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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Today I am so grateful for the wonderful time with my grandaughter Alexia yesterday. No baby yet but hopefully any time now. Please keep praying as she is to be induced on the 26th if not in labor yet. Also I am very grateful for God's helping me deal with some issues from the past and for the wonderful conversation about it with my husband. Such healing taking place spiritually and emotionally as the cancer is being treated physically. Jesus is my great shepherd. Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd. How amazing is that truth! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good afternoon everybody,

    Hope you have seen a blessing today, somewhere along your busy path. I did nothing today that I started out to do, but did have some time to catch up on my prayer list and finish some out of town and family Christmas cards.

    Tomorrow is crunch day; I have to start getting food started and things packed for an overnight visit to my son's, as well as picking up a couple of small gifts. Both of us are going this trip, and my daughter and her boyfriend are going to meet us there. So if all goes well, I'll get to see both kids and the "Awesome Grandson" this weekend. Since they are in the middle of a financial strain, I'm providing most of the food. Looking forward to a different change of pace than the usual routine and hoping that my husband will benefit from the "down time" too. He's had a lot of stress lately with church outreach projects.

    My fifth day of blessing is appreciating what God has provided for us. Both of us came from divorces that caused great pain and financial hardship, but God brought us through. After we married, He enabled us to have a house close to where we worked, vehicles that ran, food on our table, and strengthened the relationships with all of our family members. He healed me of cancer twice, and has brought Clyde's chronic condition under control. Even now since we retired, we can still afford to bless others and enjoy an occasional treat. He has been so good to us! I heard once the question.."What if all you had today, is what you thanked God for yesterday?" Food for thought...

    Tonight is our dress rehearsal for our program at church on Sunday. I take care of most of the music at our church (it's a small group) and the preparations for this program have been difficult, due to family illness and conflicts with practices. Please pray that our congregation will be blessed by the simple program and its message that Jesus is "Ten Thousand Joys". Also please say a prayer for Fonnie-she began 10 days of radiation with her eye yesterday.

    I have started a prayer journal so I can make sure I pray specifically for you.

    She Angel, you have a special husband. How thoughtful of him to think about what would help you relax. Have some fun, and take advantage of anytime you can rest.

    Jean, so thankful you had time to spend with your grandaughter. She will remember that time with you as special also.

    Nancy, thanks for your messages. I am praying that you will feel better physically and mentally as you begin your trip to your Mom's. Wish I had you here to direct our choir!

    God bless you all richly...


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Blessings, ladies. You are all blessings to me. I am lying down in bed, resting up for a night out. My husband leads a team of web applications developers for an insurance company, and tonight is their Christmas party. I will get to meet some new team members, some interns, and see some familiar faces. As I'm lying here, I kept hearing a cheep cheep cheep. I glanced out the window, where I have a bird feeder, sadly neglected. Nothing. I sat up, and there, in the little bush, a bright red cardinal, all fluffed up in the cold rain. A kiss from God.

    I have been listening to Messiah again today, and the aria that keeps coming back to me is "If God Be For Us". The words come from this passage in Romans 8:

    Romans 8:31,33-34 KJV

    [31] What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? [33] Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. [34] Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

    I finally received a phone call today from the radiation clinic, and I'm to go in tomorrow afternoon for a practice session. I didn't even think to ask whether it would be standard or proton but I guess I will at least know tomorrow.

    Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Today I am grateful for our beautiful home in the country, for sunshine, for my husband and for the Blue Christmas service last night where we were able to mourn the loss of my then 20yr old stepson in the Lockerbie bombing in 1988. Also so very grateful for the opportunity with hubby to comfort another couple who lost their child just a few months ago. Hubby is going Saturday to help another couple whose son committed suicide around thanksgiving. Please pray he will be able to bless and comfort them. A few years ago hubby would never have been willing to do this. God has really done an amazing and continuing work in him since he gave his life to Jesus 5yrs ago. Ladies, never give up praying for loved ones. Hubby was in his mid 60's when he was saved! Still waiting for baby's arrival. No labor yet. Alexia is very anxious to begin delivery. God's perfect timing. Love, Jean PS Prayers for all travelling and for preparations for Christmas. Also for those still in treatment.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    May this be a rich and blessed holiday season for all who, like us, are preparing for a different kind of Christmas this year. But the steadfast love of The Lord never ceases!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good day lady warriors,

