thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Kath, praying that you will have strength to get through another work week and that for God to give you supernatural strength during this last stretch. Prayig for that WBC to go up so you can have your next treatment.  Hang in their girl. You are going to make it.

    Mags, I heard Joyce Meyers today and she said we need to look for treasures in our tribulation. I had never heard that before but I thought of many of our sisters warriors on this thread. I am praying that you can tough out this week and hopefully get that nerve block on the affected nerves so this pain will be manageable. When I had my second MRI on my neck several years ago (my first one was an open MRI) I was alone and quite a distance from my home. When I got in this thing and realized that I couldn't see and knew that thing was so close to my face I went into probably what would be considered a panic attack. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I knew I didn't have a lot of options at this point and I was having some really strange complications from my surgery and I had to get answers. If they medicated me I would have no way home and if someone came to get me my car would be stuck there. I was back teaching at that point so I made myself go through every single day of the week and what I had to do. I painstakingly went through every single detail. By the time I got to the end of the week the MRI was done. God has blessed us with an amazing mind and it can certainly provide a good distraction for us when needed. I am mentioning this to maybe give you some ideas for distraction as you go through these treatments. We are definitely praying for you dear one. There is and end in sight.

    Ellen, praying that you and Fonnie will be able to find a time to get together. I pray that it will be soon and that it will be just what the doctor ordered. I am glad your pain is not taking over your life and that you can do what you need to. That is a true blessing.

    Jean, I am glad that you were able to handle the possible flea problem with grace. God is making you stronger each day on your journey. He will see you through the rest of it as well. I am praying for peace and rest in Him as you go through surgery next week. (Feb. 12) We will be praying for you all the way through from before, during and after. Hang in there. You can DO THIS.

    SheAngel, I know working through all of this is tough. How are you doing? Praying for your SE's.

    Vickie, continued prayers for you and your family and that each day gets a little better as you deal with your loss.

    Lucy, I hope you are okay. We haven't heard from you for quite a few days. Hang in there girl.

    Char, I know when I was teaching February was my toughest month because of contests and concerts and open houses. I know your weather has been a challenge this year. How are you doing in general? You Dad? Thinking of you tonight.

    Becky and Anita, thinking of you tonight and wondering how you are doing. Let us know how we can best pray for you.

    Polly, have you found out anything regarding these seizure affecting your hand. How is the IBS situation. Praying for you sister.

    Jo, How are you doing? Now that your cellulitis is not a problem I hope you are on a calm stretch.

    Robin, praying for your surgery on Feb 20 and for peace going into it. Praying for provision for you.

    Angie, how are you feeling. Are the effects of your treatments subsiding. Praying that you will feel good going into rads on Monday. For me walking was what got me through rads. How is the LE? How are YOU doing in general? Praying for you as you have a lot on your plate.

    Bev, Let's all remember that Bev has surgery this Friday. Let's pray for a complete success and a rapid recovery so she can do her exciting bike trip in Holland. We'll be praying dear sister.


    This tidbit has nothing to do with bc but just a head's up. I started getting phone calls and on my caller ID it would say my name and my number. I was never at home when this happened until recently. I decided I would pick up just to see what was going on. I was the target of a scam last year and I would bet money that this person that was on the other end was the very same individual claiming he was with the technical division of Windows. I immediately hung up. I started researching this online and found out these calls are indeed scams of various natures. There is technology out there that allows these criminals to get your phone number or even neighbors numbers and on your caller ID you pick up and then they try to get info out of you at that point. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS.

    I hope you all have a great evening. Debbie how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a long time. I know you are probably in bed at this point. Thinking and praying for you.

    Love you all,




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    It's been a busy week but I'm ready for surgery on Friday. God is giving me peace about the whole thing (mostly because that light at the end of the cancer tunnel is just about blinding these days!). I know it's the answer to alot of prayers and I thank you so much.

    Thanks, Nancy, for always keeping the prayer requests organized and also for the gorgeous pictures. Keep both of them up!

