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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Evening Sister Warriors,

    I must say that the enemy is trying very hard to shake us. On Monday I hit a very low point and was in a bad way with all that is and has gone on. I am not normally like that and am really good at staying positive and trusting and believing and I had a weak moment. Came home from work and sobbed all the way home and just fell apart when I got home. Boy I sure don't like being in that place at all. I prayed and spoke to God all the way home and prayed lots and read the Word. Of course I had a tough time sleeping so only had about 2 or 3 hours and so Tuesday was rough. Yesterday was better and I felt more like myself. I don't like ever feeling like I am overwhelmed and unsure of what I need to do so it was a rough patch. I don't take my eyes off God at this time in fact I go deeper and lean in more...I am so blessed to have him as my Father. I am his daughter and I know He loves me, unconditionally.

    Nancy, I can't wait to hear from you to find out how things went. I just have a feeling that your mom will love this person and it will go well. I am so sad that so many of us are dealing with so many issues at the same time. But like you have said, God really must love us and He knows what we are capable of. I am praying for you daily and nightly. I find myself while I am having issues sleeping recently waking and praying for friends, family and all the women on this board.

    Mags, take comfort in knowing you're in our prayers daily. God knows your needs and loves you so much.

    Kathryn, I am so glad to hear my postings help you as that is my intent. I love knowing that it helps anyone and I know that when I post them on our church facebook page it will reach someone in need of that as well. I feel blessed that I can do this.

    Well ladies I am going to call it a night. My days are busy and now that the holidays are over it is back to the routine of work and going to Curves before work. Love you all and thank you so much for being there for me. Have an amazingly restful sleep and a blessed day tomorrow...Lucy

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    I hope this doesn't offend anyone and if it does I appologize but I couldn't resist.


    Good night...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Ladies, I think Satan is working overtime tonight. I spent at least an hour tonight posting to every single one of you and obviously the enemy didn't like what I had to say. When I hit submit I must have lost internet connection or something because I lost the post. I am NOT happy. I am so wiped out that I cannot possibly type it all again now.

    Lucy, I see your post. It really does sound like the enemy is trying to discourage us on here. We must stand strong against these attacks. Very quickly I will sum up today. Nurse called two hours before she was supposed to come and said she could not make it. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Another person came in her place. So my plans of showing the person the ropes sort of went out the window. My mom liked this new person a lot. So after talking with my sister she said why don't you call the place and ask for this new person to be the permanent caregiver. I emailed the owner of the organization tonight and did just that. So I would appreciate your prayers that the right person would be the caregiver. The Lord knows who that is better than I. So we'll see. Thanks for all of your prayers. I prayed for every single one of you tonight. I am still mad about losing that post. If I have the time and energy tomorrow I will try to repost it all again. Oh well.


    Good night all.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Ladies, I guess I am not supposed to post tonight. I have just lost two posts. I spent an hour posting to every single one of you. Lost that one. Then I posted again. Lost that one too. I have to get to bed. Wiped out. Will post tomorrow.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015


    Your poster is right on...I smiled because I don't think there's another word that describes toughness better than that! Hope your day is a great one!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Blessed Warriors...remember we are not alone. Have a blessed day!

    God Never Stops Loving You

    Most of what our world calls "love" is conditional. You get to be on the receiving end only if or because you are a certain way or if or because you do certain things. Stop being or doing those things and watch how quickly the "love" disappears. Except when it comes to God.

    His love is unconditional, permanent, sure. Like sunlight it shines on us no matter what we do or don't do. We can't cause it to burn more brightly. We can't possibly turn it off. It is the great constant in life—the one thing we can't evade.
    Sin in our lives might prevent us from the vivid experience of God's love, but it doesn't diminish that love any more than a few clouds can diminish the sun.

    Take time today to bask in the warmth of divine love.

    God's Promise to Me
    • Nothing can separate you from my love.

    My Prayer to God
    Your love is permanent, Lord. Transform me as I understand more deeply your undying affection for me. When I am in situations where I cannot sense your love, give me the faith to trust that you are still there and that I am always in your care.

