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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, so good to hear from you. I know we've all been waiting and praying for you today. I wish you had an answer.....but at least you're starting to make progress. As Ellen said, the waiting is always the hardest part - but remember our mantra. You're right where God put His appointment, in His keeping, under His training and for His time. Love you, sweet sister! How did your mom end up doing yesterday with Samantha?

    Angie and Jean, so glad you're finished with all the poison stuff - now your bodies can start building back up. Jean, praying for your cuticle infection and upcoming surgery.

    Ellen, praying for you - have you started with the choir for Easter yet?

    Char, praying for you with your continued aches and pains - and especially liver situation. So glad you can be there with/for your dad - what a blessing you are! I had lots of time to use your idea of praying for folks using the alphabet.....unfortunately, it was at 3:00 am....but at least I used the time for good instead of just laying there, waiting for the clock to chime again.

    Mags, praying for you with all the pain and rads. Hopefully the treatments will go quickly...

    Lucy, Becky and Debbie - praying for you, our strong warriors.

    I'm looking forward to a visit with my parents next week - they're coming from Florida and while they're here, Dave and I will head up to Fort Worth (about 4 hours northwest)for the Stock Show (rodeo) and some touristy stuff (taking advantage of them to dogsit for us!) I'm scheduled for my next surgery on February 6 - I just realized it's 2 weeks from today. It will be here before I know it - then after that, I won't have any excuse so I'll have to get out there to get in shape for our biking trip in May.

    God bless you, ladies! Bev

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited January 2015

    Hello everybody,

    I am having a calm, sleepy week and pray you are, too. Calm, I mean, doesn't have to be sleepy.

    My DH is finishing up an algebra class, which has him nervous. And I dropped a bombshell tonight at supper by quietly mentioning that I will need to see our grandbaby again. He raised his voice and said something about me going to the birthday party next Sat. too? Started to ramble about Old Testament women's rights, or should I say the absence of them?

    Had anyone else read the books years back about Man of Steel and Velvet, and Fascinating Womanhood.? How if you start becoming a domestic goddess and some other catch phrase for the bedroom, that your husband would never want it changed back? I don't know if I trusted the authors as much as the young couple over our Christian coffeehouse, who as well taught these books as classes. Anyway, I waited until 10 years of marriage and one child before I went back to school and became an rn to keep a,roof over our heads, as my sons remind me. We are now married 34 years, I am disabled and not only love my DH but need him and he knows it.

    It's interesting the paths our lives take. My beloved older sis is her DH's caregiver, drives him to brain tumor treatments , re directs his steps throughout their house, puts up with his meanness as only a brain tumor patient can show. She tells me her partner is gone, and I believe she is yet keeping him alive with the hope that perhaps one day there is a cure. Sound familiar anybody?

    My God shall supply all my need according to His riches in Glory.

    Love, Anita

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    oh, Anita, I love seeing your smiling face and hearing your beautiful words. Praying that God will calm the stormy waters and do a mighty work so your family can share good times together.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    I just want to put my arms around all of you and give you a big hug. I did have rads today, Nancy, in and out in a record 28 minutes. With 10mg of percocet I don't feel the pain as much, but when it wears off it's a bear. I took another 1/2 of a 5mg tab later on, after ice did nothing to abate it. It looks like I will get through rads with narcotics, and I hate that, oh how I hate it. But it is what it is. I will probably not be writing much as even this little bit aggravates it. But I am here, and love you all.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Nancy, good to hear from you. Hope the news is good, whenever it comes.Thanks for your prayers and support on all things.

    Bev, enjoy your parents' visit...I know they will enjoy seeing you as well as helping you out. Praying for your Feb. surgery.

    Anita, praying that your husband will be a little more cooperative about your visiting the grandbaby. I have been in the middle of a rift between my mom and her mom, and we clashed several times about my wanting to go visit Grandma...I know that frustration. Praying for you in all areas.

    Jean, your grandbaby and great grand are gorgeous!

