thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015

    Sweet sisters, it's almost midnight but I wanted to just write a note. Yes, Nancy, typing is rough Even on the iPad. But I want to welcome Robin and offer a couple of suggestions from a post menopausal ER+ perspective. My MO okayed the use of certain natural products, specifically Black Cohosh and Evening Primrose. But after trying them for a couple of weeks I didn't have much relief, so he prescribed Effexor. It has helped immensely; though I still have occasional hot flashes, they are far milder and shorter.

    I had a rough day, though it started out ok. I took half a tab of Percocet when I got up and another 4 hours later, and was feeling well enough I skipped the next one. About an hour or two after I should have taken it, the pain slammed me. It was sudden and hard. I wonder, will I ever recover?

    Nevertheless, God has me firmly in the palm of his hand. I am blessed beyond reason. My drivers this week have been wonderful. I will try to write more tomorrow, but I want you all to know that you are in my thoughts, I pray for you as I read, and I'm so thankful for each of you.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015


  • SewStrong
    SewStrong Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2015

    Hi everyone. I'm just dropping by to let you know that I prayed this morning for all of you who frequent this thread. I pray for you, although I don't have time to get on the thread daily like I used to. I just told a new BC patient and friend about you and how you got me through treatment with your love and concern and most of all by your prayers.i hope that she will be able to get on here soon. She's just at the biopsy stage right now. She has negative, negative, positive BC. IT IS GRADE 3. She will have to fill in the rest later. Her name is Melissa Davis Souther. She is 52, a Christian, two children and a husband. Right now, she is at the panic stage. We all know that stage well. I'll tell her that I mentioned her on the thread and that I'm sure someone will be adding her to their prayer list. Our prayer list just gets bigger and bigger. I have to divide mine in order to pray individually. God hears the prayers of a fervent believer so even sometimes when we pray for this group, he knows each concern and need. God bless you all. I have at least six more weeks of my long-term sub stint. I'm enjoying it but will be glad when I don't have to get up at 5 am.

    PS-- I need to get a new picture of me. My avatar is over a year old so I just put one on to show my hair after it grew back. It took about a year to get to that stage.After teaching at age 70, I have really aged Oh my Gosh! ! I forgot to mention that I'll have a total body scan on Feb. 20 because of a leg pain that I've been having for a while. The RO doesn't think it's anything but to be sure, she ordered the test. My mind keeps going back and forth from giving it to God to fresking out. The wait is long because the MO is out of town until then.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Praying as I read the posts. I want to apologize for the negativity I have been struggling with. With all the se's of chemo the thing that really got to me was the stupid cuticle infection. This morning, I got a scare. I had a blind spot that turned into sparkles at the perimeter of my vision. It has gone away but I am going to try to see the eye doctor this week. Last night our neighbors took us out for dinner. They are such a sweet young couple. It was so lovely. God always provides when things get to the edge. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Have a blessed day Sisters and I pray you're able to make it to our Fathers house to get recharged and enjoy some amazing worship. I will post more later...gotta run.

    God Has Given You All You Need

    When life gets chaotic, we are prone to daydream: "If only I could stop the clock for two weeks, I could catch up." "If only I could win a million bucks, my life would be simplified." "If only I ..."
    If only. If only.

    In stressful times, whether self-induced or externally imposed, we are quick to look for relief through physical or material means. This is unfortunate since what we really need most in hard times are immaterial realities like peace, patience, joy, endurance, inner strength, faithfulness and humility.

    The good news is that all those priceless qualities are available to us now—in limitless quantities. The lesson? We are to stop wishing for superficial things that don't really help and start taking advantage of the spiritual blessings that can and will make a real difference in our lives.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I am the God who blesses.
    • I have already prospered you with every spiritual blessing that you need to live in a fallen world.

