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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Anita, I am sorry to hear that you fell. I am glad you didn't break anything. Praying for your scans tomorrow and praying for a good report. Have a good time with your boys.

    Char, thanks for your prayers. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and have a chance to relax on your days off.

    Lucy, praying that you have a wonderful Christmas and you can take a short break from all the tests and medical things going on for both of you.

    Going to bed now. Have a good night's rest everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    HHere is baby Valentina


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Her is be by Valentina. Hope to get to see her in person on the way home from chemo today. Love, Jean


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014


    Anita, yiur upbeat spirit continues to amaze. STRON prayers for good results

    Jean, CONGRATS!!!! She is a beauty!

    Char, just love you GF!

    Nancy, continue my 4x prayers. I look forward to it. During that time I acknowledge our group as a whole

    His light shines through all of you!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited December 2014

    Hi Sisters in Christ,

    ANita, so sorry you took a tumble.  Please be careful and take it easy during the next few days.  Glad you will be able to spend time with your family.  And I agree, you are an inspiration.  I would love to chat some time by phone, maybe after the holidays.  Where do you live again?

    Praying everyone who has had treatment this week are recovering and able to enjoy our special Christmas holiday.  It's such a special time and I know I am ready to celebrate our Savior's birth.  We are all so blessed to know Him and feel His endless unconditional love.

    I am almost done with some power shopping, it's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.  I am so thankful we have understanding friends and family so as to take some of the pressure off.

    Jean, what a little cutie.  Babies are so sweet and cuddly.  I sure hope we have another soon from our daughter as well.  I had a dream the other day that she was prego...woke up smiling.

    Nancy, praying and lifing you are amazing and I have learned so from you. 

    Love to all...Lucy


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    What a precious little Valentina. Jean, praying you have very manageable SE's from your treatment and will get to see this beautiful great grandchild.


    Kath, I can't tell you how much your continued prayers through out the day mean to me. I really need them right now. I was nauseated the whole night and I need prayers that this is a very, very short stent of the stomach flu. I hope you are enjoying your boys and having some great family time. Your island get away sound heavenly!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Lucy, we must have posted at the same time. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. I agree with all of you that Anita is an inspiration but I want to add that all of you are an inspiration to me and especially those who have had a longer and harder battle than I have. I believe Anita is from Missouri. Anita I believe you have said that publicly or I would not be mentioning it otherwise. I may be wrong though.

    Have a great day everyone. Debbie I  do think it is night for you now. We have still not seen the sun for a whole day in weeks. We have hardly seen it at all for days and days. I feel like I am living in Alaska. LOL

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Jean, Congrats to mom, grandma, and great grandma. Welcome baby Valentina -- she is adorable!! Love the name.

    Anita, how are you doing today? I am glad you didn't break any bones. Praying for you and your scan results. You and I have the same thing planned for tomorrow -- just spending quality time with our children. Have a wonderful and blessed time with your boys.

    Becky, glad to hear from you. You are continually in my prayers for your upcoming scans and specifically that you receive an answer on your markers. As Char states, we do understand you not posting. I also know that you are covered and God has encamped about you his warring and ministering Angels.

    Nancy, always in my prayers -- you and your mother. You are such a warrior and keep us glued together in this season on this thread! Even in the midst of your own circumstances, you yet keep us going in prayer, reminders to each of us. Thank you for being our cheerleader, our "glue" as Tobby said, being a prayer warrior and most of all listen to God's voice and direction!

    Lucy, love the post. I agree that we have to remember and remind others the reason for this season and it is Jesus! Without Jesus we would not have the direct access we have now to our Holy Father! I thank God every day for His Son's sacrifice so that I may be saved. I continue to keep you, your DH and your daughter in my prayers.

    Char, I just want to say what a blessing you are to all of us. You have hung in there to encourage and support your fella prayer warriors, our families, friends and those situations that we have asked to be covered in prayer. You are awesome Dear Sister and I thank God for laying on your heart to continue to support us. Continous prayers for you and your father. Wishing you a very, very Merry Christmas.

    Ellen, praying for minimal and manageable side effects. So glad you are able to get away to your Mom's and spend some quality time with her.

    Those I have not mentioned individually, I have you on my prayer list. If our post don't cross, I am wishing every one a Blessed Christmas Season and praying that God meets each one of your needs emotionally and physically.

    God Bless,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Angie, How are you feeling. I have prayed a lot for you after your last post of saying you feel isolated. I hope that has improved and that you can feel God's presence. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement.

    Jo, PTL that your biopsy was benign. Now you can relax and have a wonderful Christmas.