    In my devotional yesterday Psalm 150:6 was one of the verses. That struck a chord with me because as some of you know I had my tombstone made this summer and I got to see it in the cemetery for the first time when I was at my mom's for Thanksgiving. My tombstone is in the very back of this small cemetery in the country next to my Dad and near other family members. The back of my tombstone has Ps. 150:6 Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord. There is a little road that goes by it for all to see this scripture. The Lord gave me that scripture when I was deciding what I wanted to put on the stone. I have no idea why getting my tombstone made now was of such urgency but it was just that. I wanted this stone to show my love of God and my love of music. It is a heart shaped stone.  On the front I have two trumpet angels. I am blessed to be among the living today but I know that I will have a much greater reward in heaven and I am blessed to be able to say that because my hope is in Jesus, the savior of the world.

    Angie, Praying for your treatment today. I am glad your work schedule has been reduced. Hopefully that will be a great help to you as you deal with fatigue. Your co worker sounds like and inspiration. I pray that she proves the doctor's wrong this time.

    She, I must say that your husband sounds like a gem. How thoughtful of him. I hope you do get that day to just put that do not disturb sign on the door and sleep away. I am glad you liked the photos. Hopefully you will get to go out and see some Christmas lights. That was a tradition growing up in my family.

    Ellen, I pray you have a wonderful time at your son's and getting together with your daughter and especially the grandson. I am glad DH got your oven working just in time for all of your cooking. I am praying that your Christmas music will be a blessing to you, the performers and the listeners that will all be blessed by such a wonderful gift of music that I never ever take for granted. God can sometimes reach me through music when nothing else can and I bet many listeners will be very blessed by your music.

    Mags, I am praying for your beginning of rads. I am very curious what kind you will be having. It has been a very long wait for you dear friend. Hang in there. It will be over before you know it. Praying for pain control and perseverance.

    Jean, you sound like you are in a good place. I am sorry for the loss of your stepson. Losing a child is so hard and time may help some but it is a very tough thing to go through. Still praying for the baby to come soon!

    Anita, good to hear from you. Where will you be for Christmas? I know a few weeks ago you weren't sure.


    Ladies, I have a prayer request. I have scheduled an assessment for my mom's home health care needs. It is done by a nurse. I talked to her yesterday at great length and she seems like a very caring and compassionate person. She will be doing the assessment on Dec. 30 at 2pm. My sister and my mom and I will be sitting down at that time to discuss our needs for my mom. My mom doesn't know about this yet and that is my prayer that the Lord will lead me in the timing of this. I hate to have her upset and anxious right before Christmas so prayers would be appreciated. I will be leaving for her house on Saturday and will be there for three weeks and hopefully will get to meet the home care worker at her first visit. Hopefully the timing will all work out according to plan.

    My bad headaches have returned. I would appreciate prayers for that as well.

    Have a wonderful day everyone. I continue to pray for each one of you.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, sending up prayers now.

    I just got back from my practice session. Apparently it will be standard rads, not proton. However, it's not going to start for another while as it turns out there was another parameter that was not accounted for (another issue with my shoulders :( ) and it will be another couple weeks before they have a new plan, when the session was over, the tech had to lower my arm, I couldn't move it myself, and my hand had gone to sleep. I gasped in pain – and I had taken a pain pill beforehand! I nearly passed out when I tried to move it into a more comfortable position. I just don't know if I can handle this every day for weeks. I'm back at home now, ice on my shoulder just to numb it. I asked if I had time to have a complete shoulder replacement before they were ready to start, and if was only half kidding.

    My knee was not very happy today either, but at least I had fun last night. The bowling lounge is on our Riverwalk, so about 8' below street level, so I had to do stairs. A fun time was had by all, got to laugh and talk with some of DH's team and associates, and watch them bowl (I didn't). DH has stayed at this company for 20 years, not because of the pay (which, while it's ok, is not as much as he might have made elsewhere, or even just consulting) but because he loves the people and the management. It's a pretty large company, but still privately owned, with branches in insurance, brokerage, and even banking.

