thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am grateful for another day to glorify Him. For strength in the trial, courage in the pain, faith in the darkness. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Hi Group, it has been a trying few days and I was feeling exhausted last night after basically working two days straight and all my bones were hurting but today is a new and better day.

    Nancy, satan is always very busy waiting for us to drop our guard and then pounce when we are feeling low. You continue to do what you do and thank God for the things that he brings and move forward.

    Jean, I know it seems like something every time you clear one hurdle but God places things in our path to prepare us for the next, he never gives us anything we can't handle. I have never had shingles but co-workers have and it sounds painful in addition to all the other things you are working around, but you have been cleared for the meds and surgery because God knows. When you feel it is to much just do what I do, call out to him "Jesus help me, I need you right now" like the song says, 'there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain'.

    Lucy, I pray that everything will be favorable for the 'DH'.

    I hope everyone is doing well, I have treatment #11 tomorrow and hope that #12 still appears to be the lucky number since the surgeons scan. My girlfriend who found out 2 months before I did that she had BC had her double mastectomy in October and had her permanent implants put in Tuesday. While in the recovery room she awoke to find that one of the other ladies in the room was one of the ladies that we were in the police academy with back in the 90's. There were only 6 women in that class of 35 and 3 of us that we know of have had breast cancer. God is good, he places things in our path for a reason. My girlfriend has gone through the steps that I am coming up on which gives me someone in real time in my life to talk to and although her cancer type is different from mine some of the experiences are relative.

    We can't see what or why, but he does and protects and guides us in our blindness of straying away from our spiritual eye as we mistakenly focus on what is in front of us. Be blessed ladies, there is power in prayer.

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Ellen, PTL on 7 new members in a month's time that can help with the ministry. I continue to pray for your ministries growth in numbers, the Word and also compassion and love to continue to be that light in your community that God has preordained. Praying that the fundraiser for Fonnie exceeds all expectations. Please let us know how she is doing.

    Lucy, picking up your specific prayer request late. But I always have you and your DH in my prayers.

    All, Love the devotional today and that Lucy had time to post the daily devotional as usually this one I needed today based on my emotional state after seeing kids this morning in the Radiation Clinc. My heart hurts for them and their families. Sorry to use this saying but I put my big girl panties on today and understand that God will see me and them through.I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.

    Nancy, I am excited to read about your class and happy that you are exited and things are going well. Your joy comes through your updates. Praying for God's warring angels to surround you during this time so that your photos can give God all the glory.

    Jean, glad that you will get surgery soon! Hoping the shingles is getting better. I also want to let yo know that I specifically pray for your joy, faith, strength and endurance through this journey. Ditto to what JO-5 expressed so eloquently. Just remember you got this!

    Becky, still praying comfort and peace for you and your family.

    Kath, Praying for safe travels and hope you SEs are fading.

    Char, Bev, Debbie, VIcky, and everyone else praying for you.

    BTW, Bev you were right RADs for me so far is a non-event except for a tech attitude that I had to put in check during my 2nd treatment. I got apologize from the other techs and the RO. I am fatigued but i think that is still a hang over from chemo.

    Hugs and praying as always,


  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Praying for you Nancy. Yep another liver test. But it's in God's hands. It is not in my sphere of influence where I have any control over it so no reason to fret over it. I am being slammed at work. A lot on my plate to get done and not enough time to do it. I left my new phone in my gym tonight and had to drive back to get it.... And no chemo brain here.

    Jean: It's those valley experiences that make the mountain tops look so great. It's those dark areas that make the Sonlight feel so good. I am praying for you for strength and peace in knowing that God has it covered.

    I would like to propose something to all of that I have done. I know some of us have shared addresses and phone numbers but I would like to suggest that you give your spouse or a person you trust this web site your sign in name and password should something happen to you for whatever reason and you can request they contact any of us still on here and let everyone know whay is going on. I just feel so bad. That we had such. Issues finding Sue and now our dear sweet Becky. I am grateful she got a message to us....but I wish her family could know what she means to us.