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Oh, Jo - what wonderful news (and so nice you have it before the holidays so you can enjoy Christmas and look forward to a bright 2015!).

    Praying for you, Angie, with chemo tomorrow, and Kath on Friday. Jean, I think you have chemo next week, right? I know exactly how you all feel at this point....the end of the tunnel, even though you're closer every day, just seems to be so many long days away. Angie, I too breezed through the red devil A/C - I honestly almost thought they might not have given me the real drug the first time since I really didn't have any reaction at all....till the 16th day when I started pulling out handsful of hair. :( My worst time was halfway through the taxol treatments right around Christmastime - I ended up with all kinds of gastro stuff and just felt so run-down. I'd ended up with a high fever and in the ER right after Thanksgiving and I was just so ready to be back to anything resembling normal. I repeated our mantra and Romans 5:3-4 over and over again those days. You sweet ladies WILL get through this time....and your hair will grow.....and the funny tingles in your fingers will stop...... :)

    Speaking of hair - I had my first haircut in a year yesterday and I HATE it! I told her my hair was just what I ended up with after chemo and I wanted her to take off as little as possible, just to even it up (I was getting a mullet-look - not cool because even my husband said it was time....). I cringed at every snip and it's so short (again!). Sigh..... Oh well. I don't take hair for granted and I know it will grow.....

    Nancy, still praying for a good, calm time with your mom and that the meeting with the home health worker goes so much better than you even hope. How's that for expecting a big answer from our big God?

    Char, hope you're having a wonderful vacation from school and getting all ready for more challenges in the new year.

    Lucy, Debbie and Anita - our strong warriors, praying for you all - you're such an inspiration!

    Ellen, praying for you with all the Christmas activities at church - and that your son and daughter will have a special God-filled Christmas.

    I'm also praying for all the Davids and Howard and unsaved relatives - as well as you, my sweet friends.

    Have a blessed Christmas!

    love you - Bev

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening ladies,

    Sounds like several of you had good news to celebrate! Jean, I guess you've seen the little one by now. What a blessing! Jo, that's great news about your biopsy. Prayers were answered!

    Nancy, sure hope you feel better. You are really being attacked from all sides. Praying comfort and healing for you so will be able to enjoy Christmas. Hope your mom is still open to ideas. I know from experience that my mom usually makes better decisions after she has time to think about it...and she doesn't have dementia...(yet.) Going to visit her tomorrow; my husband and daughter are going too, so hopefully I'll be at my most patient and understanding.

    My days of blessings are least on this post. These last two days, I have been thankful for being able to get out and finish some last minute details and visit a dear family in our church. I have seen many days in the past 6 months that I didn't feel like going anywhere and had a hard time getting my focus on Jesus. The family we visited have a mentally challenged daughter in her 30's and the dad has Parkinson's.The mom is a BC survivor from over 20 years ago but is worn to a frazzle. Spending time with them makes my problems seem small.

    My other blessing has been appreciating the family I have left here. I am an only child, and the youngest of all grandkids on one side, and the only grandchild on the other. All of my aunts and uncles are gone now, as are my grandparents and my dad. That leaves Mom and me. I am thankful that she has been blessed with good health, and that she seems to appreciate what others do for her.I am thankful for all those "mom" things she taught me that I have been able to pass on to my kids. My thankfulness extends to my two children and all my wonderful in laws (from both marriages.) Their prayers have been so important this year.

    God bless all of you; if you have a little time off from treatments, Hallelujah! If you have to go in this week, you're one treatment closer to the end!

    Merry Christmas to all...and to all Peace, Christ's love, and the Joy of life with Him.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Congratulations Jean on the new grand baby. What a precious picture! Hope you get to spend some time with her.

    Anita: Hope you don't have any issues from your fall. I dread that word anymore. It seems my knee is giving me issues and wants to give out which usually means another piece of meniscus tear in there. So I have to watch because sometimes I almost wipe out running or stepping a certain way.

    Lucy: I bet you are glad to be home again. I am sorry that the results were not there at this time. I feel like some of our issues are those mystery illnesses that no one can diagnose. God has it all in His hands and in His time will show you what is going on. I know that's not what we want to hear but it's true.

    Jo: PTL on your news. What a great gift from God.

    Nancy: You are in my prayers that you feel better. I pray God will relieve you of this quickly so you can enjoy the holidays.

    Angie: Thank you for your kind words. It is I whom am blessed by all of you dear sisters.

