thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good day ladies of faith,

    This verse may have inspired the sculptor on Polly's post. I think it can have many meanings. As I have said before we never know who is reading these posts. Some may be in pain and searching for answers. We have found the answer in Jesus. He is only a knock away. When we die we know where we are going. The key is in the verse below. All you need to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you. He will transform you and give you eternal life.

    Revelation 3:20King James Version (KJV)

    20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.





  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning. I am grateful right now for one of my cats snuggling up beside me for a nap. I need prayer to keep from stressing over possible delays of surgery and/or herceptin / perjeta due to my shingles outbreak. I see the surgeon and dermatologist on Tuesday. Also please pray for my hubby who seems to be coming down with a cold. I really pray I don't get it. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good day sisters,

    Polly, how are you doing? Thanks for posting that picture. It is a great reminder of where we are going and that this life we are only passing through. How are you doing? I hear that y'all are getting great weather down in Texas. How about sharing a little of that warm weather with us. We are in a warm up so I shouldn't complain.

    Anita, It is good to hear from you. I am glad your friend took you to your grandchild's birthday party but I am sorry that this is creating a wedge between you and DH. I will pray that God can work in this family challenge and that relations will improve with you and your husband. May I ask, are you in MO?

    Robin, thanks for sharing your story about your father. Obviously that changed you forever and it is a very comforting story to share with others. Praying for peace as you face your surgery on Feb. 20.

    Kath, praying that you have a great work week with minimal SE's and a great trip to visit your son in TN. Praying that you can find that perfect house and that the Lord will make it very clear to you with a green light in all areas if it is a go.

    Bev, continued prayers for healing and a rapid recovery. Praying that you will learn and grow from this Beth Moore class. She is so good. Enjoy the nice weather you are having.

    Angie, praying against all anxiety and fear as you start rads tomorrow. I really doubt if you feel anything at all the first two weeks. Am I remembering correctly? Do you have 25 treatments?

    Mags, praying that you will be able to get this nerve block early in the week. We had a great sermon today in church. I thought of you. One statement that I wrote down was that our personal circumstances don't coincide with what God feels about us. The sermon was about John the Baptist when he was in prison. He was questioning the fact that Jesus was the one. Our application in our lives was to look back and see what God has done for us in the past. You have been through more than most should have to endure but I firmly believe that you are going to come out on the other end of this tunnel with radiance and grace after all of this suffering. Hang in there. You will get through this.

    Lucy, praying that you let us know how you are doing? I am concerned about you. Praying for you dear one.

    Ellen, praying that you will get to connect with Fonnie soon. Praying for you both physically and emotionally dear sister.

    Char, I know you on the East coast are bracing for another major storm. Praying for strength for you dear one and for your father.

    Jo, praying that you will have no IBS issues after being on Cipro. I am glad it knocked out your cellulitis.

    Debbie, praying that your positive attitude and prayers will help you through the SE's you have been experiencing. Praying for you dear sister.

    Jean, praying for complete peace as you allow the Lord to order your steps and the timing of your surgery. Praying for your shingles and that they will leave as soon as possible.

    Becky, praying for you dear one. May the God of all peace comfort your mind, body and spirit. May God surround your family and friends with comfort and assurance that you will be going to a place of peace and rest and a place free of disease and pain. If you are able to read this please have a family member let us know how you are doing. Also if there is a specific way we can pray for us please let us do that for you. We love you and care about you and pray that you are resting comfortably.


    I know those of you on the west coast are getting a lot of rain and those on the East coast are expecting more snow after having a ton of it already. Praying for safety for all of you.

    Have a restful Sunday.

    Love you all,






  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Good Sunday, sisters. Continued thanks for your prayers. Nancy, thank you for taking the time to write such encouraging words. Although much of my time is spent trying to distract my brain from the pain, I am so aware of the everlasting arms underneath. (Deut 33:27) My faith remains solid, my trust in his purpose and provision unwavering. I love that song In Christ Alone, which ends with "Till he returns, or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I stand." (I think that's how it goes.)