    My Prayer to God
    O God, I praise you! You are the God who blesses. How easy it is to forget that you are the source of every good thing and that you yourself are good. Your goodness to me is not because of any goodness on my part. It is all because of Christ, all because of grace.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015


    I am in a big rush to leave for church but I just had to write to you. DO NOT put off going to the eye doctor. In fact I strongly urge you to go ASAP. I don't want to scare you to death but because of my eye issues with the detached vitrious I have done quite a bit of reading. Whenever there is a blind spot that could mean something with the retina which could be really, really important that you get to an eye doctor ASAP. It could turn out to be a detached vitrious like Angie and I have experienced but at any rate please see your eye doctor and don't wait. I will add this to my prayers for you.



  • Suemelon
    Suemelon Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2015

    Well Jo,now you're not the oldest, because I'm 70 and very much alive! I have 8 grandchildren and have been married for 50 years this year. I'm seeking to know what my Divine Dad wants me to learn and to grow on from this experience (right mastectomy two weeks ago). I love my Lord Jesus so much and am loving reading a new translation of the Psalms called 'Poetry on Fire'. I am also a Poet and Holy Spirit gives me inspirational poetry, especially just now.

    It's quite hard for me to shower or wash myself at present, one-handed with a large, tender 'rubber tyre' around my right, upper torso, so yesterday I turned on the worship music and sang all the way through showering – d'you know, I felt joyful, really joyful. When I came out of the shower, My husband asked me if the swelling was smaller and I replied that no, it wasn't but that my heart was lighter. Today we played hymns like 'Thine be the Glory' through YouTube TV, up high, all through the house and we both had a laughing-crying morning, with the joy of the Lord.

    I believe Dad wants to get my head up above the pain and discomfort, so that I live right there, in the joy of His Presence so that, healed or not healed, I will live continually in that 'higher place'. It feels better to know there's a purpose in all this and that I'm getting somewhere!

    I think I may be on the wrong Continent for this Forum, I'm British - are there any others in the Community?

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015

    please keep praying for me, Becky, I have had the most terrible mouth sores, I have a high tumor marker and and a tired so much. I hope to stay "here" longer but I know God is in control. now waiting for new treatment ...last one----affinitor caused the terrible sores.

    love and thankds


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Becky, surrounding you now.

    Much love and grace


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon,

    I hope everyone that felt well enough was able to go to worship Him today.

    I wanted to post a short devotion thought before we head back to church tonight...

    "All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others." 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

    'We can serve others, despite our own struggles. Being confined to bed or indoors gives us a great opportunity to pray for others, or make phone calls. As we realize the power of the prayers of others for us, we'll be more able to comfort others.'

    I am praying for all of you as you face the daily struggles of life, cancer related or not. This thread of Christian prayer partners has shown me two important things; first, that no matter how battered I feel, there is someone out there who is facing more struggles and needs encouragement, and also, feeling free to ask questions and get answers is important in dealing with this disease. Regardless of stage, grade, or treatment/ surgery options, we are alike...we need care and love. This group has made me feel cared about, something that people I actually see regularly didn't always do. So whether you are a new friend to us, or someone who just visits sometimes to say hi, the kind words mean a lot.

    Now...let's go practice some Easter music! Starting our little band of joyful noisemakers on a couple of songs to learn

    God bless you all...Ellen

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited January 2015

    Praying for you a lot Becky!

    LE is still stable. Unfortunately, hand seizures are still happening and can't get rid of the colon problem. I've had the colon problem over 30 years and I thought with the gall bladder removal it would fix it. Seems like any little bacteria or diet change throws me for a loop. Just need to make that appointment. Still working on the seizure meds so thank you for those prayers!  I relate to those changes Char!

    Beautiful day here though windy. Blessings to all.

  • Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock
    Carren-LB-at-2-0-clock Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2015

    About a year ago this time I was in the middle of Chemo and looking forward to radiation in May. In July 2014, after returning to work for a few (3) shifts, where I must have got a scratch or cut, I ended up with swelling in the surgical area from a minor staph infection and it is STILL not completely healed!  I just wanted to give you all a heads up on being careful with your body post s/c/r treatments.

     I have learnt the hard way to REST - RELAX - BE QUIET - BE STILL - and we all know who that came from, besides the oncologist. I still have some fatigue - but now my knee hurts. How does that relate?

