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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    This is anecdotes for you mags and Becky:

    Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. ‭Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬

    Thanks for the update on your shoulder situation. Blessings to you both.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hi sisters,

    I found it very interesting that Ellen posted about good courage and Lucy also posted a scripture with good courage in it. I am willing to bet that was NOT a coincidence. I have prayed for those who posted today when I read them coming through my email. I had a little crisis with my mom today so was on the phone several times with her today.

    I feel like my words will fall short today when it comes to some of these very tough situations. I don't have any answers for you Mags and for you Becky. I care about both of you and I wish I could do something for you both. I can and will continue to pray that the Lord will give you that courage that you both need now.

    Sometimes I feel that a person just needs someone there for them to wrap a caring arm around them and give them a hug. Sometimes it might help to just have someone sit with you and hold your hand. I can't do that from afar but I am giving you both a big cyber hug which is the best I can do for now.


    Lucy, I imagine part of the reason you are tired is from all that yelling and screaming when the Seahawks came from behind and won. LOL Our pastor who obviously lives in Chicago Bears territory is an avid Packers fan and of course we all know it. Yesterday he was kidding around and said he was rooting for the Buckeyes. LOL

    Bev, thanks for sharing for all of our TNBC sisters. That sounds very encouraging. Still praying for your abdominal pain.

    Ellen, I am glad that Nell's husband made it to church. I am sure he really appreciated all that you and Clyde did during her service.

    Kath, Praying for your side effects. Hang in there girl. You will get through this.


    I would appreciate prayers for my mom. She is getting quite anxious about the home care person coming for the second time on Wed. I typed out a bunch of details if the worker forgot some of the things we had talked about during her first visit. It has been crazy as my sister's printer is out of ink and no one to print this page out. My sister can't do it at her school because she has a visitation and funeral right after school tomorrow. I know it will work out but it is hard from me when I know my mom gets so anxious about things.

    Have a restful night.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. We finally got down our icy driveway today and bought a lot more sand. We are in the midst of a deep freeze here in NY. They even closed the NYS Thruway yesterday for a few hours to clear the accidents and sand the road. Well good news....tomorrow is my last chemo! Woopee! Love, Jean

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Sure sounds like God wants us to rally around each other for sure! What amazes me is that when some of us are low, others are right there feeling strong and able to lift us up.

    Bev, thanks so much for sharing the news for us TNBC sisters: it is certainly wonderful! How are YOU doing?

    Anita: that is certainly a stressful situation. I would pray about it for sure. I am hopeful before the next visit you will find peace in being able to share with your husband without it causing more angst. You don't need any added stress though, that is for sure.

    Lucy: thought of you during the game. What a game, but more importantly what an honor to God. I will certainly be rooting for them! I am so glad you took the day off: my office was closed as well. I had mentioned to Nancy that as much as I love and appreciate my DH I am never alone in the house: he is off Fridays, and his hobbies are around the house. So I spent quiet time with The Lord and my Jesus Calling, putzed, and watched a movie. My nausea this time around is not as bad as last time, PTL.

    Mags, I feel terrible for you and Becky. I know the pain, but I can't say I understand as I have not walked in your shoes. How many rads do they want you to have? Sounds like PT is not helping at all. I will keep you prayer that you get some relief, and certainly that you get some rest. Do you take melatonin?

    Becky: I can only speak for myself and say that the thought of going home has crossed my mind. I ask that you go back and ready Lucy's banner of January 18th about Do NOT give up. I have gone back to it several times tonight: I think we all need to re read this . Please know how much we care: I know I have not "known" you as long as many others, but I am lifting you up daily. There must be something the MO can do for the mouth sores and nausea?

    Ellen, thank you for posting about courage. And thanks for all you do for us

    LadyB, how are you doing?

    Jean: how are you holding up? I know you wanted that visit, but glad you stayed inside and safe. I know how much you love your granddaugher and that edible baby of hers :)

    She: thought of you the last few nights: I could have wrung water from my tshirt at 2 in the morning! :)

    I have decided I would rather be cold than clammy any day.

    Nancy: you cheerleader you, we are all going to lift you up as well. You have SO much on your plate. And your health needs to be a priority. You are such a giver. I sure hope you find time to spend with Him, with your friends, and get some rest. You have an awfully busy week, and Thursday is almost here. Please know I am thinking of you throughout the day.

    From today: " Actually My Light shines on every situation you will ever face. Live radiantly by expanding your focus to include Me in all your moments. Let nothing dampen your search for Me."

