. I am praying that you will have relief from pain. I imagine that you are discouraged and it is very hard not to feel that way when things come at you relentlessly. I do know that there are many here that are praying for you and lifting you up to the Lord. We all love and care about you. You will get through this! Hang on. Jesus is sitting right there by your side. Tell Him how you feel and listen to what He says. He loves you so much.

    Anita, I am sorry to hear of your fall but glad you did not break anything. Your water class sounds great. I hope to get back to my lap swimming as soon as I can. Praying for you chemo today.

    Angie, I am glad you are hosting the August chemo thread. I am sure you will be an inspiration to the ladies.

    Mags, So glad to hear from you. I have prayed for the July chemo ladies many, many times and am glad to hear what an inspiration you are to them. It sounds like you are in great hands with your doctor. How awesome is that!

    Valsa, Those hymns are precious. Keep singing. I think maybe I can hear you from up north!!!!!!

    Zj, I hope you can start on chemo and that there is no other cancer. So glad you like your MO. That is a blessing for sure.

    Bev, You have been on my heart. Praying for fear thoughts to leave and for peace.

    I am lifting all of you up by name but for now I must run. I had a much better night and no stomach pain like the other night. A little discomfort but an improvement. I pray that the doctor has wisdom in knowing how to proceed.

    I will talk later. No time for review so excuse the typos if any.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Glory to God all scans are negative. I am scheduled for dose dense chemo every 2 weeks starting Monday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Great news Zj! Go do your  happy danceHappy.


    I just got back from the doctor. He is taking it very slow. He said it would take six months to do a comprehensive work up and he doesn't want that nor do I. He gave me a script for stomach spasms and I will be doing some comprehensive blood work tomorrow. He does not think the problem is my Arimidex. I am very happy about that. I am praying that it will go away without a lot of diagnostic tests. I think he had done some homework on my Arimidex before I got there. This is my primary doctor BTW. I trust him and he has very good instincts. Off to fix dinner. Take care everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Happy dancing \o/   Did Zumba this am.  Tomorrow is TaiChi (highly recommended for any who have access to a class).  Exercise is good for side effects (done in moderation) and is also a mood booster.  I taught PE in NYC for 36 yrs and loved it.  Retired for 14 yrs now and still miss it.  Love, ZJ

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Hello all.  So glad to post a little bit.  It's been a long haul since getting home yesterday. 

    Ladyb, Nancy, Lucy and all, I want to thank you for your prayers.  It helped tremendously to get me through 8 days in the hospital!  I would have never thought I could do it but know you carried me through.  Ladyb, you're right.  When I got home yesterday, all I wanted was for someone to hold me and tell me it was going to be alright.  After my ride left, I sat in my living room and cried.  Don't know why but I think I needed to do that for a long time so I just let it go.

    I'm having serious shortness of breath issues.  I called the on call resident last night thinking I might need to go to the ER but he felt I sounded good and just needed to get used to being at home again.  I'm still winded today.  I took a good nap since I hadn't slept very well for over a week.  The doctors say the shortness of breath is normal.  If it's still there a week or two down the road, we're going to have a "come to Jesus" meeting, lol.  I'm also really swollen from the lymphedema - everywhere - so am also in a lot of pain.  PTL I see the OT tomorrow and hopefully she can get this fluid moving.  I got my first shower in today as well.  It took two tries because of the sob and trying to get the dead leg into the tub.  Looks like home health care is next on my list of calls to make.  ThumbsDown

    Anita, my kindred spirit.  That's my trick!  I'm so glad you're okay!!!  Talk about pain.  My prayers are with you that nothing major was injured and it doesn't trigger any of the LE.

    Nancy, I'm so glad you got in to see the doctor.  And, so glad it's not your new meds.  Hopefully they'll figure it out in short order.

    Valsa, you are such a blessing to me and to all who are here.  I'm so glad you joined us.  You bring a smile to my face every time I think I need a pity party, lol.

