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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited December 2014

    Mags, I don't post much but I read a lot. I would take your place if I could to help shoulder your burden. If only we could take a little of that pain for you.  I will keep you at the top of my prayer list and hug you from afar. Blessings and strength to you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, our dear sisters are covering you in prayer. You have been on my mind ever since reading your post. I know I have mentioned this to you before but you may not have seen it. I injured my rotator cuff during a breast ultra sound. I had my bc surgery quickly after that so I went into rads with only a couple of PT sessions on my shoulder before hand. I discussed this issue with my RO and the possibility that I would not be able to tolerate the arm position during rads. She said we could treat you on your stomach if I could not lay on my back with my arms over my head. Is this a possibility for you at your treatment center? Could another treatment center who offers that position treat you? These are some options that maybe you have not considered. I am guessing that it may not be an option at your treatment center or I would think they would have discussed that with you. I went to a fairly new cancer center who may have had the latest in equipment. This is just a thought. Know that I will continue to lift you up so you can feel the presence of the Lord. You are precious in His sight and I know His heart aches for you because He knows the big picture and He knows the solution for you. Hang in there dear one. I hope all of us can continue to lift Mags up during this most difficult time.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Mags, Nancy is right We are covering you in prayer. I realize you don't want to take the pain meds. I fought it and fought it and then gave in. I take them so I can live life relatively pain free. If I don,t, I cant work, or be present with the family.

    Maybe you could try taking a half? I know you don't want muddle brain... or another type of med?

    I am going to give acupuncture a try next Wednesday for the muscle pain and the fluid build up. One of my nurses today at treatment who is battling BC for the second time said she has known most women to gain weight from the chemicals, and fluids. One of my staff also gave me a gift card for a massage but I may use it on Reiki. For the same symptoms. These are all new to me, and my treatment center does not have a holistic approach: I will keep you posted. And will now turn my 4 time daily prayer upon waking, lunchtime, dinner and bedtime to you.

    Here is a pic of me getting treatment today with my boys.

    Love to all


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, I posted this just for you. I lost it the first time so apparently God really wants you to see this. I will keep posting this until it will send. I believe that God will restore you and will strengthen you and establish you. I am praying hard for you dear one.

    1 Corinthians 10:13   No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    1 Peter 5:9-10   Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Dear sisters,

    I hope you had a good Christmas. Let's rejoice in all the great things God is doing. The family gatherings that you have all shared and the beautiful little baby that came right before Christmas for Jean's family, Bev's ongoing recovery and the miraculous way that she has so quickly bounced back, Ellen's sad but appreciative time of looking at old VHS tapes to remember a loved one that has passed and the time she got to spend with her mother who does not have dementia. (sorry for that misunderstanding). I appreciate Polly who does post when she feels the spirit leading but continues to read and pray for everyone. For Kath who has her precious twin boys home for the holidays and we pray for a wonderful island get away for them for tomorrow and for NO bad SE's during this time. Doesn't she have a picture perfect family. Thank you also for the 4x prayers for me. It should be no wonder why so many miracles have happened these last few days.  Thankful for Jo who has been a strong contributor to this thread in the past and has been coming back to join us now and has been such an encouragement to me.

    Praying for all in treatment and who have had or will be having another treatment soon that you will have manageable SE's. Praying hard for Becky who needs a miracle and hopefully will get into a clinical trial. Praying for scan results for Lucy and Becky and Anita and Mags. Prayers for Angie as she has had to reduce her hours at work as she tries to manage difficult SE's.

    I made a very miraculous recovery in my sickness before Christmas. My mom and I both have been fighting off a bug and we were able to go to our family gathering at my sisters for Christmas. We had a good time and we got to see my niece from Iowa which we don't get to see often. Thank you so much for all of the prayers. I don't usually recover so quickly from sickness so this was really a result of prayer warrior power!

    Our meeting with the home health care nurse will be on Tuesday. I would appreciate continued prayers for wisdom, insight and provision for what is to come. My mom and I have had a good time together and there has been very little tension. More answered prayers.

    I love all of you so much. I love how we can support one another and rejoice with one another and how we can come along side a sister in great need. I felt it when you did that for me and i know you will be sensitive to others here as they need special prayers for support and comfort and strength.