    It was chilly and drizzly, I had to step outside a few times to cool down (hot flashes!) and got a halfway decent shot of the river on my phone, trees lit up, a lit wreath on the bridge, and a fountain that changed colors. Very festive.


    On the way home, driving through the downtown area, the buildings are lit as well. I didn't get pics as we were moving, but all the buildings that do decorations do it the same way: vertical strings of colored lights placed a few inches apart, either just on the main floor, or on the second and above, so there's lots of variety and it's very colorful. Some solid colors, some multicolored. Blue, green, red, gold, even purple.

    The top of the tallest building disappeared in the cloud and fog, but a couple of the others had cross patterns of office lights on every side. (We are, after all, called the buckle on the Bible Belt, and for good reason.)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, Beautiful night pic. I love the reflections and a very nice composition. I am so sorry to hear that your rads are being delayed again. I know the Lord's timing is perfect but I know that is hard to deal with sometimes in our imperfect human understanding of things. I know maybe I am crazy but I am still praying that your insurance will cover the proton rads because of your shoulder issues. Maybe this delay is allowing that to happen. I just find it difficult to believe that they are going to expect you to go through this treatment with excruciating shoulder pain everyday. I can really get my dander up when it comes to health insurance carriers and how the bottom line is about the only thing in their thinking. I know you will get through this with the Lord's help but I am so sorry it has been such a difficult uphill battle on every turn it seems. My prayers continue to be you dear sister.

    Jo, I started googling headaches caused by neck muscles and got some good information. I had stopped doing therapy on myself and I need to resume that because it was probably helping. I have had a very serious neck surgery in 2001 and I know that it sometimes has to be repeated. This is my concern if it has something to do with the structural issues rather than muscle. I don't typically get tension headaches but I do hold tension in my neck and shoulders which could possibly result in the same thing. I am seeing a dermatologist now because of shingles and some other issues. I have had this rash on my back for five years and she wants to knock this out. I am not supposed to be taking baths at all and that has been my line of defense against tight neck muscles was soaking in a hot bath. Haven't been able to do that for several weeks. In fact I am not supposed to be taking baths at all but my set up in my bathroom is not for showers so I am still taking short baths now but not soaking at all. Could that be having a negative affect. Possibly. When I tilt my head back I feel this wave of pain. It is very strange. I have never had anything like this before.

    I will be praying that your biopsy is benign and I hope they don't leave you hanging for very long. That is usually the hard part in the waiting. Thanks for your concern and your prayers. You have mine dear one.


    I bought a ticket to this interactive light show when I had been feeling better. I went to it tonight as I had already paid for the ticket. It was 90 min in the very cold weather but I got some good pics. I am trying to thaw out right now. I have ordered my first pizza in one year and ten months. I found out a year ago in the spring that I was severely gluten intolerant. I ordered a gluten free pizza. I figure all the walking I did tonight burned off enough calories that I don't have to feel too guilty about it. LOL

    I will post some of my pics later. Hope all is well with everyone and that you are taking time to breath in this last minute rush before Christmas. One thing about my bc journey is I am taking time to smell the roses. That translates into going out into the cold to take pictures of lights. LOL





  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    I will continue my prayers for all of you. Breast Cancer affects people in many different ways, but one thing is a common thread...we all need love and support from those who love us and those who have walked that path. I am glad I found this thread because everyone knows Who is really in charge, and the Great Physician of all.

    For those of you who have a week off treatment...yeah! I hope you will enjoy some "good" days and get some rest. Mags, I am so sorry your shoulder is so painful and that the radiation position is going to be so uncomfortable for you. I will pray that something else can be worked out...and soon. Angie, I hope your test is benign. Once you have a problem, it is so easy to have fear come over you when something doesn't look right.

    Nancy, thanks for sharing the pictures .I have the 30th written in my notebook so I can pray for your consultation with Home Health Care. I know you will listen to His voice about the timing of talking to your mom. Praying also for your headaches to ease, Try to remember that a "cloud of witnesses" is cheering you on from Heaven and your earthly friends are encouraging you too. As hard as it is to see sometimes, Romans 8:28 is a truth to hold onto. Your struggles have inspired me to keep a positive outlook, and to remember others.