    Today I'm thankful for my church. I've been really wrestling over the past few months because the Sunday morning sermons have become very new-Christian oriented - to me, it's just "milk" of the Word, over and over again. I've been praying that God would prepare my heart and help me to find some "meat" but have become very frustrated. (okay, by now, you're wondering how this is a praise, right?!) I've talked with the pastors and decided that the best way for me to proceed is to go to Sunday School and some other service. Well, tonight I went to a Bible study on Revelation at church and it was WONDERFUL!!! Just the kind of in-depth, extensive teaching I need and want. I love my church and the folks there and am so grateful that God has helped me find a way to be fed there. Hope that makes sense....

    Love you, ladies - Bev

  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2015

    Hello Ladies, just checking in.  I am sorry that I haven't been keeping up to date, but I had my first chemo last week (they changed it to Taxotere, I have learned just to accept what I am given), and they gave me loading doses of Herceptin and Perjeta, plus my Xgeva injection.  The steroids I have been on, which I only needed to take for 3 days, are still affecting me now, a week later.  On top of that, the Xgeva has made me feel as though I have 'flu, and I mean real 'flu, not man 'flu.   My rib cage feels as though I have been in an accident, the ache is so painful.  I only need the Xgeva every 6 weeks, so I am sure that when I next have it the pain will not be anywhere near as bad as it is now.

    The photographs are lovely, it looks like a real winter wonderland.  I am hearing stories of England being under snow, thank goodness the weather here in Ireland is milder in winter.  I can cope with looking at snowscenes, but I really dislike having to drive in that weather.

    Ellen, I think you are doing the right thing with your friend.  When I was diagnosed with secondary tumours back in 2013 I found that everyone I worked with thought I would be dead by the end of the week.  I had to explain to them that I will be around for quite a long time, and just have to learn to take the cancer with me wherever I go.  It is good to talk to other Christians when you have this diagnosis, because they know the final outcome.  We are all going to end our lives on this earth, whether we are healthy or not, and we will live on in Heaven.  My friends took me out for Chinese meals, and we could just sit in the restaurant on a quiet night and eat and pray in peace - I really enjoyed it.  When Fonnie gets used to her new life (and she will) it will all become easier for her.  I imagine that her doctor is coming up with a treatment scheme for her, and once she has started on this all that she will care about will be any side effects.  That is the good thing about being a Christian, you are able to put issues which terrify non-Christians on the back burner and get on with more important things like having a good time with your friends.

    I would like to say thank you to all of the ladies who have been praying for me.  It is very kind of you to do so, and it is lovely to be remembered in your prayers.

    Love Debbie


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    God afternoon dear ladies. Hope you are all doing well today. I am grateful for my son who drives me 2 1/2 hours each way to my appointments. Also that my cuticle is finally clearing up. I was diagnosed with shingles at the dermatologists this morning so even with the cuticle, surgery may be posponed. No bug bites, shingles! Wow, God is really working overtime to teach me to let go and trust Him. I am grateful for the lessons Jesus is teaching me and for the wonderful doctors and staff at Sloan Kettering where I have the privilege of being treated. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good day ladies,

    I am thankful today for how God orchestrates events in our lives. I just had one of those this morning. I was able to meet with one of my retiree groups today. Because of the snow and cold or whatever it looked like it might be canceled. It ended up with just me and another friend who I have reconnected with since my dx. I taught in the same school with her quite a few years ago. She is a strong Christian and was very supportive and helpful when I needed it this past spring and summer. She has been wanting me to meet a friend of hers who is a Christian and a  photographer. I just looked at her blog. Beautiful photos and very creative.  She and several other photographers support this blog. I think we might actually get to meet sometime in the near future. She is way farther along in her photography than I am but the encouraging part is she got into it later in life like me and is several years older than I am now. Her husband lives in a facility and has had Alzheimers for 15 years. So I am excited at the possibility of what might come. My friend gave me a calendar that her friend sells with her photos. She gives the proceeds to an Alzheimers charity and one of her friends gives to a cancer charity. Many possibilities out there to think about.


