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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi Deborah,

    I was glad to see your posts. Sounds like you are really busy but PTL you are at the year mark and feeling so good. I had a prescription for my sleeve and my lymphedema therapists gave me a hand out for local stores that dealt with insurance. I went to the closest place I could find and what I didn't realize is that just because they dealt with my insurance they were not actually in my network. It was kind of deceptive actually and also my fault for not calling the insurance but I knew I needed the sleeve so I didn't make that call. My nurse navigator recommended me seeing a lymphedema therapist when I needed shoulder therapy. Even though those who have axillary nodes taken are at a much greater risk when any nodes are taken you are still at some risk even if it is low. I was following their lead and when I had PT they wanted me to wear that sleeve. They said you must wear it when flying. So even though I know I am at low risk I am not taking any chances. Seeing what all Sue is going through now I sure don't want to go through that if I can help to prevent it. However they did say that wearing the sleeve when exercising etc. will not guarantee that you won't get it.

    So that is the story. I would appreciate your continued prayers. I was having such a good day yesterday and even walked a bit. However in the evening I didn't feel so good and was very disappointed because after having a pretty good day on Sunday I thought maybe I was at the tail end of this thing. Now I am not so sure. One of my friends emailed me last night and suggested that maybe the Lord didn't want me on the Arimidex and to maybe pray in a different way about the whole thing. I don't know what I think about that. I would have to have some real confirmation before I ventured into that territory. That is of course assuming it is causing this. My primary doctor doesn't think so and my pharmacist either. I think it is time for an email to my MO's office. My primary doc. wanted me to deal with him first but I think my MO needs to hear my symptoms. I had some trouble sleeping last night and was looking up food that have natural aromatase inhibitor qualities. Also comparing the side effects to the different AIs. They say they are similar. So I need to hand all of this over to the Lord because it is too much of a burden for me alone.

    Have a great day.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, you are still very much on my heart. I hope that you are resting comfortably where ever you are. I have a feeling you might be back in the hospital unable to let us know. We are all praying for you dear sister. 



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Mags, I just saw the rest of your post. In the email version they don't print everything. I am sorry you have all of this to deal with. I can't take narcotics even if I wanted to so I have an alternative doctor I have dealt with for 10 years that oversees my FMS issues. I am very sensitive to many drugs and that is the problem.  The problem now is that I am taking very little supplements that treat my FMS because of their interaction with Arimidex or because they have not been tested. This cancer journey has made me have to lean into the Lord more than ever because of FMS and just the journey itself.

    One thing that hopefully will be an encouragement to you is that when I was discussing my concerns with my RO before starting treatments I asked her if I would be so fatigued that I would not be able to drive to treatments. She said she didn't think so. She said in her 17 years (I think) of being an RO she had only one patient that needed to take a short break because of fatigue. I had several days off because of the radiation machine breaking down and it was not a concern or they would have sent me to another facility as they had to do for some.

    Let us know when you start radiation and we will certainly be praying for you. Take care. Glad your chemo is 2/3 done. The end is in sight.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Patty, just saw your post. I will definitely be praying for your son bless his heart. How are you doing?




  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited September 2014

    Still not  lot to report here ladies. I'm still very swollen and short of breath.  Also very fatigued.  I've had a parade of people through here  from social workers, PT's, OT'S, etc.  Doesn't look like it's going to top any time soon.  Of note, my PT turns out to be a Christian so I'm thanking God for that blessing.

    Keep those prayers coming - they are very much appreciated!  Blessings.  Sue

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2014

    Continuing to pray for you, Sue. Praying the swelling will cease and your breathing will improve.  Thankful to God for bringing a Christian to encourage and help you! 

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Becky and Deborah - so glad you stopped by to check in!

    Deborah and Nancy (and anybody else) - I had all (which turned out to be 20) lymph nodes in my left arm removed.  I faithfully do the lymphatic massage the PT taught me at least once a day and "baby" my left arm (no heavy lifting, repetitive motions, blood pressure, etc.). I have really good insurance but according to the policy guidelines, they wouldn't cover the sleeve and glove unless "traditional" (which I figure was PT and massage) had failed for 6 weeks and my doctor said it was medically necessary. Well, I had my surgeon write "this is medically necessary" on the prescription and they ended up covering it 100%. I haven't had any problems but we're flying to Europe next spring and I really really want it for the long flight - so thank you, God!!! You're right, Nancy, after seeing all that Anita and Sue are going through, I certainly want to be very cautious and careful. 