    I am not working, exercising or even walking and the back of my left knee is swollen. The MD says it is swollen from arthritis. I must have had arthritis before all the BC stuff? He said my body has been putting all its effort to healing the BC area (infection). Have any of you had issue arise that may have been annoying or minor before BC - to now be escalated into a major issue? Did it resolve itself?

    Also, what is with this fatigue - coming/going? I find I can go out one day and then stay home resting for 2 - 3 days. If I go into work rested and lots of energy, do minor sitting work for 2 hours (I only work 2 hours a week max.), then go home exhausted and sleep. Please tell me this will go away - and when I can look forward to that happening.

    In the meantime, I am heading to Florida - from Alberta, Canada - to see my MIL Annie, who will be 91 in February. Two weeks in the sunshine, smell of sea air and a good visit is on my To Do list. LOL I talked my sister into going with me - not to hard to convince I must say - and we will do a little exploring while down there.

    So, listen to this, God gave me a 'spoiler alert' the other night at a prophetic/prayer group. Someone saw the right side of my face covered in dirt/mud, another fellow said it was slander/gossip (against me) and another mentioned it was from work! LOL

    I am NOT offended - just so you know - and I realized that it was because I was NOT back to work (full time) AND I was going on vacation (to them). LOL  God is so good. They prayed for me and I asked God to forgive them and show them grace and mercy.

    Still makes me chuckle, Carren


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    Wow, lots of posts today and from some sisters we haven't heard from in a long time and some brand new ones that have just joined in. Welcome Suemelon to our band of prayer warriors. I guess you and Jo can fight over who is the oldest. LOL Just the other day I was about to say that Jo was our matriarch of our little family. I guess I can stick to that now unless one of you are secretly in your 80's and not fessing up. This is an international forum. Debbie is from Ireland from this thread. There is another friend of mine from the UK but lives in the States now on another thred. I have seen someone from Israel on another thread. I have a friend from Australia on another thread. So you are certainly welcome as we find that we all have things in common besides our bc issues. I know that you will face physical and emotion issues. We will be praying for a rapid recovery for you and for the journey to come.

    Robin, are you feeling any better today? I sure hope so and have been praying to that effect. Praying for peace for your upcoming surgery.

    Mags, I am praying that God will give you the strength to endure each day. I can see your end in sight. You are going to be radiant when this is all over and not because of the radiation! Hopefully you will be able to deal with the shoulder situation in your timing and not forced upon you.

    Sharon, I just posted your name but you will have to scroll back. Bev has kept me up with your situation and it sounds like this position you are in is a good one. I admire the fact that you can still teach at 70. That is amazing to me as it takes so much energy. You are an inspiration.

    Becky, you most definitely have my prayers. I just hate that you have had such a hard time. I am praying for this new treatment to work and with manageable side effects. Hang in there dear sister. We are praying for you.

    Kath, I hope you made it to church and are feeling better today. I just have to say that I am sooooooooooooooooo impressed your your DH who makes you soup and now hear that he makes you toothpaste too. Is their any other single guys out there like himNerdy. I am a big fan of coconut oil but I use mine in cooking as my number one cooking oil and it is in my shampoo as well. Praying that this week goes well for you dear sister.

    Polly, have you had an MRI regarding your hand seizures? My colon issues really started improving almost 100% when I started using probiotics. Unfortunately with the Arimidex it has made things difficult again. I pray for you all the time. Hang in there. I do believe that things will get better on all fronts. Glad to hear that the LE is under control.

    Lucy, how are you and DH doing? Thanks for all of your devotionals and banners. I know you have so much going and to take time to post those for us is really amazing. We love you.

    Bev, not sure if you are already away on your trip with DH. Praying for you to have a great time and for your surgery on Feb. 6. Glad your parents are coming to help dog sit for you.

    Ellen, I know how early you must start preparing but when I think of Easter I think spring is coming. Yeah. I am so ready for it. I hope you are doing well with manageable SE's. Glad things went well with your mom.

