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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Day 4 of Gratitude

    Today as I rise and walk my dogs, I am grateful for the opportunity to still be able to worship God freely when so many others cannot. I am not sure if this will still be true years from now. The way this country is turning away from God and pushing intolerance is incredible.  It seems that we are quickly becoming the new minority and Satan is doing his best to turn the tables so that we look like the bad guys because we will not bend to the world's acceptance. 

    So today I am thankful to drive to my church, to open my Bible in view  of others and praise God without any repercussions.

    May God richly bless all of you today as others all over the world worship in secrecy. 


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Somehow I missed posting my thanksgiving for Day 3, but I will do 3 and 4 now. It's so much easier to do on my laptop than my iPad where I usually post from.

    For days 3 and 4, I am thankful for the two people I live with and who take such good care of me. Let me tell you about them.

    When I met my husband in 1987, I was 36, twice divorced, and not following the Lord. He was 27, never married, a lapsed Catholic, and a sergeant in the Air Force. We got married two months later. We were never able to have children (I have one son). We had a tumultuous few years before Jesus became an integral part of our lives. We found a church we love, we renewed our wedding vows, and have had a pretty smooth way after that. My husband has grown into the most loving, loyal, responsible, compassionate man I could ever have dreamed of having, and he has been there with me through this journey every step of the way. I know how hard it is for him to watch me go through this after losing his precious mother to cancer when she was not much older than I am now. But he will hold me, cry with me, pray over me, wait on me hand and foot, and provide everything I can possible ask for. I am thankful beyond words for this gift from God.

    The other person who lives with us is my cousin Glenda. She is 14 years older than I, the daughter of my mother's older sister, a vibrant, godly woman, widowed 25 years. She lived with and cared for her parents until they died a year apart, a few years ago. We were never close until she moved with them from California to Tyler, TX in 2007. Since it's only a few hours away, she would bring them up for family gatherings and holidays, and we grew closer through the years. In 2011, I was diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer, and when she heard the news, she put everything in storage (her folks had passed) and came up to take care of me. (I could not have a biopsy because both ovaries were encased in huge cysts and if they had ruptured the cancer would spread throughout the abdominal cavity. A complete hysterectomy was performed, and the subsequent pathology was negative for cancer. My ob/gyn and the oncologist both proclaimed it a miracle.) Glenda took care of me through my recovery, and by then we were all so used to being together, and she and my husband get along so famously, that she became a permanent part of our household. She loves to shop, and loves to cook, and so she does all the shopping and most of the cooking. (DH and she have the best times going shopping together!) She loves our church, volunteers regularly, leads a care group for widows, sings in the choir and helps out in the worship ministry. She is the one who drives me to chemo, makes sure I have whatever food I'm craving, fusses over me and just generally spoils me rotten. I don't know how I would have gotten through this without her. I know that my spiritual health was a huge concern for her, and yesterday I read her what I wrote in this thread on Day 1 of this exercise, and she sat and cried for joy.

    I didn't mean to make this so long, but I am so thankful for these two that God has blessed my life with.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Today I am so grateful for my loving family and friends.  Daughter,  son in law, pregnant granddaughter,  son, his partner, stepson, brother in law,  2 dear friends who all came to celebrate my hubby's 71st birthday last night.  

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Mags, I love your post - what a blessing you have between your husband and cousin!

    I, too, missed posting yesterday so I'll do two, also.  I join Char in thanking God for salvation (as well as freedom to worship) and the glorious hope we have for an eternity with Him. My husband is not a believer (please pray as God brings Dave to mind, along with others - I know Deborah's husband, David, is also not a Christian). I've told him often I just can't imagine not knowing what will happen after I die - how pointless and frustrating life would be, without the certainty that God has a perfect plan and His will is being accomplished.