    Have a good night. Looks like we are in for another artic blast here like Nancy. Makes running outside a bit challenging.

    Sweet sleep to all of you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello dear sisters,

    I am grateful this week for many, many things but for a six month battle that is now over concerning my mom's POA. After jumping through many hoops and with the help of a good friend it is not finally resolved and for that I am extremely grateful.

    Lucy, praying for a good result for DH's pet scan. Your banner is so true. I have never found it not to be true. In my prayer if I am having issues with feeling close to God I always say out loud help me to show up today Lord. God knows exactly what I mean and when I saw it and He knows that I am serious about connecting with Him and not just going through the motions. Praying for strength for you throughout the week.

    Jean, the Lord is going to see you through this surgery on Feb. 19. Praying against all fear and anxiety and strength for the journey.

    Mags, I sure hope you got the nerve block today and pray that it is going to be very effective. I like your banner. It holds so many truths encompassed in those few statements.

    Sheangel, There was an article in our paper today and I imagine it is what caused you to have to work all those hours straight. Praying God's protection around you as you work in a field that can be dangerous. I know for someone who is not dealing with health issues that would be a long and hard stent working all those hours but dealing with chemo and SE's God is obviously giving you strength beyond yourself. Hang in there. You have our back and God has yours.

    Robin, praying for your upcoming surgery on Feb. 20. Praying for supernatural peace and complete trust in the Lord Almighty that He will get you through this tough season of your life and a new a wonderful life beyond your expectations will be around the corner. Hang in there dear sister.

    Ellen, praying that you will be able to connect with Fonnie soon. Praying for your Easter music to be shaping up nicely. New members added is such a blessing. That is a wonderful thing to celebrate. How are you feeling? I know it has been very hard on you not knowing for sure where your friend is and what is happening. Hang in there friend.

    Angie, I am glad that your first week of rads is almost water under the bridge. I loved my radiation techs so that is a bummer than one of yours has an attitude. Maybe you won't have to deal with that person the whole time or maybe they were having a bad day which is not an excuse for bad behavior. I found that they rotated among seven people I think it was and I didn't deal with the same people every day. I never saw any young people when I went for rads. I can imagine that would be very tough to see. I pray that you can ease your way through these first few days without any effects. Hang in there. The finish line is within reach.

    Char, praying that your liver issues will not be a big deal. I also have this one thing that keeps cropping up on my blood work and my alt doctor then always orders more tests and it never turns out to be anything. I pray for both of us that it will be nothing to be concerned about. My homework this week requires me to be out shooting a ton of pictures. Of course I am putting pressure on myself to get a ton of pictures. I need only six but they will be discussed in front of the class and they have to be following certain compositional rules. Separately the chaff from the wheat has been a challenge! I didn't think I would be doing anymore homework in my old age. LOL  Man was it cold out there tonight as I was getting the sunset on our church grounds. I had to keep getting back in the car. I am still learning what is needed to be outdoors in this weather and to still be able to operate my camera. Still haven't figured it all out yet.

    Jo, thanks for your prayers. I do hope to get some good pictures and stay safe doing it. How are you doing?

    Bev, praying that you will be in great shape for your bike trip. I have a picture of this windmill that is an authentic Dutch windmill from the 1850's that is still working. This was what I was on my way to shoot when my car mishap happened. I can't alter or crop any of my pictures for this class so I will have to wait until I know what I am choosing for my class and then I will post it. Enjoy your warm weather. It is bitterly cold here.

    Kath, praying that you have a great time with Forrest this weekend and praying against those SE's. Can't wait to see if you find your dream house. I will be praying for you dear sister.

    Vickie, continued prayers for you and your family. I have been praying that in your RV travels that you will have times of rest and peace and a healthy distraction.

