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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hello lady warriors,

    I wanted to share this with you today. I have had this hymn in my heart for a couple of days. The enemy hates praise to God and what more fitting hymn than Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. This video shows us that music is universal no matter what language we speak, what race we are or what the color of our skin may be. Our heavenly father loves us all so much no matter where we live or what we look like.  Even if you can listen to a little bit of it I think you will be blessed. This hymn always touches my heart and is probably my favorite one. It is the one where all the people are dressed in white. Second row second to left.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I spoke with my surgeon's nurse today. She thinks the cuticle infection won't delay surgery. Hoping she is right. One chemo to go next Tuesday then 3 weeks to surgery so plenty of time so storm heaven for healing of my cuticle. I do pray for you ladies, just not in as organized fashion as,some of you. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015


    That is certainly good news on both fronts. We will certainly pray that you will be able to have your surgery on Feb. 12 as planned. In the meantime try to do some fun and relaxing things to occupy your time. Curl up with a good book or bundle up and go for a nice winter walk. That is what I am about to do. Hang in there. You CAN DO THIS.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Polly, love your new pic. I just wish we could have larger avatars so we could actually see each other better. Praying for you and DH everyone.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Nancy one of my favorites also! Thanks for sharing ! Are you feeling any better? Jean,, so glad you are moving forward

    Blessings,, prayers, and hugs


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I just woke up from a long winters nap. (No, this is not Santa, teehee). I guess I was more tired than I realized. Hubby had covered me with a lovely blanket while I was sleeping. It is beginning to sink in that I am almost done with chemo. Wow, to actually feel normal again. Whew what a ride! I think Jesus and the angels are dancing right now. I had been calling this a journey through the valley of the shadow of death, but lately it seems more like a wilderness adventure! I like that because it isn't a downer but better describes a good experience albeit fraught with excitement, danger and surprises. There is even a lion here from the tribe of Judah walking with me. Lots of sheep and lambs, some delicious fruit and beautiful mountains. The lion is keeping all rhe wolves away and making a way where there is no way and plenty of still water to dribk. OK, so I had Benedryl this morning in the infusion so now I sound really loopy! Love you ladies. Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies,

    I took Jesus Calling today literally and had my own adventure today. It was very, very cold and I haven't felt up to swimming but I knew I needed some exercise. I went to this nature center which opened up near me in the fall. I had never been there before. When I was about to leave this place and race over to this other place to catch the sunset I kept hearing what I thought was an owl. I waited in the parking lot in my car to see if I could see it fly but it was fun hearing one. I have only seen one once in my life and there was one sitting on the roof of our house growing up. It was broad daylight too. It was good for my body and soul to get out. I did the same thing yesterday but was mainly in my car. Today I was hoofing it and it was very cold. I took a few pics along the way. Trying to make the most of these frigid days here. After a couple of days of sleeping very late I do feel better. Thanks Kath for asking. How are you feel today. Prayers for you and for everyone here today. Hope you all have a good evening.






  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Wow, just WOW!! JUST beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing--- it is pics like those that motivate me to pursue our "cabin in the woods" I have always felt closer to God in the cold for some reason, and in the mountains.

    The colors HE provides and the season changes are magnificent to me. Yes, I know Florida is considered "paradise"--- and it can be: but for an ole Florida cracker I am ready to embrace some change in the future.

    Jean, naps are good!

    I am okay: thanks for asking. I am looking forward to Friday to find out how many more chemo tx. AND I found out we are closed Monday: which is great because usually Monday is a "bad day", and I need to have the house to myself --- alone time is really hard to grab.

    PTL for all his blessings today, and prayers for those who are suffering-- updates on surgeries or tests?


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening everyone,

    Sounds like there have been some wonderful moments today. A walk outdoors on a beautiful day is a wonderful day brightener, and a good nap is even better! Nancy, the pictures are gorgeous! Jean, so glad you could relax and rest.

    I had some good moments today as I had breakfast with a friend that I worked with in the Gifted program,( I told her about all of you) and a pleasant conversation with Mom tonight about a change in plans this weekend. I appreciate those of you who joined me in prayer that this conversation would go well. She understood about the funeral, especially when I told her i had been asked to have a part (music). We've rescheduled my visit for next weekend. No drama....