    Psalm 27:8 Philippians 4:7, Jeremiah 29:13

    Together, we are better. Love and hugs to all


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Jean, if they have a bell, I expect a picture of you ringing it tomorrow, and want to here it down here in Florida!! Woo HOOOOOOO


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Don't have a lot of time this morning. Jean YIPPEE for you and everyone have a blessed day.

    God Uses Problems to Shape You

    Tell the truth. When you run into problems, what is your first and most common response: complaining? crying? yelling? denial? pouting? rejoicing?

    Unless you're highly unusual (or slightly dishonest) you probably didn't answer "rejoicing." Let's face it—it isn't normal to be joyful in the face of trials. But you can develop this trait. According to the promise above, trials are good for you. How so? In the same way that an excruciating exercise regimen is good for you. You sweat and strain through painful and unpleasant workouts. But over time, if you keep at it, you see big changes. You're stronger and healthier.

    Viewing your troubles as a kind of "spiritual exercise program" enables you to rejoice (see 1 Peter 1:6–7). It enables you to see your suffering as something good in your life. God is using trials in your life to stretch you and strengthen your faith. Without these pressures, you'd be just another flabby, out-of-shape Chris­tian.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I allow you to go through trials so that you might grow.

    My Prayer to God
    God, you want me to trust you in the hard times. Rejoicing isn't natural for me, so make it my supernatural response to difficulties and pressures in my life. Teach me to endure, Lord, so that my faith will grow and get stronger.

    Read Roman 5:3


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hope everyone is feeling better today than yesterday! It's a good feeling to have three or four good days in a row!

    Thought I had gotten past the bad days until yesterday. Groggy when I got up, and had no energy all day. When I went to bed it occurred to me that yesterday was like a radiation day...maybe the Lord brought that to me to remind me of what many of you face daily. Today has been better...

    Scripture and devotional today (and yesterday) are from a calendar for bc survivors...will share them as I feel led...Jean, I feel you will feel an immediate change for the better when that last treatment is finished...just knowing you are finished with that phase is another burden off your shoulders.

    God bless you all...Ellen

    "Now, may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15 :13"

    'Hope is confident expectation of something good. Faith gives us hope that God is always with us and He will never leave us or forsake us. This assurance gives us joy and peace!'

    PS Nancy, keeping you in prayer today and Thursday .

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon, just a quick check in to see what is going on with everyone. Saltyjack it is encouraging to see there is more being done with TNBC. When I first read up on it, it scared the dickens out of me but after talking with my MO I was not as afraid as I was when I read all that stuff on the internet.

    I read something this morning that reminded me that I am not in control of this God is and I will go wherever he leads. Jesus Calling was saying this morning that I may have planned out the day but really he was going to throw in some things so instead of getting myself in a tizzy because it was not going how I wanted, just to say thank you. It has made the day so much better because things just keep coming, I said thank you to the gorgeous sunrise I witnessed backing out the drive way, I said thank you for the deer that hit me on the way to work that did not send me off the road, I said thank you to the three other deer that I didn't hit, I said thank you for the busted headlight, dented hood and front end of my car, I said thank you for letting me go for a walk on my fitness break, I said thank you for the hot flash that drenched me on the walk back,  I said thank you for allowing me to get back even though I was tired as all get out.

    I am such a planner when I read that this morning it reminded me of all the plans I had before I got BC, and now I say I have ideas of things I want to do but I have gotten away from that other four letter word because my plan was never the one that was important. Have a blessed day ladies

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hello sisters

    Wandering how everyone is today.

    Jean, waiting to hear that you got your last tx in today.

    Lucy, Thanks for your devotional. Rejoicing in problems. Yes, I know that is what we are supposed to do. Good reminder.

    SheAngel  Oh dear or maybe more appropriate OH DEER!  To think that I froze yesterday going out at sunset to find a herd of deer I had seen the evening before. I guess you found them for me. I sure am sorry that you hit one and that it damaged your car. I am glad you are okay and taking in stride. You are doing the very thing Lucy's devotional talks about. You go girl. I hate to ask this question. How is the deer?

    Ellen, I don't know if we can blame all of our down days on the drug we're on. I saw my MO today and I said I am going to blame some of my stuff on the drug and he said oh why not. He knows I am determined to stay on it so I am. It is hard to know but I think we know the stuff we didn't have before and now have is a good reason to blame it on the drug. I pray over my pill every single evening. Yes, I changed to evening to see if it would help some of the SE I was having. Now having lots of trouble sleeping. So do I change back to morning. Not sure yet. We will get through this I just know we will.