    Some of you had asked about my friend Fonnie; I talked to her tonight via text for a few minutes. She is going to Duke Univ. Hospital Wednesday for an evaluation..hoping to get into a trial there. She has not been able to return to teaching. Two friends are putting together a fundraiser for her in February. I have known her four years and this is the most exhausted and low-spirited I've seen her. She confirmed for me that her latest cancer is TNBC. Thank you for your prayers for her.

    Headed to mom's tomorrow for an overnight visit. Will reconnect with all of you when I get back; can pray for you without internet!


    God bless you all!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Still fighting the cuticle infection. Soaks, two topical prescriptions, 4 courses of anntibiot8cs. At least it hasn't gotten worse. I have an appointment next Thursday with a Sloan Kettering dermatologist. Hopefully he can help. If I don't get surgery because of this, I have chosen to belive it is God's will. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Hello to my sisters in Christ!

    I have not read this thread yet, but I am so glad that I found you!

    Last Tuesday I had my biopsy and my surgery is Feb 20th.

    I am so glad I have found some peers!

    I am 51 going through menopause and this is all just so much!

    I need others like me! May our sweet Savior bless each of you!


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Joshua 1:9
    This is the scripture the Lord gave me right before my dx!

    This thread is food for my soul!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Welcome to our thread RAK (Robin)

    I am glad you found us. Many of us feel like we were lead to this thread. We are a mighty bunch of prayer warriors here and our intent is to lift up in prayer the needs that everyone shares and to rejoice in our victories as well. We are all at different stages of the journey and most of us are dealing with some type of side effects. I am sorry that you are going through this but I think that you will find many resources at your disposal on the bco site in general.

    I posted your scripture verse the Lord gave you.

    Joshua 1:9 New International Version (NIV)

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    That verse can encourage all of us. We will certainly be lifting you up for your upcoming surgery.


    Upcoming surgeries that I know about.

    Feb. 6    Bev's stage 2 reconstruction surgery

    Feb. 12  Jean's lymph node surgery. Still praying that this will happen on time.

    Feb. 20  Robin (RAK1)  Mastectomy surgery


    We will be praying for all of these surgeries. It sure looks like February will have a lot of needs for sure.

    I am doing well today. Thanks again for all of your prayers. I feel pretty calm about things now. I ran the emotional gamut yesterday but hopefully got all of the negative stuff out of my system. I will write more tonight. Have a great weekend.





  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Oh Nancy thank you!

    I will be including Bev, Jean, you and all of the women being touch by BC.

    I am not familiar with all of the lingo yet, but I can learn! Praise God!!!

    I am not looking forward to the pain and disfigurement, but I will go through this!

    I am grateful for finding you all!



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Hi All, need your prayers today. My friend from work who was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer in May has passed way. I spoke with her right before Christmas and she indicated she was feeling well but tired. We had plans to get together early January. I couldn't get a hold of her, sent emails, etc; however no return calls or emails and that was unusual. Early this week I called her number again and it was disconnected and I was devastated and knew what that probably meant. It so reminded me of Nancy and Lucy's efforts to get an update on our dear friend Sue, who I so miss also. I stepped up th pace and finally got a hold of someone today and was told the news. She (Darlene) passed away a few days after we last talked. I am very saddened right now. She was an encourager. Most people at work did not know we kept in contact nor had I met any of her family. I just wish I could have found out sooner so that I could have attended her funeral.

    Yes, Joshua 1:9 and Proverbs 3:5-6 are good scriptures for me to stand on today and repeat to myself. " Angie do not be discouraged at this time, Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord know that he will direct your thoughts. In His Word, God has commanded that you be strong in his might. He has let you know He is with you at this time and knows your thoughts, your weakness, your heart and soul and He wants you to hide in His Shadow at this time and let Him encourage you and be your strength in your time of need. Lean on Him right now and boldly proclaim His rightousness and Love in your time of need. Hide in his bosom and under His Shadow!" In Jesus Name Amen!

    Thanks in advance Sisters for your frevent prayers,


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Angie I am so sorry for your loss!

