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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    Ellen suggested doing a twelve days of blessing since yesterday was twelve days before Christmas. I think this is a great idea. Join in if you can.

    I am so blessed by my church and our pastoral staff. There are so many opportunities for growth and service and I am so blessed that my church is close by.

    Bev, thank you for your encouraging words about my night photography. I am glad you enjoyed it. I am glad you got to go to your church Cantata. I imagine they were quite surprised to see you and your amazing recovery. Rest and recover and don't overdo.

    Carren, Your Batman is so handsome. I pray that the Lord will give you the strength to do what you need to do in the right time.

    Jean, We'll be praying for the arrival of the baby and for a healthy delivery for mom and baby.

    Mini, We'll be praying for your husband's kidney stone surgery on Monday.

    Char, It is good to hear from you. I am sorry to hear about the continued fluid build up in your Dad. Enjoy each day with him. Good idea to let your knee rest. Praying for a good week at school for you.

    Jo, You mentioned about muscle relaxers. Before my bc journey I took a ton of supplements to manage my fibromyalgia. When I started Arimidex I had some long conversations with my pharmacist about possible drug interactions with my supplements. I have been experimenting by adding some in and I have had a bad reaction to some so it has been sort of scary. I tried my natural muscle relaxer after you mentioned that and so far so good. I have not been plagued by my terrible headache today. I know many of you have been praying for me and God is answering prayers. Thank you.

    Lucy, I hope you and DH had a chance to get recharged this weekend. Continued prayers for you both dear one.

    Kath, Continued prayers for lessoning of the SE's and a great family time with your twins and DH. Hang in there. You will get through this.

    Angie, continued prayers for you during this busy time. How are your SE's?


    My mom came from a family of nine siblings. My mom is second to the youngest and the youngest is my only surviving aunt. My aunt Betty who I believe is going to be 88 next month fell and is temporarily in an assisted living facility for a couple of weeks. She also lives alone in the same town as my mom and she has two of her children that are in the town to help her. In their diagnostic tests they found a mass on her gallbladder which they think is cancerous. I don't have a lot of details but I would appreciate your prayers for Betty. She is a Christian and she lost her husband about four years ago.

    I have some important decisions to make this week regarding getting some home health care in place for my mom. I need my sisters blessing with this and I would appreciate prayers for this. Also my mom is not going to be very receptive so I am expecting lots of resistance. I will be leaving for my mom's this coming weekend and will be staying with her for three weeks. I am needing prayers for strength for these coming weeks.


    Praying for all of you dear sisters.




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening, everyone;

    I'm glad that some of you were able to attend some Christmas programs and holiday events. My husband mentioned yesterday that he's having a tough time getting into the Christmas spirit this year- he lost his brother very suddenly in September and reality is starting to set in. As for me, I've had a pretty good day-I sang my "annual" Christmas solo this morning-my husband surprised me with the recorded CD tonight...I never sang alone until a few years ago, and do it now only when the Lord leads. No need to worry about getting tickets to my concerts..!


    I haven't had as much joint pain today, although someone did ask me if my leg was bothering me..I was limping a little. Our Bible Study tonight was on the importance of being in church and communing with fellow believers., and we had some interesting discussion. I am thankful that I feel well enough to go to church; I've seen the day that I didn't. Angie, I know you understand that!

    Nancy, thanks so much for the pictures...they were beautiful! You are very talented with that camera!Glad your headache was better today...and still praying for God to soften your mother's heart, and to give her understanding.

    Carren, what a beautiful cat! I laughed when you said that it was "mostly fur",,,that's the reason I used to give for Callie's rotund appearance.Praying for that peace from the Lord about when to make a decision. I think that peace is what got me through that situation.

    Bev, hope your weekend has been a good one..I know your presence was such a testimony to your church family. May God continue to heal your body and control the pain,.

    Jean, I'm glad you had a chance to talk with one of the pastors. Hopefully your conversation with your friend will go as well. On another thread on this website, someone mentioned that she had been warned that the hurt with cancer wasn't losing your hair, it was losing friends and family without explanation. My prayers are for new friends to come your way..people who want to help.

    Prayers for all of you in treatment, after treatment, and those who are fighting the Arimidex war with me.Many thanks to those who stop in and check on us!