    Bev: Hard to believe that you and I have known each other for well over a year now. I think of others that have moved on and those such as you, Becky, Jo, Deborahanne, Sharon, Mini and Carrin, Debbie in Ireland and Lucy who continue to post on here. So many journeys and all of them woven together like threads in a fine tapestry. What a glorious meeting it will be in heaven one day. How blessed that God has brought us all together.

    Sleep well,


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    Thanks Char, Debbie

    and all who pray for me. I need a lot of prayer. I had PET and CT scan Monday, and blood work yesterday...

    I will know the results on tuesday. I am so weak all the time and just have a hard time doing things... I hope I can get in a certain clinical trial for my met. breast cancer. I would like it if the Lord allowed me to live longer, but it all is in HIS Hands. God Bless my sisters..

    Merry Christmas...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Becky, You are always in my prayers dear sister. I will pray hard that you can get into a clinical trial. I know you have been through so much for so long and you continue to be an inspiration to me. We will pray for a miraculous intervention in your situation. I pray that you can stay close to the Lord even in your weakened state. I will be praying hard for you dear one.


    Thank you all for your prayers. One dear sister on this thread sent me a beautiful Christmas flower arrangement today and I am so thrilled. There are some on here that have been such a blessing going out of their way to help me in some personal matters and I am so blessed to have met such wonderful friends on this thread. Your prayer support means the world to me and I could certainly use it now. I am not sure if I am going to feel like getting out for our Christmas get together at my sisters at this point. I am praying that I will have a miraculous infusion of health and strength. I am also praying that my mom doesn't get this too.


    Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

    Love you all,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    "So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    Love the fact that the Lord revealed himself to lowly shepherds, he loves us and is not a respector of persons, he listens to the humble and broken among us...thanks for all the Christmas quotes...

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening,

    Blessings to all of you this Christmas Eve. May the celebration of His birth remind us of the great gift of Salvation we all share.

    My blessing this day is that of the greatest gift..Jesus. His love for me through all of my sin and times of unfaithfulness amazes me. His provision for me through difficult times and trials is more than I can explain.

    Glory to God in the Highest! The Savior has come!

    Blessings and peace to all who are not feeling well, and those battling serious Cancer issues. May He bring you joy through family and comfort through friends. Although I have never met any of you I have you in my heart.

    Merry Christmas! Praying for all!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I was,so blessed to see our dear new great granddaughter at the hospital yesterday. Also they are home and we had a brief vest there today. She is so beautiful and I was,able to hold her and pray a blessing over her. Jesus is my great shepherd. Baby's too!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014


    For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Well according to my grandaughter, Valentina does not wear pink! Love , Jean


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Wishing a very blessed Christmas to all my sweet sisters in Christ. I confess that the last thing I wanted to do today was get out of my chair, but I got up & dressed, made up my face and put my wig on, and we went to the 3pm candlelight service at church. My cousin was one of about 80 or so in the choir, and their rendition of O Holy Night was wonderful. I managed to stand and sing some.

    Jean, you and your great granddaughter are beautiful. So glad they get to be home for Christmas.

    Nancy, I pray you are having a really wonderful time with your mom & sis. Thinking of you.

    Jo, so delighted to hear of your clean test results.

    To all of you, you are such a blessing to me and each other. Nancy, part of the sermon message tonight was the passage from Isaiah 9, Unto US a child is born, unto US a son is given. 700 years beforehand, God told Isaiah to use those words, to specifically say that the child would be born to US all, not to a nameless faceless entity, but to US! The angels echoed that when they went to the shepherds with the message above.

    All blessings to you.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas to you all.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    To my dear dear new friends. I wish for all the joy and peace that comes to us because of Jesus. While some of us don't feel physically well, or have challenges otherwise, we all know where to turn.

    Happy Happy Birthday to our Savior. I have spent the day enjoying the sounds of Christmas, the love of family, and just being home.

    " I became poor, so you could become rich" Sing Hallelujahs to My Holy Name!

    Keeping you wrapped warm in prayer

    Love you all


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening Sisters,

    Thanks be to God for the gift of His Son! I had a somewhat sleepless night, so I got up and decided to read the Christmas several eased my mind and helped me rest...I had to get my focus back on Jesus after a long, tiring day.

    Hope all of you were able to see or hear from family today. My brother in laws sudden death a few months ago made us all a little sad but one family member pulled out an old VHS tape from over 20 years ago and we got to see all those loved ones who have gone to be with the somehow helped us...I guess laughing at the grandkids when they were little and cute ( now in 20s and 30s) helped us remember all the special people and the part they played in our lives....especially those now with Jesus.

    And so I wish for all of you...special memories of family, smiles, hugs and kisses from those we hold dear.

