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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I am so blessed today to have the opportunity to go out for brunch with a dear couple from church who have surrounded us with love and prayer. Love, Jean.

    BTW My loose bowel issue seems better this morning after being on the Brat diet. God is good. I will call my chemo doc's nurse tomorrow about the cuticle infection and some mouth sores. Counting down as after Tuesday, only 4 more weeks of chemo. Yay! This b/c journey is proving to be quite an adventure. Psalm 23:6 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me.....Amen

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited December 2014

    Candles and Carols service tonight. One of m favs. :-)

    My husband has another kidney stone surgery tomorrow. We're hoping this is the last. Poor guy. Not exactly what you want to be doing right before Christmas.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Jo, You are right. Listening to that inner voice was the right thing to do. It would have escalated into an unpleasant exchange for sure. So far no discussion about this subject. I am not sure if she has forgotten or that she doesn't want to discuss. Either way I am relieved.

    Jean, So glad your DH was able to minster to this poor family who lost their son. I really believe that God allows us to go through these tough times to be able to minister to others going through similar pain. Still praying for a safe delivery for Alexia. Praying for some of the nasty SE's that have shown up uninvited!

    Ellen, I am so glad you had a good visit with your children and little Cal. Family's are such a blessing. I am glad you made it home safely. I pray your Christmas music program goes really well and that it will be a blessing to everyone. I am sure this is a very busy time for your DH at church too.

    Kath, I am praying that you have a wonderful time with your boys and DH and that you got some good rest this weekend. Praying for those leg issues and praying those nausea patches keep doing their job. I hope your few precious days off will be wonderful making some great new memories with your family.

    Bev, Praying for continued healing and patience in the process. Continued prayers for Dave and that those seeds are being planted in his spirit and that you will get to see it to fruition. Be kind to yourself and try to take it easy.

    Mini, Prayers for your husband for another surgery tomorrow. Hope you have a blessed time at your candlelight service tonight.

    Lucy, You had Steve have been on my heart for a very long time. I hope you can share with us the outcome of your Mayo visit.

    I pray that everyone has a wonderful week going into Christmas and that in the hustle and bustle of the season that we can really concentrate on the reason for the season. Jesus, born in a manger to a scared young virgin who fully trusted in the fact that she was carrying the savior of the world in her young body is now here to give us life eternal if we only ask Him into our heart.


    Answered prayers. I had shared a week or so ago about Glen my BIL having a hearing in front of a VA panel to see if he would get disability benefits from his Vietnam service. My sister called me last night after getting in to my mom's last night and shared the unbelievable news. They got a big retroactive check and he will be getting a much larger than expected monthly benefit starting in the New Year. So thank you so much for those prayers.

    Also things have gone much better than expected at my mom's. She had strained her back and didn't go to church but I went and sat with my sister. We were able to have a nice long breakfast out and catch up. We very rarely get to have just us time and it was very good. My mom seems in good spirits and not a word of the home health care which is just fine for now. Of course after Christmas it will become a big topic but for now just enjoying being home with my family.

    My horrible headaches have not showed up but I think I have a head cold. I haven't had a cold in years. Hopefully this will get snuffed out with more rest.

    After taking my mom to get her permanent crown put on from the lost tooth at Thanksgiving then I will be madly catching up on my Christmas shopping. Her new bathroom floor looks great. All things have a way of working out in the end. PTL

    I appreciate all of you so much. My prayers continue for all of you and I pray for a wonderful Christmas for all of us.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Mini, I hope the show is terrific. I know we will all be praying for yiur husband tomorrow. Hoping he can be home resting comfortably for the celebration of the birth of our King

    Jean, yiu are getting there! Yes, this chemo train is no fun....but I am especially grateful today we all have each other! Prayers for the family whose son died of suicide. I am the CEO of a non profit that supports folks and their families with schizophrenia , depression, bipolar and more. Also with mental illness and substance abuse. I know families who are active I. Out local Survivors of Suicide group...I wonder if it exists there? How is Alexia holding up?

    Bev, yes we are all praying for Nancy. I made it a habit to pray for her specifically when I wake up at morning devotion time, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. Will keep you and yiur sisters in prayer also.

    Ellen, glad yiur Ses are more tolerable! Will you be with awesome grandson and kids again for Christmas Day?