    On the second day of the twelve days of blessings, I am thankful that I was raised by Christian parents in a Christian home. They set examples for me to follow with my own children. As a young person, I didn't appreciate that I'm mature (not old) I certainly do.

    Praying for a pleasant evening and restful pain-free night...God bless you all.....Ellen

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    will be praying for you Nancy and the important decisions you will be making. Will also lift up your aunt in prayer as well

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Hi Sisters,

    So I just tried to post a long post two times and my ipad froze both times. I thought I was being smart and took a screen shot so at least I could copy what I had typed and it did it again. So, just going to do a quick hello. Steve has gone through testing all week and we are hoping to get results and a dx tomorrow. We leave on Tuesday afternoon. He has a spinal tap tomorrow at 8 but we have to wait for the doc to get the results of the last MRI.

    Please continue to pray as we are feeling lifted and so glad we are here. We were hoping to have things wrapped up Friday so we could go home on the weekend but that didn't happen. I had to call my MO to get my treatment moved to Wed. So it will be busy week. I have so much to share but better on the laptop at home.

    Hello to the newbies...Blessedteacher and She-Angel. She-Angel I see you are also TNBC as myself. We will have to PM soon. If you don't mind.

    Thank you all so very much for the prayers and I know we have so many praying for us and not enough time to thank everyone. I can't believe the week just flew by and we still have more appts on Monday.

    So you are all in my prayers and know I was hoping to post more personal to you all but this ipad is going so slow and I am afraid it is going to freeze up again. So good night know you are in our prayers and I will be in touch soon. Love and Blessings to you all. Luc

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    imageOk so now that I am posting I am wanting to do more. So I am switching to my phone. I think the iPad is not working with the speed of my typing and so it gets froze up.

    Nancy thamks so much for your daily prayers and I know you need mine too so know they are being sent. You are an amazing ambassador for our Lord.

    Jean you are doing so well and excited for a new baby soon. Glad you made it to the concert. I think I may have missed our church program today. Jean makes me sad you are hurting but leave it at the cross and just pray about it. We too have lost friends since we have gotten stronger in our walk and it is very sad but I am sticking with God and the Word.

    See now that I posted once I want to do more and I can go faster on my phone. Wonder what that is all about.

    Mini praying for a smooth procedure for DH tomorrow.

    Vicks glad to hear Cass is doing well. What a blessing from a tough few weeks.

    Welcome blessedteacher and she-angel. You will find this board amazing support and women who love God and believe in prayer. We really are here for one another and it is so good for us. Not to mention the things we learn from sharing. Thank you everyone for that.

    Bev so glad you're doing so well. It's awesome to see Gods wonders and our prayers answered. How was DH during the week?

    Mags I love the pics and wow you were a hot lil number and you still are.

    Mini praying for DH on his procedure tomorrow as well.

    Jo I love the reference of Job and God allowing it to go no further. I pray for that too for both me and my DH.

    Well I think that is what I will get done for now. Again have a great evening and a super week to come. I will touch base again soon.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    hello dear friends! Carren I too understand about our fur babies. We have a dog we have had for almost 15 years, and he was an adult when we adopted him from a foster home. He has been with us to watch the boys grow up and go to college, was here through by bypass surgery in /012 and is still here. He has breathing problems, and I need to take him to the vet next weekend

    God will guide you and be with you, and I know Batman knows how much you love him

    Bev you continue to amaze me, as do you Char. I agree about the commercialism if Christmas, and am thankful our family does not want the latest trinkets or toys. The boys especially just appreciate family and our God

    Jean,it is hurtful when folks treat us that way. I am glad you will ask your friends....I bet it is something just silly. How is granddaughter holding up? are you?

    I finally gave in today and put on the patch for nausea. I was trying to see how long it would take after last Fridays treatment to get better. Then I said what am I doing? So I was able to go to lunch with one son who is already home, decorate the tree, and wrap presents. Most importantly spend time with he and DH without feeling sick. My edema is quite a bit better PTL, the muscle pain is not . I am looking forward to a busy work week and then will be off the week of Christmas. Next treatment the 26th.

    Nancy, I hope you do realize how much you are loved. I cannot imagine all you are going through with mom, trying to work things out with sister, and your health. I continue us to pray diligently for you to feel better. When will yiu get your biopsy done?