    Today's praise is for wonderful, Godly parents, who are my inspiration and example. My mom has macular degeneration and does most things by touch - she can only read very large print with great difficulty (so spends alot of time "reading" audio books with her MP3 player she gets through the Carnegie library -  what a fantastic program!). Every morning, my dad reads their devotion to her and a chapter from the Bible, then the obituaries (the older you get, the more important they are, right?), "This Day in History," the comics (yep, complete with descriptions of facial expressions and actions) and then they do the crossword puzzle together. As fast as dad reads the clues, mom tells him the answer and he fills in the blocks - she does it all in her head so much better and faster than most people can do when they're studying the puzzle (me, at least!).

    Enjoy your Sunday, ladies - God bless you! Praying for you, Jean, with chemo tomorrow - and still praying for our dear Sue. 


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Good afternoon ladies (or perhaps evening). It is such a blessing to ready your posts. Mags, what a lovely and wonderful family you have at your home with your husband and cousin. God knows our needs and fills them so beautifully.

    Jean, Happy Birthday to your 71 year old husband. I pray you have many more together. I pray your chemo goes well tomorrow.

    Bev, Your parents sound so special. I miss that interaction that my mom had with my dad. He died in 2005 and some of the things you shared reminds me of my parents. I am glad that your mom is able to do things in her head to cope with her lack of good sight. That is amazing. It is a real blessing to have parents as role models. I will pray for both DH's, yours and Deborahs.

    Char, I ditto what you said about being able to worship freely in this country. I do feel the tides shifting and we may very well be the minority as believing Christians in this country before long. It makes staying close to the Lord even more pressing.

    My Day #4 ( I think think that's where we are) My gratitude today is for my best friend Bonnie. I usually only see her on Sundays. We have sat together in church for maybe 16yrs or more. Bonnie is old enough to be my mother. She is 85. I am slowly losing my friend as I am my mom. They both have dementia and Bonnie's is getting much worse. She has been my driver in the last several years when I would have to have surgical procedures or surgeries. She drove me to my cataract surgeries three years ago. Last summer when she drove me to my colonoscopy and I told myself that would be the last I would ask her to drive as I knew her mind was getting so much worse. When I had my bc surgery in March I had several friends stay with me at the hospital and Bonnie was going to come to my house in the evening to stay for a little while. I was much more out of it that day and even though the medical staff told me I needed someone to stay the night I thought I will be fine alone. God has had to whittle that independent nature away one stroke at a time.  Well I wasn't fine and Bonnie was the one who stayed the night with me. She lives in another town.  She is like family. I didn't get to see Bonnie today because I had another day of not feeling up to going to church. We do talk on the phone during the week sometimes. Bonnie has been a widow for many, many years. I never knew her husband. She is one of the most positive and optimistic people I have ever known. It was our love of gardening that established a bond initially. So today my gratitude is for Bonnie for which my life would be very different without her.

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. You bless me more than you will ever know.



  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    Well I missed the start of the daily gratitude, so I am just going to jump in now. I am grateful that I live close to my sons and am able to see my grand kids grow up. The circle of life is an amazing thing to behold.

    Nancy, we had a lady at church that got married at 83! She spent her whole life on the mission field in Africa. She met her husband on her final flight back to the states. :-)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Glad you can jump in Mini. Yes, having family around is a blessing. I am glad your sons live near you so you can see your grandchildren.  My family is three hours away but because of my mom's dementia I stay with her quite a bit of the year. With my dx that of course changed things this year. I am hoping to see her for her 89th birthday that is coming in Oct and staying for several days. I have lots of follow up apts in Oct. so will not have the freedom that I would like to stay however long I want. That is amazing that someone got married at 83. I remember a student asking me when I was going to get married. I joked that I was waiting until I reached 100! I have joked with friends telling them that story. I said we could wheel chair down the aisle together. I guess if Abraham and Sarah could have a child at her old age I could certainly get married at my age.


    I have had quite a bit of pain today and I can't pinpoint where it is coming from. It is somewhere low on my right side. I would appreciate your prayers that I can get some answers soon. I do have a complete abdominal ultrasound on Thursday so that will help rule out some things or shed light on others. 

    Mini, I hope your abdominal scan goes well tomorrow and you get a good report..