    I understand your feelings of not being able to know at the time of your dear friend's passing.

    It would have been good for you to show your respect, love and kindness for you friend.

    Attending funerals and being able to mourn at that time is way or us to accept and say goodbye.

    Not having that opportunity does not allow to share with others who love that person as well.

    I had a very dear friend many years ago that passed and I didn't know until some time later.

    Lost moments...


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited January 2015

    Welcome, Robin - so glad to have you join us. We can always use another prayer warrior. From your signature, it looks like your cancer was diagnosed early - yay. Do you have a treatment plan yet (chemo, rads, etc.) or will that depend on the results of surgery?

    It's a chilly rainy day here in Texas - but since so many of you (especially Jean, it seems with her icy driveway) are dealing with ice and snow, I won't complain. My nerve pain seems quite a bit less in the past couple of days - thanks for the prayers. God is good....all the time!

    Have a blessed weekend, ladies - praying that we each will get a special kiss from God!

    love, Bev

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Hi Bev

    Treatment will depend on surgery. My spirit and mind are in conflict!

    I want to say how scared I am of the surgery and pain to come not mention all the other unknowns, But as

    soon as I think it the Holy Spirit Reminds me of God's word! Fear not!

    I am finding that as I think about things God is correcting my thinking with His word.

    Romans 8:6


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Angie, I am so sorry for your loss and especially the fact that you didn't get to see your friend as you had hoped and the fact that you didn't know she had passed until after the service for her. That makes it so hard because there is not that usual closure that you have through the visitation and funeral. I am glad that you got to talk to her before she passed. I am sure she knew that you cared for her. Take comfort in that.  I will be lifting you up throughout this night. God comforts those who mourn. Big cyber hugs.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Robin, I join my sisters,here in welcoming you to this uplifting thread. I do understand how frightening this is in the beginning. Praying for trust, comfort, courage and strength as Jesus walks with you on this cancer journey. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Thank you Jean!

    Romans 8

    Very powerful!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    Angie so sorry to hear if your loss. I know exactly what you are going through. I think of our Sue often. In fact last weekend DH and I went for a drive and we went by the are where I spoke to Sue last, well actually it was a text I received from her last. Brought back memories but made me smile. So glad she was in our lives for the time she was. She was a blessing.

    Nancy so glad you are doing a little better. How's your mom doing? When is your next trip planned to go back to see her?

    Jean how are you doing?

    Bev so good to hear you're doing well...God is so good!

    Welcome Robin you will be so pleased you listened to our Lord to bring you here. You will find amazing support and encouragement from some pretty amazing women. I am so proud to be a part of this thread and know God lead me here. I was given a nice cup from a sister with the Joshua 1:9 verse on it and I love it. The verse that God brought to me is on my profile and is very special to me so I know what you mean.

    Well I am doing well for the most part. The leg cramps started up again last couple of days so drinking more coconut water and bananas and my green juices. It helps a lot. Haven't had the queasiness in a few days so that's good. See my MO on Monday so have my questions lined out. Also get to meet with my nutritionist (Gretchen) so looking forward to that. I have been using a new app called my fitness pall and I am able to track my carb intake better so managing sugar is easier. Getting more info from Gretchen on the daily amounts to focus on for carbs. I heard that blueberries, broccoli, turmeric and spinach are really triple fighters for this TNBC so been having that my focus the past couple of weeks. Cup of organic blueberries and broccoli in my protein shake every morning. I found some awesome tea called republic and ordered some tumeric and ginger tea and it is great. Have a blessed weekend sisters. Love you all and so glad youre in my life right now.

    Daily Devotional

    Wise Words

    One of the wisest individuals I've ever had the privilege of meeting was the late Coach John Wooden, the famous NCAA basketball coach of the UCLA Bruins. His fame, however, didn't come just from the action on the hardwood floor. It also came from the wisdom of his words.

