thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am grateful for the really cold weather here. Don't know if we will get to church. May just hunker down and avoid the dangerous cold. Warnings about frostbite are posted all over. Hope you all stay warm and safe. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning, Ladies;

    The frigid air arrived as predicted, so we'll have a Sunday where a lot of our older people will be staying put at this time we don't have anyone with cancer or taking treatments .Our folks with heart problems or COPD would probably be wise to stay .DH's sermon today is "How to Love Mean People"...that's something all of us can relate to.

    Your comments on the children and clothes issue didn't offend fact one of those children could have been my son! We had to compromise on that....his thing was shorts in freezing weather. Thankfully today, he has better sense! The majority of schools where I have taught are low income, and there is a need, and yes, we have that lost and found table....but I can relate to what ya'll shared...seen that too, particularly with those headstrong darlin's..

    Have a wonderful day, whether you are sticking close to home or find you can make it to worship...

    God bless all....Ellen

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Sounds like everyone had a nice day yesterday. We took the day off with another couple and went to a small town about 90 min away. It is a Bavarian theme town and just fun to walk around. This pic was just before we left. We had amazing sunshine and it was 60 degrees. So blessed.


    We will chill at home today and get some chores done and get ready for the week. Praying for all of us. Enjoy your day and church if you can make it. Oh glad you are enjoying the devotionals and banners.

    Daily Devotional

    Who God Is


    According to Isaiah, when God shows compassion and justice, he is simply being himself. God's fervor for justice is a component of his moral perfection; he longs for what is best for his creatures. Similarly, God's loathing for injustice is a component of his opposition to the destructive effects of unrighteousness. Sin, which can be defined as anything contrary to the character of God, always leads to the pain and degradation of injustice toward others. Righteousness, which may be identified as conformity to God's character, is exhibited in attitudes and actions of fairness, integrity, truthfulness and honesty toward others. Scripture consistently associates sin with self-centeredness, while justice and righteousness are expressions of other-centeredness.

    God's passion for justice is evident from Genesis through Revelation. The poets and prophets in particular extolled this divine attribute: "The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love" (Psalm 33:5). "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you" (Psalm 89:14). "The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy" (Psalm 111:7). "Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one gets justice" (Proverbs 29:26). "For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing" (Isaiah 61:8). "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" (Amos 5:24). Justice was also a prominent concern of Jesus, conspicuous in the manner in which he transcended social, racial and economic barriers in his ministry.

    Read Isaiah 30:18
  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    We stayed close to home today. Our wind chills are -30 here. My 81 year old neighbor was out sweeping sidewalks. I was worried about her being out there. Nancy, I am so glad your mother's issues have been resolved. It has been a long process for you. I hope that she is getting use to this new system and you have some peace that this plan is in place. As you know, I have shared similar issues and I was never able to truly relax while my mother was going through her memory loss. God had it covered but I was in my early 30's back then and it was tough for me to have this kind of responsibility. I imagine it would be know different today except that I have matured in my faith over the years and would be trusting God more.

    My dad is doing well. He is still with us and he has not bulked about going back home. He keeps telling us that he is in our way but we continue to insist that he is not. In fact I feel so much better having him her than having him alone. His weight has dropped from 198 pounds to about 176 pounds during the past eight weeks. (I wish mine would drop 20 pounds.) There is a seminar from 6-8 on Tuesday on Heart Failure and I am going to see if there is still room to attend. I know that is what my father has and I figure it might be wise to hear what I am dealing with and what is possibly to come. We did not hear back from the prostrate doctor on his blood work so we are taking that as good news. She said she would call if things had changed.

    Out in the cold to shovel some snow before the next three inches come.
    Stay warm.


