thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Nancy, one thing you forgot.....YOUR prayer needs! It is so dang helpful to have the list you posted , much appreciated!!!!!!!!

    She, I think of you often as your posts have awakened my senses of really listening to the birds, SERING the sky in the mornings, etc

    My legs are much better, PTL. Started on zpack, feel better overall. Next treatment Friday. Actually looking forward to it to get one more down!

    Had follow visit with MO surgeon for my hysterectomy today....all follow up 4 months

    She, really enjoyed church. Sunday...I have missed it!

    Prayers, hugs to all my sisters


    Feels like my sorority here, but better!,

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Ladies please pray for me. I came home today to a very abusive husband after spending 3 days post surgery with my sister/nurse. I just don't know what to do. I have 6 weeks of rads at least and can't picture going through them with him behaving like this. He is like Jeckyl and Hyde and I just can't cope with the chaos. Love, Jean

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Jean – praying

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Heavenly Father, Please be with Jean and help her through

    all she is facing. May she feel Your arms of love around her,

    to guide and give her Your comforting love. Bless her with

    comforting rest in Your arms of healing love. In Jesus name. Amen
    God be with You

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Hello sister warriors,

    I feel it a privilege to be able to be a part of our little online prayer family and to help out as much as I can. Thank you for your shout outs. It is always nice to be appreciated. She, I am glad you enjoyed your flashing congrats.

    Vickie, your post warmed my heart. I have been praying that you would be able to have the distraction in your travels and it sounds like your birthday treat was just that. I am so glad you were able to enjoy the San Diego area.

     Foots (Deb),  thank you for your prayers and your posts. I am glad you are becoming a part of our little family here.

    Sheangel, you are WAY to hard on yourself feeling guilty for taking a nap on Sunday. Working through chemo in a stressful job AND teaching dance classes. Oh my gosh! You need to be taking a nap every day! In fact I want to go take a nap just reading your post. You need to rest as much as you can. BTW when is your surgery date? Continued prayers for you as you prepare for surgery.

    Lucy, I hope you had a good trip and good apts and infusion today. The sky in your pic is beautiful. A beautiful city indeed. Will continue to pray for widsom on the retirement front. I know there is a ton of things to consider before doing so.

    Angie, When I read your post earlier I immediately prayed for your friend Lynette and family and will continue to do so. How are you doing? How many treatments left?

    Mags, continued prayers dear sister. You are GOING to make it!

    Kath, praying that you will feel much better as you go into your second to last treatment on Friday. Praying against that nausea! Rest as much as  you can dear friend.

    Jean, praying that God will be working in this situation. I am glad you are home now and have been doing so well. I think this has satan trying to steal your victory written all over it. BE GONE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a restful sleep everyone.




  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2015

    Jean, will continue praying for this situation and for your recovery. As I wrote the pray below God gave me Psalms 91:1-2 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a] 2 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust." But please read the entire chapter .

    Heavenly and merciful Father, we ask that you watch over our Sister Jean at this time. She is In vulnerable state as she is healing from surgery. I first ask you to strengthen her physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually at this time. Let her hide In Your shadow as she gains strength. I ask that you surround Your daughter with an environment that is healthy for healing and recovery. We ask for You to Minister to Jean's husband and that You surround him with Your ministering and warring Angels and remind him of the God that he serves is a merciful and loving God. That the God he serves is a righteous and loving God who is preparing him to minister and witness to others and that he must first begin to minister and uplift in his Household. Lord if there is fear, anxiousness or uncertainty we ask that you continue to show her husband how to replace fear with love, anxiety with rest and uncertainty with an ever increasing Faith. We know that He loves Jean and ask that you remove any harsh or hurtful words from his vocabulary and replace them with words of Love, encouragement, comfort and rest. Help them both through all that they are coming against and quicken Your Word in each of them. Father let them both feel your comforting Andhealing Arms surround them. Lord we ask You to work out this situation for Your Good. This we ask in Jesus Name. amen!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015

    Jean, you mean so much to your heavenly father. Is it possible that you also mean alot to your husband, and he is just scared? Is there someone at your doctor's office you can speak to? Go to your prayer closet, knowing God will meat you there.


