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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Lucy: I am sure your PM works. I just think Satan did not want me to send you encouraging words so he blocked it for me.

    Day 6:

    Thank you Lord for my teaching job. While I went through a glut of teachers wanting jobs in the late 70's and paid my dues waiting, God gave me a job in the best school district in our area and third in the state of PA. While I hear the constant complaints from others and I am sure they are legit, I am absolutely thrilled to be doing what I do. I can say that I so enjoy my job that sometimes I cannot believe I get paid to do this. While so many are waiting or have lost jobs, I am blest to have one. I came close to retiring early this year because of my knee but God and all those prayers have brought me through this. Thank you God for being so gracious to me. I know so many others that probably are so much better than me at this job but I try to do my very best. And thank you to my hubby who moved here for me so I could stay here and teach.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Good morning, dear sisters in Christ. I'm up early, as DH got an early start and after he prayed with me I lay there in bed and prayed for a long time. Such a sweet time. My heart is filled with joy today, and that is something I have so missed. As I lay there praising him and thanking him for the restoring of my soul, I lifted each of you before the throne of grace with all the names and needs I could remember, and those I couldn't as well, because he knows what they are. Finally got up about 6:30 and came out to the kitchen where I found my sweet cousin making her coffee. I told her about the conversation DH and I had about her last night, that there weren't many people in the world we could share a home with, but, he said, she's really more like a sister to me, and I agreed. It does seem a perfect fit, and in a couple of weeks it will be three years since she came to stay. We hugged and a tear or two may have been shed.

    Today I am thankful for joy. Coming from a badly dysfunctional family of origin, suffering with chronic suicidal depression from adolescence into my mid-30's, and still struggling with dark feelings from time to time, perhaps I appreciate the joy more intensely when it lights on me like a butterfly. Yesterday was like that, my friend T wrote to me "Give them Jesus!" And I think I did, for his joy spilled out of me all day. And still this morning. Joy unspeakable and filled with glory! The joy of the Lord is my strength.

    Nancy, Jennliza hasn't posted since Sunday, when she went out to brunch with her fiancé. She was in a lot of pain, but she was planning on returning to work Monday, and if she did, she is probably exhausted and just getting through her days. I'll update the minute I hear anything. My dear Pinkninja, Rachel, had an especially tough chemo and didn't post for several days, which was unlike her, so I knew something was up. She writes a blog named Living My Faith Out Loud, here's the URL:

    I highly recommend it, she loves the Lord, and is strong in spirit though weak in body.

    I pray each of you has a blessed day, and the butterfly wings rest upon you gently, and with great joy.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Good morning ladies,

    I wanted to share this story. When I went to take pictures of Sue's church when she attended here in Naperville 23 years ago I wanted those pictures to cheer her up. That day also brought back some horrifying memories for me as right across the street from her church this event happened. It is strange that after all this time it has been brought back to me twice as if it were yesterday. Below is an email that one of my retired friends sent me recently.

    I posted your contest picture on
    Facebook so all of the retired folks could see it. I got this comment from the

    Sent from my iPad

    Is this the Nancy who saved my
    daughter's life 10 years ago when her car slipped off the icy road into the
    river on Washington!?  Just yesterday I was looking through a memory box of
    cards, pics, and letters, and was thinking about her as I read the beautiful
    letter she shared with Rachelle of the details of that night.   We will never
    forget her,  and tell her we are praying for her daily!!  <3


    When I received this email from my friend it was just overwhelming and blessed me so much as this is the first communication that I ever had from this mom.

