thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, Praising The Lord for bengin results! Yes, relax and enjoy the weather. Can't wait to see some of the pictures.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Praises to you God for all of your wonderful ways, and the positive posts today--- so much to thank you for! And I got some good news: MO called: just THREE more treatments, last one on March 20th--- I still have my appointment with him on Friday: assuming rads after

    He consulted finally with Sloan Kettering on my plan. I feel more in control now that I see an end to this treatment, but I know I am not in control: HE is

    Nancy, just tickled!!!!

    I can deal with nausea and other se's for a few more months!



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015


    I am grateful for the good news here today, Lord!

    You alone are worthy!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited January 2015


    It is great to have our prayers answered and to hear of such positive trust in our Father.  We are all so very blessed and He continues to make us shine for Him with his grace and mercy.  He truly loves His daughters...blessings to all of you and have a blessed afternoon.

    So glad I popped in for a few...


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    So glad to see positive news today! Nancy, so excited about the biopsy results! I know that whatever the docs decide to do will seem much more encouraging now that you know it isn't cancer. And Kath, I know it's nice to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel with only three more treatments! You probably feel better already!

    Spent much of today at UNC Hospital visiting the transplant patient. Unbeknownst to us, he had a setback last night and was back in ICU. His sister (our church member) literally sobbed in my arms for several minutes. We are praying there is no permanent damage from his setback, which may involve a hospital employee...our prayer is that God will bring him through this so He will get the glory. The patients name is Terry.

    Seeing all the families of hospital patients today reminded me how blessed I am.

    Also, please say a prayer for my DH...he has had a swollen place on his leg since we went to FL...finally seeing his doc tomorrow. Could be a blood clot, or possibly a swollen lymph node...the unknown is scary right now. I'm going to go with him, just for support...I promised him a donut from the DD next door if he was good...Happy

    Thanks for the continued prayers for me...I am praying for all of you as well!

    To God be the Glory..great things He has done!


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, I am rejoicing and praising God for the wonderful news. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Dear sisters, thank you for your prayers and for joining me in praise to the Lord. I was out till dark with my camera in my celebration. After eating a quick salad I paid the big bucks for all of these workshops with this pro photographer. Now I will be praying for strength to actually do them as they are quite concentrated in the month of Feb and March. Not exactly the way I had envisioned it all but this is what the guy suggested and then thought I should wait until health issues subsided. Well I would say they have now!

    Jean and Lucy, glad you made it home safely from your long trip. Praying for fatigue for you Lucy and those pesky cuticles for you Jean.

    Kath, so excited for you. The end is in sight my dear sister. So happy for you.

    Ellen, praying that this transplant patient will be fine.

    Robin, praying against fear and worry for you dear one.

    Jo, a nutritional IV is made by my alt doctor who I have seen for 14 yrs. He makes individual cocktails and frankly I can't even remember what all was in them. A mixture of vitamins and minerals and this one really important thing that I can't even remember the name now. The theory is that fibro patients have a hard time absorbing nutrients and doing it by IV can get into the system and bypass the stomach. Most of his patients had oxygen during the IV but it was just too expensive and I opted out of that. My goal was for him to get to retirement and with his help and the Lord I made it through. I haven't had them now for quite a few years as insurance started dragging their feet on paying for them and they were really expensive so that ended those treatments. How is your cellulitis? I love the words to the song. I have planted my feet in the word. I love that phrase. We have won. Yes indeed!

    Here are some pics I took along the river near my house and then drove to my church parking lot to catch the sunset tonight.


    I couldn't help but think that the Lord wanted me to see this in the sky today.







    I have prayed for all of you today. I hope you have a restful night.

    Love you all,


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited January 2015

    Wonderful blessings when we see answered prayers! Such good news Nancy!

    Had my MRI to see if there are any changes in the brain from last years' views, otherwise, just enjoying the beauty of Texas weather this week! At least for awhile! Prayers for all...

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    What wonderful news Nancy, and the Lord wanted you to see the wonders in the sky and share with us. I am constantly looking to the sky every morning before I start my day an in the evening when I head home. Its like large bodies of water to me..very calming. Thanks for sharing.