    ZJ, we are dancing the happy dance with you.  What wonderful news.  Looking forward to hearing of your continued success with your treatments.

    Well, I better post before I lose this because I won't be doing this twice!

    Blessings one and all.  I love you my dear sisters.  Sue

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Wow, I didn't get a chance to get on here for a day and had to catch up with two pages!  So glad for your good news, Nancy, Sue and Anita - praying for all of you (and thanks for the prayers for me - God brought me through a pretty rotten couple of days, mostly by helping me realize that my "normal" (human) response would end up making everything worse - I'm a slow learner, for sure!)

    Great to have you join us, Jean and Valsa. Thanks so much, Valsa, for all the encouragement - this thread is such an amazing group of believers. Jean, Angie and Anita, we'll pray you through chemo! It's interesting to hear you talk about the August chemo thread, Angie. I (and Sharon) started out on LAST year's August chemo thread and ended up here when we made some folks "uncomfortable" by talking about prayer, God and our faith. This is a much nicer place to be - but what a blessing you must be to the ladies on your thread. God bless you!

    Well, time to get the dogs out and get to bed. Our foster greyhound had surgery 2 weeks ago for a broken leg and just got the bandage off yesterday so last night I spent alot of time making sure he didn't lick the stitches open. Hopefully tonight will go much more quietly!

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, so glad to hear from you. I am glad you had a good cry when you got home. We all need that release or we would pop a cork! I hope you can get some home health care for you soon. I sure hope your OT can get rid of some of the fluid. I wear a compression sleeve and gauntlet almost every day when I am exercising. Mine is preventative and after hearing what all you have been through and Anita as well you can be sure I will wear that darn sleeve whether I want to or not! My therapists for my shoulder were also lymphedema specialists as well so I do some manual exercises too that they taught me. I am not sure if you and anyone else reading this are aware of "Cleaning For A Reason" company. They offer free housecleaning for cancer patients. I applied for it probably six months ago and they said they were all full in my area and to reapply. I reapplied several weeks ago and I finally heard from them today. They will be in touch within 11 days. I have not felt like really cleaning my house so I think I am going to go for it. They have to know that my radiation is over by now but I am certainly not back to my old self especially with the intestinal problems. Anyway if you google this there might be some local cleaning companies in your area that are part of this service. I understand they have this all over the country. I am not sure about outside of the US though. Try to take it one day at a time and be very careful getting in and out of the tub. Okay I will stop being your mother. lol

    I hope you get a good night's sleep and I will continue to pray for your pain.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Bev, we must have been posting at the same time. Glad to hear from you and that you are in a "better" place. We have all taken detours in our thinking from time to time that we know are not going to end up in good places. That is all the more reason we need to lean hard on the Lord. Hope your little guy with the broken leg heals quickly. I hate to see animals suffer. Hopefully they know that we are trying to help them when we have to go to the vet. My cat thinks they are all trying to kill her when we go. It is NOT fun. Her shots will be coming up. Oh dear Lord help me and her ahead of time!


    ZJ You will have to meet Char. She is a PE teacher on this thread.  I have watched TaiChi. I have such poor balance it would be good for me. Zumba, probably not. LOL


    Have a good night everyone.




  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2014

    read your post about wearing the compression sleeve..I too have been prescribed one but do not wear it most of the time..but now I will no matter what! Thanks for input.

    Just that it's one thing or the other..anyway trying to take each day with Gods grace and mercy..

    Take care all

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Anita, how did the chemo go yesterday?  Any SE's from your fall?  Praying for you sis.  Sue

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    oh, Sue, 

    Chemo went fine. But whatever got into my head about stopping decadron as a pre med was crazy. With dex, I was enjoying a couple days a week of feeling good, oh how I miss that!

    Love across the miles, 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi there Sister Warriors,

    I seem to be having trouble sleeping tonight. I think I drank tea too late in the evening tonight. We had a house full tonight as we watched our first football game of the season...SeaHawks won...YAY!!!