    Read Romans 8:38, 39


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Ladies, you must be praying because the fog and anxiety have lifted and God has put me back on track. The sun is out both out there and in here. My dear hubby just went out to pay our taxes and food shop. I was able to make myself a schedule last night for doing my finger soaks for the cuticle infection and taking my meds. It has an 8hr night break so I am able to get a nights sleep without missing anything I need to do. I got laundry done yesterday and managed to do some straightening upstairs. Tonight we are meeting a dear couple from our church for dinner. The man has an appointment today to see what they are going to do about his prostate cancer. God just put it on my heart last night that we all needed to get off the cancer planet for awhile and just have an enjoyable fun meal. Praying for God's protection for us all from discouragement and anxiety. He has a plan and it's better than anything we could come up with.

    Cancer = Lessons in learning to trust Him, to let go of the wheel and let Him drive, to be as Paul says content in every situation. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Continuing to keep us lifted up in prayer as I know the enemy is trying to keep us BUSY (bound under satan's yoke).

    Lucy I loved that banner post.....

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2015

    Ladies, so many of you are hitting the nail on the head by picking up that Satan is having a field day with us. I went for my usual 3-weekly Herceptin treatment today and was told that my tumour markers have increased so dramatically that they are getting me in for a scan tomorrow to ascertain what is going on. I can't believe this is happening so soon - my hair has only just started to grow after the last bout of chemotherapy.

    I was absolutely choked as I drove home from the hospital, and thank God I had the sense to contact a Christian friend. She invited me around for the afternoon for prayer and fellowship, then I went home and rang another Christian who is a powerful prayer warrior. She spent 50 minutes praying over the phone with me, and really helped restore my confidence that I do have a future, and the Lord will be with me through all of this.

    I can only say that Satan appears to be acting up all over the world - in our churches and in the secular society. He is gaining ground in the Christian world by picking us off, one at a time, knowing all of our dreaded fears and playing them back to us over and over. He then sets out in the secular world and commits atrocities such as what happened in Paris yesterday. I am learning a lesson at the moment about how I must NEVER relax in my faith, and must not give in to fear.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies - I haven't posted for a few days but I've been reading all the posts and praying for you all. Thanks, as always, Lucy, for the great banners/signs/whatever - they're such a blessing and capture great thoughts and concepts so well! I appreciate the daily devotions, Lucy and Angie - please keep them up!

    Nancy, I'm especially praying for the whole situation with your mom with the new caregiver. It seems like it's one of those times when we've been praying for what we want (God to work it out so the nurse/caregiver you expected gets along well with you mom and it turns into a positive relationship) and then God brings along something unexpected - that we haven't even thought to ask for - that turns out to be even better!

    I've been reading "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges (thanks, Deborah!) and want to keep reminding myself (when I start to question, wonder and worry):

    God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about.

    I know we all know this - but I think it's another good mantra for me to memorize, along with the one that got me through so many days like Satan has been bringing to many of us:

    I am God's appointment; in His keeping; under His training; and for His time.

    love y'all - and I'm praying! Bev

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Tired today, but a good tired: short posting, but reading everyones. Lucy, I think I speak for all of us when I say we have been there. I remember my first Sunday after my first chemo, sobbing like a baby in bed. DH kept asking what he could do and I sputtered... " My mom always said if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all"

    I too hate those dark days, but I feel like sometimes we gotta feel it to get past it: the grief, loss, etc. I think its healthy--- and then when God steps in to break up the party what a great feeing!

    Mags and Deb and Nancy: praying specially hard for you-- Debbie, will be on my knees tonight

    She: hang in there!

    Jean, so glad you are a bit better

    From Jesus Calling today: "hope in me, and you will be protected from depression and self pity. Hope is like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to the cord, the more I hear the weight of your burdens; thus you are lightened. Heaviness is not of My kingdon. Cling to hope, and My rays of Light will reach you through the darkness.:

    Psalm 46:1 Romans 12:12, Romans 15:13


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2015

    Dear Ladies: I guess we are all feeling Satan's barbs. My knee flair up, a pinched nerve, my dad's issues and then thoughts of going off here. So many of you are newcomers and I am sure wonder why someone that does not have breast cancer would want to be here and what could I possibyl offer when I have no idea what everyone is experiencing. So I have been praying about and asking God to show me if it is from Him or it is satan planting the seed. Thus my retreat and quiet moments. I had always asked God to show me how long He wants me here or when it is time to leave. As I seek a closer walk this year, I have been reading "52 Weeks With Jesus (Fall in Love with the One Who Changed Everything)" by James Merritt. It has been eye opening and I want to plunge through all of it now instead of reading a section each week. I also have been reading Max Lucado's "before amen", The Power of Simple Prayer. It has helped me to look at the way I communicate with God. Both have been a blessing to me.