    Mags, Had trouble sleeping last night so I got up and looked up your shoulder xray on the insomniac thread. No wonder you have so much pain. Are you having anymore therapy? Here is a thought. I saw a myotherapist for years to manage my fibro pain. Insurance won't cover it now so that is why I swim laps instead. She did trigger point therapy. She was really thumbs down on traditional PT because she said that if the trigger points were not dealt with first weight strengthening would only make the trigger points worse. When I had my shoulder PT this summer and when I have had other PT for hands and back and neck in the past I always tell them they HAVE to listen to me and modify. My myotherapist said if they say they want 10 reps of an exercise I probably should only do 2 or 3. So in that light I am not surprised that your good shoulder got aggravated. I know you have been through so much that no one would judge you for wanting to throw in the towel and say enough already. I am still praying that God will somehow make a way for you. When I had my breast ultrasound that damaged my shoulder I was in excruciating pain the whole time so I do know what that feels like. I am just so, so sorry that you are dealing with all of this pain and frustration and anger and whatever other emotion you have probably felt. I am still praying dear sister.

    Kath, Praying that you had a good day at work today. Still praying that the nausea and leg issues become less and less and 0.

    Bev, Still praying for your abdominal pain. Praying Duke will be a blessing to you and I know you will be a blessing to him.

    Char, Haven't heard from you for a while. I know it was always hard from me to get back in the groove after winter break. I hope things with your Dad and your knee and pinched nerve are all coming together for you in a positive way.

    Polly, have you had any tests yet to determine these seizures affecting your hand. Test regarding IBS? Praying that you feel better and they can get to the bottom of this things. How is your DH doing? Prayers for him as well.

    Jo, How are you doing? I imagine the winter weather is challenging for you as well as here. Hang in there. We are one more day closer to spring!

    Angie, have you started rads yet? Are you starting to recover from all the SE's from your completed infusions?

    Debbie, When do you start your new treatments. Thinking of you tonight. Praying your friends are coming along side you during this journey.

    Mini, I imagine you are in Barbados now on your mission trip. Prayers for strength and blessings for the recipients and the volunteers.

    Anita, I am glad to hear that there has been some mending of fences with your son and DIL. Now we will pray that you and DH will not be at odds when you go to this birthday party for grandbaby.

    Vickie, Still praying for you and your family. Where are you located now?

    Becky, Dear sister, I am certainly praying hard for you during this most difficult time. Walk hand in hand with the Lord and let Him lead you through this valley.


    I got off the phone with my mom a little while ago. Trying to get things in place for tomorrow when the second visit for the home care worker takes place.

    I emailed detailed directions to the owner as the receptionist told me to do. I ask that she reply that she received them and I have not heard anything. So I sent them to my mom. Will she remember to show the worker in her computer that the directions are there. I don't know. Praying that the Lord has it all in His hands.

    I am having my thyroid biopsy on Thursday. I would certainly appreciate your prayers for the actual procedure in which I will not have any local and five pokes to my throat area. Yeah, really looking forward to that! Then I think the wait will probably be pretty long as a genome test may be performed.

    Hope you all have a restful evening. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. They always really lift me up and mean the world to me.

    Love you all,




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015




    TO JEAN FOR FINISHING THIS LEG OF THE JOURNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO CELEBRATE. PTL

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Nancy and others,

    One of the first SE I noticed from Arimedex was insomnia. I took my Tamoxifen at night due to nausea so did Arimedex the same. Within a couple of weeks I decided to move it up to late afternoon, and then went to lunchtime. The problem got better. I take it now mid-morning about an hour after I take the Venlafaxine ( to help with depression and hot flashes) and insomnia is much improved.

    Now a question...does anyone have stiffness and some pain in their hands and fingers? This has just started in the past two weeks..usually disappears within a few minutes after I get up...concerns me since I play the piano..

    Have a restful evening, everyone...God bless all of you with peace


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Well I finished taxol today but don't feel celebretory. I think it hasn't sunk in yet. However when I focus on that it is the last time I have to tolerate the se's it starts to sink in. Still working on getting this stubborn cuticle on my finger treated correcty, getting the second dermatologist up here to order the additional test the Sloan Kettering dermatologist asked for and getting records forwarded to him. I have an appointment a week from Thursday with Sloan Kettering's dermatologist. Hopefully he will come up with something that works. Praying for peace in the midst of this small storm and peace, healing, courage and trust for all of you. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening All,

    Mags, praying for your pain. Specifically that you are able to get the right PT and pain relief.

