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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Ok so absolutely will not leave us!!! Your post vice is exactly why you are here and I believe God led you here for us. Everything you said is right on and certainly what I needed to hear. Thank you Lord for directing Char for sharing her thoughts with us Women of Faith.

    So I would post more but We are watching the play off game at our house with the SeaHawks and the Panthers.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Home safely from the coast andvisit with my son and family. Had a good visit, not only playing with Awesome Grandson ( from now on called Cal) but had a chance to talk with my son last night about his spiritual life and yesterday afternoon spent with DIL. Good bonding time and a pretty stress free couple of days.

    Kath,I highly recommend NC for retirement...mountain cabins available in lots of places. Of course, being a Tar Heel Born and Tar Heel Bred, I'd be disloyal to say anything else. We've spent a bit of time in the Boone and Asheville areas over the last few years...beautiful! Sounds like a good time with all the guys over there. That is something I really missed when my son and friends grew up and went separate ways.

    Lucy, I think you are watching the same game my DH is watching...but are doing more cheering than he is...

    When you read this Nancy, I trust you will be home safely. I have thought about you a lot today.

    Char, I know this has been a rough year. God is indeed there during the good times and the tough ones.whether it's cancer, injury, family issues, or any crisis, He sees the big picture...

    Jean, I know your Granddaughter really appreciates your love and support. She has a tough road ahead, raising a child in today's world and she is blessed to have you.

    Others...I reread posts and pray for you, and I appreciate your faithful prayers too.

    Time to practice tomorrow's songs for worship, and get our clothes ready for church. May Our Father give you the strength and opportunity to make it to worship tomorrow. Love you all....


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Just a quick note to let you know I am home safely. I had a chance to pray for every one of you on the trip. I am pretty wiped out tonight. I will have to post tomorrow when my brain is working better. Thank you all for your prayers. I would appreciate prayer for my mom. She gets very down when I leave. I was with her for three weeks and these long stays makes it even harder for her to transition back to her normal life. We did get to visit my aunt last night. This is my mom's sister her fell down the stairs and is rehabbing at an assisted living facility. She got the flu to make matters worse. She will be having an ultrasound on her gallbladder as they have found a mass that they think is cancerous. I would appreciate prayers for her as well. I told her that I had mentioned her on this thread and she was pretty amazed. She is a strong Christian.

    I hope you are all having a great weekend.



  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited January 2015

    When I caught up on here tonight it felt like things are settling a bit for some that are deep in side effects and turmoil. Life is always full of something even when it's going good! My LE is still holding stable and the break through seizures have subsided for now. For that, I'm so thankful. Seizures are scary and I'm in hopes this new med they are slowly introducing into my body will control my hand. Since 2010, I have a left hand seizure that is sort of like sticking your hand in a toaster holding a knife! It comes on at anytime but especially if I use where the palm is brushed or pressed. Whatever I'm holding is going to drop so I try to move fast when it starts but boy it hurts. I've gotten good at hiding it when in public and in front of family. For whatever reason, the neurologists can't get it under control. Every med they try causes tremors in the other hand and no relief for the bad hand so it's a never ending trial. While making a med transition I'm at a higher risk of a big seizure so it's been a testy December since I started having a few that were waking me. I am very blessed to not have had a bad seizure during this stressful time but I'm certainly not at my best. Headaches and stomach issues are just keeping me lethargic and I need a big dose of motivation!

    Looks like I'm headed for an MRI to view a portion of my brain, just to make sure an area is not changing and to see if we have any surgical options. Have no idea what options are there and if I even want to go that route. Still have to get with a gastro doctor that my PCP wants me to see as I continue to suffer with possible inflammation of some sort in the bowels. Has gotten worse since the BC and was the main reason I stopped Arimidex. Gosh I dread these tests but gotta get started as those creeping fears are starting.

    Well, just needed a safe place to vent a little. I knew all of you would relate. Had a wonderful dinner out with DH and my "other children" tonight to celebrate his upcoming birthday. I ate carefully so I wouldn't be rushing to the bathroom! I have pills but they can't work fast enough. DH is still struggling with his father's death. He's the executor of his estate and it's so much stress for him. I'm hoping when he starts work traveling again it will help him. I think it will help me!  I don't look forward to him ever retiring! He travels around the world teaching project management, Microsoft schedules, budgets, managing contract issues, etc. Makes about 4 international trips a year. He's always been a very calm man, conservative. But this loss has taken a toll. Everyone is looking to him to fix this or that and he has his own grief to work through. And he's definitely not one to show grief visibly. I ask if you can send up a prayer for him, his name is Ed. He is a believer. Episcopalian by faith even though he does not attend.