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Ladies I need some prayer here.  My brother in law has come to stay with us for 3 weeks to look for property to buy to move back east.  I am feeling a great deal of resentment about this, trying to be pleasant but really unhappy about having a house guest for this long while going through chemo.  I need Jesus to change my attitude.  Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    I posted early this morning but it did not register. 

    Mags: Your post was beautiful and very touching. Please do not feel you are writing too much. This thread can be a great comfort and also a place to share so write away and we will read.

    Jean: Sorry to hear about your conflict with your brother-in-law. Did he just show up on your doorstep? God can talk what seems to be a bad situation and make it good. Perhaps he will have a fuller understanding and appreciation of what you are going through. Is this your husband's brother or your sister's? I ask because perhaps your hubby can talk to him about your situation if it is his brother. Anyway, will definitely pray for your situation that it is not one that puts due stress on you.

    Nancy: Praying  for relief for you as well. Just before meeting my hubby, I met a 65 year old gent on line that had lost his wife to cancer and was looking for a new wife. His parents were missionaries. He was a mentor to me as I prayed for my possibilities of a future hubby. But he met his wife about two years later and has told me that he is vey happy. So nothing is impossible with God.

    Mini: Good to hear from you. Praying for your scan too.

    Sue: maybe you are unable to write but just want you to know that your being missed and prayed for dear sister. I sure pray you will be home soon or able to get a message to us on your condition.

    Lucy: Praying for peace for your hubby and you. I know that God will steer you to what you should do. He will open doors and close others. Sometimes I feel like I have traveled through a maze when making decisions. Going one way and that situation comes to a dead end and then going in another direction. As long as you ask him to guide you, I know that He will direct you on the right path.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Jean, I will pray for this situation with your BIL. I can certainly understand your feelings about this unexpected guest. If he found some property right away I wonder if that would shorten his stay. The Lord knows the situation and what is best so instead of trying to second guess Him I will pray that God's will be done in your situation. Praying for your chemo tomorrow too.

    Char. interesting about your online mentor. The big D has returned tonight. I guess my system wasn't ready for my smoothie with kale in it. I am not seeing my ultrasound listed on MyChart. These are electronic records and my whole cancer team is on this. I sure hope there is not a mix up because usually the instant I make an apt in this group of doctors it instantly shows up in this online record. How's your training coming along?

    Sue, still thinking and praying for you. We sure do miss you. I will be so glad to see your little dog picture pop up here one of these days.

    Lucy, Hope you are doing okay. Hope things are being worked out for the future. I finally approved the last draft for my tombstone. It is really surreal to think of all of that but necessary. One of these days we will all be cancer free and sitting and praising God in front of His thrown.

    Have a restful night everyone.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Nancy: Training is going well. I am plotting running routes now that my distance has increased. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be running 8 miles. My goal is 10 for the Race in November. The Lord has been keeping the knee issues at minimal discomfort although my knee still swells. At least I will run with two correct shoes.

    Day 5 of Gratitude

    Today I would be amiss if I did not give thanks for my dad. My father will be 91 this November and I see his earthly journey coming to an end. My father while a strong man is slowly withering away in a frail body. Yep...our bodies wear out. To watch all the people he knows or loves pass away one by one must be a sad thing....perhaps my biggest fear of being old and alone. His prayer, that God be merciful when it's time for him to go home. But my father has been my best friend, my counselor, my encourager and best earthly father. He has made sacrifices for all his children and lives a very simple life. No wealth here on earth but I am sure there will be much in heaven. I am so blessed to have him around and thank God for each precious day.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Good morning, sisters. I want you all to know that I am praying for you, as I do daily. You have become such an integral part of my life.