    How are all the chemo ladies making out this week? Praying for you all, sisters. Drink lots of water and follow the doctor's directions (some of you will remember that my only really bad time was last December when I didn't take the steroid pills the doctor prescribed, thinking I would avoid unnecessary meds and didn't need them - wrong!!!).

    In case you haven't seen this - I was just watching the Mandisa video again - it that makes me cry and get chills every time I watch it (Good Morning America played it alot when Robin Roberts came back after her cancer treatment):

    We are overcomers, my sweet sisters! 

    love, Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Sue: I have you in prayer. Lord touch Sue's body and give her relief from her swelling. Touch her airway and allow oxygen to pass freely through her lungs. Uplift her and give her  strength to battle the  fiery darts of Satan as He attacks her mentally. Restore her health, heal her. It is in the name of Jesus that I ask. Amen

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Bev, I
    have never heard this song before. I listened to it and just began to PTL.
    This is what came to mind.

    We are
    overcomers that move with strength, determination and in faith and love.
    Our heads are held high with uplifted hearts -- not in the palm of our
    hands with downtrodden heart. I lift my voice in admiration and joy to the God
    that I serve because He, my Lord and Savior, has given me a burden to bare so
    that I can give Him all the glory through it. I lift up my arms because
    Christ is helping me through this journey and provided such an awesome and
    wonderful support system. How could I walk this journey without my Savior
    in site, I couldn't. Hebrews 11:1-3 & 6 came to mind.

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
    things not seen.
    2:For by it the elders obtained a good report. 3:Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the
    word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do
    6" But without faithit isimpossible to pleasehim: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, andthathe is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    Faith is in my Lord and Savior that His will is done in my life. That he
    prepares me each and every step of the way.

    I cried
    because I am an overcomer, because He overcame! We are overcomers because we want His will in our lives.

    again for sharing this song and video Bev!

    Bless you my Sisters in Christ.  


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I am so glad to see your post but so sorry that you have to go through all of this. I am thrilled to hear your PT is a Christian. I am continuing to pray that you can rest comfortably. Can they give you an oxygen machine to help you breath. Is this still a side effect of your surgery or do they know what is going on. I will continue to pray for you along with everyone else here. There is power in agreement. Hang on. You will get through this.


    Lucy, I am still praying for you and your brother and wondering how things are. I know you have so much on your plate right now. Post and let us know how you are doing when you can.


    Bev, That is interesting how your surgeon worded things that worked for insurance purposes. My PT had my RO sign the letter for my script and I don't imagine it specifically says it is medically necessary but I know that phrase all too well when it comes to PT in general over the years. If there is ever any gray area when it comes to insurance they can simply say it is not medically necessary to save themselves big bucks. That is why I learned to swim just a few years ago when I knew in retirement I would not have all the medical support that I had when I was working when it came to my muscle therapist and my chiro which I saw both weekly for many, many years. My chiro said the teacher's insurance was really bad when it came to covering his services.  I learned how to swim and my goal was to do lap swimming and that is what I did all because I knew I was going to have to create my own therapy. It has worked out well. I am not back to swimming yet because of this mystery illness but I sure hope to be back soon. I have been in the pool since the beginning of March. Thanks for sharing the Mandisa link. The radio station I listen to her plays her song all the time but I don't know if I have seen the video. I love her. She is such a great role model. A trip to Europe. How exciting!!!!


    Char, when it your next big race? Glad you got some help for Thursdays and a bit of relief for Friday. Hope your school year is going well. I too wonder how Glenfae is doing. I sure hope she is okay. If she hasn't logged into bco she would not see your PM. That was nice of you to check.

    Jean, hope you are hanging in their after your first chemo yesterday with little side effects.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Lucy and Sue, praying for you!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    God hears our prayers for each other. 1John 5:14  Thanks Salty Jack and others.  Had my first chemo yesterday and gave myself the neuslasta shot tonight.  So far no bad sides.  A little one of Gods miracles, was when I was waiting to get approval at the hospital pharmacy for the neulasta to take home, I was getting frustrated and started praying aloud very quietly.  A hospital worker who had come in and was sitting next to me also started to pray with me and the med was approved within 5 minutes.  God had sent one of His workers to be a prayer partner in a most unlikely place.  Everyone there witnessed the power of prayer!  Isn't Jesus wonderful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Jean, PTL. That's amazing. God is so good.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi there Sisters!!!