    I got chills when someone mentioned Sarah Youngs Jesus Calling. That is my morning devotional as well. I truly find it speaking to me, and it always helps. I am able to recall it throughout my day, which is so helpful. I keep two in hand to give to dear friends, near or far.

    Please don't feel if I purposely forgot everyone. Usually I write names and thoughts down, but am pretty pooped

    I pray for each of you daily, and I feel your prayers,I really do

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers


    Nancy, the pictures are just beautiful !!! ,

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Spiritblessing, I have the same problems on my IPad....I now use my laptop to type messages....let me know if you find out why! Elle

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    It is bedtime already and just checking in.

    Lucy, I am so glad to hear from you. I will be praying for this spinal tap for tomorrow. Praying hard for wisdom for the doctors in this home stretch for you and Steve. I love your inspirational poster. I need that reminder tonight.

    Char, Thanks for your prayers for my mom and aunt. I know you understand how difficult this is.

    Ellen, you must have a beautiful voice. The gift of music is such a blessing for the performer and the listener. Glad your leg pain is better. I just met a lady today that survived five years of Arimidex. I think that is the first I have ever met someone in person who has completed the course. It was a neighbor of my good friend who I sat next to in church today.

    Kath, I am glad you are wearing the patch now. Nausea is awful and pain is awful. If you don't have to suffer both at the same time then I would go for that patch for sure. I am glad the edema is better. Can you take pain pills to help with the pain or is the pain caused by the edema? One of these days we will hopefully be looking at all of this stuff in our rearview mirrors. God help us all to get to that day! Jesus is Calling is awesome. I agree! Know I am praying that you will get through this week and then have a glorious week off. When is your next treatment? My biopsy is Jan. 22. I wish it was sooner but the best they could do. Know I am praying dear one.

    Mags, Praying that your insurance will listen to reason and approve this proton therapy. Hang in there girl. You will get through this before you know it.

    Jean, Praying for an opening to have a frank discussion with your elusive friends.

    Anita, Polly, Becky, Debbie, Deborah, Sharon, Thinking of all of you tonight and hope all is well.

    Vickie, Enjoy your RV time. We could certainly use some sunshine in the Chicago area. They said on the news tonight that since the beginning of Nov we have had four out of five days cloudy. No wonder I am going crazy!!!!! Please send some of that sun up our way.

    Thanks for all of your nice comments on my pictures. I am doing this cheap online video course on photography and trying to learn as much as I can on my own. This has been a great distraction for me this weekend as I have felt like I have been in a pressure cooker recently.

    Sleep well my friends. Thanks for your prayers and you all know you have mine.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good morning, Sisters in Christ,

    Two passages that started my day beautifully...1 Chronicles 29: 10-13 and Psalm 92: 1-5. Praying for a blessed day for all...Ellen

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, We went through the decision of what to do for both sets of our parents. It was met with resistance in both cases, but once we got them moved into the assisted living places, they all loved it. Meals prepared, transportation provided, as much social interaction as they would want to participate in.. In the case of my parents, we had met with their Dr. on our own, (he was also a family friend) and he told them they had to choose between us moving in with them, or going to an assisted living place, if they wanted him to continue to care for them. They were no longer able to stay in their own home and he said they needed more care than just having someone come in a few times a week.

    Both sets of parents were having mix ups with their meds, not eating good etc.

    I will pray that it will go as easy for you as it did for us, after the initial discussions.

    Have a great trip, and visit with your mom,...


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Today's blessing being written from my chemo chair.... We had a good trip down, very little traffic. Got the infusion started without much delay. Totally unexpectedly met the stepfather of my husbands two sons. We haven't seen him in over twenty years. His wife ( didn't know he was remarried) is also fighting breast cancer. Amazing Godincidence! Love, Jean

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Lucy, love the poster (and can't believe you do that on a phone!). It reminds me of a definition of courage: walking to the edge of the light you have.....then taking one more step. You ladies are doing that - with God's help, of course!

    I'm praying for you Nancy - for all the decisions with your mom, interactions with your sister, own health needs and travel safety this weekend. I'm so glad there are so many ladies here who can share your experiences and help support you through this time.