    It was Feb. 2004 and I had stayed late at school and when I was driving home there was a new blanket of snow on the ground and it was dark. It was maybe around 5 and at the heart of rush hour. Traffic is a nightmare around here during that time. I was making a left turn to cross the bridge over the river which is only a couple of blocks from my house. As I turned something caught my eye in my right peripheral vision. It was like a slow motion movie and absolutely surreal. I saw an SUV which was airborne. There was a closed gas station (ready to be sold) and this vehicle hit something on that gas station and made the car take a sharp left down the steep embankment to the river and it disappeared from my vantage point. I was on the bridge and I pulled over and there was bumper to bumper traffic going the other way. I waved at people to help and people looked at me as if I was crazy. I went to look over into the river and this SUV was upside down in the river. I looked at the really steep embankment and I knew there was no way I could make it down there. I distinctly remember not saying one word. The one thing on my mind is this person is drowning and I have to get to my cell phone in my car. I only had a cell phone for emergencies and rarely used it. I remember shaking so bad I could hardly get it turned on. It didn't ever turn on because the battery was dead. I jumped out of the car and started doing jumping jacks and screaming at the top of my lungs for help. That finally got peoples attention. I said someone is in the river call 911. People started pulling off the road. When I looked in the river again there was this girl standing outside the vehicle. I asked her if anyone else was in the car and she said no. Then I don't know where this person came from but obviously there was an easier way to get down to where she was. This person had a long tree branch and was trying to help this girl get out of the water. There was a very tall cement wall along the river and this girl would not have been able to get out on her own. I saw this lady with the branch and I thought there must be a way to get down there so I tried to get down the steep side and as soon as my foot hit the snowy grass I slipped and fell and started sliding down the hill. I finally stopped myself. Everything happened so quickly. The police and ambulance came. The police talked to me and by then the girl was out of the river. I never did get to see her because the policeman told me to move my car as it was blocking traffic. I could see the girl was wrapped in a blanket that someone gave her and obviously she was okay.

    I went home and by the time I went home I realized my wrist was killing me. I called my chiropractor and he said come to the office and I will xray it. He said it was okay and nothing showed up on the xray. I found out six weeks later that it was really broken and had healed but was causing me lots of pain so I had to have weeks of hand therapy after seeing an orthopedic hand surgeon.

    When I got to school the next day there was a picture of this SUV upside down in the river. The first person in the office when I walked in started talking about it and I told her my story. This girl that was in the river was best friends of her daughter. This is the retiree who sent me this email. I found out that the girl heard a "voice". There was NO ONE there but me and I said nothing at first. I look back and wonder why I didn't say anything. I think I was so afraid this person was drowning that all I knew was I had to get to my cell phone and call 911. I am a little fuzzy on this part but I think she the story went that she heard someone tell her to get out of the suv from the window. I am not sure how she did that. She thinks it was an angel.

    I was able to write this girl a letter after getting the details from this coworker and tell her how all of this happened from my perspective. She was a senior in high school and this was a rental SUV that she was not used to driving and had hit a patch of ice and the rest is history. She sent me such a sweet thank you note with her senior picture. She came away from this horrible accident with a broken finger only!

    My gratitude is that God had me at that intersection at the right time to see this thing that I don't think anyone else saw. I am grateful that this girl came out of this alive and with only a minor injury. I have had people say to me see no good deed goes unpunished. The thing is yes, this caused me an injury that I wish had not happened but if it happened all over again I would certainly not hesitate to do the same thing again.

    So you can imagine how blessed I was to see this mom posting on my retirees friend's facebook page. God is so good and how he weaves our lives together is pretty amazing.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.


    Mags, I can see now why you are so grateful to feel joy. Bless your heart, you have been through a very tough time it sounds like. Let's pray that this spirit of joy will abound in your heart and never leave. God knew you would need it now. I am so thankful that the three of you are all living together with a special bond among you. I will check out the link you posted.


    Nancy                                    I think we are at DAY #7 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014


    Hi Warrior Sisters. I am making this quick as I have to run back from lunch for a meeting.

    Day 7 of 50 Days Of Gratitude

    I am grateful today for my sweet little granddaughter Wyllis who is turned 2 today. We will be having a special potluck dinner at their house with both families. We are so excited to be a part if it and are so blessed to have her in our lives. 


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Sorry kadies, I got behind in my gratitude posting since my chemo on Monday.  I will try to catch up.

    Mon.  Grateful the chemo went smoothly and God gave me wisdom to ask for a nurse change when the first had trouble finding a good vein.

    Tues.  Grateful for my brother in law getting a cake and making dinner for my hubby's actual date of birth. .9/23/43.  Also for my ability to go to the supermarket with hubby and enjoying beautiful fall weather.

    Wed.  Grateful for being able to have good communication and understanding while discussing an awkward topic with hubby.  Also for my son in laws visit and his business doing better.

    Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Back again...just wanted to share a song that expresses very clearly what God is doing with me thru this cancer journey.

    Learning to lean, learning to lean

    Learning to lean on Jesus. 

    Finding more power than l've ever seen. 

    Learning to lean on Jesus. 

    Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Day 7 of Gratitude: Praise God for this beautiful day which made think how grateful I am for my ability to see. As I went to work this morning, I thought what sense would I be willing to give up if God said that I must lose one and I thought not my eyes to see how beautiful the world is or a smile, or the faces of those I love. Nor my hearing because I would not hear the leaves rustling in the wind or the chorus of birds singing at daybreak or songs sung to praise God. And smell....not this as I would miss the wonderful fragrances of flowers in my garden. And taste....eating would become just a means of staying alive and there would be no pleasure in it. And not feel thee softness a newborn baby or to touch my fur babies and feel their warmth. Or feel the bark of a 100 year old try or my husbands hand as he squeezes it good night or a tender kiss. God knew we need them all yet we so often take them for granted. Thank you God for all of my senses.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi Sisters...

    Char - Amen!

    Nancy - Amen!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Today's gratitude. Day 7?

    Thank you Jesus for your constant reminders of your presence.  Learning to lean on you.  Leaning hard as you told me to do.  Finding your strength more than sufficient.   As showers of blessings upon me you pour, I look to this day with excitement in store.  Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                                                            DAY #8 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful for these glorious days of perfect weather we have been blessed with. I think my bc journey has showed me how precious each day is. I have been taking some time for myself which in the past I would always leave after everything else was done. The problem is there were always a list of things to do and taking time for me had a way of getting bumped off the list. I have enjoyed going out the last two days and just simply had a ball taking all sorts of pictures. It has been a gift to my soul. I have felt pretty good these last two days. The issues seem to crop up after dinner. So far so good tonight.

    Mags, I hope you are still feeling that joy that only comes from the Lord.

    Lucy, Such precious grand kids.

    Char, Praying your last few days of training before this next race are going well

    Jean, Did you write that little poem. I like the optimistic attitude that it brings.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I am going to post a few favorite pics of the last two days.

    Sue and Anita, I am still praying that you are resting comfortably and will both be home soon.









  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Oh Nancy, such beautiful bird pictures! I started bird watching when DH and I were first married, as a way to connect with his dad. He wasn't too sure what to make of me at first, as I was nine years older than his son, and we'd only known each other for a couple of months when we married. But I would sit at the table by the patio doors with him, drinking coffee and watching the birds on the feeders, and learning about their habits. He's been gone more than ten years now, but I have all his birding books and feeders all around – though I've not had the energy to fill them, fortunately there's still plenty of food around. We don't have nearly the variety in this house that our last place had, we had lots of trees so we had woodpeckers and hawks and owls.

    Yes, the joy is there still, but I'm having a rough couple of days with fatigue and queasies. Days 3-5 are my worst. I missed my Day 8 but promise to post double a bit later, because I am still so thankful for my thorn.

    Praying for each of you today.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Yep, that poem was a hallelulia of gratitude for His holding me above the waves instead of calming the storm.  His way is always best.  

    Today I am grateful for hubby's support.  Love, Jean

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2014

    thanks so much for the comment jean, I just found out that the storm is still on............. tumour markes rose after my cytoxyn and epirubican chemo I had a 3month break now have to have some other treatment... I need prayer and more and more faith that the LORD OUR GOD is in control of all the crashing waves. I love Him and KNOW he is here...


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Day 7 & 8 of 50 Days of Gratitude

    Day #7 - so grateful for having the privelidge and freedom to read my bible. Psalms 91 is one of my favorites: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. (‭Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1-2‬ KJV). I my prayer every morning over my pill I always say that I run to my stronghold which is the blood of Jesus and He is my refuge and my fortress.  So beautiful to know this. 

    Day #8 - I am grateful for the seasons. I love the fall with all the colors changing and the welcoming of the new season and weather. It's calming and I am looking forward to crockpot soups, sweatshirts, warm boots, glow from the fire in the fireplace and wearing warm fuzzy lounging clothes while I read my books. 

    Hoping everyone is having a blessed Friday and having minimal to no issues or SE's. Love ya all...Lucy 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                                   DAY # 9 of 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

    I am grateful that the last three days I have been able to take some me time with my camera and enjoy this glorious weather pattern we are in. I have had some good days in a row which is such a blessing. I should get my US results on Monday.

    Mags, I am glad you enjoyed the bird pics. I am sorry you are in that rough stage of not feeling very good. I hope this passes quickly. Do you subscribe to Netflix? They just added a movie if you are a member. It is called Birders, The Central Park Effect. I love this documentary. I had no idea when I was watching it that this older lady who was very much a part of this movie had terminal breast cancer. It is inspiring to watch her passion for living while she could. It is all about the migrating birds of Central Park in NY. I used to be on the worship board on a Fibromyalgia board and made good email friends and one lady was from Canada who had CFS so I have a little glimpse into what your life must be like. I have fatigue all the time but I can still function. I always have to gauge my energy level and make adjustments. My teaching career zapped my energy while at school and I came home and had very little left over for me. I am praying that you will feel better. I am sorry that you have to deal with these issues besides bc.  I appreciate your prayers!  You have mine as well.