    Lucy, love the devotional today. Yes, God continue to increase my Faith and ability to rejoice in the midist of my problems. Thanks for the word upon today.

    Ellen, I agree it is good to have a few good days in a row. I don't have experience with hormonal therapy yet so can't provide any input. There maybe a specific thread associated with Arimedex that you maybe able to post that question on. Ellen how is her friend Fonnie doing?

    She-Angel, yes Thank you Lord! It reminds me of what my husband says so often, "It is all in the perspective that we look at things and our reaction to that perspective." Your post says it all! It reminds me of the scripture that we have no thought on tomorrow as tomorrow has it's own set of problems (parapharsed of course).

    Jean, congrats on finishing Chemo.

    Mini, so exciting to go on a mission trip. My husband and I do a lot of Intercity ministry, which he has been partnering with His Sister more since my Dx. I would love to do an overseas mission trip just to see how different it is from intercity ministry. Can't wait to hear from you and have you share your experience.

    Becky, you are in my prayers and we are praying for you fervently.

    Nancy, praying for positive results of your biopsy on Thursday. I am also praying for rest and that the home care worker settles in with your Mom and that you become comfortable with them.

    My update, doing better today and it will be a week PFC treatment tomorrow. I did have a very rough time after my last treatment where I had to pray and lay hands on myself and claim boldly that my body belongs to God -- due to the extreme fatigue, new SE of dizziness/vertigo and headaches. I slept most of the day Saturday - Monday and took today (Tues) and tomorrow (Wednesday) off just to recover. Even though I had a hard time I still PTL for getting me through this stage and preparing me for the next phase of Rads. I have the RADs simulation on Monday 1/26. I don't yet have the start date for Rads. I will get thie start date on Monday. I also seem to have chemo brain really bad so please forgive me for grammar or if I have repeated anything (big smile).

    Prayer request: I have two dear friends who have recently received a dx for cancer. One has been diagnosed with TNBC and on her 3rd chemo treatment. She (Shelly) is giving God all the praise and has a great team to support her? My other friend has been diagnosed with Stage IV Oral cancer. She (Patricia) and her daughters are having a very hard time. Please add them to your prayer list. Seems over the past ~8 months since my diagnoses I have too many that I know or acquainted with being diagnosed with some type of cancer at various stages. Not only my dx but the dx of others have brought me to my knees more fervently. This is a humbling experience and shows me in this "life" we can always grow in our faith, increase our prayer life and most of all grow closer to God.

    Those that I have not listed above, please know that continue to prayer for you and your families.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Ladies,

    Happy Wednesday! I have gotten caught up reading posts and know you are all in my prayers. Those asking for additional prayers for upcoming appts or side effects or friends with dx's know I am praying as well. I know it's hard not to feel discouraged, just don't stay there too long. I love ladyb's comment "This is a humbling experience and shows me in this "life" we can always grow in our faith, increase our prayer life and most of all grow closer to God.". This is so true for me as well. I know He is my strength and I can do anything! Have a blessed day and love you all.

    Daily Devotional

    God Is Bigger Than Your Worldly Troubles

    Have you ever stopped to think how different life would be if we were still living in Eden? No broken relationships. No difficult pregnancies. No squabbles with spouses. No financial woes. No cancer. No feeling far away from God. (And this list doesn't even begin to scratch the surface!)

    Instead we live in a world marred by the effects of sin. We daily face all kinds of pain, trouble, suffering, weeping, loss and despair.
    The temptation is to blame our woes on God, but let's be honest: The human race did this to itself. All God ever did was love us, and—when we rebelled—implement a plan to rescue us.

    The promise above—a statement by Jesus to his followers—is a sobering assessment of the way things are. But it is also a hopeful reminder of the once and future Paradise for which we were created.
    In light of such truth, author Elisabeth Elliot counsels us: "Refuse self-pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you. Turn your thoughts to Christ who has already carried your griefs and sorrows."

    God's Promise to Me
    • Trials and sorrows are part of living in a fallen world.
    • I am bigger and more powerful than any worldly troubles you face.