    Jean, so glad your husband counsels those who are hurting...He is a good example of 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 which is the scripture I claim these days. God is truly using you two.

    For those of you that are struggling with your health and decisions this Christmas, my heart goes out to you. I am praying for you to have a special surprise or special encouragement. God knows what we need, when we need it..

    For this sixth day of thanks, I am thankful for the gift of time I now have with family and friends.While I was working, I had to see family and friends on weekends or during holidays or the summer. In the last few years, all the traveling and making sure I saw everyone added to a full time job and my church responsibilities was wearing me out. Now I am able to spread out the visiting and even stay overnight to help with all the driving. I am thankful to God for time...and hopefully I am using it wisely and for His kingdom.

    Getting ready to pack for our trip to the coast to see my son and "Awesome Grandson". I think being older when you become a grandma makes you sillier than when you are younger! Little Cal took his first steps last weekend, so I hope to see that in the next couple of days.

    God bless you all...if you are traveling, praying for traveling mercies.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014 is late so I will post more tomorrow. Please know I read everyone 's posts carefully and prayer for each need.

    I forced myself to go to DH office party after work, and was glad I did. Good food, a glass of bubbly, and good company. Now tired though. Patch working wonders for nausea.

    Next tx 26th. I see Mo tomorrow so he can see I am tolerating this new chemo as well as I can.

    Prayers for the Ortiz family. Parents of 20 year old Jeffrey, a local bball player we knew. 6 weeks ago he had back pain, and couldn't sleep from it. Parents sent him to,chiropractor thinking it was athletic related. He passed away today...had advanced lung cancer. Never a smoker

    A fine young man devoted to Christ. Definitely pitching a game there tonight.

    Grateful for this day. This moment.

    Grateful for devotion in my Jesus Calling book this morning. Grateful to my sisters here


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Hello Sisters of Faith:

    It has been a busy week with me running fitness testing and a health quiz in each class and regular grading. I finally got through my stack of papers on my desk by 5 pm tonight. But I was so beat that I went hipomw and crashed. I organized a staff kickball game with my intramural finalists on Tuesday. My hubby gave me any early Christmas gift which was a gym membership. I have been going there to lift weights and do my cardio. He did want me running in the dark. I will also be using the pool too to train for a summer sprint triathlon.

    I took on a new project this week. I have a very obese boy in my fifth grade. I have been praying for a way to approach him about it and his lack of ability to do one push up or curl up for his fitness tests was the door opening. I sat with him and asked him if he wanted some help and he said yes soooo...I am researching childhood obesity and exercise programs and nutrition info for him and his mother. The parents are dicorved and I think that just happened and sent his weight through the roof. With mom on week days where she works long hours and then with dad on weekends. Mom agreed to the help and was appreciative. So I am drafting journals, a consult page of info from parents about his eating habits and activities while at home. It is going to be a slow road for this guy but I do not want him laughed at in middle school next year when he has to change clothes for PE. So prayers for me to step out in uncharted waters.

    I have them issue with my IPad freezing on this site. So I am going to send and don't

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014 I have been lifting weights and boy am I sore. I cannot do push-ups because my arms are I also have lots of staff members who are dealing with parental situations such as nursing homes, parents that are now in hospice or who have recently passed away. It has been a bit of a cloud hanging over our work and I have been doing lots of praying for them and my dad included.

    I continue to pray for all of you with decisions and treatments and personal health issues, salvation for loved ones, test results, surgeries, pets and other things.

    Please forgive me for not listing each of you individually. Bev and I get to chat privately and I am amazed by her progress yet not surprised. Lucy, thank you for updating us. I sure hope they will come to some explainable conclusion with some positive solution. Mini, thanks for the update on hubby. I sure hope his situation can be resolved.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ellen, Thanks for your prayers. Have a safe and fun trip with your family and your little one! That will be a special time.

    Kath, Glad your patch is working. Hope your MO will see you are doing better on this treatment than the others. Praying that this regimen will be THE one and that you will be able to manage these SE"s. Will be praying for your treatment after Christmas. Will be praying for this family that lost their son as well.

