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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Jean, glad you are feeling blessed tonight.

    Vickie, I will pray for their salvation and for their great decision to quit smoking. Prayers for father in law for a quick recovery. Enjoy your time. I know I read somewhere that you travel in an RV is that correct? I would love to join you. Smile

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    I had to play catch up on posts, thank you all so much for the warm welcome. I just got in from bible study and was blessed to see how many church members completed our 30 days of praying the Names and Attributes of God. We had to say which day and name spoke to us the most and why. I spoke of day 8 which was God is Jehovah-jireh "the God who provides". It seems that every movement has a purpose that I was too busy to notice before. God provided the peace and calm before this storm and whenever I become anxious he provides another resource, another person, another testimony even when I am not sure what is going on I get another affirmation that he is working and had been all along.

    I see how and why some people were placed in my path and me in theirs. Those not so good days I must remember to count it all joy. Reading the posts of joys, struggles and concerns of others reminds me that its not about me and helping and praying for others is a good feeling that shifts and repurposes my focus. I know we are already healed through our faith so although the journey may be rough some days the destination will be awesome.


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, yes, we travel in a motor home. We full timed for 13 years in one. 6-1/2 in the first coach and 6-1/2 in the current one (it is 20 years old now). It has side by side fridge, washer/dryer, dishwasher (not my husband either). We have been snow birds since buying our house in 2001. It is like an apartment on wheels. Strange thing, when in it in AZ, CA or FL we don't miss the Nebraska cold and snow at all...


    Again thank you for our faithful prayers!!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    She, I loved your post. I just say amen and amen.

    My promise verse for today goes along with  what you were saying.

    Prov 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    The wonderful thing about this little online support and prayer group is that when someone is down there are others who are in a place of peace and rest and can lift those people up. We all have our ups and downs and it is really nice to have a fellow sister in the Lord to come along side us and say it is going to be alright. On this thread we can say that because we KNOW the last chapter and WE WIN no matter what happens to these bodies of ours. I want to be victorious now and live in HIS abundance now. We are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I believe the Lord wants us to live an abundant life in these imperfect bodies of ours. Of course defining what abundant means might mean different things to different people. Does it mean material blessings? Does it me spiritual blessings? Does it mean both? I know my life has been so enriched during my bc journey and there is no price I could put on that. It has nothing to do with material things. God will provide our needs but it is in HIS timing and that is where many get discouraged. I heard this testimony yesterday and this lady was sharing that her father accepted the Lord right before Thanksgiving last year and he read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve. She said she was crying so hard she didn't hear most of it. Why, because she had prayed for her Dad for 30 years for salvation. God' timing is perfect and we have to put our trust in that.


    Bev is still doing well with little pain. She asks for continued prayers because they are working. She is so thankful for all of you. So am I!

    Vickie, I hope you really enjoy your travels. I am not so thrilled about the cold and snow either but oddly I think I would miss it so I guess I am meant to be right where I am. Blessings on your travels dear sister.

    Lucy, still praying for you and for DH. I am praying that things are being narrowed down and that the doctors will have wisdom in diagnosing this illness. Continued prayers for strength for both of you.

    I pray that you all have a wonderful day and that all those dealing with SE's will find comfort. Those who are working and dealing with pain and nausea and edema we pray for distractions that the job can bring. We ask for relief for all of these warriors Lord.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I woke up today so fatigued that I felt almost numb. The feeling was familiar and I finally realized what it was. I had my Taxol infusion 9n Tuesday and they give me decadron, a steroid along with it. Well the first day I am full of steroid energy then the next day I kinda crash! I also have an enormous appetite. I guess today is my pigging out and napping day. By the time I'm done with the chemo I should have the pattern figured out. Teehee. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, your post reminded me of the great verse from Isaiah 53: By his stripes we ARE healed.

    So many claim this verse to ask for healing here on earth, and I see nothing wrong with that. But if you dig deeper, there is an incredible meaning to it. Isaiah 53 is first and foremost about the sacrifice that brings salvation. The stripes are the lashes Christ suffered before the cross, of course. But when are we healed? The missing connection is the promise of Revelation 21:4, He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

    Sometimes healing does come here on earth, but when it does not, we still have cause to rejoice, because we know we will be healed at the last. Hallelujah!

