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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, love the pictures! How are you feeling? Love the banner made me smile! How is your mother with doing with her new home care nurse? I do hope things are settling in. I don't have direct experience with this but my Mother took care of her MIL for 10 years (she recently passed away in October). And I know this took a lot of emotional, physical and financial strength.

    Anita, yes the pain of dissension between parents and children is one of the toughest relationship problems to go through and can also be very divisive and polarizing. . I have prayed for you, your DH and your son and wife. I am asking that God repair the relationship and that all wounds that may have been opened are healed in the mighty name of Jesus. I ask that he order you and your DH's footsteps and prepare each of you on what the next steps are.

    Becky, how did the Doctor's appointment go?

    Bev, so glad you are moving to the next phase of your treatment.

    Ellen, glad things are settling in for the funeral. I have prayed that the siblings listen to the father's wishes. I am PTL that the liver transplant is a go. Praying for successful surgery, recover and there is no rejection of the new organ!

    Jean, hope your cuticle infection is doing better. Please reach out to your doctor or surgeon to ask if the infection will impact surgery. When I had my ALND, they were very open to explaining what will and won't delay surgery. I am also praying that you have the support system required and that God speak to you directly on trusting in Him for all things and remove all anxiety. I just caught up on all your post and so glad you received an answer to the surgery and able to move forward and please stand on that word and trust. I believe God is showing you this is not the valley of death but a wilderness journey that we cannot see everything but that we learn to trust in Him more as we move forward. I think it was Bev or Becky that spoke about the Children of Israel and their journey. I am praying that you feel his encouragement, comfort, peace and loving arms around you in times joy and also anxiety.

    Kathy, continue to pray for you and the side effects. How are you doing?

    TNBC1, welcome and I did prayer for your surgery and recovery. Let us know how you are doing.

    Debbie, PTL on the news of no progression or evidence of cancer in your organs (soft tissue). So awesome to hear that you have a very supportive ministry and that is a testimony! PTL that his children and your co-laborers are there to support, encourage and pray for you. I love your statement about not being a hair's breadth apart from the Lord. I have to say I want to use that in an upcoming talk about trusting in the Lord if you give me permission coupled with She-Angels statement about focusing on God and not the sideshow of life. So much can be taught with this two statements and trusting in the Lord with all our heart soul and mind.

    Lucy, thank you for sharing your prayer with us. I am standing with you in agreement and prayer. I love the boldness in which you pray! Love the daily devotions. I read them and the banners daily! Keep them coming.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Angie, I am glad you like your banner. I am so glad you are done. I will be praying that you can get some strength back before starting rads. Walking definitely helped me while in rads. My mom did fine with the home care worker. There was a little miscommunication and she showed up yesterday instead of next week but I called and got us all on the same page. I started back swimming today and am feeling better. Thanks for asking. I never did get to mention your post that said you felt the home care worker would not be the one we expected. I think that is going to be the case with the nurse only subbing. Actually this young girl is in nurse's training right now. When do you start rads?

    Jean, still praying that you will be able to have your surgery as planned. I am glad the doctors are taking your concerns seriously.

    TNBC1 I pray that you are resting comfortably. I am praying for strength and healing in the days to come. Let us know how we can pray for you when you are able.

    Mags, how are you doing? I know you mentioned that you didn't have the use of your arm after a nerve block. It could be that you have already had it and can't type. I am thinking of you and praying for you dear sister.

    Lucy, praying for relationship issues. Hang in there girl. Thanks for your devotionals.

    Anita, praying for good relations when you see your son this weekend.

    Polly, have you had your MRI yet? Let us know how we can best pray for you. I know you are having seizures affecting your hand and IBS issues. I have been praying for those things.

    Kath, praying for a good MO visit and a smooth sailing treatment on Friday.

    Praying for everyone tonight.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015



                                                                              TO DEBBIE

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Happy Friday! I am so thankful for the weekend.

    Jean have you tried soaking in Donesboro powder? It is pretty amazing stuff and it draws out the infection in a couple of days. I used it on my fingers while doing chemo and it saved me from losing nails. I just had a couple of infections on both big toes and it took care of that too. Please pick some up and soak 3 times a day. I pray for healing and issues from surery

    Thank you all for your prayers.

    Faithful Forever

    I'm thankful that despite our frequent shortcomings God remains faithful to us. Though we are imperfect, sinful, and guilty of wandering hearts, God continues to be ever faithful to us.