    Once, I had the privilege of spending several hours with him during which I asked many questions. One of the questions I asked was, "Coach Wooden, when you have departed from this world and ESPN is broadcasting a special about your life, what do you hope they will say?" As he always did, he pondered a moment before answering, and then gave this spellbinding reply: "I hope they don't mention basketball. I hope they focus more on how I loved my Lord, my wife, Nellie, and my family."

    That's it! When it's all said and done, that's wisdom of the highest regard, that those who are around you know you love them with all your heart. I learned from a wise man, and I want to pass that same wisdom on to my children. Let us all be faithful to the great calling God has placed on our lives.

    Parenting Principle

    Get and give wisdom — whatever you do, get and give wisdom.

    Points to Ponder

    *What story could you tell your children about a wise person you have known? Tell it.

    *How are you attaining wisdom?

    *How can you seek God for wisdom for your home?

    Read Proverbs 13:14


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    Here is a verse for today.

    John 16:33 New International Version (NIV)

    33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

    We are told to rejoice in the face of hardship. I know I have lots of growing to do because I am not there yet! All of us face some sort of trouble and I pray that we can rejoice knowing that God through Jesus has overcome the world.


    I hope you all are having a good day. I will write more later. It is a busy afternoon for me.

    Love you all,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Got a call from one of our neighbors, asking us to join them and our tenants to go out for dinner tonight. We accepted and I am really looking forward to doing something "normal". Still struggling with this stubborn cuticle infection. Hoping the Sloan Kettering dermatologist can help on Thursday. Herceptin / perjeta appointment on Monday. Beautiful snowy day here in rural NY. Wishing all a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Dear sisters

    I have a question.

    I was put on birthday control pills several years ago to manage my hormones as I moved into menopause.

    I was told that when I would turn 50 I would probably be taken off. I have been in peri-menopause for ten years now, so I figured I was at the end.

    My GYN took me off of them and I was not prepared for the crazy symptoms again. It has knocked me for a loop! I have been in bed most of the week.

    have any of you experienced this? I really didn't see this coming!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hi Robin,

    I am assuming you understand about being Estrogen positive and what that means. Of course probably no one has an absolute answer to why they got breast cancer but in my case I was on a lot of estrogen very early on because I was having such a time with perimenopause and was given birth control pills because my periods got all messed up and really threw my body and everything out of whack. I attribute a lot of that to my breast cancer now. I am on an aromatase inhibitor and I think there are at least a couple of us on this thread that have had some negative side effects to having estrogen taken out of our body through these drugs. It has affected me not only physically but also emotionally. You are probably being thrust into a full blown menopause whether you were expecting it or not. I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. I already went through menopause and now feel like I am revisiting it all over again so I can sympathize. You body will need time to adapt and it will given time. I know this is certainly not what you or any of us signed up for and especially since your journey has just begun. May I ask what your symptoms are if you feel comfortable sharing? You will get through this but there will be bumps in the road and unfortunately you are experiencing one that you weren't expecting. We can certainly pray that your body will adapt quickly to this shock to your system.



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Thank you Nancy

    Yes I am aware of the estrogen positive factor. I am so jittery, like someone shot straight caffeine in my veins.

    My knees felt like they were on fire, I mean real fire! Breast tenderness, back pain, confusion, fatigue, can't sleep, rapid hot and cold,

    oh I'm just a mess!!! There is more but, I feel hopeless about this. I just remind myself that the Lord has supernatural power and maybe I will be spared

    some of these natural symptoms! I know I must sound silly!!!


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    My body was always sensitive. I couldn't use any birth control when I was younger because of that.

    After we were done expanding our family my ex had a vasectomy. I had a very similar experience as you Nancy.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Welcome Robin! The ladies on this thread really encourage you with scripture, devotionals, and kind words. As you have noticed we are all dealing with different diagnoses, side effects, and other health and personal issues. Even so, one of my favorite times of day is when I check in on this thread. I know the wonderful prayer warriors will be faithful in prayers for you.

