thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    I'm getting geared up for my surgery in 2 weeks. Being a planner, making lists and such. Also getting ready emotionally and spiritually as much as in my control. Also resting as I recover from chemo. I pray Jesus is with each of us in a very real and powerful way today. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Good evening,

    I hope everyone is gearing up for a good weekend. I went on an adventure today trying to find eagles. I have never seen an eagle and am dying to photography one. I drove trying to find this dam and I didn't know exactly where it was. It was an adventure. I missed a nice sunset and got some pictures. I decided even though it was dark to continue looking for the dam. I finally found it but probably too late to see any eagles catching fish. I passed some neat places I can always go back to and photography.

    Vickie, I am glad someone is finding success losing weight. The scale actually moved down this morning. YEAH  I will keep you lifted in prayer dear sister.

    Just a reminder of these surgeries coming up.

    Bev, Stage 2 of DIEP reconstruction     Feb. 6

    Jean, Axillary lymph node dissection     Feb. 12

    Robin, Mastectomy                                Feb. 20


    Let's keep these ladies facing surgery in our prayers to come against fear and anxiety going into their surgeries.

    Have a restful night everyone. I have lifted every one of you up individually today.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited January 2015

    Nancy, thanks so much for the dates. I have put them on all of my calendars.

    Lifting all of you up daily--- especially after my morning devotion with Jesus Calling.

    Saw my MO yesterday: as I said he consulted with three docs, two from Sloan, and confirmed that I just need three more. He called rads doc while I was there, and I have a consult in a couple of weeks. He thinks I will start rads in April.

    My WBC was only 20 yesterday-- prayers needed it stays up so I can have treatment next Friday. The following Thursday Patrick and I fly to Chattanooga for parents weekend at Covenant College and look at some teeny houses--- I will wear a mask on the plane for sure.

    I hope everyone is well today: please stay warm if you are up north. DH and I going to see American sniper later today.

    Hugs to all of my sisters

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon precious sister-warriors. I just love the description is a godly woman in Proverbs 31 that refers to us as women of VALOR. Truly that is what we are. I praise God today for giving me good rest. Went back to sleep after breakfast and slept till after noon!. We had 4 couples over last night to celebrate finishing chemo. It is wonderful how God has given us such supportive loving friends. What a great time of fellowship we had. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited January 2015

    Well the post I just wrote was deleted so being stubborn, I will write it again.... Good afternoon fellow sister-warriors. I love how Proverbs 31:10 in one version refers to us as women of VALOR. Truly that is a great description of us. I praise God today for wonderful rest. I went back to sleep after breakfast this morning and slept till after noon! We had 4 couples over last night and had wonderful fellowship. God has given us an amazing group of supportive, godly friends. Hope all have a restful weekend. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2015

    Good afternoon, sister warriors;

    My day started off well..DH was at a men's breakfast and I had a few hours to relax, read my Bible and pray. About the time he got home, I was hit with a fever, extremely achy legs and hips, and a slight headache..praying it isn't the flu, but I have been in enough germ-infested places this week to pick up something.

    In your prayer time, please say prayer that this is a quick ailment and will be gone soon. I usually stay pretty well. But when I'm sick, I'm sick.

    Praying that all are doing well..the weather here is wonderful. too bad I don't feel like enjoying it.

    God bless you all with a pain free day and fun times with friends and family.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited January 2015

    Good evening sisters of faith,

    Jean, so glad that you got to celebrate with friends. We are all bracing for the really big snow storm that is getting ready to start tonight and go through Sunday night.

    Kath, we will certainly be praying about improvement in your WBC so you can have your next treatment. I hope you enjoy the movie today. Please blow some hot air from Florida our way thank you very much!

    Ellen, I am praying AGAINST whatever this is that is attacking you and praying that it will leave as fast as it came!

    Mags, how are you doing? You are on my mind a lot wondering each day how it is going with rads and how your shoulder is holding up?

    Lucy, haven't heard from you in a few days. Are you okay?

    Char, haven't heard from you in quite a while. How are you doing?