    My Prayer to God
    Heavenly Father, trials and sorrows are a normal part of life. I don't like this truth, but it reminds me of my need for you, God. I can take heart in the fact that you will have the final word. I praise you because you are powerful and sovereign over my life—even the hard times. Always keep me looking to you.

    Read John 16:33


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    I am always amazed how God works! The scripture and thought I am led to share today ( already on the table beside me) is another reinforcement of the truth Lucy has shared.

    "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. Isaiah 43:1,2"

    'Cancer is certainly "great trouble". But God holds onto us and keeps the current from pulling us under. He promises that He will not allow us to become overwhelmed no matter what we face. Ask God to remind you that He is always with you.'

    On my way to my 6 month radiology check up. I got along much better with this round; I think the key is REST. May God give all of you peace and rest today; those who are working through treatment, I pray for your energy and focus. For those of you fighting a long, hard fight, look to Him. My friend Fonnie is in this category.

    Love you all...Ellen

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2015

    Hello Sisters of Faith:

    I just told Bev I am still out here. I read the posts but it seems that when I am in bed, I fall asleep praying for each of you, or my posts freeze on my iPod. class is coming so more later.

    I want to share one thing before I get off here. This is something I have adapted from Max Lucado's book, "Before Amen". have been doing this every day on my drive to work and it has been very encouraging particularly if I am feeling a little down or having some issues. It goes back to the days of gratitude that Nancy was doing around Thanksgiving. Each day, I go through the alphabet. I pick one thing to thank God for and that I am grateful for. I try to get through the alphabet by the time I get to work. About the time I hit letter k or l, I find myself in  better spirits and uplifted in gratitude for all I have. On my way home, I go through the alphabet again and give thanks or pray for a person or group whose name starts with that letter. While I have specific prayers, God often lays on my heart the names of people I don't often think my department facilitator who often does so much for us for no pay and has four young children at home to boot. I have found that my issues soon pass or my doubts or sad feelings fade quickly.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you daily and I continue to go boldly to the throne of God and ask that your needs are met. God wants us to ask Him without hesitation and He wants to answer all of our prayers. Dear sisters, He loves each of you very much and like the sparrow, He knows when we are hurting.

    Love in Christ,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Hello lady warriors,

    Ellen, thanks for your prayers. It sounds like this is a big apt week for both of us. Hair apt for me too! Thanks for being so honest in your sharing about SE from the hormone drugs. Did you have nausea with Arimidex? I may play around with the timing again but still having stomach pain so I am not sure when I would do it. I have insomnia anyway from fibromyalgia and have noticed it becoming a huge issue in retirement. I don't know if the drug is making it worse but I might try playing around with the timing after I see what I am dealing with concerning the thyroid issue. I have had thumb pain which is something new. I think the finger issues are pretty common as well. Since I have pain all over from the fibro it is hard to know if the drug is making that worse or not. Glad your six month follow up went okay. Fonnie came to my mind the other day before you mentioned her. How is she doing?

    Jo, I didn't realize you had fibro too. For some reason your post is not in view and I know if I scroll I will lose my whole post. I need to reread it as I read it earlier today when it came through my email. I know you mentioned battling cellulitis in your LE arm. I will go back and read but will definitely be praying for your concerns. I am glad your biopsy is finally healed. Thanks for your prayers for mine tomorrow. I am a bit concerned. I am not fearful of cancer but I think surgery could be a possibility even if it is benign. I am already on thyroid meds and that kind of surgery takes quite a long time to regulate meds if they take any of the thyroid. Glad you are inside keeping warm. I have been trying to keep my photography passion alive so I have been braving the cold temps much more than usual. The warmer damp days have been harder to take that the really cold temps for me.

    Angie, I have written down your two friends who both have cancer. My mom has an email friend that I write to as well and she has oral cancer. It is just horrible what she has gone through so I really feel for your friend. I suffered months of dizziness after two different surgeries in the past. I even had to have a dizziness therapist. Yes, there really is such a thing, so I can really sympathize with that. It is NOT fun. I hope that you will get rid of this quickly and can be strong for your rads. Will be praying.

    Jean, I was actually very sad going into my last treatments. I know you have more things to go through so the rationale may not be the same. I guess when you finish all treatments it is very normal to feel down. I talked to my PT and my RO at the time. I know my personality and I have always had a mental let down when things are over like concerts at school when I was a band director etc. Once you start recovering from the SE you will feel better. I know your journey continues but we will keep you lifted in prayer.