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2015

    Hello my sisters. It seems like forever since I've been here. I was so blessed to go on our mission trip to Barbados, and then to my sisters in Florida. After almost a month of good weather, our sub-zero temps are hard to take. I don't do winter well in the best of years. These low temps are making my bones hurt. During last year's mission trip I was still pretty sick and couldn't do a lot physically. This year I was hauling cement blocks around. :-) I did end up in the ER after I got back to Miami with big time edema in both legs. Five hours and $5000 later, I found out I didn't have a blood clot, enlarged heart or any other obvious reason for the edema. They speculate that my high liver enzymes combined with low potassium levels and working on hot concrete at the church caused a perfect storm. I'm back to normal now, although my heart skipped a beat when I got the bill!

    If I may, I'd like to ask for prayer for a possible job change for my husband. It would mean leaving our kids and grand-kids, which is almost incomprehensible to me, but we want to be open to God's will.

    Blessings everyone!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good evening sisters,

    Anita, I am glad that you were reassured regarding the Rev. Scripture. I think that heaven is going to be so amazing that we don't even have the adequate words in our vocabulary to describe it.

    Lucy, that town you visited looks like fun. Glad you got to do something fun and distracting. Still praying for DH's results on Pet scan.

    Ellen, I know this artic blast has found it's way down your way. Praying for safety for you and all those affected by this weather. Continued prayers for Fonnie.

    Mags, as you resume rads I am praying for supernatural strength and pain management as you go forward. There is going to be such a celebration when you cross the finish line! Hang in there.

    Angie, praying against fatigue as you take on another week of rads.

    Char, I am glad your Dad is still with you. I certainly understand how you have more reassurance when he is right there with you. That is wise to take a class. You all are getting clobbered with these snow storms. Hang in there. When I realized that our time change is coming in a few weeks it gave me great hope that spring will be here before you know it.

    Jean praying for your surgery and that you will have perfect peace this week.

    Robin, praying for your surgery this week as well. Praying that you will have supernatural peace and great support afterwards.

    Mini, glad that you checked in and gave us an update. I am so glad that you were able to do the mission trip but it sounds like the enemy had to get in his two cents. I am sorry that you had to go to the ER. I know that these medical costs see so outrageous. I am glad you got to have a nice visit with your sister for such a long time. Yes this cold weather is tough. I am thankful for my warm house and my warm car.

    Kath, praying for a safe trip home. I know this bad weather is creeping down the coast. I hope you had a good time with Forrest today. Praying against all SE's.

    Becky, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying that you are comfortable and in His care.


    Have a great week and keep safe.

    Love you all,



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning my dear sisters. Welcome back Mini. Nancy as usual thanks for the prayers and for being so diligent organizing our prayer needs. Today I am grateful for our warm house. It was -2 degrees when I got up. Tomorrow we go down to NYC to see my surgeon, get my infusions and do presurgery testing for the ALND surgery on Thursday. I am thankful our driveway is plowed and free of ice. Also for our son doing the driving. Our pastor is doing a sermon series on getting through the storms and yesterday spoke on Psalm 30. I love the verse that speaks of weeping enduring for the night but "joy comes in the morning". He spoke of how we sometimes resist joy. This spoke to both hubby and I. It seems strange that sometimes we prefer to stay in our sackcloth. I am also grateful for getting prayer after service for the upcoming surgery. My hubby also asked for prayer about how to deal with a Christian couple who owe us a considerable amount of monet and are making no effort to pay us back. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning sisters,

    Hope you all had a blessed weekend. Church was awesome and we also started a discipleship class Sunday evening. I think it is going to be awesome as its on healing. How perfect is that. God is so good at leading us where we need to go as long as we listen.

    Praying everyone has a relaxin day as they prepare for upcoming treatments or surgeries. Stay inside and warm and if you have to go out be careful. Love and Blessings.

    Daily Devotional

    Victory Cry

    Picture yourself at your niece's final soccer game of the season. If they win, they will be in the playoffs. The team has been behind the entire game, and they look exhausted. But just in the last few minutes they've tied the score. Now the seconds are ticking away. The game is almost over. The parents are white-knuckled. The fans are holding their breath. Your niece makes a great move and takes the ball down the field. You're shouting at the top of your lungs, "Go, go!" She makes an incredible pass across the field. You know this is it . . . just one goal away from victory.