    Praying for each one of you precious ladies.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Wow, the sun is actually shining...Praise God. Supposed to get about 10 inches of snow tonight into Monday. No appointments at Sloan Kettering till Thursday though. We need to get to the supermarket later though. Hope everyone has a blessed sabbath, Super bowl and all. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015


    Be Blessed this week!

    In His Love,


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Hi ladies, catching up on post a and trying to avoid a cold. After chemo on Friday I went by the hospital to see a friend.My friend Valerie broke her ankle Christmas Eve and they casted her foot. They removed the cast on Monday to discover a blood clot that burst on Wednesday sending a clot to her lungs. We keep one another lifted up so I had to go by even if only for a few minutes but hospitals can be germy and I have not felt like myself ever since really dragging.

    I like today's reading reminding me to follow God one day at a time instead of focusing on the mountains in the distance. We must continue to walk by faith and not by sight and not giving worry to tomorrow as tomorrow will take care of itself.

    I say this because as I read our posts and see we all struggle with similar sometimes intense issues we are looking ahead at that next hurdle and from what I read it just tells us to focus on the Lord as he carries us and equips us for anything that we will need on our journey. He is leading us along this path for a reason.

    Happy Sunday and if you attending Superbowl festivities... Enjoy the game!

    I continue too lift up our names in prayer.

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hello Sisters of Faith:

    It has been a busy few weeks with first semester grades due, my dad still here, all our vehicles having mechanical problems, after school classes and the lovely winter weather. God is still good and on the thrown so that is all that matters.

    Welcome Robin. Glad God led you to this thread. We are all her by His Devine intervention and direction. I will be praying for you upcoming surgery. As Bev'a pastor told her; others will stop at the operating door but God will continue inside and be right there beside you every step of the way.

    This is the mantra she shared with me over a year ago and I have embraced it pretty much everyday. It is from Andrew Murray who was a writer and pastor back in the 1800's. He was suffering excruciating back pain from an earlier accident and he wrote these words on a piece of paper and gave them to women seeking some words of encouragement,

    Thank you for sharing your story. You have been through much but God has a plan for you and this will make you stronger and allow you to be a light for others in a world of darkness.

    "First, He brought me here. It is by His will I am in this strait place: in that fact I will rest."
    "Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace to behave as His child."
    "Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow."
    "Last, in His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows."

    "Let me say I am here,
    1) By God's appointment;
    2) In His keeping;
    3) Under His training;
    4) For His time."

    I started menopause in my 40's as I had a hysterectomy back then and it was not an easy time so I do feel for you. I was on Estrodiol and had to come off it ASAP when I consulted with my BS. but God brought me through all of it.

    I continue to pray for each of you dear sisters as you go through daily challenges, side effects, treatments, surgeries, loss of family members and friends, caring for family members, requests for salvation and taking care of one's self. It can seem overwhelming at times but God did not bring you to this point to forsake you. He will bring you through it His time.

    Well we are having another snow storm. These days make me appreciate the sunshine and the warmth of spring much more. Like winter storms that last for a seasons, so will many of the things we are dealing with.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon, sisters..

    I have a praise...after a restless night, I woke up with no fever this morning. I went ahead and went to worship, although I'm still a little "under the weather". Thanks to all who prayed for me.

    Here's hoping for a nice day for you all..Hope some felt well enough to get to a worship service.

    A church member approached my husband this morning and commented (loudly) that in case people had forgotten, tonight was the "Super Bowl". He looked at DH and said that he hoped tonight's study could be cut short so people could go home to see the game...DH looked at him and said ...."DVR". To some that man's comment would be funny, But iassure you, DH didn't find it amusing. Such is the life of a pastor.

    Lucy, I had the chance to see Russell Wilson play while he was a student in our area. What a fine young man he has become! Go Seahawks!

    God bless you all!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Char, I absolutely adore that post: going to write it down and use it as bookmark in my Jesus Calling

    Quiet day here: Church: got some "goodies" for one of my team members at work who runs one of our peer programs. He has schizophrenia and has managed his illness with ultimate grace, and compliance. Since our boys are not here for the goodies, DH and I told him hes our adopted son.

