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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Thanks for the encouragement.  I have been having some "poor me's" since no one is calling me.  Feel a bit isolated and even jealous of hubby who is going out with friends today.  On the bright side,  I am feeling a bit better.  God gave me a little miracle last night. I posted SOS8:5 yesterday about coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved.. I believe God is teaching me to lean on Him, not any arm of flesh by removing most earthly support.  Well last night I was reading the daily devotional from "Streams In The Desert" and lo and behold I began to sob as the same scripture was used and the devotional urged me to "lean hard" on him during this trial.  So lean hard dear sisters,  Jesus will hold us up and get us through.  

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Zj so Amen to your post!!!  I have learned to lean very hard and some days it's all day long on our Lord. It is really the one constant we have in all of this.  I have even lost a dear friend through this which is so hard for me to wrap my head around. I read about it and I never thought it would happen to me but it did. Some people just can't deal with the disease. I had to accept it and just pray. I know 14 months seems like a lifetime for you to be on this treatment it it is amazing what we can endure. God gives us the strength and stamina to do it and we are so blessed to know Him and have Him work in our lives. 

    Anita I am glad you are having a change up on your chemo. I was on Abraxane for 6 months weekly and I did alright for the most part. The one SE was a little bloody nose and my fingers were impacted by the neuropathy and of course the hair thinning and loss. I had the neupogen shots two days in a row after as well. I always had good counts after so never really experienced neutraphina, not sure if that is the correct term. Were you doing it weekly?  I have to say it's a little disturbing that you went that long without seeing your MO. I see mine every month except once in the past year when she was on vacation. Even then they called her because my liver counts were elevated when I started the pill. So what exactly did she feel when she saw you that made her make the changes?

    As for me I am doing well and so glad God is a part of my life. Don't know how I could go through any of this without Him. Still pretty high from my last appts and what the MO said. TNBC is scary but I am trusting The Lord. From the very beginning I have just felt like I was going to beat this and so I trust and believe that. I pray every day over my pill and when I have my Avastin every two weeks. I do get worried about the side effects of the pill and Avastin but I remind myself it's all the same and part of my faith in my healing. I will not be having the surgery to remove the ovaries any time soon being as nothing is wrong and one of the SE's of the pill is bleeding so my MO says she would rather not push it now. I worry about that if course as we would have to stop the trial and wait a while before the surgery to do it. I am just thankful everything down below is in good shape. Got to be thankful for the little silver linings daily on this journey. 

    My brother is doing well and seeing his doc today for the followup. He still has numbness in his face jaw and lip and tongue and all the palm of his hand.  He is able to use it but he can't feel anything he is holding. He has not smoked for 8 days now and I am praising God for that one. My sister called me the other day and she asked if I would pray at the same time every day like Paul did so we set our phone alarms for 3 times a day and no matter what we do we pray for our brother for release of the stronghold of smoking for him to have the strength to fight this and also for his salvation. He used to be a strong Christian but walked away 6 years ago. 

    My son is improving and his counts are continuing to drop so God has been busy working in my life and I am so grateful. He may be going back to work in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the prayers for both my brother and son. 

    DH is still struggling but his faith is getting him through every day and he is very strong and he is just awesome. I am so glad to be on this earth with a good mate. He gets frustrated with the changes he has had to go through and the limitations due to his affliction and the years of still not knowing what it all is but all in all he is a strong man. We are here for each other and I know I am blessed. He has an appt with the orthopedic surgeon next week to see if they will plan a knee surgery to fix it. 

    Sue praying you're well and getting stronger, called you yesterday but didn't get you. Will try today. Praying for all you sisters have a blessed day and I will check in later. Blessings Abundant...Lucy 

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Well I gave all of you some wrong information. Apparently I can not use chemo brain as an excuse. Apparently I wrote down that my race was this weekend but it is not for two weeks. A big relief as my knee has been quite tight and swollen from work and training on it. Not complaining, just the way it is. Anyway, thank you for prayers and good thoughts. 

