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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Yes, Becky - praying for you and your husband now....for safe travels, good treatment plan and God willing, positive test results. We've said it before - God gives His toughest battles to His strongest warriors - and you're one of our valiant warrior princesses! God has promised that the victory is ours and nothing that happens is a surprise to Him!

    Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that outweighs them all. Se we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is not seen is eternal.

    II Cor. 4:16-17.

    Praying for you, your mom and Karen, Nancy! May God be working in everybody's hearts to make the meeting be productive, friendly and positive.

    Praying for you and your dad, Char - hope he continues to improve and you have some good time together this week while Jeff is away.

    love, Bev

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Becky, continuously praying for you and your husband. Today prayingspecifically for your peace and comfort, positive test results and for safe travels. I know that are Savior is with you and that he has encamped His warring and ministering Angels about you.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    wow, what an incredible group of women we have here! Nancy, thank you SO MUCH for keeping us all straight: it makes me think of us as your classroom! Prayed for you throughout the day and hoping to hear great news.

    Becky, Mags, all of you facing scans, test results please know I will take an hour tonight to lift up each of you in person. God is so Good. I agree with so many--- this journey has only strengthened my relationship with Him, in part due to all of you.

    One of my sons home from school has a torn miniscus and will have surgery tomorrow at 12:30: Forrest. He is a catcher at Covenant college, where his faith has only rooted and grown. Truth is though baseball is the major draw for him there: selfishly I want him to recover quickly so he can play this season. His team mates are all young men of Christ also and will be right there praying for him

    Prayers, and please please all of you keep us posted. We care so much


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2014

    Just got in from work and wanted to check in on the group discussion to see if there were any new prayer requests that i needed to add to my prayers. I am exhausted and will turn in after prayer time but I hope to check in tomorrow. Have a blessed evening and day.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited December 2014

    Prayer request for the group. - have had flashing lights in my left eye. Not constant and only occurs once or twice a day since Saturday. I spoke with Advice Nurse today and was referred to opthmologist (sp?) and have an appoint after my chemo infusion tomorrow. Praying that it is not anything serious such as the beginning of a detached retina. I was told it I'd probably not related to chemo but will see tomorrow and update this group.

    Will write more later but I have updated my prayer list with everyone's prayer request.

    Blessings and always continuos prayers for all.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    You got it Angie--- along with my list of everyones prayer needs


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Yikes, Angie! How scary. Chemo does such weird things to your body, every time something starts feeling different, it's so easy to imagine all kinds of possibilities. I'm so glad you were able to get an appointment so quickly - guess that's our Great Physician helping out our medical providers!

    Kath, how great that your son is a strong Christ-follower and surrounds himself with others believers. We'll be praying for a quick recovery....or if not, knowing that God has something better. As y pastor says, not ev er yohimbine get that happens to us is vood, UT will use it for good!

    Love y'all! Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Wow. Lots going on today. I remember days when this thread used to move at a snails pace. Not today!
    Char, I hope your Dad's pacemaker check did not reflect another decline. It is so hard to watch our parents go through these things. Thanks for sharing about KateW. It sounds like a PTL on one hand and more prayers needed on the other.

    Vickie, Happy for you and DH for being in AZ where I imagine it is pretty warm. Sorry to hear about your dental issues. I know how expensive any oral surgery can be. Sounds like a good plan to postpone that big procedure. I am glad to hear Cass and family are doing well. I think your SIL is Leon. I am only trusting my poor memory. I am glad they got to spend Christmas with him. I am sure that was a comfort for all of them. I know what a hole a family member passing can be. My sister lost her son of 36 just five years ago the beginning for 2010. It is still difficult. Thanks for your kind words and your prayers.

    Anita, Glad you got to spend time with family. I do want to share a story with you. One of my good email friends who also has fibromyalgia got to the point where she would only use a wheelchair when shopping. I do think that she could probably do more than she thought she could but I wasn't going to say that to her. Then she started getting rid of desserts. She started losing weight and guess what. She is now going shopping without the aide of a wheelchair and I have a feeling she is feeling better than she has for a very long time. She is not dealing with cancer but she did have sepsis last Christmas and almost died. Your situation may not be anything like hers at all but I just felt I should share that with her since you hinted at the idea.