    With icy weather forecasted here for tomorrow,I think I'll wrap up in my grandma blanket and take a nap!

    She-angel, stay safe...Kath, that cabin in the woods would be a wonderful place to appreciate God' screation.

    Praying for all your needs...TNBC1, hope your surgery went well, and that your recovery will go smoothly.

    Jeremiah 29:11-13...

    Love you sisters...Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Okay, Kath. I could say I took this picture just for you..................however I don't think I even knew you when I took this pic in Oct. LOL But this one is just for you. Pretend like those cars aren't there and just your cars are there. Of course you will have to pretend also that millions of people won't pass by your little cabin as this is a State Park in Illinois. LOL  Glad you liked the other pics. I had fun shooting them.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    That's great news Ellen. PTL. Glad you like the pics.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry didn't post yesterday started off hectic and that's how it ended too. Keep me in prayer have family challenges. Will explain more when I have more time. Nancy thanks for continued thoughts and prayers.

    TNBC praying all is well with you

    Anita your heavy on my heart with your family challenge I can relate unfortunately

    Jean glad your doing better.

    How Can We Hope in a God Who Abandons Us?

    Jeremiah steadfastly recognized that the Lord had not abandoned his people, despite the pain of their situation. Rather, God's people had abandoned him. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, is also called the prophet of hope, because he foresaw a day when the Lord would reign in the midst of a restored, renewed and reconciled people — people who had finally returned to him.

    Jesus knew this paradox between abandonment and hope. In the midst of his suffering and death on the cross, he cried, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mt 27:46). Yet Jesus also knew that he would be resurrected on the third day, opening the gate of eternal life to all believers. The despair of the cross has now become the gift of life to perishing sinners.

    Abandonment, sorrow, struggle and pain — all these are transitory. Wholeness, healing, joy and peace are permanent, for they are part of the very nature of God. That is what sustains the believer through difficult times. Although Jeremiah grieved over Jerusalem's destruction, he knew God would prevail.

    Read Lamentations 3:25

    Have a blessed day love you all so dearly and thank God for our friendship. Lucy

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I spoke to my chemo docs nurse yesterday and she is pretty confident that my cuticle infection won't prevent my surgery on February 12. One more Taxol next Tuesday then I can hopefully kiss chemo goodbye forever! Woohoo! God is good. Love, Jean

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015

    love the pictures bandwoman, we are ina drought and need snow (near lake tahoe ca). I am doing ok on new drug, I still get a bit sick. My tumor markers are sky high, I see dr tomorrow. Pray they go down from new treatment...affinator Extrmestene

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hello sisters,

    I will make this brief and be back in touch later this evening.

    Romans 8:28New International Version (NIV)

    28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.


    TNBC1 Praying that you are resting comfortably with good pain management in place. Praying for your physical recovery and emotional one as well. As you are now starting your journey I pray for strength for the journey, peace when it becomes challenging and grace and courage to face whatever is to come.

    Becky, Praying that those tumor markers will be very much improved. You show us all how to live in the midst of much suffering. I admire you so much. You have had such a long battle and still hang in there. I pray for you a lot. I am glad you enjoyed the pics.

    Kath, Praying for your Friday treatment and visit. Glad your office is going to be closed on Monday. I am praying that God will give you the strength to hear whatever your MO shares with you as far as treatments for future and how many. Continue to lift you up during the day. Check out the pic just for you. You may have to scroll back.

    Ellen, praying for you to be a bright shining light for your friends service. So glad things worked out with your mom. Answered prayer indeed.

    Lucy, I know you have so much on your plate. The enemy loves to get us off track and one of the sneaky tricks he uses is in strained relationships. Praying for you as you maneuver through DH's issues and your own.

    Jean, So glad that you can definitely proceed on February 12. PTL

    I will write more later. You are all in my prayers even if I haven't mentioned you now.




  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Hope everyone has had something encouraging happen today. The weather here has been right at freezing all day and drizzly. In other words, just before a frozen mess but not quite there. A good day to curl up with a book or work on your favorite hobby.