    I'm so thankful for all of you. You keep me lifted up so I can float, however precariously and close to the edge, over and through the pain of these days. I'm seeing a new pain doc Wednesday, maybe there's an answer there but I'm not holding my breath. Appreciate a special word or two for that.

    17 of 33 (total) under my belt. More than halfway. Praise the Lord!

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon, prayer warriors,

    I am thankful for a mild, sunny day almost like spring. The cold winter comes back later this week, so I've paid special attention to the sounds today..birds singing, children playing outdoors, gusty wind rattling my wind chimes.

    Thank you all for your encouragement and input about visiting my friend. I have texted her twice in the last few days and gotten no answer. The Lord has had to get my attention a couple of times, reminding me that He is in control of her life, and He is with her. If I could guess, I'd say she is in the hospital at Duke. Please continue to keep her in prayer. Going to get tickets for her fundraiser this week.

    Jean, praying for your continued recovery. As several have mentioned, His timing is not our timing...and that's hard for us to accept.

    Robin, keeping you in prayer as your surgery draws near.

    Nancy, thanks for your prayers and help with prayer requests. I pray as I read posts; you do such a great job with keeping up with each person and sharing their needs. Hope you r stomach issues are better

    Angie, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers about the sure and get the rest you need.

    Polly, again that picture touched my soul...I shared it with my husband. It reminded me of our dear Nell as she approached cane, but an oxygen tank that she hated. She is now a beautiful soul in Heaven. Thanks for sharing.

    Debbie, thanks for your sweet PM. It gave me some insight into Cancer progression that I didn't know. Praying that your friends will continue to look after you on this journey. God bless you sweet sister.

    Becky, wishing you peace and comfort.

    Jo, hope you are feeling better and that medication SE are over.

    Mags, over halfway there...hope they can find something for your shoulder while you finish the rads

    All of you not are remembered in prayer..whatever stage of recovery or treatment.

    Have a blessed rest of the day...our God is good!


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    It's me...I have so much to share as lots has been going on and happening in my part of the world.  First of all, just because I have not been posting please know I pray for each of you daily in my morning and evening prayers.  I love knowing God has you in His loving arms and is watching over all of you.  I did go back a little and saw that Becky you are in hospice and I have sadness and joy for you right now.  Sorry to hear that you are at this phase but happy to hear you are on your last journey to see Jesus.  What a day of rejoicing that will be, as the song says.  Please let us know what we can pray more specifically on and we know you have fought the good fight.  God loves you and so do we. the past couple of weeks DH and I have been spending many evening preparing our last fight at the Social Security hearing appt. thata DH had to speak on behalf with his attorney to get his disability allowed.  Well we have had a few things happen to continue to let us know that God is in this and he will provide for us.  So we had the hearing and he was awarded at the hearing his disability and it is to happen effective immediately. We were so pleased and my DH was in shock and speechless as it took less than 15 min.  The judge said he couldn't believe it was denied the first time let alone the second.  He apologized for the system failing him and thanked him for his 20 years of service in the Sheriff's department...PRAISE GOD!!!  It was truly awesome and to see how powerful God works through prayer is amazing. There was a lot more to it but that is the best part.  I broke down after we were dismissed and just was so humbled by the whole experience.  We met with his attorney for 50 min prior and she pretty much told us that after she presented our case and there would be a few questions back and forth and also discussion with a vocational counselor and that it would be over and that we would get a letter in the mail in 2 weeks to 2 months with the judges decision.  So to have this happen we fell into the less than 10% that are allowed at the hearing...PRAISE GOD!!!

    We spent many hours preparing and took a lot of documents and I don't think either of us slept but a few hours the night before.  It was all amazing and so of course we have a great few days after just praising God and thanking Him for his goodness and mercy.  We also know we had lots of prayers...our God is amazing...we have an amazing God!