    I wish I had the answers but I agree with Bev when she said that we may ask for one thing and God gives us something better. I was so resistant to having my new male team mate but I asked God to send the right person and while it was not my choice, I know that He knows best and sent me them person that is better suited for the position and someone I could work well with. God knew what was best for me. I guess I am trying to say we can never out best God when it comes to giving us what we need.

    Please know that I pray for each of your needs as you post your requests and know that God will provide for each of you in His way.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    This is the famous put on the armor of God in a version that you may not be familiar with. This is from the Message Bible which my head pastor quotes from quite often. I felt led to share this tonight. This is from Ephesians 6 and definitely not the words you are used to hearing.

    A Fight to the Finish

    10-12 And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.

    13-18 Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.

    I will post more a little later as I am expecting a phone call in a few minutes.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Char, I was sharing today with a special group I am in... made of of 6 fellow CEO 's of non profits in my community. We have been together meeting monthly over a year.

    Our moderator today asked us about our "big picture life" -- many spoke of their faith- I spoke of all of you. I don't consider any here "diffferent" because they are currently in treatment, never had treatment, etc.

    I think of you all as my spiritual sisters, my wise sisters, who hold me accountable, and lift me up.

    Thank you for what you bring to the table


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening Ladies,

    It sounds like satan is trying to make us doubt and put fear and worry in our hearts. I have heard in several different sermons that discouragement is satan's greatest tool.(My DH always uses lower case letters for satan so he won't feel so important !)


    Thanks, Nancy, for the words about the armor of God, written in a plain, uncomplicated translation. When darts are being thrown at us, we need quick reminder of God's power and sovereignty. Hoping you are feeling better and the Health Care issue will smooth out.

    I have not been through what some of you face; but I do know God is faithful. Debbie, I know you have some anxiety about your scan and what it may show. That is something we all understand, and you were so wise to seek Christian counsel and prayer to ease your mind. I pray that the scan will show nothing alarming, and you will be able to keep your focus on the Great Physician. You are such an inspiration. Praying for you this evening.

    Kath, Bev, Jo-5, Char, She----Praying for all your needs as well.

    Satan is even working on us this evening through texts my DH is getting from church members. There's some dissension about outreach projects and our Ministry Center, two areas that are so important in our church. Satan knows our weaknesses and uses them to create problems. God knows our weaknesses and uses them to grow us as Christians. As someone mentioned the only way to defeat satan is to stand firm in the Lord.

    Leaving tomorrow to go spend time with Awesome Grandson, then headed back Saturday afternoon to get ready for church Sunday. Looking forward to a change of scenery...

    God bless you all! I pray for you each night before I fall asleep...prayer keeps my mind calm.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Lucy, I was so wiped  out and brain dead when I read your funny post that I didn't get it until today. DUH I don't know if God thinks you are b a but we all know you areHappy.  It sounds like you have had a rough time lately. You have a lot on your plate and sometimes we are like a pressure cooker that needs that release valve or we'll explode. Tears are a good thing. It provides release and it certainly gets God's attention. Well God always has our attention. DH still has to do more tests that Mayo wanted right? Something could show up on one of these to give more clarity and direction into a treatment. Praying for relationship issues with your daughter. Praying for salvation for your family members. Praying for you to remain strong.

    Mags, I am certainly glad that my post for you was received in the spirit that I intended it to be. I am praying for God to show you the way He wants you to go.

    Debbie, I am so shocked at your post. I can only imagine how you feel. I am so glad that you were able to connect with good Christian friends who could pray with you. I will certainly be praying for your scan tomorrow and for your peace in the waiting. Please let us know when you hear anything. Praying for you dear sister.

    Jean, I wrote a long detailed story to you last night and it went poof. It sounds like you are in a much better place today so I will not go into it all now. Glad you are feeling much better. How many treatments left?

    Kath, thank you for ALL of your prayers. God is working and I can see it all intricately fitting together. There are some big pieces missing but I have to trust that God knows better than I regarding my mom's care. I am so glad your acupuncture is working. Have you had your second treatment this week? Praying for Forrest too. I imagine that is hard to see Taylor go back to school too. Praying for you too dear sister.