    Jean, I remember singing that hymn learning to lean when times seemed really hard.  There were days I didn't think I had the energy to do my teaching job but the Lord always saw me through and He will see you through this time as well.

    Becky, I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing those crashing waves again. I know so often it seems like we just catch our breath and then see a huge wave that we know is going to hit us again.  I pray that you can hang on to the Lord during these tough times. He will see you through this wave and the next one and the next one after that. He is doing a work in you that is hard to see when we are bracing for another wave. I pray that a new treatment plan can be found and put into place for you. Hang on. You can do this.

    Angie, How are you doing? I have missed seeing you around. Hope things are going well and you are managing your treatments.

    Char, I am praying that you will have a very successful race on Sunday (I think it is this one) and that your knee will not cause you any problems.

    Lucy, I love that Psalm 91 too. I have read it through so many trials and it just seems to offer such peace. I too love the seasons. Our trees are turning now and it is so beautiful to see.

    Bev, A strange thing happened early this morning. I was up in the night not feeling great and got on my computer and got an email that you had posted. I read your post and I thought this sounds so familiar. Your post from Sept 16 ( I think it was) posted again (only in my email notification) today I think since it was 3 am when I was reading it. So strange. I hope you didn't lose a post.  Hoping you are doing well. Are you seeing the end in sight for your treatments. I was thinking they were ending in Nov. and then reconstruction. Do I have that right?

    Deborah, I hope you are doing well.

    I am still praying for Sue and Anita. Where ever you both are I am praying that you are resting comfortably and are not in pain.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Sweet sisters, it's been the roughest few days for me yet. I've just been curled down in the recliner waiting for this to pass. I've been derelict in my days of gratitude, though I thank him daily for my thorn.

    But I'm here this morning with a request from our sister Angie, Ladyb1234, who monitors the August chemo thread. I'm just going to paste it here as she asked in pm.

    "I have been hospitalized with an infected port and they are removing it and will replace with a pic-line as I have 13 more treatment and very bad viens. Initially they were going to insert another port on the other side. However during ultrasound they found a blood clot and changed course of action. I ask for your prayers as I go through the procedures today of removing port and getting pic line. I will also be on blood thinners for 3 months and have weekly follow-ups. I am in awe of my medical team. I have been a priority since I was told by the nurse to go to ER. And the specialist that have been in And out and then boards that met on my case. I just thank God for the coverage I have. But am saddened for those that my not have medical coverage or a good medical team that puts their needs first.

    "Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers."

    She wrote that she'll be offline for several days due to this, and I'm sure she will check in as soon as she can.

    My dear sisters, even when I can do nothing else, it's my honor and privilege to always lift your needs before the throne of grace. And for that I am truly grateful.

    Have a blessed day.

  • Deborahanne
    Deborahanne Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies! I'm doing well, I just have a lot going on as I'm working a lot more at my job and with activities with my family, church, and Ladies Bible study, my time is full.  You all are blessing to me! Oh how I would love to work less at my job and spend more time with you. 

    I've been trying to keep up with your posts through my email, praying as the needs come up. Now that I've logged into the site I'm blessed to see the additional pictures and inspiration. 

    My heart is heavy as it probably is for many of you that we haven't heard from Sue. I'm praying for her and her family as well as for several of you who are having a difficult time. Thanks, Mags, for letting us know about Angie and her need for our prayers. 

    The 50 days of gratitude is a wonderful way to share personal stories and to move our thoughts away from the things that pull us down. When I was going through chemo last year, I shared my journey in small postings on Facebook. With each affliction I infused it with scripture and gratitude. I am truly blessed, all the goodness in me is because of God.  It's all because of His grace and mercy. "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me." I truly was a self-centered wretch before Christ came into my life. Each day He is working in my life through good times and bad times, growing me more into what He desires for me to be. Sometimes the sanctification process is hard and painful, but the results are wonderfully glorious. Everything I am thankful for - all 50 plus - I know come from God. He is the giver of grace, giver of life, giver of love, giver of mercy, giver of goodness, giver of all blessings, and giver of so much more. My gratitude towards my Savior overflows and will continue for eternity. He is my great reward. 