    How many times has God delivered us from our enemies? How often does He come through in the midst of an impossible situation? It becomes so easy for us to forget how often God has been faithful towards us in the past.

    Wherever you are today, take a moment and recall God's faithfulness to you. It may be a small or significant situation you are reminded of. Let's reflect on His goodness and compassion towards us. Remember – He was, He is, and He will always be faithful.

    Read Lamentations 3:21-23


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, sisters. It's been a rough week. The RO thought it might be a good idea to have some PT on this shoulder to try to loosen it up, but the therapy was too aggressive and did more harm than good, in fact flaring up both shoulders so I spent most of last weekend in pain. When I talked to the pain doc Wednesday he agreed iit was too much. The nerve block was a success, to a point. It relieved so much pain! But yesterday I went for my first rads and learned that it doesn't fix the source of the pain from the positioning. I have to have my arm at 180° and there is a bone spur that hits when I'm in that position. Yesterday's session was nearly half an hour in that position so it was ice when I got home. They've gone ahead and scheduled the rads as if there were no issues, without even talking to me about it, which annoyed me.

    The pain doc did say that he could prescribe a lidoderm patch for local pain, so I'm going to ask for that. I have my second session this afternoon.

    I have been reading Jesus Calling (thank you again, Kath!) and today's word is Peace.

    Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming done from the Father above, sweep over my spirit forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love.

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Sitting here in the infusion chair reading "before amen" and catching up on posts. When I awoke for prayer and reading this morning I was anxious but I read Jesus Calling and it was exactly what I needed to read. Its amazing how he provides what we need, exactly when we need it. Its going to be a great day!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon, Ladies;

    I am back at home after a busy morning with the funeral. We have been blessed with a Carolina blue sky, and sunshine for the first time in 5 days. The service went well..I felt the Holy Spirit as I sang. Thank you for your prayers.

    The family member who had caused so much trouble during the funeral arrangements caused a scene just before the funeral and verbally attacked DH and myself....the Lord shut our mouths as we walked away from her drama moment. Many family members apologized to us later, including her mother. Our lunch had good food and plenty of help.The family member who attacked us heard salvation 3,different times during the service. Hopefully she will take it to heart, and turn her life over to Him.

    Resting now before we start prep for Sunday. Thanks so much for your prayers. Nell's husband Fred was so appreciative. Another soul I'm looking forward to seeing in Heaven!

    Love you sisters! Ellen

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2015

    Thank you to all of you for your prayers, kind thoughts and birthday wishes. I have had a lovely day today, I was in a colleague's office when there was a knock at the door and my supervisor came in with all of my friends and a birthday cake, complete with candles which they insisted I blow out and make a wish. My sister who lives in New Zealand went to a lot of bother to arrange for one of the big stores over here to send me some of my favourite colognes (Jo Malone, are her products available in America) and I have been playing about with layering all of the difference fragrances.

    Nancy, you have said some lovely things which make me feel glad that I found this thread on the website. It is so nice to know that people are thinking about your problems and praying for you. At the moment I feel very positive about things, it is amazing the difference it makes when you have a diagnosis, even if it isn't the perfect one you would like.

    LadyB, I would love it if you used that phrase, it pleases me to think you might find it useful. You are right about my friends at church, it is only a small church but I feel that we have something special there and I thank God that He has placed me there.

    She-Angel, you are so right in what you say. I find that this business of taking my eyes off the Lord creeps up on me and catches me unaware - I decide that I am going to sort out a problem and find that it takes over my life, and in a short while I have forgotten what life was like and everything I ever did before the problem occurred.

    Love Debbie

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2015

    It seems like ages since I've been here. It's been crazy around here, but good crazy. I leave for our Barbados mission trip in 30 minutes. I'm so excited to see our friends and help to continue the building of their church. They are such amazing people. Our Bajan blessings. And I can't wait to be warm. -50* chill indexes are miserable. You should not think a temp of +10* as a warm up. :-)

    I hope you all are blessed by the Savior in your walk with Him this week. I think of you all so often.


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Sitting here looking out the window in my sitting room enjoying the blue skies as the trees blow thinking God is awesome. I see my neighbors going and coming some driving, some walking and it gives me a sense of purpose. No matter what is going on within life continues to go on.