    Bev, I love that God in his love always wills what is best for us. I am trusting in that for my mom tonight. Praying for your visit with the doctor and good timing for your next procedure so you will be able to do your big bike trip. Thanks for all you do. Praying for Dave's salvation.

    Jo, You are so right. We are to resist the devil and he will flee from us. We know how the book ends. We win. We might be knocked down a few times before the game is over but we have to be resilient and get back up to take on more. That makes us stronger in the process. It builds faith muscles.

    Polly, how are those seizures with the meds withdrawal. I hope you are doing well and the LE is kept at bay. Love all of your encouragement even if it is behind the scenes.

    Ellen, love your new pic. You two look like the King and Queen of promHappy. Praying for your situations. Thanks for all of your support.

    Char, I am so glad that your Dad has rallied and doing better. Sorry to hear about your continued knee issues and your pinched nerve. I hope you will stick around. You have been a strong warrior whether you have bc or almost bc. I for one would miss you but I understand that we are all lead to and from things. God giveth and he taketh away. That is the cycle of our spiritual lives. I pray that you can keep up your healthy lifestyle. You are an inspiration to all that know you.

    She Angel, praying that you will be able to rest and work during your treatments. Seeing things in a new light is one of the blessings of bc. We do start to notice the beauty around us that we often took for granted.

    Angie, praying that your eyes do not develop any complications. I was blessed by your prayer earlier. I think many of us have been in that weary state. Actually I think that in general there seems to be a let down after the holidays which is only natural. Those of us in the dead of winter are trying to hunker down and brave the long cold winter months. Throw in bc in that mix and it makes for one big challenge. We have a BIG God who we can call upon anytime, anywhere and in any circumstance.

    Mini, praying for your mission trip and for your husband's wrist surgery.

    Anita, haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are doing okay and keeping warm in this frigid temp.

    Becky, I am praying that you are doing better. I am still praying for you to get into this Stanford trial. Hang in there dear one. I know your battle has been a long and tough one.

    Carren, Have you made that tough decision yet regarding Batman? Thinking of you tonight.

    Vickie, I hope you are someplace warm. I know that may be a challenge with all this frigid temp that have hit so much of the country. Praying for you and your family and for continued comfort in the grieving process.

    KateW Still praying for a miracle both physical and financial.

    Sharon and Deborah, I still pray for you both even though I know you are both so busy. Hope all is well with you. Still praying for David's salvation.


    I appreciate your prayers for me. Your support has been so appreciated. I have seen God do some amazing things. From the bathroom flooding to home health care in place, it was all part of His intricate plan. I cannot tell you how many times both issues of bathroom flooring and home care have been discussed in the last few years. Frankly it took a big flood to get the ball moving and apparently God knew that. Oh how I wish that I could completely trust instead of worrying and fretting. I know I am a work in progress until I die. We never stop growing spiritually if we are constantly seeking the Lord. I am so glad that He loves us in our weaknesses and imperfections.

    I have still not heard from this home health care organization regarding my request to keep on this young girl who was here yesterday. I will call them tomorrow. The Lord knows what He is doing. I pray that His will be done.

    I hope everyone has a restful evening and can hand all of their fears and burdens over to the Lord.


    Love you all,






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Ellen, we must have posted at the same time. Have a great time at your son's and a great time with your special grandson.

    Kath, we also must have posted at the same time. I agree that Char has much to share. In my loooooooooooooong post last night that went poof I mentioned that each of you has something to contribute to this thread. All of your input is valuable. Everyone has their own special flavor which is so awesome. God made us all unique and I have grown from every single one of you whether you post all the time or only occasionally. I grow from your spirit even if you have a few words to share. Some of those words represent strength and grit and tenacity. Some of you are transparent and honest in your weakness. That shows us that you are human just like we are. I love the fact that we all found this little oasis hiding among the dozens of threads on this forum. There is even a thread for atheists. I actually read some of their posts recently. I also mentioned last night that we never know who is reading our posts. There maybe someone yearning to meet our Heavenly Father and we may be the closest thing they get to a Christian or a church. Kath, I love that you shared us with your fellow CEO's. At my assisted living volunteer work I have mentioned us as well. It is a very special thing.

    Have a restful night.




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015


    In an earlier note this week, I mentioned the founder and former pastor of your church that I read about, Are you ready for another "small world" incident? i was telling one of the ladies in our church about our thread, and mentioned that. I told her the name of your town, and believe it or not, her daughter used to live where you do!!