  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited February 2015

    Jean, I'm so sorry you are facing this tonight. You are always in my prayers and more so tonight, along with your DH.

    Nancy, I thank you for keeping my name alive on this thread! I've just been lurking a lot. My DH is doing well and has gotten halfway through his father's probate. I'm proud of him and can tell when he misses his dad the most but he's doing good. Even though my MRI showed stability, the new medicine didn't control the hand seizures and the hand tremors returned so once again, I'm in the throes of another withdrawal of the second medication not working. Moodiness and the return of more frequent hand seizures is just part of it. I do think of a gran mal during this time but it's not in my control so I pray for safety and just go on. I see the neurologist in another week so we'll see what other drug he'll want to try.   Plus, I have another mammo coming up next month for the year and a half check on the noncancerous breast. And I still haven't made the appointment with the gastro doc...I'm such a chicken.  

    I think with all the withdrawal side effects, I have more moodiness due to the fact this is the second medication, back to back, I've had to endure the last few months. It does wear on me. I'm well enough to do about anything but lack the energy since these drugs cause such fatigue issues. I forced myself back on the treadmill today for less than 30 min but hopefully I can keep at it. I'm sitting way toooooo much.

    I pray for each of you and this thread is the last one I read each night. Blessings, Polly

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Morning Sisters,

    I know up a little early as I couldn't sleep after waking up. So decided to do my devotionals and get in the word early.

    Jean so sorry you dealing with that but I agree with Nancy. The enemy is wanting to steal our joy every chance he gets. I pray your DH can see that and is able to stand firm against it. I know exactly because over the past year it has happened to us with all the medical issues we have had and unknowns for DH it has taken its toll at times. However, my DH always come through after the brief spell and realizes he slipped and gets back in line with our Lord. I have too at times but not for long. Stay strong and keep your focus and eyes on God. Interesting the devotional today may be encouraging.

    I will need to ask for prayer as there is a new finding in my CT scan. There is a very small area on a lymph node behind my stomach that my MO wants to check further with a PET scan in a couple of weeks. She said she actually noticed it 4 months ago but it hadn't changed in the last two scans but this last one did shown it had grown by .8 so she wants to be sure. On a good note the rest of the scan is still showing shrinkage on the nodules on the lung so PRAISE GOD! That is the silver lining I will focus on and give the rest to God. I will trust and believe it will be fine and I won't stress about it. Thanks in advance for the prayers. Have a blessed day and know you're all in my prayers and love you all.

    Daily Devotional

    Daily Choice

    Perhaps your marriage isn't delivering the fairy-tale life you'd dreamed of. Your prince devotes all his time and energy to work, sports, the computer, the car, the yard — anything but you. He's more like a roommate than the soul mate you'd hoped for. And you're starting to wonder if it's worth staying or if you should just give up. But real life isn't a fairy tale, and real love isn't a fuzzy feeling — it's a choice God calls you to make each moment of each day. Choose to love your husband with the same unconditional love God continually shows you.

    Reflect & Pray:

    *How has God shown his love for you in a very tangible, personal way?

    *Which aspect of 1 Corinthians 13:4–7 is the most difficult for you to express?

    *How can you show unconditional love to your family today?

    Read 1 Corinthians 13:8


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    oh, ladies - you are all such a blessing! I just had a few minutes to get online this morning and catch up. Jean, I'll certainly be praying for you and your husband (and am in awe of the powerful words of our sweet LadyB!). Lucy, praying for you during this scary time - and appreciating your daily devotional more than usual. My husband leaves today on a 2-week biking trip with some friends. He's normally pretty much a loner and I'm glad for him to have an activity he enjoys that keeps him in good shape and has people to share it with him. But - my birthday is Friday. Yep, a cuddle from the pups will be nice but not quite the same as having him here to share it. Sigh.....

    Polly, glad you checked in. I'll be praying for you as you learn patience in balancing the meds and waiting for doctor appointments and results.