    Lucy, wondering how you are doing and how things ended at Mayo. I know you and Steve must be exhausted. Praying for a good report with good solutions.

    Char, that is really nice that you were able to talk to this boy and have his parents be on board with a good plan for him. Glad your DH got you a gym membership. I didn't have time to swim yesterday so I walked. Oh my gosh. I was not properly dressed and I thought my face was going to freeze off. Glad you can now exercise indoors.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    looks like my post went out the window last night.

    Praying for each need. Good to hear how God is working. Love the photos ladies. Nancy, you are very talented. Has anyone heard from Becky? I checked Kate W's site and no updates since her fundraiser. Hopefully I will be on here after the holidays more frequently.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Grateful today for getting good rest last night after overdoing some Christmas shopping. I sometimes forget that I am sick and need to not overdo things. Still waiting for arrival of our great granddaughter. I think Christmas plus waiting for the baby has put me over the top with dealing with chemo. I told hubby last night that I need to make getting thru these last 5 taxol's my first priority and put everything else on the back burner. Praying for you all during this wonderful but stressful time. Love, Jean

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    to all and Garden gal. Char I am still here..My tumor marker is in the 400 now, so do not know what is going on......I get a ct and PET scan monday. I dread the prep, but need to know what is going on. Please pray for me. I felt pretty sick until this week (last Chemo was Dec 1..this Ixempra is very hard on me) fatigue and nauseous...

    thanks for being concerned, I just do not post often. Pray for me that the tumors are going down, I have a lot of small tumors all over the liver.. I will stay in better touch. love you ladies... becky

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good day sister warriors,

    Jo, with shingles I did have a terrific headache. I still have a very faint rash but I doubt it would be PHN since my headache is not near this rash area and this travels along the nerve. If this rash doesn't leave after three weeks using this really, really expensive ointment then they will test this patch on my back and see what I am reacting too. BTW I am severely intolerant to chlorine (yes, I am a swimmer) and fluoride. I do use special toothpaste without fluoride. So needless to say my body is hyper sensitive to things. Thanks for your concern.

    Char, Thank you for your nice comment. I will try to post my light show pics sometime today if time.

    Becky, I have been so concerned for you. I am glad you posted. I know you mentioned you were having a hard time with this chemo regime. Know I still pray for you all the time and will continue to do so. I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this. It has been such a long battle for you and I can only imagine how weary of it all you must be. The Lord is right there with you. Hold on to Him as tight as you can.


    Ladies, I just sent my mom an email telling her about this assessment meeting. I did not say it was a nurse coming and I didn't call it an assessment which I thought would bother her. When I got up today it just seemed like that was what I was supposed to do. I had complete peace about it unlike what I have been feeling about telling her before today. I just said the way I am feeling cannot keep up my house and hers. It is just too much. So the foot in the door is house cleaning and laundry with this home health care. Then it can certainly branch into anything that we would need. Thank you for your prayers. This is beauty shop day for her and hopefully a good distraction to whatever she may be feeling when she reads my email. My sister takes her to that apt.

    I will be praying for all of you today.

    Love you all,


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I am so glad you feel that peace about letting your mom know at least a little of what is going on. Like you said you woke up and it felt like it was what you were supposed to do. When it's something you are suppose to do that anxiety and worry goes away and that calming peace does fall over you, its the spirit leading us. I will continue to pray on this.

    I remember when my grandmother had stopped being able to take care of herself and I spoke to my mother and my uncle about it as they lived in the city where she was an I only visited when home from school.  They were at odds about what to do and were doing nothing. I was so stressed about it that I contacted social services anonymously. They sent out an assessor, who immediately took her out of the home and contacted my mother who was the contact person in case of emergency. They told her that they would be admitting her into a state assisted facility immediately if there were no family members to take care of her and had condemned her house. My mother went and got her and moved her in to her house, and I know it was hard for her because she worked at an assisted retirement facility during the day and then had to take care of my grandmother in the evenings and on the weekend with two kids still at home and a husband that didn't help with my granny. She was angry at my uncle for over a year thinking that he had made the anonymous call. I told my best friends mom what I had did and why. She said that I should never tell my mother what I did. She said sometimes even though people know the right things to do,  some people can't do them until they are forced to. She said the fact that my mother did not let my grandmother go into the facility meant she knew what she should do. My grandmother passed a few years back, but she was at my moms for over a decade and to hear my mom talk about that time now it seems that was some of the best times.