    A friend posted this video on Facebook this morning, and I had to share it with you. I first heard Sandy Patti sing this in a little church in California in 1980, and it still gives me goosebumps.

    "We Shall Behold Him"

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I finally reminded myself to look at that video! (DH was asleep when I first saw your post and I didn't want to disturb him.) That was awesome! So professional and well rehearsed! Such vocal discipline! Amazing.

    If you look a few boxes to the right, you'll see what happened at the mall down the road from me. Not as well rehearsed, but hugely attended. The food court is open three stories high, and the theater is at the end, so it's immense, and was packed. Look for the video that says Quail Springs.

    Thank you for posting, and thinking of me.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Hi from a regular hospital room (where the cable TV went out about 2 hours ago....I might try to get to sleep really early tonight!) When I left ICU today, the nurse had to record the drugs left in my pain pump(for immediate relief)....boy was she surprised that I hadn't used it once. The last pain pill (for longer pain control) I had was yesterday morning. As my husband said, I look like a failed magician's trick (where they saw the lady in half)....but all I've had is a dull ache at the incision site and a little pain when I get up. I've been walking the halls and even got a shower today....and it's all thanks to you and your faithful prayers and our great God! I'm so glad to have this surgery behind me and am so thankful for each of you.

    Thanks as always Nancy for keeping us always up to date with all the needs and prayer requests. How about some more pictures? God has given you such a gift in finding beauty in His creation - thanks for sharing it with us. Tasks also for the reminder that God is in control and we know the end of the story. We don't have to understand everything along the will all make sense some day!

    Lucy, praying for safe travels, strength, good test results and treatment plan for your husband.

    Jean, you're almost done with chemo - hang in there. We're waiting for pictures of the new arrival!

    Mags, hope you're feeling better and the lymphedema is under control soon.

    Teacher and Angel, glad you're here.

    Char, hope you're keeping warm and the kids are under control with the holidays coming. Thanks so much for all yiu do for us all!

    Love you ladies! Bev

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    amen She!!! Last night when I realized I might be going through treatment until March I honestly thought I could not do it.

    I cannot focus on the SEs. I have to focus on HIS goodness, HIS grace, and HIS will

    Prayers for all of you!!!!!

    Warm cyber hugs


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, Thanks for posting that video. It sent chills up and down my spine. I haven't heard her sing that in ages. It was great to see Dottie Rambo and others who have passed. On the Nightly News tonight with Brian Williams they had a segment on radiation for breast cancer. They had a doctor from MD Anderson in Texas talking about shorter radiation is just as effective as the longer more traditional treatment. It is obviously taking a while for all RO's to jump on board with that new shorter version.

    Bev, So good to see your post. I will continue to say this. You are unbelievable! Yes, I imagine that nurse had to do a double take when checking your pain meds. PTL I am glad you are in a regular room. Bummer about the cable though. I have had lots going on and really not much time to take any pictures. I had a thyroid ultrasound today and saw my endocrinologist and will be having a biopsy after the holidays. My neighbor just rang my doorbell and it was my neighbor saying your garage door has been up since this afternoon. Gee you can't tell I have lots on my mind can you! The last time I did that someone stole stuff out of my car! You get some good rest. Great to see your post. I'm still praying for you throughout the day.

    Jean, It is good that you have figured out how you react to your treatments. That is smart to just try to go with the flow and take it easy on those days where you  just want to rest and eat. Sounds pretty good to me!

    Kath, I remember feeling very overwhelmed when I had to do PT and rads at the same time. I was so exhausted and when I looked at my calendar they printed for me I would cross off the days and it seemed like forever and then I had to come home and do shoulder exercises and walk to counteract the fatigue.  I know your situation is much different and you are dealing with work and family and pain and swelling and nausea. The Lord will get you through this. When your boys get home and you get some time off you will have a chance to catch your breath and really rest. Enlist them to help you out if you can. I continue to lift you up throughout the day as well dear friend.