    Nancy, you STILL haven't told us how best to pray for you (and I, too, so much appreciate all your time and effort keeping our prayer list straight). Your pictures are wonderful! I've always loved seeing them but as you post the ones from your class, I can just imagine what the teacher is telling you to show - depth, distance, lighting, etc. What an artist!

    Off to the plastic surgeon this morning - he'll take out my one stitch (not sure why he couldn't have just used a bit more superglue?) and tell me the next step. I'm not sure if he'll think I need another fat grafting...I kind of think I could be done. As I've said before, I'm not trying to get bikini ready.

    love you ladies - Bev

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Lady B thank you for that powerful prayer. Thank you all for lifting me up. I had a difficult night waking up a lot with pain in my shingles side. Can't sleep very well on my back, can't sleep on the drain side either. Did some crying and soul searching during the waking hours. I am grateful to have a visiting nurse coming this morning. I don't feel very loving toward hubby today after yesterday's ranting and abuse. He seems either unwilling or unable to get out of his self centerdness to take care if me. I need to get my eyes off him and keep connected to my Jesus. This morning I asked before reading the verse of the day for God to speak to me. He gave me the verses in Jeremiah saying He knows the plans He has for me.. That is such a help and comfort. I don't need to figure it all out to plan for what to do post cancer. He already has the plan all worked out. Love, Jean

  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015


    I agree with what has been said...this is satan's attempt to take focus off God's miraculous healing and power. Just letting you know that I am praying for you as well. Jesus Calling tells us today to "be still in the Light of My Presence while I communicate love to you." Praying that DH will see how he has hurt you...I think he may be reacting with fear, as well. May God wrap his loving arms around you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Ellen, I had you on my list twice last night and was going to combine them and guess what............... sorry.

    I am glad your son got the water back on. That would be a big inconvenience for sure. So glad to hear your mammogram was good and your gyny apt is over. I dread those too. I am sure that was a huge relief getting both of those behind you. I forgot to mention congrats on one year out with no incidence. I am sure that is a big sigh of relief considering your history. I also hope you enjoyed that donut and coffee. LOL Okay so here's the deal. I haven't had a donut in 14 years so I have to live vicariously through you!

    More later.



  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Satan can try but doesn't matter. If I beat this, I will be shinig Jesus light in this dark world. If not I'll be home with Him.

    Hubby fear.. sorry but he needs to handle it wothout abusing me. He isn't fighting for his life. For most of his life he and everyione around him has had to focus on on him and now that he needs to put someone else's needs first is not willing to do it. Forgive me if I sound harsh but I've put up with this man for over 40 yrs and have nothing left. Love, Jean

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2015

    Thank you ladies for your consistent prayer. The Lord is faithful!

    I am home on this side of recovery!

    I am doing well! BS said the surgery with great. The lymph nodes are clean.

    Healing is taking place, I can feel it!

    BCO is a wonderful place!

    I am praying for all of you ladies! Thank you so much!

    In His Love,


  • Blessedteacher37
    Blessedteacher37 Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2015


    Hallelujah! Glad you are getting along well....many prayers answered!

    Take care....praying also folks near you to come alongside and help....

    God is Good...Ellen

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484
    edited February 2015

    That is good news Robin!  Bev, I hope your DH has a safe bike ride. I know it's cold there as it is here in DFW. Nancy, time for more pics!  And Jean, I agree with everyone regarding that old Satan's way of stealing anything good from our lives, especially at our weakest times. Hang in there. Sounds like you are thinking positive.

    I pray Mags is doing okay. I see her on other threads at times. She is staying the course and I know despite her pain and side effects she is doing so with prayer.

    Blessings! Polly

  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    Jean, my email spammed you out. Sorry!!!! Try

    PTL Robin!!!!

    Nancy, still need your prayer list

  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited February 2015

    Hi Ladies:
    So much happening. Getting on quickly and reading as fast as I can.
    First, Nancy...thank you for listing all the requests. I really don't have any for myself. I am doing fine and am so blessed beyond measure. So please everyone, focus on everyone on here with lots of needs.
    Jean: Praying for you and so sorry about what is going on. I think that family often think that once you go through surgery everything should automatically be back to normal. I will continue to pray for yout hubby for patience, as well as you.