    Bev, I am thankful that you feel ready and at peace for your surgery tomorrow. We will all be lifting you up tomorrow for sure. I am glad that you found a niche at your church that is filling a need for getting "meat". We all need to feel like we are growing and moving forward in the Word and in our faith.

    Debbie, it is great to hear from  you. I am sorry that you have had such a time with SE's from your injections. You are a trooper for sure and I certainly admire your positive attitude. You are an inspiration to all the ladies here no matter what part of our journey or what stage we are in. I have prayed for you many, many times and will continue to do so. I am glad you enjoyed the winter wonderland photos. I must admit that the snow gets really old after a while but this year with my photography passion exploding I have really enjoyed getting out in the snow and finding such wonders of nature that God has supplied.

    Jean, I certainly hope that your spots are not cellulitis but I am glad that Jo made you aware of the possibility. It is better to be safe than sorry. Praying for your peace in this journey and for the spots and for your cuticle infection.

    Getting ready to go swimming. I will be lifting you all up today as usual. Praying that those who are dealing with SE's will get through their day with the Lord's help. Those dealing with rads and getting ready to start rads praying for you as well. Those who are through their active tx but dealing with life issues praying for you too. The three ladies who have surgery this month, certainly praying for you. Bev's surgery Friday, Feb.6, Jean's surgery Feb. 12 , Robin's surgery Feb. 20. 

    Love you all,


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    HI Ellen, I too agree with your suggestion on what to do for Fonnie and believe you are doing the right thing with your friend. I ditto FridayGirl. What helped me most during these journey were those that could keep me "company" to 1) take me off my cancer planet, 2) pray with me about my journey, 3) give an ear to listen and 4) be another christian that understood my priorities and things I feared and did not fear or help me to get over anxiety by getting in the word of God.

    I start RADs on Monday and can't wait for that part of the journey to begin. I did read the RADs Winter thread and initially I was somewhat "scared" of RADs. However, spoke to some of the August Chemo ladies and prayed and my anxiety on the SEs has dwindled. I was anxious as Taxol, the easy chemo, was no where easy for me :-).

    Blessing All and praying for each of you.


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Happy Thursday ladies: Bev, you are surrounded and enveloped in prayer as you go in tomorrow. God on one shoulder with all of us on the other!

    To all those in pain and with SE's, continued prayers: Jean, Mags, and many more

    Nancy, thanks so much for keeping us entwined: I am so proud of you for getting in your exercise! I had a day focused on gratitude for all God has provided to me. I am so blessed He led me to you all.

    Rest all, have faith.

    "The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. You will never run out of things to worry about, but you can choose to trust Me no matter what. I am an ever present help in trouble. Trust Me, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

    Rmans 8:6; Psalm 46: 1-2

    Hugs and Love


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    Thanks so much Kath and all. You ladies are the best support group anybody could have! It's kind of interesting/funny - I got a call from MD Anderson asking if I was interested in participating in a stress study/program. They'd provide free counseling to one group and just normal MO-type advice to the control group. I responded that I was doing just fine thanks to knowing that God was in control of the whole situation and would probably ruin all their curves. Isn't that the truth? We have the Great Physician on our side!

    Angie, praying for you with rads. If you're like me, the treatments will fly by - before you know it, you'll be winding down. You probably won't have any effects for the first couple of weeks. The last week or so, my skin looked really awful - but never felt too bad, mostly just itchy. As one dear friend said, we'll just be praying that God will hold His Hand over you so that those nasty beams can't do any harm!

    Have a blessed weekend, ladies. Thanks so much for the prayers. I'll check in - hopefully tomorrow afternoon. I'm scheduled for surgery at 9:30 (central time) and it's 2 hours with a 45 minute recovery. I should be home with Dave waiting on my every wish and command by 1:00. Well, I should be home by then anyway......

    love y'all - Bev

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015

    I am on hospice,peace pf God envelopes me. More latee

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2015

    liver failure about 900 ca 27-29

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Jean, I am sorry to hear that it is shingles. Have you had the shingles vaccine? The fact that you got it checked out immediately was really, really a good thing. The faster you stop the rash in it's tracks the better. I imagine you are on the shingles meds now which will definitely help the situation. I agree with Jo that the Lord has this all under control. If it is meant that your surgery be postponed God has a reason that you may never know in this life. Praying for you for peace and for comfort with the shingles.