    One of my neighbors and her sister left Wednesday for a mission trip to Taiwan, this is their second trip. Before she left she was telling me she just found out they were pregnant with their 5th child and would be moving soon to a bigger place. They are on their late 20's so they have the energy. I remember how sad I would get when folks around me were expecting as it was not a possibility for us, but as my faith grew and I trusted in God I realized that was not our blessing for a reason and learned to be happy for those that it was. He has always protected me from the things known to me an unknown.

    Yesterday there were so many sad faces and hornery folks at infusion I finally put on my headset and listened to jazz while I read Before Amen. They were being rude to the nurses an although I know we all go through I just am not much for bad manners. Of course the nurses took it in stride as they deal with this dailey but like with my job some days we have personal issues of our own that bring us down and it only takes one more straw to break the camels back where a kind word can save your day.

    I prayer for us this morning and I am going to bundle up and go out and enjoy this 40 degree temperature day the Lord has made. God bless.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. The sun is shining here in NY. Temperature in the single digits. Thank you all for your prayers. I'm not stressing over my cuticle now. I believe if God wants me to have surgery He will heal the infection. If He allows it to be canceled or posponed then His will is best. Putting it in His hands. Squirrels got to the bird feeders, they are truly God's little acrobats. Just waiting for hubby to turn off the house alarm so I can set out more seed and suet. I am so blessed to be able to sit here in bed in warmth and comfort watching the birds. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Happy weekend Warriors,

    You're all in my prayers and thank you for lifting me. Have had a roller coaster week and have felt fatigue a little more. Treatment went well. Ben focusing on my new goals for the new year. I have decided to focus more on foods for healing so although diet has been huge in my life during this journey I have taken it up a few notches. I have eliminated more sugar and carbs. I have read that blueberries, and broccoli are critical to fighting my type of BC so I am eating them everyday. Also added turmeric daily in tea form. Going to add more chard and spinich as well so will keep that going. In the process I am losing weight which is a bonus. I am officially no longer considered obese and now just overweight. Hahaha that just cracks me up. I never ever felt obese but the scale they use is a bit false in my opinion. I am only 20 lbs from what they claim is my perfect weight. I would be happy to lose 10 more so we shall see. I know working out 5 days a weeks is helping too. The other goal for the new year is to stop using my microwave so I will start that on Monday. Should be interesting. DH is not ready to join me so it should be interesting.

    I would like us to share more diet suggestions this year to help us all learn more and do what we can to add to our fight. I think it would be helpful. It was something my dear friend/sister Sue and I would discuss a lot. I miss her so much and think of her often. She blessed me in ways I didn't even know.

    We'll have a blessed day sisters. Take comfort in knowing you're being prayed for from Washington state daily and remember "Hope Is Our Anchor" you all...Lucy

    Seek God Early

    When Jesus told us to abide in Him and in His Word, He used the Greek word meno, which is translated in Strong's concordance as "continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry." We are to spend time with God - continually. When we do, we get in the flow of His plan for our day.

    We are not told just to wish for everything to work together; we are told to seek God for a fresh word each day. If we seek Him early in the day, we will have "a word in due season" to share with others (see Proverbs 15:23). We can succeed at what God calls us to do, if we listen for His instructions. He has said, "If you seek Me early and diligently, you will find me" (see Proverbs 8:17).

    Read Mark 1:35


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015

    Dear Debbie,

    happy Belated Birthday, sounds like a great time.! Thaks for always praying for me. I need it right now.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Debbie, I am so glad that you had such a good birthday. That makes me smile. Thank you for your kind words. I am posting some Cardinal pictures just for you. I had posted the female cardinal a little while ago on a very windy and snowy day and you mentioned it looked like Phylis Diller. This is the male version and the little bird is a Junco and we call them snowbirds around here. I am glad you are feeling more positive about things. I sure have been praying.




    He is NOT pecking on that snowbirds head. Really!