    Today I want to give thanks for my sweet oncologist. He is such a gift and the one part of my chemo day (tomorrow) that I look forward to. He always asks about my spiritual health, as he knows that is so important to the cancer journey. And the last time I saw him, when my answer was that I was struggling, he asked what he could do to help. I asked him to pray with me. He shared a struggle that he'd been going through with some stress at work. Not the patients, just general stress, and what he'd found that helped. Each day he meditates on one line of Psalm 23 and what it means. Then he prayed with me. He really took a lot of time, though I know how busy his day must be. I know that the meditation has been helping me too, although I haven't been as disciplined as I'm sure he is. Whenever I'm feeling low, or can't sleep, or feeling stressed about something, I pick up where I left off. I memorized the psalm as a child and spoke it over my Mom the day she died.

    So that is my Day 5 of Gratitude offering. Thank you, Nancy, for starting this!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    Nancy - You may have to call or email your provider. I know on my MyChart there have been somethings missing or incorrect. My doctor is an hour away from my MO, and they aren't always able to get my records online. They have to request them which takes longer.

    Jean - praying for your BIL situation. Maybe this visit will turn out to be blessing instead of an ordeal. God can do great things.

    I'm praying for all the concerns here today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Good day everyone.             DAY  #5 of 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I want to give thanks for my mother. She has supported me and comforted me and encouraged me all my life. She is and was my best friend. When my Dad died in 2005 I didn't know if my mother could handle it. My Dad did most of the driving and shopping. I taught my mom how to drive. That is a story for another day. When I was nearing retirement I prayed that my mom would still be alive when I retired so I could spend more time with her. I retired from being a school band director in 2011. My first fall I was out taking pictures and enjoying the freedom of no schedule per say. My mom's advice to me was to take the first year completely off and do nothing. I was planning on resuming my private clarinet teaching at my home but decided to take her advice and not jump into anything that first year and let the dust settle. In February and March of that first year of retirement my mom started sending panicked emails to my sister and I. She didn't know how to get to the beauty shop. In the course of one week it was like a switch was turned off in her brain. One minute she was fine and the next she wasn't. She went through many tests to figure out what was going on. In the end her new doctor (hers had just left the practice) said her brain CT didn't look like typical Alzheimer cells but he called it hardening of the arteries of the brain. I simply call it dementia. My whole family's life was turned upside down in that week. My new "job" was to partner with my sister to be caregivers to my mom who adamantly wants to stay in her home. My retirement plans went out the window and I soon started traveling the three hours back and forth to my mom's. For the last three years I have stayed with her about a third of the time .As you see God answered my prayers to spend more time with my mom. Just not in the way I had envisioned it.  I am hoping to resume that schedule once I start to feel much better. My best friend that I had all those years is slowly slipping away to this new person that I try to know and understand. If I dwell on it too much it is too painful so I try to compartmentalize as much as I can. God gave me a wonderful gift in that area when I was first diagnosed with bc in March. If I had dwelled too much on the fact that she was alone and I wasn't there I could have gone crazy. The radiologist that talked to my on the phone and is the one that told me I had IDC said I would have to concentrate on me now when I told her about my mom. I think those words were from God himself. If she hadn't given me permission to concentrate on myself I probably would have gone crazy. So I am eternally grateful to my mom. I didn't mean to write a book. Sorry.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Mags, I really truly believe God started this 50 days of gratitude. I was simply being obedient starting what I felt He wanted me to do. It has really served the purpose of giving the Lord praise and each of us being blessed in the process. What I had not counted on is it has helped us to get to know one another better by really hearing each other's stories. Thanks for sharing about your truly special oncologist.

    Mini, I called the imaging center about my ultrasound on Thursday. They assured me I was still on the books and that they don't always post scans on MyChart. Hope your scan goes well today.

    Char, Glad you are doing so well. I admire the fact that you are pressing onward even when your knee swells. It is so hard with aging parents. I think we need to thank God that we were blessed enough to have at least one of them in our lives for such a long time.

    Jean, I have prayed for your chemo today and for your BIL situation. Not sure why this went to Italics. Hope you have little side effects.

    Mags, praying for your chemo for tomorrow.