    Just returned from my visit with went well. I prayed for God to guide my words and we didn't have any flare ups. I got to spend time with my cousin Mary, too. We've become close in recent years and she checks on mom at least once a week. She is one of the few who knows about my Cancer issues. She's excited about her son getting married and showed us some dresses. She's the only person who can speak her mind to my mom and get away with it...! She let me borrow a cd to listen to on the trip back. Overall, it was a good visit...But you know, there's no place like home!

    Praying for you all..Angie, I'm sorry about your friend's death. The same thing happened to me a little while back when I picked up my college alumni mag and read that a friend had died. We kept up with each other for years by letters and phone calls, then when email came about we still stayed in touch....I had missed hearing from her but thought her computer had crashed . I have the peace of knowing that she had given her life to Christ about 20 years ago. I wish I had called her as I passed through her town, but I was always in a hurry.

    Scripture and thought...

    "The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him sincerely. Psalm 145:18"

    'We can't trust our feelings because they change from minute to minute. We may feel God is far away, but the Bible tells us that He is close to us. When we feel alone, we can call on Him. His word tells us He's there.'

    Rest well dear sisters...may God give you peace..


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hi Robin,

    You do not sound silly at all. I think at this point I would contact your GYN and tell him exactly how you are feeling and that you need something to alleviate some of these symptoms. I think the feeling hopeless is probably just more symptoms from the shock your whole body is going through. Unless you want to call your GYN on the weekend there are some natural things which might help a little. Chamomile tea could help. There is a natural product called Kava Kava. It is controversial but I have taken that in the past to help me sleep. Now that I am on Arimidex there are things which clash with it and so I have cut out many of my natural products. Valerian Root is also another sleep product that I have used but had to stop.  If you take any natural products it is wise to stop all of them two weeks prior to your surgery just as a heads up. I will pray that in the mean time the Lord will help you through this tough time. Hang in there. I know there are things you can take that will help.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hi Ellen,

    Glad your visit went well and that you got to spend some time with your cousin and you made it home safely. There is no place like home as she clacked her heels together. LOL



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    I am going to attempt an updated prayer list for all of us. Here goes.

    Mags, needs a continued miracle to finish rads with her shoulder being in such a painful condition. We pray for a very, very speedy treatment. I know some of my treatments were between 5-10 min after they get going. Praying the narcotics (as much as you hate them) will alleviate the pain. I know you may not be able to type but know we are all praying for you. I was wondering if you are doing the almost seven weeks of rads vs the shorter version.

    Lucy, praying that in all the areas of your life where you are trying to be excellent that the Lord would give you super abundance of His grace and strength as you deal with your DH's medical needs, your own exercise plan and nutrition plan and your own treatments with side effects. Praying that as you ramp up your nutritional program that you see positive benefits. Hang in there girl. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Kath, praying that your treatment plan you are on now will be doing it's intended purpose and that with the help of your Chinese herb and acupuncture that the Lord would see fit to alleviate your nausea and leg cramps and leg edema so you can be productive in your position as CEO of the mental health organization and continue to do great work for all those that you serve. Praying that Forrest's knee recovery is going well as well.

    Bev, praying that your abdominal pain will completely go away. Praying for your upcoming Stage 2 surgery on Feb. 6. Praying for Dave's salvation.

    Becky, praying that you will have relief from the weakness that you have felt and the sickness and fatigue from your treatments. Still praying that you could get in a trial at Standford. Hang in there dear one. You are loved and are an inspiration with your tenacity.

    Anita, praying for you as you maneuver your way through relationship difficulties in your family. Praying that DH will come around and that you will be able to go to your grandbaby's birthday party coming up.

    Debbie, praying that the Lord will give you the courage and strength to go another long round of chemo. I pray that you will be a hair's breadth away from the Lord at all times. That is where our strength comes from. You can do this. Your faith muscles are being tested again and I have no doubt that you will come through with flying colors. You are an inspiration to all of us as well.

    Angie, praying for you during this difficult time of losing a friend. Praying that you feel better in all ways from your side effects and as you get ready to do your simulation coming very soon for rads. I am thinking Monday, is that right?