    Lucy, There was an article in our paper today about the benefits of squash and esp. butternut and acorn squash and sweet potatoes for cancer. I am not sure if you saw my post about tomatoes and broccoli killing cancer cells. How is your DH doing? Anymore tests? I love that banner. It is so true. A friend of mine says she has a notecard she wants me to see which has a scripture verse on it. She framed some of my photos when we went on an outing to our local arboretum in the fall. She suggested maybe I looked into that for my photography. I was mailing some packages today and they have sellers on consignment at this place. I asked about notecards and the possibility of selling my photos there. They had some with scripture verses on them but not really photos. So you never know what might happen. I just know my bc journey sparked my passion for photography in a huge way. Do you still make your bracelets? Praying for strength for you in your busy weeks.

    Kath, Still praying for you as you deal with work and txs.

    She Angel praying the same for you too as you deal with work and now getting your car repaired.

    Char, I love the alphabet thing. I remember taking car trips and we would try to find the letters of the alphabet. This actually has a good reason to do it besides trying to pass time with kids on a long road trip!


    As I type this the home care worker is at my mom's. Things are falling into place. I was able to get the owner to print up detailed directions of how to do things for my mom's caregiver. I bought my mom a new vacuum cleaner and even though I showed her how to use it she won't remember. My prayer is that my mom and this worker will really hit if off well and that each time she comes it will be something my mom will look forward to and not be stressed out about. I had to call my mom at the last minute and the girl had just arrived so I feel good about things.

    I saw my MO yesterday and I am planning on toughing out the SE on this drug. I know there are other options but frankly for me I don't see that making much of a difference. Time will tell.

    Still praying for each one of you. Hope to hear how all of you are doing.





  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Dear sisters, finally I have a somewhat good report to bring you. Yesterday I saw the RO after rads, and I was really ready to quit. It had been my worst time yet, even though I had taken 5mg percocet and had lidocaine patches on both shoulders, I was in tears at the end. But the RO is not going to let me quit. I showed her the xray of my shoulder taken 5 years ago, and pointed out where the pain was coming from, so I think she understood a bit better why the nerve block helped but didn't fix the problem. Her short-term solution was to double up the percocet which I did today and got through with much less pain. Longer term she is contacting another pain doc (closer to me) to see if a block on one of the other two nerves might help better. I hate how I feel on the percocet but it did help. Now I have a little headache from it, but better than the shoulder pain!

    Thank you for all the prayers.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Oh Mags, PTL!!! I am just thrilled!! also, Nancy I have a good feeling all went well with mom?

    All the rest: prayers up!!!!!!! She--- I loved your post: I needed to do that yesterday and did not. Today I did: thank you for the person who asked me the same question 20x at work. Thank you for that wall I fell into, etc! :)

    My legs are MUCH better: thanks Nancy for asking: nausea at bay: All glory to HIm, youall, and I believe the acupuncture and herbs

    More late



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    That's awesome Mags. I am sooooooooooooooooo glad to hear something positive that is happening. Now we will certainly pray that the nerve block can be done in such a way that it will be more effective. I am so glad you showed your doctor the shoulder xray. PTL

    Kath, so glad your side effects are better. Believe me I can definitely relate to the 20x questions! I've fallen into my wall because of my cat too. lol I know it is not funny at the time! Your feelings about my mom were right on. I just called her to ask how things went and she said just fine. The caregiver even figured out how to shorten the drying time for clothes. PTL I asked my mom if she was nervous when she was there and she said no we hit it off very well. Double PTL. 

    Thank you Lord for answers that come. We have to trust in your timing and be patient in the waiting.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2015

    PTL Mags: I have earnestly been praying about your shoulder and the pain issue. I honestly don't think people realize how bad pain can be. I have had two or so situations in my life where pain was so bad I asked God to take me home or put in an unconscious state. I truly wanted to die and I have an extremely high threshold for pain so I completely feel for you and can only imagine what you are going through.

    Becky: Praying for relief from your drug regiment. You are such a fighter...Both you and Debbie.

    Deb: Glad to hear your news but sorry to hear they do not know why your markers are so high. Happy belated birthday. Looks like both of us are January babies.

    Angie: Belated congrats for getting through this round. You done good girl. Will pray that you are feeling ready to go for your rads.

    Kath: Glad to hear your nausea has improved and your staying on your feet. My hubby and I are also contemplating a move to the south when I retire. We will start looking in the next year or so.