    So other than that we have just been starting to get to the next phase of his medical issues and also planning on when I will start the process of retiring.  I have to meet with the social security office myself now and see how to go about doing that with my current diagnosis I was told that I should be allowed ASAP so that would be nice.  Just have to figure it out all out and start taking the steps to get us there.  If at all possible I would like to see it happen within the next 6 months.

    I have been well, experienced a couple of uneasy moments as the past few weeks I have experienced slight headaches and nausea and was of course letting my mind go places it shouldn't.  So long story short...the business next to the Curves I go too is a cleaning business and they had a gas leak and so for the past few weeks this has gone on and the workers there were all feeling the same symptoms and so since that came out I have not had headaches or nausea again...PRAISE GOD!  It is amazing how it all came about but just know when God or Holy Spirit talk to you, listen! 

    I go tomorrow for my 2 week infusion and time for another CT scan to show my docs and nurses I am defying the odds and I am expecting a miracle...excited to give the glory to GOD...Amen!  Heard on the news yesterday morning that the Mayo clinic has a new vaccine that they are starting to get on a trial for the TNBC which could be our miracle.  I know this is what we are waiting for so I am going to ask my MO and nurses next time I meet with them.  I sent them an email today so they will see it tomorrow and maybe come look me up to chat while getting my treatment.  I am so excited to see what things and doors God will open for us with this type of disease.  I will try and post the link to share...

    Jean I see the surgery may be delayed due to the shingles outbreak.  Not sure I know much about shingles but I just found out a gal at our office has an outbreak on her face around her mouth.  It looks very sore and like a bad rash.  She is seeing a dermatologist as well.  Praying DH gets over his cold snappy and that you are spared any of the Jesus name, AMEN!

    Nancy thank you so much for your posts, support and continued encouragement.  I saw your PM so thank you so much thinking of me and keeping DH and me in prayer.  We are so thankful and blessed to have you in our lives.  We pray for you as well so know we lift you daily.  How are you doing my dear sister?  I know that I just read your posts and was able to get caught up pretty quickly on everyone. You are truly a blessing to all of us here.

    Here are a few prayers I wanted to share with you that I pray from my book on a daily/regular basis:

    Jesus bore my sickness and carried my pain.  Therefore I give no place to sickness or pain.  For God sent His Word and healed me. Ps 107:20

    I present my body to God, for it is the temple of the Living God.  God dwells in me and His Life permeates my Spirit, Soul, and Body so that I am filled with the fullness of God daily. Rom. 12:1 ,2; John 14:20

    Jesus bore the curse for me; therefore, I forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body.  The life of God within me dissolves growths and tumors, and my strength and health are restored. Matt. 16:19; John 14:13; Mark 11:23

    Well that is all for now Warriors, stay focused and strong and know God loves His daughters and knows our needs.  I will start posting again so I apologize for the break.  Blessings Abundant and know I love you all and your in my prayers...Lucy





  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Lucy, rejoicing with you about the good news with SS.

    Today I am grateful for the snow, my hubby feeling a bit better and not going out to a foot doctor appointment in thisbad weather. Grateful he is sleeping in. I am grateful for much less anxiety today about the timing for resuming treatment. Thank you Jesus for helping me to give this to you. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Have a very blessed day...let's remember to rejoice in the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Find the silver linings, they are there, just search.

    How to Restore Relationships

    Sue loved her new sweater. She couldn't wait to show it to her friend Leslie. The two decided to meet for dinner and a movie. Leslie loved the sweater too. She immediately said, "That sweater would be perfect for my office party. Can I borrow it?" Sue hesitated, but decided a friend was more valuable than an article of clothing, so she agreed. When she got the sweater back, there was a hole under the arm. Leslie apologized profusely, saying, "It must have unraveled. I'm so sorry." Sue nodded and said, "Oh, it's okay." But things were never the same between them. Sue felt Leslie had taken advantage of her. Leslie thought Sue had overreacted over a simple article of clothing. Over time, the friendship unraveled like the sweater. What would have happened if Leslie had offered to repair or replace the sweater . . . and maybe added a scarf to apologize?