    The Israelites had waited 40 years to shout the victory cry. Now they're at the goal. For six days they had followed God's commands and had marched silently around Jericho, with only the sounds of trumpets blown by the priests. Now it was the seventh day. Imagine the suspense . . . would God himself appear to tear down the walls? Would the inhabitants of Jericho surrender without a fight? Would the Israelites make the right play? Then God gave the go-ahead: Sound the trumpets; shout for victory, and the walls of the city will collapse. Just as God promised, "the trumpets sounded, the army shouted," and victory was theirs. The Israelites conquered the city of Jericho, finally claiming their rightful place in the promised land.

    The Israelites must have felt so relieved to claim a victory after so many years of waiting and preparing. Can you relate? Have you been feeling that you are in a holding pattern, that your circumstances are not changing? Do you long to have resolution, to have even a small victory? God is working even while you are waiting. Think of this time of waiting as a process that will eventually culminate in a victory. In the meantime, remain faithful and know that God is there with you, preparing you for the battles, goals and victories to come.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    This verse in Jesus Calling for today seemed appropriate for us.

    2 Corinthians 12:9Amplified Bible (AMP)

    But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may [b]pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

    As many of you struggle through side effects from chemo, radiation, pain and anxiety of surgeries coming this week and fear of tomorrow and what is going to happen to us if .............. we are reminded that His grace is sufficient for us if we allow ourselves to  be present with the Lord and spend time in His presence. I do think that He will allow us to deplete our strength in fear and worry until we run out of steam and then He says I was here all the time for you but you didn't reach out to me. I know I am certainly guilty of that and have to continually be reminded that He is my portion no matter what.


    Upcoming surgeries.

    Jean, Thursday, February 19. Lymph node surgery.

    Robin, Friday, February 20.  Mastectomy

    Have a great day. I have two three hour workshops tonight and tomorrow night so I will post as much as I can. I still deal with fatigue so I have to pace myself better than I did last week.






  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Just got up from a lovely nap. Sun is shining in the window. I am havung some presurg anxiety. I need to get out of bed, shower, do my Taichi, repack my suitcase, change the bed, put away laundry and do some cleaning. Lord Jesus help! Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon, ladies;

    Well, we're straining our eyes to see if we can find a snowflake somewhere as our area prepares for an ice storm...first bad weather we've had this year. I went out and finished up the shopping for Cal's birthday...plans are to go there Friday and spend the night and celebrate with his Aunt (my daughter) on Sat...didn't know how bad things would get here so wanted to finish that before the weather worsens.

    Tomorrow will be one year since my DCIS discovery. So thankful that I made it through all the "stuff" and still managed to finish out the school year. God knew that it was time for me to leave the profession I loved and hand the reins to someone else. I have a mammogram scheduled next week as well as an OBGYN physical and an oncologist follow up; then (hopefully) my last follow up with my surgeon. Trusting that there will be no surprises.

    Heard yesterday from a former co-worker that cancer has also spread to Fonnie's brain. I went home from the benefit Friday saddened by the decline in her condition in two months time...again I told DH that I just didn't understand ...he reminded me of something important...Fonnie belongs to God, and as much as her family and friends love her, it is His decision. Somehow that has given me a peace. I am praying for Her comfort and her family's strength.

    Jean and Robin, praying for you this week. I have not walked in your shoes, with those particular surgeries but I do know the anxiety of the unknown. I am working on a song to sing soon, and the lyrics spoke to me about you ladies, as well as the storms all of us have faced....

    "I'll prase you in this storm, and I will lift my hands,

    For You are who You are, no matter where I am

    And every tear I've cried, You hold in You hand

    You never left my side, and though my heart is torn

    I will praise You in this storm."

    Stay warm and cozy, those of you enduring the cold weather. Hope everyone has safe travels to appointments. Bev, hope your recovery is going well...

    Love you all, Ellen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Ellen, how true that ultimately our times are in His hands. This cancer journey truly makes us face our physical mortality. All praise to Him that thanks to Jesus we,will one day graduate to immortality. No more tears, no more pain. Just glory forever. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Jean and my prayers for successful surgeries and peace as each day approaches. Just remember that He is waking with each of you.