    Her daughter lived there about 20 years ago, but she and her husband parted ways and she ended up back here in NC. A month ago, I had never heard of Naperville, I know one person who used to live there, one who lives there now, and read about the pastor of a church there! All of this came to my mind when you mentioned that you never know who reads these posts and that our prayers and encouragement may influence them.

    Still praying for the home health issue...and I imagine you are looking forward to returning home soon.

    God bless you...and all who are reading this!


    P.S. Thanks for the King and Queen of the Prom comment--pic was taken at our Pastors' Christmas Dinner in December...a long range shot takes away the wrinkles!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Praying you all have a blessed Friday and I know I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and some football...Go SeaHawks 🏈.

    Daily Devotional

    God Helps You Reach Your Goals

    Ever set goals for your family? Perhaps you sat down as a family and decided on what you wanted to do or how you wanted to help each other grow. Setting goals together is a way of working as a team, as well as showing your love for each other.

    As a member of God's family God wants to do the same thing with you: sit down together and work through your goals. Because he loves you and wants the best for you, he wants to hear your plans, hopes and dreams.

    Sometimes we make plans without consulting God because we simply want our own way. Some of these plans may succeed; others fail. God wants us to submit our plans to him for his approval before we act. In this way, we show our love for and submission to him.

    God's Promise to Me
    • If you commit your plans to me, I will help you reach godly goals.

    My Prayer to God
    Heavenly Father, I'm glad you're so interested in my life that I can come and talk to you whenever I want. Thank you for helping me set good goals.

    Read Proverbs 16:3


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning fellow warriors. I am so grateful for this cancer journey and how it is refining me, my hubby, our relationship with each other and with Jesus. Truly our great Shepherd will be with us and bring us all safely through the wilderness. Don't worry, just DONT. One day at a time we will not let the evil one rob us of the gift of today by worry about tomorrow. "The evil of each day is,sufficient unto itself." Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning fellow warriors. I am so grateful for this cancer journey and how it is refining me, my hubby, our relationship with each other and with Jesus. Truly our great Shepherd will be with us and bring us all safely through the wilderness. Don't worry, just DONT. One day at a time we will not let the evil one rob us of the gift of today by worry about tomorrow. "The evil of each day is,sufficient unto itself." Love, Jean

    Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015


    I have just returned from the physical therapist. She put my shoulder, very gently, through range of motion and stretching exercises, then iced it. It hurts really bad – and I'm supposed to do this a couple of times a day and come in Monday and Tuesday. I really believe these people have no concept of how much pain a bad shoulder can give you. Maybe the goal is not to stretch me for rads but to build my pain tolerance for it. But that would just be sadistic.

    The good news is that if the nerve block works, they will have it done near here so at least I won't have to drive an hour and a half. And the RO is getting me in Thursday morning to see if it works.

    I am so thankful today for Kath, who kindly sent me a copy of Jesus Calling. I have been reading it daily first thing, reading the verses and spending time talking and listening with Him. I pray for each of you by name, and as much of your situations as I recall, knowing that He knows the needs better than I (sometimes, even better than you!). I am so thankful for wash of you, and I agree, no matter whether you are in or have ever been through treatment, you all have something to contribute, and we all have the same frame of reference.

    Have a great day!

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Well, Mags, like we all keep saying....God will give us the strength, stamina and grace for what we need, when we need it. Sometimes it's not what we want and sometimes it comes just in time even when I think it's really late in coming.....

    I'm so glad for this progress, though. We'll pray you through!

    I agree, everybody (and this means especially you, Char!!!!!) has so much to add to this little band of warriors, nobody is allowed to even think about wandering off, okay?

    Just an update from a couple of our warriors who have posted in a while.....our friend Sharon (Sewstrong in Kentucky) was subbing all fall for a special ed teacher - arriving at school each morning about 6:30 and staying late, working all weekend on lesson plans - and all the while, her aide (I use the term very loosely) was sabotaging and doing everything she could to undermine Sharon's work with the children. Now she's in another long-term sub position as a special ed aide in another school. Same great pay, much better folks to work with and no lesson plans or stress. It's just like my pastor reminds me - not everything that happens to us is good (Sharon's fall position ended right before Christmas in a really crummy way) but God will use it for good.