    Polly, Praying that you will get an answer to what is causing these seizures affecting your hand and that you can get relief from the IBS that has been plaguing you. Also prayers for your DH as he has been under such stress in the loss of his father and the pressure of being executor for his father's will. Let us know how you are doing.

    Mini, prayers for strength on your mission trip to Barbados. Praying that there will be abundant blessings from this trip on the recipients part and the volunteers part. Praying for a great reunion with your sister as well. Praying for a good recovery for your husband's wrist surgery.

    Vickie, praying that as your travel by RV that you will have healing time to endure the loss of your daughter. Still praying for salvation for Cass and her husband.

    Jean, prayers for this nasty and determined cuticle infection. I pray that this new dermatologist will have an answer so your planned Feb. 12 lymph node surgery can still take place. Prayers for peace and strength as you start your infusions this week. Praying for little Valentina and prayers for Alexia being so young and a mother with great responsibility.

    Char, praying that your liver counts will improve. Praying for your knee and shoulder as you try to keep exercising. Prayers for you Dad's health as well. I am glad he is still with you.

    Ellen, prayers for you as you deal with your mother and monthly visits to check in on her. Praying for your side effects from the AI and praying for grace and strength as you deal with all of thing that come with being a pastor's wife. Praying as you deal with being in charge of the music at your church.  Praying for Clyde as well in his position as pastor.

    SheAngel, praying for the chemo side effects as you still continue to work. Hang in there girl. I really appreciate your positive attitude. I hope you were able to get your car fixed after the run in with the deer.

    Jo, prayers for the latest cellulitis. Praying that you do not get another attack of colitis from taking the antibiotic. Do you take probiotics? I would definitely get some once your AB stops. I appreciate all of your wisdom in being a Christian for so many years.

    Carren, haven't heard from you for a long time. Did you have to put Batman down? Thinking of you tonight and hope you are doing well.

    Kate W, praying for a miracle as you are dealing with cancer that has spread and the burden of the financial realties of treatments.

    Sharon, praying for your new long term sub position and that your house will sell.

    Deborah, praying that God gives you strength in all you do and wisdom as you head your Bible study and continue to work. Prayers for David's salvation.

    Ginny, Praying that your chemo treatments are going well.

    Robin, our newest member who is having a mastectomy on Feb. 20. She needs prayers to come against all fear. She is having an especially hard time right now with the withdrawal of estrogen. Her body is reacting very strongly right now. Prayers for immediate relief and for strength for her journey that is just starting.


    My mom is doing well and really likes Samantha her caregiver. She is still dealing with being lonely with me being back home. I do not like to travel in the winter so I will be going down probably at the end of March. This is the longest I am away.  I am feeling very at peace waiting for my biopsy results. I am looking into these photography workshops. They start soon and of course I don't know what my immediate future holds so I need wisdom in how to proceed as these workshops are very expensive and this pro only takes 7-10 students at a time and the classes fill up. I was able to do my nursing home volunteer work today. That is always a blessing dealing with the Alzheimer's unit.

    Have a good night everyone.

    Love you all,













  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    finally checking in after a LONG week, and work today also.

    Robin, welcome! These ladies are not only prayer warriors, but amazingly wise women. I learn something each and every time I log on. Not about BC, but about our Lord. Some have become real friends. Even though I may never meet them in person, we will certainly hug when we meet each other at our forever home!

    No question is ever silly :) I am in my 50's: I went through menopause about 2.5 years ago. I was never on the pill, except for a short time after being married. I would trust Nancy completely: my scenario was different. About the time I was being tested for BC my gyn discovered the beginning of uterine cancer: it had not spread even into the walls, PTL, and I had a laproscopic hysterectomy this past July.

    We will be there for you every step of the way. How old are your kids? I have fraternal twin boys, sophomores in different colleges.