    Polly, how are you doing? How are the seizures? IBS? Praying that your nice weather will be good medicine for you.

    Anita, how are you doing? How are the family issues working out. Praying for a peaceful resolution.

    Debbie, how are you doing on your new treatments. Has the rib pain subsided now? I sure hope so. You are a continued inspiration to all of us.

    Becky, know that we all love you and care about you. Praying on this final journey that you have peace and rest in the Lords care. Praying for family members and for friends. I hope that you can possibly PM one of us and let us know your full name and city or have a family member let us know how you are doing when you are no longer able. We think of you as part of our little family here and want to know how you are doing.


    When I think of all of you I smile. Another positive from this bc journey is adopting another whole new and wonderful family in all of you dear sisters. I hope that one day we will be able to meet. We know we will meet in heaven.

    Have a restful night dear ones.







  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    I've been so tired I just didn't think I had the energy to write & tell you what became of the appointment with the pain doc. Around noon yesterday it occurred to me – hey, I missed my appointment this morning! I couldn't believe it! How could I have just forgotten it? Not only that, my cousin forgot it too. I called; they were out to lunch. I called back later; the doctor won't be back here for two weeks - by then I'll be done with rads. At that point I probably need an orthopedic surgeon rather than a pain doc. It's possible that when I am no longer exacerbating the problem by daily having to have my arms in that position, that the pain issues may resolve themselves and I can go back to accommodating the lack of mobility without having to replace the shoulders completely.

    Well that's all I've got tonight. Rest well sisters.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Mags, I am so sorry about your appointment. This has been such a difficult journey for you. I am so proud that you are enduring in spite of everything. You will get to the finish line. I am just sorry you won't have that pain block. Prayers for you dear one.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    I have been only reading and You have a wonderful and

    strong faith people here with a lot of Gods love in their

    hearts. You are very special people here.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Happy Thursday,
    Know you're all in my prayers. What a blessing everyone is and what an honor to know all of you in this way. God blessed me by leading me here to this site and making a special place to come too. Blessings to all and praying for peace, comfort and healing.

    Daily Devotional

    The Desire for Justice

    The prophet Habakkuk introduces his book by protesting to God about the presence of injustice. Several times he questions the Lord's inaction to bring about justice (see Habakkuk 1:2 – 3). We can all relate to this feeling, which is similar to the experiences of Job (see Job 3:1) and David (see Psalm 13:1 – 2).

    We all have within us a desire to see justice and righteousness win out. In God's original design in the Garden of Eden, the plan was that we would never experience injustice. We were to be spared from this: "But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will certainly die" (Genesis 2:17). We were not meant to know these dark parts of life. So when, like Habakkuk, we protest injustice before God, it simply shows that we desire the garden again, a life of experiencing only love, justice and mercy. When we argue against the mistreatment or abuse at the hands of another person, an economy that ends a job or a depression that is difficult to live with, we are agreeing that life was not intended to go this way.

    The day will come when God restores the world to himself and rights all wrongs: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4). But until then, we must learn to live in today's realities, trusting God, learning to grieve the garden and looking forward to his redemption of the world.

    Read Habakkuk 1:2-4image
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am grateful for the sunshine. It has been in short supply here lately. It is like the light of the world, Jesus, who raises our spirits and brings joy through His presence. Hubby and I are attending a Valentices dance at our church tonight. I don't think I will dance much but looking forward to the fellowship. We also met some dear friends last night for a bite to eat. This cancer surely can be very isolating. Love, Jean PS Please remember to keep my sisters friend Sylvia's mother in prayer for salvation. Thanks

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon, sisters;

    Thank you for answered prayers...I actually got to see my friend Fonnie today. She was at the benefit today, smiling and greeting folks. She was very much her old self, except she is now on oxygen. Her husband was pushing her around in a wheelchair, although she says she is walking around the house. I had a hard time keeping my composure once I got there, but felt better after I had talked a little to her. We ended up buying a cake to bring home which was an additional donation for her expenses. ( one of God's humorous tweaks...all I can say careful what you wish for when He is in it...we are the proud owners of a delicious cake!)