    Bev, you are surrounded by love and concern and prayers. I love how Kath put it. You have God on one shoulder and the rest of us on the other!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Dear Becky,

    I post tonight with a very heavy heart. I post this picture for you because you are beautiful inside and out. The Lord has chosen to take you home with Him. I pray that you will be comfortable and at peace. I pray for your family as well during this difficult time. You know where you are going and it will definitely be a place where there is no sickness or pain but joy and peace. Jesus will be waiting for you with open arms. Is there a family member that can keep us posted so we can be updated as to how you are doing? I feel like we are a little family here and we do care for one another even though we have not met in person.

    Thank you for letting us know. If you are able tell us how we can best pray for you and your family.




    With much love,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    I did have the vaccine. That and having caught it early will hopefully give me a milder case and faster recovery. I was put on an oral antibiotic right away. I see the surgeon on Tuesday after the dermatologist. Surgery is scheduled for Thursday but I have a supernatural peace now about when I will get it, knowing that if it is posponed, there is a reason. Love, Jean

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    oh dear very sorry for your pain and suffering but rejoice that God is comforting you as only He can. We will surely be praying for you and your family.

    Jean, satan is certainly throwing lots of darts at you lately. How frustrated he must be at your grace, strength and refusal to let anything interfere with the peace that passes all understanding! God knows exactly what this next week holds for you and His perfect plan will be accomplished.

    Debbie, you are our inspiration and example! God be with you, our strong warrior! We'll be praying that those SE stay under control and you're able to make many good memories as you are a shining witness for God.

    Love, Bev

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hello Ladies,

    I should be in bed but forced myself to the gym tonight after teaching all day in one, and teaching another class after school with 24 rough and tumbling fourth and fifth grade boys. The weather....lets say is pretty to look at if you don't have to go out in it. But I get to do bus duty every morning and much fun. Well I still appreciate the sunshine when it comes out and those glorious days of warmth that pop in every now and then. It reminds me that some day we will not need a sun for the light of God will be the sun and light up all of heaven. Hard to imagine.

    My father also has some issues with death. He knows where he is going but just doesn't want to go out suffering a long, painful death. I certainly can understand how he feels.

    We have been down three out of three vehicles for a couple weeks now. We get one going and the other one has issues and so on and so on. Vehicles are truly the biggest money gulpers and yet we need them.

    The flu, stomach virus, strep and every other thing has been going through our school and my secretaries keep saying to me that I cannot be sick. I keep telling them that it is not in my plans. All of my team mates have bee sick. I just keep telling God that I can't bring this home to my dad.

    My dad is hanging in there. He is feeling better and I think he likes the pampering. My shoulder is healing and my knee....well, it will always have issues. Some days it feels okay and on others I am ready for a replacement. But it is mine to bear and God will help me deal with it. It reminds me of my human frailties.

    I am still pushing forward with my training for a half marathon in May. I would like to check it off my bucket list. Only my knee knows if I will be able to do it. I am up to a little shy of 7 miles now. I am over the hump but 6.1 more will be tough.

    Ellen: Praying for Fonnie. I like your idea. Sometimes a time with friends is just what the doctor cannot provide and may help her to get her mind off of her situation. I say go for it.

    Nancy: Sorry to hear about your friend and her contraption. Will pray that she can endure the position for a few days. Yikes! So love your pictures. They look a lot like here.

    Mags: I continue to pray for your shoulder and that you can get through all of this with minimal pain. So glad you will have a few visits from your son.