    Deborah and I and another friend, Elissabeth (we all got together for lunch right before Thanksgiving when Deborah visited her mom in Texas) are reading and discussing by email the book "Trusting God" by Jerry Bridges. Deborah is back working at her library, leading a ladies' Bible study group (pray for some of her ladies - they have very tough situations to deal with) and getting involved with local cancer support activities.

    I'm doing just fine - the sharp nerve pains I'd been getting after my surgery seem to be coming less this week so hopefully the healing is coming along. The ugly black glue is finally starting to flake off so I guess I'll get to see the pink scar and the new me soon.... I see the surgeon next week so I'll find out then what other procedures are needed and what the timing will be.

    Jean, I'm so glad for your great spirit and peace about proceeding with surgery. That light at the end of the tunnel is starting to blind you, I bet!

    Lucy, I'm praying for your daughter and Ellen, for your son; Jean, praying for Howard and David; Mags, your David; and Deborah, your David (as well as my Dave!). God loves them all more than we do and wants to be first in their lives more than we want that.....we just have to be patient and wait for His timing and plan!

    Nancy, so glad things are working out with your mom. Hopefully you'll be able to set up visits with the young caregiver. Praying for safe travels for you tomorrow and a quick return to your swimming and normal routine!

    love y'all - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hello lady warriors,

    I have to leave in just a few short minutes to take my mom to the beauty shop so I will type fast! Good news. The young gal that was here for my mom this week is going to be the permanent one. The nurse will sub here sometimes so it looks like I am still going to have to right a thesis just to explain things but the Lord is working things out. PTL

    Mags, I just know the Lord is making a way for you. Hang in there girl. You will get through this. I know you will love Jesus Calling.

    Bev, You are so right. The Lord sometimes gives us the better thing than what we asked for. It was a scheduling snafu which was the reason for the nurse not being able to come here this week. Gee I wonder who was behind that one! Thank you Jesus. I am so sorry to hear about Sharon ending her subbing at the previous school. It is obvious that she went far beyond the call of duty in this position. I am praying for healing for her in this area. That aide I strongly believe will get her due at some point. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

    My mom and I are going to visit my aunt who fell down the stairs tonight. It will be an emotional meeting I am certain. My aunt and mom have not seen each other for a long time. I will be leaving tomorrow to go back home. My mom gets very depressed when I leave. I would appreciate prayers for this transition for both of us.

    Jean, glad you are feeling better.

    Ellen, prayers for a wonderful time with your son's family and of course your time with little Cal. Safe travels.

    Probably won't have a chance to post until I am back home. Have a great weekend everyone. Debbie I am especially thinking of you today.


    Love you all,




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Lucy, love the devotional today. I have been laxed in sitting down before God and sharing and working with him on my dreams, goals and hopes. This journey h somewhat siloed my prayers. So focused onthe hear and now but need to get back to "life" as Ellen states off the cancer plant. I also make it a point to not only read the devotional but also the suggested scriptures. Love the banners!

    I am with Bev, and agree with everyone else, nobody is allowed to even think about wandering off (big smile). Although some may begin to post less often, I pray that we still stay checked in every once in a while or get updates through someone we have partnered with to share non-bco contact information.

    Bev, thanks for the update on Sharon and Deborah. God knows how to remove us from unhealthy situations.

    Jean, glad you have received and an answer and peace about moving forward with surgery and next steps in your treatment plan.

    Nancy, it is interesting (I should have posted) that when I read your initial post on the care giver for your mother, God gave me a fleeting thought that she would not be the "one". I did pray that God would open the door that the caregiver would meet the needs of your mother not only as the caregiver role but personality also so that your Mom can get comfort and companionship with the care giver. Praying for your Aunt. Safe travels. Love God's movements !

    Jean, so glad you are feeling better and have more peace.

    Ellen, have a great time with your son's family. Safe travels.

    Well lunch time is over and will write more this evening.

    Hugs and praying Always,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening sisters,

    Hope everyone has had a good day, and things have gone smoothly, whatever your scheduled plans.

    Praying for you all this evening....Mags, sorry the therapy was so painful.. I will pray the the injection idea works for you.

    Nancy,hope all goes well with your visit, and trip home tomorrow. I'm counting on your feeling better once you get back.

    Angie, hope your eye continues to improve.

    Jean, know you are glad your treatments are about done.

    Lucy, thanks for all the banners..I've saved several to my IPad.

    Enjoying my time with son and DIL, and especially with Cal. I am amazed how much he has learned to do in just three weeks. He's walking all over the house and so cute...Will head back tomorrow after lunch. Wish I lived closer.