    Today I am grateful for the people God has put in my life, especially those who came along side me during rough times. I am thankful for you ladies, whose faith, courage, and caring spirits have touched my heart. As you all pray each day, continue to remember Fonnie and her family. Only God knows the end of her story, although my intuition and things being said lead me to think that today may be the last time I see her before she meets Jesus

    Praying that you all will be able to get some rest and maybe do something fun this weekend. She-angel, hope you have been able to get some normal hours after a rough week. Nancy, looking forward to seeing some of your beautiful camera work....Jean and Robin, I know both of you are finishing up loose ends before surgery and recuperation. Mags and Angie, counting down the days with you! Kath, Char, and Lucy...thanks for your encouraging words and posts through such busy times for you. Bev, hope your recuperation is going well.

    God bless you all dear sisters...Ellen

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hi footprintsa and welcome. Feel free to join us. We always look forward to new ladies In our group.

    Mags: I am so sorry for you missing your appointment. It has been one of those weeks for me as well. Forgot to get blood drawn for my dad's prostrate appointment. Yesterday, I drove all the way home to realize I left my brand new and very expensive cell phone in my gym after teaching my after school class.Drove all the way back to find it still there. Had a two hour delay this morning and drove to school early to work on my Jump Rope for Heart stuff only to have left the basket at home. Drove back home to get it andl lost 25 mins of that hour. Too much on my plate. I have this great mental calendar that is now on oveflowing.

    Yuck. IPad freezing. Post another after I restart this

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Finished up first week of Rads. Fatigue of some kind will be with me until the end of treatment and I will just need to adjust to ensure I get plenty of rest and stay active in my walking. I do have to say it is better than it was two weeks ago. As always pulling through and I won't complain. Not sure I shared this on this thread but during my rad treament I have seen two children. The chemo area was adult only but RADS clinic is for adults and children. The two that come during my appt time are around 4/5 and 7/8. It was heart wrenching to see them and I know keep them and their mothers in my prayers. I know this journey is hard for us and dealing with SEs. I can't imagine the impact on a child and thier parents. Another prayer focus.

    Ellen, so thankful that Fonnie's fundraiser turned out and that she was able to make it.

    Becky, praying for you and your family dear sister.

    PTL Lucy on the devotional. The day will come when, "There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4). Tears of joy at this time.

    Hugs and God Bless, Sisters.

    Foots glad you have been reading this wonderful thread and joined us.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    Footprintsa, glad you dropped in. Thank you for your kind words. I have read your posts on another thread and you have been very faithful with your inspirational posts. Drop in whenever you want to. We have a nice online family here as we pray for needs and support each other through the bc journey and the life journey in general.

    Lucy, I can't wait for the day when the Lord will wipe away every tear. PTL  Was that footprint in the sand on purpose? Anxious to hear about DH's pet scan results.

    Jean, praying for Silvia's mother's salvation. Hope you had a good time at the dance tonight. Praying for your surgery on Feb. 19. Praying for complete trust and faith in the Lord to see from the beginning to the end of your bc journey.

    Robin, praying for your Feb. 20 surgery. Praying for unexpected blessings as you go through your surgery and as you begin the recovery process.

    Ellen, I am so glad you got to see Fonnie at her benefit. I know your heart is heavy and that is certainly understandable. I am glad that you got to see her being her old self. That tells me that she has probably come to terms with her destiny and is feeling God's peace. I will certainly continue to pray for her and for you too as I know how hard this is for you. I have to present six pictures for critique in front of our class of six on Monday night at my photography workshop. I went out the last three days and took 460 pictures. I know............overkill. Now I am having a hard time boiling it down to six. I needed to just stop and quit driving myself so hard. I have been exhausted so didn't go out tonight and worked on my taxes all night. Oh joy. Once I know which pictures are for the class I will have to post some. I am so glad I went out when I did because it is really getting cold and dangerously cold tomorrow.