    My nephew is away but apparently drove himself to the hospital after experiencing loss of use of his left side of his face and slurred speech. He was admitted overnight but they found nothing. They said he may have had a mini stroke. He is back out running so he must be leaving it in God's hands to take care of him. I know his job is quite demanding and very stressful. He runs the satellite mapping section that is contracted by the government. They do a lot of mapping of things happening in other troop movement, missile sites etc. 

    Thanks to all of you for your updates on what is happening. It keeps us in the loop as to what to pray for. It is nice to see all of you supporting our newest members as they begin their journey. I know it is helpful to know that others have and will continue to go through the very same thing until we go home.

    Sue, Lucy, Nancy, Anita, Z, and Debbie: continuing to pray for your needs. I cannot imagine or fathom all that so many of you have experienced but I know that our Father knows every single need before it is even thought of or asked prayer for. That is marvelous in and of itself. He has it all covered.

    Love in Christ,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Char, you have two more weeks to train. Chalk it up to a senior moment. That's my excuse at this stage of the game. LOL I hope your nephew is okay.

    I need to get to bed so will write more late. You are in my prayers.

    Sue I hope you are getting better each day. Still praying dear sister.

    Lucy, Glad to hear of some of your good news.

    Take care and good night.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    Tried some Reglan last night for the yucky stomach.  I think it helped.  

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    One Ariamycin/Cytoxin round done, 3 to go. Hoping the next round of 12 weekly taxol doses will be easier.  I will be getting herceptin/perjeta every 3 weeks along with the taxol.  Right now it seems like an endless journey. I am grateful Jesus is with me.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Hi Warriors...

    Zj glad you tried something that helped your tummy. That parts not fun to be queasy. I was blessed and didn't have tummy issues when I was on Abraxane for the 6 months I was on it. However I had my share of not so fun SE's. It seems like a long journey and some days it will feel that way. I have just had my  year of dx in August and I honestly can't believe it's been over a year now. I was scheduled to have the treatment you're on now until they found mets on the lung. That changed everything and I was blessed to fit the criteria for a study trial. The biggest thing and most important thing I can share about the whole journey to date is that God has been with me every step of the way. 

    I have been trying to call Sue the past couple of days but no answer so will try again soon to update. If I don't get her today I am calling the hospital, does anyone know her last name?

    Well back to watching my SeaHawks!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Jean, glad you found something to help your stomach. I have been having stomach issues for over a month and I just tried some Papaya enzymes today. I bought something yesterday that I thought looked really good and got it home and realized it had milk, soy and wheat. I am gluten intolerant and avoid dairy and soy. So I took that back today and we'll see how the Papaya works.


    Lucy, I am very concerned about Sue. I know her old church here in Naperville isn't the same denomination as when she was here so that is no help. She said her brother is also a pastor in Morris, IL but again not very specific. I hope you will get another chance to talk to her. Maybe you can get her last name at that time. I wonder if she is in the hospital without her computer. I hope she is getting help where ever she is.

    Bev, How is your arm doing?  I think the last time you wrote it sounded like you were concerned with it feeling heavy. Have you scheduled you reconstruction yet? Is Sharon postponing the selling of their house because she has a long term sub position. I need to go back and read your post but I know you said a relative of Sharon's had a stroke.

    Angie, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while.

    Anita, Are you still enjoying your water class? Hope you enjoy your chemo vacation this week.

    Mags, how are you and the July chemo sisters doing?

    I have had a week of feeling pretty good during the day but after eating the evening meal not so good. I do think overall I am feeling better. I am praying for God to reveal the source of this GI distress. Thank you all for your prayers. My wiinning photo and article came out in the paper on Wednesday. I am so grateful that God got the glory in that article. I will have to share something else that blessed me so much from that coming out in the paper. That will be for another day. Long story.

    Deborah, Hope you are doing well. Yes, I am very anxious to get back to swimming. I have been able to walk a little. We have had so many rainy days so I don't walk in that. The nice thing about swimming is it doesn't matter what the weather is. It is an underground and indoor pool so even if there is lighting it doesn't matter.

    Char, I hope you enjoyed your Sunday with no race!

    Sue, we are thinking and praying for you dear one. I hope we can hear from you soon.