    Ellen: Sorry to hear about Fonnie. Your husband seems to have stated it so well. God gives us these people to love but they are not ours but His. Happy one year anniversary.

    Mini: So good to hear from you again and sorry to hear how you ended up with edema. Sounds like you were working a bit too hard. I am right there with you with the cold.. Brrrrrrrrr. Will pray for God to direct you and your hubby in placing you where He wants you to be.

    I got my blood work results back today. My med levels are back to normal and fine and my liver counts have not changed. They will recheck in a few months but they seem satisfied for now,,,,,I do too. I could have told them that God had taken care of it.

    Becky: Still praying for your time here with family and friends. as Nancy said, they will be fine. Praying that God continues to give you peace and comfort.

    Mags: Praying for God to remove you from your shoulder pain so you can get through these last few rounds.

    Long day tomorrow and I won't be home till after 8 pm. Asking prayer for my brother Chuck. He has been going through some rough times with his relationship with his wife and also his cat has been ill and he is having a hard time dealing with the possibility of putting him to sleep. He has been calling my dad every day to vent and it is taking it's toll on my father.



  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Good morning sisters,

    Running a little late this morning but I always have time for my prayers. Have a blessed day today and remember God loves us.

    God Empowers You to Build His Kingdom

    All Christians have a responsibility both to practice and to proclaim their faith. Evangelism is not optional. But what about when hard times come? Don't we get a break? Aren't we exempt from the "Great Commission"—at least until our lives calm down?

    Not really. Trials aren't an excuse for not sharing our faith; on the contrary, they are an opportunity to speak out for God. The apostle Paul says as much in the passage above. It is during these times that God gives us the strength to endure in order to keep going in our task of kingdom building. In fact our endurance fuels our message.

    Trials didn't stop Paul from announcing the Good News; they should not deter us either.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I have forgiven your sin and reconciled you to myself.
    • I have given you Good News to share with others.

    My Prayer to God
    God, you have given the gospel to me so that I might show it and share it. Help me to see beyond my problems today, to my real purpose—building your kingdom. Give me creativity in using my struggles to speak for you.

    Read 1 Corinthians 6:4


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Emergency prayer request! My sister's friend Sylvia's mother has not yet accepted Jesus. She is near death. Please pray! Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    Ellen, praying for safety for you. I know the weather in your state and others along the coast has been very dangerous and many without power. I hope you are not without power. Praying for Fonnie and her family and for you as I know this is hard.

    Lucy, thanks again for your banner and your devotional. Praying for you and DH. Hope to hear good news on his Pet scan.

    Char, praying for your brother Chuck and for his marriage and for his cat. I know how dear my cat is to me and she is family. I will pray for a miracle for the cat and for an improved communication with his wife. Praying for strength for you too.

    Angie, praying for fatigue during rads.

    Mags, praying that you will be distracted by the pain during rads. Hang in there girl. You are just about to make it.

    Jean, I am praying for your surgery.

    Robin, praying for your surgery as well.

    Lord Jesus, I pray for Sylvia's mother who is in her 11th hour on this earth and doesn't know you. I pray that someone will pray for salvation. I know many do accept you in their last breath and we pray that she will reach out to you and accept you into her heart.

    Let's also pray for Kath. She has been visiting her son in TN and then got stuck with the bad weather and they had to be rerouted to Dallas where she and her husband had to spend the night. Praying for rest for both of them and for strength to face a work week. Praying against SE's for Kath. I hope she will not mind me sharing this with all of you.

    Have a great evening everyone and stay safe out there. The weather is quickly becoming so dangerous in so many parts of the country. I pray that all will have heat and power and good driving conditions.



  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good evening ladies,

    Well...we saw a few snowflakes and a lot of sleet. It was white but way too slippery to go out...I've been inside all day, and the next few days look rough. Thank God, the sleet didn't causepower outages like freezing rain would. We don' t usually get 0 degree temps but once every 25 or 30 years, but that's our forecast. Praying for a place for folks to stay who don't have a permanent home and safety for all.