    Love you all,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Mags: I am praying for you girl. I know this sounds routine but I know God will make a way for this to work. We will pray fervently for your situation. Even if God removes you from the pain. I like others on here have dealt with and am dealing with some shoulder pain and it is not pleasant. I can't imagine what you are dealing with but I have had pain that painkillers don't dent and I never want to go there again. I thought the same about some acupuncture or a nerve block in that area while going through treatment.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Oh my. You sisters are so awesome, I am speechless at your outpouring of prayers and caring.

    I have had suggestions about trying another clinic or another RO. But this is the best and most advanced clinic in the area, it's actually attached to the proton center, and the oncologists are absolutely top drawer. I really don't think I would get a different, and certainly not a better level of treatment anywhere else. The reason they have to have me on my back is the spot behind my sternum which indicated there may be a lymph node involved there. Maybe the scan Tuesday will change all that.

    Nancy, that Corinthians verse is one I have memorized, and the Peter verse is very special also. Thank you for that.

    I am going to take a pain pill and hope for sleep. I am so thankful for your covering of prayer, it is a blanket of love. I know God will make a way, where there seems to be no way.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Mags,this may be a really ignorant question, but why can't they do it on your stomach then turn you over on your back just for the sternum? Worth asking anyway. Probably not their usual method but certainly better than no rads at all. Love, Jean

    PS I have had an infection in one of my cuticles for over a week. The nurse said to use soaks, otc antibiotic salve and I'm on a prescription oral antibiotic. It hasn't gotten better and I have an appointment with my dermatologist on Monday. Prayers appreciated, thanks.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Here's a picture of Alexia with baby Valentina on Christmas. Love, Jean


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Hi Ladies - just wanted to pass along some great news for the TNBC ladies - I know that's Sharon, Lucy and Kath for sure and maybe some others.....there was just an article in our Houston paper that $4 million has been allocated and they're making lots of progress toward developing a targeted therapy. I tried to include a link but didn't have any success - but the researcher is Li so if you search his name, Houston Chronicle and triple negative breast cancer, you should be able to get more information. I know we've been praying for this for a long time - so glad for this progress and all the dedicated folks working toward a cure.

    I'm still doing really well after surgery, although I've been having some sharp pains in my lower abdomen (not near any incision and there's no bruise or lump). I've self-diagnosed (with some help from WebMD and the ladies on the DIEP thread) it as nerve pain so figure it's just another phase of the healing process. It's much better today than it was yesterday so thanks again for all the prayers!

    Nancy, praying for meeting on Tuesday and Mags, for clear direction as to how to well as you other sweet friends.

    love, Bev

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening ladies,

    Hope everyone has experienced some encouragement and/or a smile today. Three days of beautiful sunshine here makes everything seem better.

    Jean your granddaughter and Valentina are beautiful. I know you are enjoying the Little One so much.

    Bev, glad your recuperation is going so well. I had those little "twinges" of pain while healing from my node biopsy and lumpectomy. I was told that it was nerve endings reconnecting. I had them regularly then they eased off. My son texted me yesterday and said they were looking for a church...asked for my input. God is at work!

    Mags, hope there is a solution to your radiation problems. I will continue to pray that things can be worked out so you won't be in so much pain.

    Nancy, thanks for your encouragement. Glad you seem to feel better and praying your appointment with HomeHealth Care progresses well and that your mom understands and cooperates. God can change a heart even when we cant get through to them.

    We are leaving Monday for a quick trip down to FL to see Clyde's son Tyler. He isin the Air Force and Clyde thinks he may be deployed again soon. We would appreciate prayers for safe travel.

    May God bless each one of you. He knows our needs even before we ask. Praying for your strength and comfort.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Bev, thanks so very much for sharing such good news!! I know I for one am surely grateful for it-- so glad you are recuperating well: remember you are covered in prayer by all of us.

    Jean, what a sweetie, both of them! I lost a full nail on Christmas: at least it does not hurt. Hoping that is the only one to go. I am convinced it is from the Taxol family I was on--- not the latest CMF. Had round two of that yesterday. A little nausea breakthough with the patch today, but my DH soup always does the trick. We had planned a day trip to Sanibel Island, but I was not well enough. thats okay though: got car washed, did a bit of cleaning, went with Patrick to return a couple things and got a kale smoothie from Panera.