    I guess that emphasizes my blessing today - Godly Christian parents who are my example and inspiration - and I'm so thankful that I still have them here to tell them how much they mean to me. Ironically, after I moved out of the house to my own apartment (a whole 25 miles/30 minutes away from them, closer to where I worked), I took the time out of my busy schedule to call least every couple of weeks - and got home to see them about once a month. Now, we see each other 2 or 3 times a year but I call them nearly every day on the phone. I thank God I've realized how much I was taking them for granted! I'm also so thankful for my sister, Val, who is 5 years younger than me. We weren't close at all growing up but now as adults, she's one of my best friends (she's the one who drove 20 hours to spend 3 days with me last week in the hospital - and spent the little free time she had decorating my house for Christmas!).

    I saw the doctor today and am free now till January 14. I'll need at least one more procedure (they call the first surgery I had DIEP Stage 1 and then all the rest DIEP Stage 2a, b, c.....till you get tired of the tweaking, I think). Anything further will just be outpatient and my only limitations at this point are no heavy lifting or vigorous exercise. Hey! That's another blessing - I can enjoy the Christmas season without feeling guilty at all about not running or raking leaves!

    So glad you have another chemo done, Jean - only 2 more, right? You'll be finished and have quite a bit to celebrate in 2015!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    A verse today that give us all great hope is

    But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

    Luke 1:30-33 NIV

    I was having a discussion with the Lord this morning. I give encouragement to all of you or at least that is what I attempt to do each day. I think the Lord was asking me what advice would I give to myself in this time of challenge and stress. The thought that instantly came to mind is that I need to spend more time with you Lord. It is so important that we develop this intimacy with God our Father. I usually start out my time with the Lord in His word and that prepares my heart to have a conversation with Him. I then have a time of telling Him how much I love Him and how I want to go deeper with Him. I want to know more of His love and I want to experience that throughout my day, not just during my quiet time with Him. The thing is that God knows that my desire is to commune with him on a deeper level. Just the desire doesn't quite cut it though. It has to be backed up with action. In plain and simple words it boils down to making time for Him no matter what. It also means to wait on the Lord in silence with no distractions. He does speak to me when I get in that place of solace and communion. I believe that NO MATTER WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH, it has to start with this place of communing with God. That is what He so desires from each and every one of us. It is in that time that he can really give us wisdom and direction.


    Mini, I have prayed for your DH with his surgery today. I am praying that he will have a quick recovery and that he will experience much relief.

    Ellen, I actually woke up early in the night and your DH came to my mind. I remember you saying that he wasn't really in the Christmas spirit because of his brother passing away in September. Being the pastor of a church is tough when the pastor is the one that needs to be ministered to. I pray that he has some close friends that can provide that for him in his time of grief. I was also going to ask you if you can exercise. We have probably all had this drilled in our head from some source or another how important it is to exercise to counteract the SE's from either treatments or the cancer drugs. Are you able to walk for exercise? Just a thought for your leg pain.

    Jean, I am praying that your treatment goes well today. I don't believe much in coincidences as much as God incidents. So maybe there was more of a reason of you meeting the step father of your husband's children than meets the eye. Praying for the safe delivery of this long awaited little girl.

    Jo, The supplement I take is made by my doctor who was a chemistry major. He was a regular MD for fifteen years and then went into what I call alternative medicine. He is really brilliant. His supplement used to be called Fibromyalgia Support and he changed it to Muscle Support. You cannot buy this unless you are a patient but the main ingredients (I am thinking off the top of my head now) are magnesium and malic acid plus some B vitamins. The biggest ingredient is malic acid which apples contain that for an example. If you google natural muscle relaxers there is a Livestrong website that discusses these ingredients. You could purchase other products that would be similar to mine most likely. It sounds like you have had more than your fair share of dealing with health challenges in your family and DH's family. Thanks for all of your prayers and encouragement. I do appreciate it.

    She, How are you doing with your SE's. Let us know how we can pray for you.

    Bev, How are you feeling? Can you believe exactly a week ago you were having your long surgery. It  to me is just a miracle how well you are doing!

    Lucy, I have prayed today for Steve's spinal tap. I can only imagine that is was not a comfortable procedure. I sure hope that it gives the doctor's what they need for a definitive diagnosis with good treatments to give him relief. Praying for you too dear one as you have to juggle work and postponed treatments. Can wait to hear the outcome of all of this.