    Jo, Have you found out if your biopsy site is infected? Hopefully not. I know my skin biopsy site is taking a very long time to heal. I can still see the hole and that was quite a while ago.

    Jean, Will you have rads after your chemo?

    Bev, Thanks for sharing that scripture verse. It is so powerful and so true. Thanks for your prayers.

    Kath, In my classroom you had an instrument in front of you. LOL So you will all have to decide what band instrument you want to play! That should be lots of fun especially when we rehearse. LOL I wonder if there is such a thing as a Skype where we could all be on at the same time. Did I get the date wrong? I thought Forrest was having his knee surgery on Jan. 8. Did it get changed or am I losing my mind! I am quite sure the later is happening! How did your day back to work go? I will be praying for this surgery for sure. That is awesome that his teammates are Christians. He is so handsome in the pics you have shared. I bet he is fighting off the girls at every turnWinking

    She Angel, thanks for praying for your little online warriors. We are praying for you as well and praying that you can have tolerable SE's especially since you are working during treatment.

    Angie, I had that happen to me a year ago in July. I put off going to the eye doctor for a few days which was not a good thing. I did find out that I had a detached vitreous and they told me it would eventually happen in the other eye. It surprised even the doctors when the other eye did it just a few weeks later. I was told that there is nothing that can be done and that it is like shaking a snow globe. I had a ton of stuff more than the usual floaters I already had. I remember looking at fruit in the produce section and thinking bugs were crawling on the fruit. They told me six months would be the maximum it would take for the floaters to settle to the bottom of the eye. Well, unfortunately for me they never settled. It is not a crisis but as a budding photographer it is very difficult for me to see if my shots are in focus.  Hopefully your situation will be a vitreous and not a retina. There is a danger in the first couple weeks that it could cause the retina to tear so they will probably be watching you closely. I am glad you will be getting in to see an eye doctor tomorrow. Praying for a best case scenario.


    Ladies, I want to thank you for all of your prayers for my family for today. My mom was not feeling well yesterday so she stayed home from the visitation and funeral this morning. I went to visitation and then came home. I had to be sure my mom was ready for this visit. The lady that came is going to be retiring from this position soon but it is possible that she could be my mom's caregiver. She is a nurse.  She was nice but was quite the talker. Can't quite imagine how she could clean and talk at the same time! This organization is extremely thorough which is good. I have to have my mom's living will copied and put in their notebook and it has to be left in place all the time. I have to buy a fire extinguisher as ours is not working. I have a to do list for sure but things are in place and they are going to start next Wed. So my prayers of getting this set up and started while I was still here are all working out. Thank you so much for your prayers. The only surprise is the prices that were quoted to me are the old prices and starting Jan. 1 it will be new pricing which of course is higher. I am praying that the financial part will work out. I will probably look into getting some financial assistance from the VA as my Dad was a Marine in WW11 and spouses can get assistance if they meet the requirements. It was a little overwhelming to me so you can imagine what it would be for my mom. I think it is going to take some getting used to and we are starting very slowly. Someone will come every other week for cleaning and laundry. I just wanted to get our foot in the door and then we can branch out as the need arises. The meeting was very long. I think it was well over two hours. I am extremely exhausted but relieved that a plan is in place. I even asked if the caregiver could fill my mom's bird feeders and they said yes we do that. I am expecting great things. One thing I had never heard of is I can contact the local fire dept. and get a black box put on the outside of my mom's door for a nominal fee. This box would only be able to be accessed by the fire dept and would have a key to my mom's house. With this in place they would not have to break down the door to enter in case of an emergency. I am going to look into that for myself in my city.  Thanks again for all of your prayers.




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2014

    Nancy, so glad for the report....I know I (and the rest of your little band of warriors) have been thinking of you and praying all day! How great that your mom is responding so positively and that they'll be able to just help her with chores around the house so hopefully she'll look forward to their visits. As I told you, my 98 year old friend in PA has a "Visiting Angel"come once a week to help with laundry, changing her bed, addressing envelopes. ....then they visit and play cards if all the jobs are done. I'm so glad you'll be able to be there for the first visit....lots of prayers answered! Okay, now get to bed and sleep well after such a long day! 😉

    Love, Bev

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited December 2014

    Agreed Bev! Nancy get some rest :)

    Yes, his surgery was pushed up which was most certainly a God thing, as I call it--- especially since I have of course met deductible for this year, which is great. More important he can start recovery at home.