    Robin: So glad you made it through your surgery and you got a good report too. PRAISE THE LORD!

    Polly: So glad that you checked in and so very sorry to hear that you are still having issues with the meds. When I went on seizure meds years ago, I had such a hard time adjusting to the meds but you sure sound like your issue is much more complicated. I will continue to pray for you in this situation.

    Lucy: Got you in prayer for your PET scan in a couple weeks. You are right not to worry. It will not change things...and God has it covered. I love that you continue to step out in faith and trust our Heavenly Father to take care of it. PTL for other good news.

    Ladies, all of you are precious to God and to each of us on here. May each of you be lifted up and given strength and comfort in this time of storm. I know that we can't always see through the clouds but God can see the rainbow on the other side. We just need to keep focused on him and he will bring each of through these trying times.

    I am on a thread where I monitor my miles each day and one of the gals has not been on for awhile. She came on a couple days ago to tell us that she was on her way home from a 5:45 spin class when a 16 year old boy hit her car head on. He was not injured because in was in an SUV but she has gone through a lot. Here is what she shared. She is not able to write well because she only has use of her left hand.

    (thank you all for your well wishes. ive had six reconstructive sutgeries and faced another one yesterday that was cancelled due to my wound improving enough to avoid debridement and muscle graph! yay!
    i had a dislocated right shoulder with torn rotator cuff and torn deltoid, complete break of my right humerus, and radial nerve damage causing paralysis of my right hand. i have a torn tendon on my right ring finger.
    my left femur head broke off and the lower end of the femur broke aand came through my thigh. my left knee broke in several pieces. my right knee is shattered and the tissue is suffering crush injuries, creating a wound issue. then my right foot is shattered and my right heal is broken. the other broken bones dont need surgery since they will heal while im bed ridden for three months. but I'm here, healing, and alive!  I am now referred to as the bionic woman) image

    I just can't believe that a person can go through all this. I feel so very blessed when I read what she is enduring, just as I do when I  read what so many of you are going through as well. My prayers are with each of you. It is late...and I must get off to bed for work tomorrow. Sorry that I could not take time to tell each of you personally how special you are and how you are always on my mind and in my heart.

    Hugs and Prayers,


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Hi Lady Warriors,

    Just had to check in to get an update on Jean, I have had you on my mind and heart.  Lifting you in prayer Jean.  Still praying for DH to get to a better place where he can be support to you and help address your needs. 

    Bev so sorry you will be alone on your birthday.  I am sure DH will be thinking of you.  Looking forward to an update after your appt. today.  Praying traveling mercies on DH.

    Robin glad things are going well for you...Praise God!

    Nancy praying your healing from the shingles issue.  How long is that supposed to last?  I think I recall you saying you had it before, is that correct?  I too feel privilege to be a part of our online prayer family.  You know I have tried other boards but I just find myself always spending my time here.

    Thank you Char for your thoughts and prayers.  It sure sounds like there are storms for many of us.  What a horrible time for your friend, sounds like she is blessed to be alive. We will pray she gets stronger, what is her name?  How old is she?

    Well everyone time for me to get ready for bed 6:30 comes early.  I have been taking off early a few days a week and leaving by 1:00 on Fridays.  Seems to be a lot better for me.  Been looking at my options for retirement so thanks for the prayers on our decision.  Just know your in my prayers and keep your eyes on our God.  Love ya...Lucy

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2015

    Heavenly Father, Please be with all the wonderful people here

    and Lord, You know all their needs and trials they are facing.