    Our Methodist Womens group made wings, meatballs, etc for purchase to benefit our youth. One of my chemo nurse angels is a part of this group so she set aside what I wanted to get for Chris.

    No parties at my home! But we will watch: go Seahawks Lucy! although I will watch just for DH sake: I like the commercials myself.

    I went to our local health food/ nutrution store and got some quality vitamins/ supplements to help boost the immune system.

    Everyone with snow storms, please stay safe, and warm

    Gentle hugs and Strong prayers


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Happy Sunday and Super Bowl Day.

    I did not go to church today. Yesterday they were recommending that we stay off the roads today so I decided I should not go. I can always watch the taped sermon online later. It is a winter wonderland here. PTL my neighbors had already shoveled and someone did my front walk. Praise God. I am not supposed to shovel so I try not to.

    I did get some shots of this as we don't get to see conditions like this that last all day very often. We are expecting a blizzard but so far the high winds haven't hit yet but the snow started last night hasn't stopped.

    Jean, you guys will be getting this soon if not now. Praying for cuticle healing and for your surgery.

    Robin, Thanks for sharing that banner. That is a great snapshot of what it is to be a Godly women. Praying for your upcoming surgery.

    Bev, praying for your surgery this coming Friday. Hope you are enjoying your get away and then more quality time with your parents.

    Char, Glad to hear from you. Thanks for sharing Bev's mantra and others who have adopted it. You went into more detail and I appreciate hearing the source of this great advice. I am also ready for spring but I have to admit I have been waiting for a photo op like today.

    SheAngel, praying that you feel much better and that you didn't pick up any germs from visiting your friend.

    Ellen. So glad to hear you were able to get to church. I had prayed that you would get over this fast. PTL I will continue to pray that you feel 100%.

    Kath, that was so kind of you to bring goodies for others. You are always doing for everyone around you. I have not started reintroducing all the things I have take for my immune system but I can definitely say that all the while (many years) I took all those supplements to boost my immune system I rarely got sick where as before I took them I was sick all the time. The joke would be if someone coughed on the other part of town I would catch it. I am praying that this will boost your immune system and move that WBC numbers.

    Lucy, I have an idea of what you are doing tonight.Happy



    Here are some pics around my house.








  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, prayer warriors;

    Nancy. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. We haven't had snow this year and not sure we'll see any. God's wonders of beauty never ceases to amaze me.

    Please keep my friend Fonnie in prayer. She was hospitalized when she went to Duke, and they have found the cancer has aggressively spread to her liver. She was on her way to get results from a bone scan. She is trusting God but also knows how serious this is. Please pray for comfort and peace for her and her family and friends. She is a strong woman who had never been discouraged until recently. She has now been in the fight for 5 years.

    Got an appointment to run to...feeling somewhat better today physically, but my heart is heavy.

    Love you all..Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Snow, snow, snow here. Praying for all having surgery this week in the northeast and dealing with travel as well. We are tucked up and cosy at home today with no doctor appointments till Thursday. Have a cuticle recheck and a bone density before starting Femara, scheduled at Sloan Kettering. Trying to get prepared for next week's surgery, packing for a few days at my sister's and shopping for necessities. Making lists and such. Also planning to work on taxes for a bit as well. Wishing all a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, pictures are beautiful. Thanks for the upcoming list of those who will have surgery. Praying for each one of them.

    Ellen, praying for Fonnie for strength, encouragement and comfort.

    Becky and Deb, thinking and praying for both of you.

    Char, thank you for your post and sharing the mantra again. I have now copied and pasted it for future reference! I always have to go looking for it (big smile).

    Lucy, missing you and the daily devotionals. I know how busy you are with work and taking care of DH and yourself. Praying for you dear Sister.

    Mags, how are you doing with the pain management and radiation treatments?

    As always, praying for those that frequent this thread, your specific prayer request and your loved ones.

    God Bless,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello dear sisters,

    As I read your posts I can feel your heavy hearts as you watch friends going through very hard things. As I watch many of you going through difficult things it is hard to watch but I know that these sufferings and trials are only temporary. We are only passing through this life and we have such a better one to look forward to.