    I love LOVE the skype idea!

    Blessings and praises to Him for all He has done today


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited December 2014

    Praying for the needs as I read the posts. Had #9 taxol. 3 more to go. Then on to the next step. Haven't yet gotten a clear answer about axillary node dissection surgery before radiation. It seems that radiating the nodes is almost as good as removing them. I am praying for the Lord to make His will in this crystal clear. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2014

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Our trip is going well. We have been able to spend time with Tyler each day. Tonight we got to meet his girlfriend, which was a milestone. He did mention today that he was on "rapid" status in February., and we know that means deployment with very short notice. My husband's strong desire to make this trip might be a sign for the future

    Praying for all your needs. Becky, I sure hope you were able to make it to your appointment. Nancy. So thankful the meeting went well. Prayers are continuing. Those of you with treatments and scans, keeping you in prayers for strength and good results.

    I'm thankful we could make this trip..even though we still get texts and emails from church, it's good to get away and not have expectations for us to "do" something or "be" somewhere.

    God bless you all...Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Lucy, Lucy, where are thou????????????????

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Ellen, glad you are getting some good time with Tyler and glad you got to meet his girlfriend. I imagine that it is very hard to see a family member deployed. Prayers for him and for safety when that time comes. I am glad you and DH are getting some time away from the church. I can only imagine how hard it is to keep everyone going. You need time your own personal time of recharging and I hope you are feeling that. Thanks for all your prayers.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    I know you will all want this news, and forgive me for not posting earlier. I had the PET scan today and had a message from the oncologist on my phone telling me that the scan is all clear!

    I know you have been praying for this and it's always good to hear that the prayers are answered. I will see him tomorrow, but there's been some kind of mixup on appointments so he called.

    I'm going to talk to him about the rads situation.

    Thank you all for your prayers, will write more tomorrow,

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2014

    Thanks all for the prayers, I was sad and gloomy all day, but gratfully we got to appt with now ice slips. I have problems, my tumors are about the same...not growing or spread, but my tumor marker is over 600??? i do not understand. We are going to try a new oral treament combo of drugs I cannot remember, so I can get some strength back after the harsh last chemo..

    . Then I hope I can get in the clinical trial in Stanford (immunotherapy for her2+) Thanks all for being faithful to pray the Lord has helped my attitude...I am so grateful I am still here in sept 2003 I got stage 4 Ovarian Cancer dx, I AM STILL here, even after 3 times bc

    dx I ever thought I could possibly live to see 2014 or 2015 PTL.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Mags, that is great news. I can sense that you are weary and probably feel like the situation isn't all that different. Maybe they could treat you on your stomach now. That is a miracle that your PET scan was clear. God is working. Hang in there and don't give up. He is working on your behalf.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014


    I doubt if there is many on here that can really understand the long journey you have had and the unbelievable mental toughness that it takes to survive all that you have been through. It is a testament to your strong faith. I am going to pray as I have been doing that you can get in this Stanford trial and that they can find a combo of treatment that will make these tumor markers go down and start seeing some positive results. I pray that all of the sister warriors here can come along side you and pray strong prayers on  your behalf for a miracle. God has allowed you more time on this earth against all odds. We have to trust in His timing and try to completely trust Him for everything. Hang in there dear sister. You are loved here.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited December 2014

    Good afternoon, dear sisters. I returned a bit ago from the oncologist. (He only called me yesterday because he thought my appointment was in 2 weeks and he didn't want me to wait.) The news is actually really good, all the nodes on both sides that were swollen are now normal, and the lesions in my left lung are either unchanged or greatly reduced. He says there's nothing anywhere that looks like a cancer cell. He agreed it would be okay to wait and see what the pain doc says before trying rads, but says if it's going to be very long he wants to start me on the antihormonals. He said we will do the PET scan again in 6 months. I will go back in February for follow up and port flush.

    Yes, Nancy, I do feel weary, and not any different. I should be ecstatic, elated, right? So why do I just feel numb? My doctor himself said that it takes a billion cancer cells to even show up on a scan, so how can I trust that I am now cancer free? The answer is, obviously, I can't. None of us can. We can throw chemo, rads, and pharmaceuticals at it but we will never know.