    Just nice being home with snuggly robe on: more important to me to feel well enough to go to church tomorrow with the boys. My one who plays college baseball at Covenant near Chatanooga found out he will need arthroscopic knee surgery on the 8th.. Prayers welcome. I want him to stay at covenant because it is so darn good for his faith and his relationship with God. But I know he won't if ball is taken out of the picture.

    Ellen, of course prayers for safe travels. Char, always nice to see you and hear from you! I am trying acupuncture Wednesday: hopeful it will help with the edema and overall side effects. Mags, thinking about it? I think Chars idea of a nerve block is a good one. We are all anxious to hear what the pain specialists says.

    Nancy, hoping your day was as peaceful as they have been, and that you are still feeling on the rebound. You are so cherished, and you too are covered in prayer.

    Hugs to all my sisters,

    Back to my new John Grisham


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Jean: What a great picture of your daughter and grandbaby. Nothing like a new life to make one feel good.

    Praying for all you dear ladies. For answer to prayers, for comfort and relief from pain issues or side effects and for other needs such as salvation.

    Lucy: Hope you and your hubby are doing okay. I know God will reveal what is going on in His time. My friend went to Mayo and they could not figure out what was going on with his knee and he came back here to Pittsburgh and sure enough another specialist figured it out. So the big wigs don't always have the answers.

    I still have my dad with me. Christmas day, he broke down crying and said he was ready to give up and go home because he was so tired, out of  breath and his genitals were so swollen and uncomfortable. Praise God that  yesterday they finally began to reduce a little in swelling. I will call the doctor Monday to get some advice. I also pinched a nerve in my shoulder working out with weights. I may need to get an injection to relieve the nerve impingment. My knee on the other hand is giving me issues again and is giving out on me when I am running. Especially going down hill. I told Bev that I may have to rest it work on swimming and cycling for awhile. Aside from that, I am hanging in there and am ever grateful for all the blessing God bestows on me each day.Heading to bed for some slumber time. My hubby is in NJ visiting family so my dad and I can eat limburger cheese aka stinky cheese and also salmon. My husband dislikes the smell of both. I fully plan to take advantage of this time to enjoy both;

    Hugs and Blessings,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    The picture is actually my grandaughter and great granddaughter. My daughter is grandma. We are tbrilled. BTW, tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the dermatologist to hopefully get some help with the cuticle infection I have had for 10 days. I am on an oral antibiotic, using soaks and antibiotic ointment and it is still red, swollen and oozing. Please pray that this can get resolved. I have chemo Tuesday. #9 of 12 Taxol and I just want to get done with no delays. Thanks, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Great granddaughter with me last Tuesday at the hospital.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello sister warriors,

    I need to get caught up a bit. It has been a busy time as I am sure all of you are experiencing as well.

    Jean, love your sweet pics of great granddaughter with you and your granddaughter. You are making great memories to cherish for a lifetime. Praying for your infection on your nails and that a treatment can be found to get rid of it.

    Ellen, praying for safe travel and a good quality time as you go to Florida to see Tyler. Praying for all of your needs.

    Mags, I am praying that your pain meds are controlling your pain. I am praying for a miracle. Either that suspicious lymph node will NOT be suspicious anymore after your scan OR that your insurance will reconsider the proton therapy. I am very tenacious. I do not give up easily and I am going to pray that one of those things happens or God makes a way that no one even thought of. Hang in there dear one. We are all covering you with prayer and as you put it a blanket of love. I like that idea because it is true.

    Bev, Praying for this new pain that has emerged. Praying that it will be gone soon. I appreciate all of your support and encouragement and of course prayers.

    Kath, I am praying for this nausea and that your patch will completely control it. Continued prayers for edema and leg pain. Praying that acupuncture will be just the remedy that you need this coming week. Praying for your son's knee surgery on Jan. 8th as well. I hope you and your family will eventually get to Sanibel. Hope you made it to church today. Keep nice a cozy in your new robe and a good book.