    Debbie: So good to hear from you and you always are so encouraging despite all you have gone through. You really are a glorious testimony to God and isn't that what this journey is truly all about. It's bringing honor and glory to Him and allowing others to see the hope that is in us. You certainly share that with others and I am sure that people see it and know the reason for your hope.

    I know that I did not mention all of you but Poly, Vicks, Angie, Mini, Becky, Kath, Robin, Bev, She Angel, Jo and Lucy,...I hope you know that you are in my prayers. I speak your names as I run and it helps me to keep my mind off my knee pain and focus on each of you. Before I know it my run is thank you for helping to get through each one.

    Bev: My dear sweet friend....remember that God will be right there with you tomorrow as He is every day. I know that it will be okay and you will do well. You are right. This journey is coming to end and you can see that finish line. It has to be such a great feeling.

    Sweet Dreams,



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Becky, praying for your comfort and peace. I so admire that you wrote that the peace of God envelopes you. I pray for you,your family and friends during this difficult time. We rejoice In your love for The Lord.

    Thank you so much for thinking about us and providing an update during this time. Praying fervently for you. As Nancy stated please let us know how best to gird you up in prayer during this time.

    Hugs and prayers always,


  • FridayGirl
    FridayGirl Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2015

    Becky, Thank God for His peace which will envelope you and keep you safe and secure. Please tell us if we should pray for anything in particular, or just that He will keep your hand tight in His. Love Debbiexxx

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. I didn't feel very grateful this morning, more like whining about stuff but I will start with gratitude anyhow. Today I am grateful that Jesus loves me. I am grateful for family and friends. I am grateful for my dear granddaughter who had shingles about a year ago and cared enough to share some recovery tips with me. I am grateful for my hubby and for my sweet great granddaughter. Ok, I woke feeling discour about the shingles but now am better. Prayers going up for all of you. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Let' remember to lift up Bev as she is probably still in surgery as I type this. I am praying for a very successful surgery with good pain management and a quick recovery. Continued prayers for you dear sister as you get home today.

    Jean, praying that you have a very mild case of shingles and that you can rest in God's peace. My recommendation is to get as much rest as you can which that in itself is a great immune system builder.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    I am grateful for Becky today. She has been an inspiration on this thread for quite a long time. She is an example of trusting in the Lord through adverse circumstances. Dear sister, I pray that the Lord will continue to envelope you in his peace and I pray that you will be comfortable during this time. Know that we are surrounding you and your family and friends in prayers.



  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Dear Becky,

    May our sweet Savior comfort you.

    I pray that The Prince of Peace lift you in His arms and closely embrace you.

    You fought the good fight and you have finished your race.

    For now awaits you, your crown of glory!

    Becky, rest in Jesus hands.

    In His Love,

    Your Sister In Christ,





  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    Hi my dear prayer warriors - well, as usual, God has answered your prayers in a mighty way. My surgery went well and I'm having much less pain and problems than I'd hoped or even expected. When will I learn and stop my worrying?!

    I had a good deal of inner thigh pain when I woke up and the trip home seemed pretty darn bumpy but I took a strong Motrin (ironically, it's the meds my DO gave me a million years ago when I was complaining about pain in my upper arm and ended up getting a mammogram since I was due for one - so started my cancer journey!). I laid around all afternoon and other than a little bit achy in my breasts, feel amazingly good.

    So - thank you, thank you, thank you - and thank our wonderful Great Physician.

    I'm praying now for God to show special love, peace and comfort to Jean, Debbie and Becky - and Angie, who's gearing up for the rads sprint to the end.

    Have a blessed weekend, my friends - love, Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Bev, so glad that you have this second reconstruction surgery over with. Praying for pain control and for a very speedy recovery so you can get on that bike and get in shape for your bike adventure in a few months. Thanks for posting. Pretty amazing considering this is the same day as your surgery. You are truly amazing. God is amazing!

    Robin, good to hear from you. I know you will be having your surgery coming up on the 20th of this month. I am praying for peace as face this surgery.

    Lucy, I am concerned about you! I hope you will let us know if you are okay. I am glad it is the weekend so you can recharge those batteries.