    Ellen, I know how hard it is for you to watch your good friend go through such challenging times. I am praying for Fonnie. I know the Lord has her in the palm of His hand and that everything that is happening is through His filter. He allows things to happen to us but He will use it in the end for good. I know that you know that in your head but it is our hearts that hurt in these situations. I am glad you are feeling better physically.

    Jean, praying for all the things to do before surgery list will get done and that you will have peace that passes all understanding as you go through these next few days.

    Bev, praying that as you get ready for your surgery on Friday that you will have absolute peace and confidence in our Lord. He has seen you through many challenging things in your bc journey and He will see you through this one too. Enjoy your time with your parents.

    Angie, praying that you will feel ready to tackle rads as I know they are coming up for you next week. Praying that the SE from chemo are improving so you will be strong both emotionally and physically to go into your last phase of your journey. Praying that the LE will be completely under control. Praying for peace as you have had a lot of things to deal with lately.

    Lucy, praying for you. I know you are so busy. Praying for your fatigue. I know yesterday was a heart breaker for all the Seattle fans. We miss hearing from you but we all know you have so many irons in the fire right now. How is DH doing?

    Mags, wondering how your shoulder is holding up during rads? If you feel like letting us know I am very curious how many treatments you will be having? You can do it. You ARE doing it! You will be looking at all of this trial in your rearview mirror before you know it.

    Robin, praying for your surgery that is coming. Praying for peace in the midst of the storm. The Lord can and will pick up the pieces of your broken heart and make something beautiful from it.

    Kath, praying that this week goes well and that your nausea and stomach issues and leg pain and swelling will all be under control. Praying for you both to find that perfect house that is just waiting for you.

    I am glad you enjoyed the photos. Without becoming a total pest if I can indulge with a few more pics from today. We had around 16 inches of snow which is NOT the usual around here. Jean, is probably used to these kind of snowstorms but we are not. I had to get out in the frigid temps today because this winter wonderland that we have is something we don't get to see very often.






    Have a restful night. Debbie enjoy your sleep.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Nancy: Love your photos. Thanks for sharing. Praying for you and your mother.

    Elen: Will continue to pray for your dear friend Fonnie. Will also pray for God to lift her spirits. Satan knows just how to get at us when we feel most vulnerable. As Nancy said, it is hard to watch someone else go through so much for so long.

    Praying for all of you that havingupcoming surgeries as well as radiation starting up in the next few days or weeks. Deb and Becky: Both of you are on my mind and in my prayers.

    Update on Kate W.: Her tumor growth has been holding although she is experiencing chemo toxicity and they are playing with her doses and combo of drugs. Thanks for continued prayer for her.

    Another very cold day here. Our quick warm up for a brief time yesterday turned everything into a ice skating rink.

    Stay safe and warm.


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, your photos are stunning.

    I hope you'll forgive me for not checking in, I've been reading but to be honest, even typing on the iPad is a strain on this shoulder. I will be seeing the RO tomorrow and trying to get a better solution about the pain doc. Apparently the partner of the one I saw earlier on the south side of the city sees patients up here, but only two days a month. I made an appointment for next week, but if he wants to do a similar procedure, on the other nerves, it wouldn't be until the end of the month, and by then I'll be almost done. My last regular rads is Feb 23, then 5 boosts.

    I have another SE from the rads, that is a difficulty swallowing. RO explained that they are irradiating my neck and sometimes the esophagus is affected. So I'm on soft foods, pain meds, and generally miserable.

    I do have a bright note, my son was able to visit for a day while in town on business, and will be back for another this week. Haven't seen him since last May, just before my surgery, so it's good to have him even for a day.

    Thank you for your continued prayers. Even this little bit just wore me out.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good morning, sisters;

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my friend Fonnie. I want to run an idea by you...feel free to give input.