    I read today this quote, "For the child of God, the hope is not perfect health in this lifetime, but a resurrected body in the life to come."  I get so far away from this path that it's no wonder I struggle. I pray for all of us, I pray for relief of those awful side effects and pain, for our fears, for our trials on this planet and for those needs I fail to always mention by name. According to Hebrews 6:19, hope is the anchor of the soul. Hope is the force that keeps us steady during trials. So, lovely ladies, let us move into His day tomorrow with that hope; knowing that even if times disappoint, we can still hope and be positive and put ourselves in God's miracle working plans! Because, our good news still remains, we will always win with His hands holding onto ours.

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2015

    Lucy, your post with the daily devotional was just what I needed to read.

    I told some of the people at my church about the bad news I received on Thursday. Since then I know that the church has been praying for me, because I feel as if my feet haven't touched the ground! On Thursday afternoon a Christian family invited me around to share their dinner, so I wouldn't be alone dwelling on the news. That night I spent ages on the phone in prayer with a lady who lives about 60 miles away, she wanted me to be covered in prayer and I certainly was. On Friday one Christian took me for my scan and then, almost like a wrestling tag team, another took over and took me out for something to eat then back to my house for more prayer. On Saturday there was a knock on my door and a young Christian had a bunch of flowers for me, she refused to come in as she had a bad cold and was scared I would catch it but wanted me to know she was thinking of me. I am completely overwhelmed with the love I receive from the people at my church, they really are doing the Lord's work. I will get the results of the scan on Thursday when I am called back to see the oncologist and will let you all know the outcome, and am determined to only think about how kind and wonderful the Lord is between now and then because otherwise the fear will creep back in.


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Polly, thanks so much for the long post - it will help me (and probably others) know how to pray so much better for you. I think about praying sometimes because I know such prayer warriors who just amaze me with the power of their an example, one time at my ladies' Bible study, a woman prayed for a friend who had been suffering from a recurrence of cancer. Amy laid her hand on Barbara's head (I peeked!) and asked God to guard her head and thoughts from any fears; put her hand on Barbara's chest and asked God to give her a strong heart; touched her waist and asked God to gird her with power to resist satan's (Ellen, I like your husband's idea of using the lower case to not give Satan any more power than he really has!) darts; bent to rest her hand on Barbara's feet and asked God to help her walk closely with Him. Wow! In contrast, I usually just pray that God will be with someone and comfort them. I know God hears our prayers and knows what each of you needs right at that moment. I've never felt comfortable praying out loud in a group. I figure as I hear others pray, God can and will help me to be more sensitive and empathetic.

    Praying for you, Debbie - and I'm so glad that we can be here to pray with and for you and that your church is filling your days with love and caring. God is so good - all the time!

    Nancy, so glad you made it home and we're all praying that you'll get back to normal soon and that your mom will adjust to the new setup with home health care and you gone for a while. I don't know what you're going through in the way Char and others who have helped care for their parents.....but I know God will bless you for all you do!

    Well, it's 40 degrees and raining hard here in Magnolia - but since most of the country is frigid and getting their precipitation as frozen stuff, I guess I shouldn't really complain.

    love you, ladies - have a blessed Sunday!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    He Turns It For The Good

    As we come to a close in our devotional time together, we've been able to tackle some subjects around the sovereignty of God; how He's with us in the tough times and how He's forever faithful. You may still be questioning; if God is with us, fighting for us, faithful, and sovereign, why am I facing this painful and difficult trial?

    This is a question that has likely been asked since the beginning of time and will be asked for generations to come. The truth is that we live in a world full of imperfection, evil and an enemy who wants to inflict pain upon our lives. This enemy delights in bringing terrible situations our way. However, I am ever grateful we serve a God who is able to take even the toughest circumstances and turn them into messages of His glory.