    When God gave Moses the Law, he instituted a system of restitution: Anyone who injured another paid the price for what was stolen or destroyed and added 20 percent to the value. We may think of restitution as justice for the wronged party and punishment for the offender. But restitution offers more: It builds a bridge between the two parties, paving the way for relationships to be restored. By confessing the sin and compensating for any loss, the offender no longer has to deal with guilt. Receiving restitution and more frees the injured party from feeling unfairly treated.

    Forgiveness from God coupled with responsibility toward the other person are key to restoring relationships. In Jesus' eyes, those broken relationships are always our responsibility. If someone has something against us, he calls us to go and make it right (see Matthew 5:23 – 24). If we have something against another, we're responsible to take the initiative to settle our differences with them (see Matthew 18:15). It's not always comfortable. But it's always the right thing to do.

    Do you feel taken advantage of? Maybe it's time to engage someone in conversation rather than detach from your relationship with them. Or maybe you've unintentionally mistreated a friend . . . you owe them money or lunch or a favor. Consider what needs to be done and take action: Repay the debt, replace the item and apologize for a wrong. Do whatever it takes to restore the relationship. Do it because it pleases God and because your relationships will be richer for it.

    Read Numbers 5:5:8


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Just got a call from my surgeon. Surgery is posponed till Thursday, February 19th. Asking for prayer that they can fit in a herceptin / perjeta infusion before that day. If not it will be 5 weeks at least between infusions, Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Juan got my Herceptin / perjeta scheduled. God answered that prayer really fast. He is amazing, when I have to wait and when He acts quickly. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hello Sisters of Faith,

    I apparently posted at the same time as you did Becky and did not see your post. Dear sweet Becky; you have been and continue to be such a light in a world of much darkness. You have run the race well and your reward is waiting for you. My thoughts and prayers go with you at this time and with your family and friends. I hope that you will see our messages and feel our prayers. I know that God will be with you every step of the way to continue to give you peace. I know that our Sue and all those that have gone on before you will be there to meet you. You know this is not the end and we will all meet again in God's time. I love you dear sister and it has been an honor to have shared this time getting to know you. Thank you for allowing all of to be here with you. Love, Char

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Hope you are all doing well today...that SE are minimal and everyone has been able to get to their appointments. Lucy, it was so good to hear from you..PTL for the quick decision on disability and SS. Glad u are doing ok...Jean, glad all your appts are scheduled despite the latest setback.

    I am thankful today for extended family that I have " married into". I come from a small family, only child with no cousins on one side and only a few cousins who lived out of town on the other. Therefore, the in law relationships have been so me. I have renewed the relationship with the sister in law from my first marriage, and we meet for lunch every few months..and my present husband's sisters have been so good to me. Between all of them, and my stepchildren and their families, I am blessed. Of course, I still have my mom and my two kids, DIL, and of course Cal. I don't thank Him often enough for all the people He has brought in my life.

    May God bless you richly, give you peace, comfort, and release from any pain and discomfort.

    Love you sisters, Ellen

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Ladies, I have to admit I LOVE to come on and find Gods hands so busy in so many of our lives! My heart is full of joy for so many of you: Lucy, GREAT outcome! Too many to name, but He is so so so Good.

    Today after my morning devotions I was diligent about saying "Help me Jesus" throughout the day: and did so yesterday also. Didn't think I would go meet one of our sons for breakfast, but made it. My patch for nausea was not delivered Saturday, but Dh picked it up today: and compazine worked well.

    No one at my Center ever told me about getting a compression sleeve before flying: we are going to see our other twin this Thursday. Did get a tight one at Sports Authroity and MO said it would be okay. -- not a long flight---.