    Love, prayers, and blessings, Deborah

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Morning Sisters,

    Day 9 of 50 days of Gratitude - I am grateful for Allen who is a neighbors friend who has been mowing our lawn this summer. He also restained our decks. He is coming today to fix our fence gate and do some paint trim on our windows.  So thankful for the help as DH can't do this anymore. God just bless Allen. 

    Day 10 of 50 Days of Gratitude - I am grateful for my Christian family especially a couple who are very close to us. They pray for us daily and they come over very Thursday for a couple of hours before worship practice to have dinner and pray with us. He plays guitar. We are so blessed to have these wonderful people in our lives during this journey. 

    I pray you all have a good day today and SE's are easing up. Anita, Angie and Mags lifting you in prayer today and all day. 

    Sue I pray every day for you and miss our chats. I hVe tried calling your house several times with no answer. Just know we are praying for you. Love you sister. 

    I am attending a women's retreat put on by my church on the 10th and 11th of October. I will be taking all of you with me in prayer. I will have some quiet time with our Lord and will be in prayer for all of us. 

    Have a blessed day and look for those silver linings you all Lucy 

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Grateful for getting thru days 3-4 when I crash after chemo.  Better today.  Grateful for the energy to attend a local quilt show with hubby.  A dear friend won several awards and the quilts were amazing..Wonderful creativity and imagination God gives His beautiful daughters.  Grateful for a glorious, sunny day where colors are changing here in the Hudson Valley.   Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Prayers, going up for all.  Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Jean so glad you're feeling better and strong enough for an outting. Blessing to you and your DH. 

    Blessing to all of us tis weekend. Loves to all. Lucy.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Mags: so sorry to hear about Angie but I will keep her and you in prayer.

    Jean: Godd to here your feeling a bit better.

    Lucy: Thanks for your efforts with reaching Sue. She has been heavy on my heart. Praying for you dear sister and hoping you will make it home soon Sue.

    Deborahanne: busy is good and glad you are able to do lots more now. It is great to hear from you.

    Tomorrow is my 10k with 10,499 other runners and 16000 in total for two different races. Thank you for prayers and good thoughts. I will be running for each of you tomorrow as I keep all of you in my prayers.

    Day 8: I am grareful for my knee pain...yep. It is a constant reminder that in a moment good health can be gone and should not be taken for granted. Also it keeps me grounded that God controls it all and it is His choosing that I have this so I will give witness to it whenever I can for His glory. It also reminds me that so many have it much worse and this nothing but a slight inconvenience.

    Day 9: I give thanks for my mean spirited neighbor who has set out to make my husband and my life miserable. Too long a story but it is hard to love someone like this yet God reminds me love my neighbors as I would love myself. So I ask God to reap coals of fire upon his head. If you do not know the meaning behind this, it is one worth studying as it is always taken in a bad way and in truth was something good. When people traveled they had no fire wood so the women would always carry hot embers of coal so that they could always keep their fires going. To give someone coals was a sacrifice and a blessing. I know that this man is lost and needs Christ in his life. And I know that Satan uses him to make me angry or to lose my testament. If it were not for a mean back door neighbor, I would not appreciate all the wonderful neighbors that I have been blest with.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    I just wanted to check in briefly with a gratitude. This is my sweet Schnoodle, Rose. When she's groomed, she has the sweetest heart on her tummy. Chemo has been really hard on her, as she doesn't understand what mommy is going through. But she is so faithful.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Char - good luck on your race tomorrow and know we will be praying for you and your knee. We all have one of those neighbors in some fashion in our lives don't we?  We will pray for him too. 

    I just finished shampooing my bedroom carpet and I am pooped. Resting for a bit before I go on to another project. Supposed to go to dinner and movies with another couple. Tomorrow we are having a Christian band at both our services and then a BBQ and also our monthly council meeting then another concert at 7:00 so it will be a full day for me. But it's also a fun day so looking forward to it. The name of the band is The Exchange never heard them before but over to worship. 

    Ladies I ask for prayer on something specific for me. I have a women's meeting every month that just started again for the season and one of the leaders asked me last month if I would be willing to share my story/testimony of my journey with the women. I reacted quickly and said no I don't think so as my initial reaction is panic in speaking in front of a group especially about me. So needless to say it has been on my heart since and so I have been praying about it and it seems God is wanting me to do this. I know I must be bold but I am also a very emotional person and I just know I will cry and times. So my pastors wife stopped by this afternoon to pick up a prop that he is borrowing for his message tomorrow and she mentioned she heard I was going to the women's retreat on the 10th and 11th and that she was so excited I was going. Well immediately I felt in my heart that maybe I was to do it there and not our monthly meeting. I shook in fear for a moment and ignored it. Well an hour later my fire buddy (I'll explain this another time) who I believe God has as my mentor in my walk stopped by out of the blue to give my DH a book that God told her to give him. So of course I am thinking...ok Lord I hear you. So I took her aside and told her all this and she started to weep and said it is God speaking to me and it has to be at the retreat because wants to heal. There is a women named Shelly Love who is the speaker for the retreat for both days. I am nervous and I known God wants us to be bold and I am when I am in my comfort zone but this is going way out. This is where I miss Sue so much because it know she would give me her wisdom. Thank you in advance warriors. Love and blessings...Lucy. 