    Char, what a cool idea for the kids, and the one in one time with the young man who needs yiu

    Mags, are they able to do anything to make the rads more comfortable next time? Will pray for a solution was party? Were yiu able to rest?

    Nancy, I hope you are getting some rest, and yiu enjoyed church with your sister. I know these days ahead will have some challenges but I feel at peace there will be some blessings also

    I was able to go to church this morning again. Interesting to see how some react. More people at church know of my b/c than anywhere. Some ask.....does it make yiu sick? Others, so glad to see look great! (I guess white lies are allowed in church)

    Enjoyed the weekend having the boys home. We all went to the beach for a healthy breakfast of biscuits and gravy yesterday is tiny and well hidden....called Heavenly Biscuit

    Took a nap after church . Enjoying Christmas feel good movies on TV. Tomorrow morning I have my staff pot luck breakfast.....everything from the traditional to Puerto Rican rice, tostones, and more

    Then from 11-1 we have a Christmas Party for our Drop In Center....about 50 people will be there...all have a mental illness. Santa comes, with gifts, karaoke carols, etc. Some are homeless and we equip them with bags of toiletries, etc

    My boys have been coming and helping ever since they could.

    Then, I am OFF for the week. Next chemo Friday the 26 so we plan to go to a local. Island for the day on Saturday.

    Struggling with the muscle pain but manage it.

    Gentle hugs and strong blessings


    Oh, ordered a key board for my iPad so my spelling errors will be better here!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Alexia is in labor dear sisters, please pray. Tks.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2014

    Jean Praying that the labour be short and the delivery swift. That the physical pain will be forgotten and replaced by the joy of a beautiful baby. Gods' blessing on Alexia. Make sure you keep us updated. Carren


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Jean, Also praying for Alexia that the Lord would be right there with her in that delivery room giving her strength and courage. We are praying for a beautiful baby girl that will be perfect in every way and that mom will have no problems in the delivery and that she will have such love for this little one that it will be pure joy. Father we pray that this whole family will help raise this precious little one and that you give the whole family strength and wisdom in this journey. Can't wait to hear from the proud great grandmother!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Carren, how is Batman doing?

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening ladies,

    Sounds like a lot of us have been blessed in many ways today. It's nice to have a day with things that help us forget about "cancer planet" for awhile.

    Jean, we are all praying for your granddaughter. I was older when my first child was born and I can remember being scared to death. I will pray for her comfort and for the delivery to go well with no complications for her or the baby.

    Our music program went well today. Many congregation members mentioned how much they enjoyed it. Our choir is small (10) and because of so many conflicts, we ended up singing along with the demo track instead of ordering and learning to use a split track. We also asked the congregation to join us on certain songs. I'm not a choir director...I do play the piano for services and sing occasionally, but I don't know how to direct. They did well, and had such a feeling of accomplishment. God is good! Tonight we had a Family Christmas Celebration with refreshments, carols with the keyboard, and my DH read the Christmas Story from Luke. Overall, a really good day...Thanks for the prayers for our husband said he could feel God's presence as our little group sang their hearts out.

    Nancy, glad things are peaceful for the moment. I am praying for your peace of mind and an improved relationship with your sister during this visit. Still praying for your mom's reaction and understanding. Hope you feel better. Also happy that your BIL has had a good result with the VA.

    For you ladies who had weekend activities, I hope you felt well enough to enjoy them.I know you all looked wonderful and people were inspired by your resolve to get out and have a good time.

    Kath, I won't get to see Awesome Grandson for Christmas Day..My former husband ( his granddad) is going that day. My daughter is going with us to my mom's on I'll see her again, but we'll spend part of Christmas Day with my DH's family. I hope to go back to my son's house pretty soon and keep little Cal so my daughter in law can get in an extra day of work.

    My eighth day of blessing is for a wonderful husband. As I mentioned before, both of us came through painful divorces, and I really wanted God to give me another chance to be a wife. Clyde and I have been married for over 10 years, and the path has not always been an easy one. But putting God first is the key, and that has been what we have worked on the most. With our (blended) 6 children and 5 grandchildren, it does get hectic, and trying to know if and when to give advice is always a challenge. When I was first diagnosed with bc in 2010, he was in the room...I looked at him when the doctor walked out...and he said "God just told me it's going to be alright." I was so numb I didn't even cry until I got into the car to leave. Through it all, he took me to every appointment, every procedure, and did anything I needed for him to do...all while trying to continue his pastoral responsibilities. God has blessed me beyond what I asked..