    I'm leaving "cancer planet" for a moment. I'm requesting prayer for myself and my husband. This funeral we have is really taking a toll, but not in the way you may think; he is having a difficult time with the family and funeral arrangements. Our focus is a service that will honor God and our friend Nell. satan is using every dart he has to make things difficult and to make sure my DH doesn't get to give his message, which is one of salvation to the family. It's a large family with strong willed individuals. Pray for a calm spirit for him, and strength for me. I have been asked to sing two songs and need spiritual help and prayer to get through them without breaking down. In addition, another church member's brother is in the process of being evaluated for a liver transplant tonight or tomorrow, and we are helpless to be there to support (fortunately, she understands). Our church is fixing a meal for the family after the funeral, so pray that enough folks will come forward and volunteer their food and their time to help with this (I'll be limited with time) I'm so frustrated that I went out and bought a book "Ten Things Every Minister's Wife Needs to Know" and I need to speed-read it!

    Thanks for your prayers on this matter. I know all of you have so much to deal with, but if you can substitute this request instead of praying for my side effects (which are not bothering me at the moment) I'd appreciate it.

    God bless you sisters....we all know prayer works, and all we want is God (and Nell) to be honored and for everything to go smoothly.

    Your sister in Christ, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Ellen, I am praying now that God will be glorified in this service for Nell. It sounds like they may not be Christians or maybe some of the outspoken ones are not. I am praying that Clyde will be able to give the message of salvation possibly in addition to trying to please the family members. Do these family members attend your church? I will pray that you can sing with the Lord right there to help you this through this. When is the funeral? I pray that many will come forward to bring food for the family after the funeral. I also pray that the family who  is going through a possible liver transplant will be extremely understanding of the conflict in the timing of things and that you cannot be at two places at the same time. Just in case you are not a speed reader which I am certainly not let me share something a good friend told me. It is funny that I was just thinking of this very thing on the way home a little bit ago. It was before church service and she came back to sit with me for a bit. I had just found out I had cancer. I said there is not a manual for how to handle this. I had my Bible in my lap. She pointed to that and she said yes there is. It is all right there. I am going to pray that you have that peace that passes all understanding in this situation. Try to only be concerned about pleasing the Lord and honoring your friend and not so much about this family that is giving you both grief. It sounds like you could not possibly please all of them anyway because I suspect that they are not in agreement over things themselves.

    Hang in there sister. I know you will sing beautifully and that God and Nell will be smiling.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Ellen praying for you and DH? I do know and understand the struggles with home-goings when the primary person(s) assisting in the family assisting with the funeral are. not believers. My DH always does a call to Salvation when the funeral is for a believer. Despite what the family wants as the home-going is for Nell. Honor Nell and through it please and Honor God. When doing a funeral for a non-believer he definitely brings it home in the eulogy as I know your DH will. Praying for both of you and your members as you support Nell's family. Even though you are there to honor Nell I know how difficult it can get at an already difficult time and how people can lose focus on why they are there. PM me any time.

    Finished #12 of 12. Yes that means finished with Taxol and preparing for radiation. Will get on tomorrow and write more. iPad is not cooperating

    Bev, we are praying for you in our intercessory pray team!

    Praying always!

    - Angie

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Oh, Ellen - I can only imagine what you and Clyde are going through these days - but I sure will be praying. Nancy and Angie said it so much better than me - but I'm thinking and feeling the same, sweet sister. Nancy, I love the reminder that God's Word (and Spirit) are the most powerful tools we have. If God be for us, who can stand against us?!

    Congratulations, Angie - you did it!!! Rads are nothing compared to chemo. I know 30 treatments sounded like so many but the days will fly by and soon you'll be DONE!!

    Thanks, Angie and Nancy (and all) for the prayers and support for me. That light at the end of the cancer tunnel is starting to shine really brightly! I saw the PS today and he said we can schedule Stage 2 for February 6 (which is just fat grafting to fill in a little hollow and then "fix" (his word - I didn't know it was broken) my right breast - basically lift, I guess. Whether or not he thinks I'm finished, that might be about enough procedures for me. I still have some nerve pain in my lower abdomen but either I'm getting used to it or it's getting less - and he said it will go away eventually. So- all the prayers are working!

    Sorry if I've missed anybody - I'm on my tablet and afraid I'll lose everything if I try to go back a page. Oh! Welcome - TNB! Praying your surgery went well - glad you found us.

    love, Bev

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Yes, Bev, you are right ...I just lost two posts i had written on my Ipad.....counting to ten before I lose my temper, too....