    I guess it had enough of the Cardinal!
  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Beautiful! Just a quick hug to everyone: will post tomorrow: post chemo day today--- looking foward to breakfast with a dear friend in her 40s whose husband died about 6 months ago tomorrow:

    Prayers to all


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Mags, I am so sorry that you have been in such pain. You must feel like the Israelites that were wandering around in the desert for 40 years. I know that God will never leave you or forsake you. He has a plan for you but I sure wish He would let you in on it about now. I know I have mentioned this now it seems like a million times but do you think there is any chance that your insurance would change their mind on the Proton therapy. Doctors are in the business of saving lives. That is probably why they are so insistent on you going through rads. I know my primary doctor was very dismissive of my side effects on my cancer drug. He pretty much said he had done all the tests that he was going to on me and that my MO gave me this drug for a reason. I am not in an HMO so I can do whatever I want as far as doctors but he was acting like he still had control over my choices. He is a good doctor and I had never experienced this side of him before. I am sure I don't understand all of their motivation and lawsuits are probably on their minds at all times. Dear sister I am praying for you and that the Lord will create a way where there seems to be no way. Listen intently for His voice and His direction. I am so sorry that you have had such a battle that just seems to be unending. I am praying for you.

    SheAngel, I am praying that you will have manageable side effects this week as you are working and dealing with all of this.

    Ellen, So glad that the funeral is over in spite of the drama. The Lord answered many prayers for that day and for that I am grateful. I pray that the salvation message planted seeds in those who needed to hear it. Praying for your service for tomorrow. I am glad you could sing and feel the Holy Spirit.

    Mini, I am praying for a powerful mission trip to Barbados and that the recipients will be blessed and I know the volunteers will be blessed. I hope you have a good reunion with your sister. I think you mentioned that a while back that you would get to see her somehow in all of this trip. I have been praying for your DH's wrist surgery. I hope that went well.

    Jean, I have been praying for you and I am glad you are not stressing about the cuticle issue. I pray that you will have continued peace in this.

    Lucy, I know you have had a tough week. I appreciate you taking time to put the devotions and banners here for our uplifting. One of my good friend's niece has spent some years in cancer research. There is proof that tomatoes and broccoli kill cancer. The caveat is that the tomatoes need to be heated to release lycopene and the broccoli is better raw. So if stir frying or however you want to try it add the broccoli at the last just to have it warm with the tomatoes. Also this is a very, very general idea. My alternative doctor really harps on this all the time. There are foods that are acidic and foods that are alkaline. Supposedly no disease can start unless there is inflammation in the body. Alkaline foods help in that area. You can easily google this subject and I am sure get many specifics. I had a chart which my doctor's wife gave me for acidic and alkaline foods on a scale of how much they each measured.  Now if I could just find it when I want it.

    Becky, how did your doctor's visit go? By your comment to Debbie it sounds like you do need lots of prayer. We will continue to pray for you here. Let us know how we can best pray for you.

    Bev, continued prays for your abdominal pain and for your upcoming surgery. Your end is getting closer and closer. Hang in there.

    Kath, Praying that you are able to enjoy your long weekend without too many side effects from your treatment on Friday. Did you find out how many more you will have. You can do it. Hang in there. We are praying for you.

    Vickie, Thinking about you and wondering where you are now. Still praying for your loss for you and your whole family. Still praying for Cass and her husband's salvation as well.

    Lifting all of you up today whether I mentioned you now or not. Have a great weekend and enjoy the warmer weather which so many of us have now.

    Love you all,



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    thanks, as always sweet Nancy, not only for your prayers for us all but for taking the time to help keep us focused and remembering how best to pray for each other. You are such a blessing to me...and to the others, I know.

    Thanks also, Lucy for taking the time to post the banners and devotions.

    So glad the funeral went well, Ellen. You and Clyde are a blessing to your church....hope you other get a special kiss from God through the folks tomorrow.

    Kath and Jean, praying for you both through the rest of your treatment and especially for you, Becky and Debbie, that you'll feel God's strong comfort and Satan's darts will fall harmlessly away!

    love, Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for the prayers. My visit with my granddaughter went well today. Even the bitterness blown my way by my DH. This causes him to be left out. I lean on God to show me when to confront him and when to just accept him.

    My girlfriend who is also so kind to my kids and their families, drove me today, after picking up a gift for the 11 month old and one for me, a high john! I know my DIL was nervous, she eventually relaxed enough to invite the 2 of us back in a couple weeks for the year old birthday party. Now do I let my DH know where we are going that day and endure the onslaught of verbals or do I ensure I can actually go by keeping mum about the purpose of the visit?

    Love, Anita

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Ladies,

    Becky lifting you up girl. Keep your eyes on our Lord.

    Have a blessed day ladies and remember God loves us all so very much. He is with us every step of our journey. Trust and Believe!

    Daily Devotional

    Hope Out Loud

    *What is something that you are confident about?

    *What does it mean to be treacherous?