    Char, Praying for your pain issues with the shoulder and the knee. Praying for your Dad as well. I hope you both had some good Daddy, daughter time as DH was away. I am afraid I am with DH on the salmon and cheese issue. LOL

    I know that several of you have to return to work this week. Praying for strength and energy and tolerable SE's as you resume your work schedule. Some had been waiting on scans and I hope you can share that news with us. I am thinking of Lucy, Becky and Anita. Some will be having scans and resuming treatments this week. Praying for all of you lovely ladies.

    I have to say that God has answered many prayers for our family these last few days. Things that I thought were going to be tense and awkward have gone smoothly. When I mention this home health care assessment to my mom now she seems to have taken it in stride which is a pretty awesome and amazing answer to prayer considering her initial reaction. This assessment is this coming Tuesday at 2 pm. Unfortunately a family friend has died. He was over 100 years old. His visitation and funeral are on Tuesday morning. The family is aware that we will not be able to attend all of the things for him that morning as we cannot reschedule this assessment and they certainly understand. It adds a bit more pressure to that day but I know God will see us all through this.

    Have a restful evening and know I am praying for each of you.

    Love you all,



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Thanks for the correction Jean. In my tired state I was not thinking clearly. Both are lovely and I hope you are enjoying both grand-daughter and great-grand-daughter. Will pray for your cuticle and that it clears up.

    Nancy: So glad to hear that God is working through your situation with your mother and so sorry to hear about your friends passing. I think they will understand that things happen and it does not always make it possible to do what we often want to do. Will pray that all goes well with your appointment.

    Praying for everyone else. My dad has been in good spirits the past few days and tomorrow I have to take him for blood work and his pacemaker check over the phone. I am not kidding myself, my dad is in heart failure and it is just a matter of how long God will allow him to remain here on earth with us. His last pace maker check had his heart beating 30 beats per minute with his pacemaker shut off. The time before was 60 per minute. Definitely a decline. It will be interesting to see what it shows this time.  I know my dad is stubborn and not ready to go yet. It is all in God's hands.

    Hugs and Prayers to each of you this week. May God continue to meet your needs.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Char, glad your father feels better. Hard to care for aging parents. I went through that challenge in the 90's with both of mine. My appointment with the dermatologist went well. He lanced it, took a culture and prescribed a new oral antibiotic and a topical one. Hopefully this will clear it up. Thanks for prayers. I am blessed that the sun is shining today. Jesus is the light of the world. What a difference even a bit of sunlight makes. Love, Jean

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    jean the great grand is beautiful. You look good too


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    I hope everyone had time to take out to mark what Christmas is all about and share the love of Christ with family, friends an others in need. I took some time away from the computer to read more and relax and get my mind focused for the next series 8 weeks of weekly treatments starting this Friday. Mags, I was saddened to read your earlier post, but my heart was lightened as I read the many responses and prayers put forth and your subsequent response post. I too will be keeping you lifted in prayer. God is Jehovah-rophe "God heals". None of us know why we have this particular journey but he does and he has paved a way for us even when we can't see it. He carries us through these trials and sometimes our bodies take a beating and we are in pain but he suffers with us and when we recover our testimony is even greater.

    We are never alone, he fights for us. Blessed be the name of our father. Feel better, and continue to push forward there is light at the end of this tunnel.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    I for one, happen to see this as a journey through the wilderness with my Shepherd. It is teaching me how to be weak and how to trust Him and lean on Him. I am grateful for that and I believe that next year at this time I will be a much more humble obedient sheep. I pray that the lessons I am learning become a permanent transformation of my character. I want to be more like Him so He increases while I decrease. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Good evening fellow warriers,

    Becky, it is good to hear from you. Do you have any scan results. How are you feeling? You have my continual prayers dear one.

    Sheangel, Good to hear from you too. I think you will find that this is a terrific bunch of lady warriors in prayer. I have felt the love when they have all come along side me when I was in need. It is not just the bc we have in common. If it were just that we could all be very happy residing on the other threads. The fact that most of us share the bc journey and have a strong bond in Jesus sets us apart. You are right. We are never alone. We are never alone with Jesus on our side and we are never alone with a strong bunch of intercessors on this thread. We will be praying for your upcoming treatments.

    Kath, praying for you as the SE's have been tough for you on this third day of treatment. Praying for a much better day for tomorrow.