    Thanks Nancy, Angie, and Bev for your support. I visited Nell and Fred's home tonight with Clyde. Things were a little more settled; I talked with the oldest daughter who is quiet and a little with their oldest son, who was recently ordained into the ministry. Their daughter who is a member at our church came in before we left, as well as a couple from our church who brought food. Clyde wanted to meet with them to finalize an order of service, which the funeral home needs tomorrow. Our biggest concern is that the kids aren't even letting their dad express his wishes...they are busy wanting things their way. I think we've been through the worst of that ( or at least I hope so).

    The funeral is Friday morning, early (8:30) because she is being buried in a Veterans' Cemetery, which has strict time constraints on burial times.The service is at our church. The meal seems to be coming together,,,one couple who usually helps out a bit were at church tonight and told us what they were going to do, which gave the rest of us an idea of what we needed to bring.

    More encouraging news...Clyde just heard that the liver transplant is a "go"...our sister in Christ is with her brother at UNC Hospital and they are prepping him for surgery. He has been on the transplant list for at least 3 or 4 years.

    Thanks again for your encouragement and prayers. It means so much, especially when I know all of you are struggling with health issues.

    God bless you all...Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Ok, so now I'm whining. A cuticle infection seems such a small thing to obsess over but after seeing a different dermatologist today I finally got a culture for fungus done. However she cut me accidently while taking a sample and tonight it appears worse. My biggest concern is still that my surgery will be posponed because the infected finger is in the same arm as my ALND is scheduled for. It seems I won't get an answer until I see the surgeon 2 days before surgery. While I am still praying for Ellen and the Neil family, Bev's continued healing and others, please pray for me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015


    TO ANGIE FOR FINISHING HER TAXOL TREATMENTS. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Bev, so glad that you will be able to proceed with this next stage pretty soon. That is great. It is a good thing that your PS isn't seeing me. He would have a whole unending list of things to fix on me!

    Ellen, God is working things out already. I am so glad things are falling into place. I admire you and Angie. I know that your role as a pastor's wife is certainly not an easy one. It is so true that you can never please everyone all the time. Sing to the Lord and in that you will honor Nell. I will be praying for you dear sister.

    Jean, I think that you need to concentrate on what the latest they told you about the infection. That it would not hold up the surgery. I will be praying to that end. Hang in there.

    Have a restful evening everyone.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    oh, sweet Jean, praying for you today! You're so close to the end of the chemo trek and I know you're trusting God about the surgery (which wasn't in your plan to be sure!). Although the cuticle infection normally wouldn't be any big deal, since your body during chemo is so battered and fragile, it's really scary. I keep remembering how awful I felt with the gastro issues I had last year at just about the same point in my chemo. Slogging through every day is such a challenge and the end seems so far away and unreachable. I'm praying for you, my friend - I know just how you feel....and much more importantly, God knows even better. I'm praying you'll feel His comfort and peace today in an amazing way.

    love, Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning ladies,

    Have a blessed day. Know I am praying for all of you.

    How Can We Hope in a God Who Abandons Us?

    Jeremiah steadfastly recognized that the Lord had not abandoned his people, despite the pain of their situation. Rather, God's people had abandoned him. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, is also called the prophet of hope, because he foresaw a day when the Lord would reign in the midst of a restored, renewed and reconciled people — people who had finally returned to him.

    Jesus knew this paradox between abandonment and hope. In the midst of his suffering and death on the cross, he cried, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mt 27:46). Yet Jesus also knew that he would be resurrected on the third day, opening the gate of eternal life to all believers. The despair of the cross has now become the gift of life to perishing sinners.

    Abandonment, sorrow, struggle and pain — all these are transitory. Wholeness, healing, joy and peace are permanent, for they are part of the very nature of God. That is what sustains the believer through difficult times. Although Jeremiah grieved over Jerusalem's destruction, he knew God would prevail.

    Read Lamentations 3:25

    Blessings Abundant...Lucy

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2015

    Hello Everyone,

    I met my oncologist today to get the result of my scan. Absolutely nothing is showing up in the scan, and I can be grateful that means it is still in my bones and hasn't got through to any soft tissue yet, but my tumour markers have risen to 300. I will start another treatment regime next week, comprising Navelbine, Herceptin and Perjeta - have any of you received this mixture before? I can't believe that the Herceptin failed so quickly but my oncologist didn't want to dwell on it, and said I will just have to have it with another drug in future.