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Great idea Mags...let's post pics of our babies. I will find one of Gidget and send it soon. Rose is a cutie pie and I have often wondered what goes through their heads while we deal with our afflictions. They are so aware really of everything around them. More to come...

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Mags : my fur friends were on for tomorrow. How sweet to share yours. They give us such unconditional love.

    Lucy: It is when we feel we cannot do something that God gives us boldness to go forth  because we did through Him and not on our own. I believe that God wants you to do this and Trust Him because He will give you everything you need to do it...the right words...His of course and confidence to speak in a crowd. You just speak from the heart. I want to say one other thing, I think you are one of the strongest women I have ever not met in person. I know that sounds strange but when I read your posts I see a woman of strength and great courage. You can do all things through Christ. I also think that Satan is throwing all this doubt and concern your way as well because he knows that what you have to say is powerful. I know you can do it and I will pray for God to give you the reassurance that you can.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

                                                                               DAY #10 OF 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE


    Good evening ladies. I read the posts earlier today but didn't have time to post but I did pray as I saw them come in. I am grateful today for my sister. She deals with the weekly responsibilities for my mom and I am grateful that we have worked pretty well dividing up responsibilities the best we know how to do. My sister has had her share of pain and heartache the last few years and my daily prayer for her is that she can have some peace and joy in her life.

    Mags, I am sorry to hear this has been such a rough time for you. I am too so sorry to hear about Angie being in the hospital. Is she home or did they admit her. I am certainly praying for both of you. God Bless your little dog. So cute and a heart on it's tummy even!

    Deborah, It is good to hear from you. Are you still working as a nurse? I imagine that can be very stressful. You are such a blessing and always have such words of wisdom to share with us.

    Char, I've been praying all week for your big race tomorrow. I know you will do great. You have trained well and have been vey disciplined in your prep for this so I can't wait to hear how the day goes for you.

    Lucy, You can come and clean my carpets next.Happy That was on my to do list from LAST year that never got done! I hear you about the panic in public speaking. I could stand up and talk to a large auditorium full of band parents and do just fine but when I had to speak in front of my peers it was truly a nerve wracking experience so I can sympathize with what you are going through. You know the Lord will give you what you need if He wants you to do this. He will never ask you to do something that He has not already equipped you to do.

    I have had Sue on my heart a lot today. I had this crazy idea that maybe I could find her brother. Did she ever mention his name to you in your phone chats. I remember she told me her brother was also a pastor in Morris, IL. or at least I think that is the town. It is a rather small town of 15,000 or so and I found out they have 22 churches there. I am not sure exactly what I am going to do with that info but it would be very helpful if I had even his first name. She went to a Congregational Church where I live when she attended church here. There is no such church in Morris. Did Sue ever tell you what denomination she was when she was ordained?  I also thought that maybe her cell phone battery died and even if her brother was there he may not be able to charge her phone for her. He could see text messages from you on it if it was working.  I remember when my Dad was in the hospital before he died there was a 20 day rule with Medicare and he was not going to be able to stay in the hospital for over 20 days if he was not improving or something like that. I remember we thought he was going to have to go to a nursing home to rehab but he never made it that far. It is possible that she is in another facility or a special floor within a hospital just for rehab. Any thoughts or ideas?

    Anita, still praying for you as well and hoping you can get home soon.

    Take care everyone. I am praying for all of you whether I mentioned you or not this time.





  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2014

    Lucy do it even if you are shaking --I hate speaking in public, but did a ladies tea a few years back with my ovarian cancer story..It was a blessing, tho really stretched me...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    I just saw your latest post Char. Yes, I am in agreement that Lucy, you are a tower of strength and you have such joy in the Lord. I know you are pleasing the Lord just by your every day attitude to praise Him and worship Him. You CAN do this!


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Nancy, Angie said she'd be in the hospital until today or tomorrow, so I'm thinking she's still there.