    I have been busy with various appts this week so haven't had time to workout like I wanted. I attend a monthly BC support group at the hospital in Olympia. This month we met for dinner and then go to the hospital for our class and they had a lymphadema specialist come to chat with us. I learned a lot and the most important was that you can get this anytime after your operation when they have removed lympnodes.  There were 8 women there and what I found interesting was that none of them knew this. Some had been survivors for 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 17 years. Only one of them the one that was 1 year has lymphodema on her breast only, where she had her surgery. I have never had anyone talk to me about this possibility or to do anything as preventative measures. She spoke of flying and how you need wear a sleeve and gauntlet to protect due to altitude affecting this. I will be contacting her to schedule a fitting for a custom sleeve next week. I will also be talkng to my MO when I see her on the 8th. I am assuming that they don't talk about it until it is actually an issue you are dealing with. I just don't understand why this was not something they would mention. It was quite the discussion with us ladies. The gal gave us handouts and so we are informed now. I learned a few other things and shared them with Sue when I called her. 

    Sue I am sorry you had a rough few days at home. Just know we are lifting you in prayer, I know you know this. Many of us wished we could be there to help you. 

    Jean, so glad your results came back negative...happy dance for sure. Praise God. So glad you're on our board such a blessing to have you. 

    Anita, glad you're doing ok since your fall. I know what you're going through as my husband has had a few tumbles and now he has a torn meniscus so we have appts to see a doc about getting that repaired. He uses a cane now so that has helped a lot and he hasn't taken any falls since. Pretty tough adjustment for him as he has really had to accept his limitations. We are all making the best of our situations although some days are harder than others and we know we are not alone on this journey.

    Well going to try and sleep again so chat tomorrow. Blessings everyone and have a wonderful Friday...Lucy 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    Welcome to our new folks and blessings to you as you travel the BC journey. I have been reading pages each night to keep up with the happenings of the thread but have been to pooped to write. All of you have been in my prayers. 

    Sue: I am glad you are home but I am praying that you are spiritually lifted. There is no doubt that we are beat down and at some point it seems so difficult to rise. That is when we need most to rely on God for strength. He will lift I when we no longer can He will carry us. Crying is good for the soul. It shows God that we are nothing without him and He hurts for us despite the fact that He is able to deliver us  with a nod or thought. You are a testament to this battle and I fully believe your reward will be great. For now I pray that you will be lifted during this time and that God applies His healing balm on your physical and spiritual wounds.

    Nancy: I am so sorry that you are still dealing with stomach issues. I am glad that you sought some medical guidance to work through this. I continue to pray for your healing and that you feel better soon.

    Anita: so glad chemo is going fine. Hope you have quicker rebounds. I am praying you are not too sore from your fall. I think that is a big fear for me as I get older. I have taken a few tumbles and I can attest to the results. We just don't rebound like we use too.

    To all my sisters....blessings to each of you and hugs too. Off to a busy day at school. Hopefully I will write longer over the weekend.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies,

    It has been a crazy time for sure. I have definitely felt under attack hitting in different areas. I did a bunch of blood work yesterday and today was a fun day. I had to collect stool samples for four containers. They are testing a bunch of things. I was on the bathroom floor with the containers and my cat came in to see what was going on. I can only imagine what was going through her head. LOL

    Hopefully all of these labs will shed some light on what is going on. I will see the doctor again in a couple of weeks. I have good days and then not so good. It has been a mixed bag and the symptoms don't always show themselves consistently either. So I would appreciate your continued prayers for healing and for wisdom for my doctor, which ever way the Lord choses to work.