    Sleep well everyone.

    Love you all




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Good morning sweet friends!

    Jo, you're right! Nancy, you are such a blessing and encouragemeet to us all....but I'm going to pray especially for you today, that you'll feel God's touch and love in a special way today. How are you doing with the pain? I know you're waiting for some tests and results. I'll be praying for peace too!

    I'm waiting now for the doctor and should be going home today. Tasks so much for the prayers this week. To God be the glory.....great things He has done!

    Love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I praise God for feeling better today. Going to try to get to curves later then nap, dinner and Christmas concert with hubby and friends. You ladies are in my prayers. I am so blessed to hear how God has answered our prayers for Bev. I pray that He use it to draw Dave to Himself. Also that He soften all the hearts of our loved ones who have not yet been able to see Him in His shining glory. Jesus please make your presence known to each of us today in your own special way. Thank you dear Savior. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning ladies,

    God has blessed all of us in many ways. It is so encouraging to know that women everywhere are praising Him for healing and thanking Him for His goodness.

    I use "Jesus Calling" as a daily devotional. The passages for the last two days have been especially meaningful for anyone with illness. If you are not familiar with this book, you may want to borrow or buy a copy ( most stores have it). I won't quote the messages, but today's passage starts off with "I am taking care of you."

    Nancy, i also believe you have things going on that the rest of us can pray for. You have been so welcoming to us newbies...we are praying for you and results from your tests. May God give you strength.

    Going to meet my friend Fonnie at the Cancer clinic today; I asked her if I could bring my husband along to pray for her..she agreed. Pray that I will be able to encourage her.

    I care for all of you..I don't want to start listing names, because I know I'll forget someone but know ALL of you are in my prayers. I know He is with us all no matter where we live.

    For a holiday baking is on oven isn't I'm having to take shortcuts. God has a way to make us slow down sometimes!😉

    Hope all of you have a blessed day....Elle

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies,

    An update on my friend .I met her at the Cancer Center today....The nurse motioned me back to join them ( unfortunately they know me well).she starts rads on Tuesday, 10 treatments. As usual she was upbeat and smiling. My husband met us in the waiting room, and we prayed for her in the lobby. I was glad to see her, and looked well, but concerned about her situation.. Please continue to pray for her.

    Have a wonderful evening, of rest if you need it, or time with friends and family if you feel up to it. God pour His blessings on all


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies, just in from treatment #4. The news was positive and with the holidays I get a break till January 2. My husband is already tweeking my workout regiment. A bit tired but otherwise still moving along.

    God is good.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2014

    Just popping in to say hi. I hope everyone is doing well. My husband is having surgery Monday for a kidney stone, but otherwise, all is well here.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies,

    I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Ellen, during my swim sessions I have time to pray. I prayed for your friend Fonnie. I tried to imagine what that would be like in her situation. I am glad that you and your husband were there for her to pray with her. I am sure she appreciated that. I will continue to lift her up. I am glad you can laugh about your over going out. Yes, God has slowed me down many times in a manner that I was not particularly thrilled with at the time!

    She, Praying that your SE's are tolerable and that you have a nice restful weekend.

    Bev, I am glad you are home now and resting comfortably. Take it easy and don't overdue. I am still amazed at how well you got through a very complicated surgery. PTL

    Mini, I will pray for your husband's surgery on Monday. He has sure gone a long time with this kidney stone. I hope he will have immediate relief.

    Jean, I hope you are enjoying the Christmas concert as I type here. Glad you are feeling better.

    Char, How are you doing? How is your Dad doing? Haven't heard from you in a while. I know how crazy the kids can be at school this time of year. Hang in there. I imagine you have a break coming some time soon.

    Lucy, I hope you and DH have some time to rest and relax this weekend. I hope the doctors are narrowing down and ruling out things to help make a definitive diagnosis soon.

    Angie, How are you doing with SE's. Continued prayers for you dear sister.

    Mags, Praying your insurance will approve this proton therapy.