    Sue, Still thinking of you and missing you. Praying you will get home soon.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    I'm in the hospital still because I found myself in a tizzy last week, couldn't walk, breathe, my heart was racing .  My lung tap was good for pulling off 875m Of fluid but filled right back up. Now I am getting high dose steroids and diuretics. Seriously, I thought I should,call in the kids and give our good byes. Now I am improving, my huge amount of edema is going down, and I am wondering if Sue is also having this probable drug (abraxane) reaction.


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2014

    Anita, sorry to hear that you are suffering, you are in my prayers.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014


    I am so sorry to hear that you are in the hospital. It sounds like you have been there for a few days. I am sure that must have been really scary. I am glad to hear you are improving. I sure hope the treatments you are getting will solve this problem and you can get home soon. My prayers are certainly with you.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    ok, now my MO along with nephrologist have doubled my diuretics. Still with some shortness of breath, The Lord reminded me my c pap was sitting right there. And it helped!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014


    Glad to hear that. Keep us informed of your progress as you feel up to it. You have my continued prayers. I hope you have a restful night.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi Lady Warriors,

    I am so sorry I have been MIA for a while as I have been busy and also been in a little funk.  I have been reading all the posts and now I am caught up so I will post as much as I can to update.  First of all I have not heard anything more from Sue and I am so sad and worried.  I tried calling her home and cell numbers but no answers.  I have texted her a few times to ask for updates but nothing.  I am just praying everyday throughout the day for her and putting it in God's hands.  I just miss her so and having our chats.  I know her mom and brother should be here by now. 

    Nancy how awesome you have been obedient in listening to God in having the 50 Days of Gratitude.  As I am behind I will post my 5 days at the end of this or in another post.  How did your mamo go today? Sounds like you have a very special neighbor to have given you such a nice thoughtful gift. A blessing for sure.  You still having the pain on your right side tonight?

    ZJ How did your treatment go today? Hope the meds have helped the infection by now.  I have never had one but know a friend who used to get them a lot and it was not fun. 

    Mini great news on your tumor markers...God is so good!  How did the ct go today?

    Anita sorry to hear you're in the hospital.  I see on your profile notes you have been on abraxane since Dec. 2013, is that correct?  I don't think Sue was on Abraxane and her issue is lymphedema and she has it on both legs and one arm and her trunk.  It is just so not fair to have it to the degree she does.  I am not sure what the difference is of edema and lymphedema as I really have only recently known of it and how it impacts you.  I can't believe there is no cure or at least something to give more comfort.  Take comfort in knowing we have you in prayer daily.

    Char I just love your posts about your running and your DH coming to your rescue.  I know my DH would do that for me as well.  I forgot my shoes once when I got to Curves and he took them down to me and all the gals just swooned how their husband wouldn't do that for one second.  I am know I am very blessed.  I also have to say your comment about your MIL saying she didn't want to go to heaven made me sad and grips my heart.  I pray she changes her mind.  I will pray for that.

    Today I went to Seattle for my every two week treatment and it was uneventful and quick so we were back to town and went to the co op and grocery store to get my weekly fruits and veggies.  I got home and cooked dinner and then I told DH I was going to sit here tonight and get caught up on our board and so I am listening to my ipod and posting away.  I am praising God for his love, mercy, grace and love for all of us. 

    Hopefully I won't be a slacker any more and stay in touch daily.  Blessings sisters!

    I will post my 5 days of gratitude next...



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    50 Days of Gratitude

    Day 1: Grateful for my salvation and that I have God in my life.  I know he has been with me even when I wasn't with Him.  The fact that I know, that I know that He is with me on my journey since day one gives me such peach and brings such happiness.  Not to mention the strength that he gives me.  Thank you Jesus for being here with me.

    Day 2: Grateful for my DH, family and friends.  Mostly my DH as he is also with me every moment and such a rock for me even with his affliction.  I know he would do anything for me and does.  I am so blessed to have him in my life right now and especially during this time.  I wouldn't want anyone else here by my side.

    Day 3: Grateful for the team of docs that I have at the center.  I know that I was lead to them and this place and I trust them.  It is a 2 hour drive and it is almost a year and God has blessed us with weather that is very easy to travel all through winter last year.  I am praying he continues his favor this coming winter. 