    Kath, your last treatment is the day after my double mastectomy. I am confident all will go well for us both.

    Ellen I did not know you were at UNC hospital I was on campus for a workshop and would have checked in on you. I will add Terry to my prayer list. One of my co workers husband went in there for a stint last week and his colon was nicked which led to some other issues so Mr Bobby has been there a bit longer than expected too.

    I know that every thing is for a reason and like Job these trials will purify and strengthen our faith. Have a blessed evening.

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited January 2015


    Snoopy dance for you!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good morning dear sister warriors. I may be grasping at straws but my cuticle seens,a bit better this morning, a week out from my last chemo. I see the Sloan Kettering dermatologist tomorrow. Hopefully my immune system is starting to bounce (or maybe crawl) back. Loopy

    Both hubby and I have eye doctor appointments later today. He is still dealing with double vision and I will get checked for the blind spot and sparks I had over the weekend. Surgery is scheduled for February 12, two weeks from tomorrow if all goes well. Onward and hopefully upward. Prayed for you all as I read Nancy's well organized list. God is so good. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    I am going to post a scripture from Jesus Calling for today. The thing that gives me comfort from this scripture is that the Lord knows ALL of our needs even before we ask. He is the one that formed us in the womb. He knows every single thing about us and how we think and how we cope with the challenges that we all face. He wants us to ask Him for every one of those needs. Then we need to let Him provide for us. That is His job. Our job is to trust Him. That doesn't mean that He doesn't ask us to do our part. I believe that he gave us the tools to do what we need to do on this earth and then beyond our abilities is when He can step in and do the rest. Some of us may not have the strength to do anything right now and He knows that too. I am believing for every single need that has been mentioned on this thread. I am believing that in God's timing He will allow our destiny to be fulfilled as He sees fit. My prayer for my own life is that God's will be fulfilled in my life. I want my desires for my life to be His desires for my life. We need to completely surrender our life to Him.

    Psalm 139

    For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

    You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
    You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
    You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
    Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.

    I will write more later. I pray that each of you can see the Lord working in your life today. Thank you all again for all of your prayers for me and for helping me celebrate in thanksgiving to God.

    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Ellen, how did things go at the doctor for Clyde. Praying something that can easily be treated. Also praying that Fonnie can get in this trial.

    Jean, how did things go at the eye doctor? Praying for eye issues for both you and DH. Praying that there really is improvement in your cuticle infection and that your immune system is kicking in.

    Polly, praying that the new MRI will give your doctors insight as to what is going on with the hand being affected by these seizures and that it will be perfectly treatable.

    Becky, how are you doing? I hope you will let us know how we can pray best pray for you. Prayers for you doing this most difficult time.

    Anita, praying for family relationships and for you dear sister.

    Mags, when you finish rads there is going to be a Snoopy dance for sure!!! I may even join in the dance too. SillyHeart How are things going?

    Angie, have you started your rads treatments yet? Praying that you will breeze through. I think you have been through the worse of it. I definitely found walking a great remedy for the fatigue. Even on nights when I was really wiped out if I forced myself to walk my fatigue really did improve.

    Robin, praying for all of your needs dear sister. God will hold you up. He will never leave or forsake you. You will get through this time. He will provide for you. I am praying for all of your needs.

    Jo, are you done with your antibiotics now? Did it do the job on that cellulitis? I sure hope so and praying that you will not have colitis as a result. Are you a fan of probiotics? I am a firm believer in them. They are not all created equal though. You may have to experiment a bit to see what works for you.

    Char, haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you are doing okay and your Dad as well. Were you affected at all by the blizzard?

    She Angel praying that you will make it through and be able to continue working and dealing with the SE's.

    Lucy, praying for your fatigue. Sounds like a good suggestion of taking Friday's off or even a half day to get recharged. Praying for DH and that there is nothing to this lesion they found. They found so much of that stuff all over my body and nothing ever came of any of it. PTL Praying for that same result. Still praying that he can get to the source of his ailments.

    Kath, I continue to lift you up for all of the SE's and that you will be so uplifted by seeing the end in sight that you will float above it all.

    Bev, Praying that you and Dave will have a great time in Fort Worth and a great time with your parents as well. I know your pups will be in good hands while you and Dave are away. I know the weather doesn't look to cooperative but I pray that you will still have a great time doing some indoor things.