    Jo, Thank you for your words. Yes, I have a lot going on right now. I haven't felt very good lately and I have a ton on my mind concerning my own health issues and trying to figure out what to do for my mom in the way of home health care. I have had almost debilitating headaches for about a week. It is coming from tight neck muscles I think. It is on the back of my head. I have been doing some trigger point therapy on myself which does help.  I can't do pain meds so Tylenol is the strongest I can take and it doesn't do much. I have multiple thyroid nodules and one is quite large. The repeat ultrasound that I had yesterday showed no change from six months ago and the doctor and I already discussed before the US that if there was no change we would biopsy. Unfortunately I won't be able to have this until Jan. 22. I was sure hoping to have it all done before leaving for three weeks for my mom's. If there is no conclusive evidence  of cancer  I will have surgery anyway so I am a bit concerned about that. I would appreciate your prayers for my mom. I have in the works to start gradually with some house cleaning and laundry home health care and see how that goes. She is going to have a fit so I am expecting some unpleasantness before Christmas unfortunately. My sister and I are not in agreement about the home monitoring system because it is quite expensive. I am asking the Lord for clear direction. My mom is not rich and the expense is a concern. Thanks for your sensitivity. I hope you have a good weekend.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Amazing concert last night. Very uplifting. Also nice to spend time with friends and get off the cancer planet for awhile. Hubby was overjoyed to see me out and enjoying myself. God is so good. The Christmas pageant at church is tonight. Has anyone here had the experience of getting close to a couple or family only to have them just gradually just detach? I saw two couples last night that we had been close with. One we were at their kids weddings, baby showers etc. The other having much contact with for several years. Both said a brief hello then nothing. I am trying to just let Jesus handle it, believing He sometimes brings people into our lives for a season only. I am feeling disappointed and sad about this. Also, we have 4 pastors at our fairly large church and none have called to see how I am or offered to pray with me. God has graciously provided other support but it is very sad. I am trying not to develop resentment. Please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Hi Jean,

    Glad you had a good evening...I love your term "cancer planet" true! When you are in the midst of treatment, it's nice to do something that doesn't have anything to do with doctors, nurses, and other medical folks.

    I can relate to your feelings of others drawing away. I had the same issue, but it was more with my church family. You mentioned none of your pastors had been in touch. My husband is a pastor, and he tries to keep up with everyone, but sometimes he doesn't feel he did very well with it.our church family wasn't very helpful either. I did get a few cards, but no offers of meals or running errands for poor husband had it all to do, plus his pastoral duties. They were a little more open and concerned with this recent diagnosis. There is actually a thread on here about people's reactions...not Christian though. I was amazed how many women face this issue,and yes,it is hard not to develop a resentment (I still fight that.)

    Isn't it wonderful to know we have women friends all over the world who are facing what we do and understand?? Will pray that you will be surrounded by loving people who will fill that void. As for your pastors, I am sorry..I know that hurt.

    God bless you, Jean...

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2014

    Feeling blue this morning, coming out of denial/shock. Took the cat to the Veterinarian yesterday and after exam/xrays - the lump is bone cancer in his jaw. Batman (11) has been such a comfort to me through my last year of surgery/chemo/rads. It hurts my heart knowing that I can neither afford extensive treatment for him nor would I want to have him go through that type of treatment & suffering. So - quality of life is the only option. He is on antibiotics in case of infection and liquid pain killer. Please pray for me to make the decision; I need to use my 'mind' and not my 'heart' on this. I use to work for veterinarians, I know that euthanasia is coming, pray that I know when the time is right and that I am not selfish in keeping him. Why now Lord?

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Oh, Carren, so sorry to hear about Batman's diagnosis. I know just how you feel. Last April, our Jack (a greyhound aged 9) started limping and was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in his leg. Three weeks later, we knew it was time to say good-bye but I still get a little weepy just thinking about the whole situation. After the first trip to the vet (when she said it could be early osteo and if he didn't improve in 2 weeks, she'd take another x-ray and would be sure then), Dave said that since I was in the middle of cancer treatments, there was no way both Jack and I could both have cancer at the same time. Wrong, of course.....