    Kath, praying that you are having a wonderful time with your son in TN. Hope you got to look at houses today. Praying for you dear friend.


    I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day weekend.



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    I'm back. Mags we will continue to pray for you that you. An get through this last big hurdle. Your post is so true that God will do it all. Comfort, strengthen and deliver you.

    Ellen: I am so glad you got to see Fonnie again. I hope you see her again but you will see her agin in our permanent home. So great to here about new members in your church. Our church is small and our pastor was told that the young folks don't want to come because we so not have enough here tobasically entertain them. The very spurned downfall of our society and our children is videos, iPads, and technology. I believe it is what is ruining us. Of course it is all in the big plan.

    Nancy: Hope you are able to get your photos. You have that teacher perfectionist trait. I recognize it. Did you say that your mother's issues have been resolved? I was a bit confused by your last comment about her. I sure hope it has been resolved.

    Lucy: Thanks for sharing daily devotional sand your wonderful expressions. They inspire and encourage all of us.

    Praying for all of you...Robin and Jean for your surgery. For SE, parents, salvaton, hearings of loved ones, for strength and comfort. Kath, Poly, Angie,Anita, Vicks....always in my thoughts and prayers as well.

    Bev: enjoy your Greyhound gathering.

    Debbie , Mini, Carren and those I have not mentioned. I pray God continues to meet all of your needs.

    Becky: Not sure you see this but I know you know we are praying for you and your family. I am sure you are covered with perfect peace and reassurance.

    Sweet dreams,


  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015

    Got a question. Scripture tells us that God shall wipe all tears from our eyes, right? I interpret that to mean we will initially mourn for loved ones not in heaven, while my DH believes we will have no memory of them at all. Ooo, I hate that.


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am grateful for the lovely time at my churches valentines dance last night. I found out that my post surgical appointment after the ALND surgery next Thursday is not till almost 3 weeks after surgery. Please pray for me as this seems a very long time to wait to see the surgeon. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Happy Valentines Day...pray you all have a blessed and joyful weekend. DH and I will be taking a day out for a drive and a little shopping, dinner and visiting with another couple. Nothing new for me this week and no news on DH scan. Finished my phone bible study with my sister as we finished the book of James, I love that book. We start next week on 1 Peter. Prayers to all of you sisters and know I love ya all.

    Daily Devotional


    The writer of Psalm 73 was alarmed that the wicked seemed to be having a great time in life and the righteous seemed to be suffering. That didn't fit the picture of God's justice — until the psalmist came into God's presence and got an eternal perspective (see Psalm 73:17). He realized that in the long run, the pleasures of the wicked will pass into pain and the pain of those who love God will give way to pleasures in his presence forever. The momentary view was deceptive.

    That's why Proverbs strongly warns us here and elsewhere (see Proverbs 3:31; 24:1 – 2,19 – 20) against envying those who are not living for God. At times it may look like they are having all the fun, but their lives will ultimately be unfulfilling unless they forsake evil and follow God's paths. Because we are confident in our hope, we can be zealous for God and refuse to envy sinners. We are rich in God's goodness not only now but also in the future. We will never regret the hard choices we make for him.

    Read Proverbs 23:17-18image
  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hi Ladies: I reread my post from late last night and apparently my iPad had fun replacing words that I wrote. So sorry for the poor grammar. I am on my computer now and doing my best to make sound complete statements.

    Angie: So glad you made it through the first round of radiation. You are wise to listen to your body as it tells you what it needs. I came in last evening and crashed. My body was pretty beat and it was telling me so. Will continue to pray for you. I know how sad it must be to see children going through treatments for cancer. It spares no one.