    Kath, Praying that this last week of work will fly by and that your nausea will be controlled, edema more improved and pain control better. Just think, this time next week you will have some precious time off with your family. You deserve it.

    Angie, I know you are probably super busy but just wondered how you are doing with SE's and everything?

    Carren, Praying for the right timing for Batman and that the Lord will prepare your heart for the loss.

    Mags, Heard anything yet? Still praying for you dear sister.

    Vickie, I have heard similar stories many times. For some reason I don't think it would be a good outcome for my mom. When I asked her about an assisted living situation a few years ago her curt remark was I might as well be dead. She has prided herself on the fact that none of her siblings ever had to go to a nursing home etc. One of her sisters had a stroke the day they were packing her house up to move to a facility. She died a few days later. It is interesting that her doctor's opinion of her is actually more optimistic than mine is. My mom can appear very normal when she is at the doctor's office so unless something drastically changes he will continue to have this opinion of her. In fact he said to her you don't want to have to move to a nursing home or assisted living facility. So he put that in her head more so than it already was. Not sure if he did us any favors by that remark but it is what it is. Praying for wisdom and guidance.


    I will check in later. Know that I have already prayed for each of you even though I have not mentioned you all. I do feel love and prayers from you dear sisters and it is really helping me get through a most difficult time.

    Love you all,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hey Bev,

    You must have been typing the same time I was. It just takes me a lot longer to post I guess! So glad you don't have to do anything until Jan. I know you had hoped maybe there would not be any need to tweak but just look how remarkably well you got through this really complicated surgery. Outpatient will be a walk in the park for you. Well, not exactly that but you know what I mean. I am glad that you can go through the holidays will NO GUILT from just taking it easy. Our parents are such a blessing and I think we all sort of took our parents for granted as we were growing up. It is not until we realize as we get older how special they were to us and still are. I am glad you have such a good communication with them now that you are miles apart but only a phone call away. Blessings on your dear sister Val. I am impressed that she drove all that way for you and that you have become closer now that you are older.

    Make some good Christmas memories with your dogs and Dave, not particularly in that order. LOL

    Love you,


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2014

    Some great pics on here. I am thinking of and praying for my sisters who are struggling. The holidays can be so hard sometimes.

    My husband's surgery was a partial success. The stone was so imbedded that they were only able to remove half of it. They put in a stent. He will have an x-ray in two weeks to see if the remaining part of the stone has passed. If not, he will have to have the surgery again. He's already having carpal tunnel surgery in January, so he really doesn't want to have another surgery. I wonder if there are any urologist/carpal tunnel specialist around so we could knock them both off at once. :-)

    I am going to go to Barbados again in January for a mission trip. I'm so excited to see our friends there. Our church has been there several years, so we have seen the church built from the ground up. I didn't think I was going to be able to go but there was a cancellation, then an unexpected check from the insurance company that just covered the flight. God always provides. We get back to the states in Miami, where my sister lives, when we return, so I get an add'l 10 days of warm weather. We didn't haven't seen each other in a year and a half. I'm miss her. Since I'm going to see her next month, we'll see each other twice this year as she is coming home in August.

    Blessings All

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening, ladies;

    Thank you for your prayers for me. Yesterday was a pretty good day pain wise, and I've gotten back into a reasonable sleep pattern.Hallelujah!

    Nancy, still praying for your health and for the situation with your mom. I continue to pray for her to have understanding and to be cooperative, at least able to listen to your suggestions. It's unfortunate that her doctor doesn't see what you do...I have had to use Mom's doctor as a backup to my ideas on several occasions.Praying for your wisdom and decision making, as well as your health.

    I walk for exercise, and when I do I feel much better. I am still trying to establish a regimen to walk regularly. When I travel to Mom's or my son's to babysit, I don't get to walk and that gets me off schedule.No excuse, and I do need to make that a priority.

    Bev,glad you are doing so well. A friend of mine had the same type surgery, and didn't get along as well immediately following surgery. You truly have a testimony!

    She-Angel, I hope you felt well enough to get outside in our beautiful North Carolina weather today. I know some of you are envious of that statement, but trust me, we have some bitter cold weather too...just not lately!