    Debbie, have you started your new treatments yet? Praying for you to endure another long course. Lean on the Lord. He will see you through this.

    Mini, praying that your missions trip was a success. I know you mentioned spending time with your sister so I hope that is what you are doing about now.

    Carren, praying that you will start to feel some strength returning and that once and for all you immune system will fight against this infection and WIN.

    I would appreciate prayers for my Aunt Betty (my mom's only living sibling out of nine) She had gallbladder surgery yesterday and they did find a couple cancer cells. They have not determined yet if her other organs are affected. She is 87 and they would chose to do nothing as far as more surgery. I pray that she will be able to beat this and heal from her fall. She is still in the assisted living facility but wants to return to her home.

    Vickie, praying for you and your family and I hope you are enjoying some nice warm weather where ever your RV has taken you.

    Sharon, praying that you will have strength to get through your long term sub position. Praying you can sell your house as well.

    Deborah, how are you doing? I hope you can pop in and let us know occasionally. Still praying for David's salvation.

    Suemelon, have you found any sisters from England yet? I know they are here. Praying for your recovery from your surgery as you start your bc journey.

    Kate W. continued prayers for positive results in your treatments and for financial help.

    I hope you all have a good evening and a restful sleep.

    Love you all,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Saw the eye doctor and..great news. My eyes are fine. He said it was probably an ocular migraine. TYJ. Also gave my hubby a,scrip for new glasses. Hopefully that will allow him to go back to driving. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015



     A "Message" is what we share after the chaos (Mess), we have in a particular time (Age).........
    Our God is a God of order!
    Maybe someone will read this and be encouraged to anchor themselves to the Hope that we have in Jesus!
    The road I travel on now, will be a long and difficult one, but I'm not alone!
    However, every moment I still need to remind myself, of God's promises!
    Romans 8:28 For we know all things work together for the good to those who have been called according to His purpose.
    All things take time...
    I am in a terrible storm right now. The conditions in the atmosphere are not favorable for a smoothen, beautiful and peaceful journey without any bumps or hardships and I would like it to stop now!
    But God!!!
    Yes, God can and will keep me calm in this season of life!
    At this point if I were to tell you all that is going on in my atmosphere you would despair for me; But God!!!
    I am in a season where everything that can be blown around is being blown around. Finances, housing, health, relationships, employment and more are all being tossed and displaced by a storm and it is making things quite messy! I am not sure about much, except but God!!! My Father in heaven will not forsake or abandon me to all of the elements and allow them to over take me!!
    I am planted firmly in the cleft of" The Rock" that cannot be moved!!
    And I know that God is giving me a make over!!!


    I've often wondered how people felt about being exposed in a less than attractive way "The Before and The After" pictures so publicly.
    I mean, I have a few things in my life that can used a makeover, but to expose oneself to such public scrutiny seems so bold, brave and scary at the same time. I guess it's a paradox!
    Who wants to show their "mess" to someone else?
    "Most of us don't really want everyone else to see our messes!
    We want to have it all together, right?"
    I don't want show up as being weak, afraid, fearful, doubtful, frail, broken, dependent or less than, in any way!
    Whether it is my hair, teeth, body, relationships, home, job or life that may need a change and a "Makeover". I think it would be more comfortable to not expose all of it for everyone else to see!
    For the most part I want to show up as okay, fine, strong, independent and brave, like I have it all together, But who gets the glory in that lie?
    No, that is not my heart's desire, and that is not reality right now!  As I ponder such things I believe "Hope" is why we do show that vulnerable side! That messy side!
    We are hopeful about the outcome! We want better for ourselves.
    We believe that if we surrender our pride and ask for help, something good will happen and make it worth the momentary humility and shame we may feel. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
     Again and again the scriptures remind us that God has not left us here as orphans. We aren't alone! He knows what is happening to us! 