    It's late but wanted to post quickly before I close my eyes. So much has gone on since last week Thursday. First if all my brother was released yesterday afternoon. He is doing well considering. He had a brain infarction which is basically a mini stroke. He has numbing in his face jaw shoulder and arm. He is able to use it just can't grab things very well. There has been improvement since it happened already. He will be having PT for a while to gain his strength back. The docs say they won't know if it will all come back or not.  He is determined so we are happy about that. He has to quit smoking and he has to start some cholesterol meds and also take a baby aspirin. He has a good attitude and has not smoked since Thursday so I am stoked about that. He is taking some time off work this week already as his daughter is going in for surgery to remove a tumor on her lung that has returned. Been a rough busy few days for sure. There are blessings in all of this so I am making sure we all see them. My brother is very fortunate as this could have been a lot worse...and he knows it. Thanks you so much for your prayers...keep them coming he has a long road ahead. Also pray for his salvation as he has stepped away from his walk with our Lord. Ever since his daughter was dx 5 yrs ago he has turned his back on God. 

    Sue it was great to talk with you this afternoon. I pray throughout the day and I hope you were able to read Colossians 1. I am going to read it again a few times this week there is a reason why I am supposed to share that.  Anyone else who would like please read it. It is about trusting and having peace. Lord we just ask for total healing for Sue as she continues her fight each day. Give her the strength to get through this time. Lord we trust and believe in you and your goodness and you want nothing more than for us to be healthy and happy. Father we plead the blood of Jesus right now for Sue so she is victorious in her battle. She is an amazing warrior in Christ and we know you love her. Father God Sues body is the temple of God and the Holy Spirit is flowing through her right now and we claim that the swelling and pain is removed from her body RIGHT NOW in Jesus MIGHTY name we pray. We exalt you Lord and we thank you so very much for your mercy and Jesus name we pray...Amen and Amen...Sue is HEALED!!!

    As for me I had amazing good news on Monday after 6 appts.  Met my new gyno (10:30) and I just love her and I am so glad to add her to my team. Had an ultrasound (9:30) of all my girly parts and everything is in great shape...PTL!!!  I was so relieved as this was the first annual since my last one where I was dx so it was a bit unnerving today the least. Also she recomended that I only have my tubes and ovaries removed and not the full hysterectomy so that was good. Also not a rush so next year would be fine. Lunch 11:00 Blood draw (12:40) liver counts are up a bit but not alarming so we stay on track with the dose of the pill. Met with onc (1:30) and she said all was well and we went over the ct scan and she said that it all looked great. I asked her if I would be looking at ever removing the two nodules left on my lung and she said probably not. She also said that she really believed that there was no more cancer on them. She said she didn't want to remove them to find out. Didn't want to put me through unnecessary surgery. The scans are showing things are dormant and no progression anywhere. She basically said she didn't think there was any cancer and this was awesome to hear. It's the closest I have heard to being in remission which they say they don't like to say with TNBC. Also went over the results of gyno visit and she doesn't want to do any surgery with the ovaries if we don't have too for a while. Reason for all of this is one of the side effects of the pill is bleeding so she wants to be super careful that it is a necessary option.  She said I would have to get off the study for a while then wait a while before having surgery. That is a bit scary but overall I am happy with my results. Met with nutritionist (2:30) and that went well and she gave me a couple of new recipes for beets and also told me to add turmeric in everything if I could stand it. 

    Well I am way behind in looking at all the post so I am sorry for not knowing what is happening but I wanted to at least check in. I will catch up over the next couple of days. Ladies be well with you and read Colossians 1 if you can. Blessings Abundant and love ya all...Lucy. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, that is such great news regarding your visit with your new gyno. I am glad she didn't want you to rush into this surgery just yet. Also thrilled for you that she is not recommending a complete hysterectomy. Overall I would think this would be a happy dance time. However with your brother's situation I know you are concerned not only with his physical but his spiritual health. I will be praying for that as well.