    Wrap Your loving arms around Nancy and others here, that need

    Your touch of peacefulness  and hope. Bless all those like Lucy

    that are facing tests, Please stand beside them and guide the hands

    that is doing it. Thank You Lord for walking with all the wonderful

    people here and guiding them through all they are facing. Bless

    and give strength to all those up against  a lot of trials and need Your

    everlasting peacefulness around them. In Jesus name. Amen

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    I am grateful for my husband beginning to calm down after his meltdown on Monday. By last night he seemed to relax a bit. Also I had a visiting nurse evaluation visit yesterday. She was lovely, helped me with my drain and I am to have 2 visits a week for 2 more weeks then one a week for 3 weeks. I am hoping to start rads in about 2 weeks if I can get this drain out. I see the surgeon for followup on Tuesday. The sun is out. Hope you all have a blessed day. Love, Jean

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited February 2015

    Ok dear ladies, one more gratitude. Here's the latest pic of my great granddaughter Valentina Jean.


  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015


    Thanks footprints for the prayer. It's awesome to check in and see such personal support from everyone.

    Jean so glad DH is hearing our prayers and listening to the Lord. Stay strong and keep your eyes on our Father. Such a beautiful little baby girl. My older brothers name is Valentino because he was born on Valentine's day.

    Have a blessed day Warriors!!!

    Daily Devotional

    God Empowers You to Build His Kingdom

    All Christians have a responsibility both to practice and to proclaim their faith. Evangelism is not optional. But what about when hard times come? Don't we get a break? Aren't we exempt from the "Great Commission"—at least until our lives calm down?

    Not really. Trials aren't an excuse for not sharing our faith; on the contrary, they are an opportunity to speak out for God. The apostle Paul says as much in the passage above. It is during these times that God gives us the strength to endure in order to keep going in our task of kingdom building. In fact our endurance fuels our message.

    Trials didn't stop Paul from announcing the Good News; they should not deter us either.

    God's Promise to Me
    • I have forgiven your sin and reconciled you to myself.
    • I have given you Good News to share with others.

    My Prayer to God
    God, you have given the gospel to me so that I might show it and share it. Help me to see beyond my problems today, to my real purpose—building your kingdom. Give me creativity in using my struggles to speak for you.

    Read 2 Corinthians 6:4


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015

    Good evening sister warriors,

    I had another photography workshop and it ends up taking about five hours out of an evening. It's been pretty crazy today too. I am trying to catch up with everyone.

    Robin, so glad to hear from you and that you are doing well. We will continue to pray for your complete recovery.

    Polly, I am glad your DH is getting some work done regarding the his father's will. It is hard losing a parent and I imagine it will take him some time before he finds his new normal. I am sorry to hear about your medication issues and the hand seizures. I am dealing with some thyroid med changes and I can feel my moods changing along with the fatigue so I really can understand what you are saying. I am glad to hear you are starting on the treadmill. Keep it up. That will reap so many rewards for you both physically and mentally. I understand not wanting to deal with the IBS tests but if you are still feeling poorly you really should do them. Sometimes I think the anticipation of them is worse than the actual test. I have to have those scopes every five years with both upper and lower and I know they are no fun but they can certainly prevent things so I hope you can get those done. Take care and feel free to jump in and join us. Good to hear from you.

    Jean, I am glad things are calming down for you and DH. I am glad you are doing well in your healing. Your GGD is so precious.

    Lucy, praying that this Pet scan will not reveal any more concerns. PTL that your lung tumors are still shrinking. I am believing for your COMPLETE healing. Your banners are so good and so are your devotionals.

    Bev, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I'm sorry that you will not get to share your special day with Dave. I hope your pups give you extra hugs tonight! How did your PS apt go? Does it look like anymore surgery or are you done? Let us know how we can best pray for you. Hope you are getting some bike time in too.

    Char, glad you are doing well. I still pray for strength for you as you continue to juggle so many things at once. Hope the school year is going well.

    Foots, thanks for all of your beautiful posts. Are you going to tell us about your service dog sometime?

    Ellen, do you still have snow? We are getting more tonight and you are certainly welcome to all of that! How's the music coming along at church. I used to sub for our choir director years ago and sang in the choir and I had a children's choir and that was so much fun. That was when I was young and had energy to spare.

    Sheangel, praying that you will start feeling better each day so you can be in good shape for your upcoming surgery.

