thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Dear sisters, surgery is over. I am at my sisters . There was a slight problem with my drain getting clogged but my sister milked the drain and it seems to be working again. God has performed a surgical miracle in answer to prayer. I have NO pain! Let me repeat, not a little pain, not soreness, not irritation. NO PAIN. Truly Jesus is the Great Physician. Awesome and glorious is He! Thank you dear Lord and thank you ladies for the prayer. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Have a blessed day...more later running late. Love you all!

    Daily Devotional

    Choose Kindness

    *What are some choices that you make every day?

    *What is it like to be around a person who likes to start arguments and pick fights?

    When Paul writes that we should not be quarrelsome, he means that we should not be running around picking unnecessary fights. Instead, we should be kind to others. The Lord's servants — that's us! — are supposed to be peaceful. We are supposed to work to promote peace, not conflict.

    Kindness is a choice. We need to choose to be kind. Our natural tendency might often be to argue instead of being kind, but this doesn't make it okay. In every encounter we have throughout the day, we have a choice: We can be kind or we can be unkind. We can choose to get along or we can pick a fight. God wants us to choose kindness.

    What about when people are unkind to us? What about those times when people are quarrelsome? Even in those instances, we are to choose kindness. We can walk away from conflict. Kindness is always an option.


    Dear God, please help us to honor you by choosing kindness. Amen.

    Read 2 Timothy 2:24


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    Hi ladies - I'm finally checking back in but I've been thinking of you all and praying so much this week - particularly for Jean and Robin with surgery. So glad for the great report Jean - what a great testimony you are! I just love all your posts, Lucy - thanks so much for taking the time to share with us every day. The posters are always just what I need to see and remember.

    Nancy, I'm so impressed at all your work (in the cold!) with photography. Your pictures already have me in awe of your talent - I can't imagine how much better you'll get but you go!!! I'm sure God has an amazing plan for you to use your talents to glorify Him.

    Kath, Angie and She, you're all doing so well on the journey. It will be over before you know it.

    Mags, I'm so impressed at your strength in getting through such tough days - and praising God with you that the end is coming soon.

    I'm doing great after my surgery two weeks ago - I'm thinking it will be my last (guess I'll at least listen to what the surgeon says when I see him on Tuesday.....). I saw both my BS (one-year checkup - free till next February!) and MO (three-month checkup....the nurse said I'd probably have another checkup in May then go to 6 months but I just got my appointment reminder and it's for August so guess the MO thinks I'm ready to be weaned a bit....yay!)

    Hope everybody keeps warm and safe this weekend. My friends in PA say it's so frigid that many people are having problems with burst pipes and broken heating systems - never mind all the snow and ice. Spring is coming......

    God bless us all, my sweet friends - Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    My sister's friend Sylvia's mother died today. Please keep her in prayer. She is an only child who has taken care of her bedridden mom for many years. On a more positive note I started my exercises tonight and already have full range of motion in my arm. Our Jesus is still performing miracles. Love, Jean

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    A quick post. Jean, I am so thrilled that all went well with your surgery aside from the drain. So glad you have no pain and you are already exercising so quickly. I love that you and the others always give God the glory.

    Mags: I continue to pray for you. Last night I awoke about 1am and prayed for you and others on here. Can't sleep, may as well pray than try counting sheep. I wish there were something else that we could do to help you but prayer is the best medicine. You really have been tested and I can not imagine what you are dealing with. not fun.....not that kind of pain. I pray that in there somewhere, you have some rest and can get through it.

    Bev: Praise God for such great news. I am so happy to hear that you continue to move forward. Soon this will be a blip on your radar screen but the process will always keep you reminded just how great our God is.

    Robin: Have prayed that all goes well with your surgery too.

    I know I have said this before but all of you humble me with your courage and faith through this process. Yes each of you are human but God has allowed all of you including our sweet Becky to be a witness to others along this journey and to allow others to see the hope that so boldly sings in each one of you.