    The Bible teaches us in many places and with many different illustrations that God will be faithful to those who faithfully hope in him. This verse tells us that God will not allow shame to come to us.

    Sometimes it is difficult to have hope. It can be especially difficult to hope out loud. Sometimes, others are threatened by our hope because they have none, and they work to hurt those who are hopeful. These people are being "treacherous," which means they are faithless, deceitful and untrustworthy.

    That's why this verse becomes so important to believers. We need to know that God will not forget us. He will not allow us to be shamed for our hope. When we put our hope in God, we will be victorious.

    This should give us tremendous confidence. Believers should not be afraid to hope. We should hope boldly — out loud — because we know that God is real, and our hope in him is real.


    Dear God, thank you for giving us hope. Thank you for protecting those who hope in you. Let our hope in you give us confidence each day. Amen.

    Read Psalms 25:3


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Mags, I believe God gave me this word for you today. He will make a way where there is no way. Please read Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." KJV Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Oh Jean, thank you so much, that's one of my favorites. And there's a sweet praise song a friend used to sing, God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot do, he will make a way for you.

    I don't remember the rest, but that's the important part.

    Was awake most of the night with the pain in my right shoulder. Iced it down around 1am, slept a bit. DH invited me to join him shopping but I didn't think I could. I've had the arm in a sling all day. It helps some. I confess I am really angry about this – this is my "good" shoulder, the one that didn't hurt before I had the physical therapy last week, the therapy that the pain doc said was inappropriate for my shoulders.i find myself wondering what I should do, and what's to stop this therapist from hurting someone else? And I'm helpless without my right arm. The pain meds are stronger than I'm comfortable with, even at 5 mg, so I'm breaking them in half.

    Trying to find peace in this, and the new thing.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    It has been a blessed day in the Lord. A rainy morning transformed into a beautiful, mild sunny day while we were in worship. And to show you the Power of our God, the front door opened this morning, and in walked Fred. He is truly an inspiration to all; he wrote the church a Thank You note and one line will stay with me forever..."Nell has finished the Race, but I'm still on the Track..." He stayed through SUnday School and church; two of his children sat with him in worship. Only someone who has been in his shoes knows how difficult it was to attend church without Nell,who was by his side for 68 years, but he is obviously looking to the Lord for strength.

    This is my appointment week; dental on Tuesday and RO on Wednesday.(hair Thurs, but that is no stress.) I hope this will be my last appointment with RO. No side effects left from the stiffness in this shoulder or skin problems with this round. My one year appointments with mammography, surgeon, OBGYN, and MO are next month.Already praying on Jeremiah 29:11-13.

    Praying encouragement for you all as you face difficulties and trials this week, both physical and emotional. I pray for you before I go to bed each evening; it helps focus my mind on God and His love for us.God bless you ,ladies.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I was planning to see my dear great grand baby today, but God had other plans. Our steep long winding driveway has been a sheet of ice all day. It is coming down freezing rain now. Dh salted and sanded the other day but the sand has been covered by a layer of ice. Guess we'll stay put for the duration. Hoping for some above freezing weather tomorrow to thaw things out a bit. Hope you guys are feeling well this Sunday. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Lucy, thought of you while watching the Seattle vs. Green Bay game and thought I would post something a little out if the ordinary about sports. Go Seattle! tie game and on pins and needles.

    Will post more later.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Lucy, loved to see the team kneel down in prayer and glorifying our awesome God on such a public stage! Congrats to your team!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Courageous Mighty Warriors,

    Our message at church was about all of us being Courageous Mighty Warriors and I thought about all of us. I prayed for everyone at church today and felt so warm and close to all of you. As I prayed each of your names passed through my mind and it was pretty special to me. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Ellen it is great to hear about Fred, what a special service for you as well. Pray you have a good week.

    Mags I am not sure but maybe I missed a list of your new shiulder issue. I am sorry to hear that. If you don't mind maybe you could post an update so I know what happened. I do pray for you regardless so no worries. Pray you have a good week and the pain lessens soon.

    Ladyb yes it was an amazing football game and we 12's really love our SeaHawks. They are an amazing group of men who love the Lord and are not afraid or ashamed to give Him the glory. I loved the first time Erin Andrews interviewed him and he said "God is so good", while in tears. Touched everyone and grown men cried. It was a true testament to who Russell Wilson is.