    Enjoy the time with him now, keep him comfortable and give him lots of extra cuddles and treats (one friend said I should have given Jack a big chocolate bar - which of course is bad for dogs - on the morning when we were going to take him to the vet for the last time). We smile through our tears....

    I recently watched the movie "Heaven is for Real" - you've probably heard about the little boy who was very close to death and then told his parents about what he'd seen in heaven. It comforts me to no end to remember that he said there were lots of animals in heaven. So - I can believe I'll have the chance to cuddle my furkids again. :)

    Praying for you all, sweet ladies. My heart aches for you, Ellen and Jean, that you're having to deal with disappointment in other folks through all of the cancer stuff (I always called it cancer world but Jean's cancer planet is appropriate, too). I had wonderful support from friends, family and church folk - but was still a bit surprised when a neighbor (who is our Bible study leader) said they'd all been talking about bringing me meals but knew I didn't want that. WHAT???? How did they know that? Sigh.....

    I'm planning for a blessing tonight - taking it easy and getting used to the lazy home routine today but heading to the choir cantata at church this evening. I love the Christmas season - and I'm praying for lots of extra kisses from God and blessings for us all throughout the next days.

    love you - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors. My promise verse for today is from Psalm 55:22

    Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

    Jean, I am glad you enjoyed the concert last night. I am sorry to hear about some of your friends and pastors not being there for you as you would have hoped they would be. I have been through some very tough times when I really felt all alone and during those times I am convinced that God wanted me to learn to lean and depend on Him more and more. I think many people are so terribly afraid of cancer and certainly don't know what to do or say around someone who has it that they can act strangely. I will pray that you do not develop a sense of resentment because you know that is what the enemy would love for you to do.

    Ellen, I can imagine it would be extremely disappointing not to have your church family rally around you during your bc journeys. I don't know how most perceive a pastor's wife. I imagine some think you all are invincible and have strength of iron when in reality you are just as human as the rest of us and you hurt and get disappointed too. I will say the same thing I said to Jean. The enemy is doing his best to destroy us on every turn. I think it is more healthy to get mad at the enemy where our anger should be directed and not people who disappoint us. I know that is not easy to do. Hurt feelings are hard to deal with. Praying for both of you in this situation,.

    Carren, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I love all animals but have grown up in a cat family and I am on my second cat of my own now. When I had to put my 16 year cat down it of course broke my heart so I can certainly understand how you must feel. I have gone through many pets. When I lived in an apartment and couldn't have the usual cat or dog so I had hamsters for a while and rabbits. The poor dwarf rabbits I had would only live to about a year and a half except my last one. I went through this over and over and no matter what kind of pet or how old it broke my heart every single time they died. My solution was I would try to find another pet as soon as I could and that helped me to move on. I will pray that you will know when the right time is so Batman is not suffering and you will be to the point of doing what needs to me done. I am so sorry as I know you had been doing well and resting in God's peace and love. I will be praying for you.

    Bev, I hope you rest up before your cantata tonight. Don't feel guilty for taking it easy. So glad you are home and doing so well. When I saw Heaven is For Real and read the book I know that part about all the animals in heaven was comforting. Have a good time tonight dear one.

    Lucy, you and DH are still very much on my heart. Praying you both have a restful weekend and a time to recharge.

    Jo, I certainly appreciate your concern. I will admit that when I got back from my mom's last week I was in such a state that I can't even explain how I felt. Out of control would be one way of describing it. I know many of you have prayed for me and it really is making a difference because I feel much better emotionally now than I did the first few days I was back to my home. I know countless others have been through this with their parents and I know that my sister and I will get through this too. From what you said about your Dad you know exactly what I am going through. When I mention getting some support for my mom she gets very defensive and says very hurtful things but the Lord has given me supernatural strength to try to rise above that. I know she would not intentionally try to hurt me and this is the disease talking and not her. It is still hard at times.

    I appreciate your prayers so much. I am a little pressed for time today but may take you up on a PM if and when I feel the need to share some things that I know you could relate to. Thank you dear sister.

    I hope for a good a restful weekend for all of us. Remember to take time for YOU because no one can do that for you.