    Carren, I have been asking about Batman but you may have not seen it? How did things go? I am not sure how to answer the fatigue issue. If your body is still fighting off this infection that could certainly explain part of it. You may not be able to exercise and that always helps my fatigue. Your treatments haven't been all that long ago even though I am imagine it seems like forever to you. I think our bodies just need quite a long time to recover from everything that has happened with surgery and for you chemo and rads. It all takes a toll. Hang in there. Once you can start doing some exercise that I really do think will help.

    God seems to be adding sisters to our family of prayer warriors. I know it seems like a lot to keep track of but we are strong prayer warriors here. I am constantly updating and adding to my prayer list for all of you and I know others are as well. I think the Lord must be pleased with this thread as it is attracting others of like minds uplifting our Lord Jesus. It helps to go through this journey knowing that you are not alone and that there are others whether across the ocean or maybe right in your same state that love the Lord and want to share and to pray with other sisters of faith. Please let us know how we can support you and how we can pray for you. Have a restful night.

    Love you all,




  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Hi Ladies, just wanted to pop in and check to see how everyone is doing. It has been a busy week and weekend with trying to get a rental car and setting up a women's fellowship dinner, I will say after the deer incident I have been a bit pedal shy to drive the pass few days. I saw nothing more of the deer so I am going to assume she just took a bump and kept on keeping on with the family. (smile) I am a bit more tired than usual and the stomach just wants to be all over the place and I have head aches, but I know others who have way more going on and this is just a small thing. I purchased A Cancer Fighting Kitchen from the book store yesterday and am experimenting with some of the recipes that are to help with some of my issues. I have packed my lunch and snacks for tomorrow and hope to stay on track and get back to eating the right foods.

    I know it is only through my reading and prayers that I am able to continue on with such a positive attitude when it seems that every little step is just that a little step. My husband keeps saying we are almost there and all I can do is smile because really I feel like it is just the beginning of an entirely different can of worms. Surgery for such an active person like me is going to be a hard pill to swallow, and if it is hard for me, unfortunately it will be hard for him too. He has no idea that for some reason every thing he did and said this weekend was making me want to pop him in the mouth, I know it's got to be these meds. But I just listened to that inner voice that had me go sit down and read my devotional notes and pray. Sometimes I feel like I am Dr Jeckel/Mr Hide and I don't like it even if I am only thinking it and not saying it, the thought still occurred. I don't want to say anything that might hurt his feelings when I know he is just as stressed as I am not knowing what he can do to make it better. This is a strange tight rope we walk.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    She, I completely get it. last week to be exact. One of my challlenges is that works Mon - Thursday. and his hobbies are at home: don't get me wrong, I am grateful for that, but I desperately needed that alone time. I was in the same space: Jesus Calling stayed in my head and I kept crying out Help Me Jesus to keep me saneHappy

    Church was perfect, as always. I love our new 10:45 casual-- I can wear my baseball cap and spread out. My nausea got the best of me -- actually got sick last night. About 3 today I said forget this and put the patch on.... aaaaahhhhhh.

    I am prayerful everyone has a wonderful week. I see Mo Friday to GET AN ANSWER as to how many more, any changes, etc.

    DH and I met in the middle on the house, and spoke to some realtors together on speaker phone. I am leaving it all to God. If it is his will, it will happen in his time.

    So glad others made it to church today also:

    Love and hugs


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Becky, surround you in fervent prayer! I am specifically praying that the new treatment works and that the side effects are minimal and manageable and the mouth sores heal quickly.

    Welcome Robin and SueMelon, so glad you found this site.

    Robin, praying you are feeling better and for your upcoming surgery.

    Nancy, you amaze me that at your detail and compassion. I have started updating my prayer list from yours. How are you doing today? How is your mother doing? I have not caught up on all the post so I may have missed an update.

    Taxol side effects still active but hard to tell where Taxol side effects end and cold starts. So hoping that fatigue is better this week. Yes Nancy I do have my simulation tomorrow. Again I am so amazed and thank the Lord for you that you follow us so closely and he led you here at this time to be the "glue" as Kath put it for this group.