    Sue, you are still strong on my heart and mind. I am praying so much that you will feel better in ALL ways. A few days ago I wanted to do something to surprise you but I didn't feel like doing it so I will save the surprise until later. When I was recovering from my bc surgery I was so blessed to have many people praying for me from other churches beside my own. One day one of my good friends sent me an email and she said check your front porch. The lovely ladies from her church have a group called A Common Thread. They crochet these little pot holders and attach a bible verse to them. Mine said we have prayed over you and they sent me this pot holder with Is. 41:10 attached to it. I needed God to speak to my heart again last night. I put this potholder on my refrigerator with that verse clearly in view. I have had it there for several months and for some reason the Lord wanted me to look at it again last night. I was astounded that this was the same verse I believe some of you posted a few weeks ago and I don't think I even realized until last night it was the same verse. Anyway Sue, I just feel like that verse if for you too. Hang in there and know that God's plan is perfect. I watched an old interview on tv the other night. Pat Boone was interviewing Colton Burpo from Heaven is For Real book and movie. He was only 11 at this time but earlier this year he was 14. He and his Dad were on the show. What strikes me is that the Dad who was a preacher got so mad at God when he thought his little four year old was dying in surgery. God is so merciful and loving with us no matter how we feel. God did intervene and look how that book and movie has touched lives all over the country. I guess I am saying all this because we have all questioned God when things in our human eyes just seem like He is MIA. God was working a plan even when that father was railing at God in his pain and fear. God had such big plans for that situation. So again I say try to hang in there knowing there is a greater good that is going to come out of all of this pain.


    God gave me another big kiss today. I got a call from the newspaper and I was interviewed for a long time. My swan photo that was in the paper on Aug. 24 turned out to be selected as the winner of the month. I got to tell my story of seeing these swans going to radiation and what a blessing it was. I was able to say that these swans were definitely a gift from God. Will she print that. We'll see. I also got to give a shout out to my fantastic radiation oncologist and her team. I hope they include that as well. God gave me a two messages before I knew I had cancer but I figured something was not good. His second message was Wait and see what I am about to do for you. I told that to a neighbor a few weeks ago and she said I just feel like that is an ongoing promise. Well I certainly think so too. Just meeting all of you lovely ladies has been such a blessing and inspiration to me. God is good all the time even though we can't always see it or feel it. I won a $50 gift card to this photo shop as well. Whooohoooooooooo.


    One more thing. Lymphedema subject. When I went to be fitted for my first sleeve and gauntlet a few months ago I met this lady as we were waiting to go into this little shop. She asked me when I had my surgery and I said March. She said I had mine 30 years ago and just got lymphedema. I really do think God put that lady in my path to realize that we are never out of danger of the possibility of getting this awful disease as Sue and Anita can confirm. I don't understand why this is not discussed more in our regular treatments but apparently it is not. I will not exercise or do strenuous garden work or ride my bike (which I haven't this season because of my shoulder) or vacuum without my sleeve and gauntlet on. I mentioned this on another thread before I discovered this one. This lady who had lymphedema wrote me and said she had it and gave a link that was really helpful. Unfortunately I will never know where that is now. There is lots of info online I am sure.

    So I would hate to think of any of you getting this without being informed of the danger. You have to have lymph nodes taken out so if you have not had that you are okay. Those who have had many nodes take from the underarm are at more risk than those of us who just had a few with the SNB. Even so I am not taking any chances. Why go through what Sue and Anita are going through if it can be prevented.

    Have a great weekend and I am praying for all of you. Take care and thank you so much for your prayers. I still need them.



  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2014

    Further to Nancy's post, I had my mastectomy and auxiliary glands removed in 2010.  Since then I have burned my hand and arm reaching into the oven twice, and waited with trepidation to see if I got lymphodema.  It is only now, with my fingernails doing badly as a result of all of the chemo, that I had an infection under my thumbnail and had to treat it with an antibiotic.  Well, I now have lymphodema in my right hand and wrist, and the physio said that it seems to usually happen through something small like a hangnail rather than a major injury. Please be aware everyone just how easily this can happen to you.

    Have a good weekend, Debbie