    Love you all,



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    Hope everyone is having a good evening. I've had a lazy day, which I needed after an emotional one yesterday. In addition to meeting my friend yesterday, we also got a text that Clyde's youngest son is being sent out of the country for a few days (He's in the Air Force). He just returned from a three month deployment so we were surprised he was leaving again. Doesn't seem as secretive as the last trip.

    I read the entries from Bev and Carren with tears in my eyes. I also had to make "the decision" to let go of my 17 year companion, Callie. That cat saw me through a divorce, Dad's death, raising two teenagers, remarriage, relocation, and 2 cancer diagnoses. My husband kept telling me we had to take her in, but I just couldn't do it...I told him I couldn't do it until I had a peace about it. We had her put to sleep one afternoon right after a radiation treatment...they actually let me have my treatment a little early so I could leave. It was so hard, but she was very sick. I know that she was part of my life to bring me comfort and love during some rough times. Your emails brought this back to my mind, as well as the stray cat hairs I found on my Christmas sweatshirts in a storage container. Another way we all connect with each other...

    In thinking about all of you today, I thought about starting the Twelve Days of is 12 days until Christmas, and counting our blessings may make all of us feel better. Participate only if you want to...

    On this first day of blessings, I am thankful this Christmas for my first grandson, born on the day I was making arrangements for a biopsy with my surgeon. He is healthy, handsome, and has brought out my son's best qualities.

    Anyone else?

    God bless you are in my prayers...!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ellen,

    I think this is a great idea. I had no idea Christmas was in 12 days so this was a jolt to reality!  I am so blessed because I feel like I have so many more friends this Christmas time than last year. Why would that be? One big reason is because of all of you. Also I realized how many people cared about me during my journey from my former work families to my church friends and neighbors. So I do definitely feel blessed this Christmas season.

    I had decided that tonight I was going to make myself get out and do something fun no matter how I felt. I joined our local arboretum right before Thanksgiving so I could go to this interactive light show that they did last year and are having again this year. I had only heard of people going. It is basically a mile walk on their trails full of thousands and thousands of lights. You can hug a tree and it changes colors. Things that  kids would love and me as a budding photographer was itching to try some night photography which I have never done and a whole new skill set that I don't have yet. So I ate dinner really early and I dressed in layers with several pairs of socks on etc. I get to the place and realize that you have to purchase a ticket to get in and they were all sold out for tonight and tomorrow night. Since I was already dressed for outside I decided to go downtown and practice my night photography. So here is my first attempt. I will also put in a pic of my cat that I tried with this fairly new lens that I am experimenting with. Also my first attempts of shooting completely in manual mode. I am learning slowly.


    Here a few pics from today and tonight.







    This last picture is where we have ice cream socials every Thursday night in the summer. It is in our Central Park. We are a large town with a small town feel to it. I used to play in the community band on these Thursday night concerts where I was the solo clarinet player and assistant conductor for many years before I had to give up playing because of my neck. Many good memories here and it was fun to walk around at night.

    I am not sure if I will ever actually make it to this light show now but there is hopefully going to be a next year for it too.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Nancy - how gorgeous! You sure seem like you're pretty good at night photography to me - and it's so neat you shared so many Christmas decorations with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God had a plan different than you did for tonight but it worked out just fine.

    I agree, Ellen - I have so many more friends - some like y'all I may never get a chance to hug this side of heaven and some dear friends throughout the country (Sharon, Debbie and Char) who I've been blessed to hug this year. The BC journey is a crooked, twisting one - but it certainly has brought some beautiful scenes and experiences along the way!

    I just got home from the choir cantata at church. I go to a big (for me at least, since I grew up in churches with about 100 people in the Sunday morning service) church where we have two services of about 250 people each. Our choir works so hard on the cantata and we had maybe 100 people in the audience. Our big sanctuary was mostly empty - so I'm so glad I was able to get there to fill up a chair.....and of course, get a blessing from the singing and wonderful Christmas message.