    Kath, praying that your SE's will be much less after your treatment today and praying that your acupuncture tomorrow will be amazing in results. I know you have a big week coming up on your trip to visit your son in TN. We will be praying for you to feel good for the trip and that you will get to do some house exploring when you are there.

    Ellen, did you get to connect with Fonnie? Praying for you and for her too.

    Angie, praying that you will have peace going into rads starting on Monday. I pray that you will feel really ready physically and emotionally as you begin this last leg of your journey.

    Sheangel, praying that you have a chance to rest up this weekend. I know that working and dealing with the SE's has been tough. Hang in there. You will get through this time.

    Mags, thinking of you and continued prayers for you. Praying that you will be able to get this nerve block SOON. Hang in there girl. You have just completed another week of rads. PTL YOU CAN DO IT!

    Jean, continued prayers that your shingles will be a very mild case since you had the vaccine. Get lots of sleep.

    Char, praying that you can recharge your batteries this weekend. Cars can be such a challenge when they don't work. Praying that you will be able to get all of your vehicles up and running at the same time.

    Jo, praying that all is well with you.

    Anita, how are you doing. I know the family dynamics have been a challenge lately? How is all of that going? Did you get to your grandbabies birthday party?

    Polly, would love to hear an update from you and how the seizures are and the IBS. How is Ed doing?  

    Mini, are you home now? How was your missions trip? Your visit with your sister? Would love to hear from you.

    Vickie, continued prayers for you dear sister. Are you still traveling or do you stay put in one place for a while? Sounds like a real adventure.

    Sharon and Deborah, thinking of both of you. I know you are busy living your lives and that is a great thing. Drop by sometime and let us know how you are doing.

    Carren, praying for your fatigue. Hope you are feeling better. Did you ever have to put Batman down? Let us know how we can pray for you.

    KateW continued prayers for your treatments and for financial relief.

    Debbie, praying that your pain will subside and that you will be able to deal with the SE's from your treatment. I love your positive attitude. You are an inspiration to all of us.

    Becky, I continue to lift you up and praying that you continue to have complete peace that only comes from the grace that God is giving you now dear one.


    Have a restful weekend dear sisters.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Bev, PTL sweet friend! More tomorrow: finally tired after treatment today and nause meds have kicked in.

    Becky, dear seet Becky: I love Robins post: will dream for you tonight: that you are pain free, able to feel the love right there with you, and from afar.

    And please, if you have the strength, have a family member keep us posted. We all care, and obviously want to pray specifically for your needs. I can't wait to meet you in our new Home one day.

    "Come to me and rest. I am all around you, to bless and restore. Breathe Me in with each breath. The way ahead is steep: take my hand and cling tightly. Lift up empty hands of faith to receive My Presence, Light, Life, Joy, and Peace, as it flows to you. When your focus turns away from me, you grasp for other things. You drop the glowing gift of My Presence. Come to Me, and feel My Presence.

    Matthew 11:28-29, ! timothy 2:8

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015

    Dear Family,

    Several of you have been praying and thinking specifically of me, I am so rich with good wishes, thank you so much. While I have been playing hermit with my life, it is,true that my dear Jeanne has been over, trimmed my hair fuzzies, drove me to my granddaughters' birthday party, where we enjoyed watching this one year old have a good time until she just could not stand it anymore! My DH is so jealous, grouchy, we so much need God,s help to get through this. My ca is still only in my bones per latest cat and bone scans praise God. I get down, for my pain and frozen toes neuropathy along with limited mobility and changed life. Thankful that the lymphadema is down, so is my weight. Oh, and I am thankful that our taxes are done.

    We had a sugar dusting of snow earlier this week that's all, and forecast 70's for,tomorrow! Life and the weather have their ups and downs, you know? My bil remains on avastin and temador and is adding electrodes for his head, 24/7 treatment, something new, and although he is not himself, this is expected to extend his life expectancy.