    May God bless all of's to a week of no treatments, less side effects, good relationships, healthy (or improving) spouses,safe travel, and special times with family and friends. God's richest blessings on all!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ellen, So glad your Christmas program went well. I just knew it would be great and people would be blessed. Your blended family I can imagine is a challenge especially trying to work out all of the holiday plans. I am glad you got to see both of your children today and glad you will get to see your grandson again. Your husband sounds like a very special man. I am glad the Lord answered your prayers and glad that he has been so supportive of you in your bc journies.

    My sister and I are fine. We had an unusually long time to be together today because my mom had stayed home from church. I don't have any bad feelings about things at this point. When I started adding up how much even the minimal home health care was going to be I think we are doing the right thing for now by starting very conservatively and then adding services as needed. I wish the bottom like was not such a big consideration but unfortunately it is a big part of our decisions for now. Tonight my mom asked me out of the blue about this lady coming for this home health care assessment. She had obviously had this on her mind and just didn't want to bring it up until now. We talked calmly about it and she didn't seem to balk at it. The Lord is working in this situation so clearly. The thing is He is working in me to help me be more patient and to exercise much restraint.

    I have to take my mom to the dentist tomorrow morning to get a permanent crown and I have a really fresh head cold. Trying to explain to her that if I wake up with fever tomorrow the dentist would not be pleased with me being in the waiting room is not getting through to her. I just realized my sister is on vacation now and could take her.  We will see. I am determined to beat this thing and be well.

    Have a restful night and hope your SE's from the meds are not bothering you.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Jean, glad you are hanging in there with the SEs. I am praising God for your husband's outreach to the couple who has lost their son. I prayed that the Lord would continue to guide him in how to comfort and just be there for them. It is awesome when we begin to help others in our Christian walk and begin to understand that it is us that help plant and water while God gets the increase. Having someone there to talk to and pray with will help them in their grieving period. I am praying that God foster the spiritual relationship with this couple so that you and your DH can support and minister to them. Also, how is Alexia doing? Praying that her delivery goes well without any complications. Can't wait to hear for the proud grandma on the new bundle of joy.

    Ellen, glad your family get together was relaxing and you all enjoyed each other. Glad your SEs are much better this week and praying that they remain minimal and manageable. I also know the feeling of being proud of who your children have grown to be. Praying that your Christmas program went well and many are touched and ministered to. Also that those that are ministering were encouraged and proud of what God had them involved in.

    Nancy, I don't have any experience with what you are going through and must do, but I am praying that the Lord guide you and also that he prepares your mom for the conversation and assessment that must occur. I am praying for your and your sister's physical and emotional strength over these next few weeks. Praising God for the good news on the BIL's benefits! Praise God again for the many blessings.

    Bev, praying for continued healing both physically and emotionally

    Lucy, I know you are busy and settling in from your trip. Praying for you and DH.

    Mini, I have prayed for your husband and the surgical team. I will continue to pray for a speedy and restful recovery.

    Tobby, glad you were able to speed quality time with your boys and DH. Praying that your SEs are minimal and manageable! Sounds like you will be busy and having fun over the holiday season. Just remember to rest and relax!

    Char, love that you got involved!

    Hugs and blessings to all of you and always keeping each one of you in prayer.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    I finished treatment #7 of 12 on Wednesday and have my next treatment Christmas Eve, yes Christmas Eve. This easier chemo of Taxol actually is much rougher on me than AC (which is what they call the Red Devil and supposed to be the tougher chemo). Also the cumulative effects of the SEs are adding up and new ones appeared this week. With that said, I am resting and managing and I don't complain to my family but need some emotional and spiritual support. I missed my son's show tonight due to fatigue, muscle/joint pains and the big "D". He is a singer and promised to bring a CD of the program home to me. I was emotional and had to reset my sails and adjust to not being able to fully participate and go see him or accompany my daughter yesterday. Even though I have my family and support system around me I am feeling somewhat isolated and not sure why. I ask that you all keep me in prayer as God assist and pulls me through this "fog" of emotions, which I think are really compounded by the SEs which are physically and emotional taxing right now.