     We are called to trust Him, and lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge Him in all we do and He will make straight our paths.
    So as difficult as it is to experience this storm, I will not lose heart!
    Yes I am going to cry....I am hurting!
    But, I must cry out to the only one who truly understands my heart with all that I feel and am going through at this time.
    Sometimes I wish for a human being that loves me unconditionally and knows my insides and doesn't mistake the hurt, pain and rawness of what I am going through as a sign of weakness, giving up on God or myself. That they could see, I just need a compassionate, sincere ear to hear me. I know that it is difficult to be around someone when you can't make things all better for them and all you can do is watch.
    But pray and know that when you pray, the person you pray for will get divine strength, peace and hope!
    I don't need judgment!
    I don't need your opinion!
    I just need the understanding, that if you were in my shoes you would want for yourself!
    I need Love and Time!
    Things will get better I really do know this storm will pass and it won't always be like this! My mess will get cleaned up! Things will be in their rightful places!
    This is a climate control issue, and it will take some time adjusting to all the shifts in the atmosphere! Everything will come together for my good and God's glory!
    In His Love,
    RAK See More

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Very Early good morning,

    Just got home from a local emergency room. One of our church members had a car accident leaving church tonight and we stayed with her family until she was released. She is fine, just frustrated with herself and how it all happened. I told DH on the way home that in our younger years we would have gone to Waffle House and had breakfast, but all we wanted to do was go home! So glad our lady wasn't hurt.

    Clyde is still in limbo about the health issue...his doctor sent him for an ultrasound, which showed no blood, the question is..what is it? He has a follow up Friday morning.

    So today...or yesterday..I was at a doctors office, an Imaging Center, church, and a hospital emergency room. Can't say that it was a boring day!

    Headed to bed for a few hours sleep. Remembering you all and hoping you are resting well...

    May He fill your day with blessings!


  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Please forgive me for my earlier post!!!

    It was in no way directed towards anyone on this thread or site!!!

    I was just sharing a post from a page I have.

    I thought that if I shared it here you would all be able to understand better what I was going through.

    That you could pray more specifically more me.

    I felt safe enough to do so after seeing how much all you ladies speak about and lift each other up in love, support and prayer.

    I would never try make this thread a place of negativity or suggest that anyone was not welcoming and caring.

    You all have been very supportive and kind.

    My intension was just to share a part of myself with you.

     The Lord has been prompting me to share my journey I hesitated because I was concern about being so exposed to the world.

    However when my body began to go into full blown menopause, I felt that prompting again, and I begin to tell my story!.

    I am so sorry for any misunderstanding!
    I was simply letting you see me.

    Love Robin

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning all,

    Jo, I just read your post to Robin...did you have the joint and muscle pain with Arimedex?

    I just read the part about emotions being all over the place with are so right...I asked my MO to prescribe something to help with hot flashes while on Tamoxifen...I take a 75mg dose of (( generic) Effexor daily...and it has been a life (and marriage) saver. if you need help with the emotional side of menopause or treatment, Robin, don't be afraid to ask.I feel the daily dose of antidepressant helps me focus on what God wants me to do without the emotions of a fallen world getting in the way.

    I know Nancy is also on Arimedex and has other health issues..just wondered what SE bothered you the most., Jo...

    God bless us all...Ellen

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    Thank you all you dear sisters.

    I met my husband through work some 30 years ago. I sold pharmaceuticals and he is a pharmacist.

    Both his parents were doctors and also his two sisters.

    I once had a fear about taking such medicines as my body is very sensitive to things. 

    As I began menopause my ex convinced me to take the meds exactly for the same reasoning you used about diabetes.

    "The Change" began 10 years ago for me, Just after I moved to hot sunny Florida! The Heat!

    After much resistance I was put on anti anxiety meds and antidepressants also!

    I have been on them for the past several years. The doctors say I am way to young for all of the meds I am on, I thought that I would be able

    to maybe get off of some now that I am here. And can get the help I need.

    As I had mention before I did not have medical insurance after the divorce in 2008 because my husband was being revengeful and spiteful

    because I divorced him! I had to!

    It was a very difficult time raising 4 children who all are close in age.

    We decided to relocate our family to Florida, one reason was he worked so many hours a day 7-11 six and seven day a week.

    In Florida he was what I like to refer to a "being semi retired!" 

    What I did not know is I was about to meet the real him!!!