    I did text Fonnie today and she was having a good day. She is supposed to go to Duke tomorrow; roads permitting.

    Praying for the different requests here..Kath, sorry you had to take a detour in order to get home. That can really take the fun out of a trip. DH and I were out west with his family when one of the hurricanes hit NC. We were rerouted and flew all over everywhere to get home. Will never forget that trip!

    Jean and Robin...may you have peace of God as you go into surgery this week. At my last surgery I felt the greatest calm that morning as I prepared to leave. It had to be peace from God, and the prayers of many. Praying both of you will feel God's presence.

    Nancy, hope you are enjoying your photography class. I know that really enhances your appreciation of God's beautiful world.

    Angie and Mags, hang in there with rads. I guess it may be better to deal with SE from them in first round in 2011 was in Jan., and I didnT notice the skin issues as much. My round last year was in May and June...NC summertime humidity wasn't pleasant. Praying for both of you..

    God bless you all...may the grace of God keep you safe and comfortable.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Blessings to all of you who are dealing with SE's. I pray for safety for those experiencing the harsh weather. We have been blessed so far with sunshine and blue sky in the 50's and 60's.

    Praying for all the sisters Nancy listed for God to wrap His loving arms around you.

    I wanted to share what a friend told me to check out. There is a Dr. Carolyn Leaf on some broadcast in January that are very interesting. So if your interested go to the Kenneth Copeland website, and click on broadcast for Januay 15th I think is when it starts. She is a Christian doctor who talks about how powerful our mind is. I have never heard Kenneth Copeland and not too sure about him but thus series with this doc is good.

    Have a blessed day.

    Daily Devotional

    The Waiting Room

    Waiting might well be the hardest single thing we ever have to do. We wait in traffic. We wait in the doctor's office (in the waiting room!). We wait to hear news—good or bad.

    We're not patient people. Most of us resemble a child at Christmastime, eagerly anticipating the time to open presents. Each hour seems like an eternity. When the designated time arrives, we can't move fast enough to get to the Christmas tree and tear open all those tantalizingly wrapped gifts.

    But try as we might, we can't make time go any faster. Waiting is a part of our modern life. No matter how fast-paced and hectic our daily schedules may be, we still run up against times and places where we have no choice but to stop and sit or stand in line.

    The Bible often connects waiting with faith. Sometimes Scripture even uses the two words interchangeably. While we might not like it, waiting serves an important role in our Christian life. The work God does within us while we wait is just as important as whatever it is we're waiting for. Of course, none of us finds waiting easy. In fact, it might bring pain and will almost certainly try us and test us. Waiting demands patience and exacts a price. It's the toll on the road that each of us must pay.

    God promised Abraham a blessing: "I will . . . give you many descendants" (Hebrews 6:14). But to receive his blessing, Abraham had to wait—day after day, year after year. In time God did fulfill his promise. And Abraham's waiting turned out to have been his greatest blessing; he was to become the father of the Jewish nation.

    We also hear the promises of God and long for God to fulfill them. Yet we often wait. If Abraham's story teaches us anything, it's that God proves himself faithful again and again. As guys, we want something to do —some action to take. But sometimes our part is simply to wait, with a confident, disciplined and patient assurance that God will keep his promises. He will come through. While such times aren't easy, in the end we can honestly reflect that "it was worth the wait." Indeed, waiting can result in our greatest blessing.

    Read Hebrews 6:13-20
  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Today I am so grateful that I had my infusions yesterday and l am l cleared for tomorrows surgery. My post op appointment has been moved up a week and we got home much earlier than expected yesterday. Here I sit smiling in the frigid Hudson Valley. Sun is shinig, hubby is sleeping and I'm waiting for a call about the surgery time tomorrow. I am feeling amazingly calm. All is well. God is so good to me. Love, Jean Nerdy

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sisters of faith,

    In my devotions today this scripture seemed to jump off the page for Becky.


    Psalm 73:23-26King James Version (KJV)

    23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.