    Though God doesn't cause these situations to happen to us, He promises that He will take these situations and use them to accomplish His perfect plan. It may be tough to see that today and I can completely relate! However, I also know that whenever I've put my trust in God He has always been faithful and made beauty from ashes.

    If you sense the enemy is trying to bring harm on your life, turn to God fully. Let go and trust Him to turn the situation around and use it for His glory!

    Read Romans 8:26-31


    Praying everyone is doing we and feeling the blessings our Lord gives us each day. hppe you're able to make it to church to receive the message and recharge for the week. Blessings and love to you all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Trying today to follow God's direction on how not to worry. His program for success in that consists of one word, DONT! As I was praying this morning about my stubborn cuticle infection possibly delaying my ALND surgery in February, Jesus just simply said "trust me." So simple, yet so difficult. I belong to a 12 step program at my church called Celebrate Recovery and one of the leaders calls it a simple program for complicated people. Here is the long version we use of the Serenity Prayer.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment a time. Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you in the next. Amen.

    Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies,

    Yes Jean sometimes it is difficult and we are impatient. I like the long version of the prayer. Thanks for sharing that.

    Church was good today, so glad to go to Gods house to get recharged for the week. Always nice to see my church family too. Went up after to get prayer which is always nice. A few new faces and a good message. This Tuesday is our Womens Ministry meeting so the topic will be Focus. I have been praying about something God put on my heart last week. I haven't wanted to share but I feel the need too now. What He said to me was this is my year for my complete and total healing. I have asked for Him to use me to defy the odds and work His miracle through my doctors. I am expecting a miracle and claim my complete healing. I know this is pretty powerful stuff but He can move mountains right?

    I prayed for a of you ladies during our worship and it felt pretty awesome so I pray you all did and will feel it.

    Have to go to Seattle tomorrow for treatment. It should be a short visit no other appts just infusion... \o/ YAY!!! Well ladies have a blessed rest of the day and I will check back later. Blessings...Lucy

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Nancy so glad you made it home safely, albeit with mixed feelings! Will continue to lift all of you up

    short today: for some reason my old not friend nausea has returned: not sure why: another week until treatment. Started yesterday: taking zofran on top of the patch. Clammy sweats also :(

    But, I shall prevail. Did make it to church today which was wonderful. We started a 4th service at 10:45 which is a contemporary, but also really really comfortable. They stream into fellowship hall from the earlier service. I was comfortable wearing my bob wig with baseball cap which is more comfortable. After service we too have an opportunity to lift up praises or prayers. I lifted up this journey, and laid down praises for all of you, and all of them, and most of all HIM.

    Hoping you all enjoyed football if that is your "thing"-- it is miserably hot and humid here, which is not nice, but I know some of you are really cold--- so keeping you in mind also



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I am not feeling so great today so have stayed inside all day. I have been reading the posts as they come in and I have been praying as you post. Hope to write more tomorrow. Have a restful night everyone.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening ladies,

    I had a post written and was winding it up,,,,when my IPad froze and I lost it...switching to my old dependable laptop....

    Anyway, going to share the words to our invitation hymn today...I thought of all of you when we were singing it...

    "O Soul, are you weary and troubled, No light in the darkness you see

    There's light for a look at the Savior, And life so abundant and free

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face,

    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the Light of His Glory and Grace."

    Glad some of you were able to make it to worship today. Our church had a good service and a larger than usual size group at Bible Study tonight. We'll have to be ready for satan's darts. A suggestion in our study tonight was to set an alarm everyday (at the same time) to remind you to pray and read your Bible, just like some people use alarms to remind them to take medication. Since I retired, I have gotten off schedule, so I may give that idea a try.

    Those of you not feeling prayers are with you. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. In my earlier post I had addressed everyone by name...not going to do that again but know that I am praying for all.

    May God bless you richly...Love you sisters..


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    thanks to all who keep us lifted in prayer!  Made it to the office, nausea a bit better this morning, PTL!!! 

    Whom have I in heaven but you?  And earth has nothing I desire besides you.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but  God is the strength of my heart and my portionforever.  Psalm 73: 25-26

    Hope everyone is feeling a bit rested, and those facing tests today I am especially focused on you


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Happy and blessed Monday. We are getting ready to head to Seattle for treatment so praying everyone has a good day. Love you all.