  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Hello folks: So glad that I had no race. I ran early this morning and put in 4.25 miles. My legs felt like lead. Yep Nancy, most definitely a senior moment or too much on my plate....probably a little of both.

    I too am concerned with Sue. It is terrible but if something happens to one of us it is possible we may never know. I still would like to know if Glenfae is okay but she has never logged back in since going into the hospital. All of us will just need to keep Sue up in prayer. Thanks for trying to reach her Lucy.

    I am concerned with FridayGirl too. We have not heard from Debbie for a while. I sure hope she is holding her own.

    Well, off to do lesson plans and to bed. If I have not said it enough, all of you are so dear  to me and of course to God too. I keep each of you in my heart and prayers.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Sue ALERT...prayers answered warriors!  I just got a text from Sue and she said she is in the hospital and will call me when she can or gets out. That's all she said. Please everyone just lift her in prayer mighty and strong.  You're all very special to me as well. We love you Sue.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    thank for the update, Lucy - and so glad we know to be praying for Sue now. As closely as we feel connected by this thread, it's kind of scary to know how easily we could lose touch with Debbie. How are you, my friend? Our prayers are with you across the miles - hope you're feeling stronger and better?

    Nancy, praying that you're able to figure out what's causing your stomach problems and that you start feeling better once and for all. 

    Jean, praying for you through these next chemo treatments - you'll be looking back at them in your rearview mirror in no time!

    Char, take it easy on your knee - God had it all figured out that you need these extra two weeks to train.  I'm so impressed with your mileages - especially after I can barely shuffle through my 2-1/2 miles! Is your nephew going to run with you this time?

    Have a blessed week, warriors!

    love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Lucy, Thanks so much for letting us know about Sue. She will definitely be in my prayers as she has been. Not sure how to deal with the not knowing what happens to somebody. I was going to send you all the article about me and my swan photo from the paper but for privacy purposes I didn't because it has my full name. Not that I would care that you all knew it but I don't want some of the hackers out there to know. For those of us living alone not sure what we could do. For those in families you could have your family know your log in and that you wanted friends from this thread made aware if anything happened.

    I am not sure if I already said this but today is the BEST I have felt in a very long time. Even feeling pretty good this evening. PTL I just hope it continues. Thank you all for your prayers.

    Char, I agree with Bev, the Lord knew you needed a couple more weeks to get ready. I am totally impressed with both of you running. I tried it years and years ago and it was just too hard on my body with my issues. Biking and swimming and now even walking (a surprise blessing) work best for me. God must have healed my foot problem so I could walk during this journey. Totally amazing how God blesses us every single day.

    Have a wonderful week and Sue know that you are being lifted up continually.

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited September 2014

    Lucy. PTL and thanks so much for letting us know about Sue. Sue is will definitely in my prayers.

    Nancy, so glad you are feeling better today.

    Lucy continuing to pray for you and your family.

    I am doing good.  Just fatigued from the chemo but thanking God I am having minimal to mid-range side effects.  My next AC treatment is scheduled for Wednesday 9/17.  I have my blood work scheduled for Tuesday 9/16 and praying all  comes back OK.  I have a sore throat but no fever so hoping that doesn't interfere with the next treatment.  As always I ask for your prayers for this next round and that it happen as scheduled.

    Praying for each if you!

    God bless,


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited September 2014

    And I would like to thank you all for the encouraging words and prayers sent my way. There will be no chemo for me this week, just 2 aqua therapy classes, my quarterly ct n bone scans n a visit with our youngest on the weekend. I choose to join my faith with you all r.e. all the side effects of both ca and chemo. I realize we don't have to be stage IV to suffer, but since I have been here more than 3 years I do relate.

    God bless us all!