    My counts were low Friday before treatment, so I had to go today: wanted to make sure I did not need neulasta shot. Had acupuncture on Saturday and of course Gods hands all over me. Counts were WAY up today! PTL!

    So, we will be headed off Thursday: and will be looking at our little possible "God house" in TN.

    Love to all of you=== Becky, you continue to be in my thoughts as you all are



    Oh, and I read about the vaccine! I heard or read somewhere you need to drive once a week: its in Jacksonville: but not sure of the accuracy. I think I saw it on the TN thread

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Lucy: All I can say is wow, isn't God great. So good to hear your prayers answered.

    Jean: ohhhh, Shingles. So sorry to hear and praying for relief.

    Kath: Praise God for the nausea going and your counts improving. I hope you enjoy the time with your son and perhaps this will be the house.

    Angie, Anita and mags: keeping each of you in prayer.

    Nancy: yep, cars can be a big pain somewhere. God is providing. How are you doing? How are things with your mother?

    Ellen: How is Fonnie? Still praying for her.

    Bev: So glad you are doing well. Keep up the bike training. Your trip is just around the corner. I am looking forward to pics. Still praying for Dave.

    Time to get some work done before bed.

    Praying for each of you dear sisters tonight. God is still on the throne

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    I almost feel like I am working again. I started my first photography workshop tonight and if we don't get their early enough there are no parking spaces so me being one to show up early to things anyway got there an hour early. I did get the first parking spot. LOL It was a long evening and I am tired but I was so pumped up about this class that everything went really well. It is supposed to turn really cold. Good timing since our assignment is to bring in pictures for the whole class to see and they have to be ones taken THIS week.

    Mags, I am glad to hear from you and that you are staying steadfast in Christ. I have been praying that this nerve block will work. I just hate that you have to wait until Wed but that is only a day after tomorrow. You are going to make it. You have made it this far.

    Ellen, I am still praying for Fonnie. I know how difficult this must be for you but you are right. God is in control and His timing is perfect. That is so hard for us to accept when we can't see the whole picture as He does. I am praying that you will get to communicate with her whether it be a phone call or text or whatever. I am glad you have such good relations with your in laws. That is huge and in many families rare.

    Lucy, I can't tell you how thrilled I was to read your post. God is so good. To think that some of your problems was caused by a gas leak. OH my gosh. So glad they caught it before anything really bad could have happened and of course so glad that those symptoms are now gone. PTL

    Jean, I am glad you will get your infusion and I am glad you have a surgery date. I am praying that you will be all rested and the shingles will be gone and any aftermath will leave as well before your surgery on Feb. 19.

    Char, I haven't even got the weather as I got home too late but I know a big snow storm was supposed to hit the East coast. Not sure if it has already. I imagine if you are like me you are good and ready for spring unless you are Jean. Apparently she likes the snow. HappyHow is that student doing that you were working with to get on a good nutrition program and exercise program? I hope he is losing weigh and feeling better about himself and just feeling better in general from a nutrition standpoint. I have been seeing 13.1 car stickers or at least I think that is what it was. I think of you knowing you are going for a half marathon. Can't wait till you get to add another event to your bucket list.

    Kath, I have been praying for your nausea throughout this day. Glad to hear you now have your patch. PTL about your blood counts as well. I am praying for your God house to materialize while you are visiting Forrest. Glad you were able to get a sleeve from Sport's Authority too. Praying for your workweek to be manageable and that you can really enjoy your trip to TN.  

    Angie, how did your first radiation treatment go? I have been praying against any fear or anxiety. I think just know how the whole thing works is a huge obstacle out of the way. One nice thing I found is that once they treat you several times it seems like they really get that time shorter and shorter. Praying that you will just glide through this last phase of your journey.

    Bev, continuing to lift you up for a speedy recovery and for a very successful surgery. Enjoy your nice spring weather! Praying you will be on that bike before you know it!