    God Is Bigger Than Your Worldly Troubles

    Have you ever stopped to think how different life would be if we were still living in Eden? No broken relationships. No difficult pregnancies. No squabbles with spouses. No financial woes. No cancer. No feeling far away from God. (And this list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface!)

    Instead we live in a world marred by the effects of sin. We daily face all kinds of pain, trouble, suffering, weeping, loss and despair.

    The temptation is to blame our woes on God, but let's be honest: The human race did this to itself. All God ever did was love us, and — when we rebelled — implement a plan to rescue us.

    The promise above — a statement by Jesus to his followers — is a sobering assessment of the way things are. But it is also a hopeful reminder of the once and future Paradise for which we were created.

    In light of such truth, author Elisabeth Elliot counsels us: "Refuse self-pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you. Turn your thoughts to Christ who has already carried your griefs and sorrows."

    God's Promise to Me

    *Trials and sorrows are part of living in a fallen world.

    *I am bigger and more powerful than any worldly troubles you face.

    My Prayer to God

    Heavenly Father, trials and sorrows are a normal part of life. I don't like this truth, but it reminds me of my need for you, God. I can take heart in the fact that you will have the final word. I praise you because you are powerful and sovereign over my life — even the hard times. Always keep me looking to you.

    Read John 16:33

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited January 2015

    Hello everybody it has been a while since I've been on here hasn't it? I trust that the God from above is blessing each one here through their trials and tribulations.

    I had a hard time last week. I felt like I was unjustly accused and attacked by my son and his wife.

    She told me I was never allowed to step foot in their house again never just see that grandbaby that I brought too much garbage with me when I came and they could not handle it anymore. I don't know how to put it into words. But I have heard the expression rip me a new one, and I get it now. All because I support my husband not them in this father son conflict . We recognize this is a spiritual battle, and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and let God handle it. Pray for me, for I agreed to let my son pick me up Sat. At 7 am to see Jocelyn. They would dearly love to continue to hit me with unanswerable questions.

    I was given a new journal and told to put it in words, that someone else will need it sometime.

    Leaning, leaning safe and secure from all alarm .


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015


    The hurt you are going through is one of the worst and is the work of satan. I have seen this in my own family. My best comfort to give you is to remember Romans 8:31....God knows your heart, and He also knows theirs. Praying for your comfort and peace. It is difficult to understand why they act this way, when you already have so many health battles to face. But He is with you..loving you all the while.

    Hoping you feel His arms wrapped around you in a hug......Praying that your visit will be one of joy, not of inquisition...Elle

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Dear ladies, my cuticle infection on the side I am to have ALND surgery February 12 is still not healing. I had prayer on Saturday night at church, and am following the dermatologist orders precisely. I am on a second course of antibiotics and using vinegar soaks and a prescription topical as directed. This started over a month ago. Please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Jean and Anita,, lifting you both up. Jean, for immediate healing, and Anita that the wounds you had this weekend will heal with Gods love


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Hope everyone has had some encouragement today, and that those who weren't feeling well yesterday, are feeling better today.

    For those who have a copy of Jesus Calling, you know that today's devotional was about letting God prepare you for today, and to stay in close contact with Him. For my DH and I, this was particularly appropriate . This afternoon, our church family lost one of its faithful sisters in Christ, our music leader, Nell, 85 years young. Being with the family when she left this life and comforting them is one of a minister's most difficult jobs. It is one that most people don't think about when they think of a grieving family; but the pastor(s) is usually the first one called and is there when the family hears the news. Nell was a dear lady to me as well, with a feisty and loveable nature combined with a desire to serve God and live life to the fullest. We both will miss her. It is possible her funeral will conflict with a visit to my mom's this weekend, so I'm asking you to pray that my mom will understand if I have to postpone my visit until next weekend. It is likely I will have to play the piano or sing at the funeral, as well as support the family; I know several of them well. Mom doesn't deal with disappointment or changes in plans very well.

    Trying to maintain a quiet supportive atmosphere for DH as he deals with the emails, phone calls, and messages from church members, as well as the future calls he will get from family.

    Having breakfast tomorrow with a friend I worked with...we always have such a good time. She has been so good to me during these cancer years; always checking on me, staying in touch.

    Hope all of you have a restful evening and an even better day tomorrow than you had today! God bless you all richly and give you comfort and peace......Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I am trying to get caught up. Lots of needs.