    Anita: I fully understand how you feel about heaven and loved ones. I believe that God will change our view of things when we arrive in heaven. We are so limited to an earthly perspective of things and I don't know if God could even explain it to us in our limited capacity as humans. But I believe he will replace it with His holy and heavenly perspective. I know that Rev. 21:4 says that God “will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” I think that missing our loved ones would fall under pain and morning of them. I am not sure if we will have no knowledge of them or even remember them. It does sound so sad. But God is not going to bring us to heaven to be sad for eternity. We may be tearful when we stand before Him and give account of what we did not do while on this earth. But because of our acceptance of His son's precious gift on the cross we will be spared what others will experience. It does not mean we will not be held accountable. And that too will be wiped away so that we live forever praising and worshiping Him. We don't know everything now but one day we will. Like looking into foggy scene. The picture is not clear to us. We have to accept by faith that what God says about heaven is true and that we will know perfection for eternity. Everything will be made new. Our thoughts will be in agreement with God's and there will be no more sin. For now, God wants us to focus on how we can help direct our loved ones to faith in Christ so they will be there with us.

    Nancy: It looks like you went a bit overboard with pictures. I am glad you are choosing to stay in out of the cold. It is snowing here and I have been trying to decide if I want to go out and run in it for even a short while before the blast comes in for the next few days. I will check out the radar.

    Jean: I can understand your concern about not seeing your doctor for several weeks after surgery. I think my surgery was the same way. I will pray that you feel at peace and trust their decision. Remember that they are a phone call away should you have any issues while recouping and they will encourage you to call if need be. I hope you enjoyed your Valentine's dance and it took your mind off of things for a little while.








  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Anita, I am not a Bible scholar but I do believe there is not an specific answer to your question. I am going to reference where those words come from.

    Verse 4. - And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more (Revised Version). All tears; just as in Revelation 7:17 (cf. Isaiah 25:8, "He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces;" cf. also Isaiah 65:19). There is "no more death" because sin is no mere (cf. Isaiah 51:11, "Sorrow and mourning shall flee away"), For the former things are passed away. Ὅτι, "for," should probably be omitted, as in A and P, and א as first written. The former state of things is the state now existing, which will then have passed away as described in ver. 1.

    When the Lord comes back to rule on the earth and Satan has been defeated all tears will be wiped away. I am not sure if our memories will be erased but we will be living in a place unlike anything we can comprehend in this world. The scripture says no mourning so I assume that if we do have memories of loved ones it will not be painful ones.

    People study Revelation for years and many sermons and books have been written on the subject so my answer may fall very short of a theologian's explanation but that is my unscholarly answer for now.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Taking it easy on this sunny Saturday...did some needed housework then decided to take the day off. Both DH and I have had a busy week so taking a day to spend lounging around is a welcome thing. We celebrate Valentine's Day but we don't go "all out".. it's payday weekend for the military (I live just outside a major military base) and every restaurant is loaded; we decided to order take out from our favorite Italian restaurant, eat it on actual dishes (no paper this time) and use cloth napkins and real glasses. Fancy, huh! I requested no chocolate...having a mammogram in less than two weeks...bummer!

    Anita, I asked DH what he would answer to your question...he used the same scripture from Revelation 21, but he added that he thinks we will be so awestruck at being with Jesus and so involved in praise, that we won't be thinking of the ones who aren't there. Guess this is one of those things we'll learn when we get there!

    Nancy, I laughed out loud about the pictures....but I know what it's like to get so excited and involved that you go over the top...Glad you are feeling like getting out. Our cold weather is due tonight and tomorrow; my sister in law in OH texted that she was in the single digits with snow...we're not expecting that type of cold, but the weathermen are whispering the "s" word for Monday night....I know, some of you are tired of dealing with it and I understand; but in our section of NC that four letter word starts the kids smiling and the rest of us heading to the grocery store.

    Lucy, love today's banner! I had not seen that before..hmm...idea for children's church tomorrow...!