    Becky, I continue to pray for you dear sister. I imagine the Lord is preparing you in every way for your home going. It is a process that most of us will go through whether we know the end is near or not. I know that the Lord is preparing your family for this as well and that He will guide them through this journey as only He can. I pray that you are comfortable and at peace. If you can let us know how you are doing and how we can pray for you. You have fought the good fight and have honored the Lord in very difficult circumstances. You are a light to the world and certainly have been a shining star to me and the sisters on this thread. We love you and care about you dear one.


    Have a restful sleep everyone.

    Love you all,





  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Snow...yes it is beautiful. It reminds me of how our dear Jesus covers our sins and makes us clean. Under the snow new life is stirring and getting ready to rise in the spring, just like us. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    Jean I love the snow too, and we haven't gotten any snow yet. Winter is not over and we did get snow last year in March. Have a blessed day ladies and know you're being lifted in prayer so take comfort.

    God Is Most Concerned With Your Heart

    When does concern over one's appearance cross the line between healthy and unhealthy?
    Is it wrong, for instance, to work out every day? What about cosmetic surgery? Or spending time and effort searching for the "perfect" haircut, suntan, makeup or wardrobe?

    There are no simple answers to these questions, but the promise above reminds us that God is far more interested in what's going on inside us than how we look on the outside.

    The apostle Paul's words fit well here: "Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" (1 Timothy 4:7–8).

    God's Promise to Me
    • I don't evaluate people by looking at their outward appearance.
    • I judge people by their thoughts and intentions.

    My Prayer to God
    Lord, it's true that our world thinks external image is everything. Forgive me for the times I am overly concerned with my appearance. Grant me the wisdom and discipline to expend the necessary time and energy to care for my soul. May you be pleased more and more as you examine my thoughts and intentions.

    1 Samuel 16:7


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Spirktbless, thanks so much. I red this as my dear son David is driving me to my dermatologist appointment and prayed this prayer for him. He is so broken and needs Jesus so badly. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Hi ladies, I was looking forward to catching up and posting this evening as I had a visit with the surgeon yesterday that resulted in another mammogram and another ultrasound. The good news is the one tumor that was cancerous no longer appears to be there however there are several other what they call fibromalnoma's that have not changed shape since August but are still present. These were not tested and the surgeon feels pretty certain due to size and shape they are not an issue right now. Pretty sure means nothing to me at this point, I am glad they got the one that was an issue but I will not be taking any more chances. Anyway I have more to share but unfortunately I have been called back to work after working an 8 hour day because some decided to kill 3 people. If everyone would just take a moment to remember our greatest charge is to love one another such tragedies can be avoided. I pray for you everyday and know you all pray for me too as I continue to move forward.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello dear sisters,

    Lucy, thanks for your devotional. I love the banner too. I'll send you some snow your way. I have plenty in my backyard I would love to share with you. Winking

    Jean, prayers for you and for your son, David.

    Sheangel, praying for strength for you as you have more hours on top of your 8. Lord Jesus, give She supernatural strength to do what is necessary in her job. Help to minimize her SE's and give her wisdom and grace during this difficult time.


    Praying for you all this evening to get much needed rest and a good night's sleep.




  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, was waiting to hear about the class, Thrilled it went well!

    Long day here, looking forward to the break: She, I have many friends in law enforcement as you know: I honor you and admire you completely. BE SAFE out there! And loving your good news.

    Ladies, have a restful, lovely sleep, will check in tomorrow!