    I got up really early today because my article with my swan photo came out today in the paper and we are going to be experiencing some flooding so I got up early to get the paper when it was delivered so it wouldn't be soaked by the time I got to it. The photo is quite large and it says a Heavenly Sight. They did get in the last sentence that I felt it was a gift from God. (Seeing the swans on the way to radiation and then the two adults having five babies.) They did not include my high praise for my radiation team but they gave God the glory and that is what I didn't know if they would edit out. I am thrilled! Thank you Jesus for how you work in our lives and even through a family of swans.

    Sue, I am praying that as I type you are resting comfortably. I pray that from this day forward you will see improvement and see your way out of this dark time. I continue to lift you up dear sister and I am praying for a complete healing.

    Going back to bed for a bit. Good morning and maybe for some it is evening.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Prayers going up for Lucy brother.  May his Dtr's situation bring him back to you Jesus, our great physician.   Praise to you Lord for Lucy's good reports and for Nancy's swans.  Love,  Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Lucy: Such wonderful kisses from God. He has it all in control...right?  Praying for your brother. Sometimes God must do extreme things to get our attention.

    Sue: Still praying for you girlfriend. Just keep hanging on and if not let god hold on for you.

    Nancy: How wonderful to have your swan picture published....I am in the presence of a grey photographer. I had curriculum night till 8:30 this evening so it made for a long day. 

    I run my 10k or 6.2 miles this Sunday. I don't like doing Sunday races and this probably will be the last time I run this one. It has 10,000 in my race and it is so crowded. My next one God willing will be Nov.9th and is a 10 mile race. Silly...but I would love prayer for my race if anyone thinks of it Sunday morning.

    It has been a trying week. Our new second grade teacher lost her future father-in-law on Monday after a tractor trailer had two tires fly off and hit their car. He was killed and his wife was released from the hospital yesterday. They said they found the truck that lost its tires but no word on specifics.

    My nephew that I raised and runs races with me went to the doctor's today because he had numbing on one  side of his face and his speech was slurred. I don't have all the details but blood tests are supposed to be okay.

    Getting back into the teaching mode is going okay although I am wishing it were June. But for the most part I have a good schedule and pretty good kids.

    We'll, time for bed...hugs and prayers to all.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Char, I will be praying for you for your race. I have already been doing that but didn't know the targeted day for prayers. So this Sunday it is. I remember those curriculum nights. On the news they are showing an underwater photographer getting really neat shots of dogs. Now that is a great photographer. I hope I don't have to learn underwater photography too. On ground is hard enough!  God got the glory in my photo contest and I am so thrilled with that.

    Lucy, How is your brother doing? Your DH? Your son? You?  I feel like you need to be cloned to do all the things you are doing!

    Sue, I am still praying for you dear sister. I just wish there was something I could do for you. I am praying that you can rest without discomfort or pain. We are all lifting you to the Lord. You will get through this!!!!

    Patty, how is your son doing? How are you doing?



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Ok so I have just experienced typing a huge post to get caught up and guess what...???  Yep, you're right...lost forever...UGH!!!

    So I will just post a song that we sang last night at our women's meeting at church.

    "Broken Hallelujah"I can barely stand right now.
    Everything is crashing down,
    And I wonder where You are.

    I try to find the words to pray.
    I don't always know what to say,
    But You're the one that can hear my heart.

    Even though I don't know what your plan is,
    I know You're making beauty from these ashes.

    I've seen joy and I've seen pain.
    On my knees, I call Your name.
    Here's my broken hallelujah.

    With nothing left to hold onto,
    I raise these empty hands to You.
    Here's my broken hallelujah.

    You know the things that have brought me here.
    You know the story of every tear.
    ‘Cause You've been here from the very start.

    Even though I don't know what your plan is,
    I know You're making beauty from these ashes.

    I've seen joy and I've seen pain.
    On my knees, I call Your name.
    Here's my broken hallelujah.

    With nothing left to hold onto,
    I raise these empty hands to You.
    Here's my broken hallelujah.

    When all is taken away, don't let my heart be changed.
    Let me always sing Hallelujah
    When I feel afraid, don't let my hope be erased
    Let me always sing Hallelujah.
    Let me always sing Hallelujah.