    I am off to bed as we are expecting 3 to 7 inches of snow starting tomorrow morning. This after a minus 12 this morning and temps staying in single digits all day. I so look forward to the sunshine of heaven some day but for now look forward to seeing green grass and the warmth of a spring day.
    Hugs to all of you,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Dear sisters of faith,

    Robin, praying that you are resting comfortably and have good pain control. Praying for a quick recovery both physically and emotionally. Praying also that some unexpected Christians will come along side you to help you during your recovery. Let us know how you are doing when you can.

    Jean, PTL that you have no pain. God is good. I am so glad that this part of your journey is over and you can now rest in the healing process and get ready for your last leg of the journey. I am sorry to hear about Sylvia's mother. I pray that someone got to speak to her about Jesus.

    Lucy, I love this banner. Our bc journey is a great way to witness to the world for those who know what we are going through. If we could completely comprehend how God orders our steps and how our lives touch others that we know and maybe even the cashier at the grocery store or that clerk at Walmart that are watching us we would be blown away. God does have a perfect plan for our lives even in the tough times.

    Bev, so glad to hear from you. I sure hope this was the last surgery for you. I know getting in shape for your bike trip will be on your mind these next few weeks. How is Duke your newer rescue doing? I would love to have some Texas weather about now.

    Kath, praying for strength with all the things you have going this week. Praying against that sore throat and praying that your immune system will fight off any germs trying to invade your body.


     Have prayed for all of you. Have a restful weekend.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, we feel your prayers!!!!

    Jean? Robin? Have been in prayer. Home from a long dinner with board member and potential funder. PTL it is the weekend, sleep in, acupuncture tomorrow, church Sunday

    Hugs to all

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015

    Hi, Angie and everyone,

    Praise God for His awesome works, He has done great things. I am well, fighting a few se from exemestane is all. Where we live, we have had no snow until this week, and now the 5 inches or so has stayed due to the cold. Very pretty but deadly for those out in it.

    Angie, how is the radiation going? It can be rough for some of us. Back when I had my original staging ( I have had 5 separate areas irradiated ) I had to hold my position for 45 minutes and I cried the whole time . Due to pain, frustration. Then when I had my treatments, they lasted only seconds. Regardless of my experience, I pray yours goes well.

    Love across the miles,


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Good morning dear sisters. Today I am grateful for no pain and a clear working drain. Sun is shining here at my sisters. Snow is predicted for later. I am also grateful that my David is attending the men's breakfast at our church upstate with my hubby. I am praying God will touch his heart. My sisters hubby just left for Florida so it's girl time for the next few days. I plan to shower today and change from my. grungy PJS. Love, Jean

  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Hi Group, I have been so busy with work it has been hard to get a moment to type but I have been reading.

    Mags, the tug on the gown, AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME. Sometimes he has to give us a physical reminder just to remind us we are never alone.

    Had my last infusion yesterday, my husband was real excited as were the treatment team that gave me a certificate signed by all them with my name on it. I was happy to be done with chemo but I don't feel anyway close to being done with this. I try not to think too far ahead, but there is surgery in 30 days and that is an ordeal for months to go after that. I also know that is in God's hands so I just need to relax. Jesus Calling speaks to me everyday.

    For the ladies doing radiation, I am increasing my prayers for you because after seeing what it entails especially daily treatments I can not even imagine. I know God is working in us, for us and will see us through. Prayer works, I have seen and I believe. Keep the faith. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015




  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    She, yes, congratulations! I forgot this was the last chemo treatment. Yep, you've got a way to go but I remember when I was getting ready for (and nervous) about surgery. Somebody told me they'd rather go through 10 surgeries than a chemo - and they were right!!! You've made it through the worst of it....and I can't believe you've been working through it all! God has given you incredible strength - and I'm sure your faith has grown as you've learned to depend on Him.

    So glad for the good report, Jean (see, She - the surgery part seems to be the most scary but it's actually easier!)