    I'm not going to work today taking the day off. Will go to Curves but that is it. I have been feeling pretty tired the last few weeks. Need to talk to MO about it.

    Have a blessed day everyone and relax today if you can.

    Daily Devotional


    The purpose of the book of Proverbs is spelled out in its first few verses. Those who read it and heed it will gain wisdom, understanding, insight and the knowledge of what is right, just and fair. These words are helpful for all people — old and especially the young, sages and simpletons, the experienced and the naive. This is a collection of really good advice.

    When reading the proverbs, it's important to recognize that they describe how God designed life to work. They don't necessarily represent the spiritual equivalent of the law of gravity: hard-and-fast commands and promises that apply to all situations. For example, Proverbs 3:1 – 2 and 4:10 trumpet the power of wise instruction to produce prosperity and long life for those who follow the advice. We know from other portions of Scripture, however, that disaster and death can strike a godly person. So while such statements generally are true, the individual proverbs are not to be interpreted as prophetic guarantees of cause and effect.

    Read Proverbs 1:1-7image
  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015

    yes I do need a lot of prayer, I feel really bad, Scaredweak and bad mouth sores...barely can eat.....I had to go on affinitor. I see dr today and hope and pray to get better. some days "going HOME" is a wonderful thought

    thanks my sisters


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015


    Praying for you all today as you face various health battles as well as those of the spirit.

    Becky, I read your post just before I read this scripture and thought...I hope it encourages you and others who have fought so hard:

    "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.Ps. 31: 24

    '(Devotional thought) The Lord has promised us that He will strengthen our hearts. When our hearts are strong, we are strong. Courage captures our inner strength and makes us brave to face whatever comes our way.

    The Bible tells us several times to be of good courage, but for us as humans, that is a tall order. Prayers of family and friends give us the support we need. Close your eyes and feel the prayers of those who love and care about you, and may that help with courage. Your courage serves as a wonderful example of God's power to the rest of this world.'

    Hope everyone recognizes a blessing today!


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Good news from Houston for the TNBC ladies - Kath, Lucy, Sharon, She-Angel and TNBC1.....there was an article in our newspaper today about a researcher (not even a medical doctor - he just does all kinds of computer research stuff) using existing drugs for new purposes (since it's so much faster and cheaper than trying to develop a new drug). There are two that are showing great promise for TNBC - one is already going to clinical trials (animal are completed) - it's chloroquine, which was previously used for malaria and another is in animal trials (it's a drug that was used for heart failure but wasn't very successful). This is in addition, of course, to MDAnderson's "Moon Shots" program, which has committed multi-millions to research difficult cancers, including TNBC.

    More later - we finally have some sunshine so I need to get out to clearing up the yard.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Hi Sisters, here's the update on my shoulder. I don't know how much you already know.

    I have had arthritis in my shoulders and knees since my mid 50's. By the time I knew, it was pretty much bone on bone. My orthopedic specialist (who is not a surgeon) tells me the only solution at this point is complete replacement. I've known that for several years but have not wanted to go through more surgery, so I just accommodated. It wasn't really a problem until I had to stretch my arms above my head for rads. There are bone spurs that impinge at that point so the process is extremely painful, to the point where I told the RO I would not do rads at all. She found that unacceptable and referred me to a pain specialist. He tried a nerve block, which relieved a lot of pain but did nothing to solve the impingement. The RO also sent me to their physical therapist for stretching, but the PT did strengthening instead, aggravating the problem not only on the left side but also the right, my formerly "good" side which is as a result worse than my "bad" side.

    Rather than checking everything out to see if the nerve block and PT had helped, they scheduled me to go ahead and start rads on Thursday. I had my 3rd tx today and am now home with lidocaine patches and ice on BOTH shoulders. I have gotten little sleep as there is no comfortable position, and I wore a sling on my right arm most of the weekend just to relieve the pressure and keep from moving. Every movement of the arms is painful. Fortunately I can type on my laptop with my hands stationary so I don't have to move my arms, but they are still quite sore. The RO also prescribed a low dose of Percocet, which I'm taking in half-tablet doses as I hate how it makes me feel - and it still doesn't take the pain away.

    I will see the RO tomorrow, and I'm wondering if there's a possibility of delaying rads until I can get my shoulders replaced.

    By the way, I posted my 2010 shoulder xray on the Insomniacs thread (as we have nurses there) with a good shoulder xray for comparison. I didn't want to post it twice.