    Praying for you all ladies - have a blessed Sunday!

    love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Bev, I am so amazed at how well you are doing. What a testimony to answeres,prayer. Hubby and I went to the Christmas pageant at church last night. The little ones are so sweet. We didn't stay for food as I've been warned to avoid potlucks till after chemo. I was very fatigued and emotional yesterday. This chemo is really an emotional roller coaster. BTW, the two families that dropped us as friends are from our church and stopped seeing us or reponding to calls awhile before my cancer. We found out at the concert Friday that one of their kids had gotten married and we didn't even know,about it. This after having attended two of the other kids weddings bridal showers and a baby shower. Very sad. I am considering asking if we did something to offend them. One of the pastors that I spoke about was at two of the functions we attended recently and just walked past me several times without even saying hello. He was my husband's sponsor in CR and now just ignores us. I was also part of CR for the last 5 yrs and still sponsor there. I also need to ask him if I have offended him in some way. I know God is teaching me not to rely on people but I do get very lonely. Here I sit crying at 3am not able to sleep. Love, Jean. PS No baby yet!

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2014

    Thank you ladies for understanding. Bev, Ellen, Nancy - comforting words. I was telling Batman last night about all the other fur kids he would be meeting soon. LOL Part of the greiving starting already. This cat has been with me since he was 4 months old, thinks he is a dog and has travelled more places than some humans (RV) only USA he hasn't been to is Louisiana and Wyoming (he was born in Ketchikan, AK) and all but the east coast of Canada. He has just about got us trained - as the DH says. I have been praying that God changes me so I can listen thru my heart to people and I can see that it is softening. I will go to church this morning and rejoice and praise him in my suffering - because that is the greatest warfare I can think of right now. This photo was 4 years ago at Christmas; I would like to say that most of that is fur. This is my favorite photo of him. Carren



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Carren, so sorry to hear about Batman. These furry creatures sure do snuggle their way into our hearts. I went to church between services and asked the pastor I felt was ignoring me if I had done something to offend him. He told me absolutely not and apologized for not speaking with me. Evidently he just had other things on his mind. I feel much better about this. Thanks to those who prayed. Now I will need to speak with the woman who dropped me and ask the same question about her not giving us a chance to bless her son and his wife at their wedding. I hope this conversation also goes well. I am learning that often I attribute false motives to people's actions and take personally,things that are not about me at all. Praise God for His transforming love snd discipline. Love, Jean. PS Still no baby. Today was her due date.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith: it is so good to finally get a moment to stop by. All of you have been in my prayers. Welcome to our newbies. I was going offer a cup of virtual tea but it appears you are making yourselves right at home. That is what is so great about this thread, it's like refuge in a storm.

    Wish I could say I have been busy with holiday things but my heart just is not in it this year. The commercialism is killing it for me. Oh I know what it is all about but I am trying to step away from all the other stuff...truly, and focusing on the real meaning.

    Bev: So glad you are home and doing well dear friend. You are an amazing wonder and you just defy all the statistics. I know it divine intervention. May your hubby see test wonderful results are gifts from God. Just take it easy and follow doctor's orders.

    Nancy: How did things go with your mother and the workmen? I have been having flashbacks to my own mother these days. I think your situation is bringing lots of it back since it has been about 25 years now. My mother had early onset Alzheimer's. I have praying for your own health as well.

    Carren: I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Kitty. He is so beautiful. I know that you will know when the time is right. I have had to make that decision for 11 prior dogs of mine and somehow God always showed me what when it was time and helped me through this part of their life. I don't care what people say about heaven and pets. I believe that they will be there when I arrive and if not,than I believe God will remove that memory from my mind.

    Be back in a bit

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Okay back: I continue to pray for all of you and pray that God meets your needs. My dad continues to take on fluid but the swelling goes down in the morning. He is so out of breath and that is a concern. I know that his time here now is a daily gift from God.

    I over used my knee this week. My own fault. I feel better than it does and so I am going to listen to it and let it rest foe a few days. I still have my cards to send and finish my news letter to friends and family far away. So I better get some ibuprofen and get off my butt and do some work. Looks like another busy week at school with testing this week, assemblies and a staff vs my intramural game after school.

    I am praying that we get some good news about Nancy's hubby or at least they can diagnose what has been going on.

    Hugs to all of you.