    I admire you for working on a solution while working with us on the discussion board, dealing with your own physical and emotional health and your family. When it comes to our parents and dealing with siblings and family and the input, it can be challenging, stressful and heartbreaking. God is so good, he puts the right people in the right place at the right time to make life's challenges easier to bear.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I had a thought. If you are allergic to chlorine and fluoride, could the content of that in your bath water be causing – or contributing to – your rashes and itching? As someone who had eczema as a child and still has occasional outbreaks of it, I do understand that pain! You are in my thoughts and prayers especially as you travel to visit your mom.

    In January of 1999, as I had been watching my mom deteriorate in her early 80's, I asked a small group DH and I were in for an unspoken prayer. I wrote the prayer down in a journal. It was that we could provide a place for my mom, but that it would be my DH's idea, not coming from me. A month later, DH said to me, "I think we need to find a place where your mom could live with us." We had been living in our home for 10 years, the first home we had bought, and had put in a lot of work on it. We loved it there, but there was no place for my mom, as all the bedrooms were upstairs, and she could not have climbed them. We started looking at houses, even though we had no idea how we would afford a down payment. We looked at one house that was lovely, but just looked too grand and fancy, and was too far for DH to commute. In April, my client signed a two year contract with a big up front payment that would cover down payment and moving expenses. My mom's Stephen Minister was a realtor, so I asked her to show us some houses. It was a Friday, and she sent us a list of houses to drive by over the weekend. But there was one house we couldn't find a street sign for. That Monday, she took us to see 5 houses we had picked. The last one was the one we couldn't find, and it was the one we had seen two months before. By then they had dropped the price. When the realtor walked in, she said, this would be perfect for your mom! It was indeed, and for us as well. It had a two room suite with full bath for her, and a big beautiful office for my business. We were there for several years, until mom needed more help. It also turned out to be a good investment.

    I pray your situation turns out to bless you, and your mom, and your sister. And I pray you have a beautiful and blessed Christmas

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Thank you SheAngel and Mags for your encouragement. I am in between apts and don't have too much time but I wanted to ask prayer for a good friend of mine who I don't get to hear from too often but because of my bc we have reconnected. She and a team from her church on going to Statesville prison tomorrow morning to distribute over 100 books and magazines that they have been collecting over many months to give these prisoners. My friend's Dad who passed away not that long ago was a true ambassador for Christ and he was not only heavily invested in the Gideon's but he also visited prisons. My friend is carrying on his legacy and she is so excited. I can't quite imagine her doing this as I am sure it is out of her comfort zone. She retired as an elementary principal in my district. We taught together many years ago and did some vacationing with other friends back in the day. Anyway she asked me to pray and I decided that if any of you see this if you could pray that these visits with the prisoners goes really well and that they will have a chance to share Jesus with these inmates and of course for safety.

    I will check in later.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Just a quick note - it's time to get dinner ready and since we're old retired folks, that means the plates hit the table at 5:30 sharp!

    Nancy, so neat to see your post about your friend going to the prison - my dad has been a Gideon all his life and gone to so many prisons, shelters, detention centers, etc. The Gideons' verse is Psalm 119:105 (I think that's right?) "So shall my Word go forth - it shall not return unto Me void but it shall accomplish that which I have purposed." I'll be praying that your friend feels God's presence and protection - and that she'll plant many seeds. With Christmas next week, the timing seems perfect for hearts to be tender and souls ready to be reached. Thanks so much for sharing this!