    Jo, I hope you had a good Christmas and had many blessings along the way.

    Polly, I hope you are doing well and that your lymphedema is behaving. I hope you will drop in just so we know you are okay. I know you are praying behind the scenes and I love you for that.

    Carren, How is Batman doing? I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with DH.

    Debbie, How are you doing across the ocean. I continue to pray for you. I hope your leg issues are under control and that you are having some great relaxation with your quilting and patchwork..

    Char, Praying that your time off will be a good time to recharge. Praying for your shoulder and knee. As I woke up today with pain in both of those areas it reminded me to pray for you with similar issues. Have you heard anymore from KateW? Praying for her health and financial situation.

    Bev, continued prayers for healing and for this annoying new pain that has surfaced.

    Jean, I am glad that you saw your doc and that you have some new AB. Praying that will knock this infection out. Praying for special time with Valentina.

    Ellen, I pray that you made it safely to your destination and that you will have a wonderful time with Tyler.

    Angie, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that you and DH are getting some good downtime in now. Praying for you balancing a reduced work schedule and for the troublesome SE. Your end is in sight and I pray that will give you much hope when you get so fatigued.

    Mini, How did your husband's surgery go? Hopefully the kidney stone issue is in his rearview mirror now and that he is healing nicely. When is your mission trip?

    Vickie, Where are you now? I hope you had a good Christmas. I am sure you and your family are still in the healing and grieving process. How is Cass doing now?

    Sharon, I still pray for you. Are you done with your long term sub position now. Still praying for that house to sell. You are a testimony to God's provision.

    Anita, how did your scan go. How was your Christmas?

    Lucy, I am concerned about you and DH. I know you are going through a tough time. Know that we are praying. Did you get scan results? Hang in there dear sister. Let us know how you are doing when you can. We love you.

    Deborah, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I am still praying for you and for David's salvation. Hope you can pop in occasionally and tell us how things are going.

    Mags, praying for you dear sister. I believe you have your scan tomorrow. I am asking for a miracle that this particular lymph node which is in an awkward place will show no suspicious properties. Hang in there dear one. You are going to make it somehow and some way. We will all be lifting you up along the way. Don't give up.

    I have an updated prayer sheet with all of you on it. The only problem is that I have no printer here at my mom's and if I do one little thing out of the ordinary I am afraid of losing this post. I am trusting my memory. I am praying I have not left anyone out. I do use that prayer sheet to pray for all of your needs and update it as the needs arise.


    I have a couple of prayer requests. My mom was getting more anxious about this home care assessment tomorrow. She started crying and thought they might be coming to tell her she could not stay in her home. I tried to assure her that the exact opposite was happening. She has calmed down now. I pray that she will be receptive and that it will be a very productive meeting.

    I have a complicated legal issue and I am so frustrated. I won't go into detail but will say it involves our POA for my mom. I am praying that this company will be satisfied with the documents we have provided. So far they have not and I have not a clue what to do from here except put it in the Lord's hands and leave it there and wait for His direction.

    Have a restful evening and all her are dealing with nasty SE I am praying for relieve and for strength and courage and not to lose hope. You will get through this.

    Love you all,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Glad to here that the doctor treated your infection Jean. I will continue to keep it in prayer.

    My dad thought his pacemaker check was today but it's tomorrow. I rushed him over his house and got it all set up. Then I looked on his box where he wrote the time and date for this call. I told him he was a day early and he said it was the 30th. I said that it was the 29th. They will call my house instead of me taking him back to his. Fortunately he needed his blood checked so I took him to the hospital while we were there.

    I called his cardiologist despite his resistance and found he had not been taking the correct dose of his lasix. Anyway the doctor quadrupled his dose today and tomorrow morning and I am to go back tomorrow at noon to let them know if it has helped. Sometimes you have to treat your parent as the child and go against their wishes for their own good. After I called, he was okay with it. Tonight he accidentally turned my phone on and left it on the table. My hubby had to call my neighbor to check on me because he could not get an answer. It has been one of those kind of days. But thank you God for my dad. I love him dearly.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Nancy: Though you have so much to deal with you have been so faithful in your prayers for each of us. May God resolve your POA issue and give your mother some calm over the meeting. I can see why she would be concerned. My mother always felt I was conspirering against her.