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon,

    Just got home from Stephen's. It was brutally cold here Thursday night, and their pipes froze so they had no water for showers, etc...other than that inconvenience, it was a good visit. My daughter drove in and spent a short while with us today and brought chocolate cupcakes...Calvin had it everywhere...haven't laughed that hard in awhile. Too bad it was too cold (with no water) for a hosing down outside!

    Jean, glad you are doing so well after surgery. Once you are done with the drainage tube, things get even better. Robin, hope your surgery went well..been praying for both of you.

    Mags, you are almost there. My boost area wasn't as uncomfortable as the area around it, so the boosts actually gave the other part a chance to heal. I found that eating plenty of protein and resting like they told me helped the healing tremendously. I was still very tired but the skin healed quickly enough that a few weeks later, it was a distant memory. Angie, hope you are coping well.

    Enjoying the pictures, Nancy. Hope you were able to get a dryer ordered for your mom without too much hassle. So far my mom has been able to select replacement appliances herself, usually after talking with me on the phone.

    She, congratulations! Praying for your upcoming's wisdom, no complications and quick recovery.

    Bev, glad you are still doing well..God has done an amazing work with your recoveries, Lucy and Kath, hope both of you are managing. Debbie, Anita and Becky....praying for you too

    Getting ready to unpack stuff....and get a shower! As with most things, the old Paul Simon lyrics..." You don't know what you've got till it's gone..."-applies to good health and showers!

    God bless you all...Ellen

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Robin, I have been thinking and praying for you throughout the day. I pray you are resting comfortably and that the pain is manageable. Let us know how you are doing and how we can best pray for you and of course we will pray for a smooth and speedy recovery. Praying that some unexpected blessings will come your way with people coming along side to help.

    Jean, it sounds like you are doing great. That is so good to hear.

    Char, as I was sitting at the guy's house before going into my second of two workshops this past week I remembered that was the night you had to work till 8 so I prayed for you and for both of us to have the strength to get through a long night. Praying all is going well with your Dad. I am so glad that you have this time with him. I know with the weather it has probably been nuts for you and school and all. Hang in there. I think according the calendar, the last I checked spring is coming. Winking.

    Ellen, glad you had a good visit with both children and Cal. No water for showers would be tough. Hopefully they can get that fixed soon. My parents were cat and house sitting for me many years ago while I was on an adult band trip in Kentucky. My mom had my hose outside water she thought for about 40min. The whole time water was flooding my living room and dining room as a pipe had burst and she didn't know it until coming into the squishy carpet. That was a nightmare for everyone involved so I don't envy your son. I am glad you liked the pics. I have a love/hate relationship with my pics and I deleted them. LOL

    Bev, glad to hear from you. I need to send you that Dutch windmill sometime soon.  Glad you are doing so well and be soooooooooooo glad you are not in Pennsylvania now!

    Anita, how are things going with DH? Downstate my sister said they got 10 inches of snow and we had only flurries. We still have lots on the ground because it has been so cold except we got a tiny break today. Are you near Branson?

    Mags, I continue to lift you up. You are a trooper and will get through this.

    Angie, continuing to lift you up as you closer to the end than the beginning I believe. Do you have 25 treatments?

    Kath, hope you are hanging in there from a very long and stressful week. Rest, rest and more rest. How's the sore throat?

    I will post an update on all of us when I get a chance. Today has been busy and I am working on a project which is taking me forever.

    Have a restful evening. Debbie how are you doing? Probably sleeping now.



  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Good Evening, Just getting ready to relax and remember

    how grateful I should be for another day, to walk with Jesus

    by my side and my serve dog faith on the other. I am grateful

    for all the love and caring people here.

    The Lord is my strength and my shield;

    my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.

    My heart leaps for joy

    and I will give thanks to Him in song.