    I would like to check with her about a day I can go visit her, take her a treat (favorite dessert, pizza, whatever she feels like) and spend some time with her, get her off "Cancer Planet" for awhile. Things are busy for her with appointments (most are out of town) but since I'm not working, I wanted to visit during the day... a little conversation, maybe a funny movie (Mom's Night Out was my first thought). What do you think? I know she is discouraged and upset...I am myself...and since her natural personality is an outgoing one, maybe doing something "light". Do you think that's a good thing?

    Nancy, thank you for the beautiful pictures...since we are snowless this year, I am really enjoying them.I met another person yesterday who mentioned your hometown of Naperville in conversation...the young man who handles our banking has family in Jackson (I think) and mentioned how much snow the area was getting...mentioned your town as somewhere they pass through when they visit.Thank you most of all for your support and prayers for my various situations.(This month is Mom's toughest month for depression; their anniversary, Valentine's Day, and Dad's birthday all in a two week period. Little Cal was born on Dad's birthday so I try to promote that day as a "Happy" day instead of a sad one. She is especially sensitive to everything.)

    Mags, sure hope things with rads get better. Neither of my rad rounds involved the esophagus area, but i do know that the side effects go away pretty quickly, if that helps encourage you. If your boost area isn't near your throat, you'll be spared those last treatments. Praying for your shoulder and arm pain.

    Bev, Jean, and Robin--remembering you in prayer as you get ready for surgeries. Praying for a smooth procedure, doctors' wisdom, and a recovery that is quick and free of complications. Praying too that your healing and ministry will touch those unsaved family and friends.

    Kath...hope you are feeling better. Becky, Debbie, and Anita...hope you are getting some encouragement and blessings everyday that comfort you. She-Angel, hope your cold never got going and that you are feeling better.

    All of you other wonderful prayer warriors...thank you so much for support and encouragement. That's something hard to get when most of your friends have never had breast cancer and think that since I go about life as normal (?) as I can, that it's all a big deal. They really can't understand all that goes along with this disease.

    DH has gone back to UNC to see the transplant patient. I didn't go this time...decided that no one there needed whatever is wrong with me and I didn't need any germs to add to my collection. I feel pretty good, but do have some congestion. Lots of prayer, zinc tablets, and Vitamin C made a difference in how I feel. I actually got out with DH yesterday for an appointment, lunch and a tired when I got home!

    Later this month will mark one year since the latest cancer was found. I'll be heading to the OBGYN and Imaging for a mammogram (oh fun, fun, fun) then to my oncologist. Praising God that I have had so little problem from this last diagnosis....just Arimidex issues.

    I thank God for all of you...praying for you daily...


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Dear sisters,

    I feel this is a verse for us today.

    Psalm 121 King James Version (KJV)

    121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

    My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

    He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

    Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

    The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

    The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

    The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

    The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

    I am a little pressed for time so will write more later. I am sensing that we need to go back to our Days of Gratitude. We don't have to have specific days like we did before but I am sensing discouragement, weariness and just a general heaviness among many of our sisters. Let me know what you think about that. I will check in later.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Mags, I am fervently praying that there will be some way you can get this nerve block on the affected nerves and NOT have to wait until next week. I know you will be telling your RO about your esophagus problems and hopefully there is something they can do. I just feel that God is going to you all of this suffering you have been through in a very powerful way. I am so glad you got to see your son and that you will get to see him again soon. Know we are all praying for you dear sister and there is an end in sight. You will get through this. Hang on tight to Jesus. I wish we could do something for you but know we are praying. I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. Thank you for your nice comment.