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning dear ladies. Today I am grateful for the beautiful light shining through the window. I think it is called sun! We haven't seen it in so long I almost forgot how lovely it is. I saw the dermatologist yesterday and I am cleared for herceptin / perjeta on Tuesday and surgery a week from Thursday. The shingles is not too bad, just some itching and stinging. I'm planning to do some work on taxes today. Hope you all have a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning ladies,

    Thankful this morning for a warm home! It's a beautiful morning, cold but not frigid, sunny and clear. Thankful, too, for the Lord blessing our church family with 7 new members in a month's time. They are all seasoned Christians who are willing to help and add enthusiasm to our gatherings. God is showing our church family favor after a season of disinterest and lack of growth. Please pray that this will continue and that our church will become a light in the darkness. Praying also for young folks to join us as well and add their talents to our ministry.

    Nancy, so glad your class is going well. I can feel your excitement as you write. Jean, glad your shingles are better and the surgery is a go! She, I think I know the case you got called into work very example indeed of needing to love one another...please take care of yourself, as I know cases like this take an emotional toll. Becky, still praying comfort and peace for you and your family. Angie, hope some of your anxiety is lessened as you get into " rad" mode. Mags, you're over halfway done...hang in there!

    Wishing you all a day of safe travel, treatments with minimal SE, freedom from discomfort and pain, lots of encouragement, and many blessings where you need them most.

    Headed to Fonnie's church to get our fundraiser tickets..hope someone there will know where she is and how things are with her...

    Praying for all of you Ellen

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Warriors,

    Asking for prayers today as DH has an appt at 10:00 for a PET scan. One of the docs from the mayo clinic has recommended he have it for some legion that showed up on an MRI. The reason they want to be sure is because the treatment for his nerve issue is steroids and they want to make sure it is clear to move forward. Please asking for prayer that it is just scar tissue or something minor. Thank you Lord Jesus name we pray...Amen and Amen.

    Daily Devotional

    The Holy Spirit Guarantees Future Promises

    Who are the "you also" to whom Paul referred? This meant all non-Jews who had become believers. Christ came to die for everyone—not just Jews, but Gentiles too. God had promised that through one of Abraham's descendants, "all peoples on earth will be blessed" (Genesis 12:3). Jesus fulfilled that promise when he opened the way of salvation to everyone. When we believe the Good News, God saves us. In that moment God gives us his Holy Spirit, who is like a security deposit. The fact that we have the Holy Spirit means that all the rest of God's promises will come true.

    God's promises about eternity are as certain as our salvation. There is no need to doubt what God says. While we may not understand everything in our lives or even agree on how the future will play out, we can agree that Jesus is coming back to take us to heaven to be with him forever.

    We can have confidence in God's promises for the future. The Holy Spirit testifies daily to the fact that all of God's promises will come true "to the praise of his glory."

    God's Promise to Me
    • I gave you my Spirit as a guarantee that I will give you everything else I promised.
    • You can be confident in all of my promises for the future.

    My Prayer to God
    God, thank you for giving me your Holy Spirit and for identifying me as your child. Thank you for the glorious future you have in store for me.

    Read Ephesians 1:13-14

    Have a blessed day and prayers. Lucy


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Dear sweet brave sisters....please pray for me. Between the shingles, recovering finger infection, finishing chemo of 5 month duration, and facing next week's surgery then rads, I don't feel like I am strong enough to continue this journey. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015


    God has you in His arms....the banner from Lucy today says it all. Just when we think we can't take one more thing , He gives us strength and renewed focus and makes a way through

    Psalms 38:15. For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God.

    (Commentary) God hears every cry of our heart; He sees and collects our tears. We have hope because He hears when we cry out. So cry out, trusting God hears; he will listen and He will answer.

    Praying for strength for you and others facing discouragement.....Ellen

  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    yes, Jean, praying for you and for all of us. I think I told you - I hit that same bad place about a month before the end of my chemo - but as Ellen said, Lucy's banner (which is right above your post - what a kiss from God!!!) is the answer. I was reading a devotion last night....I'm paraphrasing but it said sometimes when the mist around me swirls the most and my way seems darkest, it's because God's strong storm clouds are gathering to drive all my enemies away.

    Char, praying for you for this weekend and your liver tests. Hopefully you're dug out of snow (for a while at least) and have a vehicle or two on the road.