    Two wonderful friends took me to lunch today. It was refreshing and we had a great time. It was good to catch-up with them and just relax in San Francisco today – with such awesome weather.

    Praying Always,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning dear sister-warriors. I go down 21/2 hour drive to Sloan Kettering for H/P vaccines later. They are predicting a blizzard with 18 to 20 inches of snow so prayers for safe travel home would be appreciated. Since the age competition is on, teehee, I will be 72 at the end of April. Second marriage of 40 years. First, widowed at age 28. Raised 5 children, 2 mine, 2 his and 1 foster. Altogether 4 grands, 1 greatgrand. I visited little Valentina yesterday and found out her full name is Valentina JEAN! I am so honored. I also found out that the father is now involved by my granddaughters choice. His name is John so please pray for this young man. I'm still fighting the cuticle infection and will ask my chemo doc about what will happen if I can't get the surgery. Right to rads? I am feeling kinda scared going forward into the unknown. When I told hubby, he,said he was scared too and we prayed asking for God's will only going forward. My dear hubby Ziggy could use prayer also. I have been praying for you all as I read the posts. Not organized like Nancy (thanks, dear one) but I do pray. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning, Ladies of Faith,

    I had a post completed to everyone, and had even signed it...went back to add something and my tablet froze...lost it all..

    Not going to try and re type it..just know that I have prayed for you today. Covers the travel and weather, needing space, rad simulations, new treatments that work, being scared, the joys of life that we now see, etc. Nancy, thanks for being so organized with our requests.

    Please remember my friend Fonnie..she goes to Duke Wednesday morning for evaluation for a clinical trial.

    Have a blessed day in our Lord..Ellen

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning Sisters,

    May our sweet Savior strengthen, comfort, heal, deliver, protect and provide for each one of us as we move through this week.

    In the matchless name of Jesus!

    Jean, I pray for traveling mercies for you. I am praying for our area as we are expecting a blizzard.

    May get up to 3ft of snow from Juno.

    Thank all you ladies for welcoming me on this thread.


    He is worthy to be praised!

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Happy Monday! Have a blessed day and week. DH and I are getting ready to head to Seattle for my appts with nutritionist, MO and infusion. Praying all who have SE will have a better week and God answers or prayers. Loves to you all.

    God Helps His People

    A few questions for those with a tendency to worry (pause briefly and ponder each one):
    • What situations in life are you most worried about right now? Why?
    • Of the various situations currently prompting anxiety in your life, which can you personally change?

    Over what issues do you have absolutely no control?
    • What are the inward and outward signs that something has got you really concerned and nervous?
    • List all the benefits of worrying. What are some of the drawbacks?
    • Is worrying a "sin"? Why or why not?
    • How do you think God feels when his children are panicky and anxious?
    • Why do some people seem almost immune to worry?
    • When is the last time you truly felt at peace?

    Instead of worrying, you can cry out to God for help. In times of trouble, trust in God's unfailing love.

    God's Promise to Me
    • When you cry out to me, I will help you.

    My Prayer to God
    God, I'm crying out to you for help. Help me trust that you will come to my rescue.

    Read Psalm 107:19


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    SheAngel, I can so relate to you being a little gun shy with the deer situation. Many years ago I found myself victim of a gang crime and after that when I would see a man standing on a corner and I had to drive by fear would go through me like lightning. I also understand the difficulty in dealing with SE and family. It is unfortunately all part of this journey. The emotional I think being worse than the physical when it is all said and done. Praying for you today.

    Kath, praying against your SE as you start another work week. Praying nausea is at bay and the leg issues much improved. Glad you and DH have been able to meet halfway on your dream of getting a cabin or whatever may come your way when you visit Forrest.