    Day 4: Grateful for cancer...hmmm...I am like Bev, it is hard to say the words and now to see them typed up is maybe more tough.  I know why I need to be and I know how many blessings I have received and many amazing God moments and the amazing Christians we have met on this journey has been awesome.  I have shared with many people the amazing God moments of my journey and give God the glory on every thing and if I could have roofs to shout from I would...GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!

    Day 5: Grateful for my employer who are two men who I just love and are so good to me and are taking care of me through this journey.  I have worked from home the first 6 months and not full time but they supported me and paid me and I am so blessed and humbled by their actions.  They are with me on this journey as well and I pray for them to be blessed as well.  Bless these men Lord, they are good.

    Ok...I am caught up and it is interesting but while I am posting I am already thinking of other things I am grateful for.  Well good night ladies...have a restful evening and keep that light shining for our Father God! 


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Thank you ladies for prayers about my brother in law.   God has not changed the situation but rather my attitude. I do love him and am now looking at the visit as a blessing and opportunity to be a witness to one of Jesus lost sheep.  Love, Jean

    PS He and hubby drove me for my second dose dense A/C yesterday.  All went well except I had to ask for a nurse change when the first had trouble accessing a vein.  Feeling good today, taking neulasta shot tomorrow.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, so good to see you again - and even though you said you've been going through a tough time (I had mine a couple of weeks ago and you ladies and your prayers pulled me through!), you're still such a blessing to me. I just love all your praises (and you remind me that I'm a day or two behind, too). 

    Char, I'm praying for your training this're an inspiration, too. I've been running every other day and even went 3 whole miles Sunday night (found a new "loop" around the neighborhood, since my 2-1/2 mile loop was getting boring). Even though I know moving and exercise is good for me, especially while I'm taking arimidex, I truly believe I wouldn't be out there slogging around the neighborhood if I didn't keep thinking about you running and exercising so much more, after your knee surgery and so many other challenges. So - thanks, my friend!

    Anita, I'm praying for you - hopefully each day is a little better and you'll be home soon. Like Lucy, I'm praying that you'll have comfort and the doctors will find a way to give you long-term relief. 

    Of course, I'm still praying for Sue - hopefully she's having a good visit with family. God knows just what she needs.

    Jean, so glad you're doing better emotionally and glad you're able to cross another chemo off the schedule. Keep drinking water!

    Sharon is still teaching/subbing every day for her special needs class. She has such a loving spirit for these children, particularly one little boy named Matthew whose mother is in jail and has a very bad home life. Her aide is difficult and a challenge every day - seems determined to tear the children down, rather than show them love and acceptance. Her house is still for sale - one potential buyer is very interested in the house but having trouble working out financing. So - please pray for God to bless and encourage her!

    Debbie, glad you checked in - praying that you're feeling better and you're experiencing lots of kisses from God.

    Nancy/BW, your post about your mom is so bittersweet....what a blessing that you and your sister can be there to take care of her. Praying that you'll be feeling much better and can have a good visit with her next month. 

    I am thankful today for God bringing me to Magnolia, Texas when we moved from Pennsylvania three years ago. Many people have asked how in the world we ended up here - well, it wasn't the world, it was God. I'm 1/2 hour from MD Anderson for cancer treatment, I have an incredible church family, friends and neighbors for support, have great volunteer opportunities at a co-op garden, kennel and food pantry, and house and yard of my dreams. Thank you, God!

    Blessings to you all, my friends - Bev

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Good morning sisters. As I sit here in the chemo chair for round 5, I am so thankful today for the awesome team of professionals I've been blessed with. Today, Jamie, my MO's nurse, asked me how I was doing, and I replied, God is good, and she responded, All the time, and all the time, God is good. of course, I've told you about my doc, and when I went to schedule my next appointment, Miss Vicki was so sweet and told me to have a blessed day. Everyone is so surprised at my big smile and laugh when I am here for poison, but the truth is today that in spite of the insomnia that the steroids exacerbate, and 3 hours of sleep last night, I am so filled with joy, and it's taking some getting used to.