    The silver lining I only have 5 more treatments to go and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Got an earlier Christmas present, I get to stop the Warfarin on Christmas. I got the good news last week. Through it all God continues to draw me closer to him. He has opened doors for me to minister to several women that have been referred to me that are also going through the cancer journey. I do thank God for this honor as I know I can only do this with his strength, guidance and directions and that I must fall on my knees in prayer often! I do believe he is preparing me for this type of ministering.

    God Bless you prayer warriors!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Hi Sisters,

    So I did a quick review of postings and it looks like most are doing well.  

    Nancy, praying your stay with your mom during the Christmas holiday will be enjoyable as well as productive.  God is on your side and things will work out to the good for you and your mom.  This time of year is so tough some times even in the best of times without sickness or financial struggles.  So with all that we are dealing with we must not take things so hard and stay in the will of God and pray for peace and comfort.  Nancy we are all praying for you and your health issues especially during the coming weeks.  

    Praying for an easy and quick delivery for Alexia...PRAISE GOD for this new little blessing in their family.

    Mags, I am praying things workout for you with rads.  I am so sorry to hear that you had such a rough go the last time.

    Well we came back from the Mayo clinic on Tuesday and had to be in Seattle on Wed. for my treatment then went to work Thursday and Friday and went shopping yesterday most of the day as it was our first opportunity to shop.  Went to church this morning, grocery store after because we hadn't shopped for food since way before we left and came home to eat and put stuff away and I told DH...I am putting my jammies on and laying on the couch for the rest of the day to recharge for the coming week.

    So our visit to the clinic was good, it is an amazing place.  We didn't really get any solid answers overall.  Had some disappointment as well.  We met with a neurologist and a GI doc.  The Neuro doc ordered a lot of tests starting on Tuesday and all week.  Met with the GI doc and he ran one test and basically said all the tests he had had done over the past 4 years is everything he would do.  He had him do one test and it was negative, it was a nuclear food test and it took all day.  They fed him breakfast and lunch with some nuclear molecules and had to get xrays every hour and started at 8:00 and finished at 4:00.  So all he gave him was some examples of what he could do for the diarreah like finding a balance with flax seed powder and immodium and just try and find what will work for him.  So DH was pretty bummed and hit bottom at one point.  The doc did say that it is possible this issue could be the onset of his neurological issue, so that was positive but no diagnosis and it hit hard.

    The Neuro doc still wanted more tests and wanted him to stay another week.  We talked about him staying and me coming back alone but he didn't want to be there alone.  We were hoping to leave last weekend but they wanted him to do tests so I called my MO last Thursday to see if I had any grace days to do my treatment.  They met with the team on the trial I am on and they said I could have 2 days but I had to be in on Wed if I wanted to keep my Monday every two weeks.  So we stayed the weekend and through Tuesday till 2:00 to do more tests.  When we met with the Neuro doc the morning we left basically she confirmed along the same line of the docs at the UW in Seattle.  She called it something different but agreed with the treatment of steroids via IV for 3 months.  But she wants to have some other tests done first to be sure all is well before he starts this. She wants him to have a biopsy of some nerves to know for sure what is happening although she said it is possible it might come back negative as well.  In one of the MRI's she had done she said there was a legion on his lower back that she wants to have checked as well to be sure we rule it out as a problem before we move forward with treatment.  We also met with a PT and he was great and showed him some exercises he can do to strengthen his leg to keep it going strong with the muscles that still work.  Basically it is his quad muscle and stomach muscle on the left side that are affected by the neuropathy and she said it is nerve root damage.  Not sure there is a way to determine why or how this happened or why it started.  So it was a good visit and a tough one as well, we got good info and not enough info.  We are still blessed with having the opportunity to go and we will keep moving forward.  The doc said to take a break and wait for them to meet and then they would be sending a letter to his local neurologist and GP to let them know what tests they would like them to have him do here and then to send them the results.  We may be going back sometime in the next couple of months but it depends on the test results.  The time was good and I hung in there and I am so glad I have been exercising because the place is huge and I had to push DH everywhere everyday in a wheelchair because no way could he walk to all the appts. we had.  The buildings are all connected with breezeways and it is all underground by a subway and its like a city down there.  There are thousands of people all around, it's just amazing.  I lost 5 pounds and I was so bummed I forgot my pedometer I would have loved to know what I walked each day. 