    Psalm 28. 7 NIV

    You are all In my prayers, God bless You.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    I am so grateful for my smooth recivery. Planning to go home tomorrow barring any unexpected developments. Lots of snow here and some icing. I hear my sis up so will try to check in later. Hang in there gals, we are all in His hands. Love, Jean

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Glad to hear folks are doing well and recoveries from surgery and treatments are going well. God is so good!!!

    DH PET scan showed nothing...PRAISE GOD!!! Thanks for the prayers...I know they work. Tomorrow off to Seattle for treatment and monthly appt with MO and nutritionist.

    We planned out first camping trip for the season last week in March so looking forward to kicking the camping season off. Well off to get ready for church. Have a blessed day and know your in my prayers. Love and blessings.

    God Gives You Unearthly Patience

    Why does it seem that trouble always rears its head just when we start to make real progress? And why do so many difficulties linger for what seems an eternity?

    Why are some people so annoying? And what recourse do we have when we can't swap the irritating folks in our lives — family members, co-workers, neighbors — for a more congenial bunch?

    When we're in these kinds of situations, when we're feeling stuck, restless and unable to change anything, we need the miracle of God's patience.

    The word the apostle Paul uses here — forbearance — is a word that means endurance, patience or perseverance. This is the quality of being long-suffering.

    The next time circumstances put you in an unpleasant "holding pattern," the next time an annoying person pushes your buttons, relinquish control of the situation and your own emotions and offer it to the One who has an endless supply of patience. The results really are miraculous.

    God's Promise to Me

    *Those controlled by my Spirit can experience unearthly patience.

    My Prayer to God

    I want to know your patience, Lord. Forgive me for getting irritated with situations and people. I want to be even-keeled. I want to be willing to wait for you no matter how long it takes.

    Read Galatians 5:22


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Footprints (Deb) Glad you came back to post. Can you tell us about your service dog? I love that scripture. Thanks for sharing that. I wonder if you and Lucy live near each other. Hope you have a great Sunday. Feel free to join us any time.

    Lucy, PTL on the good news of the Pet scan. What a relief that is I'm sure. To hear you making a camping trip at the end of March seems funny for us. It is usually still quite cold in March around here. Your devotional today was so good. I am living testimony that you can get along with anyone. Since this is such a public forum I am guarded as to what I can say but I can testify that for many years I had to deal with this person. I prayed and prayed and prayed and in the end it was ME that had to change and deal with it. I can't say it was all roses but it all worked out okay.

    Jean, so glad you are doing so well. PTL

    Robin, still praying for you. Praying that you are comfortable and with good pain control. When you are able let us know how you are doing.


    I have a prayer request. We had a guest speaker from Australia today and he was so great. At the end our senior pastor took the mic and I think he meant this just happened. His 33 year old nephew, Derrick Ross is a pastor in North Carolina. He had a stroke and is paralyzed on one side of his body. We are praying for God to touch him and heal him. I am asking for your prayers for him as well.


    Have a restful day everyone. Praying that we can see the good today in all of our troubles and challenges. I believe in what this pastor said today. We don't have to go through Hell on Earth before we get to heaven. Of course that doesn't mean we are without difficulties but I believe God wants us to have an abundant life here on earth. I am not speaking of earthly treasures either even though he can certainly bless us with those too. Jesus is the answer to all of our problems. I know I have said that a dozen times and I will say it probably many more.

    Love you all,


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    dear Sisters, having "Godbumps" of joy. Jean, Char, just thrilled !!!! For ALL of my dear sisters in Christ !

    She, you got this. You will be covered in prayer when surgery comes. Like you, Jesus Calling speaks tome daily.

    I was SO glad to be back in church today. It always feels like coming home, doesn't it? We have been working on putting Christs footprints on our community. Amazing things happening

    Also praying for our first responders through this Lent season. Over 400 praying daily.

    Did not feel good yesterday as pharmacy messed up again and my patch did not come by fedex. For the patch I use the pharmacy at the cancer center, but will switch after this

    MO gave me zpack to avoid getting sicker with sore throat and slight fever. Friday is treatment, looking forward to another one down!