    Love you all dear ladies...My prayer isthat all of you had someone to encourage you today and bring a smile to your face.


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas to my Sisters in Christ

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Dear sisters, this has not been one of my better weeks. As I told you, I pulled myself together and went to Christmas Eve service Wednesday. On our way out we ran into my friend T, and her brother (who is my hairdresser) and his wife, and their older sister (who was the first one of them that we knew) and got to catch up with them a bit. That was a sweet time.

    But it's been a week filled with some distress over the situation with radiation treatment. I told my sweet husband that I just couldn't handle the pain, and I didn't want to do rads at all. He was insistent, and I know it's because he wants me alive and cancer-free. But after last weekend's pain from the rad practice run, I made a decision. I called the RO office on Tuesday and told them I was not going to go through with radiation because of the shoulder pain. The tech told me the RO wasn't in but would call the next day. Wednesday she called and told me that due to the aggressive nature of my cancer, skipping rads was not an option. She suggested several things which I've already tried (I've been dealing with this issue since 2005). I told her that my orthopedic specialist said the only solution is a complete shoulder replacement. She asked if I would consider seeing a pain specialist and I agreed to do that. So I have an appointment January 6, all the way across town.

    In the meantime, I will have a PET scan next week, and will see the MO the following day for results. I am in a deep pit at the moment, just want to crawl in a hole. I have pain meds, but I can't take enough to make the pain go away, so I don't. Occasionally I will take a quarter tab just to get through something I have to do, but I don't want to be dependent on them as when I take them I can't think clearly. But then, I can't think clearly when I'm in pain, either. I don't like my choices.

    I covet your prayers, I don't seem to be connecting very well right now.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, I am so sorry to hear all of this. When I was praying for you this morning and I know I may be crazy but I am still praying that your insurance will have a change of heart and approve the proton radiation. Is there any chance that could happen especially considering how you feel about the regular rads treatments? They certainly don't expect you to do a complete shoulder replacement before rads. I know that if I were in your situation I would probably be feeling the same way as you. From our human perspective when it looks like we are in between a rock and a hard place we can't see anyway out. I know the Lord has a way out. We don't know exactly what that will be but we have to trust in that. I know that when you are in constant pain it just wears you down physically, emotionally and spiritually. I wish I could be there to just sit with you and not say a word but just be there for you. I can't do that in person but know that I am reaching out now and sitting there beside you and praying for you. I would ask all of our sisters to rally around Mags and lift her up at this crucial time. Let's ask God for a miracle in this situation that doesn't seem to have an obvious answer to us in the human realm.

    I am praying for you dear sister. There is a passage that says that the Lord is the lifter of our head. I am praying that He will do just that for you right now.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Lord Jesus, you who created the heavens and the earth and who by your word hold all things together, please send Mags a solution so she is able to have rads without pain. Thank you great physician. Praise you Lord Jesus! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014


    I am praying for you now...I understand your discouragement, and the decision not to have the rads. I asked my RO for two weeks to think and pray the last time I had them...I ended up doing it, but not without hesitation. I didn't have the severe pain that you do, so I can't know how you feel. But, I do know that God provides a way when there is no way...I've seen it many times. Praying for your peace, for pain management, and miraculous intervention on your behalf.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Hi Mags - In one of my Bible studies, Priscilla Shirer said it's fine to pray and ask God for what we want....but she always tries to remember to add, "or God, give me something even better - that I can't even imagine but that You know will be best." Mags, I'm praying that God will answer our prayers in a way that is so wonderful and miraculous, we can't even think of asking for it. It's easy for me to say....but I think you should go ahead with the rads as your RO has proposed. I prayed all through my treatment that God would make the treatment decisions easy - so I wouldn't have to try to decide if I wanted to have a 15% or 20% chance of recurrence or whatever - and He did. At every step, my doctors said "this is what you need to do." In your case, both the RO and your husband are saying you should go ahead. I know I've said it before and others have said similar things - "courage is going to the edge of the light you have....then taking one more step." Could you go ahead with the PETscan, see the MO, then proceed toward rads....and see how God leads? I was just reading a devotional and it reminded me that when the Israelites were ready to cross the Jordan into Canaan, the priests had to step into the River and then the waters divided for them to walk across on dry ground (in contrast to the crossing of the Nile where the waters parted before the priests stepped into the riverbed - maybe because the Israelites had come so far and God expected them to have just a little more faith?)

    Anyway, I'll be praying. I'm not trying to preach - hope it doesn't sound that way. Like Nancy, I sure wish I was there to give you a hug - or bake you some cookies - or rub your back.....

    love you, sweet friends - Bev