    Also, while we were gone we got notice of a meeting with the judge and the Social Security to meet on getting him on disability on 2/3 so God is working behind the scenes and we just have to trust and believe.  But as we all know sometimes we feel week and are hit emotionally with all this stuff and we feel defeated but that is where I had to be strong.  So I will ask for continued prayers for DH and myself and I am praying for and expecting miracles.

    So glad went to church today we so needed to recharge after the last couple of weeks.  So I thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.  I am praying for clarity and healing and miracles in 2015...PRAISE GOD...God is good...All the time!

    Love and prayers...stay strong...stay positive...Trust and Believe...Lucy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Angie, I am sorry you have to have a treatment on Christmas Eve, but you are getting closer to the end. I know you have had such a hard time on what was supposed to be an easier go of it. It just goes to show we are all different and our bodies do respond differently. In some ways my cancer drug has been harder to deal with than my active treatments. I am sorry that you had to miss your son's program. I can only imagine that was very hard for you to deal with. I know that the emotional side effects that I have been feeling on my drug has been so much harder to deal with than all the stomach pain that I had so I can really relate to that aspect of it all. I will pray that the Lord will show himself strong to you in a very real way through His presence. I think that we probably have all gone through that feeling of being alone in this bc journey even though we know that we have support all around us. I remember my surgeon giving me a big book on breast cancer when my journey started. I remember this book very specifically talking about the emotional aspects lasting longer than the physical ones. I sort of understood it way back then but I think I now after going through my own journey and watching and praying for all of you going through yours I understand what they were talking about a lot more. You are getting so close to the end. I know that working and being a mom and a wife and a pastor's wife on top of all of that is a full plate when feeling great and I can only imagine what it all feels like when you are struggling with physical and emotional SE's. You will get through this time and I really feel that the Lord will use you in a mighty way to minister to many women that will be starting their bc journey as you will be finishing yours. It sounds like He is putting people in your path already. You will be such a blessing to them. I will be praying hard for you dear sister. So glad you will get to go off the Warfarin soon.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014


    I will certainly be praying for both of you. I sensed that maybe things were getting tough to deal with. I am glad that your local doctors can hopefully have good communication with the Mayo doctors and be able to perform the tests that they wanted to further do. I can only imagine how exhausted you both must be. I can see why DH didn't want to be there alone. You are a great support for him I am sure and I can see where he would be lost without you being there. I wish that there could have been more clarity but it is not over yet. I pray that some of these possible treatments will certainly help some of his situations. I use flaxseed all the time and it is a great fiber source. Hopefully that will work as well for Steve.

    I need to get to bed but I wanted to leave a quick post just so you know that we will be praying for you both. Dealing with any affliction can be so wearing on our spirit so I will certainly be praying for the emotional aspect in this situation which can be just as challenging as the physical challenges.

    Hang in there. If anyone can cheer up your husband I am betting on you to be able to do that better than anyone. Of course we will pray that the Lord will lift his spirits and keep you strong as well. Hang in there girl. You can do it.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    imageThank you Nancy, praying you have a blessed day.

    Forgot to mention should have results from my recent CT scan so prayers please.

    I also pray others with test results this week are showing God's healing power. Take comfort in knowing your all in my prayers.

    Blessings Abundant...Lucy


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, I am praying for God's proving for caring for your Mom. My mom had alzheimersand Dad was legally blind with dementia so their last years,were challengong for sure bUT God was faithful and always provided.

    Lucy I am glad your hubby will be able to have some of the teats done closer to hime. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well.

    Alexia is still in labor. In the hospital 5cm dilated. She was given an epidural so is a little more comfortable after a night of really hard labor. The midwife arrived at 7am so my daughter can now relax and rest a little.

    To all of you, prayers for a blessed day.

    Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Just got a txt from my dtr. Alexia is 8cm. Almost there! Love, Jean

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Jean....still praying!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Jean, Still praying for baby and mom.