    I will not go into all the details now, but he was eventually diagnosed as bipolar w/rapid mood changes. He refused treatment!!!

    He lied about everything and he did some pretty awful things to me. I was so far away from home. I was isolated and confused!

    With much pain and difficulty I got divorced hoping to spare my then teenagers the reality of what their father was doing to me and us.

    My world and life came crashing down in front of me! The life I thought I had, wasn't the reality that was!

    No one could have made me believe that he could be capable of the things he did to us all were remotely possible.

    He would not agree to allow me to move out of the state with minors so I had to stay!

    I completed my job and raised my children and got them into college and then came back to NY to get medical insurance

    Thank God for it!

    The result of the no healthcare & constant stress has had some adverse effects on my health.

    I am dealing with now.

    What my ex did has caused me to be in the place I find myself.

    But he is not god! God is truly in control and The Lord has all power over my life!

    It is He who will decide my path! My destination is still the same as before my dx it just has a few detours and stops that I did not expect!

    I will get through all of this with God and those he puts in my life for support!

    I am in counseling.

    My oldest is getting married the day before my surgery and I will not be able to attend.  

     I wish I could be there but I am okay about not being there!

    I have put them first from the moment I conceived my first child!

    Now it is time for me to take care of me and put myself first!

    This is a new role for me, but I am learning to take care of me!

    Praise God I have always been physically strong even when not well.

    Not being able to do things for myself will be hard. I will pull through.

    I always pray for The Lord to search my heart and show me what is inside.

    I have forgiven my ex!

    I want nothing in the way of my relationship with My Father in heaven!

    Please again pray for my strength!

    Love Robin 







  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Robin, thank you for sharing your story. I for one can relate to what an abusive relationship is like. I am sorry you had to experience so much pain and difficulty.

    For those who have been praying I saw,the Sloan Kettering dermatologist today and he prescribed two new topicals and an antifungal tablet. I see him again next week and he is pretty confident that it will clear up by then. I'm so grateful. Looks like my surgery is a go for two weeks from today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Good evening sister warriors,

    Ellen, I hope you got some sleep from your night of adventure. I have jokingly said to people that I could take a few weeks of boring in my life about now.

    Jo, it is good to know people who have come out the other end on the Arimidex and have lived to tell about it. LOL  So if I sound ditzy on here I am just going to blame it on brain fog. Of course I probably sounded that way BEFORE Arimidex but I won't talk about that! Glad your cellulitis is gone. Praying that no colitis appears too.

    Jean, so glad that your eye issue was not a retina problem. That is what I was fearing the most for you. I sure will be praying that this new treatment for your cuticles will knock out this persistent infection or fungus or whatever it is. Hopefully no more migraines either!

    Kath, praying for you throughout the day. How are you doing?

    SheAngel, praying for you too as you are working through all of the SE's.

    Angie, how are you doing? Started rads yet?

    Robin, after reading your post and your link you posted I can understand why you have been feeling out of sorts to put it mildly. Any kind of abuse is horrible and I am so sorry that you have had to endure years of it. I have watched the Lord turn people's lives around in the most dramatic way and I am praying that He will help you to get through all of the things that are surrounding you. You have a ton of stuff on your plate where any one of those things would be a lot to endure. I firmly believe that no matter what challenge we face we can take it to the Lord. He wants an intimate relationship with each one of us. That is why He created us in the first place. I have found that the more time I spend in the Word and in prayer I have been able to go through many things with his help and I must say recently with the help of all our sister prayer warriors on here. We will rally around you and give you prayer support and encouragement. It took a lot of courage to post the things that you did. I know that the Lord shows himself strong in our weakness. There is nothing to be ashamed with in sharing that. We have all had low points where we have shared our times of weakness. That is what the body of Christ does. It lifts up one another as they need it. I am glad that you shared what you did because now we know better how to specifically pray for you. I do feel that you are going to get through all of these challenges victoriously. Hang in there dear one. We will be praying for you.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Praying for all of you: as a group, and for your individual needs--- Love and Hugs to all of you!

    More tomorrow

    In His Name--- Kath

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited January 2015

    Caught up on post. A lot going on since I last posted.

    Welcome Robin and others.