    Nancy: Keeping both you and your mother in my prayers. Your photos are lovely.

    Ellen: I had your hubby and you in my prayers over the funeral of Nell. The service sounds like it went well. I had to get up and say something at my uncle's funeral and I talked about marathon running and how we go through life running the long race. We don't sprint through it but it takes perseverance and is not for those faint of heart. But the prize is at the finish line. When we get there I pray I will hear God say "well done good and faithful servant". I hope your hubby's message touched the hearts of those that were present.

    Lucy: Thanks for your devotionals. They are much appreciated. I hope that you are doing well and your husband is more stable these days.

    Bev: Praying for your upcoming stage two surgery and that you are getting stronger each and every day. Say hello to Sharon for me.

    I got my blood work back today and I will be monitored because I have an elevated liver count. It was up a year ago July but I have been on seizure medicine since I was 27 and the liver is what ends up having issues when on this drug for so long. I am praying that I can attempt to go off it for good. Hopefully I can try again when I retire. But until then I am being monitored with a blood test in a couple months to see that it not increasing....or...well I don't even want to go there. This med was the main reason I claimed a healing and refused the Tamoxiphen because the load it would put on my liver.

    I am finishing a prednisone pack for a pinched nerve that is knocking out circulation in my left index and middle finger. It is also affecting my grip strength too. Hopefully it will reduce the inflammation faster.

    My dad is still with me and has been since Christmas. He has taken off about 17 pounds of water weight thus far and we are just trying to get him stabilized for an extended period of time. I think he has enjoyed the pampering this time around and has not put up a fuss to go home. So praise the Lord for that. My dogs are loving staying at home and having him here with them.

    My hubby's work truck died today so he will have to go get most of his electrical materials of them and load them in my old Suburban which also has been giving me some fits. Either it wants to increase acceleration or it idles so slow that it wants to stall out. It has been to the garage so many times and they can't seem to find what is wrong. It is old like me and its probably time to say goodbye but oh the expense of a new vehicle....yikes.

    Okay, enough of this stuff. It is petty and minor compared to what many of you are dealing with so I am not complaining. If you feel so compelled...throw a prayer my way. It can't hurt.

    Hugs to all of you,

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Prayers for all of you to have Jesus right in the middle of all our difficulties whether with cancer or just life. It is starting to sink in slowly that I have actually finished my chemo. I am not feeling sad, just that it usually takes time for me to adjust to changes. I'm very grateful that I was able to finish the chemo with no delays and now am hoping that surgery and rads will also go as well. I am looking forward to the neuropathy getting better and to actually be able to taste food again. Not having to worry about every germ that passes will be a blessing as my immune system recovers. Also anticipating being able to exercise and paint again..what joy. The new normal! I am not sure what God has for me when this cancer adventure is over but it will be revealed in His time. One day at a time. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Jean, I know you are glad to be finished with chemo. It is interesting that when we are done with a certain time in life, good or bad, that we feel a little let down. I did the same when I finished radiation treatments. When I didn't have to make that daily trip, I actually missed the kind nurse and compassionate rad techs whom I had seen everyday for nearly 7 weeks. I have not had chemo, but I think your feelings are similar.

    Praying for all to have a blessed day with encouragement and unexpected kindness and blessings.

    Nancy, praying for a biopsy with minimal discomfort along with goodresults.

    She-angel, hope you are getting your car fixed with little trouble. North Carlina is known for its beauty...and also itts plentiful deer...glad you are ok.

    Bev, when is your next surgery?

    Char, good to hear from are always encouraging.

    Angie, thanks for your encouragement as a fellow PW.

    Anita, Deb, and Becky...praying for you daily and for your peace of mind and for encouragement when you need it most..

    Lucy...thanks for your daily banners and devotionals. You may never know how much they impact someone's life.

    "And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in you. Ps. 39:7"

    'Waiting is hard. We want answers now; we want help or healing now. But God's timing is different from ours; He often asks us to wait. As we wait, we hope, because hope is the expectation of something good.'


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning fellow warriors. Sun is shining and all is well in the frozen upstate NY. Monday I see my chemo doc then get the herceptin / perjeta vaccines. Next Thursday is my appointment with the Sloan Kettering dermatologist to see if my cuticle infection can be cleared before the Feb.12 surgery. Praying for Nancy's biopsy. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Here's the latest picture of my grandaughter and great granddaughter. Love, Jean


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Oh Jean, your girls are the cutest things! Just love that smile, those dimples!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies,

    Here is my verse I am claiming for today and I hope you will too.