    God bless you, my friends - Bev

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Jean, "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me." That is the verse the Lord gave me for you before I posted. He is made strong in our weakness. Let Him carry you the rest of the way. He will never leave or forsake you. He never told us that our lives would be easy and they certainly aren't and yours certainly has not been lately for sure. He tests us in the firey furnace to mold us into the person He wants us to become. We are to become more Christ like in our life and that process is unfortunately a painful one. Why does it have to be this way? We don't know in this life. That is where our faith and trust come in. We will all lift you up during this process and you WILL get through it. You will be all the much stronger for it in the end. Hang in there dear one. I like JO's analogy of the tunnels. Lucy's banner is perfect for you. Bev has been there and has come out the other end of the tunnel and you will too. As Ellen said, God hears the cry of our heart. Say out loud Lord help me through this because I cannot do this without you. He will answer. He will take you through this dark time.


    Mags, praying that your nerve block (hopefully happened today) will work wonders for your situation. God is making a way where there seemed no way for you. I know it has certainly not been easy for you but you will get through this. You ARE getting through.

    Angie, praying that your first week of rads are going well and helping to alleviate any fear or anxiety about the process.

    Char, it sounds like you are having some liver tests. Prayers for that dear sister. More snow for you guys. Praying for strength and more strength!

    Kath, Praying for a safe flight to TN tomorrow. Praying that you have a wonderful time with your son and that you get to check out your house and that things will work out according to what the Lord has in mind for you. Praying against nausea, stomach issues and leg pain and swelling!

    Lucy, praying that the PET scan reveals only scar tissue so DH can go forward with the steroid treatments. Praying for strength in all you do.


    I would appreciate your prayers for protection for me. Satan has been active in trying to get me off track in preparing my homework for my photo class. I basically have to go out and take a ton of pictures. The lens in my glasses fell out the same night as my class. I was home in bed reading my power point  and reviewing what I had learned and boom. Then today I got rear ended going out of town for some photo opps. I am fine and my car sustained a few scratches. I am thankful no one was hurt. The last two days and especially today it has been very scary trying to walk through iced over snow which is very hard to walk in. Today was scary in that one slip I could have ended up in the river. Tomorrow and through the next days up to my next Monday night class it is going to be bitterly cold. I need to be out shooting every day that I can. If you have time I would appreciate prayers. I know my situation is certainly not as dire as many of you facing surgery, chemo and radiation but if you have time I would appreciate it.

    Praying for a restful night for everyone.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Thank you dear ladies for the prayers and encouragement. I had a good needed cry with my hubby tonight. For now I am back on track.

    My sister has a dear friend Sylvia who has taken care of her bedridden mother for many years. She has lung cancer snd is resistant to any talk of God. Sylvia thought her mom was dying over the weekend but she rallied. I think God is giving her every chance to come to Him. Please pray for her. Thanks. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning sisters,

    Jean stay strong sister, you got this!

    Daily Devotional

    God Empowers You to Build His Kingdom

    All Christians have a responsibility both to practice and to proclaim their faith. Evangelism is not optional. But what about when hard times come? Don't we get a break? Aren't we exempt from the "Great Commission"—at least until our lives calm down?

    Not really. Trials aren't an excuse for not sharing our faith; on the contrary, they are an opportunity to speak out for God. The apostle Paul says as much in the passage above. It is during these times that God gives us the strength to endure in order to keep going in our task of kingdom building. In fact our endurance fuels our message.

    Trials didn't stop Paul from announcing the Good News; they should not deter us either.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I have forgiven your sin and reconciled you to myself.
    • I have given you Good News to share with others.

    My Prayer to God
    God, you have given the gospel to me so that I might show it and share it. Help me to see beyond my problems today, to my real purpose—building your kingdom. Give me creativity in using my struggles to speak for you.

    2 Corinthians 6:4