    Love across the miles, 


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2014

    Evening last posting before I turn out the lights. I have to tell you how wonderful our God works and the special kiss I received today. Approximately 15 min before I posted that I received a text from Sue my DH and I decided to go for a drive along the canal to enjoy the nice weather before we ended out weekend and just before we left I tried calling Sue one more time. Again no answer on home or cell phone. So I just got in the truck and started to drive and just prayed and prayed that I would hear something real soon. I had a feeling something went wrong and that she was in the hospital. I was going over in my mind how I would go about calling the hospital to find her as I didn't know her last name. I told DH how worried I was and he encouraged me to keep praying. So we were driving about ten min and we pulled off so we could let our dog Gidget take a little walk and I checked my phone cause I knew I had a text come in and low and behold it was from Sue!  I was thrilled but then immediately I was concerned with what she texted. But the fact the God heard me and answers me so quickly just humbles me. He is so wonderful and considerate to our needs and request that I am in awe.  My DH and I just walked and praised God for his favor and love. He really wanted me to know so He spoke to Sue to reach out to me. I can't wait to hear her side of how she got to that point. The other thing you must know is during our phone chats we have gotten to know more about one another and one thing she told me is she doesn't like to text so for her to do that is huge to me. I feel so honored to call her my friend. I just wished I had met her sooner in life and under different circumstances. 

    As to the comments about how do we know how we are when having issues and not just having someone one day just be gone off our board really makes me sad. So if you are all up for throwing out ideas to remedy that I have one to share. I know with the connection I have with Sue it started by one day she posted she was having a bad day and really down and I checked it at a not normal time so I was sure God led me and from that point on I had a desire to speak to her one on one so I asked her in a private message if she would be open to that and she was. I also know that Bev Sharon and I think Char have gotten together this summer and also chat on the phone. So what I am thinking is maybe us gals who have been on here a while choose someone new to like be a buddy and if they are willing to make phone contact outside the board then we can stay connected through them. Thoughts???

    I also know that Sue has her mom and brother coming out for a visit this week or next so that will be nice to have family over at this time. I also know her neighbor is a huge help to her and I am going to ask her to give him my number so he can call me to update me in case this happens again. 

    Well praying you all have a good week with lots of kisses from our Lord and those of you who are having SE's that they are mild and or gone. Those of you who have chemo this week be strong and know you are not alone. My pics are for all of you sisters and many blessings this week. 



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Nancy, thanks for asking after the July gals, and I have two specific prayer requests for them. One of our girls is in the hospital again; her port was infected and they thought they had it under control but the infection popped up in her leg and she has now been in the hospital for ten days. Last report they finally remove the port but her veins are so tiny they are going to have to do a PICC line. Another of the girls who has been having neoadjuvant chemo had a scan and her tumor has shrunk but she now has two additional tumors so that was a big shock. These two girls are my biggest concerns now.

    I haven't posted because I really don't have much to say, but I do want you to know that I am praying for all of you and especially for Sue. Nancy, I hope your relief is not temporary, perhaps the papaya is working. Do you take acidophilus and probiotics?

    This is my "good" week, I will have round 5 (of 6) next Tuesday. I do have a request for myself. I stopped driving some time ago, and we sold my car. I don't go out much (I'm a hermit at heart) so I haven't felt the need. My cousin who lives with us does all the shopping because it's what she loves to do, and she's been driving me to chemo. But I will have to do rads, so that will be every weekday for 6-7 weeks and she has a pretty busy life volunteering at church, so that will be a stretch. I'm hoping to find alternatives to take the load off of her. So I'll be reaching out, and I'd like to ask for prayers that a solution will present itself. Thanks so much. 

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2014

    Hello Ladies, I saw that some of you were concerned because you hadn't heard from me for a while, so I wanted to let you know that I have been ill recently but am hoping that it is all behind me now.  I have finally finished the 18 weekly Taxol treatments, unfortunately I have infected fingernails which in turn have caused lymphedema (how do you spell that word, in England we do it with an 'o' after the 'd', I have seen it countless different ways and still don't know which one is right).  On top of this I have a chemo rash over my hands and face (lovely!), and for the best part of the past six weeks suffered from diarrhoea (another spelling problem word), cystitis and a bladder/kidney infection.  