    Gentle hugs and strong prayers to each of you


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Lucy PTL re hubby!!!!!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Dear sisters of faith, I am going to attempt an update. For those who do not check in regularly I may not have any more news than the last update but we will certainly still be praying.

    Mags, is facing horrible shoulder pain during rads and afterwards. She has more boosts than she thought. She needs prayers to help her over this finish line that has seemed liked forever for her. She is on strong pain meds and very fatigued. Let's encourage her heart with all encompassing prayers.

    Lucy, needs wisdom and direction regarding her disability and retirement. Strength in her busy weeks. DH still needs a miracle. Lucy is praying this will be her year of healing so let's agree with her on that.

    Kath, needs prayer to get through her last two chemo treatments and then strength to get through the radiation treatments. She is still dealing with nausea and leg pain and swelling and still working as CEO of a mental health organization which is very demanding.

    Bev, is doing well after her last surgery. Let's pray that she can be 100% before her big bike trip to Holland. If you want to know how that is possible (the bike trip, I mean) she will have to explain that. I don't think the bicycles act as a hover craft over the ocean! Prayers for salvation for Dave her DH.

    Becky, let's pray for her family and friends. I wish that we had more news but I do know that she has not checked in with us since Nov. 9 and I take that as she is no longer able to do so for whatever reason. Let's pray that her journey is a peaceful one with Jesus taking her in his arms.

    Anita, let's pray for the polarizing issues in her family that have created tension among family members. She has been having some SE from her infusions as well. Let's pray that God will give her strength in this journey.

    Debbie, we have not heard from her since the last update but she was having rib pain and issues from her new chemo treatments. Let's pray that God continues to give her hope and that her positive attitude will remain strong in the midst of this setback with her tumor markers elevated after being in remission.

    Angie, prayers for her remaining radiation treatments. She is still working and is a pastor's wife with lot's of responsibility and still feeling the effects of her chemo treatments. Let's pray her to the finish line. You'll almost there dear sister.

    Polly, we haven't heard from her for awhile but the last time she mentioned issues she was having seizures that were affecting her hand and having IBS issues. She had to stop Arimidex because of the IBS issues made worse. Her DH was having lots of stress dealing with his father's death and being executor of his will. Prayers for both of them needed.

    Mini, prayers that she will not have anymore ER issues that she had after her successful missions trip. She had a wonderful time at her sisters and now is just trying to get through the winter in Michigan. She asked for prayer for a job change for her DH which might take her away from her grandchildren. Also prayers to meet this unexpected huge ER bill.

    Vickie, as she and her DH travel in the warm weather in their RV let's pray not only protection from them but still prayers for grief as they lost their second of two children a few months ago. Let's remember the whole family as they have all experienced a huge loss in their lives.

    Jean, continued prayers for complete healing from your recent surgery. Prayers as you will have rads as your last leg of your journey.

    Char, prayers for strength as she tries to do it all. Her father is still at her house and she is still working as a PE teacher and trying to get in shape for a half marathon. With all the nasty weather to add to it all she needs a supernatural energy boost.

    Ellen, prayers for victory over SE from Arimidex. Prayers for energy as she heads the music in her church as they get ready for the Easter season. She is also a pastor's wife and we pray for all of her work in her church. We pray for her as she helps out her mom who is a few hours away. We continue to pray for her good friend Fonnie who without a miracle will be seeing Jesus in the future as her cancer has spread.

    Sheangel, has just finished her chemo treatments and will have surgery in about 30 days and then radiation. She has a stressful job in the police force and continues to work through it all. Let's pray for supernatural strength for her as she faces her upcoming surgery.

    Jo, I do not have any news to report as her cellulitis has healed. I know she was concerned about the antibiotics causing colon problems down the road so we can pray that this will NOT happen.