    Lucy, Praying for your CT scan for those two tumors that are left to have shrunk. If got can take care of the three that are gone I am praying that He will take care of the remaining two. Love the banners above. Jesus is the reason for every breath that we take every minute of the day.

    My mom's sister that fell badly injured her hip. She has neuropathy in her legs too. They found this mass on her gallbladder that they think is cancerous. My uncle (not her husband) dropped by today and he had visited my aunt. Her doctor (my mom has the same doctor) does not want her ever returning to her home because of all the stairs. She fell down the basement stairs. She is in an assisted living facility now and I hope my mom and I can visit her soon. My mom really took to heart this whole situation. I was able to say now you see why I want someone coming in and doing  your laundry so you don't have to go downstairs. So I am sorry this happened to my aunt but I am glad that my mom can see that we are only looking after her well being.


    Hope everyone is taking a chance to breath these last few days before Christmas. I am having some quiet time in the basement. I got my shopping done and everything wrapped and I am getting ready to have some Jesus time by myself.


    Love you all,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good evening,

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Made the mistake today of going out to get a couple of family gifts....what a zoo! School is out and so all the school folks and 52000 kids are now on the loose! Going to visit a couple of shut-in church folks tomorrow then going to my mom's for the day on Christmas Eve.

    Jean, praying for Alexia and the little one...Nancy, hope your cold gets better and doesn't add to your other issues. Still praying for your mom as well. She, hope you had a good weekend and got some rest.Lucy, I know you are glad to be home at least for a little while. Angie, hope you have a good week despite treatments. Everyone else, I know I'll forget a name but I remember you in prayer (I keep a notebook). Bev, hope your recovery is going well.

    My IPad freezes up so I'm getting off...praying for blessings for all. I was doing pretty well with SE until today...cold damp weather seems to override Aleve!

    God bless you all! Thinking of everyone in prayer...


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Baby Valentina was born at 5:30. She is 7lb. 1oz. 21 inches and very healthy. Mom and baby doing well. Hope to go see her tomorrow on the way home from chemo. Thank you for orayers. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Baby Valentina was born at 5:30. She is 7lb. 1oz. 21 inches and very healthy. Mom and baby doing well. Hope to go see her tomorrow on the way home from chemo. Thank you for prayers. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014


    So happy everyone is fine...praying for all to have a restful night. Take care Greatgrandma!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014



    Baby Valentina born on December 22, 2014 to Alexia, proud mom, and to Jean, proud Great grandmother!!!!!!!

    Congratulations and Praise The Lord!!!!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mini, how is your husband doing after his surgery?

    Ellen, praying for your trip to your mom's. I know you are dealing with similar issues with your mom. Praying for a good visit. Praying for your side effects as well. Praying you will have a wonderful Christmas.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Becky: so glad to here from you and know that I continue to pray for you and the others on here and not on here anymore. And yes, I will pray for your upcoming tests and markers. Sorry to here this round has been so rough and do understand you not posting. Just glad to known out are hanging in there with God's grace

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    uggggg...thinking bad thoughts about this site and my IPod.

    Nancy: My heart goes out to you and your plight. Yielding to Go's voice is what got me through many situations with my mother. Just remember that it is the disease and not your mother speaking. This a common reaction because of their inability to see the situation the way we would. It is also denial about their on condition. And you are rights, arguing will get you no where. You are in my prayers. I so enjoyed your new photos.

    Off to bed...blessings to all of you.


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    Fell in my kitchen tonight just sore. pretty good with your cancers only in your bones .tomorrow is my bone scan and CT, quarterly scan for over three years now , praying for stable mabel and then tomorrow evening my boys come over for clam chowder, cookies, presents. Sleep well, everyone!

    Love across the miles,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Hope everyone had a good day today. As we near the special day of our Saviors birth it's easy to forget the the true reason we celebrate. It's very interesting to see more folks who celebrate the winter solstice and saw Merry Xmas.

    Nancy I know that it is hard to hear of someone getting injured but as you said, it opened your moms eyes I am sure. Pray for your aunt and her injury and the docs findings.

    Jean congrats on the new addition to your family. What a blessing at the holidays. Looking forward to a pic. My brothers name is Valentino as he was born on Valentine's day.

    Well off to bed now so praying for you ladies. Love and blessings to you all. Good night...Lucy