    I will always sing
    I will always sing
    Here's my broken hallelujah.  Good night ya all...stay strong and determined and know...You Got This!!!Lucy


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    I will say that my brother is home and doing well.  Pray for strength in his fight to quit smoking and to revive his salvation with the his walk with the Lord.  My son is doing great and healing nicely and his liver is stronger and he is not yellow anymore and is planning on going back to work next week...Praise God!!!

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and keep them coming.  Blessings Abundant...Lucy

    Also, spoke to Sue this evening and she is breathing better...a little bit but better...PRAISE OUR LORD!

    Lord you are mighty and we exalt you and love you so much...thank you so much for showing you love us and are near us daily...praise your name Lord you are mighty and you reign...YES!!!


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    Praising The Lord across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    I had a bit of a pity party this morning thinking of 14 months of treatment but am mostly back on track.  I did some laundry and cleaning and am trying to take it one day at a time.  Spiritbless, thanks so much for posting that always gets me in touch with feelings.  I have a good cry then feel better.  Love, ZJ

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                                                    REMEMBERING 9-11-01




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    When I went in for chemo this week, my MO took one look at me in the wheelchair (she hasn't seen me that much this summer, been leaning in her nurse pract.) and she started naming lots of changes in my treatment that we can do. So, I believe I have had my 35th and last dose of abraxane due to toxicity, she named xeloda as being a good one. Taking a chemo break next week whoop whoop and getting my scans done.  Thank you, Lord, for wisdom from above and for devine healing!

    Love across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    A bit queasy this morning.  Hope eating something will help.  14 months of this seems daunting right now.  Just starting a very long journey.  There is a scripture in Song of Solomon that says

    "Who is this coming up from the wilderness,  leaning on her beloved?"  

    SOS 8:5

    My prayer today is that will be all of us, leaning on our beloved Jesus.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Anita, So glad your MO recognized your condition and adapted your treatment plan. Yeah for a break from chemo.

    Jean, This journey is in some ways more of an emotional impact that even a physical one. The Lord knows and understands where we are at any given moment as far as our emotions and reactions to this disease. He will lift you up. Sometimes it is good to cry it out but not dwell on it. Finding distractions in pleasant and good things that the Lord provides for us every day is the ticket. I am still not feeling great and when I counted up the months it has been over six months and I can't believe that much time has gone by. In retrospect you will feel that way too I hope. I had friends that reminded me over and over to take one day at a time. Looking beyond that is just too overwhelming.

    Sue, You have still been on my heart and in my prayers. How are you doing. The last we heard Lucy had talked to you were a bit better. I sure hope that is the trend. Hang in there girl. You are loved and prayed for.

    Char, Praying for the big race on Sunday and that your knee cooperates.

    Lucy, How is everyone doing? You are all in my prayers.

    Bev, We could use some Texas heat about now. Burrrrrrrrrrrrr it is cold here for the next few days. How are you doing? How's your dog doing with the broken leg.

    Praying for everyone. My tests are still all coming in either normal or negative. I need wisdom and my primary doctor needs wisdom. I have no idea how he is going to proceed with me as my GI issues remain. I have had good days since Sunday but once I eat my evening meal the GI issues surface. As if I didn't need one more thing......... I had a run in with a case of water at Wal mart last weekend. It is one of those I could file a lawsuit kind of thing but I won't. A case of water started to fall on me and as a knee jerk reaction I hit my left hand (surgery arm) really hard on the shopping cart. I thought I broke my pinky and then I thought maybe a bone in my hand. It was really sore for a few days and then I thought it was getting better. Very painful today. Please pray that this is not another thing to deal with. I still haven't dealt with my eye situation yet either.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend and those who are having chemo and other issues stay strong and know you are being prayed for.

    Love you all,


  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2014

    Jean, you are in my prayers. The chemo will get a whole easier after you finish the AC and Taxol. I know that will still be a long journey but at least not as long as 14 months. May God use this time to draw you closer to Him bringing a deep joy that only those of us who have suffered can know.

    Anita, I'm praising God that you'll be having some changes in your treatment! I'm praying you'll feel better and stronger each day.

    Bev and Nancy - thank you for your input about lymph nodes, compression sleeves, and more. Bev, a trip to Europe is exciting! I look forward to hearing more about it in the future.