    Ellen, You know Fonnie better than we do. I would ask her how she is feeling physically and if she is up to a movie and something fun to eat. I think it is a great idea to give her some moments of distraction. I guess I would say that if you were in her shoes what would you want her to do for you. She is probably not her usual upbeat self because she is still processing what is happening to her. She is probably grieving her loss of good health and is probably wondering what her future holds. Just as we all handle our bc journey differently and in ways that are comfortable for us everyone handles the possibility of death in different ways as well. Is God going to heal me on this earth or will the ultimate healing come when I am with Jesus? We all will face that at some point in our lives. When I went to the visitation of one of my friends father's who was 100 she said before he died that he was scared of dying. He knew he was going to heaven but just the process from this life to the next was very difficult for him. The unknown is a source of fear for many and yet there are many who know where they are going and have no fear at all. Maybe at some point she would feel like opening up just want she is feeling. Maybe not on your day of fun and distraction though. Those are my thoughts. I am not an expert on this but just going by my experiences in life. Is she married and does she have children? Are there others supporting her as well. I know you want to be a good friend to her and I know she understands that and loves you for it. I know how hard this must be for you seeing her go through this difficult time. We will be praying for you and for her. I am glad to provide you with some snow albeit through my pics. Glad you enjoyed them. My friend from NY was very unimpressed with them! I will also be praying for your mom. I know how difficult those types of anniversaries can be.

    Kath, praying that your WBC will be high enough for you to have your next treatment. Continued prayers for SE's.

    Bev, praying that you will feel really good going into this next surgery on Friday.

    Char, glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for your prayers for my me and my mom. Thanks also for the update on KateW. It helps to know how to specifically pray for her. How is your Dad. I am glad you both get to have this time together. How is school going? Your knee and shoulder? Continued prays for you.


    I have a prayer request for a friend of mine as well. Her name is Mary Alice. I tried to post a picture of her in this contraption but it must not be a jpeg file. She had surgery for a serious issue. She had a hole in her macula (not sure if that is the correct word). She had a retina specialist perform the surgery this morning and it only took 17 min and he said it was  textbook success. The difficult part is she has to have her head down for four days. This thing she has to sit in looks so uncomfortable. I told her I would have us pray for her. She is a doer and this I can imagine is going to be a BIG challenge. She has her doctorate in education and in her retirement makes quilts for orphanages all over the world. She walks five miles a day. In other words sitting around trying to use mirrors to watch tv (with no glasses) is going to be hard even though she has not hinted at that at all. She is a strong Christian woman. Her sister who is fighting ovarian cancer will be taking care of her during this time. I would appreciate prayers for her if you have time to include her in yours. Thanks.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, Ellen and all, am on it on the prayers. The pics are just lovely. Should be hung in a gallery, or on post/ note cards!!!!

    I am just tired from a long couple days at work. Working hard to keep healthy---- Mags, everyone on here, praying for all of you my dear sisters in Christ



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Thank you dear sisters. I have found a way to occupy my mind while I'm getting rads. I tried praying but with little success as the pain would not let me focus. But even though I'm not a Catholic now, I've been saying the Rosary while on the table, and it does seem to keep the pain from bothering me so much. I don't seem to be able to get into any kind of routine with this tx time, but I am getting through it and that is the thing.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning dear ladies.. I was up at 4am stressing about my surgery next week, getting through the rest of my treatments and ultimately if I will beat this. So today I am grateful for daylight, hubby sleeping beside me, the peace of the snow covered woods and birds feeding on the back deck. God has put us in a beautiful place to spend our senior years. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good morning sisters,

    I see Jean is thinking about the "Days of Gratitude"..

    I am grateful that I feel well enough to go through a day of regular chores without pain. I am grateful for God's hand on our ladies at church for their concern for people who are in need, especially children. From the time we came to the church, I have seen God's hand touching hearts in this area of ministry.

    Praying for strength, focus, and peace for all of you.

    Love, Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good day everone,

    I love this verse.

    I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

    Today I am grateful that the Lord is our strong tower and a place of refuge NO MATTER WHAT!

    Mags, really praying for you during this tough time.

    Will check in later.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    I woke up early with itching and stinging on my right shoulder! Well I took a shower and noticed red spots on my shoulder and upper arm. Flea bites maybe. Well I put a flea collar on one cat, topical on the other and stripped our bed that I just changed yesterday. Did 3 loads of laundry, remade the bed and am now,sitting down finally. God really has a sense of humor as He is teaching me patience. I did well, not even losing it once. Go me and go God!!! Love, Jean teehee

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Could also be bedbugs agh! Well washing and dryer hopefully would kill them too. Itching and stinging... used cortizone cream and will try a benadryl later. Thank God I'm post chemo. Love, Jean