    For you ladies having treatments today or dealing with SE or have family members who are ill, I have remembered you in prayer. I have not had chemo so I can't say I understand, but one thing we all deal with is trying to cope with everyday life while keeping up with appointments, discomfort from surgeries and treatments, work, and family issues. May God give you all strength and comfort.

    For my third day of blessings, I am thankful for the medical care I have received. My cancer clinic is only 5 miles I was able to get my radiation treatments and travel home in less than 45 minutes on most days. Everyone involved in my care has always been kind and got things scheduled quickly. I recovered well from both lumpectomies and my oncologist is someone I can ask questions without fear..I realize God has been in control of all of this and is responsible for my healing, but I am thankful that He put together the doctors, nurses, and technicians to take care of my needs.

    Have a restful the old hymn says, "Be not dismayed whatever befalls, God will take care of you...".


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014


    This is one of my favorite pics from some fall photo ops this year.



    Mini, sorry to hear they couldn't get all of the stone. Hopefully it will pass without more surgery. Glad you get to go on this mission trip and spend some time in warm weather with your sister. That is a real blessing.

    Ellen, Glad your pain is better and your sleep pattern is improving. Answers to prayers for sure.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    oh, Nancy...just a quick note to say how gorgeous that picture is! I've been telling everybody that Texas has plenty of fall color for me but nothing like that! God's glorious paintbrush!

    Thanks for sharing your art and God's beauty.

    Love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Thanks Bev. One similar to this pic I entered in another photo contest. I submitted ten entries. I won't find out anything until Feb. I had to take the photos at this WW1 museum which has fantastic formal gardens and then this little pond which was great for getting the color reflections. Your encouragement gives me motivation. Thank you.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Up early, 4am. Grateful and blessed today for a few quiet minutes with my Shepherd. . Still asking for prayer for my granddaughter Alexia. They told her she will be induced the day after Christmas if Valentina isn't born by then and according to my daughter she is pretty "bummed" about that. Also for me..I have an appointment on Tuesday for my 5th of twelve Taxol then will be done with chemo. Only herceptin / perjeta every 3 weeks after that. I have an appointment with the surgeon that day to ask questions about the possibility of more lymph node surgery before rads start. Please pray for clarity about this and for scheduling issues if more surgery is needed. God's plan first. I am not looking forward to more surgery but will do it if it gives me the best chance to win this battle. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well, my dear husband put a new heating element in my oven...going to try it out later. Hate to admit it, but I missed it!

    For the Fourth day of blessings, I am thankful for the friendships I have been able to renew and nurture this year. I have had the chance to have breakfast or lunch with several ladies that I had lost touch with, including a sister in law from my first marriage. God has allowed these friendships to help me grow spiritually thru witnessing about what He has done for me. In addition to those ladies, I have also been given more support from my sisters on this site. Thank you Lord!

    Hoping for a day full of blessings for all of you!

    Ps...Nancy, the picture is gorgeous!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I will have the blessing and privilege of taking my granddaughter out today to get her off the baby waiting planet and me off the cancer planet for a few hours. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    It was good to get online and read and play catch up with the discussion group. It seems that it was a busy few days for us all with good, bad, happy and sad. We all have so many different things going on, it's a relief to read about what others are doing and thinking. It really is nice to get off "cancer planet".

     I think I over did it for the weekend trying to keep up with the holiday festivities, I did not want my husband to feel left out to attend things alone but I did not give myself enough down time. He is only off every other weekend and I feel the need to show up with him to things as one of my friends pointed out last week "some of our friends don't know what to say or do, they envision you huddled under a blanket crying and throwing up all the time". So of course in my mind I had to go out and show 'them' that I am alive and well. So being billy bad tail, I was so achy yesterday and had to leave work at 3 to go home and soak in Epson salt and rest until this morning and I still feel a bit off kilter this am. My partner at work has banned me to my office to do desk work or no work at all, and that for a type A/B personality is hard to do.