    I will have a ct scan on 23rd just to see where my cancer is now that I have finished the chemo.  I told Bestock how my mind is in turmoil and I am imagining every little ache and pain to be cancer, even though at 55 years of age I would probably start to get a variety of issues appear whether I had cancer or not.  I get angry at myself when this happens, it is a testing time for me because it proves to me that I don't place enough trust in the Lord and allow Satan to plant ideas into my head.

    It is good that Sue has made contact with Lucy to let her know what is happening.  I think that everyone on this thread will be praying for her to get though this, and the Lord has blessed her and Lucy by enabling the contact to take place.  

    I have started going to our local cancer centre for lymph massage.  It is ok on my right hand and arm (the side that has the problem), however the physiotherapist insists on massaging gently under my left armpit as well.  I have no feeling whatsoever under my right armpit, you could light a fire under there and I would not know about it.  My left armpit unfortunately is a different story.  Ever since I was a child I have been incredibly ticklish and it is getting embarrassing because I end up bent double and trying to fight her off.  I giggle like a toddler who is being teased by her mother, and try as I might I cannot stop laughing.  Do any of the other ladies who have lymphedema have the same problem?

    Love Debbie

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited September 2014

    So many blessings and so many concerns. I have been off for awhile, but to drop in now and again to keep up with everyone. I was feeling pretty good there for awhile, but I think my pancreas has kicked up again. I haven't felt well since last week. I also have a small lump on my neck that is painful. I see my MO on Weds. Hopefully, all is well.

    I will be going to a funeral on Friday for one of our dear saints. She was 95, and except for about a year and a half spent in Assisted Living, she lived on her own. She kept her wit right till the end. It is comforting to me to see such blessed life lived out. 

    I think of you all often. I see there are new ladies here. If we haven't met, hello. :-) These ladies are awesome. It's nice to have a place to share, vent, pray for, etc., people who share this journey.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Hi again Mini!  Good to hear all is well - and I know how scary those lumps can be (I had a big one on my leg a couple of weeks ago and was pretty sure it was just from one of my typical clumsy stumbles into something but of course I already had it figured to be some kind of metastatis (well, that's probably spelled wrong). 

    Mags, what a blessing you surely are to the July chemo ladies. I'll be praying that something will work out for your transportation. I've learned over the past year how different it is to be on the receiving end. If you're like my 98-year old dear friend, you have a lifetime of helping others behind you and it's hard to sit back and let somebody else have the blessing of service!  

    Debbie, so good to hear from you and know how to pray while you wait for the scan on the 23rd. I keep learning over and over again - in my own life and others - that so often the hardest part of any journey is the waiting and wondering (and imagining the worst, of course). As you said, Satan is having a field day - I'll be praying for peace and strength for you (and no giggling during the massage!)

    Lucy, thanks again for keeping us up to date with information about Sue (still praying for you, sweet sister - whether you're at home or in the hospital, God knows just where you are and what you need right now, of course! So glad you'll have your family there - I know you've been wanting to see your mom for quite a while.  

    Nancy/BW, praying that you'll feel better and stay that way. Hope you can get back to swimming and walking soon.

    Angie, how did the blood work come out today? I know how nervous I always was - just want to get that chemo over with and hate the idea of even a day or two delay. Praying that all goes smoothly tomorrow - and no bad SE for the next few days.

    Anita, so glad you'll have a break this week - and hope the aqua therapy and scans go well this week. Enjoy the time with the family!

    Lucy, I think it's a great idea to try to keep a connection outside this thread - and that can either be email addresses or phone numbers, right? Thanks again so much for all your encouragement - we all need to cling to the promises of Phil. 4:13!

    Okay, sorry if I've missed anybody but I'm afraid the thread goblin (maybe Satan, right?!) may start messing with this if I ramble on any longer. I'm praying for you all!

    God bless you, warriors! 


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    I continue to pray for all of you. I will cut this short for now. Today has been sort of discouraging. I had the best day on Sunday that I have had in a long time as far as feeling good. Monday night I started feeling sick. This is besides the GI stuff. I woke up this morning definitely feeling sick and had a bad sore throat. I have just laid low today hoping rest will help. I see my doctor again tomorrow about the GI issues. I know Satan seeks to kill and destroy and discourage. I am proclaiming the goodness of the Lord.