    Truly, God is good. All the time.

    Praying for each of you, and so thankful for this thread and all of you dear sisters. And Nancy, I'm thankful for your ear that is tuned to listen to the voice of the Great Shepherd and be obedient to his call.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    I am grateful for my SSI. Even though I hate that I'm offically "disabled,"I'm glad that I can contribute something to the household coffers.

    I had my CT scan but won't have the results for a few days. 

    Please pray for my husband. He has a work situation going on, and it has been very difficult for him the past several months. He is our sole wage earner, and our insurance is through his job. He is feeling very down trodden. We are praying for him to see God's will in all of this, and I am praying for a change in his attitude. He is usually very upbeat. I hate seeing him going through so much.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    So good to hear from everyone. We just need to keep Sue lifted in prayer ladies. God knows her needs but will honor our prayers and faithfulness.

    Lucy: I tried to write you two PM's and both were lost. I think Satan wasn't going to let me contact you. I hope you are feeling better  mentally and that you are getting some clarity about you and your hubby's situation. I know that God will open the right doors and close those He does not want you going through if you continue to listen and be obedient to His will. know that girl....but it's is nice to  be reminded from time to time, right? Thank you for your efforts to make contact with Sue.

    Anita: continuing to pray for your needs and that your home soon. Nothing like being in your own sweet bed.

    Jean: God has a way of changing how we view situations.

    Debbie: Hope you are hanging in there dear sister across the pond. Let us know how your scans turn out. You are in my prayers.

    Bev: Thanks for updating us on Sharon. I work with autistic kids and I know how taxing it can be. God bless her for her willingness to sub. Praying for her home sale. God will work it out in His time but you know that...our Mantra. Good for you and your running. I told you I hate running but it is good for me and I feel good afterward. Just walking is good for us. I know my running days are coming to an knees are just not happy. The good news is that I lost ten pounds I picked up during the six months I was inactive. I still have a little more so I can make it easier on the knees.

    I ran 8 1/2 miles last night and it was quite cool to the point that I was cold and sweating at the same time. I should have had a jacket or long sleeves on. It was downright uncomfortable. Today I walked and I will do a light run Thursday so I am rested for my race with 10,000 others.

    Nancy: Hope you are feeling some relief today. Praying that things will ease up. If it is the new med, how long are you on it? I know they don't like mixing homeopathic a but I wonder if you could take some Nux Vomica? I have a friend that has IBS and I had him try it and it gave him much relief when his meds were not. It always helps me as well.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hello Sweet Sisters,

    Day 6 on 50 Days of Gratitude - I am grateful today for the first day of fall and the wonderful rain we had. We had a very dry summer, it came on fast and intense and we enjoyed it when we could. I love my drive to work, it's about 30 min and it is so pretty as the trees are just starting to change colors so the drive is so nice. 

    Bev thank you for your kind words and thank you all for the prayers. 

    Mags what a blessing you received today. 

    Mini praying for amazing results of your scans. Also will be praying for DH. I have been hearing a lot of folks having challenges at the workplace. 

    Blessings Warriors...have to run to my bible study...Lucy 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                                    DAY #6 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    Good evening ladies. I had my mammogram yesterday. On my way there the Christian radio station that day was especially ministering to cancer patients. It was just one of those God moments which we all have experienced. I was going to this place that I haven't been to for six months and the last time I was there was the biopsy and then the dreaded phone call. My gratefulness today is for the radiologist that dealt with me that day and yesterday. She is the one who called me on the phone and told me my diagnosis. My RO gave her high praise saying that she was really on the ball detecting my tumor. My RO admitted that she would have missed it. This clinic was so loving to me that day six months ago. I look back and now figure they all knew I had cancer before the pathology report came back. When I finished the mammogram the technician yesterday said the doctor wants to talk to you. I was thinking this is not good. Then she said I think you're good and she likes to talk to the patients. This lady radiologist spent so much time with me. She came in the room and said I want to give you a hug. So loving. I was able to thank her for the first time for being such a good radiologist. My situation could have been much different if she had not detected this when she did. I told her about my GI distress for the last six or seven weeks. She said I really needed to contact my MO. While talking to her I actually had some confidence in facing the future with NO cancer drug if that is what is meant to be. I also told her that I injured my rotator cuff during the breast ultrasound and I was afraid to speak up. I told her I had to have PT and because of that I became informed of the whole lymphedema issue. I did have a chance to say that needs to be talked up more than it is. She gave me a big hug again before I left. I love that place. They really know how to make a tough situation better.