    It is hard going to have 18 straight weeks of Taxol without a break last year, along with Herceptin and Perjeta, and to need to go through more chemo this year. I have decided that I must move even closer to the Lord this year, so close that we will not be a hair's breadth apart. It will be my birthday tomorrow, and since I was a teenager I have decided to have my New Year Resolutions begin on my birthday instead of 1st January. I don't know how I will do it, apart from more time spent with the Lord, but I am determined that I can't let any more time slip away and I have to make every effort to be as close to Him as possible.

    I thank the Lord that my oncologist is a Christian, and he kept me laughing through our meeting and took away all my fear. On one hand I am angry that I have this disease, but I know that I would never have been in a position to appreciate the kindness of so many other Christians if I had never needed it, and I am very grateful.

    Love, Debbie

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Just popping in after a busy week that had me sleep in all day yesterday because I just had nothing left, but today back up and popping even if it is a little slower.

    I was catching up on the posts. Out God fights for us, with us and is always by our side when we feel ourselves slipping we need only say "Lord, save me!" Matthew 22:30 It's true we all have those days, I find the minute my focus wanders from God and all that he is and all that he can and has done the world creeps in and frightens me. One of the ministry leaders at church continues to remind me to focus on God and not the side show of this life and I will continue to be fine. We all can use a little reminder of that from time to time, God is our focus this temporary condition of health is just that, a temporary condition. I continue to pray for us.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Debbie, I know that we all have had you lifted up in prayer. I am happy that there was no evidence of cancer in the soft tissue. I don't understand how the scan works as far as bones. I just know you had been in remission and I know I was so happy for you for that period of time. I like what SheAngel wrote right after your post. We must focus on God and not the side show of this life. I might add that our bc journey unfortunately seems to be the main attraction so much of the time. I think in your effort to get so close to the Lord that you will only be a hair breadth apart is absolutely the way to go to not let it become the main attraction of your life. I know that is easy for me to say because I am not walking in your shoes but do know this..........I really do care about you and pray for you all the time. I don't take lightly my time on here. I take it very seriously and pray religiously for all of you. I hope that you have a good birthday tomorrow in spite of your journey ahead. I pray that you can continue to do your quilting and the things you enjoy doing. Please let us know how to pray for you. You don't have to go through this alone. I know you have a supportive church and that is awesome. I am praying that you will have some special people that will come along side of you doing this journey to support you in any way you need. Know, of course that we are all hear to lift you up as well. When this temporary life is over I hope we will see so clearly how the Lord worked it all for good. For now we have to trust in that even though we can't always see it. That is what faith is, trusting in those things we cannot see. Hold on tight to Jesus dear one. I will continue to lift you up.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    SheAngel, it is good to hear from you. I had missed seeing your posts. I know that you need to get your rest and I am glad you had yesterday to do just that. I admire you for working and dealing with side effects. I liked your reminder that this life is only temporary. It feels so permanent to us when it is tough going but we are only passing through to a much better place. PTL

    Praying for you sister.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Well after messing around with an antibiotic Sloan Kettering gave me almost a month ago without even looking at it, followed by advice to see a local dermatologist who never tested for fungus, another who did, slipped and cut my nail bed. Four courses of three different antibiotics , vinegar soaks, two different prescription topical with it no improvement! It seems Sloan Kettering is finally taking this cuticle infection seriously. I have an appointment with one of their dermatologists on January 29th. My surgery is 2 weeks later in the same arm as the infected finger. I hope that's enough time for them to clear this up enough for me to get my surgery. I really don't care about the finger but if there is an infection in that arm, lymphedema is a real concern. If I pospone surgery, I may not make the time window between chemo and starting rads and my sister may not be available to help me after surgery as she is going to Florida the following week! Hubby has developed vision problems, can't drive and has neuropathy in his hands from diabetes sohe is not able plus we live a 2 1/2 hour drive from the gospital. My sister is only 45 min away. Just trying to give some clarity to those praying for me.

    I pray that Jesus be with those of you with later stages and mets. Such a difficult journey for sure. Love, Jean