    Sue, dear sister, I am continuing to pray for you for strength and healing. You are loved and valued. Hang in there.

    Mags, I have been praying for your two sisters you mentioned. They are being prayed for as well as you.

    Lucy, thanks for keeping us informed about Sue. I agree with Bev that phone numbers or emails would be a good thing.

    Have a restful sleep everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    I went shopping with my grandaughter yesterday for maternity clothes.  (For her not me.)  Teehee!  It was such fun to get off the cancer planet for awile.  We are having a little Christmas baby girl.  Just like my Savior to give new life in the midst of fighting cancer.  I can feel Him so close to me sometimes.  I don't post a lot of specific prayers but am praying for all of you.  Love,  Jean

    PS I love the idea of each of us having at least one contact buddy for email or phone.  Maybe we could each contact someone here privately w our email and or phone then post just that persons name here as our contact.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Just a quick note to let you know we've had an update from our July sister who is in the hospital; she is still there, day 12, and the docs now say it is not an infection as nothing has grown in the cultures. They did a surgery yesterday to remove dead tissue and it took nearly 3 hours and they had to remove muscle tissue as well so she is in intense pain. I let her know that you all are praying for her, as is my household and many of the July gals as well. We are storming heaven on her behalf. If you go to the July thread you will see her update.

    I'm on my iPad, it's a bad headache morning, but later when I get on the laptop I want to tell you about the wonderful visit I had with a sweet sister in Christ yesterday.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Mags, I have been praying for this lady in the hospital. I am going to find your July thread and post for her.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited September 2014

    Mags, thanks for the update about the July lady. Yikes, how scary - but God knows just what the problem is and how best to proceed. We'll pray for wisdom for the doctors and patience for her.

    Nancy, so sorry you're having another bad bout. I'm sure glad you'll be seeing your doctor - again, I'll pray for wisdom and a treatment plan.

    I just got home from Bible study - we're working our way through Priscilla Shirer's "One in a Million" - studying the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land. Priscilla started out with Exodus 13:17-18 - and emphasized God's perfect plan:

    When Pharoah let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter....God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. 

    God didn't lead His people - the ones He loved the most - through the short way....He led them through the wilderness on purpose because He knew what was best for them. He deliberately chose the wilderness to challenge them, letting them see His power and their potential.

    Wow, does that make anybody besides me feel like God is hitting them over the head with encouragement, saying "trust Me! I know just what I'm doing as I lead you through BC?" 

    God bless you all, my friends!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Debbie, I am sorry for all the stuff you have gone through. I am sorry about the lymphedema. I am glad you are done with your 18 weeks of treatments. I pray that all of those awful side effects will leave.

    Mini, Good to hear from you. I hope your MO finds nothing of concern and I hope you are feeling better.

    Zj. I misread your post and thought you were expecting. I'm thinking oh my gosh. LOL Congratulations on a little one coming at Christmas time. How special. I am glad you got to take your mind off of things for a while. We all need that for sure.

    Mags, I did post on your July Chemo thread. Praying for you as well.

    Bev, Thanks for your update on your Bible study. I like to listen to Joyce Meyers. I heard her last night and hadn't seen her for a while. She has talked so much about God leading the Israelites in the desert ON PURPOSE. I am not sure why this went to a different font. Sorry. I know that God teaches his children (which is all of us) through the dry times probably more than the good times. As we read about the Israelites complaining and whining even when God provided all their needs we forget that God is probably looking at us the same way as we whine and complain after God has provided for us over and over again. It does make us pause and ask God what are you trying to teach me in this desert, in this bc journey. I have heard that God doesn't care for our comfort as much as He cares for our character. That doesn't mean He doesn't love us. He loves us more than we can possibly imagine and he has that perfect plan for each of us that He calls His own.

    Sue, continuing prayers for you and hoping to hear some good news soon. You have been in this desert for a long time. God loves you so much and so do we.