    Lucy, I still use myfitness pal after three years. I have to watch sodium levels due to cardiac issues. It really helps me. thanks you all of you about the foods for TNBC. I do put blueberries into protein shake, and have a banana at least once a day. The one veggie I abhor is broccoli. Don't know why, and I know it is so so good for you. I will try it in my shake. I also use coconut oil in a lot of things. My DH made me a toothpaste of coco oil, baking soda and peppermint oil and I swear it has helped ward off mouth sores from the chemo.

    As always, thanks for your posts and banners. They always brighten my day.

    Char, So great you are a resource for your friend. She will need you, and your spirit will be great for her. Any news on the liver? How is knee holding up? Tried acupuncture?

    Angie, so so sorry to hear of your loss. This darn disease sometimes takes so quickly. I know she is singing with the angels ----Makes me smile that your boss is so understanding. and CONGRATS on finishing that last taxol!!!!!!!

    Bev-- did your parents make it up yet, or is it coming soon? It certainly sounds like your upcoming trip will be so much fun, and a great treat before your surgery! I read your post too quickly. At the end I thought you said getting ready for a "bikini" trip! I think I am just tired :)

    Anita: you said it best: your DH knows you love him. Will keep you lifted up. I also need prayer in that arena. My DH and I rarely have a harsh word. We have really adjusted to the empty nest. You all know we are going to look for a really inexpensive teeny house in TN or NC when we go visit Forrest on the 12th. I am a doer. I am not a procrastinator. My DH though is a researcher: furniture shopping is a nightmare, or any type of purchase like that. Last night we had words because he said, well maybe in a year. I reacted poorly. Land and homes in our range are going within a week of being on the market. I am armed and ready to purchase when we go. Maybe it is because of this BC thing. I have prayed and prayed, would love yours.

    Mags, i completely understand about the pain pills. I hated taking them . I reached a point where sitting up in bed would have me crying out, walking the same. I took the minimum just to work. To make it to work, and to get through. My MO lectured me saying it is more stress on my being in such pain than to take the darn things. You will get through this, as wise ones here say. I am tickled you got through another one my friend.

    Jean, beautiful beautiful grand daughter and baby! Cuticles be healed! I am having good thoughts that the surgery will go as planned.

    I am glad to be home and in my robe. I am blessed to do His work at my job. Helping others is an incredible gift. But, it can be exhausting. My swelling has gone down so so much. I attribute it to the acupuncture. I am only going every other week now due to cost, but am taking the herbs. Today was a nausea day though. The patch is $264 out of pocket until I meet deductible. I have one more I ordered last week, but am going to see if I can manage tomorrow with the zofran pills instead.

    Nancy, I will PM you. going a day without "talking " to you feels like forever! I know you were taxed after Thursday. God knows you are completey surrounded by all of us. I hope the results come in quickly, and they are good. Once again, I have a good feeling. I am hopeful you have been able to get out and enjoy your photography. And, that you are getting some quality sleep friend!!!!

    You are all so so special to me. Forgive me if I forgot anyone: Oh Ellen--- praises that your visit with mom and cousin went well!!!

    She, how are you holding up? I know you knocked out another treatment right? Praying for minimal Se's and no more deer :)

    Todays Jesus Calling:

    My Peace is the treasure of treasures; the pearl of great price. It is an exquisitely costly gift, both for the Giver and the receiver. I purchased this PEace for you with My Blood. You receive this gift by trusting Me in the midst of lifes storms. If you have the worlds peace--- everything going your way--- you don't seek My unfathomable Peace. Thank Me when things do go your way, because spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials. Adverse circumstances are normal in a fallen world. Expect them each day. Rejoice in the face of hardship, for I have overcome the world.

    Matthew 13:46, James 1:21, John 16:35

    Am anxiously awaiting being in His house tomorrow for worship.

    Bless you all--- cyber hugs and Love,


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Thank you ladies for all your prayers, words of concern and help!

    May our Savior place His arms around each of you tonight!

    You all are so sweet and supportive of one another and that is a blessing to witness.


    I have four, 26,23,21 and 19year old, they are my world!

    2 boys 2 girls. My kids are all down in Florida.

    This is my first time away from them since I had them.

    In His love,