    Hugs and prayers to each of you. Good to see you on Becky. Praying for you too

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited December 2014

    Update on Kate W.: Her fund raiser went very well. Hadn't heard until now.

    She was having pain in her side and so they did another scan. She was concerned about her liver. But the tumor in the liver had shrunk 80%, form cm to mm. She also was experiencing a sore throat and rashes. She was having reactions to the chemo and put on steroids. More reactions with swelling of hands and feet...more steroids. They have helped some. Her throat was also a reaction to chemo. Acer scan of sternum and shoulder showed both larger and smaller lymph nodes. Plaan of actions is to stay on this chemo since it is shrinking the tumor. Praise the Lord

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, You are so faithful in keeping up with each of us.

    My Husband and I are now in Yuma, AZ. I went to my dentist (in Los Algadones, BC Mx) today and learned that the space in my mouth where I had a tooth extracted last year, needs to have a bone graft in order to have an implant done. The bone there is too thin for the post, without the graft, they run a chance of piercing the sinus membrane.......So I decided to just wait, quite expensive and a lot of time (probably 6 months) before a tooth could be put on it). I am going back next Mon. to have a bridge put on the other side where I had a tooth surgically removed at home this past summer.

    Cass is doing very well. We talk several times a week. She and her family spent the afternoon of Christmas Eve with her dad (our son-in-law). And on Christmas day his sister and family (including her 3 three grandchildren) spent the day with him. He too, seems to be doing well. This Wed, marks 2 months since Melody (our daughter) left this world. Her passing has left a horrible void in our lives, but we know that one day we will be reunited!!!

    I pray that your meeting tomorrow will go well. I know how hard it is to have to step up and help our parents make good, appropriate decisions for the lifestyle, when some changes must be made for health/safety reasons...




  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, Kath, Char, Lucy, oh my I can't think of everyone else!

    Thanks for the kind words, while I am admittedly acting like a hermit with my head under the covers, truth be told Christmas was fine, both of our boys and one dil came one night and had clam chowder with us. Granddaughter got ear tubes for Christmas, bless her heart. DIL is getting a ct scan for her headaches.

    After church last Sunday a young man asked me why I was in a wheelchair. I told him it was because it was because my cancer was in my bones, thinking this was just another curious youngish person. But that did get me to thinking. Am I settling for less than God's best for me? Lord I believe, help me my unbelief.

    I go in Wed. For scan results, zometa, flush the port. Son n his wife offered to come put away Christmas decorations. and have lunch. Lovely.

    Love across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Today I am so blessed to be going down to Sloan Kettering for #9 of 12 taxol infusi9ns. Then DONE with chemo. Blessed for the amazing care I get there. Blessed with my Dh who drives me. While I am leaning toward not getting the axillary node dissection, I am still waiting on clear direction from the Lord. Love, Jean Prayers appreciated.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    Please Pray for me ---------we have to drive 50 miles in snow to get to dr. to find out abut PET scan, CT scan and tumor marker I get so tired,and somewhat anxious but have peace right now...... but so glad for husband who is my support and will drive me. prayers desired dear Sisters.

    I have been thinking of the refiners fire, and they way the Lord Works to refine us and make us"pure gold" will keep refining until he sees HIS reflection in US, his precious children. Trials are necessary but still hard..

    .Mal 3:3...".He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness,"



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hello dear sisters,

    I will write more when I have time. Char, Vickie, Anita, Jean, Jo I will write more later. I did want to respond to Becky as she has an immediate need. I will be praying for a safe trip and that you will have energy to get to the doctor. Praying for encouraging results dear one. If anyone has been in the fiery furnace it has been you. I imagine if we could meet you in person we would see the reflection of Jesus in you. You have fought hard in this battle and your spirit is an inspiration to me and I am sure to everyone around you. You never give up and keep on trusting the Lord. I pray that you can feel Jesus sitting right there by your side in that car and during the scan results and on the way home and after. You are amazing and a true testament of praising Him in the midst of the storm. I hope when you feel up to it you can  share the results with us so that we can know best how to pray for you.

    Talk to others when I can.

    Love you all,