    Robin, just had a bilateral mastectomy on Feb. 20. Let's pray for physical and emotional healing and for provision as she recovers. She is separated from her children in Florida. Let's pray that the Lord will fill that void with Christians that will come along side her during this difficult time.

    KateW, continued healing from cancer that has spread.

    Carren, Sharon, Deborah, prayers for our sisters that we don't hear from too often but are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Footprints Deb praying for her and her issues as she has a service dog. Prayers for her as well.


    If I have made any mistakes let me know or if you have other needs not mentioned I will add them for my next update.

    We make a powerful team of online warriors in our little family. I do think of you all as my adopted family.


    Love you all,


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015



    i felt bad posting my granddaughter and the fun we had when I heard about Sue. Oh  I will post one. Sue knows we keep living.


    This is a picture Becky posted in Oct. I choose to remember her in this happy state that she was in with her granddaughter.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2015

    Dear Nancy and the rest of you,

    Thank you so very much for the continuing prayers. It is getting easier to talk/think about our daughter w/o crying, as time goes on. We are in So. California, and last Wed. on my 72nd birthday, my dearest Husband took me over to the Coronado Strand (beach area in San Diego). I love the ocean and we just sat there enjoying the sights, sounds of the ocean for quite a while, then he took me to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants in the San Diego area. It was a very nice, relaxing/calming afternoon. Our God has made so many things on this earth for us to enjoy, with such beauty, I wonder how much more stunning Heaven and the New Earth will be. In June we will celebrate our 55th anniversary..


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Listen carefully! Jesus Christ opens the gate, gently

    looks at you and says: "Come unto Me, all ye that 

    labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek

    and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls

    Matthew 11:28-29

    God bless and carry You in His arms of Love.

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good Evening ladies,

    First of all,a big thank you to Nancy for her faithfulness to keeping us up to date on surgeries, procedures, tests and prayer needs. I am so helps me remember to pray specifically.

    Quick son finally has water again...their rental company sent a plumber this morning. I'm thankful that it has warmed up here. Our service today was well attended and our planning meeting for VBS was productive.We discussed tonight how blessed our church has been with good leadership; we give all credit to God.

    My IPad is doing weird stuff again so I'd better close before it quits and I lose this post. Thanks always for the prayers for me. I have an appointment for a GYN physical and mammogram tomorrow..Will be glad when that unpleasantness is over.

    Saw in a local paper that the fundraiser for Fonnie sold over 3800 $8.00 each, that's over $30,000 to help with medical expenses. That doesn't include donations that were made.All the kindness she has shown others is coming back to her.

    Rest well and may our Lord give you peace and rest


  • She-Angel
    She-Angel Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    It was such a treat to open up the discussion board and see that big Congrats flashing, I thought it was real cute and it took me a minute to realize it was for me. Thanks Nancy :-) I seem to be in slow motion. I am moving slow, I am battling a little cold and I am just so tired. I taught 2 dance classes Saturday night and I could barely get up for church yesterday. I came home and laid around all day and felt totally guilty for not doing something. I had thought to take a nap during lunch but am so glad I ate my salad which was too spicey and caught up on what's been going on with everyone.

    It was a mixed weekend of activities as one of my co-workers aunt lost her long time battle with bc on Saturday and one of my other girlfriends fears its return in her. I hope that my words were encouraging and comforting but I feel so inadequate, we all have such different things going on but we all have the same fears. Bev thanks for letting me know that the surgery really is not the most scary as that was all I could see in my head. I am going to start lining up things to keep me occupied afterwards so I don't drive my husband completely crazy.  Hearing that Jean had no pain after surgery is inspiring because it tells me God hears our needs and responds all the time.

    Kath hope you are feeling better today and am glad you were able to make it to church. I find that praying and concentrating on others does make me feel so much better.

    Ellen thanks for the words of encouragement.

    We will continue to lift one another up in prayer and see God's presence work continuously. Have a great week.