    Have a great day everyone. Praying for all of you.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited September 2014

    Ladies, I promised you a story about my visit yesterday. Let me tell you about my visitor first. I've known T for about 15 years, first of all from a small group at church, and we became fast friends. She has been more a sister to me than my bio sisters. And yes, I call her T! A few years later her brother became my hairdresser, and still is, though he recently turned 75 and only cuts a few days a week. He and his wife have a little salon at their house, and when I started losing my hair, he did the shave on a Saturday morning, DH took pics, and we all four cried & hugged. They are also Christians, he led music at his little church for many years.

    T began her ministry work years ago helping out at an organization that provides temporary financial and other assistance for those in dire need. She had such a gift for the ministry that she was soon encouraged to begin one of her own. Her ministry is called Shepherds of Love, and DH and I were on the board for several years. It is co-sponsored by several local churches as well as individual donations.

    T has recently had some health issues of her own, beginning with what they think may have been a brain aneurysm. But when they did the surgery they could not fix it because of the location and because the blood vessel was so tiny. They determined that it would have to heal on its own. But they told her that her activities must be limited, and not to tip her head back for fear it might further be damaged. However, in a visit to our local dairy store she slipped on a spot of grease and went down, hitting her head, causing a concussion. Now she is only able to work a few hours a day, entrusting her ministry to a helper who she has trained.

    All this happened when I was going through my own surgeries and beginning chemo, and we both hated not being able to be there for each other, so she has been trying to find a good time to come over for a visit. She has been conspiring with my DH about bringing me a gift, and not knowing what else to tell her, he said headscarves, and my favorite color. We finally both felt up to a visit yesterday, and she arrived bearing this:


    The hatbox was filled with the most gorgeous scarves you've ever seen, in my favorite color, as is the box. The owl on the top, she says, is saying "Whooooo loves you? Jesus does!" And the lamb is from her Shepherds collection, given to her many years ago by a mutual friend, and it plays "Jesus loves me". That was what I sang to my mom the last time I saw her before she went to Jesus a few hours later. T sang at Mom's funeral, "Because He Lives". Oh my! Tearing up just hearing her voice again, as one of the restrictions on her now is that she cannot sing. She loved my mom too.

    We sat and shared back and forth for some time, and she told me how she struggles with this limitation on her work time, especially after her board was generous with a raise not long before all that happened. Oh T, I said, you are not being paid for your time! You are being compensated for this incredible gift you have of dealing with people in need, for the compassion you have coupled with the discernment between need and fraud (there's a lot of that!) and for your constant connection with the Holy Spirit in prayer. You're being compensated for your wisdom and your grace. 

    She looked at me wide-eyed and the tears flowed. "I never saw it that way." We hugged for a long time, and when she left, she said, "I came to bless you, but you have blessed me."

    Sweet sisters in Christ, may we always be blessed by each other so. I just had to share this with you.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2014

    Mags: Thank you for sharing such a personal and touching story. Oh how God blesses us. You are fortunate to have someone so special in your life.Will pray for your two ladies in July chemo group.

    Lucy: I was thinking along the same lines. I almost messages Sue the same time that you had. We both must have felt her urgent need for some moral support. I am so glad that Sue was lead to text you. No doubt divine intervention.

    Dear Debbie: I have continued to pray for you do sister across the pond. I will pray for your upcoming scans. My father is now approaching 91 in November and because he is home alone, he dwells on all his aches and pains and is so sure that his end is upon him. I think that Satan uses that time when he is alone to dismantle him. I think it is his M.O. Pry on our vulnerability. But I will non the less keep you in prayer.

    Mini: so glad to hear from you again and will keep you up in prayer. Each morning on my drive to work I pray for each of you by name.

    Nancy: I am sorry that you have been lifted one day to feel ill the next. I am continuing to ask for an answer to your health issues.

    Sue: We are praying fervently for you and asking God to meet your needs. We love you.

    Bev: You just keep on keeping on. Thank you for keeping us up on how Sharon is doing. We appreciate you wonderful words of encouragement. And 2 1/2 miles is not chunk change. It is a lot more than many can do.