    I am thankful today for a time of rest (rare on a Saturday) and for warm clothing to wear during bitter cold. That may sound trivial to some, but my thoughts go to the students I have seen who came to school in the coldest part of winter in shoes with no socks, lightweight or no gloves...children whose parents couldn't afford a coat for each child, or a child who had to get themselves on the bus with no adult help.

    God bless all of you ladies....praying for a comfortable weekend with
    something to make you smile.We are so blessed to have God's love, which
    is with us all the time!Stay warm and take care of yourselves!

    In His love, Ellen

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Lucy love the banner and devotional. Ellen it is a wonderful theme for children's church.

    Jean, my post surgical appt with the BS for the ALND was approximately three weeks after the surgery to check on the healing; however I was told if there were any issues to call and they would make an appt sooner if needed. I did have an appt with the PA to remove the drain 10 days after surgery but didn't get it removed until well after 3 weeks as I was still draining too much fluid. The main issue I was too active and instructed by the PA to slow down and heal so that I could start chemo. Praying that you will feel at peace and that any anxiety is removed.

    Ellen, I am relaxing today too. Living it up by sleeping, relaxing, and walking (repeating as needed) until we go to the city this evening -- big smile.

    Becky, continuous prayers for you and your family at this time. As one of the sisters stated I am praying that we get an update from your family and that they know how much you mean to us.

    Char, my husband has the password to this account and I have asked him to post an update on this thread and the prayer threa.

    Praying for all Always,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    May His grace and peace be upon us all this weekend. I need to focus on my gratitude that the cuticle infection is almost gone, my shingles are clearing up and I am getting my Herceptin / perjeta and surgery this, week. I think some presurgery anxiety is starting to get to me. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Happy Valentine's Day to all,

    Lucy, I love the banner. How cool is that! I love it that you and your sister are going to do another study by phone. That is a really special time and I am sure you are learning not only about the Word but even more about one another.

    Angie, I just an email from a friend and an update on this little girl ten year old girl who has lymphoma. She has had to start another round of chemo every day for two weeks and is fighting off a cold which is not helping. I can certainly understand how you feel. This girl is reacting as any ten year old would and that is asking why would God allow this to happen to her. I am glad you are taking it easy when you need to and walking is so good. I am glad to hear you are doing that. That one single thing helped me so much with my fatigue. Have fun in the city tonight!

    Char it sounds like be both need a day to just rest. The amount of pictures I took is really not all that unusual but what I had to go through to get the pictures is what just about did me in. My body feels like I have been hit by a truck. I had nursing home today and went to the store and the sun was setting and I was actually thinking of going back to this one place to retake this ONE picture because it had lens flare and I forgot to have my lens hood on. I know crazy, crazy, crazy. I talked myself out of that stupidity considering there is a wind chill advisory and it is so windy and bitterly cold. I hope you can get some rest this weekend. Do you have off on Monday? How is your Dad doing? You mentioned that you were confused about something I said about my mom but I forgot to go back and see what I said.

    Ellen, glad you are taking it easy today. I am going to do that tonight as I have exhausted myself this past week. So you found humor in my 460 pictures and I need 6. LOL Yes I can get a little crazy trying to find that perfect shot. I got some shots from the warmth of indoors today of a squirrel on my patio which might be just as good as those that I about killed myself trying to get around all these rivers that I went to. I am having an adventure if I don't injure myself in the process! Enjoy that cake! What does chocolate have to do with your mammogram? Have I missed something important? I don't eat sugar but I do eat this chocolate pudding with xylitol in it.  Next month I have all that stuff too. I can just imagine you AFTER the mammogram with a donut in each hand. LOL

    Jean, I have been praying for some time about the time leading up to your surgery. I know how difficult it is when you face the unknown but God will be right there with you helping you get through every step. We will all be praying you through as well. Hang in there. You can do this.

    Kath, praying that you are doing well and enjoying your time with Forrest. Praying against the SE's. How did your house hunting go?