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    Tried posting this morning and lost it all. Had to get ready to go to Seattle for my treatment so couldn't do it again. Trying now. Nancy you are such a blessing to us here. I am going to print your notes so I have an update on everyone for future reference. Thank you for all you do and know you are in our prayers. You noted my current prayer needs right on as planning for my retirement is the focus on our minds right now.

    Thanks for the prayers on the PET scan for DH God is so good...All the time!

    Meet with my MO and nutritionist today so looking forward to seeing them. The sun is amazing and just beautiful but it is very chilly, low 40's...brrrrr.

    Have a blessed day and know you're all in my prayers. Here is our beautiful day we are blessed with on our drive.


    Daily Devotional


    The best place to begin a good story is at the beginning. The greatest story — the truest of all true stories — is no different.

    Once upon a time, God began telling a story — a true story. Our story. This story begins once upon a time, but not once upon our time. Before time as we know it was even created, there was a Hero: God himself.


    Pre-Garden of Eden and pre-world, God enjoyed perfect love within himself. We don't know what God did during this time when only he existed. But we do know that because God is good, everything was perfect.

    God longed to share that goodness and love with others. So somewhere in the story, he made millions of mighty beings who served and worshiped him — angels. Unfortunately, one angel, Satan, wasn't content with his magnificent status. A couple of Scripture passages seem to symbolically speak of this ancient tragedy. The angel's "heart became proud on account of [his] beauty" (Ezekiel 28:17). He rebelled and convinced other angels to join him. God was betrayed. His kingdom's perfect harmony was destroyed.

    God cast Satan (also known as Lucifer or the devil) and the other traitors out of his kingdom. But for the sake of sharing his love, he took another risk. He created people.


    When we think of God, we tend to see him as the author of the story, the controller of all things. We see him sitting far away, detached, pulling the levers and pushing the buttons and running the stuff of life.

    But that's not the case. While God is indeed the author of the story, his heart and emotions are involved — because at his core "God is love" (1 John 4:8). And because he wants us to truly love him, and because true love is always a choice, he gives us the freedom to choose him and the freedom to reject him.

    When the Author makes himself vulnerable to be rejected or loved by the characters in the story, he's not just the Author anymore. He's in the story.


    God has chosen to be affected by you. Your choices affect him — because he loves you. Deeply.

    Read Genesis 1:27-31


  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Hi All, asking for prayers for my long time friend Lynette. She is in the hospital and not doing well She is asking that the prayer warriors gird her up in the spirit and that God's hand protect and strengthenher husband and elderly father at this time. She is in a lot of pain but they are managing it. I have known her since grade school and she is a strong caring individual who is strong in her faith. Thank you in advance.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2015

    Thank you Nancy for keeping us updated. It is sometimes hard, for me anyway, to keep track of all the requests. Your list was very helpful.


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015

    Good afternoon ladies,

    Praise to our Lord...I'm back from my bilateral mammogram, which didn't show any surprises ( from what the tech could see) and the physical went well ( no comment on weight). Yes, Nancy, I did celebrate with a donut and coffee when I got home 😄. MO visit on Thursday, and surgeon follow up next week but the worrisome and uncomfortable ones are over.

    She-angel, hope you are feeling better. All of us have those days during and after treatments that there just isn't any energy and we don't feel worth a flip. Hope things at work are going smoother than a couple of weeks ago.

    Just heard our area of NC is looking for substantial snow least it's not as cold this week.Those of you in our northern states are some hardy ladies...that 15 degree high on Friday was about my limit with these bones! Like many others, I'm looking for spring.

    Lucy, what a beautiful picture! I've never traveled to WA so that picture was really nice to see.thanks as always for the devotionals.

    For everyone, you are being remembered in is such a comfort to know God is always with us. That is the Bible Point of our VBS this year which is so important for our young ones to learn. May God show his grace and healing in your lives today.

    Angie, remembering you friend Lynnette, too.......Love, Ellen