    Angie, Glad you got to go out with some of your friends. I know it has been a tough few days for you losing your friend. How did your rads sim go today. I know I was so anxious to get that process off the ground that my RO really wanted me to wait a bit but then finally let me start a little early. The planner that I am, I had it figured down to the wire on the cost of all of this. I knew if I could get my rads in before July 1 (when new deductible kicked in) I would be in good shape. The last four treatments the machine broke which meant I had three treatments into July which cost me a small fortune I wasn't counting on. So sometimes begin organized doesn't always pay. I am glad you can get your prayer list from mine. That is always my intention. It is much easier for me to have time to read all the posts because I am retired and I do is sit around and eat bon bons and watch soap operas. LOL Just kidding. I know those of you working and dealing with all of this has got to be a huge challenge. I am impressed you can keep up with us doing all you do. My mom is doing fine and I am really at peace waiting on my biopsy result. The longer the wait the more likely it is not news I want to hear. I am braced for whatever. If I do have to have surgery I would really like it sooner rather than later though.

    Jean, praying for you especially having to drive through the blizzard that is hitting NY hard. Praying you get home safely with infusion done.

    Lucy, praying for you as well knowing you travel a distance for your infusion and apts too. Praying that you get home safely as well with more ammo from your nutritionist to fight the good fight. I love the banner. Not only is it pretty, but it is pretty awesome!

    Ellen, that is so maddening to lose a post. I don't have any suggestion on the Ipad freezing up. However for anyone who is afraid the website might do funny things (which it does from time to time) I have gotten in the habit of highlighting my post and do a CTL C and then hitting submit. If it gets lost I can do a CTL V and it should paste what I lost back on the site. Praying for Fonnie. I know it is so hard to see someone you care about struggling with this disease. How are you doing with the SE's?

    Robin, Holy Holy Holy is one of my favorite hymns. Love your post. I am a lap swimmer and quite often pray for all of you. I have prayed for you during that time. You mentioned your children being in Florida. Have you recently moved to NY if I may ask such a personal question? Do you have friends that are helping you through your journey? Praying against fear for your surgery and praying that the Lord will give you supernatural strength not only physically but emotionally and spirtually as well going into your surgery, going through your surgery and in the recovery after your surgery. You will get through this. We will be here for you.

    Today in Jesus Calling it was a tough one to read. It was revolving around the scripture that there will be trouble in this life. I know I am guilty of this false thinking and that is waiting for that magical period of time when there are no problems here on earth or at least in my little corner of it. I know that the Lord does allow us periods of respite and I need to keep that in mind. It is not just one thing after another constantly even though some of you are in a period of time where you have been battered about my crushing waves one after another. I think the point of this devotion was that there is calm in the midst of the storm if we allow ourselves to completely trust the one who allowed these circumstances to begin with and that is Jesus. He will bring good from bad situations. I think we can all bring to the table incidents in our own lives where we have seen this happen. I certainly have seen this in my bc journey.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Love you all,


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Yes, Bandwoman1234 I don't mind sharing.

    I moved back to my home town of Brooklyn NY in September.

    I have a few friends and family here. They say they will be here for me.

     Much better for me to be here than Florida..

    Again thank you for the prayers.

    In His Love,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hi Robin,

    I am glad you have some support there. I have been watching the weather. I know all of NY is bracing for what is to come. My email is down as we are experience some snow and freezing rain here in the Chicago area. I hope you are feeling better compared with the other night. Continued prayers for you.



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Oh Praise God for He is truly Worthy!

    I know all the intercessory prayers that are being sent up for me are being heard!

    I am not quite the ball of anxiety that I was the other day.

    I had a colonoscopy done Dec. 5th and I have IBS and I was so sick from the procedure,for four weeks after

    and I wasn't eating. I dropped 13 pounds from it and I have lost my appetite!

    I have four polyps removed two were precancerous!

    I have so many issues that are of high concern!! I have been staying with my sister, and now she is moving to DC in February.

    Please just pray for me!

    I know Jesus can make a way out of no way because, He Is The Way!

    I keep reminding myself of the Word of God! It is true! He will not forsake me!

    Though He slay me, yet shall I trust Him!