    Polly, I have added Ed to my prayer sheet. I have already been praying about your seizures and how it is affecting your hand. I sure hope you can get some answers and hopefully this MRI will help to diagnose what this is so a effective treatment can be put into place. I can sympathize with your IBS issues as you know the Arimidex has done a number on me in that area as well. I have to do those awful tests on a five year cycle. I know they are no fun to prep for. I am sorry that Ed is having such stress with the death of his father. You are both in my prayers dear sister.

    Debbie, you have been on my heart so much. My prayers are with you to have good distraction until you find out results. I am so glad that your church has come along side you to give you emotional support. Remember that with you and God together you can handle whatever comes. You have my continued prayers.

    Kath, I sure have been praying that your nausea is under control. How did it go at work today. Know you have my continual prayers dear one. I hope you and Patrick will have a chance for some cabin hunting in Feb. Sounds great to me and certainly not stupid at all!

    Bev, it sounds like your friend Amy certainly knows how to pray against the enemy in a very profound way. I don't think the Lord ever expects flowery prayers from us. I think He honors honesty and transparency with Him. He knows our thoughts before we even can think or speak them anyway.

    Anita, I am so sorry that you have found yourself in a very hurtful situation. I don't claim to understand what your situation is but obviously one that has been very polarizing in your family. I am praying that God's will be done and that healing can take place. I pray that hurtful words will be replaced by loving words and that reconciliation and understanding could take place on everyone's part. My prayers are with you dear one.

    Char, I am glad you are singing a new song. Your contribution on here is invaluable. How is that student you took under your wing doing with his more healthy approach to life?

    Lucy, I for one will stand with you and claim your healing. I have really felt in my heart that if the Lord allowed you to go from five tumors to two and they are shrinking then He can certainly make those two last tumors disappear with the help of the doctors in your care. Thanks for the devotions and the banners. I love them.

    Jean, praying for your infected cuticles. The Lord has this all under control. It would be nice if He let us in on all of the journey but he is building our trust in Him and it is an arduous process with me and I think for many of us. It is possible that the Feb. 12 date would have to be moved and if so He has a very good reason for that happening. He is continually working things for our good that we can't see in this world and will maybe only know in the next. Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Hang in there dear sister.

    Ellen, I am glad you got to visit your son and family and especially got to see little Cal walking all over the place. I am sorry that this joy had to quickly be turned to sadness at the loss of your friend Nell. I know that the life of a pastor is so difficult with the hospital visits and the comfort visits for the grieving family of a loved one that has passed. I will certainly pray that your mother will understand and act in a way that will make your life difficult.


    I found out yesterday that there was a death in our extended family. Margaret and Jay were relatives of my BIL and my sister has been inviting them to our family dinners for the last many years. They were both failing quickly and went to an assisted living facility last year. This is the first Thanksgiving and Christmas that they have not been with us for many years. My sister emailed me yesterday that Jay died. Margaret called her and said how lonely she is. I feel so bad for her. Her mind used to be sharp as a tack but she started failing quickly with dementia last year. They were in their 90's and the cutest couple. They lived life to the fullest as long as they were able. I would appreciate prayers for Margaret. I am not going to be able to turn around and go back to my mom's. I have some important apts next week and I just can't do it right now. I am feeling somewhat guilty about that though.

    Have a restful evening.

    Love you all,




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Nancy and all, honestly I feel your prayers. Felt better when I woke up, and okay at work PTL you are just incredible in your detail to each one of us. I sure hope you know how much we All appreciate you!

    Jesus Calling wa perfect for me today. a I drift into sleep and pray, lifting each of you and your needs up.



    Forrest got back to school today: now adjusting to empty nest again. I dearly love my DH but I need to work from home soon just to be alone for a day--- The good Lord has provided me with more patience as I have gotten older,, and I don't want to lose sight of my appreciation of him. I know though, when I need some "alone time"

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    My concern about this,cuticle infection is twofold. I read that rads must start within 12 weeks of ending chemo and if surgery is posponed I may miss the deadline. Also my sister who is,supposed to help me the,first week is leaving for Florida the following week and I have no one else since my hubby has developed vision problems and is diabetic and has neuropathy. At present he isn't even ablle to drive me to my chemo appointments. I am having a hard time trusting Jesus with this I am ashamed to say. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015