    24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.

    25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

    26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

    King James Version (KJV)


    It is possible that we may never hear from her again but we do know where she is going and she was already being enveloped in peace as Jesus was preparing her for her home going. I pray for her journey and that this peace will continue to envelope her and that the Lord will provide comfort for her family and friends.


    Jean, as you prepare for your surgery tomorrow I am so thankful that the Lord is showing himself strong in your heart and mind with peace that can only come from Him. I pray for a successful surgery for a speedy recovery so you can get started on the last leg of your journey.

    Robin, as your surgery nears for Friday I pray that the Lord will come against any fear or anxiety and that He will give you perfect peace. I pray that you will have people that will come along side you and help you after surgery. Know that we will be lifting you up here as well.

    Lucy, glad you are enjoying some warmer weather than many parts of the country now. Enjoying your banners and devotionals.

    Ellen, glad you have power and it sound very wise to stay put inside the house. Nothing is scarier than driving on ice and sleet. Praying for safety for all who are dealing with this awful weather.

    Kath, I hope you and DH had a chance to do a lot of resting yesterday. Prayers for strength and SE's for you.

    Bev, hope your amazing recovery is still going well. Haven't heard from you in a while but praying you are enjoying the nice weather down your way.


    I may check in later. I had a horrible night of not getting to sleep until 6:30am. I had two late night classes the last two nights. Last night the three hour class ran an extra 40 min. The night before the teacher talked to me for an hour after the three hour class. To say I am wiped out would be an understatement. My mom's dryer needs to be replaced so that is my task for this afternoon to try to buy a dryer long distance with a company I am not familiar with. Should be fun. Take care and be safe.





  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    oh I have missed you all!!! Nancy, don't mind at all. We had an incredible time at Covenant College, where our son plays college baseball, and looking at our little slice of heaven in a very small, very beautiful, very peaceful small town in Tennessee.

    God had His hand in it all....from the beginning, to leading us to a Christian plumbing company. I was able to marvel at His hand of the beauty all around us. Minutes from the Ocoee river, surrounded by hills.

    My SE were manageable. Got sick once at the ball field, but that is all. Edema, nausea, trying to control it.

    The airline tried to give us a hotel, but we would have had to share it with a young 23 year old young lady who was alone. We insisted she take it.

    My devotional that day was to be at peace when God MAKES us be still. Boy what a lesson. I was able to comfort a young girl who was traveling with her uncle who had just been released from 6 weeks in a psych hospital. Schizoaffective disorder and bi polar. A young lady lost in her diagnosis, but a woman of faith! God allowed me to share with her....I am the CEO of a non proft that helps with mental health.

    Gave her resources, my phone number, and we agreed it was a God thing

    I have been working on patience, gratitude and not being irritable. You all help keep me accountable, as does my devotional.

    I admit though.....when we went to board yesterday morning at 8 a.m. And they told us we were on the night flight I lost it.

    Flung my wig off, and burst into tears. We made it. Got home about 2:30 ETS. I had not pulled a 30 hour since college, and my throat was on fire.

    It is gone today, PTL. I fell asleep at 5 , then from 8-6 this morning

    She, I honestly don't know HOW yiu do it

    So, had first appointment with radiation oncologist today. SHOCKED to find out I have to do daily for 6 weeks beginning end of March. And a cat scan to make sure it has not spread

    Anita, continued prayers

    Jean, so glad you are at peace. Will be praying for you all day off and on tomorrow, same for you Robin on Friday. Jean, we are due for another pic of GGD!!!!

    Ellen, LOVE that song... Needed those lyrics now

    Mini and Char, have missed you ! Char, your kiddos are blessed

    Lucy. Keep those banners coming !

    Finally, Nancy, thanks for ALWAYS being there. You get REST dear. Friend!!!!! Can you take melatonin ?

    You are amazing .... I want to be yiu when I grow up!

    She, Bev, all well ?

    Hugs and a promise of daily prayers for all on the list

    God is good .....