    Nancy, I hope you get well soon and answers to why you've been having trouble. I also hope you can get back to swimming again. It's really one of the best exercises out there.

    Lucy, still praying for your brother.

    Sue, you continue to be in my prayers! 

    I just finished "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom yesterday. All the suffering Corrie and so many others went through is nothing compared to mine. She is a clear example of many of the ways God uses our suffering not only for His Glory but to bring hope to others. I love this quote by her "There is no
    pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still".

    with love, Deborah

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Bandwoman and Deborahanne for the encouragement and prayers.  Cancer is a very isolating disease and it helps a lot to know I am not alone.  I know Jesus is always here but other women going thru this with me makes it easier.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014


    If you met me in person I am a very private person when it comes to health issues. Online many probably think I am a real talker but not in person. I have had fibromyalgia for many, many years and it can be a debilitating illness and I was very tight lipped about it especially in the work force. I didn't ever want to use it as an excuse but most of the time I had every reason to use it but didn't. However when I found out I had cancer for some reason that I am sure God was behind I decided to tell it to everyone. I let my two schools that I had retired from three years prior know what was going on. I was involved in two different retirement groups and I let them all know. I am not on Facebook but my sister is and she let all her Facebook friends know. Before I knew it I had an unbelievable amount of prayer support from different churches and Bible studies. It was just mind boggling. I had people come out of the woodwork to email and send cards and flowers. I still get cards. I have around 100 cards and about that many emails from people that really do care. I don't know what your situation is but I sure hope that you can let some people into your world if you feel comfortable with that. You will be surprised who might come along side you to walk this journey with you. I live alone with my cat and I don't have any family in this area. They are all three hours away so I had no family up with me during my surgery and treatments. I really never did feel alone. I am going to pray that you will have that happen to you as well. These ladies here are very supportive and they will pray for you. Just ask when you need it.




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Wow, lots of good news this week!  Lucy, so glad that you're doing so well....I know TNBC is scary (like any cancer is good? duh!) but God has been answering our prayers!  So glad you'll have a break from some of the treatment and easier surgery planned. Thanks for keeping us up to date with Sue - still praying for you, sweet sister!

    Anita - I'm so glad you'll get a break from chemo and change of treatment for a while - hope you'll feel much better and be able to enjoy the change of seasons.

    Jean, my first chemo was August 30, 2013 - in a way, it seems like forever ago but in other ways, this whole year just flew by. God will give you the strength you need every day....just like the manna for the Israelites in the wilderness.  How is your hair? Losing my hair was really hard for me - hopefully you have a comfortable wig or hat or scarf. :) 

    Char, thinking of you this week and praying that school will get into a well as the race on Sunday. Run like the wind, my friend!

    Please pray for our friend, Sharon. She's been subbing every day (and will be, probably till Christmas for a special ed teacher who was badly injured in a car accident the second day of school). The aid is very difficult and treats the children badly - to top it off, her dad had a stroke this week and is in the hospital so she's working in visits with him, along with teaching every day, PT for her shoulder, lesson plans, etc.  At least she and her husband are planning to spend several months in Florida on the beach this winter!

    I'm doing just fine - ready for reconstruction, hopefully in early December, and enjoying only having my herceptin infusions every three weeks till then. My compression sleeve and glove are in but I haven't picked them up yet. I've been noticing that my arm feels "tired" often lately - not sure if it's something new or I'm just noticing it more. I do my massage several times a day just in case!  Thanks for asking, Nancy, about our foster dog. His incision is healing well but it's VERY challenging to keep him from licking it open! I feel rotten doing it but we keep his muzzle on him over night and whenever we're not in the room with him....if he'd just leave it alone for a couple of days, we'd be over the open/oozy stage!  Wish I could 'splain it to him!

    We're supposed to get a "cool" front this weekend - so the high temperatures will only be in the mid-80's....then we'll be back to low 90's again next week.  There are a bunch of rain storms moving through the area but they all seem to dump all the moisture in Houston, 50 miles southeast of us. They got 5" of rain today and we got a few sprinkles!  :(  Hope it warms up for the rest of you up north!

    Have a great weekend, my friends. I'll be praying!  love, Bev