    Have a wonderful evening ladies whether you are going out on the town or having a nice relaxing time right at home.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    This little guy enjoyed a feast on my patio today. I had to laugh. He looked like a little kid in a high chair with food all over his face except it was snow. LOL



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Hi ladies, just thought I'd respond to Nancy's question about chocolate and mammograms..

    It's not the chocolate as much as the caffeine. A radiologist told me that women with dense breast tissue often have fibrocystic issues if they drink a lot of caffeine and eat a lot of chocolate in the weeks preceding a mammogram. It causes more discomfort, and in some women, a "call back". They said the weeks following Christmas have the most "call backs" and repeat mammograms of any time of the year. (Maybe it's a Southern thing...)The results are usually negative, but the extra discomfort is worth cutting back on the goodies.

    And yes, Nancy, I'll have a cappachino in one hand, and a chocolate donut in the other after the Mammo is done!😉

    Rest well, everyone...God bless!

    Ellen the squirrel pic

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Nancy: You wrote:

    I am grateful this week for many, many things but for a six month battle that is now over concerning my mom's POA. After jumping through many hoops and with the help of a good friend it is not finally resolved and for that I am extremely grateful.

    Did you mean that it is now resolved and not finally resolved? I read this late at night so I had to read it a few times.

    Love your pic of the cute. Glad you 're inside. It is -10 here with windhills in the -26 to -30's.

    Ellen: I loved your husband's thoughts on heaven. I also have very dense breasts so I have pretty much done away with iced tea and watch the chocolate too. I also loved Lucy's post of Valentine. A good teaching tool for kids and adults.

    Ellen, please don't take this wrong, but I chuckled to myself when I saw your comment about kids with no socks, in soirts and no coats coming to school. While those kids suffer from financial needs, my students are quite the opposite. In fact they live much better than me and have on occasion made a point of telling me so.To the contrary, many of my students get out of cars with no socks, in shorts and with no coats on because they refuse to wear them to school. When I comment about it the parents. they tell me that they have to pick and choose their battles. My answer: Who's the parent and who's the child.( I guess it is soon time to retire.)

    Hang in there Jean. God has it covered.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Ellen, thank you for that info. That is news to me. I have never heard that and I have very dense breasts too. I have to schedule my mammogram and am trying to figure out when to best put it around all these photography classes now.  I must admit that I had the same reaction as Char did about the no socks etc. I too taught students who  had much more than I ever did growing up and now. On the night of open house they would put out this huge table of all sorts of things that the kids never did claim from the school's lost and found. Coat, boots, hats, the works hoping the parents would claim them.

    Char, yes, I did mean it is now resolved. I usually proof read but I have been so exhausted this week that that little word got past me. I guess it changed the whole meaning. I put this expensive mix out for the birds so I can attract cardinals and other birds. It has nuts in the mix. Well the squirrels are going crazy. I was eating at my dining room table and I looked up and I swear there were probably fifty starlings all trying to get to the feeders that I put this mix in and in my heated birdbath. If you have ever seen the movie the birds that is what it looked like! So much for this expensive stuff. LOL


    Becky, I logged on tonight with the intent of posting to you. You have been on my heart tonight. I pray that you are resting comfortably and that you can sense the Lord's presence as I have no doubt He is in that room with you even as I type. Know that we love you and care about you as part of our little family here. I know you will be going to a place where there is no more illness and only peace and love. I imagine that you are feeling some of those very things even now on this earth. Remember that the Lord has your family in His care.



  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015

    Chae, Nancy, and all the other amazing women here,

    Thank you for your reassuring words of Hope and instruction regarding the scripture from Revelation. I was brought up Catholic, and when I got the guts while in high school to ask our priest a question, I was told to leave the bible reading and interpretation to the priests. Oh my. I believe it was 39 years ago this date when I had the amazing born again experience, starting a thirst for the Word.

    Love across the miles ( yes Nancy, I am in Missouti)