    I've never been so glad to put a year behind me. Hope you all have a blessed new year.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited December 2014

    Hi Mags,

    I think that you are physically and emotionally exhausted from the very long journey that you have been on that has been extremely delayed by a variety of things. There is no closure in your mind because the treatment you thought you were going to have has not been completed. When we start dwelling on our problems for too long and not focusing most of our energy on the Lord it is easy to feel like we are underwater and sinking fast. It can seem like an impossible thing to muster enough emotional grit to hang on to Jesus. That is where we as sisters in faith can help you and your friends and church family. There is a mighty thing in many agreeing in prayer for you for strength, both emotional and physical, and that the Lord show himself strong to you so you can feel His presence and His love for you. Ask Him for wisdom and direction. I am still going to be praying that someway you will be able to have radiation. None of us are guaranteed what our life will be whether we have bc or not. God has appointed a season for each on of us in this life and we must trust that He knows best. We have  hope of a better life with Him after this life passes. I have been where you are now with other physical challenges in my life where I felt like there was no hope for a pain free life for me and  for a short time it stole my peace and joy when I got the diagnosis. Through God's direction and provision I have hope but my diagnosis has not changed. I don't think that what you feel now is going to go on forever. You will get through this. We may not know when or how but you WILL get through this. I am so sorry that you have to go through this but God will bring good out of this suffering I feel sure of. I know that God asks some very hard things of us. I have told the Lord that He asks such difficult things for us to go through. We do not see the big picture. We only see a small part of His plan. I know that you know all of this in your head knowledge. I am praying that you can feel peace in the midst of this storm and that you can trust that the Lord is working his perfect plan in your life even though you cannot see it. Hang on dear one. I love you and many sisters here do as well.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Happy New Year's Eve!

    Just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, 2015! My husband and I were just talking, wondering where 2015 will take us. 2014 was a roller coaster year with some great things as well as sad times. I know all of you can relate.

    Praying for good test results, negative biopsies, clear scans, lessened side effects, and more support than ever for all Breast cancer survivors. Although I will probably never meet you on this side of heaven, know that I love you and pray for you. In reading your stories and posts I am reminded of how powerful God is, that He has worked in all our lives. Even in family matters that seem impossible, God has shown how He is in charge of all things

    I did notice one thing here in this part of FL..there doesn't seem to be resistance to having manger scenes and expressions of Christmas here. It is such a blessing to ride through town and see manger scenes prominently displayed. Praise be to God!

    Have a good evening, restful New Years, and a 2015 full of encouragement and good health.thanks for your prayers for my health and for our children. May God pour His blessings on you all!

    With the love of Christ, Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Wow, 2015 already. I wish all of you a very blessed new year. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2015


    It is so hard to keep on keeping on when you have tumour markers in the 600 range. The ladies on this thread are praying for you, and I will ask some of my Christian friends here in Ireland to pray that you get onto that trial. They have been praying for you in the past when you have been suffering, and always ask me how you are getting on.

    Your body is talking to us and we are not making sense of it. To have your tumour markers increase, and yet the tumours remain unchanged, does not tally with a lot of what we are told about the way that cancer works. Have you had any other illnesses recently, because quite often that can increase a tumour marker reading?

    I remember reading of a lady who posts regularly in other areas on this website. Her tumour markers were up in the 4,000 range, and after taking an oral chemotherapy for some time they were down to the 40's. I pray that your oncologist finds the right chemo for you, so you can get back to living a "normal" life, whatever that is.

    Please keep on remembering what you told me over a year ago - the Lord has His hand in yours, you are not going anywhere without Him. He loves you so much, and will not let you slip through His fingers. The fact that you have survived one terminal cancer diagnosis, and now are living with a second one shows that you are in His sights and He has full control of the situation. Please don't ever be disheartened, you are very precious to Him and He has planned your life from long ago, this is all part of His plan.

    Love and prayers, Debbie

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Happy New Year ladies, I managed to make it to services last night to usher in the New Year, swing by my favorite lounge and have a glass of sparkly for a toast and finish up with our tradition of eating at the Waffle House. Which may explain sleeping to 11.

    This is going to be a special year for us all because the good Lord has allowed us to see it. He has a plan and purpose for us all.