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    I haven't been able to visit little Valentina with shingles but here's her latest. She is now over 10 lbs and loves to smile. Hoping to see her as soon as I recover from tomorrows surgery. Love, Jean


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Jean, your GGD is beautiful.

    Just stopped by to let you know I learned today that I will be having 10 boosts instead of the 5 I was expecting. I'm not handling it well, as my skin is starting to show the effects and I still have 4 regular tx left to do. I'm hoping that my drivers will be able to go one more week.

    So tired.

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Jean, just gorgeous.

    Mags, you CAN do this. I am reading Jesus Calling right at this moment and lifting you up. It has yiur name all over it

    In His arms you are


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sister Warriors,

    Hope all are doing well and praying today will be a good day for all of us. Mags hang in there beloved and know God is with you every step. This is the time when you are seeing one set of footprints in the sand, but you know what's really happening. You are being lifted in prayer so take comfort in that.

    No news yet on DH PET scan so asking to keep the prayers lifted. Thank you. I am doing well and still exercising at Curves and working daily. We had a dear friends mother pass last Sunday and we took them dinner last night along with another couple and we had some amazing fellowship. Shared of her last days as she lived with her daughter and SIL and they both took care of her during hospice the past 6 weeks. I will miss her as she was such a beautiful spirit and loved the Lord so very much.

    DH and I started a disciple class on Sunday evening so that is going for 6 or 7 weeks. Enjoyed it as this is on healing. Listening and watching a video but forget the guys name. More on this as we invest more time.

    Did some research on social security disability for me with my dx of TNBC and Mets and although I could very possibly be allowed I wouldn't get medical for 2 years. That just doesn't make sense to me why they make you wait on the Medicare if you need it if you have to quit work due to an illness. Seems the only way is to work out with your employer to pay you the allowed amount of $1090.00 per month and hopefully stay on medical and do that for two years. The other option is to quit apply then pay for cobra which is costly but that is for only 18 months so there is 6 months you would not be covered. So, not easy decisions as I plan for my next phase of our plan. I know it's in Gods hands and He knows our needs and I fully trust in Him.

    Have a blessed day warriors and keep up the fight wearing your armor that the good Lord has provided us.


    Daily Devotional

    Patient Obedience

    Phillips Brooks, a pastor in New England during the late 1800s, was known as a calm and relaxed man. But one particular evening a friend found him pacing the floor like a caged lion. When the friend asked him what was wrong, Brooks replied, "The trouble is I'm in a hurry, but God isn't!"

    Can you relate? Sometimes the hardest part of following God is waiting on him to move. At these times questions come fast and furious. "Why won't our house sell?" "When will I hear something from the person who interviewed me?" "How long do I have to wait for my child's (or friend's or parent's or boss's) attitude to change?"

    The Israelites discovered this truth firsthand. God led them through the wilderness, but not always at the pace they had hoped for. Yet God expected the people to obey regardless of the wait.

    It's not hard to imagine how difficult it must have been for the Israelites to be patient and obedient, because you experience this in your own life. Maybe you're waiting for an answer to prayer. You know that God's answer is critical, yet he doesn't seem to be responding. You're in a hurry, but God isn't.

    And while the hardest part may be the waiting, learning to trust God in the middle of it all is no picnic either. Yet Proverbs 3:5–6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

    Obeying and trusting God often require a measure of patience. "Obedience must be the struggle and desire of our life," writes Phillips Brooks. "Obedience, not hard and forced, but ready, loving and spontaneous." So Brooks waited, in spite of his moments of impatience.

    Are you willing to wait for God, trust his timing and answers and obey—regardless of the wait?

    Read Proverbs 3:5-6


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Jean, you are covered in prayer. Praying for a successful surgery, pain control afterwards and a speedy recovery. Let us know how you doing when you are able. Valentina is so beautiful. What a blessing.

    Robin, praying for your mastectomy tomorrow. Praying that the Lord would encompass you in peace today.

    Mags, I can only imagine how you must feel. Do you know where your targeted boosts will be. When my skin broke down it was not in the area of the boosts so it had time to heal. You have made it this far and you will get through this. Hang in there dear one.