    God bless you all...praying for you each night.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    quick post: 11:30 pm my time, house ful of college boys: made a pot of chili, tacos for them, and I am wiped. Mags, thrilled for answered prayerl if that is what YOU belive is HIS desire.

    Lucy< could not come at a better time. DH and I have been looking at really cheap homes in No GA, NC for a home to retire.l I know him, he is a procrastinator, and I am a doer. We go up to see Forrest on 2/12 God willing in Chattanooga. In my heart I am praying (may selfishly?) that God shows us the little cabin we need. I want a place to retire to, if that is HIS plan, for my kids, etc. DH finally relinquished and started looking. Now as the time draws near, I am trying to tell him gently I don't know how much time I have on this earth, and the houses in our price range - cheap cheap cheap are going quickly.

    Your post was exactly what I needed. I will put it in Gods hands.

    My dream. small cabin in the woods with a fireplace, with at least an acre.

    Hope it does not sound stupid to you all.

    More tomorrow. Off to bake last round of cookies for the kids

    God bless you all. This is the best thing that has happened to me-- this thread



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Sun is shining both inside and out. As I came downstairs the sun was just coming up over the mountain. God's creation as it is, is so awesome. I can't imagine what it will be like when we are redeemed and sin is removed forever. We went to my daughters yesterday to give my grandson a gift for his 20th birthday. Wow time passes so quickly. It seems I was changing his diapers just a few years ago. We saw the new grand baby Valentina and she is already outgrowing her infant clothes. I complemented my grandaughter Alexia on doing a good job as a mom and she hugged me so tightly saying "thanks grandma". Please keep her in prayer, this 18 yr old child has grown up to be a mother so quickly! Wishing all a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Sounds like the start of a blessed weekendJean. Glad you had a good visit.

    Daily Devotional

    God Invites You to Come to Him for Help

    When we are scrambling around during tough times, trying to figure out what to do, our minds have a tendency to dream up all sorts of unlikely scenarios. Money woes, for instance, might prompt us to imagine an out-of-the-blue phone call from a billionaire like Bill Gates, offering to bail us out. Medical problems can get us daydreaming about an invitation to come consult—for free, of course—with the world's foremost specialists at a place like the Mayo Clinic.

    Bottom line—what we want most in times of trouble is understanding and help from someone with the power to deal effectively with our situation.

    God offers precisely what we want and need. He knows our every weakness and cares about them. We can trust that when we seek him for help in a situation, he'll care enough to do something about it.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I understand your weaknesses.
    • I want you to come boldly into my presence.
    • I will give you mercy and grace in your time of need.

    My Prayer to God
    Lord, you know my weaknesses and the temptations I face. You are never too busy for me. Thank you for the total, unhindered access I have to you.


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2015

    Hello dear sisters of faith,

    I have been singing a new song and have decided to just praise God continuously no matter what I am experiencing physically. Psalms 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

    Yesterday was my one year anniversary. It was the day my knee was injured. God has brought me through an incredible journey this past year. Some times I experienced moments of deep despair and other times I felt like I reached the mountain tops but I never felt alone because God was with me through the entire year. My knee will most likely never be normal again and like many of you I will always experience times when I wonder what if, but God has reminded me that He will never leave me or forsake me. What a glorious blessing.

    Here are some things I have read this week that have been a blessing to me.

    Jesus responds with this invitation: "Bring your problems to me." State them simply. Present them faithfully, and trust him reverently.

    God's goal for us is wholeness.

    Sin and sickness are interlopers, consequences of the same rebellion. But they are cured by the same Redeemer.

    Sin and sickness still stalk our planet. But here is the difference: neither sin nor sickness will have dominion over God's people.

    If Jeaus heals you instantly, praise Him. If you are still waiting for healing, trust him. Your suffering is your sermon.

    Jesus never refused an intercessory request. Ever!

    I firmly believe that the more we pray the stronger we will become and satan is not happy with this. I think he tried attacking many of at one time so that we would fold like dominos. All of you are strong but together we are powerful through our prayers for each other.

    God watch over all of you and meet each of your needs. salvation for loved ones, healings both physically and spiritually. Removal of side effects, pain relief, peace of heart, care for our loved ones through difficult times, important decisions for our future. God the author of our faith, meet each and every need. In Christ I ask. Amen

    Hugs to all of you,