    I have my RADs schedule. RADs start 2/9 and go through 3/15 - 25 treatments total instead of the standard 33, as my breast cancer is "occult primary" meaning no lump found in breast just lymph nodes. During RO visit she noticed I had slight swelling in my left arm and she referred me to PT. PT confirmed on Monday that I have "slight" lymphodemia (sp?). I wasn't ready for that. I now know how to stay on top of it but as a newbie will need to advice from seasoned warriors. Hopefully we can get it under control. I was measured and the PT went over exercises to do especially during RADs. I ask that you keep me in prayer a lot going on with family and I just want to say enough already but to tired and exhausted to deal with anything. My mother has just been my rock lately along with my hubby and of course this community of ladies that I can just vent with . I know that God is the source of my strength and right now I need to call on His Name with freventacy and rest in His bosom.

    Praying for all of you and your individual needs.

    Hugs as always,


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2015


    Sounds like you have LOTS of stuff going on!!! My husband and I are doing well, still have occasional melt downs, doesn't take much to bring it on, butI know both of my kids are in a better place and in the case of my daughter that she is healed!!! Granddaughter is doing very well, phones us several times a week to brag about how nice their weather has been, especially the last couple of weeks. Son-in-law is doing pretty well. Is keeping busy learning a new business.

    I know how hard it is to have parents needing additional care, but not admitting so. I had told Melody, after my parents were gone, that when I got to the stage of needing assistant living to remind me how I didn't want to resist like my folks (especially mom) did. Now she won't have to worry about it. Now it will be the SIL and granddaughters worry...I am 72 next month and my husband is 78.

    Thank you for your continuing prayers and thoughts. Take care dear friend..


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    A post quickly before pillow time with my head--- which by the way is sprouting fine white hairs with a "lovely" blend of dark scattered about? HMMMM???

    Jo interested to hear your perception of weight gain. My herbs from acupuncurist is really helping with edema and fluid gain. Still have not lost the ten pounds from hysterectomy this summer right before BC journey started.

    Robin, you are doing ALL the right things! Keep it up, and your are right: just focus on YOU and God

    Jean, more good news! tomorrow at my regular MO appointment I will ask who he consulted with at Sloan about my tx to see if any of you know that person.

    Angie: how many times a week will you be going? That will probably be my next adventure early summer.

    Vickie: lovely to see your beautiful face. Continue to keep you lifted. You are one person I really admire.

    Nancy, you sure are keeping busy dear friend! make sure you LIMIT yourself and your availability to us: take the time you need to stay healthy dear one!

    Becky, would love to hear from you. You are on my mind a lot.

    Sleep well all

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good Evening ladies,

    Well, it's official...I'm no longer the young chick I used to be. My husband has to do the Hospital/Emergency Room overnight visit on occasion, but I'm a better visitor in the daytime! Heading off to bed a little earlier tonight. Heard from our church member who was in the accident last night,,she's ok but very sore. The liver transplant patient is improving, despite the setback. God is good! glad the cuticle infection is improving and your surgery is on schedule.

    Nancy, sorry those SE's are rearing their ugly heads again. Makes us appreciate the good days, doesn't it?

    Jo, thanks again for the Arimedex pep talk. The last couple of days have been better...enjoying it while it lasts.

    Lucy, thanks again for the posts.They are always inspirational.

    She Angel, hope you are doing well and enjoying this NC sunshine!

    Robin, hang in there. He is with you always, and we are praying.

    Angie, glad they are giving you some exercises for rads. They didn't do that with me, and I have some residual discomfort in the pectoral muscles from my first surgery and rads. The exercises really do help.Good for you to have a shorter period of rads!

    Kath, hope you are doing well...still considering a retirement home in NC?

    Anita and Becky...praying for strength and peace for you...