    Mags, I know its hard to focus on the fact that he created us for his purpose when we are going through but don't look at it as going through he actually has you going to something. Our father longs for us to be closer to him, to depend on him for the little and the great as there is nothing too great for the Great I Am.

    We all have those moments when doubt creeps in its part of living in this world, its hard to be here and not sometimes be part of it but we are not to be conformed. We are to be transformed by renewing of our mind.

    Becky had it right last year when she said God had his hand in hers. Hers, ours and theirs....we are not going anywhere until our father calls for us.

    He has placed folks in our path for this doctors who he has anointed with their gifts but there is a reason why they 'Practicing Medicine'. It is "practice", they can no more explain the unexplainable than TV but we can. God performs miracles everyday. I have a former co-worker who has a brain tumor. He retired on medical in 2011. He has had multiple surgeries and they can't shrink or remove it. They said prognosis was bleek. He brought in the New Year with his family.

    I say that to remind us to keep living. Don't let the words of the world dictate your life's mood. As I told my co-worker who was all sad face when she came around its cancer not cooties you can't catch it and I am good because God told me he has this.

    " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Popping in to wish all of the dear daughters of Christ on this thread a New Year of hope, faith, love, and most of Health, under His guidance.

    I had mixed feelings: 2014 had some great times, and some not so great times. I am blessed to be here, on this day, in this moment.

    Waking up as always thanking God for this perfect day He has given us. today more heart felt than some

    I went to my first acupuncture today. I adored the little man, what a gentle spirit. He looks at your tongue and pulse for most of his guidance. I went mainly for the swelling, as that concerns me due to my cardiac issues. Anyway he believes I have poor circulation, and I did not tell him about my left foot feeling cold and numb. I got the "needles" while listening to Chinese music with heat on the needles,, and was also given an herb that I will run by my onc and cardiologist prior to starting. I will give it a month, it is expensive, but I don't splurge on other things.

    To all of you with active cancer, in treatment, watching markers like Becky, fighting like Mags and others, I am praying for each of you. I have a list I keep inside my bible. I have asked my son to have his classmates and fellow ball players at college also pray.

    Forrests knee surgery went beautifully. His recovery should be swift, and he is thrilled. God is so so good.

    My DH fell asleep kbefore midnight, and Forrest told his twin he was going to sleep so his brother would go out. He and I brought in the New Year with ice cream and cheetos. Nasty, I know!

    Nancy, prayers throughout the day as usual for you. Please count on all of us as this new year and new journey with your mom begins.

    Much Love


  • OncoWarrior
    OncoWarrior Member Posts: 3,326
    edited May 2015

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2015

    HAPPY NEW YEAR my sisters!

    My husband survived his surgeries and is on the mend. We have a busy couple of weeks before I leave for our mission trip. My hubby has wrist surgery, and I have lots of appointments. My mammo was moved ahead to January from November because of my surgery, so it's mammo and blood work time next week and my onco appointment 2 days before I leave. I am so looking forward to seeing my sister, and to being warm!

    I hope you all have a wonderful new year.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Happy New Year to all you dear sisters. I pray that 2015 will be a year of growing deeper in our faith and opening our hearts and eyes to the Lord's blessings that he bestows on us every single day of the year. I pray that he opens doors for us to share our faith with the lost and hurting and needy.

    Angie, praying for your eye situation. How did it all turn out? I am praying that it was nothing serious and will resolve quickly. Also praying for your fatigue and SE's as you have to balance work, family and church all at the same time.

    Mags. this verse I wanted to share with you. Psalm 143:7-8  Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Praying for you dear sister.

    Jo, I am praying that this fluid is not infected. I hope you hear something tomorrow. I thought my biopsy site was infected  early on and after talking with the doctor on the phone she assured me that what I was experiencing was normal. Mine was on the opposite side that I had rads. I couldn't believe how sore that thing was for so long. It looks like a moon crater now. It will probably take a while for the layers of skin to finally grow back. I will have my thyroid biopsy on Jan. 22 and I must admit I am a bit concerned about that. My doctor asked me if I had any worsening of my vocal cord damage from my neck surgery. I didn't actually realize it until being here at my mom's and trying to sing alto. They use hymnals and my church only has verses on a big screen. It was obvious to me that something was terribly wrong. I do have more vocal cord damage. Actually a shocking amount as far as my vocal range. I fear that this is the thyroid nodule that is causing this. I am almost afraid to tell the doctor. I have had extensive sinus surgery and I know that test where they put the camera down your nose. I really don't want to do that again if I don't have to. Let us know when you find out anything.