    Love from across the miles,


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited February 2015

    Victory for all of us! This has remained my favorite picture. I look at it when I'm afraid and even when I'm again as it reminds me that no matter how long my life on earth is, it is a journey to my real home. Cancer has taken a couple of very dear loved ones from my life and this is how I see them. It's also how I see my mom who was blessed to pass without cancer  but suffered with dementia. Don't we all suffer from some human ailment? And if it's not an ailment, it's an accident, self-inflicting or otherwise. I just find so much comfort knowing he will open that door for me some day.  So, I hope you do not find this photo morbid, as it is intended to bring you hope and great rejoicing. Peace, blessings and here's to a night of sweet thankfulness for us all. Polly



  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Bev, PTL on your successful surgery and recovery?

    Becky, I do know you are able to feel the prayers and love that pours out to you not only from us but from family, friends and intercessory prayer warriors that our Father has standing in the gap at all times. Praying frevently for you that you are pain free and comfortable physically.

    Father continue to strengthen Becky as you envelope her in your peace, love and grace. Allow her and her loved ones to feel your presence at this time like never before. We boldly come before the throne of Grace declaring the promises of your Word. We know that you are Becky's strength and refuge and that you will strengthen and hold her in your loving and secure arms. I ask that you surround her and her family with your ministering and warring Angels during this time. In The mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. Nancy I thank you for your organized prayer lists. I piggyback on them as I pray. Today I am so grateful for acceptance and peace as I wait for shingles to clear so I cam resume treatment. Amazing how God is showing me I am not in charge and not to worry. Just as my cuticle cleared in time for surgery, I developed shingles. All that fretting changed nothing. I will have surgery and resume herceptin / perjeta in His time, not mine. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning, ladies;

    Polly, what a beautiful statue, and so meaningful for all of us here! Thank you for the reminder that these bodies we have at the moment are just temporary. Thanks for sharing.

    I have not heard from Fonnie for a couple of husband found her Facebook page and got info on the benefit for her next Friday. We are planning to get tickets and donate a little extra. The Lord has told me she's ok..may try to contact her again today.

    Becky, praying for your comfort and peace...also for your family and friends.

    Anita, so glad you were able to go to the grand baby's birthday. I know you were all smiles! My only grandson will be a year old on the 25th of this month...I know how excited I am about it.

    Nancy and others, hope you all have a great weekend. Thank you for your prayers and support. Wishing that SE take a weekend off for all! Jean, hope those shingles are getting better.

    Bev, sounds like another miracle! Take care of yourself...praying for no complications in recovery.

    Angie, you have the Power over those rads..counting down each day..that's what Fonnie and I used to do!

    I am grateful for friends to meet with and talk with. I had lunch yesterday with a former coworker..Nancy, she was a music teacher..had such a good talk. Thankful for you ladies, too...although we don't see each other in person, I have a feeling we will know each other in Heaven...with no tears and pain!

    God bless you all and I know He will meet your needs.

    Love, Ellen

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015


    Polly, I find your picture very encouraging!

    When my father was sick he looked 30 years older than he was.

    It was 22 years ago when my father at only 67years old passed away, he had lung cancer.

    When I was in the church during the funeral service I had what I guess was a vision.

    I looked up and it was as if the ceiling of the church had been peeled back, and I could see a part of heaven.

    I could see my father with all of these other people or angels all around him they were all in white.

    What was so striking was, what I describe as the look of wellness!!!

    If I had to guess he looked mature as if he was in his forties only there were no signs at of age at all, just beauty in him!

    He spoke to me not in words but through his eyes, he said "I am fine and you will be fine!"

    I have never experienced anything quite like that before.

    It was a gift from God, he allowed my earthly father to give me a message of comfort at that time.

    My relationship with the Lord has never been the same since!

    Praise God! My earthly father was no longer with me, but I had my heavenly Father even more!

    I was no longer afraid of death. 

    I love Jesus so much!!!

    May each of us here experience His love even more as we walk this journey!

    He knows each one of us so intimately and gives us exactly what we need!


    In His Love,