    Lord please quiet all our anxieties!  Amen!!!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hi Robin,

    The reason that doctors recommend colonoscopies is that they want to be sure there is nothing of concern in the colon. I have had precancerous polyps in my colon and polyps in my stomach so I have to do those procedures for both the upper and lower every five years. When they see a precancerous polyp they remove it so it does not become a problem. The good news is that you had the colonoscopy so these polyps did NOT turn into cancer. You don't need to be concerned about that because they got it. I imagine you will have to have this procedure periodically. I know it is no fun having this prep. I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I think you have so much going on that it is probably hard to tell what you are reacting to. I remember my first surgery I was a complete basket case. That was many years ago so I do understand the jitters going into surgery. I have had so many surgeries since then and had nutritional IV's for many years every other week. I was someone who used to be totally freaked out with any kind of needle or shot. I have allergy shots every other week and have had for probably thirty years. It does get easier but I totally get the worry and fear. I am going to pray that the Lord give you a supernatural calm and peace and that you can totally rest in the fact that He has you covered. We will all cover you in prayer as you go forward. You will get through this time. I promise!



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    My day in Seattle went well yesterday. Nutritionist says need to stop losing weight but MO says I am fine. My blood work shows I'm fine and I am still building muscle with my workout. I am to consider taking Friday's off again as she thinks my fatigue could be that I need to have a longer recharge time over the weekend. I will talk to my bosses and I am sure I can put in half days on Fridays. It was a beautiful day and kind of warm in the 60's and the sun was shining and blue sky. Made us anxious for spring.

    Need prayers for DH as one doc wants him to have a CT or PET due to one of the MRI's he had showed a legion so they want to check it out. It is in an area where he had some cortisone shots so we are praying that's all it is. He is nervous which we all know about that

    JO-5 I have a friend who had aggressive for of BC and her treatment was very intense and she has been done now for several months but one of her side effects was she can't maintain her magnesium so she had to go in every Monday for magnesium infusions. So maybe that is what they mean.

    Nancy hope all is well in your part of the world.

    Hope you all have a blessed day and are doing well and God is answering prayers and seeing you through. Seemed like a quiet day yesterday for most as the posts were few. Blessings Abundant!!!

    Daily Devotinal

    You Are God's Temple

    If you've ever seen two yoked animals, you know that a matched pair of animals is necessary. Otherwise, they won't move as a team. That's why you would never yoke a horse with an ox.

    These verses from Corinthians offer excellent advice for all kinds of relationships. To be yoked with someone means you are working with them as a team.

    Sometimes believers read these verses and they are tempted to think they need to build a high wall around themselves, close the drawbridge and never come out lest they be infected by the evil world. That's not what the rest of the Bible tells us, however, nor was that Jesus' example to us.

    We need to pray that we can be around unbelievers—at school, at work, in the neighborhood—and yet not be influenced by them. We need to discern how to have friendships with unbelievers and yet know where to draw the line. We need to interact with them, but not be yoked to them. We need to pray that we will shine for Christ and influence unbelievers—not the other way around.

    God's Promise to Me
    • You are my temple.
    • I am your God and I walk beside you.

    My Prayer to God
    Heavenly Father, because we are your temples, you command that we not make lasting commitments with unbelievers. Thank you for the promise that you will walk among us and be our God.

    Read 2 Corinthians 6:16


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I know God was answering prayers lifted up for me yesterday. Thank you. Travel was easypeasy both down and back for my treatment. The blizzard proved much less snow than predicted. Most travel bans have been lifted, but schools and many businesses are closed so a nice quiet day. My chemo doc and nurse were very reassuring and calmed my fears about the cuticle infection. Thank you Jesus. Even if surgery is posponed, I will have up to 12 weeks to start rads from when chemo ended last Tuesday. Eye doc appointment is posponed till Wednesday and the Sloan Kettering dermatologist is on Thursday. I pray all of you have Jesus meet your needs today physically, emotionally and spititually. This is proving to be a long journey in the school of learning to trust and lean on Him. Hoping I pass this lesson so I may move on to the next challenge when He restores my health. God doesn't cause cancer but He sure does use it. Love, Jean

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited January 2015

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015


    I will write more later. A rare day to see the sun shining so I am grabbing my camera and taking a walk along the river that goes by our neighborhood.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited January 2015

    So happy for Nancy!