    Ellen, I hope you and your husband are having your batteries recharged by visiting Tyler in Florida. I have prayed for all of you and especially for his upcoming deployment. I am already praying for his safety. My mom has had an outdoor manger scene for years. I bought my parents their original one many, many years ago. I bought my mom a new set last year after Christmas. I put it up at Thanksgiving time. Something happened to it on Christmas Eve of all times and all the lights went out in the figures.  I still haven't had a chance to figure out what the problem is. I was very disappointed and hoping it was not a power surge that damaged the figurines. Praying for your SE's. Are you home now? Praying for a good year for you.

    Debbie, thanks for all of your encouragement for Becky. I think that is great if you could have your friends from across the ocean praying for her. How are you doing? Did you have a good Christmas? I am so thrilled that you are in remission. PTL Ladies, let's really lift up Becky that she can get into this trial and that she can start feeling much better than she has for the last several weeks. I am believing God for a miracle.

    Jean, Praying that you get lots of great grandmother time with little Valentian in this new year. Praying your cuticle infection is slowly succumbing to the antibiotic.

    Kath, So glad that Forrest's knee was not as bad as it could have been. I sure will be praying that he will be able to start his baseball season with the rest of the team. I sure hope your acupuncture works wonders for you. I know many people have benefited from those treatments and I will be praying that you will be one of them. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your daily prayers for me. I have seen pretty amazing changes in my mom's attitude about the home care. I know she is still anxious but I am so thankful that it all worked out according to my plan of getting it in place while I am still at her house. The services will start on Wed. Continued prayers for you as you go back to work. Praying that the nausea and leg issues will be minimal.

    She Angel, I love that Jeremiah verse. It gives us all hope in this New Year. Praying that you will be able to manage your work and chemo with minimal issues.

    Mini, Glad your husband is on the mend from his kidney stone surgeries. Prayers for his wrist surgery. Refresh my memory.........where are you going on your mission trip? I am thrilled that you are able to go.

    Lucy, praying for you and DH. I know you have your hands full right now. Hang in there dear sister. Praying that 2015 will be a year of victory for you!

    Onco, love your little kitty avatar. Thanks for standing up for us. I didn't see all of the drama but I saw the deleted post and poof. Nothing.

    Bev, praying for continued healing from your surgery and for feeling 100% and pain free soon. Love you dear sister. Thanks for all you do.

    Vickie, I continue to lift you and your whole family up. I hope your travels helps ease the pain in your loss.

    I have prayed for every single one of you on this thread before I wrote this post. I am keeping track of your prayer requests and needs and updating regularly. It is great to see answers to prayers. It really boosts our faith and increases our daily trusting in God's plan for our lives.

    Sue Hahn has been on my heart for a while now. I continue to pray for her mom Bertha and her brother Bob in their loss. It has been just a little over three months that we lost our dear sister but her memory still lives in my heart. It seems like a very long time ago but in reality it has been quite a short time. Her impact on my life still remains and I think will forever. We love you Sue.

    Love you all,







  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015
    • Having a hard time tonight. Just feeling very overwhelmed and like I can't take any more. I am only 3 weeks from finishing chemo. Just so weak and scared I won't finish. Aaaaggghhh! Lord help me. Psalm 143:7-8 that you posted for Mags really is my heart cry tonight Nancy Love, Jean
  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Just finished reading today's posts. Will remember you all in prayer. Headed back home tomorrow after a good visit with my stepson here in FL.

    I don't always know the right words of comfort or support to help, but I know God hears my prayers. I told my husband today that I wish a cure could be found for this disease, and also for research to reveal something that causes it. I had a conversation with a stranger at breakfast this morning, and I found out she was staying with a sister in law undergoing chemo, trying to help out with the kids. Last year they were going through treatments with her mother in law. I tried to encourage her with her sister in law and told her how much that help meant. She said the kids were having a hard time understanding. Broke my heart...

    May God bless you all richly, and bring you healing and comfort. Thanks for the prayers and support.