    Love - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Bev, I just had a chance to email my friend and tell her we will be praying for her and her team. I told her that you had mentioned your Dad being a Gideon too. She and a friend that I hadn't seen in 37 years (we all taught together) came to visit me in May at my clinic after radiation. We stayed for a very long time and caught up. She told us way back then that she had started collecting books and magazines for the inmates. I would love to have been a part of that. It was a ministry from her church. She goes to the huge Willow Creek Church which is a recognized church all over the country. She is part of the leadership team. She retired a year after I did and now she makes quilts for orphanages all over the world. She is not one to rest in her retirement. Does that sound familiar and I am not talking about me. LOL

    We used to laugh at how early the neighbors would leave to go out to dinner and eat in their senior years. I guess I never thought I would grow up to be a senior citizen. LOL 

    My mom just read my email about the home health care meeting at her house on Dec. 30. I am trying very hard not to be upset because according to her I have ruined Christmas for her. I hope by bedtime she will have forgotten how upset she is. I am not planning on responding just yet. I think it will only make matters worse.


    I am going to post some pics from my interactive light show last night. They had the Chicago Symphony playing in the background at some places which was really neat.

    I am sure glad I bought that dorky looking face mask now. It was so cold for being outside for 90 min walking around but it was worth it.

    I hope you are feeling better each day and remember to be kind to yourself and take naps when you need it.

    Love you,




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Here are some pics of this interactive light show at the Morton Arboretum. (This place is from the Morton Salt family).








  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    SheAngel, I am glad that you did what you needed for your grandmother. It obviously was the right thing and I am glad your mom stepped up and did the right thing when she had to. Sometimes the right thing to do can seem more gray than black and white. Your situation was a difficult one and probably best that your mom not know it was you.

    Mags, When I was off swimming for so long the rash stayed but it is hard to know about the chlorine since it is in all our water. I am suspecting that it is either something in the water or in my shampoo or crème rinse as the rash looks like it is disappearing and when I get out of the bathtub it looks red all over again. So we'll see. Something I wish I didn't have to deal with now with all the other stuff swirling around. It is amazing how God worked in your situation with your mom and how He provided the perfect house for you and how he worked in your DH's heart to offer to take your mom in.

    I was pretty upset after getting my mom's response to my email about this lady coming to discuss home health care. She said I had ruined Christmas for her. I prayed about my reaction and response and I felt like the Lord saying just don't do or say anything right now and let her have time to absorb it. I realize that she is responding out of fear and fear of lack of control. For me to see this is the Lord working. When I checked my email tonight she had written again and she said ignore what I said before. I think my lack of response probably worried her a bit. I was not going to engage in a no win battle. I am still glad I brought this up before leaving tomorrow for her house but initially it may be awkward. I know that the Lord will be in the situation. I hope  that He will open my eyes to His working and ears to hear His guidance.

    Jo  Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the pics.

    Have a good night's rest everyone.

    Love you,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Today I am so grateful for my hubby going to help move the couple who lost their son to suicide recently. Praying he will be a comfort to them. God is good. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening,

    I hope everyone is doing well, and have had a chance to relax and deal with their treatment, medication, or other health issues. Nothing like a gray, cold, drizzly day to make you feel like curling up and taking a nap...We returned from my son's house a couple of hours ago; trip was relaxing and Awesome Grandson Cal was exceptionally good. His favorite toy was the wrapping paper, of course. My daughter and her boyfriend came yesterday and celebrated with us. I watched my two children last night and marveled at the two people they have grown up to be. I see them together only once or twice a year, so I always cherish those moments.I am glad my husband went with me..I hope he found it helpful to be away from the pressure he feels at home with his pastoral duties.

    For my blessing yesterday, I want to thank God for his protection of my children. I am blessed with two children who care about others, and I am proud of them. At the moment, neither of them attend church regularly, but that is an ongoing prayer.My son is a terrific father and my daughter will be a great wife for some lucky young man. Although neither finished their college education, both work hard at their jobs to earn a living and bless others when they can.

    My blessing today is a safe car trip home after a long delay due to an accident on the interstate.. Going somewhere and returning home safely is a major blessing especially in holiday traffic. I am also thankful that my side effects have been lesser this week.

    Nancy, hope your mom deals well with the assessment. I know all about that still, small voice; there were times when i wanted to strike back over something my mother said, and I have taken several letters out of the mailbox and written a different letter because I knew she wouldn't accept something I told her. Praying for your guidance and your help.