    Have a restful evening, everyone....I thank God for you daily!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Good evening ladies and Debbie sleeping away I hope,

    Angie, glad you are having the shorter version of rads. However not happy to hear about your arm. I had to have PT during rads because of my shoulder injury during my breast ultrasound so I had LE specialists which my nurse navigator wanted me to have for PT. I sure hope that with some good intervention that it will be slight case to eventually nothing for you. I know that we have had this discussion on here quite a while ago but it is good to revisit the topic since we have so many new members. If you have had any lymph nodes removed at all it is a good idea to purchase a compression sleeve and gauntlet and wear them religiously if you exercise. It is really a must if you fly.  I wear mine all the time (when exercising) but will admit that today was the first I skipped wearing it while I did my exercises. I can guarantee that I will NOT do that again after hearing about you Angie. I know this is the last thing you needed but hopefully you will be able to control it and that they got it early. When I went to buy my first sleeve at this recommended local store I met this lady that asked me when I had my surgery. At that point it was just a few weeks prior to me meeting her. She said I had my surgery 30 years ago and she just got LE all these years later. Not to scare anyone but the reality is that we never know who is going to get it. If you have had only a few nodes removed the chance is much less of getting lymphedema but if you have had all the underarm nodes then you have a greater chance. Will be praying for your rads coming up. My first photography workshop is on that same night so I will remember that date.

    Vickie, so glad to hear from you. I know time can heal but your grief is still very fresh. Still praying for you and your family. Glad to hear that Cass is doing well and you get to talk to her. Where are you now? I am ready for spring even though we have had a very mild winter as far as snow goes. It looks like this Sunday may be the biggest snowfall we have had all season. You still have my prayers dear sister.

    Kath, one of my friends had chemo and she had blonde hair. When it came back in it is now dark! I have known others that their hair came back in another color. So it will be interesting.

    Jo, I have been desperately trying to lose 20lbs. I have lost but it has been at a grueling slow pace of about a pound a month. I have heard that Arimidex can cause weight gain. My surgeon wants me to lose. When I see him in March unless I cut off a limb I will not have lost 20lbs.  I was so upset with him the last time I saw him that if he starts to make a big deal of it I just might say well just take me out to pasture and shoot me!

    Ellen, I guess none of us are the young things we used to be. I would like to think of us as fine wine. We get better with age! Hopefully you can get that rest tonight that you didn't get last night.

    Lucy, how are you doing? I know you have so much going on AND with the Super bowl coming I know you are going to have a busy weekend! Hang in there.

    Becky, how are you doing? Would love to hear from you.

    Debbie, how are you doing? Have you started your new treatment yet?

    Anita, how are things with DH? How are you feeling?

    Praying that you all have a restful evening.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies;

    If you are not familiar by now with Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, today's devotional and scripture may be worth getting the book, downloading the app, or just having a friend read it or text it to you. It is so appropriate for those who are facing Cancer or trying to get through it . Scripture is Joshua 1:9 and Matthew 11: 28-30. I thought of you ladies immediately as I read it and wanted to share.

    Praying for a day of safety, comfort, and blessings for all...BTW, my DH 's dr. Found no blood clot, so it's wait and see what the area looks like when he has a scheduled appt. In a couple of weeks,thenpossibly a CT scan.

    Lucy, I was not a Russell Wilson fan while he was here at NCSU (rival team) but as he has matured, I am so impressed. Go Seahawks!

    Love, Ellen

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    let's try this one more time....

    I was talking about the great scripture and devotional in Jesus Calling...went back and discovered my ribbon bookmark was on the wrong day!,,,duh!! Anyway, today's is good too.. It's on worry. I mentioned in that post that if you don't have this devotional,there is an app for IPad and I Phone.

    Also ,my Husband does not have a blood clot. The dr. Wants to keep watch on the area and possibly schedule a CT scan at his next appt., which is in a few weeks. Praying for the area to disappear or for dr's wisdom on diagnosis.

    Have a wonderful day, a day of rest, comfort, safety, energy or whatever you need...He can supply that!


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2015

    Dear friends,

    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts but even more for your prayers on our behalf. I don't know how people w/o a relationship with Jesus can make it thru the challenges that life serves us. I know my Father in heaven, knows what it is like to have a son die and daily thank Him for that gift of eternal life that has been made available for each of us.

    I have been on Letrozole for 3 yrs and 2 months, and contrary to what many on this med report,, I have been very fortunate to be an exception and have lost 40 lbs (need to lose about 20 more), and am absolutely delighted with this!!!

    You gals each have a wonderful weekend. Keep smiling it it increases your face value!!!

    Love and prayers to each of you..