    I have always been somewhat of a loner in thought and action even in church, I volunteer and have tutored but I have always been more at my pace I don't like being forced in to doing a lot of things. When I first joined the church I volunteered for everything and trying to participate in everything until I realized it was the same worker bee's all the time wearing themselves to the quick so I learned how to say no. My husband is on the prayer and trustee board so the elders have been praying for us since this ordeal started and I am thankful for it and I thought it cute when my husband said, "they asked did you want to be contacted and I said no" . I have always been of mindset if you haven't been contacting me prior to this 'hiccup in my gettyup' as I refer to it then why start now. The prayers are appreciated as is the cards that I get from time to time from a member telling me to keep focused on God. I am happy to know they are thinking and praying for me. I do believe that there is a season and reason for some folks coming in and out your life and I think they are there to bring something into or out of focus but the one's who are suppose to be there are there for the long haul, beside or behind you all the way even when you are at that lowest point.

    Carren, cats are such special creatures they truly do pick their owners, as  we are God's special creation it stands to reason it would take special characteristics in pets to truly capture our hearts.

    Psalm 28:7 " The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth with my song will I praise him"


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening, ladies; I hope everyone has had something positive happen today.

    She-Angel, I'm glad you are going out ...if you can do it, it does amaze people that you still have a life while having treatments. I loved your expression "billy bad tail". I think we've all overdone things and paid for it later. Jean, I hope your outing was a lot of fun. I remember that anxiety over babies who are slow in arriving...I had one who took his time making an arrival. No fun for mom

    A question for anyone...have you heard of Arimidex causing or aggravating acne? I've had it my whole life, but in the last several months, it has gotten worse around my chin. It's not a dietary issue; I did read somewhere online that it can happen in women over 60 who take Arimedex. If you can give some insight, I'd appreciate it.

    Hoping for all to have a good evening with pain-free rest...God bless you and yours..Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies. Thanks for your nice comments on my pic. I appreciate that. I am blessed that I got to go back to me elementary school I taught at for many years and got to see their all school "winter program." I am blessed that I had a phenomenal career here and it just great to sit in the audience and not have the pressure of the performance now in my retirement. I made an important step forward today and committed to going forward with home health care for my mom. A nurse will be calling me tomorrow morning about setting up an assessment which hopefully will happen after Christmas so that my sister and I and my mom will be able to sit down and discuss our needs. My sister was not on board with the home monitoring system so I have peace about putting that on the back burner for now. I at least know how it works and who to call to get it set up if we need to. Now the big thing is breaking this news to my mom. I need prayer and guidance about when to bring this up to her. She is so excited about me coming for a three week visit and it pains me to think that this news may ruin things for my mom but it just has to be done. I thank you all for your support and sharing your situations that you have been through with your family and in laws.

    Jean, I have been praying for Alexia. This is going to be a huge life changer for her and I am praying that the Lord will give her amazing strength to be a good mom and handle this at such a young age. At church last Sunday our pastor was talking about Mary possibly being as young as 14 delivering the baby Jesus. I pray that she will feel the prayers of our little online family and that everything will go well for baby and mother.

    She, Glad you got out but sorry you think you overdid it. I think we have all been there before. It is interesting how God brings people in and out of our lives. I found it really interesting how some people came along side of me that I would never have expected and how some I had lost touch with now are back in my life. It has been a blessing for sure.

    Jo, Probably a good idea not to add anything new to the mix if you are having colon issues. Yes, we are told to come into His gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. I do have peace moving forward after spending time waiting on the Lord. Much better than me running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

    Ellen, There is lots online with very detailed side effects of Arimidex. I have studied it in the past as I had GI issues for a very long time and still do. I don't remember seeing anything about acne but there were so many that I could have missed it. Glad you got your oven back. I am impressed your hubby is so handy.

    Lucy, Hoping you and Steve made it home safely. I am so anxious to hear how things went when you are able to post. I know you have another big day tomorrow with your infusion. Hang in there girl. The weekend will be here before you know it.

    Still praying for all those dealing with side effects and especially those still working dealing with treatments. Hang in there ladies. You will get through this.


    There was an article in our paper with a picture of this man who goes all out for Christmas decorating. He has apparently been on Good Morning America and the Today Show. I saw some video of it online and decided to go visit this house tonight with my camera which is in my town. This guy is a music instructor and spent many, many hours syncing the singing Christmas trees exactly to the music. I do appreciate that there was a place to donate money and it goes to a faith based organization so it is not completely commercial. I used it to practice my night photography before I go to this huge light show on Thursday night. This is the one I went to last Saturday night and realized you needed tickets. Dummy me. Well I have tickets now so I will freeze my fingers off on Thursday night to see and photography this mile long walk with thousands of lights. If you don't hear from me in a few days send out the search and rescue team!