    Jean, what a blessing that your husband can help that family. A friend once told me that sharing grief with others helps you to heal; I pray it will do that for him.

    God bless you all...keeping you in prayer..


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    so nice to read all of your posts!!!! Jean, baby yet? Ellen, I know the feeling. While mine are still in college, I rejoice in the young men they have become

    Bev, feeling okay?

    She, hope you made it to the party! I went to DH party Thursday night. Glad I went. Had appointment with MO Friday. All is script for patch, went with DH and boys to our favorite restaurant on the beach for a late breakfast of sinful biscuits and gravy

    Finished shopping, and wrapping. Feet up, watching grinch with the family. Looking forward to church tomorrow

    Sounds like travels so far have been great for everyone. ....continued prayers for all. I keep my list on our nightstand

    Love, Kath

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Hi ladies - so glad everybody seems to be doing well and able to enjoy the blessings of the season (thanks, Kath, for asking!). I know we're all thinking about our dear Nancy and praying for her during this tough time with her mom. I'm so glad there are so many who can understand exactly what she's going through and give advice, insight and share the bittersweet times. I don't have any experience - but I can sure pray!

    Ellen, I'm glad you had a good family time and safe travels. Isn't it hard when family members drift (or run?!) away from God? I was raised in a wonderful Christian home but two of my three sisters never go to church. It's sad enough for the one who's single and fills her life with work and 3 cats but such a heartbreak when I think of the sister who has three children who have absolutely no church background (never mind a personal relationship with Christ). As we've said before, we all have family members and dear friends (and some spouses) who need our prayers - that God will use this most beautiful time of year to soften their hearts. In His time..... :)

    Have a wonderful Sunday, my dear friends!

    love, Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    No baby yet. Alexia is not yet in labor. Any time now, she is a week overdue tomorrow. Hubby's time with the man who lost his son to suicide recently went really well as did the loading of the truck to move them. Seems the Mom is blaming herself. He asked if they would like to get together with us. I would be so blessed to have the opportunity to offer them comfort along with my dear hubby. BTW, I have been dealing with some loose bowels and a cuticle infection for a few days. Please pray. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    Thank you all so much for your prayers. I am at my mom's house now. The trip went without a hitch and the traffic was not too crazy. I have been here for few hours and there has been no mention of home health care and hopefully it will be that way for a few days. Unfortunately my mom has strained her back and is not going to church tomorrow so I am disappointed about that. My sister will be in church.

    I am pretty emotionally drained and tired but I have peace and that is a miracle compared with how I felt last night after reading her email when she was so upset with me regarding the home health care. I know it was the disease talking and not the mom that I used to know.

    I had time to pray for every single one of you on my trip which is usually what I do. Even though we have the majority of days of cloudy weather for weeks it has been a blessing that that last few trips to my mom the sky has been beautiful at sunset. As Bev would say a kiss from God. My photography has made me keenly aware of the beauty that is around us whether it is a cloudy day or not. I cannot tell you what a gift this has been for me these past few months. God works so much blessing into what the world would consider a catastrophe in our bc journey. They cannot imagine how we can think we are blessed.

    I am sending a quote from my friend that I asked prayer for today at the prison.

    "Thank you so much for your prayers for my boldness to share the love of Jesus to
    the inmates at Stateville Prison this morning. I spoke to prisoners in about 30
    cells (2 men in each cell) and distributed magazines and books to nearly every
    cell in my assignment. Almost every inmate asked me to pray for them and their
    families. Naturally I prayed for everything that was concerning them. I did
    explain the plan of salvation to three inmates who expressed an interest in
    spiritual things. I was sorry to leave. I wished that I could have stayed much
    longer. I am looking forward to my next visit, which will be in April. Once
    again, thank you for your prayers.
    Take care," Leaving out her name as I didn't ask for permission to include it.


    I will respond to your posts hopefully tomorrow but I have read them. So Ellen, Bev, Kath and Jean will respond later. I have also prayed for unsaved loved ones and it sounds like the list is getting longer as we share the need of family members.

    I do feel the love and prayers from all of you and I cannot tell you how much that means to me right now. Your suggestions and advice I have certainly taken to heart.

    Love you all,