    I did contact my MO today for the first time. I told him all the lab work that has been done and about my abdominal ultrasound on Thursday. I was pleasantly surprised that he emailed me back himself and not a nurse. You may remember that I had reservations about him a long time ago. I must say that I was impressed with his reply. He said if my US is normal to touch base with him again and we will stop the Anastrozole for a week. That sounded like a good plan to me even though I have prayed over that drug every single day for NO side effects. Lucy, I was taking that cue from you!

    Today I went to cash in on my $50 gift card at this camera shop for winning the photo contest. I am having my swan picture blown up and eventually framed as it reminds me of how God was such a blessing to me during radiation and giving me the gift of these swans as He knew how much they would mean to me. This town just happens to be where Sue's mom lives. As I was driving into this town I thought Sue's mom lives here somewhere and I could meet her if we only knew Sue's last name. I know her mom is probably with Sue and her brother now.

    I feel that God wanted us to do this 50 Days of Gratitude to encourage our hearts especially when it would be very easy to get down over the fact we didn't know what was happening with Sue. I know for me it has helped my sadness with what has happened to her. Trying to understand suffering can be a real downer and I think God has changed the whole tone of this thread when our thoughts have been directed to God and our gratefulness to Him for all the things He has done for each one of us.

    Sue, we are all lifting you up and will be so thrilled to hear from you when you are able.

    Anita, we are praying for you that you can improve enough to get home. I hope you are resting comfortably.

    Lucy, I was getting concerned when we hadn't heard from you. I am glad you are back and I am sorry you have been down. We all go through these times and it is nice to have a thread like this that we can all be honest with our feelings and be able to share and encourage and prayer for one another.

    Bev, I am glad you have been faithful in your running. That is so great. Thanks for letting us know about Sharon. That is a tough situation with her aide. I am so glad you love Magnolia. You have obviously found your place in a really short period of time. Sounds like a God thing to me too.

    Char, Your faithfulness to running in spite of your knee is inspiring. Running with 10,000 people is pretty mind boggling. I know you will be physically fit and mentally tough when the day arrives.

    Jean, Isn't it amazing how God can totally change our perspective on things and do it so quickly. PTL Praying for no side effects for you.

    Mini, I will be praying for your husband and his work situation. Praying for a good report on your CT scan.

    Mags, I appreciate your loving spirit. I am sure you are a real blessing to the July chemo thread. How is Jenniliza doing? God is good all the time. It is all a matter of perspective and much of it is our choice to choose God and choose joy. Gratitude can really help us do that. PTL

    Debbie, I hope you are doing better. I know you have been battling lymphedema as well.

    I hope everyone has a restful night and Debbie a good day!




  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi there...Char I know my PM works as I received one yesterday from a gal from another board. Maybe try again and I will see if I can do something at my end. Thanks for your kind words and support. 

    Nancy I still pray over my pill every morning have since I started it on 5/22/14. I do over the drug I get every two weeks but not always as many times I am chatting with the nurse. I am usually in prayer or doing worship on our way up. That really gets my fire lit to be worshiping on the highway and be full of the spirit when I arrive. 

    I do pray for Sue daily and I am worried about her. It's been a while since she texted me. I know God knows her needs but I was so happy for her that she was feeling better. I pray she is well. 

    Blessings Abundant...Lucy