    Trusting the Lord is an ever changing phenomena. Sometimes it is an effortless trusting and other times we are scurrying around trying to figure everything out in our own strength. I think we can all admit to doing the latter more than the former. Be honest with the Lord and tell Him your fears and concerns with the timing of all of this. He asks us to completely surrender everything to Him. Again, this is an ever changing frame of mind and attitude. When what we want for our lives is what God wants for our lives then we can have peace. I struggle with this too. You are not alone. It involves daily dying to self. Our flesh wants what it wants and will always be opposed to what God wants for us. We still have an old nature in us even though we are Christians. Paul talks about that ever present and ongoing battle in his own mind. I will pray for you dear sister. Mags I am sure can relate to what you are going through. Sometimes we find ourselves in between a rock and a hard place to stretch our faith muscles. It is not a pleasant place to be but God refines us in these trials. We will all be praying for you. Hang on dear sister.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Kath, I am glad you can feel the prayers. I will continue to pray for you and all those having side effects and especially those of you who are still working and dealing with all of this stuff.  I am sure having Forrest going back was hard. Believe me I can relate to the needing the alone time and I live alone! Maybe that is why God saw fit to keep me single. He knew I would probably kill my husband before we got a divorce! Shocked

    I love Jesus Calling. Each day is a true gem. To aspire to pray without ceasing I think is the same as practicing being in His presence at all times. It is certainly not where I am but where I long to be and want to get closer to that.

    Sweet dreams.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    I have caught up on post and updated my prayer list with each of your request. I pray today has been manageable one for those that are not feeling well physically.

    I will write more tomorrow as I am fading fast due to taking an Avitan. I will specifically be praying tonight not only for the healing, test results, side effects related to our journey for each one of us but targeted pointed prayer for the mind battles and the Darts that satan is throwing at us that are not related to our journey.

    Lucy, thank you so much for the devotional a each day and banners!

    Hugs and praying always,

    - Angie

  • TNBC1
    TNBC1 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015

    New to this board, and thank you to Tobycc for the invite. I am 63 years old, and diagnosed with TNBC in December. Tomorrow, Jauary 13th is my surgery, a double mastectomy. Praying for no lymph node involvement and clear margins. I start Chemo in mid-Feburary, will be using TC.

    I have a a wonderful Church family, and we women of the church meet every Monday for bible study. Today they were a powerhouse of prayers for me, and I am blessed in so many ways. I view this as an opportunity for me to reflect the light and love of Jesus to others, especially to members of my medical team.

    This journey is an opportunity to grow stronger in my faith, and truly surrender to His will, His plan for me and those around me.

    My husband is a loving and supportive fella, so I am looking forward to the new closeness and strength this brings to our marriage.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Angie, I hope you get a good night's sleep. I so admire all of you who are working and dealing with chemo and all the stuff that goes along with that. You are in my prayers dear sister.


    TNBC1 Welcome to our little band of prayer warriors. This is a great support system with some powerful prayer warriors here. We lift each other up during the tough times and celebrate the victories and answered prayers that are often. We will certainly be praying for your surgery tomorrow. I am glad you have a supportive church family. I hope that you will find that there are tremendous blessings that come with a bc diagnosis. You may not get that right now but I trust that you will see all the unbelievable things that will happen that will enrich your life because of bc. Your husband will be your rock. Let him baby you for a while. Let us know how things go when you are able.




  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited January 2015

    TNBC, I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow. You will find strong prayer sisters here and much care. Love and strength to you in the coming days!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015


    Praying for a surgery that goes smoothly and healing with no complications. Joshua 1:9 is a favorite scripture of mine during difficult times. As you recover you will see blessings and opportunities for witnessing that would not be there if not for the bc experience. Thanking the Lord for a supportive husband for will appreciate him now more than ever before.

    God is always with you...lean on Him..

    Your sister in Christ, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    TNBC1, I have been praying for you for a successful surgery, for pain management and for physical and emotional healing. I pray that you will get to see your desire to be a shining light to those around you during your contact with your medical team and your bc sisters that you will meet. What I have found in my journey is the more you invest in others the less you have to dwell on your own issues. However, there is a period of time that you will need to pamper yourself and let others do for you for a while. We will be lifting you up dear sister.