    Thanks for all of your prayers. Getting ready to leave in a few minutes for a fun time! Of course that is going out for breakfast after the biopsy! Jean, what precious pictures. Talk later. Thinking of all of you today.

    Sorry that print is so big. I know some of you may wear glasses but...................... I can even see this.

    Proverbs 3:5-6Amplified Bible (AMP)

    Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

    In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.




  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited January 2015

    Jean: Please forgive me for not  congratulating you on coming this far. You went through the hardest part. I think Ellen said it best when we come to the end of something whether good or bad, we get a sense of comfort in that routine. Knee therapy was the same. Cutting the cord and telling me I was on my own again was a scary thing being that I still need not feel 100%. I think we take comfort in that which is tangible. Nancy's verse states it well. But to hold fast onto that which is not seen or felt is often difficult for any person. I am praying for your cuticle treatment to be successful. You are at a great hospital. And the new photo is just lovely. You have a beautiful grand-daughter and great grand-daughter which means they must get those great looks from you.

    Nancy: Praying all goes well with your biopsy. He's got it all under control...Amen.

    I was telling a friend from this site that my walking team mate from work called me to her room after school today to tell me her sister age 40 just had her first mammogram. They sent her for a second and then a biopsy and found she had DCIS. I ended up talking to her sister for awhile and let her ask questions and gave her some info that hopefully will help. She was pretty much in shock about the whole thing and kept saying she was only 40. I told her that one in five new cases of women with BC are diagnosed with this and something like 60,000 a year in the US alone. I told her that breast disease and cancer has no age boundaries anymore. None of us are invulnerable as much as we liked to think so.

    Praying for you'll today and always.





  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, praying for your biopsy today. Hope your breakfast was fun, with good company and delicious!

    Bev, Tobbyc, Debbie, Anita, how are you today?

    Mags, you know I am frevently praying for relief of pain in your shoulder and that God lead the medical team in finding the right answer.

    Lucy, how is your DH? How is work and your transitional plan going? Can't wait to get to that point -- big smile. I am also trying to eat healther. I thought I ate health before BC but learning what foods help and eating more of them. I juiced all the time before BC but not as on top of it during chemo as my apetite was not really there. Hopefully I get back to the routine. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Anita, how did the family visit go? I may have missed the update or chemo brain has be forgetting what I am reading :-). Praying for restoration so that your DH may come along on future visits. Specifically so that you do not have to be in the middle. So glad your DIL relaxed, enjoyed the visit and invited you back.

    Jean, your granddaughter and great granddaughter are just beautiful. Love the picture. Any answers on your cuticle? Praying it is healing.

    Char, love the testimony and that you were able to talk and encourage her!

    Ellen, love your word on waiting. Boiii how that resonates with me during this journey.

    Home today and tomorrow just recouping. Last Taxol..boii. I give God all the praise for giving me such an understanding Manager. When talking with him this morning he said just work from home tomorrow too, especially if you re also fighting a cold. He has given me great flexibility, yet I can tell through our discussions he knows and is reassured that I will not take advantage of it. If anything he is more worried that I don't take more time off and relax.

    Repeating and claiming Proverbs 3:5-6 and asking God to speak to me personally and specifically with this verse.

    5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

    Hugs and praying always!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,876
    edited January 2015

    Thank you all for your prayers for me today. Now the waiting has begun. If it is good news I will know in a week. If it has to go to gene testing it may be two weeks. There is a possibility that I will have to repeat the biopsy if the results are inconclusive. If it is inconclusive on a second biopsy then they would do surgery. I am so ready to be done with this but obviously the process may be  long and drawn out  and I am preparing for that. I have been dealing with this since May. I have several nodules and I didn't realize that I have two of them that are quite large. In my heart I believe it is benign but I do think surgery may be in the picture.

    Mags, did you have another rads tx today? Praying for you.

    Jean, continued prays for this cuticle infection.

    Angie, I am so glad your manager at work is being so understanding. How is the dizziness? Cold coming on? Prayers for you sister.

    Char, it always helps to have an understanding ear especially in the shock phase of this journey. Glad you could help.

    Ellen, praying that things go well for you this weekend.

    Kath, praying for those SE while you work.

    She Angle, praying for that fatigue.

    Bev, continuing to pray for you feeling 100% before your next surgery.

    Praying for all of you tonight.