    Lucy, yes it is in the Lord's hands regarding your disability. I know how crazy it all seems regarding that. The Lord will guide you which avenue to take. From a human perspective there are no easy answers. I love "I'm in hurry but God isn't". I think we can all relate to that phrase in your devotional. God stretches our faith muscles during those times for sure.

    Kath, praying for a good day at work with SE's under control.

    Will check in later. I have a wake to go to later today. It is dangerously cold out there today. I am ready to see the spring flowers popping through.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Jean, I pray that you are recovering with pain under control. I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

    Robin, praying for your surgery and that you have a speedy recovery. Praying for your medical team.

    She, how are you doing?

    Tobycc, as you said a divine appt from God. Glad you were able to share your wisdom and resources with the young lady.

    Anita, how are you doing?

    Becky/Becky's family, we would love to hear how things are. Keeping every one in prayer at this time.

    Rad is going well. Like everyone else that goes through this i have to get use to the daily visits for 5 weeks. Praying for fatigue and that there are no major SEs with the RADs. I did email my RO as shoulders are beginning to bother me. I thought today this little annoyance that I have is nothing compared to Mags and I just begin to pray for you Mags. As always you are in my prayers. Ditto to what Lucy stated in her post that was said so eloquently.

    Praying always,


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Angie, thank you so much. I went back and read Lucy's post again, and got a chill. As I was lying there on the rads table today in between the scan and the tx, with the room completely empty except me, I felt a tug on my gown. I was lying there praying, and it was so unusual that my eyes flew open to see who was there. No one. The Lord was with me.

    My cousin went with me today and went in to see the prep and set up, then when they began tx they sent her out to the lobby. She waited for me in the on-site Starbucks and when I finished I went down there. I sat down at the table and she looked at me and burst into tears. She hadn't realized what I went through every day and it just pushed her to double her prayers for me.

    I confess I am in such a fog from the Percocet and muscle relaxers, just trying to get to the other side of this ordeal without losing my mind. I can't take enough medicine to make the pain stop. I just take a bit and try to forget. It's all I can do.

    Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. Thank you, Jesus, that you are with me.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    I am checking in before going to bed. Almost 1am and I am wiped out.

    Robin, praying for your surgery for tomorrow. I pray now that you are asleep and getting good rest beforehand. I pray for the surgeons and all of your medical team that they will treat you with compassion and sensitivity and that you will feel the Lord encompassing you like a protective bubble. I pray for emotional and physical healing as you begin this journey. I pray that you will have many blessings along the way and will be able to give the glory to God. We will be lifting you up dear one.

    Jean, I pray that you are resting comfortably and will have a speedy recovery with good pain management.

    Mags, you are going to have such a story when you reach the finish line. I do believe that you are going to be a powerful witness to other ladies going through this journey. God allowed for this to happen for a reason. I am so glad that you had that supernatural experience today. The Lord is been cheering you along this whole journey and He knew you needed a tangible reminder of that. PTL I pray for you often dear sister.

    Angie, praying that you will make it to the other side of this journey with very manageable side effects. Hang in there. The end is in sight.

    Kath, praying for you as you finish your work week. Praying against that nausea and leg pain and swelling. Only two more treatments and then rads. You will make it to the end and get to have that happy dance.

    Ellen, I hope you get to see your grandson. How is the weather? Has it improved at all. We are still in the deep freeze here but a little warm up tomorrow afternoon I think. I saw some very scary stuff on the news the last couple of days with all the ice. Stay safe.
    Lucy, your devotionals and banners have been awesome. Is DH a veteran? I know my BIL that I asked for prayer several weeks ago is almost at 100% disability which means my sister will have free health care for life. They are getting quite a bit of money now which is such a blessing.

    Praying for all even though I didn't mention everyone tonight. I am learning a ton of things that just never stuck in my brain when I studied photography on my own. I have been very busy with homework and practicing besides all the hours in class. I will come out of this feeling really good that I did it but it has been some pressure.

    Have a good night's sleep.

    Love you all,