    Mags, how are you doing? Your end is in sight. Hang in there girl.

    Angie, how many rads do you have left. I remember you starting on Feb. 9th I think. Hope you are enduring all the SE's from all of your treatments.

    Kath, praying you are feeling better and will be able to get your treatment on Friday. Praying against nausea.


    BTW I do NOT have shingles. I think Jean mentioned it in one of her posts recently and of course we know she had them a couple weeks ago but just to set the record straight I do not have shingles and don't plan on having them again in this lifetime! Two times is certainly enough.

    Okay I will share some concerns if you want to add this to your prayer lists. I am having a terrible time with insomnia. I am in the middle of some thyroid med changes and having some issues with that. I am desperately trying to lose weight and have some edema in my legs which is making it very difficult for the scales to keep moving down. I have some elevated kidney readings on my last blood work and will be seeing my doctor soon. I know that most of you have so much more serious issues than I that I don't even think they are in the same class as your needs and that is why I don't post my concerns very often. I do have another request and that is that I do not strangle my photography teacher before my sessions are over. Orange has never been my color.


    Have a restful evening my dear sisters.






  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,875
    edited February 2015




    This is a real working windmill from Holland and dates back to the 1750's. It has resided in Geneva, Illinois for many years.  Bev, hopefully you will see one like this on your trip.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203
    edited February 2015


    So so thankful for some sonshine in your life!


  • Tobycc
    Tobycc Member Posts: 578
    edited February 2015

    More tomorrow: long long day today: nancy thanks for the updates on your needs, and Jean, so glad to hear from you.

    Question: my MO ordered a full Pet scan: is this normal when you are ending treatment?

    Pretty nervous


  • saltyjack
    saltyjack Member Posts: 326
    edited February 2015

    did you have a PET scan before, Kath? I had one when I was first diagnosed and asked if I could have one after rads (since that was the end of active treatment) but I was told that insurance won't cover it and it's not a part of the standard protocol. I can understand you being nervous....but I'd like to have one and can't so try to look at it as a positive! When will it be scheduled? Hopefully soon!

    Yes, Nancy, so glad for your own update. I saw somebody mentioned you having shingles and thought I'd missed something. Love the windmills!

    Praying for y'all! Bev

  • SpiritBlessing
    SpiritBlessing Member Posts: 552
    edited February 2015

    Evening Sisters,

    Nancy so sorry that was probably me getting it wrong on the sorry.  Thanks for the prayers and thanks for sharing what we can pray on for you, especially about the  It is important to allow us to support you as well.  Love the pics of the windmill.

    Seems like a quiet day and night on here. 

    Jean, glad things are better for you and DH.  God is good.

    Toby, I am surprised they didn't tell you why they wanted to do a PET scan.  I am under the impression it is finalize a question or concern they may see on a CT or MRI scan.  Its more clear and will determine exactly what ever it is they are looking for.  The only one I had was at the very start of my dx and it finalized that I had mets in the lung, that 3 other docs overlooked I might ad.  So I was glad to have it at the time.  I have to have another one as soon as I have it cleared by insurance, hopefully it will be the day of my next treatment in two weeks.  I am praying it will be fine and they don't find anything...Thank you Lord!  Praying for you too on yours...keep your eyes on God!

    Also Toby, did your MO have you see a nutritionist as part of your treatment?  I am wondering if it was just us a major focus with the TNBC patients.  I meet with a nutritionist once a month and she is so hard about no sugar.  I know that is a huge focus on any cancer I would think but I have met and talked with other women who have other type of bc and they don't have the same focus on their diet.  I am so focused and have changed my diet completely.  Granted I do enjoy what I eat so I am ok with it but it does make it hard sometimes going out to eat and such as I eat only organic at home.  I eat lots of protein mostly from my plant based protein powder, nuts, lentils, beans, quinoa and eggs.  The meat I do eat is chicken and once in a while lamb or pork but not much mostly chicken. 

    Maybe some other input on diet would be great to share and put out on the board.  I would love to hear some thoughts.

    Well have a great evening and restful sleep tonight...Lucy