    Tomorrow our staff is doing an ALS challenge in front of entire student body. Should be exciting for our kids to watch us get soaked. I am still plugging along. Running, while something I have come to enjoy now seems to be a battle of mind over matter. I find myself in prayer or taking my mind to other places just to get through it. Last evening I ran my first 7.25 mile run since last December. It is not the same smooth run but at least God is getting me through it. My nephew is supposed to run with me next weekend although he will fly through this race and I will be mentally pushing myself through. Funny how we pretty much switched roles. Last year he struggled while I flew and now it is just the reverse. We never know what tomorrow will bring. When I told many of students about stepping out of their comfort zone and that I was pretty close to not coming back to work this year, many of them were so surprised because they never knew how much pain I was in the last few weeks of school. 

    By God's grace I am here and I am so thankful that all of you are here too.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited September 2014

    There has been talk here of each of us having one contact partner in case anything happens where we can't get on the board .. Well Salty jack and I took the plunge and shared our contact information privately becoming contact partners so no one will lose touch with us in a crisis. Urging the rest of you to do do.  Just contact someone here privately and ask if they will be your contact partner.  Then when you have shared personal contact information,  just let the rest of us know who your contact is.  Of course do not share any personal contact information on this public site.  

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Mags, that was a beautiful story. I will pray for your friend as well. I am sure that is very hard to not be able do much when she is used to working hard. I pray that God will protect her from anymore harm. A very special friend indeed.

    Char, I just talked to my neighbor across the street who is an assistant athletic director at one of the local high schools. She was telling me about her friend who is having bc surgery tomorrow. Of course they are hoping for no radiation or any active treatments. She thinks she is going to jump back into teaching. I was telling her about you and how you refused to be on Tamoxifin. I did tell her I would pray for her friend who is name is Kelly. I told her also about this forum and she was interested in telling her friend. It sounds like she is having a SNB before her lumpectomy. It sounded like her tumor was not too large so hoping she can go your route.

    zj I am glad you and Bev are pairing up. Bev will be such a blessing to you as she is to all on here and I am sure you will be a blessing to her as well.

    Lucy, How are you doing? How is your brother doing? Have you heard anymore from Sue? I am glad to hear her mom and brother are coming for a visit.

    I saw my doctor again late this afternoon. I have felt much better today as compared with yesterday and Monday night. It has been so strange. My tests so far have come back normal or negative. My doctor has ordered an abdominal ultra sound to check on the gallbladder. He said if there are stones that show up he wants me to contact my surgeon that did my BS. I am praying that will NOT be the case and this will fizzle out. He does admit it could be the cancer drug but he said I need to be on it. I will hang on. I am not planning on ditching it any time soon. He said if I want to see my gastroenterologist he is okay with that. Frankly I don't see the point since I just had a colonoscopy last summer which was clear. If it was inflammation which these blood tests ruled out he said giving me an acid blocker would not be good since the cancer drug already leaches calcium out of the bones and apparently acid blockers do also. I will see my MO in a few weeks anyway and at this point I want to take a wait and see approach. I really appreciate your prayers and I appreciate this thread so much. I have had people mention different support groups to me and I really didn't feel the need because I feel like that is what we do here in a Christian context. Plus we are not ruled by a time schedule in that we can post any time of day or night which is really a great thing. 

    Take care and I hope everyone gets a good night's rest tonight. Sue still praying for you dear sister.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited September 2014

    Dear sisters,

    I have felt led to do this and I hope you will join me. In our praying for others we want to always lift up the Lord and give Him glory. That is pleasing to Him. In my prayer time today this just kept coming to me so I feel like this is of the Lord. 50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE. I would like you to join me in this. Let's post what we are grateful for for 50 days. I am not sure why 50 days but that is what impression I kept getting. Of course we can still post our prayer needs and our concerns and our joys but lets also post something we are grateful for. I think it will give God glory and will lift our hearts and encourage all of us also.

                                                       50 DAYS OF GRATITUDE

                                                         DAY #1       9-18-14

    I am grateful for how the Lord has brought us all together on this thread to support, encourage and to pray for one another. Thank you Lord for how you have woven our lives together and brought something good out of our challenging health issues.