    I will post pics on the next post.

    Have a restful evening dear ones.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    I think you can figure out where the singing Christmas trees are from the two photos.




    The Christmas trees when I viewed this online are singing the famous songs from Frozen. Their mouths move exactly with the words. I can't imagine all the work that went into that alone. I guess some people are really passionate about their Christmas lights!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, You know the OT tells us that children are to honor their parents.... I believe that is even when they are elderly....Sometimes things happen that we have to become parents to our parents, it is not easy, but we are obeying our Lord when we do what is necessary to keep them safe and healthy..I felt it an honor to be able to 'help' our parents..

    Prayers for your trip ant that it will go well.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Thank you Vickie. Yes we are to honor our parents. I have felt like the mom for quite a long time. I felt that transition starting to happen when my Dad died in 2005. Of course now it feels like dealing with a stubborn child at times. It is not easy but I know that this is not really my mom but a very distant version of her real self. She is so excited that I am coming home for three weeks. She is very childlike in her enthusiasm and I know that I will cherish that memory when she is gone. I was just praying for Cass and her husband today regarding their effort to quit smoking and for their salvation. I hope you are enjoying your travels. Take care as you travel.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Praying for all of you and praising God for the answered prayers and testimonies. I am blessed to be counted amoungst the prayer warriors that post to this thread.

    Wanted to let you know I have been reading the posts to ensure I had the most recent prayer requests and to keep up with each of you. I have gotten approval to go part-time at work reducing my work schedule to 24 hours a week. Prepared my staff and peers for my reduction of hours without letting all of them know the reason. My manager has been so supportive and helped me transition smoothly to part-time. I had a very important presentation today to the C-Level team and it went well. My team and I have been preparing for the last two weeks. Now I can relax.

    Will post more tomorrow during my treatment which is #7 of 12. I have to say fatigue is really sitting in and affecting my work and personal life. With that said I am not allowing it to take over or dictate; however I am being cognizant of when I need to relax and make sure I don't over do it. I ask that you keep me in your prayers that the SEs don't get worse over the last 5 treatments, as my MO indicates with Taxol it is a cumulative especially the fatigue.

    I also ask that you keep my co-worker in your prayers, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in May of this year and they gave her 6 months. She stopped by the office last week and she is doing well. It was at that time I shared with her my diagnosis of BC. She was so encouraging and supportive. She gets her review in January of prognosis and next step for her treatment. Love her -- she is candid with most (more than I would be) She tells her story "The docs told me I was to expire in November, I am still here and loving life and trying to live it to it's fullest while doing daily chemo and radiation treatments to the brain. I intend to not let this thing get me but live life while dealing with this". She told me to live life to it's fullest and don't let "cancer" become the center of my existence or thoughts. Or as She-Angel states, to get off the "cancer planet" for a while. Take care of it, do what you need to but live. I came back to my office and she went out of her way to come back and drop off a gift and a wonderful sweet card with encouragement from her written on the inside.

    Praying for each of you, welcome to the new / returning ladies.

    Love Always, Your Sister Prayer Warrior,


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    I am so enjoying the photos, I feel inspired to hopefully go out and see the lights in the neighborhood tonight. We have small group bible study so I am hoping afterwards I will still have the energy for it. Today is the first day since last Friday that I actually feel more like myself. I feel I should take advantage of any bit of extra energy I have as I know it won't last. My work Christmas party is Friday and my husband decided to surprise me by getting a room where the party is for 2 nights so I did not have to drive home after working all day or change at work and then drive home after the party since we work 35 miles away from our jobs. He has to work the following morning and all I can think of not disturb on the door and sleep all day. I was trying to explain to him last night that it is so hard for me not to do anything, it's even harder being so tired and wanting to do and just can't. I am stressing myself out with that. I know God has this, so it boggles my mind that I think I can help. all I need to do is sit back wait on the Lord and give him all the glory....I need to tie a string around my finger when I get anxious to remind me of that.

    Traveling mercies to all those who will be traveling during this time.